testosterogna · 6 months
Just read your Andenlott fic! As much as it hurt, it’s definitely pretty accurate. So I wanted to discuss!
1. Do you think after stepping down as the horn, Lott would seek Anden out? After Jade legacy I mean. He’s 44-45 in the finale so that would be pretty soon.
2. We both agree that Anden and Jirhuya are definir not staying together for much longer either.
3. Do you thin Anden and Lott would agree to have a secret relationship like with Cory?
Something that surprised me about Lott is that he hates cruelty and I don’t think he’d ever agree to jut secretly sleep with Anden🥲
4. Do you think Lott liked/crushed on/ was interés in Anden back in the academy?
hey thanks!!! sorry this took me forever to reply to, i unfortunately have to disappoint you and say that i don't really have any good answers to any of this. i guess the way i do Theorizing is that anything and everything COULD be possible, but i don't have one specific reading of the text. so with everything you've asked about, i can visualize multiple contrasting versions of the same events and they all are as "real" to me as the next. but my interpretation of the text is different from what i want to happen, if that makes sense. sorry this is probably not what you're looking for lmaoo i'm just not someone who deals in absolutes when it comes to media analysis
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paper-ish · 3 years
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my king Anden from various points across Jade City and Jade War + a bonus vision of him in Jade Legacy i recieved recently in a dream. read for him or u hate gay ppl
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oldyears · 3 years
finished jade legacy by fonda lee last night and i thought i would change my mind about how much i disliked it but. i am still here. like i loved the focus on family and the kauls being able to rely on one another and to have each other and have that fierce devotion to each of their own but for the most part i thought the writing was choppy, focused too much on hilo and the older generation of the clan, and could have fleshed out other characters like niko, ru, and jaya instead of chalking up their personalities as being similar to their parents and other authorative figures :(
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testosterogna · 2 years
green with envy
fandom: the green bone saga
ship: emery anden/lott jin
rating: E
words: 6,288
Here is the Horn of No Peak, a seasoned Green Bone warrior outclassed in tactical experience only by Hilo and Juen, trembling in fear at Anden touching his face.
Anden learns there is more to Lott than meets the eye.
read on ao3
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paper-ish · 4 years
I also have the LottxAnden fever, but I suspect we’re both being delusional. Can you think of logical reason for why these two might get together in Jade Legacy? 🥺
Also, is there a group chat or discord for Green Bone saga?
ohoho mi amigo
“Heike was taller, had nicer arms, and was arguably the better-looking of the two, but there was something about Lott Jin that always drew Anden’s attention. A sulky but sensual curve to his bow-shaped mouth, slightly wavy hair that hung over unsmiling eyes hooded with long lashes. A sort of animal idleness in the movements of his well-proportioned body that made it seem as if he held everything in faint disdain.”
first, we have this part from jade city we’re anden describes lott. i think it speaks for itself 😳
“He did not personally know anyone else who was queer besides Master Teoh, the senior Perception instructor. Lott, he was not sure about.”
“Still, there were times when Anden thought he caught something from the other young man—a gaze held overlong, a quickness to be on the same side in a game of pick-up relayball, an interest glimpsed in an act as mundane as sharing the task of breaking up and clearing debris from a street.”
“In general, however, people were uncomfortable around misfortune and reluctant to admit to their own. He was certain that some people at the Academy tugged their right earlobes behind his back—but glancing at Lott again, watching him pause to draw a forearm over his sweaty brow and stretch his long spine before reaching for another branch, he felt a hurtful pang in his chest to imagine that Lott might be one of them.”
^and then we have all of these from the same scene.
[slightly more spoilery stuff for Jade City and Jade War under the cut]
and also, this after anden and lott get into a fight:
“It was the way Lott was talking, Hilo-jen. He was being disrespectful.”
Hilo nodded in understanding. “You were putting him in his place, then?”
“I …” Anden wasn’t sure. There was the faintest teasing suggestion in Hilo’s voice and in the curve of his eyebrow. Anden was appalled to think that his cousin might suspect some other reason for his emotional outburst at Lott. “I had to say something.”
Note that the only other time Hilo makes a guess like this concerning anden in with cory in the second book, and he’s right in that instance lol.
There are other little things here and there, but for the most part these are the main things in Jade City. Of course, in Jade War, Anden goes to Espenia and gets with Cory and Lott has a separate subplot in Janloon, and they don’t interact much for the book. However, i think it should be noted that a big theme of their relationship was specifically that Cory wasn’t clan and could not survive as a Fist in Janloon, Anden’s home where he wanted to return. It was the basically the big reason for the end of their relationship when push came to shove, which parallels with Lott quite nicely.
Further, in her Reddit AMA, Fonda Lee describes some of Anden’s sub-plot as him having his “first serious romantic relationship”. That’s not worthy of note by itself, but “first” is an interesting specification. 
And of course, after they break up and Anden goes on the Zapunyo mission and everything happen, in the very last chapter, Anden sees Lott again:
‘Juen Nu and Lott Jin paused when they saw him.
“Emery Anden,” Lott said after a moment. “Welcome back.”
Lott looked older; he was dressed in a collared shirt and smoke-gray jacket, talon knife sheathed at the hip, wavy hair cut short to show off the jade pierced through the tops of his ears. He didn’t smile, but the adolescent sulkiness that used to hang around his bow-shaped mouth was gone; he spoke slower and more seriously. Unmistakable as a Fist of No Peak.’
oh shit, he’s hot now
in summary, yeah i think there’s a pretty good chance for something lott-emery related in Book 3, considering where there character arcs are at this point (and how their arcs actually compliment each other’s..) and, well, i can’t think of a reason for all of these things if they weren’t going to have something.
Concerning if there’s a discord or a gc, the only discord i’m aware of is the Keeping Up with the Kauls read along one, but on twitter there’s one I could add you too if you dm. I also find the Green Bone fandom is more active on there lol :D
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