#and your wits and your ability to relate to your generation when your generation is no longer dominating social media
formosusiniquis · 5 months
okay but what if I did a vandal rewatch and wrote about them having to deal with the approach of their 30s??
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ukiyowi · 7 months
𝐏𝐄𝐈𝐓𝐇𝐎 (𝟏𝟏𝟖)
𝑃𝑒𝑟𝑠𝑢𝑎𝑠𝑖𝑜𝑛 𝑎𝑛𝑑 𝑆𝑒𝑑𝑢𝑐𝑡𝑖𝑜𝑛
Peitho is the Greek goddess of persuasion, seduction and charming speech. In my opinion, wherever Peitho is in your chart, it shows in what way are you persuasive and seductive, what areas can you persuade people. 
⟲ Houses: 
Ⱄ 1st - So determined and have very high self-esteem, may feel empowered through sexual liberation, you use your confidence and authoritive aura to seduce and get people to do what you want, honestly low-key can make anyone listen to you, you may notice a lot of people getting easily swayed by you, may embody traits of Peitho to a certain extent. 
Ⱄ 2nd - Can easily get money from people around them, may get a lot of material gifts without having to ask for them, can influence people's choices about financial decisions, good at talking business and getting people to spend, sensual and sweet, extremely feminine and may have slow elegant movement. People may not agree, but femme fatale energy as well. 
Ⱄ 3rd - Charming speech really charming, they can get people to do whatever they want using a few sweet words. Silver tongue, great sales people, can sell and pitch ideas really well. May be the type to be an academic, use their intellect and knowledge to seduce people, also good at spreading rumours. 
Ⱄ 4th - Welcoming and warm, persuade people through making them think it was their idea on the first place, manipulative, make people feel at home and get your way through creating a comfortable space, nurturing instincts that can make people imagine having a family with you may garner a lot of suitors who want to start a family.
Ⱄ 5th - They're really creative and their originality is what gets people to listen and makes them curious, great teachers, kids always listen to them, big movements, their way of doing things is grandiose, could be a bit of a tease, I've seen these people dance and they look very attractive and in their element. 
Ⱄ 6th - People always listen to them when it comes to health or routine, for example people with this placement could advice someone to change their diet and the person would instantly agree or try to do as advised, straightforward when trying to persuade someone, mind over matter in terms of seduction, seduces through promises of giving more than receiving.
Ⱄ 7th - My friend has this placement and she's a matchmaker, can persuade people to either get into relationships or out of them, have a great eye for red flags, polite can be a bit condescending, they may use their demure demeanour to seduce people, may have the whole "good girl/boy" "girl/boy next door" thing going. 
Ⱄ 8th - Just powerful in general, convincing in regards to matters related to family property and finances, may be good at persuading people to learn more about the occult and make them interested in it, intense and mysterious seduction, pull people in who like the chase like a cat and mouse game, could pull anyone they want to be honest.
Ⱄ 9th - Make for great academics and can be the type to be able to easily recruit people into a religious organisation/making people believe in multiple religions/gods, good at convincing people to travel with them or accompany them (even if it's to the grocery store) fast paced, see seduction as a weapon to wield, direct and honest, a little clumsy.
Ⱄ 10th - The ability to make or break someone's reputation honestly, whatever they say in a work setting is taken seriously, motivate co-workers to work hard, if they spread a rumour about someone at the workplace people will take it as truth, can persuade people to change career paths, seduce through smizes, bold yet reserved body language and wit. 
Ⱄ 11th - Have such a huge influence on their friend group and community, easily persuade people to be more giving to the community, carry out humanitarian acts, donate, persuade people to alter or change political beliefs and friends, seduce by being different, their eccentricity pulls people in because its unique, fluid in terms of they can make themselves be anyone's ideal type. 
Ⱄ 12th - My friend has this placement part 2, helps and persuades people to move on from past trauma and heal themselves, are able to convince people to get rid of their limiting beliefs and this placement has a healer role almost. Seduction caused by looking/seeming dreamy and making themselves seem unattainable, use fashion to go for the kill. 
All Rights Reserved Ukiyowi. Do not steal or plagiarise or reword and claim as your own!
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whorergal · 1 year
summary: you're ghostface instead of ethan…
warnings: descriptions of blood & murder. overall really gory. language (cussing).
pairings: ethan landry x fem!reader, platonic sam carpenter x fem!reader, enemies quinn bailey x fem!reader
authors note: ethan and quinn aren't related in this one btw!! i really liked this idea so here's me trying my best to write it to the best of my ability 😭 also anika lives bc she's my pookie <3
You sat in Quinn's room, making sure to stay clear from the windows she had purposely left open. Messages from Ethan and your friends in general went crazy as they wondered where you were and why you weren't answering. You rolled your eyes, understanding their worry but seeing as you were the cause behind their constant paranoia, you found it annoying to be bothered.
Quinn had left her room, saying she needed to not act suspicious. Her hookup would be making his grand reveal in a couple of minutes where you would be hiding in the closet, hoping to not be forced to witness something that would physically make you ill.
Noises outside the room got louder as you heard everyone laughing. It brought a smile to your face until you forced yourself to drop it.
Yes, you loved your friends. You had known Tara, Chad, Mindy and Sam your whole life—how could you not grow to love them? But, then again, you weren't planning their demise half the time you spent with them until last year when you grew vengeful.
Ethan was just an fortunate bonus you collected once moving to New York that happened to please Quinn, her being the mastermind and all. She liked the idea of getting someone like him to trust you just like how her brother Richie did with Sam.
Although, you did end up falling for Ethan and not just for the act. It was never in your head to make him love you just to hurt him in the end until Quinn meddled into your life and found out about you two. Then, the thought of your reveal and how he would react never left your mind. For some reason, it never crossed your thoughts that you would eventually have to face him seeing as you were too in love with him to kill him.
Your phone screen lit up, a picture of Ethan you took when he was studying popped up. You sighed, making sure to keep your voice low as you answered. "Hey, E."
"Y/N/N, where are you? I thought you said you'd be coming over tonight?" Ethan's worried voice caused your heart to swell. God, you hated lying to him.
"Yeah, I know but I'm still stuck in class," you lied very effortlessly. "My teacher offered to give us extra time to prepare for our next exam so I decided to stay. I might be around in an hour or two."
"Why didn't you tell me? I would've stayed with you," he immediately told you. "I hate knowing you're alone."
"E, I'm fine. I'm in a class full of thirty other people plus my professor," you reassured him, staring into the ceiling.
"Doesn't matter, Y/N/N. What if Ghostface attacks you on your way over? Or what if he's there at—"
"Hey, hey," you interrupted his rambling. "Look, I've done this once before, he'll have to try a lot harder then sneak attacking me while I'm in an Econ class."
"Y/N, I'm being serious," Ethan said sternly.
"So am I," you countered with a breathless chuckle. "How about this? I'll call you when I'm on my way over and we can facetime so you can make sure I'm okay."
The line was quiet until you heard a soft, "okay."
"I love you, E," you told him sadly, hoping he couldn't tell as you continued. "Please be safe. If anything happens, don't play the hero, okay? I can't lose you."
You were saying that mostly for yourself. You'd be the one behind the mask and if he did get in the way, you'd be forced to do something you didn't want to do. You had managed to steer Quinn clear from him until tonight and the last thing you wanted to do was cause him any ounce of pain.
"I should be telling you that," he told you with a smile, you could hear it through his voice. "I'll try not to, alright. Just…I love you. If anything does happen tonight and I can't say it again, just know that I really love you, Y/N."
"Don't say that, E," you interrupted. Your heart felt like it was stuck in your throat. "I won't let anything happen to you."
"You can't control it, Y/N/N," he let out weakly. "But I'm sure nothing's gonna happen, okay? So just worry about your exam and call me later. I love you."
"I love you too, E," you mumbled sadly.
"Get a room!" you heard Mindy yell in the background.
"Minds, stop. It's cute," Sam defended you two.
"Bye, E." You laughed; you couldn't help it.
You hung up the phone, staring down at his contact picture for a second longer. For some reason, that one conversation alone had you rethinking your choices. Would it be so bad to back out of the plan now? Quinn and her dad can take care of the rest—you only had to do with those two college nerds deaths and another guy who you'd seen bothering Ethan on campus, but that was it. The rest was Wayne, which was only the bodega and Sam's therapist.
The thought of even having to possibly kill Sam, especially Sam, because of how close you were with her made you sick to your stomach. So, why were you still apart of a plan that ensured her death along with your friends?
Your second thoughts were interrupted by the swift open of Quinn's door. The redhead came barging in, wearing her pink silk nightgown that barely reached her thighs.
"Nice conversation with your boyfriend," she told you with a certain distaste in her tone.
"Had to make sure I didn't sound suspicious," you defended yourself, getting up from the floor but staying in the corner of the room. You were lying.
Quinn rolled her eyes. "How long are you going to string him along? He's going to hate you when he finds out what you've done…that's if he survives that long."
"He stays out of our plan, remember?"
"Where's the fun in that?" she whined, walking over to mess with your black robe. "He takes you away from me all the time."
You shoved her away. "I told you, Quinn; you and your dad don't touch him. That was our only agreement."
"Yeah, it was when you realized you loved him," she had to point out. "He's turning you against us. Before you met him, you were excited to get revenge just like us."
"No, he's not but is it bad for me to not want to see the one person I actually care about harmed? It's not my fault that the only person you cared about was murdered."
"Just because you're apart of this plan doesn't mean I won't kill you," Quinn threatened as your words fell loosely from your mouth. You just couldn't stand when she badmouthed Ethan in front of you.
"Oh, shut up," you replied annoyedly. "Your dad won't even let you get behind the mask."
Quinn got quiet because it was true until she spoke, having to have the final word. "Fine, you got kills but do you really think Ethan would date a murderer? What're going to do when we complete act three? You think he's going to want to be with you after you helped kill his friends?"
"Fuck off," you snapped, letting her words get under your skin which you shouldn't have.
Quinn was going to continue bothering you but her phone went off. Her current boyfriend of the month was on his way up, forcing you to put the mask over your head and hide inside the closet.
Surprisingly, she didn't do much with him. You were sure she wouldn't pass up the opportunity to make you watch her but it seemed she was excited to get on with the plan. It only made up of occasional frisky touching, some things that were still counted as sexual activities that did make you look away but nothing too extravagant.
He ended up leaving to her connected bathroom to take a shower, saying how he felt dirty. Quinn then started to call her dad, basically filling him in and then she turned to you, gesturing for you to make your grand appearance as she saw Danny standing by his window just like planned.
Your boots helped make you seem taller as you stalked toward her very slowly. Her back was facing you as she rambled on the call about something. Your hand gripped your knife as the thought of actually killing her surfaced in your head. No, you couldn't do that.
Noises coming from across the window caught your attention as you looked up, seeing Danny pointing at you while yelling words you couldn't hear. You tilted your head at him, walking away inside the bathroom.
Killing her boyfriend wasn't too hard as you caught him off guard but the scene had become gory. You'd taken your pent up anger on the poor guy, his blood covering the entire room that you didn't notice until you backed away from where he laid lifelessly in the tub, naked.
