#and you thought oh yeah finnie is the bastard who will help me
finniestoncrane · 2 years
Hello! I don't want you to feel like you have to answer this but I appreciate anything you have to say; I just started write some fanfictions, mostly ships and sometimes character/reader and I wonder if you know how to get more likes or advice for a new writer?
hey lil bug, i am probably not the best person to ask because i am in an eternal struggle there too, i think we all are? but i think important things (that are easier said than done trust me) i'll list below and apologies if i'm talking absolute shite i am so ill lmao
stop counting notes and don't compare yourself to others, i see people get lots more likes or reblogs than me because they are bigger blogs or more than me because they are smaller but better lmao but if you're writing things you like and are having fun then who the fuck cares (it's me i care deeply and ashamedly oops) but it leads to some classic menty-bs™ at least on my part
i run an etsy shop and i don't do jack shit in terms of pushing it so like i just inherently do not care about engagement culture? i noticed that the people who like my fics also like my dumb posts about my life, so it's nice to conflate it like do they like me because of my fics or my fics because of me, either way that's a warming feeling, so maybe try being yourself more and not a "content machine"? i dunno i'd rather have friends than popularity
even if you get one like that's still a whole person who read your thing and like it u-u i love reading stuff by people who are just starting to write (i think fic writers who don't support other fic writers are weird sorry, like i'll push someone to write the exact same scenario as me with the same characters if i need to and then i'll reblog it without giving a shit because someone's hobby is valuable and beautiful)
ok so for new writers: write as much as you can, but you don't need to post everything! and my top tip is writing notes to yourself the way you would talk to yourself like i no kidding have documents filled with things like "and then omg finnie what if he took his dick out and slapped you in the OMG IN THE FACE WITH IT and then yummy sex ensues yeah bitch" and just having something silly but that feels fun is enough to make me find the energy to write
and! foster as many relationships as you can, sometimes i write things knowing full well that the only people who might enjoy it are the discord server, or my one friend who is also deeply into a specific niche fetish in relation to one character, and it feels like giving a gift to someone which is joyous
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fluffandlove · 7 years
Demonic Solutions
Author’s note: Not a prompt but ahhhh, this fic’s been in my drafts for sooo long and I finally finished it! Another Kuroshitsuji fic because it’s been ages and I’ve missed writing these two  Merry Christmas, everyone!! Even though this is not a very Christmas-y fic it’s still fluffy 8) as fluffy as it can get between Ciel and Sebastian that is lmao 
Summary: Poor Ciel is suffering from the hiccups and can’t seem to get rid of them, so Sebastian comes up with a stupid solution: tickling.
Word count: 1,5k 
If Ciel knew more swearwords he’d most definitely use them, but then again, there weren’t enough swearwords to voice his frustration at this point. He’d had the hiccups for a good fifteen minutes now or so, and was about to lose-his-mind. On top of that, it was almost 12 o’clock, which meant that Sebastian could walk in any minute with his lunch because he and his demon ass were always on time.
Usually, Ciel appreciated his lunch (read: dessert), but he really didn’t want Sebastian to see him like this. He’d probably burst into laughter at the mere sight and make fun of him by saying something as stupid as, “My, my, humans have the most interesting problems.”
A hint of red appeared on his cheeks at the thought of being found out so he slapped his hands over his mouth and nose, holding his breath for the umpteenth time. Though, with his nonexistent stamina and already weakened state, he could barely last ten seconds without losing that battle and slouching in his chair. He’d already gulped down three glasses of water and done a few other things he could think of, but that hadn’t helped either.
Hic! Sigh. Hic!
“Damn i— hic!”
Ciel had jumped up so high that his knee bumped against the desk and he cursed even more, groaning dramatically afterwards, laying his head on the surface, using his arms as a pillow.
It was a lost case. He was going to fucking die of hiccups.
“Young master?”
Excellent timing.
He had three options:
1. Yell at Sebastian to go back to the kitchen.
2. Die.
3. Flush his pride down the toilet and let him in. 
Option one wasn’t really an option as Sebastian always saw right through him and would become very suspicious.
Option two was very tempting but alas, Sebastian always sensed it when he was on the brink of death.
And then there was option three.
“It’s time for lunch, young master. You can take a break from work,” Sebastian called out because Ciel was in a heavy debate with himself while he kept his hand over his mouth to muffle the squeaky hiccups that kept escaping. His cheeks were red and hurt due to him clenching his jaw like no tomorrow in a desperate attempt to keep his lips pressed together.
Option 4: Climb out the window and—
… And risk falling down 40 feet, yeah, no.
Besides, it was cold outside.
“Young mas—”
“Yes, Sebastian, I heard you the damn first time!” Ciel barked back, hiccupped and covered his mouth again.
Sebastian was quiet for a good three seconds before he opened the door a tiny bit so he could peek in. “Are you quite alright, sir?”
Ciel glared at him menacingly as if the act of coming in would result in nothing but a slow and painful death. Any other person would’ve gone pale and left him alone, well, any sane person because those eyes were filled with nothing but hatred.
Of course, Sebastian didn’t even flinch and merely looked at him with a hint of concern. “Did something happen?”
Ciel hiccupped in response and shut his eyes, wishing he would just die on the spot. “Damn it.”
