aboatist · 6 years
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these are andelore and daetatis, who are technically the same character. andelore is the angel of grief, while daetatis is the demon of freedom. i drew these a while back but yknow,,, art,
if you like this art, consider reblogging it rather than just liking, or consider donating to my kofi
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meeblott · 2 years
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commission for @abrooks12​ of her human shadow sorcerer Lady Andrea Sophia Gabrielle Andelore and her Hound of Ill Omen, Reginald.
she’s from the same campaign as my vengeance paladin, Shepherd (an evil campaign run by @locoszabo) and oh boy are they serving us major Gomez and Morticia vibes - gotta love devotion that corrupts. (Shepherd pictured below)
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what a lovely well adjusted couple lmao - more to come of them in the future i’m sure
(c) Meeblott  ‘22
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444names · 2 years
tolkienesque, american, french and german forenames + elf names suggested by fantasynamegenerators.com
Adalenwë Adaletta Adtha Aernher Aladin Alaróf Albereg Alberen Aldog Aldoria Alfreddie Alfrie Aliam Alion Almirko Amalvina Amariën Amlaitë Amrynne Andelores Andoherma Andomi Andonnie Andor Andraulë Andrette Angelicia Angélissa Antinethan Aradoc Arafael Arafin Araharagor Arahir Arancindir Aranclairë Arannie Arançoise Aravie Aravoron Arazôn Arlhell Armacil Arnon Artine Arvegilga Arwenda Baline Barda Beatrick Becca Belenelyn Beorg Beremy Beres Beresa Bernessa Bertrude Bessica Bette Beula Billiesley Blandil Bombara Borontius Bregold Brenne Brennyn Brucas Bryadrika Bryanne Calvegilga Candy Caraharas Carin Carolive Cassa Castin Castrich Cathlee Celectho Celladine Celle Cement Chael Chaldir Charançois Charl Chrishnákh Claith Claumehtar Claus Cliffanya Cliffordon Clémen Clémentine Corival Cotte Court Courtz Curtz Curuno Cyriam Cédrick Daeroy Dagalace Daleriën Damir Dangrin Darold Davia Daviennet Dawna Deannie Deborome Debrita Delen Delise Deliselmar Dennice Derre Desir Didie Diete Dietha Donaldam Doromain Duardil Déagon Ecthori Edwig Edwine Eillas Eldar Eldary Eldin Elegory Elfhildë Elrontoine Elrosa Elwine Emendil Emman Enried Eorgon Erardt Erndt Ernes Ernester Essica Esthel Estine Eular Everly Ewaldanis Falor Fangel Faraphor Felis Fernoldog Filas Finaldil Frandoher Frandrey Funda Genel Genevien Georn Gerad Gerdil Geromas Gerontine Gildog Gilga Gingon Giniquel Giselma Gismundis Gloristi Golas Golivie Golodie Gottfrie Gottlie Gotto Grepeirose Greter Greth Guadagmarc Guidor Gwendil Günthak Halador Haldor Halie Hallaleinz Handred Hanna Hardanette Hecthel Hellacarl Helma Helmo Henro Heric Herylla Hilia Hundil Hyariond Imily Iminne Inglir Irion Irmadelion Irmadoc Isabellas Isabeth Isildë Jacque Jacquel Jamiril Jeann Jeanna Jeannelyë Jefferdane Jenne Jeron Jerre Joanny Johnniel Jonaldar Jorine Josemandil Jostoheryl Joëlleen Judia Juliese Julion Justi Karil Karius Karlim Kathranck Keithros Kella Kelles Kerrent Kingelis Krister Krysta Kúviole Ladis Lagobert Lalen Laurichard Lawrenel Lette Lindice Lobell Lorald Lorfina Luine Lurtney Lúthir Malvegill Manor Mantar Marancalmo Maraphard Margonui Marinna Mariën Marlenn Marst Marstine Mathias Matthien Maugustie Mauhúrina Maurent Maurori Meghane Meline Mendir Meneviève Merine Michan Michardon Micheloren Miguette Milipp Minald Mindë Minya Mohamûl Monikanáro Myria Mélanamil Mélis Mélisa Naomir Natha Nathy Nerik Neste Nimelissa Nivan Noren Noristan Olaudith Oline Olivian Ollenda Olloyd Orondir Orthur Ortistin Palace Palas Pallie Pamelvest Pascatha Patric Patthir Penne Pennel Pervi Pervé Petfin Phanime Phannicole Philiana Pierren Pierric Qinvard Ralisa Randace Raphan Raquenth Raques Rauke Raula Raymoni Rebecky Regorm Regortha Reinharond Rence Rendil Renne Robeleb Roberly Robias Rochengo Rodda Romarienor Ronikolan Ronique Rosalma Rosalvinas Roxanda Roxandy Rubenoît Régina Rémie Sandil Sandis Scalice Scathan Sergildur Seven Severna Severne Shelian Shellenwë Shelm Sigis Silmar Silmë Simona Sirion Solaf Stanlouise Stefannel Stell Stelu Stephandy Sterine Steverine Stéphan Stéphana Susandor Suzannon Sébast Sébastin Séveleg Súrin Tamildarl Tamilinda Tamindor Tamir Taravis Tatanya Tellassuil Terina Therwig Théodennie Théodette Théodre Tiffanny Tobiane Tobin Trach Tracil Tyronda Tyrondolph Túrine Udovic Urwenzel Valdarie Valdarlas Valeigh Valur Varry Velynnette Virgie Virgilga Virginald Voron Vorontoine Véron Vérondil Wadelen Waldorian Wernestë Wilhary Wilherbert Wilton Wormton Yavarie Yelzeirose Yesyarmen Yesyarumal Émilzôr
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