goliaththegiantpickle · 9 months
"the nudity is entirely optional." (from millward / soc)
"I'm not standing up on that stage with my whole pickle hanging out." Goliath shook his head and said, "Be honest, you just don't have the budget for a costume my size."
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vicki-cucumber · 1 year
Maybe @sweet-sweet-petunia has @andimlarrythecucumber wrapped around her invisible finger, but I think Rhubarbs and Cucumbers are just way too different of flavor profiles to be mixing in the same dish if you know what I mean.
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pa-goffik-grape · 10 months
“This is why you made me drive three hours out into the middle of nowhere?” (larry star of christmas verse)
"Beautiful, though, isn't it?" Seymour said, grinning widely. "This here scrap pile's got everything you need for a good invention. Think of it, Milward! Those springs, with that metal box, a lighter, and a piece of bread? Combine 'em and get your bread toasty fresh. It'll even pop up for ya. I'll call it a toaster!"
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frankencelery · 1 year
❝ Over the past few years, you have become a shell of your former self… consumed with hatred and vengeance. ❞ (any chewie muse)
"Oh, that's sweet of you to be a fan, Larry, but um... are you sure you mean me, the humblest farm boy? Or my character, um... Frankencelery? Who I am not, because we did establish that in my episode, I think." He said, hoping the cucumber was not really on to his empty soul, his gambling debts, his hatred for most of the producers he had worked with, his many enemies we never talked about, or any of his other dark secrets. "You know, I'm Phil Winklestein? From Toledo?" He decided not to do the UwU face at the last minute, deciding it would be overkill.
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Why don’t I have a water buffalo!!!
The asparagus narrowed his eyes. “Please refer all water buffalo related complaints to @andimlarrythecucumber.”
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pa-goffik-grape · 1 year
❛ it looks ugly but it's clean. ❜ larry
"Uh-huh." Pa glanced at the cucumber suspiciously. "Doesn't look clean, and I'm pretty sure it was nicer than that when I lent it to ya. What'd you even need my hat for anyway?"
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