#garth is a cinnamon roll
whalehouse1 · 9 months
Me hearing about the new Titans tie-in event that will once again stretch across the DC universe: -_- whoopie.
Me hearing Garth is in a tie-in: Alright, there’s a 99.99999% chance I’ll hate it and want to scream, but Garth. There’s a chance he’ll be written and drawn right.
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Caleb Garth to Fred Vincy:
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wilsonthemoose · 1 year
garth benny rowena 6
Clothes shopping with Rowena, Ikea with Garth (he'd be fun to get lost in a large store with), and groceries with Benny (especially right after he gets out of purgatory, I want him stuck at self-checkout).
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ofmagicandmusic · 11 months
So this is what makes life divine - Donna/Roy
Word Count: 1.1k
Rating: G
Details: Donna/Roy, Lian Harper, Domestic Fluff, Baking, Romance, Slice of Life, Parent Roy Harper, Slow Dancing, Flirting, Kissing, Fluff without Plot, Dancing
for Titans Bingo @titansbingo2022
After putting Lian to bed, Donna and Roy share a dance. She is completely smitten.
Read below or on Ao3
“Come on sweetie, it’s time for bed.” Roy said, standing behind the couch where Lian sat in the living room of Titans Tower. She was playing a mix of Jackie Chan with Barbies. A brown-haired doll landed a spinning kick into the other who was wearing a bright pink dress. Roy’s eyes crinkled at the sight.
“You can play more tomorrow.” He insisted. As much as he loved to spoil Lian, Donna knew he had to be an actual parent too.
“But I’m not tired.” She said with a scrunched nose.
“You need your rest so you can grow and be as strong as Aunt Donna.” Roy countered with a grin in Donna’s direction as he picked up his daughter’s toys.
“But dad no one is.” Lian grabbed a stuffed purple monkey in one hand and a doll in the other.
He laughed, warm sound ringing in Donna’s ears. She chuckled at their antics from the kitchen as Roy scooped up Lian and carried her to bed.
It was nice to see him this carefree. After everything the Titans had been through lately, getting this time to relax was pleasant change of pace. Garth had used the lull in missions as an opportunity to visit Atlantis while Wally was still splitting time between the Titans and the League. Donna hadn’t heard from Dick for most of the day and was starting to wonder if she should make the effort to drag him out of the tower lab. But she figured she’d at least wait till her cinnamon rolls were finished baking since they were almost done.
The starry night sky shone outside the window as she tore her eyes away from the cooking timer. She loved the stars, easy to look at in the way the sun wasn’t, billions of tiny lights contributing to the blanket in the sky, just like people. There was a reason she always liked stars on her costumes after all.
Soft waltzing strings carried through the living room, adding to the atmosphere. She realized Lian must have left her princess music on, but she didn’t have the heart to turn it off yet. Soon enough, the timer beeped, and she opened the oven, checking to see if they were done before taking them out.
“Hey beautiful.” Donna turned to the sound of Roy’s voice. He was at the edge of the kitchen, elbow leaning against the counter in a carefree pose.
“They’re still hot, don’t take one yet.” She said, pouring frosting on the desserts. The icing melted in creamy waves, sugary scent filling the air.
“I didn’t come for the food.” Roy said with a smile. “I came for something sweeter.”
Donna rolled her eyes, but his words still made her heart flutter like when they first dated all those years ago. Like she was young again without the struggle of growing up or the loss she had experienced. Things with Roy felt simple--like they could just be Speedy and Wonder Girl again.
She moved closer to Roy, letting her eyes linger. His eyes were glued on her, but he seemed thoughtful. Despite her previous foolishness, she loved him deeper than she ever could explain. Even when they hadn’t been together all these years, the love was still there, beyond kisses and fleeting touches--it was always there.
“Wanna dance?” Roy gestured to the living room and Donna’s ears finally picked up on the music again. She agreed with a smile. He moved closer, a rough hand wrapping around her own as he guided her, crossing the carpet border of the living room.
Roy placed his hand on her waist, pulling them closer. The music seemed quieter now and harder to focus on. Donna lifted her hand to his shoulder, feeling the mass of muscle beneath. Their other hands were intertwined.
Strings faded out as a voice began. She could almost make out the music over the pounding of her heart. So, this is love. Roy stepped forward as she moved back--in sync together in a simple box step, almost waltzing. They hadn’t danced like this before, any place with music was usually a lively club and neither of them had normal enough teenage years to go to prom.
“I didn’t know you could dance like this.” Donna whispered. Roy guided her around in a turn.
“It’s nice to have a reason to learn.” Roy said, finally meeting her eyes.
His green eyes were light like leaves in the sunlight, dotted with flecks of brown. The stubble and length of his hair created a rugged look. It was hard for her to admit it, but she really liked him like this, looking rough around the edges. And for more than just a way to sully her own image of perfection.
They moved in a circle and Donna was intensely aware of the warmth of his body against hers. She leaned in. With their similar heights, his face was inches away. Years of memories flooded her mind, before his shoulders filled out and his arms looked like that; she pushed away the image of how thin he looked during a rough patch. He was here.
She’d known him so long she’d seen the good and the bad. And he’d known her long enough to know all her issues and mistakes.
Donna moved closer, running her hand along his shoulder while Roy’s left hand let go to cup her cheek. Their lips touched. It didn’t feel like fireworks, but she didn’t want to stop; they kept kissing as the music played, slowing fading out as free hands roamed each other’s backs.
Over Roy’s shoulder she could see Dick tiptoe into the kitchen. He glanced at them before grabbing a cinnamon roll and slipping back to the lab.
Donna took a deep breath, closing her eyes and letting Roy’s arms envelope her. No matter what happened things would be alright. In the silence they moved again as Roy spun her.
“I wanna dance too!” Lian ran into the room, now in her pajamas. Donna smiled, moving away as a surprised Roy scooped her up and spun her, swinging Lian in the air by her sides. She squealed happily, waving her hands in feigned grace. There was a twinkle in Roy’s eye.
After Lian seemed nearly dizzy, Roy passed her to Donna who lifted Lian to her shoulder, carrying her like a princess in her throne. Lian stuck her chin out in mock royalty. They walked down the hallway to Lian’s bedroom to put her to bed again, the light of the living room slipping away.
When the door finally shut again, Roy took hold of Donna’s hand.
“Thank you for the dance.”
He leaned down and pressed a kiss to the top of her fingers.
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ormymarius · 5 months
For the character ask: Topo. I jest…unless?
Okay, for real: Tula
Send me a character and I’ll answer
1. Sexuality headcanon — I hc Tula as lesbian. Sorry to all the Garth/Tula and whatever else truthers out there. She’s a lesbian to me.
2. Otp — Dolphin/Tula supremacy
3. Brotp — Mera and Tula
4. Notp — again idc who she’s shipped with as long as it’s not her family
5. First headcanon that pops into my head — I hc that her and Orm used to be close, closer than Arthur and Orm were. Idc what comic writers say.
6. Favorite line from this character — I’m not sure if I have one. None of her lines really stick out to me.
7. One way in which I relate to this character — we have the same short hairstyle.
8. Thing that gives me second hand embarrassment about this character — Tula being reduced to a babysitter 💀
9. Cinnamon roll or problematic fave — cinnamon roll
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Season 8 Episode 6: Southern Comfort
- URGH! People underneath cars always make me nervous in SPN. And that right there is why! Woman just... somehow kicked the supports holding the car up and it crashed right on top of the guy! I’m pretty sure that’s not usually something a person can do... and now she’s running him over... Riiiiiight....
- Well Dean. You really don’t see how much of a hypocrite you’re being. And I’m sorry, but stop holding it over Sam’s head that he decided to stop hunting for a year! Over the past seasons, Sam lost Dean to Hell, then got addicted to demon blood, then had to dodge Lucifer’s disgusting little grabby hands, then had to regain control of his body from Lucifer, then spent OVER A YEAR (so about 120-180 years) locked in a cage with Lucifer and Michael, then spent the next few months with a wall in his head while memories of the cage pounded in his skull, THEN spent almost a year dealing with hallucinations of Hell and Lucifer and having to inflict himself pain to banish the hallucinations, then nearly died from lack of sleep because Lucifer wouldn’t shut the fuck up, and then he literally lost everyone who he ever loved and was totally, 100% alone for the first time in his life. SO YES! THE BOY FUCKING NEEDED A YEAR OFF!!! I’M SORRY YOU WERE STUCK IN PURGATORY, DEAN! IT SUCKS ALL SORTS OF ASS! BUT FOR FUCK’S SAKE YOU WOULDN’T HAVE DONE MUCH BETTER IN SAM’S SHOES! Because the last time HE died, you fucking MADE A DEAL WITH A DEMON! And you still had Bobby with you when that happened!
- “Because Sam, Kevin’s in the wind, okay? You’re sulking around like a eunuch in a whorehouse, and I can’t help but ask myself when is decapitation not my thing?” That’s nice, Dean.
- OMG GARTH! STOP! PLEASE STOP! HAHAHAH!!! “Texas Ranger, Garth? Seriously? We’re in Missouri.” LOL! Sam: “Hold up. Are you the new Bobby?” Dean: *to Sam* “You shut your mouth.” Garth: “Yes.” Dean: *to Garth* You shut your mouth.
- EW GARTH!!! YOU JUST PUT THE GREEN GUNK IN YOUR MOUTH! AND LICKED IT! Just to check if it was ectoplasm. That’s so gross. OMG Garth nearly losing it at the hospital when the widow says “Bits and pieces.” 
- Oh Dean, always with the food. So, Dean neatly avoiding the subject of how he got out of Purgatory, which Sam is highly interested in hearing. And Garth was a dentist? And his first gank was the tooth fairy?? Is the tooth fairy a bad monster? I mean, are there good monsters in SPN? And Garth changing the subject to the food. And thank you for the informative discussion about the Civil War. Because that’s not giant foreshadowing. 
- HAHAHAHA!!! “So , first the mom goes “natural born killer,” and now the son? Well, what do we got-- a ghost with an oedipus complex?” *Sam looks at Dean with raised eyebrows* “I don’t know what that means.” LOL! No, you clearly don’t Dean, seeing as you used that term incorrectly.
- AWH DEAN!!! “That’s not how you wear it.” (about bobby’s hat). He said the same thing when Garth said “Balls.”
- Awh, poor Amelia. She lost her hubby in Afghanistan :( I find it amazing that Dean has no desire or curiosity about her. 
- Dean... Ok, Garth has to stop using all of Bobby’s mannerisms cause he’s not Bobby. And man, Dean could really use Bobby right about now to knock him upside the head. There it is! Garth finally crossed that line. “You’re not Bobby, okay? You’re never gonna be Bobby, so stop!” Awh, Garth, yah, Bobby was deeply ingrained in the hunting community, but he was practically a father to Sam and Dean, and that’s just a different bond. 
- Of course Garth would take part of Civil War re-enactments. That’s... very fitting for his character. LOOOL!!!! SAM!!!! “Burn a confederate soldier’s bones in a town full of rednecks? Suuuure!!!” 