You grimaced at yourself and what you had done.
Walking back into the room, you decided to start the act earlier than Quinn wanted, knowing it would piss her off. You rose your knife and planted it straight into the mattress, startling her as she let out an authentic gasp.
She began to scream, making sure to keep it leveled so it didn't sound too suspicious to everyone outside her room. She needed them to believe she was having sex so they wouldn't interrupt before she could get in her costume, which was just covering her entire body with fake blood and a few slashes from your knife to make it even more realistic.
You pulled her up, wrapping your arm around her neck just as you saw Danny take a picture. Then you tossed her to the floor where she crawled to the fake blood and splattered it all over herself and her room.
A couple more seconds, she continued to scream until she stopped and you heard the group outside running toward the door until the silence made them halt.
"Showtime," Quinn whispered proudly.
It made you sick to your stomach.
You held her up, taking a second to let her collect herself before you threw the door open and charged her body at them. Quinn fell on Anika, taking her and Mindy down as the girl screamed at Quinn's "dead" body.
Then, everyone scattered. You saw Chad pull Ethan and Tara toward the direction of the door and you decided to let them go on the account it would mean Ethan was safe. You headed straight toward Mindy, slashing her in the arm, knowing it would be enough to make her weak as blood always made her squeamish to the point she would pass out at times.
Your goal was to get Mindy. That was the plan Quinn had created for you to do but you couldn't. The rush of it all hit you once you saw her hunch over to hold her wound, trying not to vomit at the sight of the blood.
Anika was about to attack you for what you had done to her girlfriend but you got smacked in the face but a large object, sending you flying against the TV. When you peered through your mask, you saw Ethan's familiar light blue shirt and his curly hair, reaching down to help Mindy and Anika. Fuck, you thought. You should've known.
"Come on," he urged them both up.
You collected yourself quickly, slicing him in the arm and throwing him and Mindy against the table. The sound of his wince caused your heart to break but at least he wasn't in your way anymore.
Turning, you gripped Anika and pulled her up by the throat, which wasn't that hard at how light she was to carry. You slammed her against the wall and drove the knife in her gut. She let out a scream that actually made you sad. You could feel yourself losing grip on your knife. Thankfully, you were hit in the head again, causing you to fall to the floor and drop Anika.
Sam dropped the knife dispenser and went reaching for Anika as she carried her inside Quinn's bedroom. Ethan and Mindy were following closely behind. You got up and slammed against the door, causing Sam and Ethan to push against you even harder.
You stopped, remembering the second entrance to Quinn's room. You ran around and almost got through until you saw Ethan immediately run to slam the door in your face. Without thinking, you slipped through the crack and swung your knife around which sliced his skin again, making him even more annoyed, putting full force in his last push. You fell back just as you heard Sam and Mindy put a dresser against it so you couldn't enter.
Would it be so bad to let them go? You were about to give up until you looked behind at where Quinn was playing dead and she gave you a head gesture, as if telling you to get through that door and do something.
You started to kick it, slam your body against it, and slowly but surely the door started to crack. You could finally see in and you saw that they were trying to leave through the window on a ladder, thanks to Danny. You rolled your eyes, growing psychically exhausted but you continued to push against the door, the dresser beginning to shake.
Purposely, you didn't use your strength. You wanted them to survive. Poor Anika made you see that once you saw the gutted look on her face. You weren't close with her but she was a nice girl and she deserved to live. So did Sam and Mindy. Especially so did Ethan.
Sam went first, you caught sight of her hair just as she made it through. Then, Ethan of course had to make sure one of the girls went before him. Mindy gave Anika a kiss, thinking it'd be their last as she shakily made it on the ladder and got through. You continued to slam against the door as you watched Ethan pick Anika up from the bed, walking her toward the window where he helped her get on the ladder and kept it stable for her.
She took awhile to get through that you unfortunately made it inside just as Ethan was barely exiting the window. You stalked toward it slowly because you knew you weren't going to let him die.
"Ethan, you have to hurry!" Sam and Mindy screamed.
He turned around and the scared look on his face could've been enough to kill you. You slammed your knife on the window sill and grabbed the ladder.
They all were expecting some foul play on your end, encouraging him to be quicker but you didn't. Instead, you held the ladder down and stabilized it for him. Sam watched in shock. She was the only one who noticed your action that had been completely out of character.
Ethan made it inside Danny's apartment a second after and they all looked at you. You tilted your head at them, pulling your knife out. Then, you were gone. You didn't even wait for Quinn because you needed to get out of that costume and in Ethan's arms as quick as possible.
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hana-no-seiiki · 1 year
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GENERAL CW/TW: Spoilers for Spiderman: Into the Spiderverse. Typical Yandere themes of stalking, violence and whatnot.
PART CW/TW: Reader gets called a beauty (beauty/beautiful is gender neutral fite me).
EXTRA: also uh mind you most of my knowledge on the boys come from reading fics so if i get any of my info wrong feel free to correct me
current status: unedited
summary: reader gets into multiverse related hi-jinx and almost gets their ass broken if it weren’t for a tired, definitely sleep deprived senior catching them. (it’s tim you guys)
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“I like tall buildings so I can leap off of ‘em,
I go hard wit’ it no matter how dark it is.”
Turns out being a hero is hard skill to learn. Especially if you were working on a time limit.
You had recently gained the ability to uh- well you didn’t know what exactly. All you knew is that somehow you were at least 5x as strong as you were before and a lot more sticky.
Not to mention your senses were all over the place.
It’s like you could see, hear, smell and feel everything.
You didn’t really want to avoid Damian, but whenever you came across him — or just went within his immediate vicinity. Your “tingles” and enhanced “senses” would flare up and make you dizzy.
Usually it’d only be that bad when there were projectiles or insects around you. You surmised it was probably your powers warning you of the dangers he may potentially bring. Whether it’d be from himself (the heir must have some sort of self defense skills) or his name (you didn’t want to think of the target you’ve put on your back both in school and life in general by being his acquaintance. Jesus [Y/N]. Being distracted by your future and planned failure in academics doesn’t excuse letting that happen. Stupid.).
You were mostly stumbling around with your strange set of abilities until you met this girl named Gwen.
First of all, she was just — incredibly pretty. You couldn’t but just stare at her sometimes and—
Getting back on track — !
After getting some spidey sense feedback loop and ripping off a massive chunk of her hair. You find out that you’re this universe’s “Spiderman.”
And that she, was from another universe entirely.
Even a big sci-fi junkie like you had to doubt her words, but as she showcased her abilities you pretty much went on your knees and begged her to teach you.
The both of you get to work quickly. Investigating how she got to your universe and practicing the use of your powers.
The first part went really well. You even met a few other dimension traveling spider-people (and animal) along the way. After sneaking into a lab, you found out that it was a rich man’s, King Pin, “bring his family back project” that brought you all together. But that his actions were probably going to destroy the fabric of reality if he kept going.
The second part, not so much. Your stickiness was something you just couldn’t control.
Luckily it was winter break and that prevented you from ripping another schoolmate’s hair off.
Your “universe specific” abilities, as the other spider-people called it, like invisibility and bio-electricity only came out at random. Sometimes at the most inconvenient times.
Your webbing abilities were subpar to say the least. Many attempts led to you breaking several bones.
Praise super-regeneration and all
But f u c k did it still hurt.
and it was during one of those web-swinging practice sessions when you fall into the arms of Tim Drake.
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Tim was just trying to get some fresh air.
After passing out on duty last night and having to deal with Damian suddenly abandoning his missions for some reason. He decided that maybe it was time for a break.
He didn’t exactly expect to have a young adult falling into his arms during said break.
He was just talking a casual stroll really. In a relatively quiet part of Gotham, he didn’t expect much to be happening much less a pretty/handsome giving him a small wave as they sheepishly laugh at their . . . strange encounter.
“ Hey. ” You smiled at him. Praying to all that is holy that he doesn’t notice the bits of undissolved webs you have littered across your hoodie. Thank goodness you didn’t wear your makeshift mask today. He was going to think you were even more of a weirdo than you already are!
“ Hey. ” Tim replied. Praying to all that is holy that you don’t notice his heart rate picking up and his ears turning red. It was the cold he swears! The cold!
“What’s a beauty like you doing around in a place like this?”
They both ask in sync with completely awkward delivery to boot.
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Taglist: @vanessa-boo @w31rdg1rl
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theresattrpgforthat · 7 months
my girlfriend really wants a game that is "crunchy" about how you build a whole character, ie. having "mechanics" for the fantasy of said characters. an example would be spheres for pathfinder or 5e. we're just looking for other ideas! we both love pbta and we both love 5e, but sometimes you want to chew on the system a little.
THEME: Mechanically Dense Characters
Alright, so let’s see what I can recommend that I haven’t recommended a lot yet. I’m going to try and approach this with a few different genres, as well as a few different systems. There will also be links to related rec posts at the end!
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Into the Black, by Monkey’s Paw Games.
INTO THE BLACK is a sci-fi roleplaying game where one or more players take on the role of Management and presents a futuristic universe of corporate oppression and class warfare, while others take on the role of Freelancers and create characters to struggle and survive in that universe. Players must navigate and explore a strange and wondrous galaxy while deeply indebted to an interstellar corporation. Life among the stars, then, is about treading the razor's edge of struggling for survival and finding joy and love where one can.
Into the Black is built on the Into the Odd rules system, created by Chris McDowell. This places it into the OSR family of games. Now, OSR games are typically pretty lethal at low levels, and Into the Black is no different, but I know that 5E has the same kind of problem, to the point that many people will skip first level altogether.
In Into the Black, your character starts with an occupation, a background, randomly rolled abilities, and some gear. Once you advance to your first level, you take one of two classes, and customize from there. Technicians learn new occupations while Specialists take on new Kinesis Abilities, which are paranormal abilities that fit the space setting. You’ll chew through characters pretty quickly here, but I think that finding a character that does survive past the first few levels might be akin to a Nuzlocke run in a Pokemon game - you care a lot about the person who survives past a certain point, and your investment will help you generate this character’s thoughts, feelings and reactions in the game.
Gubat Banwa, by Makapatag.
GUBAT BANWA is a Martial Arts Tactics and War Drama Tabletop RPG where you play as martial artists poised to change the world: Kadungganan: the cavalry, the wandering swordsmen, the tide turners, the knights-errant, the ones to call in darkest night in a world inspired and centering Southeast Asian folklore.
Witness, grand warriors, honorable gallants that trudge and toil under kings and haloes. Witness, KADUNGGANAN, that refulgent name. That blasted name: WITNESS NOW. The end of days is upon us: and the new world MUST BE BORN. Bear your blades, incant your magicks. Cut open your tomorrow from the womb of violence. Inscribe your name upon the very akasha of this world. 
