countrtnrs · 1 year
reply for @andcrsonn / cont. from here
He hums slightly as a response to that and unhooks one arm from around Blaine so he can reach up for Blaine's hand and interlock their fingers. It's good, actually. Being tactile seems to help him a little, and he's already rubbing circles on Blaine's hand with his thumb. It's that thing he always does, mindless and gentle, but it makes for a good distraction too. sort of soothing.
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As soon as they're comfortable, he uses that very same hand to guide Blaine up to his bedroom, even though he knows his boyfriend knows the way. He just wants to hold his hand, wants to know he's still there.
Silent until they get to his bed, he returns to the thumb rub, then notices Blaine's natural hair. So he reaches up with the spare hand and starts to rub circles into his scalp, between the curls he's always happy to see.
“ Sorry it's so late, I think that's what I meant, ”
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hercesofourtime · 2 years
@andcrsonn​ said:
❝ i know i’m supposed to move forward. i get that. i just don’t want to. i wanna go backwards. ❞ (sam or mike??)
“I’ve done that,” Mike replied, “tried to go backwards.” He looked at Blaine, “But you should move forward, it’s for the best.” He leaned back a bit, “because going backwards will never be a good idea, and you won’t grow if you don’t move forward.” Mike let out a small breath, “and I think that if you move forward you might be able to get what it is that you are after when you go backwards.”
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wearejericho · 1 year
tagged by: @voxvulgi
tagging: you, the reader (i get anxiety tagging people in things lol)
FAVORITE COLOUR(S): all shades of green, yellow (but not together)
FAVORITE FLAVOUR(S): coconut, vanilla bean, chocolate, berry, mango... mmmm
FAVOURITE GENRE(S):  of what? i like whumpy anything lol, plus horror/thriller. but for music i’m polar opposite and like pop lmao. and for dance i like contemporary. 
FAVOURITE MUSIC: pop, most rock & indie, some musical theatre 
FAVOURITE MOVIE: planes trains & automobiles (like nobody i know has seen this movie and that makes me sad), also the perks of being a wallflower ♥♥ and the edge of 17. coming of age movies.
FAVOURITE SERIES: 13 reasons why (i know it’s controversial, i’m sorry)
LAST SONG: hurricaine by fleurie 
LAST MOVIE: honestly i think i haven’t watched a movie since christmas lol
CURRENTLY READING: nothing b/c i’m trash 
CURRENTLY WATCHING: survivor, 900 let’s plays of detroit: become human lol
CURRENTLY WORKING ON: replies/asks for both here and @andcrsonn and my dance trapeze showcase piece!!
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warblercaptain · 2 years
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@andcrsonn​ said: ❛ have a drink with me. ❜
{ x }
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He smirked, “Sure, special occasion?”
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amillixnvoicesarch · 2 years
❛ i just wanted to make sure you’re okay. ❜ - ( Blaine ) @andcrsonn​
    Marley blinks as she takes in Blaine standing in front of her door, suddenly glad that she decided to open the door and not simply pretended not to be home. It had been...QUITE the day, and while she was tired, she appreciated the kind gesture, and maybe it’s not a bad thing after all not to be alone.
    “You really didn’t have to come by,” She still finds herself saying, biting her lip before stepping aside. “Do you...want to come in? It’s okay if you’re busy and just wanted to check in though.”
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nctafraid · 2 years
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@andcrsonn​ ||  “ this path you’re on… it’s gonna get you killed. you know that, though; don’t you?
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Hunter was aware that he was reckless. And so far he was able to get away with it, sure his commanding officers didn't' love it but he always managed to get the job done and nothing bad had happened yet. Or well up until today. Today was the exception where he actually did have someone fire a gun at him, and it hit him in the chest knocking him on his ass. His bulletproof vest caught the bullet and left a nasty bruise on his ribs. He was sure that there was actual damage he should get checked for, mostly that his ribs weren't broken, but Hunter was too stubborn for that.
He wasn't really sure how he ended up at Blaine's apartment, but he didn't really know where else he was supposed to go either. Taking off his vest, Hunter threw the Kevlar onto the couch with a promise to apologize when he was less angry and upset. Running a hand through his hair, he froze at the words. Hunter knew that Blaine was right, he just never had anyone say them to him. Turning slowly, he blinked for a moment, silent as the words really started to sink in.
“I’m just doing my job.” He snipped, his defenses already kicking in before he can stop them. Hunter wasn’t even sure if they were friends, but Blaine was the closest thing to a constant that he had in his life. Although, Hunter had a hell of a lot to make up for, and if that meant he could do so by getting bad people off the street, then he was going to do whatever it took to stop them. “Why does it matter so much to you?”
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witchyxwoo · 2 years
@andcrsonn​ sent-->  ❛ i’m just glad you’re okay. ❜ (marley rose)
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marley looked up before she nodded her head a couple times. “yeah, i’m glad i’m okay too.”
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vandbaerer · 2 years
soft angst sentence starter / accepting !
@andcrsonn​ sent: ❛  just talk to me , okay ?  ❜ ( tina )
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“What do you want me to say, Blaine?” Tina sighed, exhausted by it all. It didn’t matter what she did, Rachel always got the spotlight. No matter how hard Tina worked for it, it was futile. “I can’t believe this is how I’m spending my high school years. They were supposed to be the best years of my life, and here I am; just smiling and swaying in the background, sewing pretty dresses for everyone.” This was something that had bothered Tina for quite a while. During rehearsals, it was almost like she was invisible, never noticed by anyone. Forgotten — as was her voice. “I was one of the core members of the glee club, I've been here for years, back when the jocks were still throwing slushies at us — I just want to know when it’s gonna be my turn.” When could she be the one to shine, even if it was just once? What was it that everyone had that she didn’t?