- Why are you going to say something? Give the ghost time to show up to fuck you up? OMG DEAN! “We won.” Well, except that there’s like 17 minutes left to the episode so clearly this wasn’t it.
- Oh shit! Is it the car keys or the inhaler that’s carrying the ghost? 
- OMG!!! I wonder how many takes they had to do for “Tell me what happened after you shot the sheriff.” Awh, man. Another deputy is going to the hospital! NOT GOOD! OH SHIT! Dean’s got the penny now!!! Well, Sam and Dean are about to have it out. That’s what that cut string was that Sam found on the floor.
- There we go. “You should have looked for me when I was in Purgatory.” “Come on, Dean. I know it’s not you in there pulling the strings.” “Shut up! You never even wanted this life. Always blamed me for pulling you back into it.” “That’s not true.” “Really? Cause everything you’ve ever done since you climbed into my ride has been to deceive me.” “What do you want me to say? That I’ve made mistakes? I’ve made mistakes, Dean.” “Mistakes? Well, let’s go through some of Sammy’s greatest hits. Drinking demon blood, check. Being in cahoots with Ruby. Not telling me that you lost your soul. Or how about running around with Samuel for a whole year, letting me think that you were dead while you were doing all kinds of crazy. Those aren’t mistakes, Sam. Those are choices!” “All right. You said it. We’ve both played a little fast and loose. Yeah, I might have lied, but I never once betrayed you. I never once left you to die. And for what, a girl? You left me to die for a girl?!” (hum, you did leave him for dead, while he was in the cage. convenient you forget that. also, how was he supposed to let you know he didn’t have a soul when, you know, he didn’t have a soul).
Ooooo~!!! “Benny’s been more of a brother to me this past year than you’ve ever been!” Sam’s face when Dean says that!  
- Garth is a pure soul with no beef to pick with anyone. Look at that cinnamon roll picking up that penny with no problemo. And he said the line correctly, with the anger and everything. “Stop being an idjit! With Bobby gone, you and Sam are all each other has.” AND HE SAID BALLS RIGHT, TOO! Except that no one can replace Bobby :( :(
Awh, Sam and Amelia got actually close because they started to talk about Dean and Don. And YAH SAM!!! Finally put a stop to Dean being high and mighty and just constantly putting him down. And hello foreshadowing! “I might just be that hunter that ices Benny.” “I guess we’ll cross that bridge when we get there.” “Yeah, you just keep telling yourself that.” I’m guessing Dean is going to have to pick between Sam and Benny, or something. 
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scrapyardwings · 3 years
So when Garth goes to Purgatory do you think that the rest of the monsters are just gonna look at him and be like “ok who let the twink in? I can’t kill this guy he’s too nice.”
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runningoutofbooks · 7 years
I was reminded today that when Garth dies his soul will go to purgatory instead of heaven
This precious cinnamon roll deserves heaven
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writing-blog-iguess · 3 years
Hi, can I request a fluff and angst fanfic about Damian x female reader? In which they're into an engagement mainly for business, but Y/N was insecure about it because she's a chubby cinnamon roll (which she didn't realise at all), and she felt left out by the entire Bat family. And so, during a true or dare between entire Batfam and their friends, Jon asked for Damian's type and he reply almost like a hint about Y/N, leaving his teammates wanting to see Y/N. They did later saw her, but somehow one of them said they didn't know Damian would fall into love with this kind of girl, which hurt Y/N unconsciouy and she ended up wanting to end the engagement. Damian chased after her and calm her down with Harley and Ivy Poison stop by and scolding the entire Batfam and League of how much they made their little angel felt leftout and threaten dear Robin that they would hunt him down if he's not gonna say anything clearly!!! AHHHHHH!!!!!!!! I really like Harley Quinn and Ivy Poison!!!!
I'm so sorry for how long this took me, but I couldn't stop thinking about it when I read this request! Anyways, I hope this is what you were looking for and I hope you enjoy it!
Life wasn’t fair, she knew this. Had known this as she grew up. But there was a small part of her that hoped that life would go her way once she was old enough to make her own choices.
But that hope was stomped down when she started high school and her parents planned out her future. The only good thing she got out of it, was that she was allowed to pick her minor when it was time to start university.
Throughout the years, she avoided the questions from the press and her friends when she suddenly became friends with Damian Wayne. The only ones to know about the arranged marriage between the two, were her family and the Wayne’s.
It was in an agreement that when they finished school, they would announce their engagement.
There was nothing wrong with it, but as she started to get to know the Wayne’s, she felt a little out of place. Like there was an inside joke or something that she wasn’t allowed to know. She knew people had secrets, she even had secrets. But sometimes it hurts.
Laugher broke through her thoughts, blinking at her phone. She dialed a friend’s number and brought the phone to her ear. As she waited for them to pick up, she couldn’t help but overhear the group of boys’ conversation.
“I didn’t think he’d actually answer,” someone said, after his laughter died down.
“Well, the rules say he had to answer so,” another said with a shrug.
“I’m more surprised by the type of girls Damian’s into.” She frowned, and watched them from the corner of eye. They must be some of Damian’s friends, she thought.
“You mean like that?” someone asked, gesturing to her. She frowned and furrowed her eyebrows as she listened to them talk.
She hung her head as her mood soured as they continued talking. Okay, so maybe she wasn’t the prettiest looking, but she never thought Damian would be so swallow to go for someone that wasn’t her.
“Pumpkin,” a voice said, shaking her out of her thoughts. “You there?”
“Uh, yeah, yeah I am,” she answered, shaking her head and shifting her eyes forward. “I uh, I’m going to have to do a rain check tonight. Something came up.”
“Sure, I’ll tell Red. Let us know when you can, okay?”
“I will, thanks Harls.”
Later that day, she stood in front of the mirror, turned to look at her body. Okay, so maybe she wasn’t the skinniest or the prettiest person. But she liked to think her personality more then made up her looks.
And well, she never really talked to Damian about it. Why he had agreed to marry her, or at the least, broke it off if she wasn’t someone he wasn’t into.
She tugged her shirt down and sighed. Maybe it was time to end it. It’s been nine years since the start of the engagement, and it wasn’t fair to Damian for being sucked into her parents' deals.
Making up her mind, she brought out some paper and pen and began writing. Once she finished, she stuffed it in an envelope, along with the ring and sealed it. Making a quick decision, she grabbed her keys and left for Wayne Manor.
When she arrived, she spent a few minutes just sitting in the car, wondering if she’d have to talk to Damian. That was the last thing she needed, for him to talk her out of it.
Taking a deep breath, she climbed out of the car and made her way towards the door. She reached out and knocked on the door. She rocked on her feet as she waited, hoping Alfred would be the one to answer.
And her hopes were answered when she saw the family butler standing in the doorway. “Miss L/N, I wasn’t aware that you were dropping by. Shall I go announce that you’re here?”
“That’s okay Allred, I only came to drop something for Damian,” she answered with a small smile.
“I’m afraid he isn’t here at the moment,” he said, and she sighed in relief.
“That’s fine,” she said, and held up the envelope for him to take. “Can you, uh, can you give this to him when he gets back?”
Alfred frowned at the envelope she held, and she looked down. She was getting a little uncomfortable under his stare, and wondered if he'd say something that would change her mind.
“Of course,” he said, taking the envelope from her grasp. “Is there something you’d wish for me to tell him?”
“That’s okay,” she said, looking up to him. He gave her a sad smile and wondered if he knew what was inside. “I’ll, uh, I’ll see you around Alfred. And thank you for everything.”
“My pleasure, Miss L/N. I hope to see you soon,” he replied. She hesitated and stepped forward to give him a hug. He tensed at first and returned it, squeezing her a little tightly. “I’m sure you’ll be missed.”
Two weeks.
It’s been two weeks since she wrote the letter, two weeks of ignoring Damian’s attempts to talk. Two weeks of listening to her mother whine about the broken engagement, and her father’s belittling her about how she ruined everything. Two weeks of Harley and Ivy pestering her until she finally told them why.
“But you love him!” Harley exclaimed, moving to sit beside Y/N on the couch. “I don’t understand why you ended it, Pumpkin.”
Y/N rubbed her face and sighed, wishing they would just drop it. But they didn’t and kept going. “Because look at me!” she finally snapped. Moving off the couch, she faced the two and gestured to herself.
“I don’t look like someone Damian would marry! I’m not pretty or…or…I’m not a supermodel. And besides, I feel like I don’t even fit in with the Wayne family. I mean, look at the family. They all have looks and great personalities, they’re fun and adventurous, and their lives are amazing. And then...and then there’s me who’s just boring and average who could care less about adventure. I’m just...meh.”
She paused, wrapping her arms around her waist, trying to make herself small. It’s the first time she said her thoughts out loud. It felt a little freeing, but it still hurt.
“The only reason why we were even engaged was for a stupid business deal my dad struck with Bruce Wayne. I would like to add that Mr. Wayne didn’t even look that interested in the arrangement, and neither did Damian,” she finished, deflating a little. Finally telling someone about the arrangement.
“Oh flower,” Ivy said, standing up and pulling her into a hug. “If he can’t love you for who you are or only cares about looks, then he doesn’t deserve you. You should marry for love, so you made the right choice.”
She rested her head on Ivy and sighed. “But it wouldn’t have been a loveless marriage,” she whispered, “I love him, it would make it a one-sided loveless marriage.”
She felt Harley join the hug and she closed her eyes as tears started to form.
“You never cared about your looks before,” Harley mused, playing with Y/N’s hair. “What brought this on?”
Y/N opted to stay quiet and shook her head. Ivy called her name and she sighed. She knew they wouldn’t stop until she answered, and she was afraid of what they would do. This time, Harley called her name, but firmer. “Okay fine, but you can’t do anything stupid.”
Harley scoffed and pulled away to poke Y/N’s nose. “When have I ever?” She gave Harley a look and she just giggled. “Okay, so maybe there were a few times but I’m not letting you off the hook. So, spill.”
She rubbed her face and groaned. “I overheard Damian’s friends talk about how they couldn’t see him falling in love with someone like me. And they're right, I’m fat, and plain looking.”
“You are not fat,” Ivy said, narrowing her eyes. “You’re a little chuddy yes, but you're healthy and that’s all anyone can ask for.”
“What she said,” Harley agreed as she walked out of the room. She came back a moment later with her mallet. “Come on Red, we’ve got work to do.”
“What? No!” she called as the two made their way to the door. “You promised!” But it fell on deaf ears as she watched her two parental figures leave the apartment. Mumbling a string of curses, she took out her phone and sent out a message.
Damian ignored everyone in the room, and frowned at his phone. He stared at the two words like it was mocking him. It’d been two weeks of silence from her and the first words she sends him is I’m sorry?
Scoffing, he typed out a reply and just before he could press send, the door slammed open.
There was a collective gasp around the room as they watched two of Gotham’s sirens walk into the living room.
“Man, and here I thought we were going to have a quiet night,” Garth complained, leaning back against the couch.
“That’s what you get when you say ‘sure is a quiet night,’” Jon mocked, Garth made a face at him but chose not to say anything.