There are plenty of mechanics to immerse yourself in when it comes to the Kadungganan of Gubat Banwa. You have a homeland, a social class, defining life events, a profession, a religion, and a specialization. These choices give you pieces of your backstory, but they also give you skills. You’ll also choose a Discipline, a martial art that your character is currently practising, which defines your character’s philosophy and the way they carry themself into battle. Various cultures have collections of different disciplines, with each flavour receiving special abilities, as well as thematic advice on how they present themselves in battle. If you like games that give you extremely cool abilities and badass weaponry, and tie everything in your character to integral pieces of the setting, then Gubat Banwa is for you.
Neon Nights, by EfanGamez.
In Jeriko City, everybody wants to be somebody. Who do you wanna be?
Neon Nights is a cyberpunk/dystopian tabletop RPG set on Earth after a nuclear war devastated the entire planet. After hundreds of years of thousands of people roaming the desolate, irradiated Great Wastes, megacities emerged from the dust of deserts. Where there was once crumbling roads and dancing dust devils now stand skyscrapers towering over hundreds of thousands of roaming pedestrians walking the streets of Jeriko City, located on the East Coast of the once powerful United States of America.
Neon Nights uses a point-buy system to increase parts of your character sheet as you like, which gives you a lot of flexibility when cobbling together a concept. You use points to increase traits, which seem to affect your rolls, perks, which are special abilities used in specific situations, and World Stats, which determine how your character is seen by the rest of the world. How famous are you? How feared? How much respect are you granted? At character creation this may be a guide for the GM as to how your character is received by different elements of society. And these arenas will change depending on what you do in the game. You’ll also choose Occupations which give you pre-determined modifiers and skills that make your character unique. Finally, there’s your gear! Biotech, consumables, and weapons all give your character tools to use in whatever situations you find yourselves in.
Mutants in the Now, by Julian Kay.
In the ‘80s and ‘90s, they ruled the streets, kick-flipping off of villainous faces and slipping into the shadows. Then, they vanished from the world of tabletop gaming.
But they’re back. And ready to KICK BUTT.
Mutants in the Now is a retromodern retake on the mutant animal role-playing games long past and left behind by licensing. Mutants fight to survive, thrive, and make the world better for themselves and humanity.
If you want unlimited options, Mutants in the Now has options. Over 130 animal species and over 200 mutation traits are in the basic book, along with fourteen combat styles, psionic powers, and detailed rules about combat, allies, villains, and more. You can roll randomly for your animal, and spend points to improve them via mutations, combat styles etc.
There’s a lot of pieces that you can look at and then generate a backstory based off of the character you’ve created, and the setting is high action, Saturday-morning-cartoon in theme, but the details are up to your play group. If you like limitless possibilities for character creation, you should check out Mutants in the Now (and it’s expansion, Mutants in the Next!)
Other Posts To Check Out
All The Dice
Branching Out From D&D
Character Customization
Echoes of D&D
Tactical Combat
Rules-Lite Systems with Classes
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naamahdarling · 5 months
I'm creating a Eldritch horror story and I'm trying to base it off my own fears. Following that same logic, what kind of cosmic horror would you make?
I was raised with Lovecraft stories (paraphrased at first) as bedtime stories, so I sort of have eldritch/cosmic horror in my blood. I really really really love it.
The Magnus Archives hit it so far out of the park that any sort of eldritch powers fiction I create after this is now going to have to reckon with its presence in the genre. I...do not feel I personally have anything to add to that specific sort of angle after what they produced. Genuinely. Which doesn't mean I won't create, just that I'm aware that whatever I do isn't going to expand or encapsulate the genre the way TMA did.
I really like anthology horror in general, where related works are grouped by a theme, and the whole "witness statements" format that was a prominent part of TMA (and plenty of others) is VERY appealing to me as a fan of real-world weird occurrences, creepypasta, and personal stories of paranormal events, so the sort of thing I would be most likely to create would be a series of accounts or events relating to the same horrible subject.
I have decided that doing it as Magnus Archives fsnfiction would work just fine. Zero of the same characters showing up. Just witness statements. I actually have several written but I want to finish out the suite of Fears with one for each.
The other thing that really appeals to me is the idea that the monstrous and eldritch can be welcome, especially the influence of it on our bodies, but also in terms of the power that being truly feared gives uz. That the terrible chsnges that happen to you can be, somehow, revelatory and identity-affirming. That's a very trans/disabled/etc. theme.
What about the existential horror you would feel as you become LESS monstrous? That the thing that sets you apart and maybe hurts you but also makes you very powerful is suddenly leaving you. Now you are becoming just like the people that your pride in your monstrousness was intended to spite. How, then, can we be monstrous, be OURSELVES, when no-one can see our monstrousness? When we no longer have access to the Secrets and the Horrors and the Powers and the Knowledge, when that which is Other and Unknowable and Terrifying has left us, what do we do?
What if what most would consider "healing" actually destroyed something in the core of us? What if you grew back a wounded part of yourself and it grew back wrong" is an idea mined often enough in cosmic horror to be recognizable. What if growing back "wrong" meant growing back "normal?"
So I would very much enjoy writing a story where the angle was not "healing is scary to those who have been harmed, but it is ultimately for the best UwU" but "being forced to change to align with what others think is good and healthy until you AGREE WITH THEM is the REAL horror." Something I think most queer/trans people and most disabled people will instinctively grasp.
But I would like to extend that to specifically survivors of trauma, who can feel the sickening pressure of being told at every turn that their role now is to work to "get over" and "recover" from something the world did to them when others' definition of "recovery" (a return to normal, or the ability to re-engage with what traumatized them) can feel immediately, viscerally wrong. A denial of the injured state of the self, a shifting of the responsibility onto the traumatized person and away from external change and justice and restoration. A huge force you don't understand trying to change you or warping things around you? That's cosmic horror, baby. The force trying to change you is just "We need you to stop being different now." And you don't understand why you should want to.
I'm wrestling with this right now in therapy and getting almost nowhere by the standards by which most people define "recovery" because I refuse to see why on earth I should be the one to change or why my hate/anger is a problem I should solve to make things easier in the future for the same kind of people who hurt me.
At my core what I most want is for them to be absolutely terrified of me.
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So there's a lot to work with there.
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middlenamesage · 2 months
⭐️ Lesser known significations of each of the planets ⭐️
Please note that with these planetary placements, the sign gives info about the style in which you conduct yourself, the house gives info about where in life you’re conducting yourself, and the aspects give info about other flavors brought up into the picture, and how your relationship with a placement affects you and fits into the rest of your consciousness/life.
Can show where/how you like to be creative or your creative gifts. The 5th house and Leo also can show this, but I don’t seem to read enough that the Sun🌞, as our creative life force, often correlates just as directly to the type of creativity or relationship with creativity someone has.
Can show your relationship with emotional empathy; how much of it you feel, where it feels strongest, how you express it, and how it affects you (this last point being seen through the aspects to your other planets). I wish to clarify that emotional empathy is feeling other people’s emotions, and it’s not the only kind of empathy. Anyone can learn to cultivate intellectual empathy, and act on empathy. But I’ve chosen to bring the subject of emotional empathy up with the Moon because so often people think how much one finds themselves feeling for others is shown by the amount of water placements in a chart. But it’s the Moon itself that actually somewhat singularly shows the most about emotional empathy. Having planets whose core functions don’t relate to our feelings and empathy in water signs, isn’t necessarily gonna make emotional empathy strong for someone. But the function of the Moon itself is to feel and to support our close interpersonal relations.
Can give indications about your sense of humor! Mercury rules over language and conscious thought processes, so it can say a lot about what a person processes as being funny, and in what manner they deliver funny insights. Mercury is the original master of wit!
Can show where you overindulge or what you are most greedy with.
Yes, the benefics can spoil, and they too can corrupt! One corrupted side of Venus is taking too much for herself possibly at the expense of others, and preferring a lazy and pleasurable lifestyle while never putting in the work. In some charts, at some times in your life, Venus’s placement can show where this applies.
Can show the way you break up with someone. 💔 While Venus’s function is to draw connections and support to us, Mars has the important function of keeping the connections we don’t want out, and severing connections that are no longer working. Mars’ objective is to assert individual will and this can require setting boundaries. Understanding your Mars can help you learn how to set boundaries and understand your tendencies when it comes to breaking up.
Bonus because I think it’s a really good one: Mars can show what type of exercise would be best for you, being the planet of action and vitality.
Can show where you overestimate your abilities or have blind faith in something, in some charts at some times. I’m choosing to cite a more negative side for both of the benefics in this post, as those sides aren’t always talked about a lot. Jupiter allows us to establish our beliefs, and gaining confidence in the way we view things is what creates the space for us to expand. But sticking by beliefs blindly (when it comes to either general philosophies or your beliefs about yourself!), without proper consideration for why you actually believe them, will not create any authentic expansion.
Can show realms that at some points in your life you flat out avoid and/or dislike to the point of disgust potentially. This depends on what else you have in that house and how Saturn is aspected, but this has seemed to hold true for both myself at points, and a decent number of others I have observed.
Let’s be real. Saturn is not easy. He/she wants to build something long and lasting, but to actually do so can just seem so daunting. Especially when the limitations in the short term view can look so severe. 🪐 “Get bitter or get better” is a Saturn original line. And most of us have experienced feeling only bitter about our Saturn placement at some point.
Can show where you operate for the greater good. Something I appreciate about Uranus (and want to give this shout out during the Jupiter-Uranus conjunction). Uranus doesn’t tend to need the individual accolades (depending how he’s aspected and placed). He understands he’s working to liberate a society and I think that’s beautiful. *Jupiter gushing*
Can show where you feel like a victim or have been victimized.
I see Neptune as an outcast and misunderstood, it’s an energy some people might be inclined to try to take advantage of. But it’s for this same reason that your Neptune placement can also show where you have a very keen ability to sense, and want to support, others who suffer a similar predicament as you.
Can show where and how you may try to control others. I don’t feel I read enough about this one, for how very common this expression can be at some points in our lives. Pluto is the subject matter that has been hidden from the conscious parts of our minds, specifically because we were the ones to bury it when we felt shame or fear for our power. Yes, Pluto is our power, but at the times that we can’t recognize this, a common reaction is to subtly try to control others in those realms. It can be so subtle and unconscious that we’re likely to not even recognize the ways we are acting or speaking manipulatively. Often the only way to fully solve this issue is to face whatever you blocked from your conscious mind and to learn to see any fears or shame you have associated with your Pluto’s placement, as actually sources of your personal power. 🖤
When you build a relationship with the planets, you’re building your relationship with yourself.