“Did you just… squeak?” It was one of those few times where Sebastian was very confused and blinked at him owlishly, pushing the door until he could bring in the small cart and stopping once he’d reached the desk. “Did you swallow one of those new toys we launched the other day?”
“No, you — hic!— idiot,” Ciel huffed and looked at him from the corner of his eyes. “They’re called— hic!— hiccups. Happens to everyone.”
“Ah, yes, I’ve heard of those,” Sebastian murmured in response and smiled sweetly as if he was very impressed with himself as usual. “Finny’s had them before. There are some ways to get rid of them. Have you tried drinking a glass of water?”
Twitch. “Of course I have, you dumbass.”
“Holding your breath?”
It was like a tennis match: back and forth, back and forth, until Sebastian finally caught him off guard. “Tickling?”
“What,” Ciel deadpanned, hiccupped and rolled his eyes. “Never mind, it’s hopeless. Let’s just forg— hic!—et about it.”
A blink and then a smirk. “So, you haven’t, I presume? Maybe we should give it a try.”
Apparently Sebastian needed a very clear “No” but Ciel could only hiccup as his butler walked towards him, hands already reaching for his torso. His hiccups started getting more frequent, making him unable to speak coherently and so, unable to give Sebastian an order. He seriously tried to make a run for it, he really did, but his wrist was caught in a tight grip after he had jumped off the chair and was pulled back.
A gloved hand lightly wiggled its fingers against his ribs and Ciel’s froze on the spot, a half-laugh, half-shriek coming out of his mouth. He shut his eyes and bit his lip, not wanting to make any more embarrassing noises and hoping that if he didn’t give in, Sebastian would fuck off.
Ever since that one time Sebastian found out he was ticklish, he just couldn’t stop taking advantage of it for some stupid reason. Sometimes, luckily not often, Sebastian would take his sweet time dressing him, giving the back of his knees a quick scribble, or just accidentally touching his underarms so Ciel would jump away with a noise that was definitely not a squeak. He’d found out pretty soon after they started living together and it was basically another reason for Ciel to hate his ass of a demon butler even more than he already did.
Especially since he had started to find all of his weakest spots.
Like he was doing right now.
Ciel’s knees were becoming very useless, unable to hold his weight as he was slowly sinking to the ground, hugging his torso in an attempt to block Sebastian’s annoying fingers. A mixture of laughter, adorned with high-pitched squeaks, was all he could produce at the moment, stealing his pride.
“St—hic! Sebastian!”
“Still hiccupping, I see,” Sebastian mused, a smirk very evident in his voice. “I’ll have to take drastic measures then.”
That asshole wasn’t bluffing as he let his fingers crawl up to his neck and tickling so very lightly that Ciel literally screamed like a banshee and curled up. He could feel that his lips were stretched into an unusual grin, his cheeks red and endless giggles bubbling in his throat. Kicking his legs with the hopes of hitting Sebastian in the face, Ciel threw his head back and laughed like he didn’t have a single care in the world.
Obviously experienced, Sebastian knew he shouldn’t stay in one spot for too long so he decided to go for his underarms, which resulted in Ciel clamping his arms down and kicking extra aggressively.
“Ihateyousomuch,” was all he could bring out before he laughed even harder, realizing he could’ve used that breath to call out an order.
He was such an idiot. Rolling around on the floor like a dog and making the most inhuman noises every time Sebastian hit a particularly sensitive spot. He couldn’t even crawl away because his muscles had grown weak and, of course, Sebastian made sure to keep him in place with one hand while the other tormented the hell out of him.
“Let me g— Gah!”
“Let you what, young master?”
Oh, for fuck’s sake. Maybe he should’ve jumped out the window because falling 40 feet and ending up being buried under a pile of snow was better than being tickled to death.
Squeeze. Ciel gasped and covered his face, too embarrassed to face the world because Sebastian had found his sides and was now squeezing like crazy. “Sebastian! I’m not a damn to-toooy! Ah!”
“Trust me, I’m aware of that.”
Couldn’t he take that shitty retort and shove it up his ass instead of keeping him pinned against the floor? Nope, because Ciel literally shrieked as those nifty fingers found his abdomen and softly scratched at the fabric that was dangerously close to riding up, which it eventually did, giving Sebastian better access, and that was the last straw for the smaller of the two to completely lose his mind.
Instead of trying to push him off, Ciel tried to grab his wrists and roll away at the same time, but there was absolutely nothing he could do. Sebastian’s hands would simply follow him while avoiding his grabby hands, as if he could predict every movement.
His laughs were getting wheezy now and apparently that was a sign for Sebastian to stop, so he pulled his hands back and Ciel slumped against the floor, panting like he’d run a million miles.
“Uuugh,” he mumbled and tried to hide the redness on his cheeks. “You’re such a pain.”
“Pardon me, but may I point out that your hiccups seem to be gone?”
Ciel stayed silent for a few more seconds, testing it out and damn everything, they were gone. That bastard had actually been helpful.
“Well, now we know how to get rid of them!” Ciel looked over his shoulder at a beaming Sebastian who looked way too excited about this and now that he could finally coordinate, he kicked him in the shin.
“You’re welcome, sir.”
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