“What do you want, Harley?” Bruce asked tiredly. Damian had a faint feeling that this isn’t the first time Harley barged into the manor.
Harley pointed her mallet at the boys and smirked as they squirmed a little. Damian narrowed his eyes, wondering if there’s going to be a fight or not.
“A little birdie told me that you are making fun of girls like Y/N,” she said. Damian’s eyes widened in surprise. They knew Y/N? But she’s never mentioned that. But then again, there are things he hasn’t told her yet.
“Y/N?” Wally asked, confused. He wasn’t the only one, one look around the room told Damian that no one knew who she was talking about. “Don’t know who that is.”
“Mhm, that’s okay. She knows who you are though. And she’s told us what you’ve said,” Harley continued, “about how you don’t see Damian marrying someone who’s chubby, who is a bit self-conscious about who they are. Which leads me…” she trailed off and pointed her mallet at the Wayne boys.
They narrowed their eyes and watched closely to see what she might do next. Their eyes were especially on Ivy. She hasn’t said much during Harley’s speech. But her glare spoke volumes.
“Why is it whenever Y/N comes home from hanging out with Damian and everyone here, she’s sad?” Harley asked, and the boys widened as they realized who they were talking about.
“You’re talking about Y/N? Damian’s fiancé?” Jason asked. Wally, Gath and Jon’s head whipped around to look at Damian.
“You’re engaged?!”
Damian chose to ignore them and narrowed his eyes at the two. “What do you mean she’s sad? And how do you know?”
“Exactly that,” Ivy said with a shrug. “She didn’t tell us until today, but we knew there was something wrong. Said that she felt like she didn’t fit in, like you just didn’t care that she was there.”
Okay, so she didn’t say it in so many words, but that’s what Ivy got out of it.
She watched and listened as the Wayne boys tried to defend themselves. She raised her hand and they stopped talking.
“Is that why she ended the engagement?” Damian asked.
“She did what?” Damian’s brothers asked in unison. He didn’t answer and Ivy nodded.
“Better go fix it, baby bird,” Harley said, pointing at Damian.
Not needed to be told twice, Damian stood and left, ignoring the protest of his friends and family. He chuckled when he heard the groans of everyone as Harley and Ivy started their lecture on why you shouldn’t talk bad about people you don’t know.
It’s been twenty minutes since Ivy and Harley left, and she can’t help but wonder what they’re doing. She had almost followed them, but decided against it. She’ll wait until they get back for the answers.
A knock on the door pulled her out of her thoughts, and she looked up from her book in confusion. Harley and Ivy would have just walked in, and she wasn’t expecting anyone to come over.
Setting the book on the couch, she got up and made her way to the door. Her eyes narrowed as she saw who it was through the peephole. She bit her lip and debated on whether or not she should open the door.
“I know you’re in there, Y/N,” Damian said. He sounded tired, like he hasn’t been sleeping lately. “Can I come in, please? We need to talk.”
Sighing, she unlocked the door. He looked as tired as he sounded. She stepped aside and waited until he was inside before closing the door.
“You didn’t tell me you knew Harley and Ivy,” he said after a few minutes of silence. She shrugged, keeping her attention on the door as she answered him.
“I met them when I was in grade 10,” she mumbled, “was running from someone and I asked for their help. Since then, they’ve kind of adopted me.”
“Do your parents know?”
She shook her head. “I don’t think they would care.”
Damian snorted, turning around to look at her. She was still refusing to look at him. “I think they would care if their only daughter was hanging around with Gotham’s most wanted.”
“No, I’m pretty sure they wouldn’t,” she argued. “They were the ones who signed my life away. I mean, the whole engagement was because of a business deal.” She hadn’t meant to, but she let the bitterness seep into her voice. “Whatever, it doesn’t matter anyways.”
Damian flinched as she dismissed it, and reached out to grab her arm. She tensed but didn’t pull away, Damian took that as a good sign, and turned her around. She let him, but kept her gaze on his chest.
“My friends are stupid,” Damian stated, surprising her. “We were playing truth or dare and I was asked what my type of a girl was. I didn’t think your first meeting with them would end our engagement. I wished you would have talked to me about it though, instead of that.”
She hung her in shame. “I’m sorry,” she whispered. “I just, I don’t know. On top of what your friends said, and the whole arranged marriage thing, I didn’t want to marry someone who doesn’t love me back.”
She froze when she realized what she said. She shut her eyes, and covered her face with her hands, willing the flush on her cheeks to go away. But it didn’t.
“You love me?” Damian asked, and she could hear the smirk. She didn’t say anything, she just nodded. “Why didn’t you say anything?” She shrugged. Damian huffed out a laugh, and gently pried her hands off her face. When she still didn’t look up, he grabbed her chin and tilted her head up. “I love you too.”
Her eyes snapped open, and she stared at him dumbfounded. He gave her a soft smile and leaned forward a little, resting his forehead on hers. “I love the way you are now, and I wouldn’t change anything about you.”
“Do you really mean that?” she asked quietly. So quietly, he almost didn’t catch it. He nodded.
“With all my heart.”
She looked at him, looking to see if he was lying. When all she found was the truth, she closed the distance and kissed him. She bundled up his shirt as he cupped her cheeks gently. She put all her love into that kiss, and he eagerly matched her pace.
When they needed air, she pulled back and smiled when he followed after her.
“So, does that mean we can get married now?” Damian asked. She pretended to think about it, and he poked her sides a little.
“I guess so,” she answered with a laugh. He pulled her into a hug, which she returned, nuzzling her face in his shirt. “Are we still waiting until we’re done with school?”
“Would give us time to get to know each other. Really get to know each other,” he added when she was about to say something. “And maybe this time around, you’ll feel like you fit in with my family.”
“Wow, they left nothing out, did they?” she questioned. Damian chuckled and kissed the top of her head. “I love you, Damian.”
“I love you too.”
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bourbonbees · 3 years
Suptober Day 9 - Body Mods
Debauchery and Ink
Dean is in charge of Sam's bachelor party. He brings Cas along for the ride. Charlie is there as a supportive little sister. There’s a blow-up doll named Carmen? Garth pulls out a secret talent, and Adam just makes things weird for everyone. Jack learns what a hangover is! There's also strippers and tattoos, what else does a bachelor party need?
Alternatively- the fic in which everyone parties maybe just a little too hard.
Read below the cut or on Ao3
“Okay so do we have everything?” Dean asks as he finishes loading a keg of beer into Baby’s backseat. He’s in charge of booze, and well sort of everything which is fair because it’s not every day your little brother gets married. Dean also happens to be an expert in debauchery which is exactly what bachelor parties are all about.
“Yeah I think so. Though, I still do not understand the purpose of the inflatable woman.” Cas says, crinkling his nose up at the blow-up doll Dean has also crammed into the backseat.
“Hey that’s Carmen and she’s a lady.” Dean huffs, putting a case of whiskey and bourbon bottles into the trunk.
“You gave her a name, really?” Cas sighs with a roll of his eyes, making Dean laugh.
“Is it possible that you’re jealous of a blow-up doll? Aww honey, you’re cute when you’re jealous.” Dean pouts, patting Cas’ ass and earning a swat on the arm.
“No, but I’m still not keen on the entertainment you’ve hired. I really don’t think Sam will enjoy the strippers you hired. Nor Eileen really.” Cas points out, getting into the passenger seat.
“You kidding me? She helped me pick the girls out. She’s all for anything that embarrasses the shit out Sam. She’s awesome! I wanted to invite her to come with but you said no, remember? Killjoy.” Dean loves his partner but sometimes he really knows how to ruin a good time, like robbing him of the opportunity to spend an evening plotting different ways to embarrass Sam with his fiancée. Rude.
“She’s unconventional, isn’t she? I guess that’s perfect for Sam, he is of course an abomination.” Cas is chuckling, resting a hand on Dean’s thigh as he drives. Dean has never felt so lucky, having a partner who not only tolerates his shenanigans but joins in on teasing Sam. There’s only a handful of people he allows that privilege, himself, Eileen, Cas, and sometimes Jack.
“So, Jack is good with keeping Sam busy until we’re ready?” Dean asks, glancing at Cas as they drive down the backroads to the Cabin he’s rented for the bachelor party festivities.
“Yeah, he’s got him preoccupied with building a very difficult Lego model. Something related to that space movie they both like, with the woman with cinnamon roll hair.” Cas says with a proud expression.
“Star Wars, the movie is Star Wars and her name is Princess Leia. Come on man. If Jack or Sam heard you say that you never hear the end of it.” Dean groans, unable to help feeling a bit soft and fond.
When they reach the cabin, Charlie is already there waiting for them.
“Hey bitches! You’re late!” She calls out, lowering her sunglasses to look at them.
“That is entirely Dean’s fault, he wouldn’t get out of bed this morning then you know, he needs his coffee.” Cas, that bastard, selling him out without a single thought, Dean will remember this later when he starts acting all cute and trying to get him to go to bed.
“Nice to see you too sis.” Dean says as he pulls Charlie into a hug.
“It is. I missed you. You big lug!” Charlie laughs, Dean loves hearing her laugh, she’s the best and deserves to be this happy all the time.
“Cas called Star Wars a space movie and said Leia has cinnamon roll hair.” Dean blurts out, Cas looking at him as if he’s committed the ultimate betrayal.
“Wow, okay. I’m going to try not to take that personally.” Charlie says with an open-mouthed expression, hand over her heart.
“I can’t believe I’m stuck with you both all evening, with access to alcohol and strippers.” Cas frowns, rubbing at his forehead exasperatedly.
“I know, it’s awesome!” Dean laughs, wrapping an arm around Cas. “Love you.” He hums, kissing his cheek.
“I love you too, unfortunately.” Cas replies, making Dean break into a wide shit eating grin.
“Alright that’s enough smooching, let’s get to work Bert and Ernie.” Charlie teases, grabbing Carmen out of the backseat and carrying the doll toward the cabin. Dean and Cas follow behind, Dean tries to contain himself when Cas lifts two kegs of beer as if they weigh nothing.
“You’re drooling.” Of course, Charlie catches him, whacking him over the head with Carmen.
“One, shut up, two, did you just hit me in the head with inflatable tits?” Dean fish mouths, taking a moment to right himself. “I’ve never been prouder of you.” He teases, unloading the rest of the decorations, drinks, and party supplies.
The three of them make quick work setting everything up and before long the rest of the guests arrive, well only two, technically three if you count a symbiote angel, it’s hard to make friends when you live like Sam and Dean do. Garth comes with pies made by Bess, Dean makes a mental note to send her a thank you for being the best. Adam arrives a bit later, being around him always makes Dean a bit uncomfortable. It’s a toss-up if it’s the awkward family dynamic or the fact that he was playing host to an alternate version of the angel that forcibly possessed him that bothers him more. But Sam insists that they try to play nice since he is their half-brother. So, Dean will suck it up for the evening.
Dean could propose to Cas on the spot when he picks up on the tension and suggestions they all tap the keg and have a beer. “Thank you.” He smiles, pecking his lips, deciding the proposal should probably wait.