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fromkenari · 9 months
Waterloo Letters #4 (4/4): Hometown stuff
Re: Hometown stuff A [email protected]                9/4/20 8:31 PM to Henry H, Fuck. I’m so sorry. I don’t know what else to say. I’m so sorry. June and Nora send their love. Not as much love as me. Obviously. Please don’t worry about me. We’ll figure it out. It just might take time. I’ve been working on patience. I’ve picked up all kinds of things from you. God, what can I possibly write to make this better? Here: I can’t decide if your emails make me miss you more or less. Sometimes I feel like a funny-looking rock in the middle of the most beautiful clear ocean when I read the kinds of things you write to me. You love so much bigger than yourself, bigger than everything. I can’t believe how lucky I am to even witness it—to be the one who gets to have it, and so much of it, is beyond luck and feels like fate. Catholic God made me to be the person you write those things about. I’ll say five Hail Marys. Muchas gracias, Santa Maria. I can’t match you for prose, but what I can do is write you a list. AN INCOMPLETE LIST: THINGS I LOVE ABOUT HRH PRINCE HENRY OF WALES 1. The sound of your laugh when I piss you off. 2. The way you smell underneath your fancy cologne, like clean linens but somehow also fresh grass (what kind of magic is this?). 3. That thing you do where you stick out your chin to try to look tough. 4. How your hands look when you play piano. 5. All the things I understand about myself now because of you. 6. How you think Return of the Jedi is the best Star Wars (wrong) because deep down you’re a gigantic, sappy, embarrassing romantic who just wants the happily ever after. 7. Your ability to recite Keats. 8. Your ability to recite Bernadette’s “Don’t let it drag you down” monologue from Priscilla, Queen of the Desert. 9. How hard you try. 10. How hard you’ve always tried. 11. How determined you are to keep trying. 12. That when your shoulders cover mine, nothing else in the entire stupid world matters. 13. The goddamn issue of Le Monde you brought back to London with you and kept and have on your nightstand (yes, I saw it). 14. The way you look when you first wake up. 15. Your shoulder-to-waist ratio. 16. Your huge, generous, ridiculous, indestructible heart. 17. Your equally huge dick. 18. The face you just made when you read that last one. 19. The way you look when you first wake up (I know I already said this, but I really, really love it). 20. The fact that you loved me all along. I keep thinking about that last one ever since you told me, and what an idiot I was. It’s so hard for me to get out of my own head sometimes, but now I’m coming back to what I said to you the night in my room when it all started, and how I brushed you off when you offered to let me go after the DNC, how I used to try to act like it was nothing sometimes. I didn’t even know what you were offering to do to yourself. God, I want to fight everyone who’s ever hurt you, but it was me too, wasn’t it? All that time. I’m so sorry. Please stay gorgeous and strong and unbelievable. I miss you I miss you I miss you I love you. I’m calling you as soon as I send this, but I know you like to have these things written down. A P.S. Richard Wagner to Eliza Wille, re: Ludwig II–1864 (Remember when you played Wagner for me? He’s an asshole, but this is something.) It is true that I have my young king who genuinely adores me. You cannot form an idea of our relations. I recall one of the dreams of my youth. I once dreamed that Shakespeare was alive: that I really saw and spoke to him: I can never forget the impression that dream made on me. Then I would have wished to see Beethoven, though he was already dead. Something of the same kind must pass in the mind of this lovable man when with me. He says he can hardly believe that he really possesses me. None can read without astonishment, without enchantment, the letters he writes to me.
McQuiston, Casey. Red, White & Royal Blue: A Novel (pp. 301-304). St. Martin's Publishing Group. Kindle Edition.
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thecasualfkfan · 10 months
As the Red,White and Royal Blue movie is released,here's an email from the book which I really really love-
9/4/20 8:31 PM
to Henry
I’m so sorry. I don’t know what else to say. I’m so sorry. June and Nora send their love. Not as much love as me. Obviously.
Please don’t worry about me. We’ll figure it out. It just might take time. I’ve been working on patience. I’ve picked up all kinds of things from you.
God, what can I possibly write to make this better?
Here: I can’t decide if your emails make me miss you more or less. Sometimes I feel like a funny-looking rock in the middle of the most beautiful clear ocean when I read the kinds of things you write to me. You love so much bigger than yourself, bigger than everything. I can’t believe how lucky I am to even witness it—to be the one who gets to have it, and so much of it, is beyond luck and feels like fate. Catholic God made me to be the person you write those things about. I’ll say five Hail Marys. Muchas gracias, Santa Maria.
I can’t match you for prose, but what I can do is write you a list.
1. The sound of your laugh when I piss you off.
2. The way you smell underneath your fancy cologne, like clean linens but somehow also fresh grass (what kind of magic is this?).
3. That thing you do where you stick out your chin to try to look tough.
4. How your hands look when you play piano.
5. All the things I understand about myself now because of you.
6. How you think Return of the Jedi is the best Star Wars (wrong) because deep down you’re a gigantic, sappy, embarrassing romantic who just wants the happily ever after.
7. Your ability to recite Keats.
8. Your ability to recite Bernadette’s “Don’t let it drag you down” monologue from Priscilla, Queen of the Desert.
9. How hard you try.
10. How hard you’ve always tried.
11. How determined you are to keep trying.
12. That when your shoulders cover mine, nothing else in the entire stupid world matters.
13. The goddamn issue of Le Monde you brought back to London with you and kept and have on your nightstand (yes, I saw it).
14. The way you look when you first wake up.
15. Your shoulder-to-waist ratio.
16. Your huge, generous, ridiculous, indestructible heart.
17. Your equally huge dick.
18. The face you just made when you read that last one.
19. The way you look when you first wake up (I know I already said this, but I really, really love it).
20. The fact that you loved me all along.
I keep thinking about that last one ever since you told me, and what an idiot I was. It’s so hard for me to get out of my own head sometimes, but now I’m coming back to what I said to you the night in my room when it all started, and how I brushed you off when you offered to let me go after the DNC, how I used to try to act like it was nothing sometimes. I didn’t even know what you were offering to do to yourself. God, I want to fight everyone who’s ever hurt you, but it was me too, wasn’t it? All that time. I’m so sorry.
Please stay gorgeous and strong and unbelievable. I miss you I miss you I miss you I love you. I’m calling you as soon as I send this, but I know you like to have these things written down.
P.S. Richard Wagner to Eliza Wille, re:
Ludwig II–1864 (Remember when you played Wagner for me? He’s an asshole, but this is something.)
It is true that I have my young king who genuinely adores me. You cannot form an idea of our relations. I recall one of the dreams of my youth. I once dreamed that Shakespeare was alive: that I really saw and spoke to him: I can never forget the impression that dream made on me. Then I would have wished to see Beethoven, though he was already dead. Something of the same kind must pass in the mind of this lovable man when with me. He says he can hardly believe that he really possesses me. None can read without astonishment, without enchantment, the letters he writes to me.
- Ch 11, Red white and Royal Blue, Casey McQuiston
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therapardalis · 1 month
MUSE: Thera Pardalis (mostly Star Wars version, but some things apply all over)
Her preference for scent is either musk-rose or vanilla. That said, when she's working she tends to forgo anything beyond plain soap and shampoo - having a 'signature' scent that an enemy might recognise or a witness recall isn't something she wants to risk. Otherwise, her scent can vary depending on what she's been doing that day. Sweat, engine grease, maybe different kinds of smoke if she's been in a cantina. Ozone if there's been a firefight, stronger smoke if an explosion. Occasionally blood. That kind of thing.
Mostly on the soft side, with a few exceptions. During her time in the Jaminere military she worked up an assortment of calluses typical of someone handling and firing particular weapons on the regular. Since then, she's had it pointed out to her that those calluses are a give away when she's trying to not look like what she is, and she's worked to soften or at least smooth them down so they're less obvious. Nails vary from short to mid-length, buffed and polished but rarely painted, and never long enough to get in the way of what she needs to do.
Most of the time, pre-packaged meals that she can just throw in the warmer aboard ship. If she's had the opportunity to stock up on fresh food it's mostly snacks or something she can eat right away. A good, solid, decent meal has to wait until she has time and opportunity when planet side.
Yes, though in her SW verse she tries to keep it under wraps. She's a contralto, and doesn't have a massive amount of range but decent enough. Trying a song for the very first time she's around a 5 or 6 out of 10 - that jumps to between 7 to 8 if she knows the song well. She may even knock on 8 and a half to a 9 if she's had enough to drink that she lets her inhibitions slide.
Her temper is a really big one! The older she is the less easily she gets riled up, but once she is pissed off all hell is likely to break loose. Related is her ability to hold a grudge - it's possible to to patch things up and bring her around, but mostly she can carry those things like they have handles, and a heavy-duty trolley to rest 'em on!
Most of the time she's wearing some variation of practical spacers' gear; trousers, shirt, boots, maybe a jacket. She's usually clean, in the way of 'hit the fresher that morning', though there might be an overlay of sweat, dirt or grease depending on what she's been doing that day. Hair tends to be tied back out of the way. Other times her look changes a lot, depending on the situation; uniform/business attire for upper level meetings, slinky dresses and heels for evenings, casinos, or sitting by her Hutt Boss' side pretending she's just a harmless trinket.
She can be, but it's very, very dependent on the circumstances. She manages 'gentle' (a wounded comrade, a lost child, a stray animal) and friendly (hanging out in general) far more often, but affection doesn't come into the picture until she's very close with someone, romantically or platonically. In all her verses her main love-language is physical touch, but that also means she holds off with it until there's some sort of connection with the other person.
Usually on her left or right side. She prefers the left, but will adapt depending on the circumstances so that she's facing towards the door (or window, or any other means of approach).
Oh now that's a loaded question!! Avoiding the x-rated sort of moments (because then yes, ahem), they could if she wanted them to, or if she's really popped her cork and is telling someone the kriff off. Otherwise she tends to be on the quieter side, unless for some reason it's necessary for her to be heard.
tagged by: @stillsolo (Thanks! :))
tagging: @loyaltyandchaos (whoever you'd like, on any blog), @iobartach (any blog), @flyboypoedameron, @chromium-siren (any muse), and anyone else who'd like to and hasn't been tagged already ;)
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the-mukami-library · 6 months
Admin's Thoughts About the Mukami Brothers' MB Routes Part 3: Mukami Ruki
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Before I played the games, I took a few "Who is your DL boyfriend?" tests and my result was always Ruki. Yet, he pissed me off while watching the anime. Gosh, I wanted to brat out on him so badly... but I was also sure that I wouldn't like him. Yet, something happened...
With these thoughts, I started Ruki's route... and after Dark, I was already sold. His voice is damn hot and his dominating attitude got my attention. This is kind of personal and might say something about my general preferences but Ruki truly hit the right buttons for me in many ways. Now, when I think about it, I only want to brat out on him because I want him to make me submit. It didn't take too long for him to become the master of my heart. So, yeah, I have a strong bias here.
Ruki acted terribly as a kid, but he was raised to be like that. His backstory hit directly in my heart as he watched his parents change into something he didn't understand and witnessed scenes a child shouldn't see in their life (unfortunately, I can relate to that part of his background). Finally, he lost everything and was forced to live in the streets until he ended up in the orphanage.
I can understand that with Ruki's background, losing everything felt like the end of the world, and made him afraid of losing people as an adult. But at the same time, he felt like a prisoner in the orphanage and was even marked like cattle. No wonder, he sees death more prideful option than living in captivity (the cat case), and also developed an even more arrogant attitude toward humans. They are nothing but livestock to the Vampires.
As I mentioned in the Yuma post, I was writing a gaming diary while playing MB... and when I played Ruki's route, I filled it with thoughts on how I would like to caress and cuddle him, pamper and spoil him until he would feel better about himself. He caught my heart and hasn't let go ever since.
