#and you know that in another circumstance maybe you wouldve behaved like this
candyskiez · 4 months
What gets me about Mogami arc is that it would've been so easy to say that Minori was being mind controlled and that she wasn't actually like that. That's what I was fully expecting to happen. But the fact that she IS like that is both way, way more interesting and also way more fitting with the themes. Like if they'd gone "Nobody is worthless and the idea that you are allowed to decide who lives and who dies or who is beyond redemption is fucked up. You do not decide other people's worth. You do not decide if people are capable of change." but then had Minori being actually really nice, that wouldn't have had nearly as much impact.
Because sometimes people are fucking awful! Sometimes people do horrible, fucked up things for selfish reasons that you would have every right to never forgive them for! And you still don't get to decide if they deserve to die for it, because you do not have the right to decide what someone's life is worth. Community means community for everyone, even people you despise. You can decide to never see someone again, like Mob did with Minori, but you do not get to decide if they should lose everything for it. Because that is a dangerous mindset to have.
And Minori actually realizing the consequences of what she was like and all she could say was sorry, knowing it wasn't nearly enough? That shit was devastating. She knew an apology wasn't nearly enough. But what else could she say? He just saved her life after she'd been horrible to him. And it's not about if Minori deserves forgiveness. It's about the fact it's better for her to be one more person trying to do good than for everyone she met to suddenly be grieving. It's about the fact that now one more person is trying to put good into the world, and might help more people, and might end up becoming a good person. It's not about if she deserves it. It's about the fact debating whether or not someone deserves forgiveness doesn't help. Pretty much everyone has someone who views them as not deserving to be saved, so the whole "punish everyone who does something bad" idea becomes even more dangerous when you take that into account.
I really like how MP100 handles it because it isn't about whether or not Minori deserved forgiveness, it's about the fact that the idea that there's a point where your life stops mattering because you've done enough shitty things is really messed up, and ultimately encourages people to stop trying to change at ALL (as we see in separation arc. God the way this story is structured is ridiculously good.) It's better for there to be one more person trying to do good than for yet another loss that will have massive collateral damage. It's better to trust that people can be good, even if you never want to see them again.
I feel like one of the reasons this arc gets me so hard is because it essentially shows Why someone would be pushed to behave like how we see Mob start to. Of course you'd stop holding back and being kind to people if you weren't given a reason to believe it'd work out. Of course you'd become jaded. Of course you'd turn out like that. It puts you in that situation and makes you *get it*, and goes "Horrible things will happen and it will make you feel like there's no point being good, because it will only blow up in your face. But doing that will only hurt more people. You will only become someone else's reason for giving up. Keep going. There are things that are worth trying again for." And I want to bite a wall over it.
I don't have the words to explain it right now but like. I also feel like if Mogami was a pure evil villain it wouldn't have felt as hopeless. I don't know how to explain it. I really want to explain it but I don't have the energy right now. Do you get what I mean. Help.
This is incoherent because I have had A Day, but. Mogami arc good. Have I mentioned Mogami Arc good yet. I love mogami arc guys .
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