“He’s not here tonight. Well he’s here in my head, but not here here, we have an understanding that I’m in control tonight.” Adam offers when Dean fails trying to dodge him in the kitchen.
“Oh, okay. Yeah. Sorry, I know I’m still like weird about all this. But Sam specifically told me he wants you to be a part of all the wedding festivities. So, uh, I’m trying.” Dean explains, sipping his beer and looking around desperately for an out.
“I’m not a monster you know, I can’t help that John was my dad any more than you can. And my situation with Michael, is it really all that different from yours with Cas? Angel on your shoulder and all that.” Adam shrugs, taking a long sip of his beer.
“I mean, it’s really different. Cas is my partner, we’re uh-dating. Profound bond and all that.” Dean defends with a raised brow.
“How do you know Michael and I aren’t involved?” Adam challenges.
“Can you? Is that even? I don’t wanna know actually. I saw Venom, that’s enough of that for me.” Dean pauses, recalling how deeply he’d regretted doing a cursory search about Venom after watching the movie and wanting to maybe see some more photos of Tom Hardy.
“You need to open your mind Dean. Considering the things you’ve seen, you’re surprisingly closed off.” Adam is fucking with him, maybe he is Winchester after all, he seems very capable of all the family mind games.
“Shuddup. The last time I opened my mind the evil version of your parasite boyfriend took my body for a joy ride. I’m good.” Dean mutters, a shiver running up and down his spine at the memory.
“Fair enough. Well, for what it’s worth. I think you and I have more in common than you think. Maybe after a few drinks we might even be able to be friends.” Adam smirks as he refills his plastic cup with beer.
“We shall see.” Dean mutters, walking away before things could get any weirder.
Thankfully, not long after, Jack texts him that he’s on his way with Sam. “Alright, Sammy is on the way!” He tells the party, everyone finishing up the last of the decorating. Cas uses his angel powers to hang some streamers from the rafters while Charlie busies herself arranging snacks on the table. Adam and Garth work on starting a fire out back of the cabin. Garth isn’t bothered in the least by Adam, which makes sense, Dean figures he could make friends with just about anything or anyone.
When Sam is minutes away, the group all find hiding places inside the cabin, turning off all the lights. Once it’s dark Cas finds Dean and pulls him in for discrete kiss, letting it linger for bit and smiling as he pulls away. “Stop.” Dean whispers, laughing softly.
“Stop what?” Cas asks innocently, nuzzling his nose against Dean’s cheek.
“Being so damn cute.” Dean answers, nudging their shoulders together. He leans in for another kiss getting a bit lost in it until Charlie throws a chip at his head.
“Focus Winchester.” She hisses, pointing to where headlights were gleaming through the front windows of the cabin.
A moment later the door creaks open and Jack walks into the cabin, Sam following after and cursing as he bumps into the lamp near the door.
“You sure this is a case. This place doesn’t seem haunted Jack. I think I saw a fire outside in the pit. Maybe it’s just squatters.” Sam observes, looking around the cabin.
Dean counts down and Charlie flips on the lights.
“Surprise!” They all shout, jumping out from their hiding spots. Sam quickly grabs his gun and pulls it out, aiming around the room, hunter instincts kicking in. Maybe surprising him wasn’t the best idea that Dean has had.
“Woah, woah. It’s us! Happy bachelor party!” Dean says, hands in the air.
“Oh, oh, sorry guys.” Sam blushes putting his gun away. “Thanks, this is great.” He adds once he gets his bearings and looks around the cabin at the decorations. “You really did surprise me. Obviously.” He laughs, walking up to Dean and giving him a hug.
“Hey Sammy! Congrats man.” Garth supplies, patting Sam on the back.
“Adam, you’re here. Hey!” Sam grins as he spots his half-brother, sending Dean a thankful look before going to say hi.
“You did the right thing Dean, inviting him. You’re a great big brother.” Charlie says as she hands Dean a plastic glass with a shot of whiskey in it.
“And you’re a great little sister.” He laughs, taking the shot and then holding it out for her to pour another.
The drinks start flowing after that. They all drink heavily, going outside and standing around the campfire Garth and Adam built. Dean makes it a point to tell as many embarrassing stories as possible about Sam, enjoying his overdramatic reactions. At some point Garth pulls out an acoustic guitar, earning a groan from everyone. He ends up being actually pretty good and they all sing along when he plays American Pie.
“This’ll be the day that I die.” Dean slurs along, raising his cup full of beer to Garth as the song ends. “Garth, you’re a man of many talents. You never stop surprising me.” He hiccups, he is definitely a lot drunker than he planned.
“I would like an alcohol please.” Jack says as he approaches Dean and Cas where they are sitting on a log together.
“Absolutely not.” Cas responds, shaking his head at Jack.
“Come on Cas, he can have one drink. I’ve got some wine coolers. Sammy likes them sometimes, he’ll never admit it because he’s a little bitch, but I know he loves the fuzzy navel ones.” Dean laughs before poking the tip of Cas’ nose. “They’re basically juice.” He shrugs, reaching into the cooler next to him and pulling one out.
“Alright, but just one Jack, you don’t have a tolerance for alcohol and you’re only four.” Cas resigns, knowing Dean was going to find a way to give Jack the sugary drink either way.
Dean opens the wine cooler with his teeth, Cas watching in horror and amusement, then hands it off to Jack. Jack takes a sip and takes a moment to process what he’s tasting. He scrunches his nose up in a way that’s undeniably Cas, definitely his son, Dean thinks.
“It’s good! Very sweet! Tastes like peaches.” Jack enthuses, taking another big swig.
“Enjoy kid.” Dean says, clinking his plastic cup against the bottle and downing the rest of the beer in one drink.
“Slow down Dean, you’re not going to feel well tomorrow.” Cas warns, clearly used to tending to grumpy Dean and his hangovers.
“Shhh, let me be.” Dean giggles, placing a finger to Cas’ lips and then stealing a kiss. Cas simply laughs fondly and wraps an arm around him, helping him stay steady.
“Dean, they’re here.” Charlie says, beckoning for Dean to come into the cabin.
“Who’s here?” Sam asks cautiously.
“The strippers! Surprise!” Dean yells triumphantly, pulling on Sam’s arm and brining him inside. “Don’t worry, all Eileen approved. She’s got good taste, funny she ended up with you.” Dean teases, blowing a raspberry at Sam.
“Oh no.” Sam whines as a scantily clad brunette wraps a feathery boa around him and pushes him down into a chair. Her name is Destiny, Dean remembers because he and Eileen both agreed she had nice boobs.
“Oh yes!” Charlie laughs, pulling out a wad of cash and tucking some into a blonde dancer’s top.
The party is in full swing, the dancers making their way around the room and dancing with everyone. Cas hides in the corner, trying to make himself as invisible as possible, but a certain dancer keeps moving closer to him. Dean keeps his eyes on Cas, he’s drunk but he can still tell when his partner is uncomfortable. At first, it’s a bit funny, but after a while he can see that Cas is visibly upset by whatever she is saying and Dean goes to his rescue.
“You’ve got this whole dad thing going, it’s really working for you.” The dancer smirks, twirling her blonde hair around one hand, the other holding a lollipop. “I’ve always been attracted to a man that’s a good dad.” She adds, sucking on the lollipop. Lollipop, where has Dean seen this before. Wait a minute, it couldn’t be.
“Hey, what’s your name?” Dean asks, alcohol allowing him to explore the cracky theory he’s got going in his head.
“Gabby.” The dancer smirks, Dean gasping with an ‘ah hah’ as he puts it together.
“Gabriel!” He shouts, pointing at the dancer. “That’s not a dancer, that’s Gabriel!” He adds, Cas pulling him away and apologizing to the dancer for his partner’s behavior, mumbling about him drinking too much.
“Damn, what gave it away.” The dancer says before morphing back into Gabriel’s usual form.
“Lollipop!” Dean says triumphantly. “Told you!” He tells Cas, patting his chest.
“This is a bad trick, even for you. Sexually harassing me, crashing Sam’s party.” Cas huffs, crossing his arms over his chest.
“Trickster, hello!” Gabriel smirks, pointing at himself and grabbing a bottle of bourbon and chugging it in one go. “You really thought you could have a party without little old me? I’ve been keeping tabs on you all. We’re family after all Cassie.” He shrugs, handing a bottle of bourbon to Castiel. “Now come on loosen up!” He encourages, Cas begrudgingly takes the bottle and chugs it.
“Gabriel?” Sam slurs when he spots him, walking over with a pink boa around his neck and nipple tassel stuck to his forehead. “Welcome to the party! Didn’t know you were coming. Let’s do shots!” He says enthusiastically, clearly already far too drunk, drunk enough to accept this all as normal.
The party kicks up another notch with Gabriel. He sets up a beer pong game, challenging Cas first and making a rule that no one uses their angel powers. Meanwhile, Jack makes his way around sneaking as many drinks as he can while Cas is preoccupied. Everyone, angel company included is very drunk by the time 2 AM rolls around.
It’s then that the fun goes maybe a bit too far.
“You know what we should do? We should get tattoos! I’ve always wanted more.” Sam suggests, now wearing Charlie’s sunglasses.
“How do you suggest we do that? We’re in the middle of nowhere and none of us can drive.” Charlie laughs, throwing popcorn at Sam and cheering when he catches it in his mouth.
“Jack can drive.” Dean offers, pointing to where Jack was sitting on the floor with Adam, munching on chips.
“Jack cannot drive! I’m drunk!” Jack says proudly.
“Jack!” Cas gasps, stifling a hiccup.
“I tricked you! I’m learning from Uncle Gabriel!” Jack grins, Gabriel clapping him on the shoulder.
“Our son is drunk. Oh no. We’re bad dads.” Dean says before bursting into giggles.
“Still a better dad than ours.” Gabriel adds, gesturing to Cas.
“And ours.” Adam adds, looking at Sam and Dean.
“I’ll drink to that. Hey, maybe you’re not half bad Adam.” Dean concedes, grabbing shots of whiskey and taking one to Adam and one to Sam, they all take them together.
“Hey, look what I can do! I fixed our problem.” Gabriel announces, manifesting a tattoo machine and pulling on some rubber gloves.
“No.” Dean shakes his head, he does not trust Gabriel with anything, especially not needles and his skin.
“Yes!” Sam counters, standing up and taking off his shirt. “But, not my face, okay. Eileen would kill me.” He adds.
“He’s right, I’ve seen her kill lots of things. She’s lethal.” Dean nods in agreement, sending Gabriel a warning expression.
“What’ll it be Sammy?” Gabriel asks as Sam sits in a chair near the dining table.
“A ring! Ooh the One Ring! I am getting married and I do love Lord of the Rings. Yeah, that’s cool right?” Sam decides, conferring with Dean who shakes his head in disbelief.
“Nerd! Seems right. Yeah.” He finally agrees, caving to Sam’s puppy eyes.
“It’s cool Sam, ignore him.” Charlie adds, taking a moment to stop making out with the dancer she had taken off to a corner.