Like everyone else, Ruki treated Yui terribly at first but started slowly to realize the power of love. The girlfriend case was the one that hit me personally but at that point, Ruki had already captivated my mind and heart enough for me to forgive him.
I honestly loved that Ruki was willing to betray Karlheinz and run with Yui out of his feelings for her. But then he also decided to face Karlheinz and consequences which made me feel proud of him. Karlheinz is such a father figure to him, and yet, he was able to stand behind his love for Yui, taking a risk that Karlheinz wouldn't approve of his choice.
I could go on and ramble about everything I love in Ruki, but it would be beyond the topic of this post... So perhaps another time? Now, I simply say that Ruki managed to swim into my heart for good. I played his MB route three times before I moved on to his other routes (I still have LP to play)... and because of that, I still haven't finished MB... 🤣 Ruki came and conquered me, taking away my ability to fall for the other guys.
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livlepretre · 3 months
I am in love with your writing, particularly Fairytale Ending, for many reasons and one of those is that no matter how much Elena loves her vampiric significant other and no matter how much they may love her in return, they are completely inhuman and it shows. I feel like TVD eventually started to ignore the sheer horror of vampires, but how can they be anything but terrifying? The Originals have been apex predators for 1000 years now, the only real threat to them is their father’s stake; what would it do to a human mind to be forcibly turned into something Other and frequently in an extremely traumatic way, something that must now hunt other humans and has these abilities a human cannot have and is now capable of living for centuries? The Originals went from having a lifespan of a few decades at most to knowing they could very well survive to the end of the world. To illustrate, when I try to imagine the afterlife, to think of wherever I might be after death and where my soul could theoretically be for eternity, I cannot imagine it at all, I can’t fathom this because it is so far beyond the scope of what I can relate to and truly grasp that I cannot begin to contemplate what it could possibly be like; the Originals, however, can likely understand the concept of witnessing eternity because they are already doing so and will continue to do so until either the world ends or their father kills them. Short of that, they will not die. No human can understand that and anyone who is dealing with that would end up fundamentally removed from humanity, in my opinion. How could they not, when they know that everyone else on the planet will end up dead so quickly that it must be like the blink of an eye to them? How could anyone possibly remain human when they will have watched humanity develop for centuries and have watched entire generations die before they do? That’s not even getting into the fact that the Originals have spent centuries requiring blood to survive and the vast majority of that was before the existence of blood bags, so it’s not just outliving all these humans, it’s that they are immortal beings who have grown to regard humans as food. Who could possibly remain human with that?
TL,DR: the Originals (and other vampires too, to a lesser extent) have absolutely no chance of keeping a human mindset considering they are essentially immortal and must consume humans for food and even if they like Human!Elena and can fall in love with her, they’re still inhuman monsters. Also, it is me and the commas and semicolons against the world
feeling absolutely insane about this comment
"TL;DR" wtf I read every word multiple times muttering it all under my breath it's such a great analysis of why vampires are so inherently terrifying-- the horror is the forcible severing from their human existence, the transformation into a predator of one's own kind while still experiencing the revulsion of the act until the revulsion starts to feel good, the self-aware body horror of the transformation itself-- just kjfdalkjfklsjklfjkldfkjlfjklfajkla you're driving me insaneeeeeee over here
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june-way · 6 months
Silver The Hedgehog Personality
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Silver is best described as having "a strong sense of justice" and it is this personality trait that motivates him to head back into the past to correct the future. He believes in standing up for those who can't stand up for themselves. This led him to accept Blaze when everybody else was teasing her for her pyrokinetic abilities. When he pursues an enemy, he does so with a relentless determination. He makes alliances and rivalries very easily and takes people's word without question; this makes him easily tricked by others. According to his character profile in Sonic Generations, he is an optimist (though as stated by himself in Sonic Forces, while an optimist, he is also a realist).
Although seemingly serious on the outside, an interview states that Silver is young and somewhat immature. Blaze comments on this several times and describes him as naïve and insecure when he is alone. Owing to his naivety, Silver also has no idea of how to engage in more informal conversations with others; when Sonic tried trash talking with Silver during Dodon Pa's Grand Prix, the latter took many of Sonic's statements so literally that Sonic noted that he took all the fun out of such banter. Silver is also a regular sweetheart, always ready to protect those in need and lend a helping hand. He generally keeps a positive attitude and never gives up hope, no matter how objectively hopeless the situation.
Silver wears his heart on his sleeve. He feels anger and joy intensely and loudly, but his sadness is silent and hardly, if ever, marked by tears. He lets his rage control him and cheerfully remarks on the things that make him happy, but hardly says a word in his sadness, though it is visible to everyone. However, though he may feel sad, he never gives in to despair, always looking for a solution the right way. His determination and little regard for pain can make him a very frightening opponent.
Silver is very courageous and brave, willing to fearlessly sacrifice himself for another in a heartbeat. Utterly unflinching in the face of danger, he is courageous almost to the point of foolishness and is the focus on snuffing out evil with little regard for his own safety.
Despite Silver's naivete and general lack of critical thinking, he is not outright slow-witted. Even Eggman Nega called him perceptive, and Silver was the first to see through his otherwise perfect disguise. With little information to draw upon, he lets his intuition guide him, but as a relatively isolated person, he has little understanding of interpersonal relations or the subtle tools of manipulators.
He apparently has a competitive streak and gets a little snotty and a prickly attitude in the heat of the moment, as seen in Sonic Rivals 2; when you play as him and pass your rival, he'll say, "I'm better." or if you win a race or battle, he says, "Who's the best?" In Sonic Riders: Zero Gravity, when you win a race he says, "I am not to be trifled with!" and in Sonic Free Riders he sneers "'LATER!'" upon cruising past a fellow competitor. In Sonic the Hedgehog (2006), he generally refers to the Iblis monsters and Eggman's robots as "trash," and typically congratulates himself with a smug tone upon dispatching a roomful of them.
When meeting anyone that gets in his way, particularly in Sonic Rivals and Sonic Rivals 2, Silver can be very short-tempered and bossy towards anyone that's not explicitly helping him in his mission, sometimes even becoming directly hostile and start a fight on a bad choice of words.
When Silver is not focused on his current mission or does not have a task at hand, however, he is very friendly, helpful, and a good companion to have around.
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sjsmith56 · 4 months
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Coming Home - Chapter 41, Lord Buchanan
Summary: Quin leads the army back home, riding on Magnus. Sky alerts them to the white wolf and they search the forest for Buchanan.
Length: 5 K
Characters: Quin, Ileana, Rhodes, Bruce
Warnings: supernatural visions
<<Chapter 40
🏰 👩🏻‍⚕️
The journey back to the Oklahoma wilderness was taken in a more leisurely manner. Although most of the eastern complements were eager to return, a significant number of men took the opportunity to court members of the Queen's Guard, having fallen for the strong women who could defend themselves. Even a couple of Archer's bow-women were being wooed. When Archer asked if they wanted him to intervene as a surrogate protector most of them said they could handle it. Bren did announce that those who were coupling to resist doing it out in the open as the sounds often reverberated throughout the open wilderness and there was concern they would attract predators.
When they reached the Cherokee Nation the force were treated to a rodeo, which none had ever witnessed before. They found it exhilarating and exciting to watch. Waya promised that someday when he visited the Broken Lands to begin formal diplomatic relations he would bring the rodeo performers with him. Once again the force were fed well, and although they bivouacked out in the open Waya set guards around them so they didn't have to worry about guarding themselves. One of their medicine men told Waya of the friendly white wolf that approached him when he was on a spirit quest, several days earlier. It was limping and whimpering. He made it a poultice of cat's claw and dandelion, applying it liberally to a bullet wound in its shoulder. Although the medicine man was fasting he went and snared a rabbit for it, offering it raw which it wouldn't eat so he skinned and gutted it, roasting it over a fire. The wolf accepted the offering and before leaving in the morning gazed with its blue eyes into his for a minute before leaving for the east. When Waya told Quin and the other commanders they had hope that their general had a chance to make it.
On their journey through the mountainous bandit lands they heard similar stories from people who acted as healers of a blue-eyed white wolf that watched them before approaching. Having heard the stories of the man who had the ability to transform into the white wolf, they had all fed it, and tended to it as best they could but it wouldn't let them try to get the bullet out, growling at them if they attempted it. By the time they reached the borders of the Kingdom of the Green Lands the sightings suddenly stopped and Quin, most of all, began to worry that Buchanan had perished. At the crossroads to King Thorn's castle Heimdall and his 150 remaining men separated from the main group. Several stopped to kiss their beloved in either the Queen's Guard or one of the bow-women promising to fetch them for their wedding soon. Quin and the other commanders offered Heimdall their forearms in thanks and the two forces split apart.
By evening the remaining force of 1050 soldiers arrived at King Stephen's palace where they were given a hero's welcome. Tents had already been erected for the soldiers, along with washing facilities so they could bathe the grime of the road off their bodies. Quin, offered a room in the palace, declined saying he wouldn't rest inside a castle until he returned to Isabella's. He did accept an invitation for dinner with King Steven and Queen Peg. After dinner he returned to his tent and fell asleep.
"Quin," said the voice. "Open your eyes."
The young king did as he was told and found himself in a forest. He turned to see Ileana beside him.
"Lady Buchanan?" he asked. "I thought you were ill, confined to your bed."
"I am," she said. "But I heard James call to me and tell me to open my eyes." She looked past Quin and nodded at another person standing on the other side of the young man, Rhodes.
"Rhodes," said Quin. "Were you called as well?"
"I heard Lord Buchanan call to me," he said. "We must be in a dream world."
A glow appeared in front of them, containing the presence of the Sorceress with the white wolf.
"My time is coming to a close soon," she said quietly. "You must listen to Lord Buchanan."
The creature faced them but didn't open its mouth, yet they heard Buchanan's voice in their minds.
"Soon, I will be in the forest, where you found my clothes," said the wolf. "Sky will alert you at the right moment.  Take me back to the castle so the veterinarian can save me. Then lay me in my bed with my beloved and Sky. It must be the three of you that find me. Bruce must carry me to my bed after the veterinarian operates on me. I must stay as the wolf throughout this."
"But James," protested Ileana. "How can she save you?"
"Trust me, my love," said the wolf. "It will be alright. I am almost home."
Quin woke up with a start. It was almost morning. He had planned to ride to Isabella's estate but now he knew he had to go to Buchanan's estate first. Quickly he dressed and ran into the castle, to the radio room. He radioed Isabella and when he heard her voice he hesitated for a moment.
"I was planning to come to you and my mother first but I've had the strangest dream," he said. "It was the white wolf, Lord Buchanan."
"I saw it," she said. "As if I were watching from a distance. You go there, we will ride and greet you at Buchanan's estate. Quin? I love you."
He smiled a glad smile that he felt deep inside. "I love you, too, Isabella," he said. "We have much to discuss."
They spoke for a few more minutes then signed off and Quin ran to King Steven's reception room to tell him he had to leave immediately to see to a matter involving the white wolf. The King almost went with him but Quin said to wait for word from him.