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caudexiism · 2 years
📝📝 for sam x blaine please? uwu i love my boiis
During their senior year Blaine was the one that made sure that Sam kept up with his school work and tutored him when needed. Because the people that Sam had gotten help from the previous years had already graduated.
No matter how old and busy they are they always make sure to set a couple of hours during at least one night a week aside to play some videogames, if they aren’t in the same city they will play online. When they play they also catch the other up on what’s been going on in their lives during the week.
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angelhummel · 2 years
hi so you know i have to send blaine for the bingo. but also... how about jesse st. james?
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Double bingo! I'll say "best character in the work" for a few different characters but he makes the cut. I love him
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Mm he's got some funny one liners but not a fan of his actual character :/
send me a character!
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countrtnrs · 1 year
reply for @andcrsonn / cont. from here
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" I know, " He says quietly, and he wouldn't mind just humming a simple response, ignoring every thought he's ever had and staying peaceful with Blaine. It's stupid because it's not even really about himself - well, maybe it is. He just feels awful and sometimes the only thing that can help is feeling seen. And he honestly does respond to the comfort of Blaine. Physical touch is nice and grounding, and when Blaine starts to mirror the circle motion he almost laughs.
" Maybe we can talk... not now. Right now I think I just need you, "
His stomach sinks a little because he knows Blaine likes to feel needed, especially by Kurt. Or at least, that's how Kurt sees it. He sees that beautiful, brave, kind boyfriend of his and how he can be at once needy and so eager to fill a role in Kurt's life. And be loves it about Blaine, but it crosses his mind as he says, out loud, that he needs him, because he knows it's something Blaine'll like to hear. And for some reason it makes him feel bad. Not that he's been looking for reasons to feel worse.
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hercesofourtime · 2 years
@andcrsonn​ said:
❝ you know, you could go to jail for this. ❞ (brody probably lol)
Brody raised an eyebrow looking at Blaine, “yes, I know that it’s a possibility that I might go to jail for this,” he said, “but then again, as long as you don’t say anything about this to any of your friends it won’t be a problem.” Brody crossed his arms, “because so far this hasn’t been a problem, and I can promise you I’m not the only one here doing this.”
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brewingimaginations · 2 years
❛ you… don’t like me very much, do you? ❜ (finn)
Finn started stacking some of the extra chairs that they has used in the choir room, wanting to move them off to the side and prepare for what the following day held for rehearsal. Hearing the question come from the shorter male, Finn turned and looked at him. He took a moment, stacking the chair that was currently in his hands.
"It's not that I don't like you, Blaine." He turned to look at the male again. "It's the fact that you transferred here and try to start running things like..automatically." Finn then moved to sit down in his normal seat, wanting to take another moment. "We have captains. Me and Rachel were the elected captains." Granted no one else wanted to be captains back in Sophomore year.
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warblercaptain · 2 years
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@andcrsonn​ said: ❛ who did you piss off this time? ❜
{ x }
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Sebastian sighed, and put his head in hands. Who didn’t he piss off, would be the better question. Not that he had an answer. “Everyone,” he sighed. “I think you are the only person on speaking terms with me at the moment.” That was a lie his mother always was willing to talk to him, he just only talked to her when he had to, which was once a week.
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amillixnvoicesarch · 2 years
❛ thanks for being here with me. ❜ - ( Blaine ) @andcrsonn
         “Of COURSE.”
    Rachel, on the occasion, has been accused of being selfish, but while she does put herself first whenever she can ( she has to look after herself after all ) she’d never not be there for her friends, especially the ones she had known for such a long time.
    “I can stay the night if you WANT me to? We can pick up some ice cream and watch all the Mamma Mia movies. Or whatever you want to, really,” She reaches out to rest a hand on his shoulder. “Just let me know, yeah?”
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nctafraid · 2 years
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@andcrsonn​​​ || "if someone's bullying you... i need to know about it" 
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McKinley was not like Dalton, and Skylar was learning that quickly. The things that were valued at Dalton didn’t seem to have the same weight here. At first he was able to just ignore the words and brush them off, but it seemed that these kids were getting joy out of actually hurting people’s feelings. Skylar was a normally confident person, and even the hurtful words didn’t really get to him that much. But once he saw that other Warblers were reporting similar situations, Skylar found himself stepping in and taking a brunt of the bullying.
He wanted to bring it up to an adult, but Mr. Anderson had just gotten married and he didn’t really trust the other adults. He knew that he should, they had welcomed the Warblers here after they lost everything. But there was still that disconnect, and maybe it was the fact that Skylar was still keeping them all at arms length, but he couldn’t get himself to bring it up to them. He was worried he’d get the same reaction that he did when they refused to let go of the blazers, be thankful that they had a place to come to. And he knew that probably wasn’t their heart behind everything, but it was too much of a fear for him to say anything. 
And then before he knew it, it was out of control. He was pretty good about keeping it all in, after all most of it had been verbal, although there had been a few locker shoves here and there. The most recent one though, none of them saw Mr. Anderson at the end of the hallway as his back was slammed into the lockers. And before anyone could say anything else Skylar had an iron grip on his messenger bag and was turning into the choir room. He knew that Blaine was going to follow, and this conversation was going to happen. “I was going to mention it to you.” Skylar defended, knowing it was a weak defense. “The right time just never came.” 
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