Gabriel then starts tattooing, it’s somewhere around then that Dean blacks out. When he wakes up the next morning, he’s sleeping on the couch Cas cuddled up close to his chest. “Fuck.” He groans when he opens his eyes, his head pounding and his back stinging, he really is too old to be drinking this much or sleeping on couches.
“Morning.” Cas mumbles, opening his eyes. “How you feeling?” He checks.
“Like shit.” Dean says honestly.
“Me too.” A voice echoes, Dean looks on the floor and finds Charlie, laying between the blow-up doll and one of the dancers from the night before.
“What is happening to me?” Jack mumbles as he sits up, his hair sticking up in all directions.
“Called a hangover kid.” Adam answers, from where he was coming from the kitchen drinking a beer.
“How could you?” Sam asks, gesturing to the beer in Adam’s hand.
“Hair of the dog.” Dean and Adam say in unison, laughing at each other.
“Oh my god, tattoos, we all got tattoos.” Sam recalls, lifting his shirt and pulling the bandage off his side to reveal a small tattoo of the One Ring with elvish script.
“What does that say?” Dean asks curiously.
“Eileen. In Elvish.” Sam blushes, putting his shirt back down.
“What about you, what do you have?” He asks Dean.
“Uh, not sure I one- oh wait, fuck. My back, I thought it hurt because I slept on the couch. Cas, can you check it?” He dares to ask, sitting up and lifting up his shirt just enough to reveal his lower back. Cas just bursts into laughter as he removes the bandage. “No, no, how bad is it?” Dean is panicking, hoping it’s not something stupid like a butterfly or a portrait of Sam. “It’s coming back to me now. I actually designed this. You asked for something in Enochian.” Cas says proudly, putting Dean’s shirt back down.
“What does it say, Cas?” Dean says through gritted teeth.
“If lost return to Castiel.” Gabriel supplies as he walks into the room, a dancer on each arm.
“Gabriel!” Dean glowers, getting off the couch and making his way to the archangel, grabbing him by the front of the shirt.
“Happy bachelor party Sam!” Gabriel winks, snapping his fingers and disappearing.
Later that day they return to the bunker, showing Eileen all their tattoos which she makes fun of endlessly, aside from Sam’s which makes her well up a bit with happy tears. “Was it at least a good night?” She signs.
“The best.” Sam replies.
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aftertheskyy · 4 years
Merlin SPN au
Ok Supernatural AU where Arthur is Dean
They’re both very like. Idk. Protective, “single man tear,” repressed kinda vibes yk?
And Leon is Sam
Uther is obviously John Winchester
Saving people, hunting things, the family business blah blah blah
Merlin is Cas
Special powers
Freya as Hannah (kind of had a thing with Cas?)
Sam! Leon getting caught up in all the Destiel/Merthur stuff
Gwaine is Gabriel and I will die on this hill
Imagine him with like. A green apple lollipop all the time
ALSO Gwaine putting Leon in the herpes commercial please give this to me
Kilgharrah as Chuck
You know, just really frustrating characters that you wanna punch?
Nimueh as Amara
Elyan as Gadreel? Kinda stuck here
Mordred as Jack because remember back in season 13 when Dean hated him and Sam was totally taking care of him? Same thing with Merlin and Arthur. Plus they’re both smol bois
Morgana as Rowena because yes.
Agravaine as Gordon
They both start out okay but lowkey sketchy, only to show their true nature later on
Lancelot as Kevin Tran
They both try to be level headed but end up getting whisked away in the chaos
Gwen as Donna! Both are tough as all hell but literal cinnamon rolls
Cenred as Crowley? 
And the two of them being cranky old men together man I love this
Hunith as Jody Mills
Mithian as Charlie Bradbury. No you cannot change my mind
Also idk where to put this but Excalibur gives off the same vibes as the Colt in season 1
Percival as Garth
Daegal as Adam. Kind of forgotten about but we all love him anyways, yk?
Cas! Merlin saying “We all matter” and then leaving him for dead
Sadly there are wayyy more Supernatural characters than Merlin characters so I missed a lot😭 but here we are
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dcforts · 4 years
[day 11: sharing is caring] 
That’s just what they need.
It’s not enough that they’ve been digging up graves in the snow and that they’re dirty and tired and aching – the weather had to play its part and send them a storm.
From where they’re stuck in the middle of nowhere in Wisconsin, home seems far, far away.
“Do we know anyone around here?” asks Cas from the passenger seat and Dean closes his eyes and sighs.
“Yeah,” he says  disheartened, “We know Garth.”
It’s not that Dean doesn’t like Garth. In fact, he likes him very much. And he’d be happy to see him. It’s been a while and his warm smile it’s never a bad sight.
It’s just that – he’s a lot. And he brings up some stuff.
He may pretend like it never happened but Dean remembers how he first reacted when he’d found out that he’d been bitten and how he acted around his family. And then there’s the fact that Dean doesn’t like bothering hunters who got out of the life. He feels that who he is and what he carries with him, it’s something that they’ve put behind them and don’t wish to see again.
Not to count the bitter feeling that surges in him everytime he’s reminded that Garth not only managed to retire and have a normal life, but he double did it. There are not many hunters, or werewolves, or hunter-werewolves for the matter, that can say that. Dean certainly can’t say that.
Still, when they call him and Garth says he’ll be happy to have them, Dean feels relief flooding over him, if not for the prospect of a warm and dry place to rest for a few hours, just enough to wait for the storm to calm down.
He can manage.
Or at least that’s what he thinks until he and Cas are huddled together on Garth’s front porch and even above the wind Dean hears Christmas songs blasting from the inside.
His eyes find Cas, who’s looking back at him, alarmed, but the doorbell has already been rung and it’s too late to back out. Garth opens the door with his patented smile.
“Guys!” he shouts above the music, “You made it!” he hurries them in the tiny entrance and closes the door.
Dean finds himself enveloped in a cocoon of warmth and lovely aroma of pine wood and cinnamon. His cheeks and hands tingle and he lets out a sigh.
Garth comes back into his view; Dean opens his mouth to speak but he has already wrapped his arms around him. “It’s so good to see you,” he says in his usual cheerful tone. He moves on to squeeze Cas into a similar hug and Cas stiffens and tentatively pats his back. Garth gives out a little laugh, “That’s it, buddy,” he encourages.
“Hello, Garth.”
Alright, Dean thinks, maybe it’s gonna be a little funny. 
But then he notices the two-feet-tall inflatable Santa that’s bumping against his shins and when he looks up he’s stunned into silence. It actually takes his eyes a moment or two to register what’s surrounding them: the garlands on the doors, the tinsels around the banister, the baubles hanging from the ceiling all above them. Judging from the giant Christmas tree he can spot in the living room, he’s pretty sure the rest of the house isn’t in much better condition.
Garth himself is wearing an bulky red knitted cardigan with reindeers all over it. Seeing that, combined with the songs and the decorations, Dean feels the need to ask, “Uh – Garth? Are you guys celebrating something?”
Garth slaps him on the shoulder and laughs like he’s made a great joke. “It’s December, Dean-o! Every day is a celebration. The most magical time of the year, right?” he says beaming “You’ll have to wait for the carols but you’re right on time for hot cocoa!”
Dean feels dread creeping in. He takes a step back, “Wha- Garth, no – we don’t mean to -”
Apparently Cas is on the same page as him because he also starts saying, “This is your family time,” and steps back with him. “We don’t want to intrudr –“
Garth shakes his head vigorously, “Guys, guys, guys,” He holds up his hands to shut them up, “It makes Bess and I very happy to have you here to share it with us. Sharing is caring. And we happen to care a lot about you two,” he says making a silly voice and pointing a finger at them. 
Yeah, nevermind, this was a terrible idea.
Cas throws him another freaked out look Dean can’t help but reciprocate, but Garth pays no mind to their lack of enthusiasm and shepherds them cheerfully into the living room. Dean feels even more out of place among the pastel walls and the embroidered pillows, the toys and the dolls. He tries to make himself weight less so that he doesn’t leave traces of dirt on the carpet. Everything seems soft and cozy, which is a real change from the hard leather seats and the icy wind.
“So, how was the journey?” Garth is asking Cas, as if they’re coming back from a cruise. “It’s been so long, man. Just the other day I was thinking ‘When I’m ever going to see them again?’ and then - ”
Dean gets distracted as he feels something tugging at the duffel bag he’s carrying and when he lowers his gaze there’s a blond head and two little hands trying to hold on to the fabric. “H-hey,” he says, shifting back a little to get out of his reach. He doesn’t think it’s a good idea to have clean, innocent baby hands near a bag that was in a graveyard an hour ago. But the kid takes an unsteady step forward and grabs it anyway. “This is – no, no – uh, G-Garth?” he calls, horrified.
Garth stops drowning Cas in questions and shifts his attention to the ground. He laughs and picks up his kid, totally unbothered, “Sammy, these are not toys for you,” he shakes his head, “He’s such a curious kid.”
Bess comes down the stairs right in that moment, wearing a green cardigan that matches Garth’s. “I thought I heard you two!” she says, even if Dean is pretty sure they’ve barely said a word since they’ve come in. “Garth, why don’t you bring their bag in the guests’ room? I’ll be right out with the drinks.”
There’s another round or “No need -,” and “This is really not necessary -,” and “We don’t want -“ before Garth yanks the bag from Dean’s hold with one hand.
He always forgets how strong he is.
“Of course you’re gonna stay. There’s no way I’m letting you leave in the cold and the dark. Come on! You know me,” he disappears down the hallway shaking his head and saying, “We’re gonna have so much fun.”
Bess gives them an encouraging smile, “Relax guys, take off your jackets, sit on the couch.”
So they do. Sit on the couch.
They both let out a sigh when they sink into the cushions and Dean would call Cas “old” if he hadn’t made the exact same sound.
“This was a bad idea,” whispers Dean.
“You think?”
In the sudden emptiness of the room, with It’s the Most Wonderful Time of the Year in the background, and the giant Christmas tree twinkling in the corner, it’s weird to just - sit there.
Dean is dirty and smelly and feels marginally better only when he looks over at Cas who seems so much out of his comfort zone that he might as well be a tropical bird.
He takes a hopeful look out of the windows behind the couch but the weather seems to be even worse than it was five minutes ago.
“Are you still cold?” asks Cas.
They look away from each other again.
In the last few weeks they’ve settled in a pretty hectic routine. Find the case, drive to the case, work the case, drive home, rinse and repeat.
It’s a well-oiled machine, but that doesn’t leave much time for – well, anything else. Definitely not sitting around and relaxing – and it’s just awkward all of the sudden to be alone in a place that is not a sticky diner, or a dusty motel, or a morgue.
It sounds depressing but that’s the hunter life for you. Without even noticing you become your job and it gets easier to just put your head down and work.
After three hunts in a row, Dean realizes this is the first time they’re actually taking a break. He looks over at Cas, his messy hair and the hands folded in his lap, and he feels the need to say something conversational.
What comes out is, “Last time I was here, Garth fixed my teeth.”
Cas’ face scrunches up in confusion but then Garth comes back.
“Have you seen Cas?”
Dean blinks at him and then slowly and dubiously points at his right.