Sir Archer had already released his archers to return to their homes so he joined Quin, Liam, Coulson, Isabella's soldiers and Buchanan's soldiers for the trip to Buchanan's estate. The rest were given leave to return to their lords.  After they took their leave of Bren, the King and Queen, they set out for Archer's lands where he rode off with a wave. Then they rode single file through the ravine and up the other side. By this time Magnus became harder to control, so anxious was he to return. Quin finally let the magnificent horse have its head. They flew like the wind, with the horse's mane hitting Quin in the face as the great beast thundered the final distance to its home. When the horse finally pulled up in the courtyard Quin had to tell the groom to take extra care of him as he had galloped for a long while. He pulled the saddle bags off and ran into the garrison calling for Rhodes. The man came out of his quarters and looked beyond Quin for the others.
"Where is everyone else?" he asked.
"Magnus ran like the wind," said Quin. "I couldn't control him. It was amazing but we left everyone else behind. I would bunk here but Isabella is on her way and I can't see her wanting to share a narrow bed so I'm going into the castle. Oh, I've asked Liam to return with me. He makes me laugh."
"Of course he does," said Rhodes. "Quin? Thank you for taking care of Edward and burying him with your family. I appreciate it."
Quin smiled a sad smile at Rhodes then turned to go into the castle. As he entered Mary came bustling forward.
"Your Majesty, I should have been out there for you," she said, curtsying.
"Please, don't," he said. "I don't feel very royal. Call me Quin, like you always did, please. I have Lord Buchanan's saddle bags, half with his battle leathers which will need repair and half with my clothes, although I could also wear what I left behind here. I just need to get something out."
He reached inside Buchanan's side and got out the piece of black lace wrapped around the jewelled crucifix. Mary called for help and a young man appeared to take the saddle bags. She instructed him to take the items from the right side and put them in Quin Torres room, then added King Arthur for good measure, the remainder to go to Lord Buchanan's dressing room. She also told him to go out and get Quin's clothes from his garrison quarters.
"Tom, did he return?" she asked, a little sternly.
"Yes, and he will make an honest woman out of Beth, I promise you," said Quin. "He has talked of nothing else on the trip back. Is she ...?"
"That's for her to tell him, first," scolded Mary.
Quin kissed her cheek bringing a little shriek from her then he asked where Ileana was. Mary told him and he ran to her quarters, bounding two stairs at a time until he came to her door and knocked.  Entering, he found her sitting in front of the fire with a blanket on her lap and Livia on the floor playing with Sky.
"Quin," she said, pleased. "Come, sit with us."
"I've brought you these," he said, handing the bundle to her. "I saw the lace once and asked about it. He said you gave him that on the first day you met."
"I did," she replied, smiling with the memory. "To use as a drying cloth. We had to bed down in a mountain hut with nothing but our clothes and Magnus' saddle cloth. The pump put out such cold water and we had nothing to dry ourselves with so I ripped the bottom off my skirt and gave him a piece. He kept it as a talisman. I traded the skirt to Laura Barton for a riding skirt that would stand up better than the lace one."
"And the crucifix?" asked Quin.
"It was after we became lovers but I was faced with a decision to stay or go back to my world," said Ileana. "He thought he would make it easy for me and told me it was over, that he released me from our love. He had already had it made, along with a beautiful dress for Lord Falcon's investiture. They fit perfectly. His taste was exquisite. I chose to stay and when he returned from battle we married, had one night together and he went off to the next battle. It was weeks before he could bring me here but here is home now. I have no regrets about staying."
"The baby is alright?" asked Quin.
"Yes, the baby will be alright and so will I," said Ileana. "I let myself get consumed by grief when he left with you. Although I am a Queen's Guard I lost myself for a time as I love him so deeply. It took the intervention of dear friends here to get me through. Now with the dream, I have hope again."
For the next hour Quin told her of the plan to end the monarchy. She listened intently and smiled at him when he referred to himself as the last King of the Western Plains.
"You really weren't comfortable with being an absolute ruler, were you?" she asked.
"Responsible for everyone and everything? No," he replied. "But shared, with a council or cabinet, yes, I could be involved. That doesn't mean I think they should change here or in the Green Lands. King Steven and King Thorn are much more involved in day to day things than my father was. He relied on the wrong people and they just kept power for themselves instead of trying to help others. We had to change and in a major way."
"I'm glad you found a way," said Ileana. "Just make sure the people that run for office run for the right reasons. Don't let them buy votes or promise outlandish things to get votes. Make sure they are truthful."
Mary appeared. "Your Maj... sorry, Quin, your wife, mother and sisters have arrived," she said. "My Lady, will you be dining with everyone tonight?"
"Yes, I think I will," said Ileana. "Quin, go to her, before anything else."
He kissed Ileana on the cheek and ran out to the smiles of her and Mary. He practically flew down the stairs to the main reception room, bursting through the doors. Running to Isabella he picked her up and twirled her around before letting her down gently and kissing her. Then he touched her hair gently and looked into her eyes.
"I so missed you," he said softly. "You look so beautiful and different. Why do you look different?"
Isabella looked to Queen Camila. "They say pregnancy does that to a woman," she replied. "I carry our child."
Quin whooped and picked her up again then let her down and kissed her once more. His mother and sisters, all except the baby who stayed back at Isabella's estate with the nursemaid, watched with amusement. Then he turned his attention to them and kissed his mother, then hugged his sisters, commenting on how tanned and healthy they looked.
The youngest princess older than the baby piped up. "We've been riding every day, just like the soldiers do, and wearing breeches as well," said Vivienne. "Sophia and Marianne have begun training for the Queen's Guard and Isabella said they're naturals at it."
"I'm glad to hear it!" exclaimed Quin. "One of the Queen's Guards that came with us has stayed in our kingdom and together with Isabella will really be able to teach you all to fight. It is so good to see you all again. Mother, there is so much I need to tell you but it is best we do it alone, perhaps with Isabella. Father left a letter for you, his last letter. I have brought that with me."
"His death, was it noble?" she asked.
"It was during battle," answered Quin. "I'm sorry but your two uncles were treacherous. I punched one of them in the nose for insulting you."
A ghost of a smile crossed her face. "I would have liked to have seen that," she noted. "I never liked either one of them and neither did my brothers. I'm glad they stayed with David."
Later that evening, after a pleasant dinner, Quin told his mother and Isabella the circumstances of King David's death and Buchanan's poisoning. He also spoke of the depth of John Walker's depravity and how he had taken responsibility for the family when they requested asylum.
"Those poor girls," said Queen Camila, in sympathy, "and Katherine. They must have lived in terror of him. Thank God he had no sons to follow his example."
Quin then reached inside his jacket and pulled out the letter and the locket. He looked at them solemnly then handed them to her. "Isabella and I will retire now," he said. "His last words were that he loved you and my sisters. He was proud of me at the end and I will always remember that."
He kissed his mother tenderly and left her there, alone in her room. Hesitantly she opened the letter and read it then began to cry. David wrote of the first time he saw her picture in the locket, thinking she was the most beautiful woman he had ever seen. It had been reinforced when he finally met her in person. Then his father, noticing the look on his face had admonished him.
"No royal ever truly loves their wife," the old king said. "She is just there to bear you an heir."
"How much I didn't want to believe him," wrote King David. "Then your own uncles said you were indifferent to me but that you would do your duty. I admit I hardened my heart to you, just on the words of my father and your uncles. Not until I sent my mistresses away and begged your forgiveness did I realize the years wasted believing you hated me. That is my biggest failure, bigger even than not being a good father to Quin, for at least he found a worthy substitute in Buchanan. Forgive me, dearest Camila. When I die it will be your face in my thoughts. I will wait for you for all of eternity to prove myself when you join me in the afterlife.
Your loving husband, finally at the end.
Camila wept bitter tears for an hour after reading her husband's letter. Bitter at his father and her uncles for making him believe she was indifferent to him. Then a sense of profound sadness came over her that he had suffered so much in the final month of his life due to the treachery of those same uncles. She thought of Quin, finding Isabella and the love they displayed joyfully when they reunited in front of her. With determination she vowed that her daughters would all marry for love, whether it be a soldier, a common born or a noble born didn't matter. The love did and that would be one of her objectives in her remaining life.
Quin and Isabella took the luxury of staying late in their quarters the following morning and found it necessary to make their way to the kitchen for a late breakfast. Cook, who had been prepared to scold them, found she couldn't do it when she saw how happy they were and made a special breakfast, just for them. While they were eating she asked about Edward, whether he had suffered. Quin jumped up and hugged her hard, assuring her it had been quick. He told her of interring him in his family chapel and recited the engraving that had been ordered for the stone slab. Cook dabbed her eyes with the edge of her apron and kissed Quin on his cheek, calling him dear boy afterwards.
On a horseback ride together, the couple were accompanied by his mother, sisters, and Ileana, riding Luna. She took it easy and Camila eventually slowed down so Ileana wouldn't be alone. They talked about the princesses and how much they had loved living an unstructured life compared to the rigid protocols of King David's court. On their return they were surprised to see Bruce at the castle, as he had been at the port looking at the latest data from the super computer. Although he smiled at Ileana she could see he had something on his mind and she promised to speak with him later.
Their chance for conversation never came as during dinner Sky, who normally sat below Ileana's feet, became agitated. His whining alerted her and she looked at him below the table. He actually pawed her lap and attempted to get up on her.
"Sky, what is wrong?" asked Ileana, as the others became aware of the change in the black wolf's behaviour. "Down, Sky, down."
The animal then began pawing at Quin, trying to get onto his lap. Pulling away from the table Quin looked at the wolf, who kept nudging him. It took a moment but Quin looked at Iliana sharply.
"We have to let him out," he said to her. "Now."
Both of them stood up from the table while Sky ran towards the entrance to the dining hall, looking back at both of them, before he gave out a short, sharp bark. Ileana opened the door and the wolf bolted, running towards the main door to the castle, his barks increasing in frequency. Quin and Ileana followed and opened the door to the courtyard where Sky ran to the garrison, straight to the door of Rhodes. He came out, alerted to the strange behaviour of the wolf and saw Quin and Ileana coming through the courtyard.
"Saddle three horses!" he yelled to the stable groom who had come out to see what the fuss was all about.
"I should change into riding gear," said Ileana, but Quin grabbed her arm.
"There is no time," he said. "Ride as you are."
Luna was saddled first and Ileana mounted her, with Rhodes and Quin arranging her skirts so she could sit comfortably. Rhodes ran back into his quarters and returned with three lanterns, giving one to Ileana that could clip to her saddle. Both he and Quin had removed their scabbards for dinner and  looked at each other wondering if they should get them.
"You weren't wearing them in the dream," said Ileana, anxious to begin riding.
That settled it and they each mounted their horse, clipping the lantern to their saddles. The three looked to the black wolf which was anxiously pacing in front of the closed gate.
"Open the gate!" ordered Rhodes. "Send for the veterinarian!"
The three rode out into the twilight as both Rhodes and Quin tried desperately to remember the way they had gone when they looked for Buchanan before. Meanwhile Sky ran ahead barking furiously at them to keep up. Finally they caught up with the black wolf but couldn't see him in the dark, only hear his howls and barks. All three turned their battery lights on and tried to locate Sky in the dark.
"Please, Sky, come here," called Ileana. "Sky!"
A short sharp bark startled Luna and Ileana raised her lantern to see the blue eyes of the black wolf as he backed away from her.
"This way," she called to the others, following the blue eyes as they reflected the light of the lantern back at her.
Then Sky stopped and both Rhodes and Quin jumped off their horses, holding their lanterns in front of them. Ahead on the path another set of wolf eyes appeared and both men ran forward to where the white wolf lay, exhausted, still injured and in pain. Sky excitedly licked the white wolf's face, all while making an unearthly whine.
"Lift him onto me," said Ileana. "He won't hurt me."
Gently, Rhodes and Quin supported the injured animal as best they could and lifted him onto Ileana's lap. The white wolf raised its head and gazed at her then licked her hand before lowering its head. Holding him with one hand Ileana waited for the other two men to mount their horses and they rode back as quickly as they could without further injuring the white wolf. As they pulled into the courtyard the veterinarian came forward, seeing the white wolf across Ileana's lap.
"Is that ...?" she asked.
Ileana nodded. "You have to operate on him," she said. "He has a bullet wound in his shoulder and the bone was likely broken in the process. Please, you have to save the wolf first to save the man. Do you understand?"
Bruce and Mary both came out to the courtyard. Carefully he pulled the wolf off of Ileana and looked at the vet, while holding the creature in his arms.
"I'll help you," he said grimly. "Where do you want to set up?"
"My office," said Rhodes. "I have a high table there and can string several lanterns above you for better light."
"I'll need clean hot water," said the vet, opening her bag and pulling out a bundle of instruments, handing them to Mary. "Boil these for ten minutes. Rhodes do you have some fine wire? It has to be pliable enough to bend but strong enough not to break. Boil it, too. Don't handle it after. We want them to stay sterile. If the shoulder bone is broken it will have to do to bind it together to heal. Fine silk thread for the sutures. I'll go wash up while Dr. Banner lays the wolf on the table and prepares him. Cut away the fur from around the wound. What I wouldn't give for an electric razor right now."
Bruce grinned at her and carried the white wolf into Rhodes office. He had cleared his table and covered it with a clean cloth. Above them were a dozen battery lights were all turned on, satisfying Bruce that they had enough light. He started to cut away the fur but his fingers were too big for the clippers and Ileana took them instead, carefully cutting the fur away from around the wound. She made eye contact with the white wolf as it seemed to look at her in a trusting way. Bruce instructed her to clip further away from the wound as the vet would have to open it further to repair the damaged shoulder. When the vet returned Bruce went to wash his hands and the vet told Ileana to look inside her bag for a device that looked like a muzzle but had a fine cloth covering over it. Ileana placed it over the wolf's nose area and then pulled out a bottle as the vet instructed her.
"We'll wait for Dr. Banner," said the vet. "He's likely used ether before."
Soon Bruce came out and when he saw the bottle of ether rolled his eyes at the vet. "That's all you have?" he asked. "Well, better than nothing, I guess. James, I'm going to put a series of drops onto the cloth. Breathe deeply and I'll stop when you are under. Trust me, friend."
The white wolf seemed to understand and relaxed its whole body, as if it were committing itself to the care of the giant and the modern vet working in medieval conditions. Mary brought out the boiled instruments in a flat pan, along with a set of tongs that had been boiled. A servant brought out the wire in a pot. All of the instruments were still in the hot water they had been boiled in. The vet smiled then gestured to another table that Rhodes had brought out for them. The instruments were set on it and Mary left as it was too crowded for her to stay. Then Bruce turned to Ileana.
"Wait outside," he said. "It's going to be messy and I don't want you getting upset if you see the blood. Trust me, Ileana. We'll take good care of him."
Reluctantly she turned away and left as Rhodes accompanied her and closed the door behind them. Outside the three of them, Ileana, Rhodes and Quin, stood in the darkness.
"What now?" asked Quin. "We just wait?"
"We just wait," repeated Ileana.
Rhodes went into the stable and brought out a bench for them to sit on along with a couple of battery lights. Mary came out with coffee and they sat for what seemed like hours waiting for the door to Rhodes' office to open. Sky, calmer now, sat in front of Ileana but even he kept his eyes on the door. Finally the door opened and Bruce came out. He stretched his arms and rolled his head then looked at all of them.
"He's lost blood and the only source of wolf blood is Sky," he said. "We're going to do a direct transfusion, just long enough to replace some of what he lost."
"Won't that make him a wolf forever to have real wolf blood in him?" asked Ileana, her fear evident.
Bruce sighed. "I honestly don't know," he replied. "We're dealing with things beyond my comprehension. But he stands a better chance of recovery with Sky's blood in him than without. That shoulder was shattered. How he ever made it home is beyond me. The bullet was empty of whatever poison was in it."
"Tom said the wolf was immune to it," said Quin. "That by the time he returned here it would have passed from his system."
Bruce shrugged then he called to Sky and the black wolf meekly followed him as if it knew its part was still to come. A short time later Bruce, the vet and Sky, his neck bound in a bandage, came out.
"I'll come in the morning to check on him," said his the vet. "I honestly don't know if we saved him."
Then she called for her horse and rode off into the night with one of the garrison soldiers to accompany her. Bruce looked at the three again in the darkened courtyard.
"What does your vision say now?" he asked. "I know you all shared one. That's how you knew he was out there."
"You have to take him to my bed," said Ileana. "I will stay with him. So will Sky. He said that is how it has to be."
Bruce and Rhodes returned to the office. Coming out with the white wolf in his arms, Bruce waited for Ileana to precede him leaving Rhodes and Quin in the courtyard. Wordlessly Quin went into the castle while Rhodes returned to his quarters. He would clean up in the morning.
Ileana opened the door to their rooms and Bruce strode in laying the white wolf on top of the bedding. He stepped back as Sky laid at the foot of the bed as if he knew where he was to be. Then he looked at Ileana and kissed her on the forehead.
"Goodnight, good luck," he said simply and left the room.
She went into her dressing room and changed into her night chemise, leaving her other clothes draped on the chairs. Then she went around the room and doused the candles. The white wolf watched her with drowsy eyes. Finally, she got under the covers and doused the final candle then slid closer to the animal.
"Remember me, I remember you, love me, I love you," she whispered, then she put her hand on it so that it laid across the white wolf's chest.
Both of them sighed and she closed her eyes thinking for a moment that she heard the Sorceress' voice whisper in her mind.
"Trust the love, Ileana," she said.
Chapter 42>>
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noirrelite · 8 months
So! Of all the Oc's you've created, who's your favorite? Like, is there someone whose backstory or personality or character design that are just so simply sublime that you can't help but giggle when you think about them?
Sorry for the super late reply! To be honest, I took AGES to finish answering this because I couldn't name just a SINGLE one if you put a gun to my head; I can't say I consider any of them full thought-out/developed and I actually love them almost equally Dx ...also I struggle to decouple what I love about them as a character from the narrative.... For the sake of my sanity (and mayhaps yours) I'll try to focus on Sierra for now (I'm still figuring her out tbh) TwT I did my best to omit *some* of the stuff that wasn't directly related to her so this ended up being more like a collection of stuff related to her that I think are neat and are very loosely in chronological order xD Let me just put this under a readmore cuz I'm a bit shy about answering these publicly TLDR: Sierra's a poor little meow meow who puts on a tough front but is an insecure, lonely mess inside and I enjoy that very much.
⦁ It wasn't intentional at first, but I really like that Sierra is a bit of a subversion of how Mesa (the archetype) is usually depicted/seen as? Mesa is generally depicted as this badass that's cool as a cucumber, confident in her abilities to the point that she handicaps herself with a bandana to "give herself a challenge". But the Lotus also introduces her as a vagabond/outcast, and I couldn't help but wonder why and wanted to put that into context.
⦁ Sierra is most of these things, but it's a front she puts on to act tough and reliable. She's lonely and insecure but would sooner gnaw her own leg off than let her vulnerabilities show.
⦁ She's confident in her ability to kill, but she has to be because it's the one and only thing she's good at and she can't stand the thought of making someone suffer. During the Old War, as one of the few sane autonomous warframes, she was often forced to put down her brothers and sisters that were too much trouble to keep alive because her abilities were perfect for the job, and since they were built to be durable, she often witnessed them suffering before dying, and cursed herself for it. The guilt became too much for her to bear and it became part of the reason she eventually lost her sanity and was placed in cryo for the rest of the Old War. As a result, she's very meticulous about modding her pistols, making sure they get the job done as fast and as painlessly as possible. ⦁ On the flip side, she's insecure about her abilities being nowhere as potent and as impressive as other warframes and felt inadequate in comparison to them. But it had never been much of a problem until The New War, when Tala went to face Erra and Ballas in her Excalibur instead of going with Sierra. Tala only intended to protect her, knowing how many Tenno were lost in the War at this point, but Sierra blamed herself for not being strong enough to be relied on, believing she could've saved Tala if she were there.
⦁ Vastly outnumbered by Narmer forces, she was desperate enough to resort to the Helminth system for healing and augmenting herself with abilities that weren't her own out of desperation, which ate away at her sanity over time. She also refused to open up to Drifter Tala, afraid that she'll abandon her (like she thought Tala did) if she perceived her as weak and unreliable.
⦁ She's aloof, distrusting and tries to keep her distance (especially when she first met Operator Tala and Drifter Tala) because she's afraid of becoming attached and going through the pain of losing someone dear to her again.
⦁ Sierra was the bastard child of a Dax and a commoner, and her hard work in honing her marksmanship (which landed her in the Warframe program) was so she could prove herself in the war and hopefully elevate her commoner side of the family to a better station and reunite with them, but the Old War and becoming a warframe made that dream impossible, and the scars it left made her close off emotionally, not wanting to hurt any further.
⦁ When she was rescued by Tala (who only went by "Operator" at the time) from Alad V, Sierra barely remembered anything from the Old War. Tala was convinced she was a Tenno despite their ship Cephalon not detecting any traces of void energy in her, because she was moving on her own despite being cured of the Mutalist infestation (mind you, Tala at this point also barely remembers anything from before the Dream, so she believes the Tenno were just beings that possessed warframes), and also because there was a time where Tala couldn't use her void powers either, so the two dumbasses convinced each other that Sierra was just an amnesic Tenno and she just needed time to remember. Tala would even try to teach her things like switching from one warframe to another, to no avail.
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pictured: scrunkly, committer of warcrimes
⦁ In the meantine, Sierra took a liking to Tala's defective, diminutive Kubrow which had been given off to Tala because it was too small to be used for combat, and its presence also set her at ease. She really likes how soft they are to touch. (They'd eventually get more consigned kubrows later on.)
⦁ After some point Sierra recovers enough and warms up enough to the Operator to follow them around, sometimes accompanying them on their missions and observing the ordinary folk in the colonies when off-duty, but she's still afraid to use the guns connected to her forearms. For a while they were just two low-rank Tenno sharing the same barely functional Orbiter, bickering over which missions/bounties to take and arguing over the Tenno's values and their unquestioning loyalty to the Lotus. Still, they help each other earn enough to repair the ship and buy better equipment.