“No, I mean,” Garth laughs, “The little one. I’m so excited for you to meet him,” he says, leaving the room again.
“How do you lose a kid?” Dean asks under his breath, looking around. His attention is drawn to a group of pictures on the little table beside the couch. There’s a bunch of the family on holidays, and then a bunch of the kids. One of the frames says Castiel and, on the bottom, Always our little boy.
“Hey, Cas,” he picks it up to show it to him, “Want me to get you one of these?”
Cas glares at him and doesn’t dignifies him with an answer.
Dean smirks and shrugs, “Fine, we’ll get the one that says Sammy. Can’t wait to see his face on Christmas morning.”
Cas doesn’t look at him again but Dean sees the corner of his mouth stretch a little so he calls it a victory.
Then Garth comes back and finally sits down in the armchair across from them. “He’s asleep. I forgot he was asleep!” he rolls his eyes at himself, “Cas,” he says, clicking his tongue, “he’s the best. He’s got this look, you know?”
“Wait, who are we talking about now?”
“Him. No, uh -” Garth laughs and bangs a hand on his forehead. “Sorry, I keep getting confused. Alright, alright, lets call our Cas 'Little Cas' and we’ll call you, 'Big Cas'.”
Dean stifles a laugh.
"I don’t think-" starts Cas, but it gets drown out by Bess coming back with a tray.
From the steaming mugs comes the rich smell of chocolate and on the surface Dean can see mini marshmallows shaped like little trees. He watches as Bess and Garth pick up their mugs and toast before taking a sip and notices with a smile that even their mugs are matching. Bess’ says “Mine” and Garth’s says “Yours”. He thinks it’s cute, whatever.
But then he looks down at his own mug and realizes that there’s something written across it too. It says “Perfect” and when he dares to look in Cas’ way his whole body blushes when he reads “Together” on his.
He takes a sip of chocolate and tries very hard to avoid Cas’ eyes and stop blushing. He fails on both fronts and burns his tongue.
At least it tastes great and the sugar warms him up and makes him feel much more comfortable.
Cas drinks it too without making a fuss over molecules and Dean wonders if it’s because he’s very polite or if he’s a pain in the ass just when they’re alone.
Finally Cas meets Little Cas and Garth keeps telling them how smart he is, because apparently he’s learned how to use the remote.
Dean snorts, “That’s already more than Big Cas can do,” and Cas shoots him a deadly “Stop calling me that,” that shuts him up for five minutes. Dean agrees it was a bad idea anyway.
Kids love Cas, for some reason. Little Cas stretches his arms towards him the whole time he’s in the room and Cas just pretends he can’t see him, as if avoiding eye contact is enough to make him stop. It amuses Dean greatly.
Even Gertie, when she comes in with a gingerbread cookie, looks between them and chooses to give it to Cas.
“I only have one,” she tells Dean, who is totally not offended.
But then Cas says, “It’s okay,” with his soft voice, “We’ll share it.”
And for some reason that makes Dean’s heart flutter. It’s something in the way he casually snaps the cookie in half and hands him a piece.
Somehow it’s different than sharing a car, a motel room, a bed, all kinds of weapons and bags and just space, in general.
Dean doesn’t know what it is, but somehow there’s a difference.
Garth is fairly disappointed when he finds out that angels don’t know Christmas carol by heart just because they’re angels.
At some point he just starts playing the piano and expects Cas to start singing along.
Dean says it was a hard blow for him as well, knowing that he couldn’t play the harp, just to enjoy the way Cas rolls his eyes with his whole head.
“What about Holy Night?”
“I- I don’t know that one,” says Cas, for the thirteen time in a row and Dean would love to stay on the couch and watch him awkwardly handle the situation if he wasn’t afraid Garth would eventually try and bring him into it.
So he jumps up at the first occasion to follow Bess into the kitchen right under Cas��� betrayed look.
“What songs do you know?” Garth’s voice carries through the walls.
“Uh, I know Led Zeppelin?” says Cas and Dean almost drops the mugs as his heart expands.
Now he kind of regrets having left the room but then Garth is saying, “Oh no, silly, I mean Christmas songs,” and Bess is asking him, “Do you play any instrument?” so he focuses back on her.
Dean puts down the mugs in the sink and opens up the tab, “Uh - just the guitar – a little bit. Never had much chance to practise.”
“Oh, you should. Then you can bring it up here sometime and play for us at the church.”
Dean scoffs, “You sure they’d want to see me again, after last time?” he asks and can’t hide the genuine uncertainty from his voice.
Bess rests a hand on his arm, reassuring, “Well, it’ll be different. Last time we said, ‘This is Dean, he’s a hunter’. This time, we’ll be saying, ‘This is Dean, he plays the guitar’.”
It’s such a simple concept but it hits him like a brick. He needs a moment to try and see himself from another point of view and he really doesn’t know what to say. Bess doesn’t seem to mind. They dry the mugs in silence and when Dean looks up to smile at her, she smiles back.
Dean, he plays the guitar. It could work.
They go back to the living room and Bess and Garth duet over Silent Night and it’s only a little embarrassing.
It gets dark pretty soon after that.
Before they bring their kids upstairs they all take part in the traditional – apparently daily – lightning of the tree. They turn off the lights and when Garth says  “Ready?”, Gertie says “Yes!” and he lights it up.
Only, in the dark Cas gets really close to him and when Garth says “Ready?” Dean can hear him too say “Yes,” and so he turns towards him just as Garth plugs it in and his breath catches in his throat as he sees his face light up with the colours dancing on his skin.
Bess turns on the lights again and Garth puts a hand on Dean’s shoulder and it startles him.
“Amazing, right?” he says, “Gets me everytime,” and only then Dean realizes that he’s missed the whole thing.
“Yeah,” he says.
Watching them at the table is always a jarring experience.
But just a "How’s the – dental practice going?" is enough to kick off the longest most absurd recount of Garth’s last few years and Dean finds himself laughing heartily with a hand on his chest, having forgotten all about the raw cow hearts on their plates.
They talk about things to do in Winsconsin and Dean tells them about that one time when he was a kid and got sick on cream puffs at a fair. Even Cas talks about Claire non-stop for a solid minute an a half, which is honestly impressive.
Bess and Garth want to know all about Sam and Eileen. When Dean says they’re splitting up more these days, Bess nods and says, “Yeah, I imagine you all enjoy a bit of privacy.”
Dean hears loud and clear the implication that him and Cas are like Sam and Eileen but doesn’t really know how to correct her, so he doesn’t. 
He knows he can’t blame her. He’s not totally oblivious to the way they look from the outside. Working together, living together - just that would be enough to assume. But Dean hasn’t looked at anyone else in years either so – yeah. He knows how it looks.
Cas doesn’t say anything either, and doesn’t show any signs as to whether he’s picked up the implication but Dean can never really be sure with him.
That’s about around the time Dean realizes he’s shifted towards him and has an arm draped on the back of his chair.
Cas hasn’t said anything about that either. Dean doesn’t remove it.
Garth proposes a toast to Bobby and Dean loves him a little bit more and then Bess asks them what they’re doing for the holidays and looks shocked when he says that they haven’t really thought about it yet. 
“But Christmas is in two weeks!”
Dean is about to say that they never really did holidays and they’re always on the road anyway, so it doesn’t matter and they don’t care, but for some reasons he settles for, “I guess – if we’re not working – then we’ll get Sam and Eileen and just -”
He doesn’t know what they’ll do.
Garth makes that face he makes when he finds him adorable.
It makes his skin crawl.
“What would you like to do?” he says and Dean feels hot all of the sudden as Cas looks his way as well.
“Nothing,” he blurts out, feeling his face reddening, “I mean, just stay at home, relax. That’d be great.”
Bess smiles, “That doesn’t sound like such an impossible plan now, does it?”
Cas softly says, “No, it doesn’t,” and Dean’s heart starts pounding.
“Next year we could get the families together,” jumps in Garth and that makes him laugh again.
From the fact that he doesn’t think right away that it’s the most horrible idea that Garth could possibly have, he realizes he’s having a good night.
And even later when he brings to the kitchen the last of the plates and sees Garth and Bess share a kiss and a laugh over the sink, he smiles. He’s careful not to make any sounds as he puts the plates down on the counter and tiptoes back to the dark living room.
Cas is standing near the tree, looking at the decorations and Dean silently joins him.
They smile at each other briefly and go back to watch the tree.
Considering how they’ve started the day, Dean thinks it’s not a bad way to end it.
The guest room is – well, like the rest of the house, colourful wallpaper, soft carpets, floral-scented bedsheets. And a Santa on the nightstands with cheeks that light up. Dean puts it under the bed first thing cause it creeps him out.
Garth says, “Are you gonna be alright in here?”
“I don’t sleep,” reassures him Cas and Dean wants to retort that for someone who claims he “just lays down” he sure knows how to steal the covers.
“Yeah, Garth,” he says instead, “We’ll be up early and leave through the backdoor.”
“Well, guys,” Garth says on the door, his eyes swelling up, “It’s been so good to have you here.”
“Yeah, thank you for everything, Garth,” Dean says and he really means it. “We had a good time.”
Garth shakes his head. “You guys make me cry.”
He pulls him into a hug and then moves to do the same with Cas. 
“Come back, whenever you want. And have a very merry Christmas.”
Dean closes the door behind him and leans his back against it with a deep sigh. “If I’d walked home instead of coming here I’d be less tired, I think.”
Cas huffs a laugh as he unties his shoes.
They undress in silence and slips under the covers.
Dean turns off the lights and looks up at the ceiling.
"It’s nice,” Cas says unexpectedly in the dark, “what they have."
A weight drops on Dean’s chest.
"Yeah,” he agrees in the end, “it's nice."
After a moment, Cas speaks again.
“We don’t have to – go home straight away,” there’s a pause. The familiar shape of Cas shifts next to him, “We could find some cream puffs for you to get sick on.”
“That’s sweet,” Dean huffs a laugh. “I appreciate it, Cas.”
He settles more comfortably against his pillow.
“I mean it,” Cas keeps going, and his whisper is a lullaby, “We don’t have to find another case. We could just go meet Sam and Eileen in Illinois. Drive home together.”
Dean likes the idea very much.
“Yeah, we could do that.”
He feels his eyes falling shut.
“We could make it home in time for Christmas,” Cas’ voice is saying.
Dean’s lips stretch into a smile.
“Yeah, let’s do that, Cas.”
He falls asleep. 
joining @bend-me-shape-me in doing this!
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drthorfoster · 4 years
15x10 really gave us
Dean and Sam being absolute disasters
Sam and Garth both just go so soft for a moment when he introduces baby sam
"So this would be-" "Castiel"
Sam actually writhing on the floor in pain
Garth is their dentist
Sam's puppy eye power revoked (also giant sam sksjdbdjsbddbbdj)
Dean tap dancing? And bring it up later saying he thinks he'd be great at it? Sam saying he does the macarena?
7 actual sandwiches
Garth being a cinnamon roll and saving e v e r y t h i n g
Dean goes into a inspirational speech because he cant pick a lock. Im-
Dean being a bi disaster. Did I mention?
Seriously tho "you're so strong, so strong" and that face when that maul guy came out
Adorable werewolf family
I cannot say enough about how great Garth and his family are
That fight was just *chefs kiss*
"This Cas is looking at me weird." "KINDA LIKE THE REAL CAS?"
Werewolves of London is just an amazing song choice
Actually love the classical in general its hilarious and fits really well actually
I'm living
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rhisardthewizard · 3 years
Garth, you fucking wholesome rainbow man.
Rewatching s8e6 for the first time since it came out and remembering that Garth is just... the best.
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This is a pure Garth appreciation post because my Tooth Fairy killing precious dentist badass cinnamon roll does not get enough love (because enough love doesn't exist)
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I seriously just love him.
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Benny for the “Character Headcannon” thing
Send me the name of a character and I will tell you my headcanons for the character.
1: sexuality headcanon
I think he's pansexual. He doesn't care if his partner's a woman, man, nonbinary, intersex, etc. If he connects with his partner, that's more than enough for him.
2: otp
I've started ironically, but I hate myself for cursing myself with more and more crackships that I wish had happened. That being said; GarthBessBenny is a crackship that I can't stop thinking about and I think it'd be the most wholesome polycule ever. Other than that, I don't completely mind DeanBenny.
3: brotp
DeanBenny & CasBenny. I think DB started sexual (something something missing the touch of another being), but they actually also became really tight pals afterwards, and they both liked that. A connection that's both physical and emotional is something they both need and deserve. Especially in that moment when they found eachother.
4: notp
Don't really have any. Benny can do whoever he wants jkflkds.
5: first headcanon that pops into my head
He's a great chef. Idk if this was canon or not, but he's so good at cooking. He prepares the best cow's heart for Garth, Bess and the kids and that's kind of what jump-started their feelings for the vampire. Who knew a way to a werewolf's heart would be their stomach? djkfjskldf Not only that, he's also a great babysitter. He's a natural-born father with killer dad-instincts. Whether that's him or his vamp-side is rather to be determined.
6: one way in which I relate to this character
He genuinely just seems like a good guy. He doesn't wanna hurt people, he just wants to live. And if people happen to be in his way, he's gonna take care of it. And I just relate to that kind of lifestyle. I wouldn't kill anyone, though. But I would go off if they didn't let me live in my space. :)
7: thing that gives me second hand embarrassment about this character
I... don't know jflkslfjk honestly he's just a very easy-going dude. He doesn't do embarrasing stuff. And if he does, he plays it off like he knows what he's doing. I could never.
8: cinnamon roll or problematic fave?
Both. Cinnamon roll in a way that he wouldn't hurt a fly and doesn't feed off people, he feeds off blood. Problematic since he wears the clothing of John Winchester's anime version (LOOK IT UP. IT'S REAL). But mostly a cinnamon roll.
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youngjusticeslut · 4 years
Fandom: Young Justice  Links: FF.net // AO3 Characters:  Artemis Crock, Dick Grayson, M’gann M’orzz, Conner Kent, Kaldur’ahm, Wyynnde, Garth, Wally West, mentions of Jade, Lian, Paula, Roy, Shalaina, Barbara, Zatanna and Raquel. Summary: In the six months after Wally's ceasing, the six members of the original team each remember him in their own way. // or, how the team copes with his death. Rating: T  Word Count:  4k Disclaimer: I don’t own any of these characters. 
The Watchtower June 23rd, 23:16 EDT
Conner puts himself in charge of Wally’s hologram before anyone else can offer.
He knows that he’s the most logical choice. Kaldur will want to do it, but will get too caught up dealing with the team that he’ll put himself on the backburner. M’gann won’t be able to look at the memorial without crying. Artemis is too much of a wreck. And Dick… Dick is gone.
Sure, someone else could have done it. They could have left it to the League. Or Bart. Bart would have readily taken it on and roped Flash into helping. It wouldn’t have felt right, though. Wally was one of them. The original six. It’s only fair that one of them handles it.
In the three days it takes them to build the hologram, Conner handles the harder things. Memorial arrangements. Consoling the team. Picking up whatever slack he can load on his shoulders. He keeps busy.
Everyone else needs time to grieve. More than he does, at least. Grief is an emotion he can easily control. It nestles inside him, content, easily ignored when more pressing matters come to play. It’s always been this way. When people get hurt, or die, he’s always the one they can count on to keep things going. It’s instinct, by now. And truth be told, it helps him feel a little bit better.
When the hologram is finished, Conner stays behind and stares up at it. None of this is fair. Artemis shouldn’t have to go through this pain. Dick shouldn’t have to live without his best friend. Wally should have continued to live, to be their friend.
But he’s gone now, and someone has to step up. Bart may have filled Wally’s shoes as the new Kid Flash, but being a hero was only a part of his legacy. After Kaldur, Wally always made sure that everyone was taken care of. He’d hang around the Cave and make sure all the new members got acquainted. If anyone needed a place to crash, Wally’s home, and then his and Artemis’, was always a safe haven. He’d organized game nights, movie nights, team outings. With him gone, there’s nobody left to take care of everyone else.
Nobody, except him. For so long, Conner fought the idea of leadership. Everyone’s role on the team was well defined. Kaldur was the leader. Artemis was the spirit. Dick was the brains. M’gann was the power. He was the strength. And Wally was the heart. Conner was comfortable in his role, and he never sought to change it. Things are different, now. It feels like the right time to step up.
Wally was his friend. His first friend. Conner needs to do right by him, to keep his memory alive.
He crouches low, touching the base of the hologram. “You don’t have to worry,” he says, barely speaking above a whisper. “I’ll take care of them for you. I promise.” He’ll make sure that Artemis gets through this. He’ll find Dick and be there for him in any way he needs. He’ll force Kaldur to take breaks and stop overworking himself. And M’gann… he’ll find a way to forgive her and work through their past.
Life’s too short to do anything else.
Happy Harbor July 1st, 13:34 EST
The snickerdoodles don’t taste right.
Wally’s memorial is in two hours, and despite spending the better part of her morning in the kitchen, M’gann has nothing to show for it. She sighs, dumping the fourth batch of cookies into the waste bin. It wouldn’t be right to show up empty handed. Wally would never forgive her.  
Ignoring the pang in her chest, M’gann straightens up and rolls up the sleeves of her sweater, resolved to try again.
“Let’s see,” she mutters to herself, pulling up the recipe in her head. “Butter, eggs, flour…” A dash of cinnamon. A sprinkle of salt. The ingredients float towards the dirty mixer, ready for another attempt. Hopefully this time she won’t leave anything out.
The batter comes together easily enough. M’gann has made this recipe enough times that she moves automatically, measuring flour and cracking eggs without so much as a second thought. Keeping her hands busy is good. If she moves, she can’t think. Thinking will only make her cry, and she can’t cry. M’gann doesn’t have that right, especially not today.
Conner, Kaldur, Zatanna, Raquel and her are all in agreement that today, their attention will be on Artemis. Though the former archer puts up a brave front for the sake of the team and keeping things more or less normal, today will be different. Each of them will take turns looking out for her, ensuring that someone is with her at all times. It’s the very least they can do.
As M’gann folds the batter together, her mind turns to Dick. None of them have heard from him since he handed off the team to Kaldur and Barbara. Conner tried visiting his apartment. Artemis texted and called until his phone died. Kaldur persuaded Zatanna to try a locator spell, if only to ensure that their friend was alive. After a few weeks, Artemis informed them that he texted her back.
I’m fine.
Two words. Two words that scream how not-fine he is, but enough to keep them away for a little while longer.
M’gann tastes the batter and crinkles her nose. Something is still missing. She doesn’t have time to mess up another batch, she needs these to come out right. For Wally.
She stares down the batter, pressing her mouth to the side as she thinks. “I put in eggs, the flour, the cream of tartar… what am I missing?” M’gann dips the wooden spoon in the bowl, taking out a piece of soft dough to taste.
Then it hits her. She forgot the sugar.
“Hello, Megan,” M’gann laughs to herself, shaking her head as she grabs the sugar from a nearby cupboard. No wonder the dough doesn’t taste sweet.
“Not as sweet as you, Sugar.”
The bag of sugar drops from her hands and crashes on the floor, spilling everywhere. M’gann takes a shaky breath and grasps the counter until her knuckles go pale, trying to keep the tears from coming to her eyes. She can’t. No. Today’s not her day, she doesn’t get to do this.
Try as she might to regain composure, it’s too late. Every memory, good and bad, resurrect from the back of her mind and start playing without mercy. Wally’s shameless attempts at flirting. All the trays of cookies he’d scarfed down single handedly. The terrible jokes, and the funny ones too.
M’gann slides down until she hits the floor, fighting hard to keep from crying. They’d lost before. Tula. Artemis, even if it was brief. The loss of Wally hits differently. They studied for their exams together. Every recipe she tried, he’d always volunteer to be her taste tester. Good or bad, he’d eat it enthusiastically and ensured that she knew how much she enjoyed it. He was her friend.
Wally always seemed untouchable, like he could survive anything with a smile on his face. Even now, she expects him to just dash into the room and claim that it was all some horrible joke. They’d forgive him, just like they always had before.
Her phone beeps. M’gann sniffles and wipes her eyes before picking it out of her pocket. There’s a text from Kaldur, letting her know that he’ll pick her up in an hour. She sets the phone down and lets out a shaky breath. Maybe five minutes on the floor won’t hurt. She’ll allow herself five minutes, and then she’ll pick herself back up, put on a brave face, and finish baking the cookies.
And she does just that.
Palo Alto August 13th, 15:29 PST
“For the last time, Mom, I don’t need help.” Artemis holds her phone to her ear with her shoulder and tapes up another box. “By the time you’d get here, I’ll be done.”
When the box is taped shut, Artemis pushes it towards the door. This is the last room she has to pack up. One more room, and she’s free. She sets up another empty box and begins to pack up what remains of her closet.
“Are you sure you don’t want to come home? I made up your bed for you.”
Artemis nods, clearing her throat just enough so that she can answer. “I’m sure.” She can’t go home. Paula would see through her in an instant. “What, you don’t trust Jade?” she tries to joke, but the tone comes off wrong. Halfhearted.
Retreating to her sister’s new home is barely a step up from retreating to her mother’s. At least there, her friends won’t drop by unannounced. She’ll have something to do. A toddler to distract her from the heaviness that weighs her down. When Jade suggested it, she couldn’t say yes fast enough. At this point, change is welcomed. Anything to get her out of this house.
“I have to finish packing, Mom. I’ll text you tomorrow.”
Before Paula can add anything else, Artemis hangs up the phone. She knows what would have come next. Pity. Concern for her wellbeing. While she appreciates the concern and she knows everyone is only trying to look out for her, she doesn’t want to hear it anymore. What she wants is to move on.
Artemis is better than she was two months ago. Wally appeared everywhere to her. She saw him in their kitchen. She heard him, singing in the shower. Brucely would whine by the door for hours, waiting for him. Finally, she gave up and camped out at Zatanna’s, if only to keep from completely shutting down.