⦁ It's only until the events of the Second Dream happen (Kanami was entrusted with the mission and was personally targeted by the Stalker, but she called Tala and Sierra to assist), when they find out Tala's real identity and they fail to find Sierra's pod that Sierra begins to doubt her identity as a Tenno, but she hesitates to confide in Tala, not that she could find the time to tell her-- Tala's still shaken by the fact that the Lotus kept their real nature from them and struggled to take care of herself as a human after living as a warframe for so long that Sierra had to step in and take care of her, asking Kanami for help and even taking up cooking later on.
⦁ It took a long time for Tala to even transference into Sierra, because Tala always considered Sierra her own person even after she suspected she wasn't a Tenno, and wanted to respect her autonomy, especially knowing that Alad had controlled her against her will in the past. She transferenced for the first time with Sierra as a last resort after Kanami and Rouge tracked them down on Earth and the two of them working separately were no match for the vanguard-class warframe and operator working together. (Tala had gone AWOL earlier after losing all trust in the Lotus.)
⦁ Similarly, Sierra used her Regulators for the first time since she was awoken during the fight after Tala transferences into her, doing her best to deflect Rouge's incoming fire with her own to buy herself and Tala time, and Tala assisting with close quarters combat when Rouge runs out of energy and resorts to melee.
⦁ SIerra's memories only return to her in full when Rouge goes berserk from Kanami trying to stop her from killing both of them, having been kept under a tight leash for so long. Rouge's frenzy during the final confrontation with her reminded her of the crazed warframes she was forced to put down.
⦁ Even if Rouge pursued them relentlessly and nearly killed her and Tala in the past, Sierra couldn't bring herself to fully hate her; at some point, Rouge hesitated long enough for them to escape, and it reminded her of the fact that some of the warframes she had to kill weren't all beyond saving. (honestly the desertion arc and Kanami's complicated relationship with Rouge and their backstories is a whole other post xd)
⦁ While they were AWOL and roaming Earth on their own, they came across the spot that would be called the Drifter Camp later on.
⦁ Both of them returned to the fold when the New War broke out and proved themselves in Operation Scarlet Spear and Operation Orphix Venom, gaining a lot of combat experience in the process.
⦁ When Tala left to take the fight to Ballas and Erra directly and left her, Sierra damaged the Orbiter enough for Ordis to relent and prepare the backup landing craft, but Tala's void energy signature had already been gone by then. They're still making the Orbiter spaceworthy again to this day.
⦁ Sierra was much more ruthless when she was fighting on her lonesome against Narmer, not being able to afford being merciful, but also because she felt like she had lost everything she cared about. ⦁ Narmer never found Sierra despite her proving to be a thorn in their side for some time; Rouge had taught her in guerilla tactics and how to keep her tracks hidden, and she learned from Tala when they did covert operations together, but more importantly, Sierra wasn't a real Tenno and didn't have any void energy signature for Narmer forces to track.
⦁ Sierra was too injured to fight when Drifter Tala made the choice to go to Hunhow for help, but she followed after her anyway despite her weakened state, and she was given a new, stronger set of pistols after Drifter Tala was given the Nataruk.
⦁ When Operator Tala came back, Sierra took a moment to hug her, something she rarely does. ⦁ Sierra and Operator Tala act like rowdy siblings together living on their own, bullying each other, bickering about which missions to take, paying the bills, and repairing the orbiter from time to time, and Sierra appreciates that a lot because it makes her feel like nothing much has changed since she became a warframe. ⦁ Sierra isn't as close-knit with Tala's older self, but Sierra often takes her along on her trips on Earth while she tries to get Drifter Tala acclimated to the Origin System, knowing how it feels like to be in a world that's completely different than the one you know. That's all I can think of for now; if I let myself include more of the story this would be way, WAY longer...
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bluegekk0 · 8 months
I hope you feel better soon!
Just wanted to share a few words of encouragement. I really love your AU. I’ve been following it for some time now and it’s just gotten better and better. I love popping online and seeing the latest asks and the lore behind these sillies. Your art is incredible too. This AU is truly a labor of love and it’s great that you’ve taken as much comfort in it as I have. I love seeing AUs that take a different sort of route than canon while staying true to their source material, and I feel like yours does just that. It’s very emotionally balanced, too, with pretty equal amounts of angst and wholesome, which I feel like is a hard thing to achieve in AUs. All in all I’ve really enjoyed keeping up to date with this AU and I can’t wait to see what happens next.
It’s that time again! What’s something you want to infodump about but haven’t gotten the chance? Anything at all. I am READY!
awh thank you so much ❤
this means a lot, really. it's something i worry about all the time, i know it's my au and i can do what i want with it, but i still overthink it way more often than i'd like. i try my best to find a balance between something i personally enjoy and something that doesn't stray too far from the canon, so hearing this is very reassuring. so thank you, i really appreciate your words, and i'm glad you enjoy the au 💖
as for the infodump... hm. well, a topic came up on my friends discord server about fpk's sense of humor, so perhaps i'll take this as an opportunity to talk about what each of the main characters finds funny? that could be quite a fun ramble. i'll put it under a read more thingy cause it'll probably be very long
i guess i'll start with fpk. he's a bit slow when it comes to humor, he's always had trouble catching irony and double-meanings, but after the hibernation he's even slower at getting more nuanced jokes. he'll understand them eventually, but it might take him a few seconds to even process what was said, let alone decide that it was a joke. it doesn't help that he's a serial overthinker, so his first instinct is to take things literally, and that means that in some cases the joke might go completely over his head, especially if it's a topic he's particularly sensitive about. it also carries over to his ability to tell jokes - let's just say he's not very good at it. there aren't many things that he finds funny, most of the time it's something related to his hobby, which unfortunately means most people won't really understand the joke. in other cases, he'll unintentionally say something that's actually really funny, and then get a bit confused when he hears a laugh in response. aside from that, he gravitates towards self-deprecating, dry humor, which can be quite amusing if you contrast it with the more outright funny jokes told by others
grimm, on the other hand, is much more well-versed in comedy. though, probably quite unexpectedly, his humor can be quite immature. he loves jokes that are flirty and filled to the brim with innuendos, which he most often targets at fpk (who needs a second or two to realize what grimm means, before his face turns all red haha). in general his sense of humor can be quite... off putting, let's say. he's the type to make the kind of jokes where you can't exactly tell if he's being serious or not. sometimes you can catch him staring at your neck and commenting on your blood type in a humorous tone, which to him is very funny, but to others might be a bit too ominous. on top of that, he very much enjoys irritating or intimidating others, he finds their reactions very amusing. particularly with hornet, they engage in banter almost constantly - he'll get on her nerves to cause a reaction, and she'll fire back with a mean comeback. to them it's all in a good fun, but to an outsider it would be quite a strange dynamic to witness. of course, he's not all immature, he knows when to stop, and whenever he's away from his family, his demeanor changes and he becomes a lot more serious. it's clear that he's more comfortable and approachable whenever he's around his loved ones, as he basically turns into a completely different person the moment he returns to dirtmouth
hornet has a very mean type of humor. she has a lot of built-up anger, and mean jokes are a way for her to release it. it most certainly borders on being rude and cruel, though she tones it down whenever she's around her family. you have to know her well enough to realize that she's just joking, otherwise her attempts at humor might come off as genuinely insulting. it's certainly something she works on throughout the events of the au, there were a few instances of her saying something mean as a joke towards fpk or holly which was severely misinterpreted, and she wants to avoid repeating that mistake. most of the time, she doesn't actually mean what she says, but unfortunately not everyone sees it that way. i mentioned that she engages in banter with grimm all the time, but even then she tries to control her words. grimm wouldn't get offended, he doesn't take himself that seriously, but it's still something that she pays attention to. of course, if he annoys her, she'll fire at him with a mean joke, which he then laughs off. there's clearly a degree of understanding between them, and it's one of the reasons why they're actually a lot closer than you'd expect. but it's just them, she has to be a lot more careful with her humor around the other members of the family, particularly fpk, who she knows is especially paranoid about upsetting her - she wouldn't want to make him think that she's actually angry at him, so she makes sure to tone down her nasty humor in his presence
holly... well, it's quite difficult to be a jokester if you can't speak. they do understand humor, perhaps not as well as they'd hope, but they're not oblivious to it. unfortunately, they can't really practice it too well - sure, they can attempt to make humorous sketches in their notebook, but the time consuming nature of it means that they're not able to actively participate in comedic banter. though their inability to respond does still lead to humorous moments occasionally. for example, they'd be the "stares into the camera like they're starring in the office" type. their seemingly confused, blank expression happens to make some people laugh, and i think they would quickly catch onto that and embrace it rather than feel embarrassed about it. they also play the straight man whenever they're around more comedic personalities like grimm, or people whose whole presence causes others to laugh, such as zote. of course, it didn't start as something they did entirely by choice, but they would naturally excel at it. and i don't think they mind that, at the end of the day they just want to make others laugh, and if that's what works best, then they're happy
and of course zote is zote. he doesn't really make jokes, but his tendency to blurt things out without thinking and over-confidence lead to many comedic situations. you can't find a funnier guy than him, and he does it completely unintentionally. grimm finds him extremely entertaining, so he'll often say things that will specifically get zote to say dumb things. for example, whenever zote starts one of his rambles about all the places he's allegedly been to, grimm will start asking questions that will get zote to say more made up things, to the point where he completely stops making sense. it's quite mean when you think about it, but that's just how grimm operates (he does actually care for zote in his own strange way). but back to the funny man himself - most of the humor comes from all the wacky situations he gets himself into. that being said, he doesn't like being laughed at, it's a very unpleasant childhood memory that unfortunately makes him react in anger, and that often causes even more people to laugh. i think the rest of the family would catch on, though, and avoid laughing at him, even if they do find his antics very funny. i think this is why he's kind of a honorary family member - he may act all confident and cocky, but deep down he really just wants to be a part of a family, and it just so happens that this bunch of weirdos accept him as one of their own. i imagine he's dealt with a lot of bullying in his childhood, he's got a lot of issues which he weaponizes into all of his nonsense, but that's a topic for another day. as for things he'd laugh at, i do think he would find the misfortune of others amusing. in some ways, he shares hornet's mean sense of humor, though he's not as quick-witted as her haha
as for lewk, he's still a child, so his sense of humor isn't particularly elaborate. he laughs at the things you'd expect a child to laugh at, it doesn't really get much deeper than that. though growing up around grimm and hornet, i could absolutely see him absorbing all of the banter he witnesses and developing a similar type of humor as he ages. he's a lot more sensitive, though, so i don't think he'd ever reach the same levels of mean humor as hornet, or find much amusement in intimidating others like grimm. after all, he does also spend a lot of time around fpk, so perhaps he'd learn some of his "nerd" humor? he's still young, so we'll have to wait and see, i'm constantly thinking of his personality so it's something i can't say for sure just yet
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