A month ago, she officially rejoined the team. Artemis couldn’t sit still and feel sorry for herself anymore. She had to do something. Punch something. Make someone feel even an ounce of the pain that she felt every day that Wally wasn’t with her.
The rage subsided. So did the pain. Artemis knows how to tuck it away for a few hours, bury it deep under team duties, coffee dates with M’gann and Zatanna, and babysitting her niece. She grows numb. Hollow. Anything is better than feeling that pain again.  
Artemis makes quick work of her closet and tapes up the remainder of her possessions in the last box. She’s glad that she only has to worry about her things. Wally’s family had helped clear out most of his belongings shortly after the memorial.
She hoists up the box and carries it out to the living room, where a stack of boxes already sits by the door. Half of them will be going to storage. She doesn’t want to impose on her sister and brother-in-law. Not after they volunteered to house her and her dog.
Speaking of her dog, Artemis notices that it’s awfully quiet. She’s used to quiet by now, but with Brucely, it isn’t always a good thing. A small smile ghosts her lips. One time, upon leaving him alone for less than ten minutes, her and Wally had found the dog neck-deep in a massive bag of cereal. They’d stayed up all night, watching their dog upchuck Lucky Charms and vowing to keep a better handle on where they kept their food.
Even though it’s a happy memory, it leaves a bitter taste in Artemis’ mouth. Wally would want her to be happy. He’d want her to remember the good times, and use them to find her strength and move on. Maybe one day, she will. One day, when she isn’t angry, or hurt, or numb.
“Brucely?” she calls out, whistling short-after. No response. That’s never a good sign. “Come on, Boy. We can go on one last walk before we have to go.” Still nothing. He must be up to something, Brucely always comes out running when she so much as mentions the word ‘walk’.
Artemis checks the bathroom. Not there. The kitchen is empty. So is her bedroom. She keeps calling his name, but Brucely remains hidden. Finally, after a solid ten minutes of looking, she finds him inside a closet, lying down pitifully.
“There you are,” she sighs in relief, bending down to pet him. “What’s the matter, don’t you want to go live with Jade?”
The dog stares up at her, reflecting her own feelings in his sad brown eyes. Artemis laughs and sits next to him. “Yeah, me neither. But you’ll like it there. Lian will love you. Roy will probably give you extra treats. And Jade…” she bites her lip. “Jade will get over it.”
Brucely huffs, making himself more comfortable on the floor. Artemis notices that he’s guarding something behind him. “What’cha got there, buddy?” she asks, peering closer to look. Behind Brucely is a box. Seems like she missed something.
Artemis carefully moves her dog and takes the small box into her palms. It’s not one of her boxes. Judging by the torn edges and the crumpled, smush state of it, the box is one of Wally’s. Taking a deep breath, she opens it.
Wally and her talked about marriage. They both knew it was an inevitability, but had decided to wait until after college. Wally wanted a huge party, with everyone on the Team and the League invited. Loud music. A massive cake. The whole five yard. Artemis was never really the type of girl to plan out her wedding, so she went along with his ideas, if only because she liked seeing how excited he got about everything.
Now she wishes they hadn’t waited. She wishes that they’d run away, eloped, made the most of their short amount of time together before it was too late. Maybe things would have been different. Maybe he’d still be alive and here with her.
He isn’t though. And now Artemis sits on the floor, holding a ring that was supposed to be hers. All the stitches keeping her together tear apart at the sight of this one little ring.
Brucely whines and sidles up to her before placing his head in her lap. His drool ruins her pants, but she doesn’t care. Artemis leans forward and hugs him, doing her best not to cry, fighting hard to keep away the thoughts of what might have been.
Poseidonis October 30th, 8:19 UTC-2
Of all the strange holidays Kaldur has experienced on the surface world, none confuses him more than Halloween. He isn’t too much a fan of sweets. And the custom of knocking on strangers’ doors, begging for candy baffles him to no end. His team members tried to explain it to him on several occasions, but clearly the holiday is beyond his understanding.
He prefers to spend the holiday back home, visiting his parents, his old friends. Kaldur always found it a better use of his time than partaking in the festivities; he only had so many opportunities to return home, and this was one he always allowed himself to have.
This year, however, is different. Artemis texted him and asked him to join her and Will for his daughter’s first Halloween. At least, the first one they were both there for. He’d tried to decline, but her and Will both sent him a mass of text messages full of pictures from the pouting toddler, and really, what choice did he have? Kaldur has a difficult time denying Artemis much of anything, these days.
As a result, Kaldur plans his trip home a day earlier. For a brief moment, he considers skipping it entirely. Then he remembers his parents, and decides he’s hurt them enough for one lifetime. So, like the good son he is, he returns home and lets his mother shower him with affection. Cal asks him a plethora of questions about how things have changed on the surface world, and Kaldur dutifully answers every single one. When it comes time to leave, he tries his best not to think too hard about how tight his mother hugs him.
Upon leaving his parents, he ponders visiting Queen Mera, and her son. It has been ages since he’s seen little Artur. Kaldur still remembers holding the baby, only a few days after his birth. Artur must be so much bigger now, and the thought puts a smile on his face.
Just as he’s about to head in that direction, Kaldur stops himself. He probably won’t be welcome there. King Orin and him are on good terms, but that doesn't mean he has forgiven him enough to let him near his family. “No,” he muses to himself, “perhaps not today.”
So instead, he swims in the direction of the Zeta tube, keeping his gaze straight ahead. If he just focuses on reaching his destination, he won’t see the Atlanteans who stare at him, and whisper. He won’t hear the vicious words they mutter under his breath, calling him a traitor, the bastard of Black Manta, and worse. Kaldur doesn’t mind it too much. It’s all deserved. The people have every right to feel this way. He was surprised so many had forgiven him as quickly as they had.
“Kaldur, is that you?”
He stops swimming and turns around. It’s Garth. Next to him is a man he remembers seeing, but doesn’t recognize immediately. “Old friend,” he greets, holding out his hand. Garth hesitates, just for a moment, and then grabs his wrist in the usual greeting. Kaldur does his best not to let it get to him.
“I didn’t expect to see you. Are you heading back?”
“Yes, I’m afraid so.”
“That’s too bad,” Garth says, letting go of Kaldur’s wrist. “It would have been nice if you could join us.”
“My apologies, I haven’t introduced my friend. Kaldur, this is Wyynde. He was in our class, back at the Conservatory.”
Kaldur turns his attention to Wyynde. Ah, now he recognizes him. Wyynde, the purist. “You were with Oceanmaster,” he blurts before he realizes. No sooner does he say it does his face flush with embarrassment. “I… what I meant was—”
Wyynde gives Kaldur a wry smile. “And you were with Black Manta. But hopefully, those collaborations will remain in the past. Now I am on King Orin’s guard.”  
“I see.” Kaldur clears his throat, attempting and failing to hide his embarrassment. “I apologize if I was rude.”
Wyynde waves away Kaldur’s concerns with a lighthearted chuckle. “Not at all. I appreciate the candor.”
Kaldur’s face is still warm, but he knows well enough that it isn’t from embarrassment. He hasn’t felt like this in a long time. Not since… “Well, I must take my leave. I have urgent matters to attend to back on the surface world.”
Helping his friends wrestle a stubborn toddler into a polyester costume and tote her around to collect candy she won't eat. An urgent matter indeed.
Garth rests a hand on Kaldur’s shoulder. “Are you positive you cannot find time to accompany us? It’s been so long since I’ve seen you.”
“I do not wish to intrude,” Kaldur makes up quickly. “You and Wyynde must be quite busy.”
“Nonsense! I have heard so many stories about the famed Aqualad. I would be honored if you accompanied us.”
It’s on the tip of Kaldur’s tongue to say no. He should say no. There’s nothing he can gain from getting close to either of them.
“Dude, you can’t be hung up on Tula forever. There’s plenty of fish in the sea. Uh, and by that I mean Atlanteans. Not like, actual fish. Please don’t fall in love with an actual fish.”
The memory is so deep, Kaldur almost can’t believe he recalls it. It’s been a little while since he’s thought about his fallen friend. There was so much to do back then, he packed his feelings about the matter and set them aside, to be handled at a later time.
Still, as much as it hurts him to remember, there must be a reason he hears Wally’s voice inside his head. Wally had always been unsympathetic towards his misfortune with Tula. On countless occasions, he’d tried setting him up on a number of unsuccessful blind dates. None of his tactics had worked, but Kaldur appreciated the attempt.
If Wally were here, he’d tell him to go. There can be no other reason why the memory had surfaced. Staying behind, even for a few more hours, would be the very least he could do for him.
“Well…” Kaldur smiles, then nods. “I suppose just a little while will not hurt.”
Watchtower November 11th, 00:01 EDT
Dick sits in front of Wally’s hologram, cross legged. He’d never missed his friend’s birthday before. Grief be damned, he isn't keen on starting now. His heart is heavy. None of his friends even know that he’s here. He hasn't talked to anyone, really talked to anyone, in months.  
After Wally ceased, he needed time. Running the team, the team he, Wally and Kaldur had started, didn't feel right. So he left. He came back for the memorial, and to officially hand the team back to Kaldur, but after that, he officially disappeared. He’s done with teams. At least, for the time being.
He never pictured living his life without Wally by his side. Through thick and thin, they’d been there for each other. They’d fought together, and laughed together. It doesn’t feel right to go on living without him.
But life moves on. Dick distracts himself from his feelings by diving headfirst into detective work, letting the late nights and constant travel take away from the unresolved pain. He watches his friends move on with their lives. Kaldur accepts the role of Aquaman, and M’gann is appointed as team leader. Conner still helps with the team, and Artemis enrolls in a Masters program and spends her free time babysitting her niece. Everyone moves on, together.
All except him.
To give them credit, everyone tried to look out for him. Texts. Calls. Surprise visits when they knew he was home. Barbara comes over more often than she needs to, and even though he isn’t always mentally present, he’s grateful. Still, he keeps everyone at a distance. He just prefers to process things on his own. It’s nothing personal.
Wally’s hologram judges him from above. Dick lets out a shaky breath, looking up at his former friend. “I know,” he sighs. “I’m an asshole.”
From his backpack, Dick pulls out an assortment of chips, every ridiculous flavor he could get his hands on. Wally liked trying the different flavors. Somewhere on his computer, he kept a masterlist of every one he’s tried, and their rankings. “You won’t believe which flavors I found this time. Fried chicken flavored potato chips. Can you believe it? They don’t taste bad, but they’d definitely score low on your yum-o-meter,” he tries to tease. His voice comes off thick.
Dick sets the chips down, his hands shaking. “I miss you, Wall. I know I haven’t really shown it. I know I’ve been an awful friend, an awful person… but what did you expect? You and me, we were supposed to go down together.” He balls his fists, looking down.
The hologram doesn’t respond. Doesn’t move. Just stares ahead, with that same, dorky smile.
After a few minutes, Dick stands up and slings his backpack over his shoulders. This isn't helping. He did his diligence, he visited, he kept the tradition. But right now, it hurts too much to be here.
“Happy Birthday, Wally,” he mutters, before leaving the hologram behind for good.  
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