pa-goffik-grape · 9 months
Seymour, did Milward know your wife was the car when you let him drive?
"Does he know now? I tried to explain it to him, but he seemed a little confused. Jane, my car-wife, seems okay with it. So I guess it's fine."
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pa-goffik-grape · 9 months
Does Taylor's mom know you're in contact with her again?
"Eh? I'm in contact with Taylor's ma? I thought she died in that... boating accident. Or are we talkin' her other ma? I can't follow, sorry Anon."
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pa-goffik-grape · 9 months
"Ah, sorry to hear that. She always was cold. Well, I'm happy to have ya here! Have ya met my son yet? Kinda your brother, I guess."
“ tell me , do you recognize me ?? ” (from taylor)
Pa squinted behind his glasses. "Eh? Taylor? Wow! I can't believe ya showed up to my party. Ya havin' fun? This means ya got my letters, right? How's your ma?"
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pa-goffik-grape · 9 months
“ tell me , do you recognize me ?? ” (from taylor)
Pa squinted behind his glasses. "Eh? Taylor? Wow! I can't believe ya showed up to my party. Ya havin' fun? This means ya got my letters, right? How's your ma?"
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pa-goffik-grape · 9 months
Have you heard Taylor's back in town?
"Oh, yeah! I saw about that. I haven't reached out or anything, bein' that I don't have her number, but she's always welcome at home!"
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pa-goffik-grape · 9 months
How many kids do you have?
"Oh! Good question. Um, there's Uno - you know, the one I adopted? He's doin' better now! Still goff, but I think he's not trapped in that time loop now. Hard to tell. And uh, Tom! Oh! I ever tell ya about Taylor Grape? She's one of mine too. Heh. Pretty proud of that. That's the talent you can only get from the Grape family! Gets her musical talent from me, you can tell. Oh, and there's Tom's sister. She's good at math. Pretty sure she's one of mine, but I was never too sure. Never had a redhead wife that I recall. And uh... oh, probably a slew of others. It's Rosie who was good at math, not me."
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pa-goffik-grape · 9 months
“Well, I married her before the being the car thing. You know how it is. We never really got an official divorce before the whole… accident.” He said, giving a little embarrassed chuckle. “But hey, I don’t mind havin’ her around still! Kinda like her better this way, y’know?”
"hold on just a goddamn second. one step at a time." (to seymour from daphne)
"What? Hey, watch the fuckin' language, I got kids around here! Somewhere. Fully grown kids, but I digress. Now what's the matter?"
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pa-goffik-grape · 9 months
"You asked about her! Jane Schwenk! That's her name! Ya said, 'tell me about the Rocket Car' and I said, 'That's my wife Jane, I let the boys ride her to church!'. What about that didn't make sense to ya?"
"hold on just a goddamn second. one step at a time." (to seymour from daphne)
"What? Hey, watch the fuckin' language, I got kids around here! Somewhere. Fully grown kids, but I digress. Now what's the matter?"
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pa-goffik-grape · 9 months
"hold on just a goddamn second. one step at a time." (to seymour from daphne)
"What? Hey, watch the fuckin' language, I got kids around here! Somewhere. Fully grown kids, but I digress. Now what's the matter?"
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pa-goffik-grape · 10 months
Seymour pulled back and winced at the tomato's scream. He waited a moment and then answered, "Well, y'know, it is illegal. It's got risks. It's got the rocket car. She's a high-profile actress. And the cops are a little gun-happy these days - well, when are they not? So sure, we could end up in a highspeed rocket car chase with the cops shootin' at us, we could lose an invisible limb or two, but Cavis, ain't that the risk ya take for love? Love's all about risks! And rockets! And sometimes your love dies in a fiery rocket explosion, possesses your rocket car, and your car becomes your wife, but that's life, Cavis. Live a little or die trying! Otherwise, you may as well be dead already, eh?"
“You weren’t supposed to laugh! I’m so embarrassed!” (to Seymour from Cavis)
"Heh, sure, but it was pretty funny how ya - oh, come on, Cavis. Get a sense of humor! All the bad stuff's over with now, right? Oh. Oh, is this about that Miss Pickering?"
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pa-goffik-grape · 10 months
“Oh, and you know those big stars and their need to be the center of attention! Miss Pickerin’ will love it! I’ll see if Thomas is ready with the car, and you get everything set up. We’ll get you that date if it kills ya!”
“You weren’t supposed to laugh! I’m so embarrassed!” (to Seymour from Cavis)
"Heh, sure, but it was pretty funny how ya - oh, come on, Cavis. Get a sense of humor! All the bad stuff's over with now, right? Oh. Oh, is this about that Miss Pickering?"
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pa-goffik-grape · 10 months
"Eh, can I be honest with ya, Cavis? I don't know. I don't remember 'em. Memory runs together. All I know is, every time my wife died or disappeared or what have ya, I'd get myself a new rocket, and eventually I had so many rockets that I had the idea for the rocket powered car, so in a way, that rocket car is my wife. Named it after all of them. Jane Schwenk. So you could say Jane's a Car, really. And that's - hey, are you changin' the subject on me? This is about you and Effie! Not me and my car-wife."
“You weren’t supposed to laugh! I’m so embarrassed!” (to Seymour from Cavis)
"Heh, sure, but it was pretty funny how ya - oh, come on, Cavis. Get a sense of humor! All the bad stuff's over with now, right? Oh. Oh, is this about that Miss Pickering?"
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pa-goffik-grape · 10 months
"Some kinda tart that pops up, I guess. It's the ideas, Milward! It's about the ideas!" Seymour rolled his eyes, maybe. "Well, the others burned out when you drove through London to get to the church. So I need some new ones. My boy Thomas - you remember Thomas, right? He's s'posed to help me fix the rocket car. Gonna be even better than before! If we get enough rockets."
“This is why you made me drive three hours out into the middle of nowhere?” (larry star of christmas verse)
"Beautiful, though, isn't it?" Seymour said, grinning widely. "This here scrap pile's got everything you need for a good invention. Think of it, Milward! Those springs, with that metal box, a lighter, and a piece of bread? Combine 'em and get your bread toasty fresh. It'll even pop up for ya. I'll call it a toaster!"
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pa-goffik-grape · 10 months
"Well, it's a bit of a chicken and the egg situation," Seymour explained, not helpfully, as it was not at all a chicken and the egg situation. "Hmm... no."
He tinkered with the scraps for a moment, and added, "Oh! Heh, sorry, sure. Later. But this baby's not ready for toast, Milward! It's gotta start small. Poptarts! Bagels! Grilled cheese! Leftover jellied eel! I mean, sure you're s'posed to eat it cold, but imagine the possibilities if ya have it hot! Now, ya had me bring ya here for a reason, didn't ya?" Then, pausing, he added, "Oh. Wait, maybe I brought ya here to help me make the toaster. No. Rockets? Rockets! We're here for more rockets. You see any lying around?"
“This is why you made me drive three hours out into the middle of nowhere?” (larry star of christmas verse)
"Beautiful, though, isn't it?" Seymour said, grinning widely. "This here scrap pile's got everything you need for a good invention. Think of it, Milward! Those springs, with that metal box, a lighter, and a piece of bread? Combine 'em and get your bread toasty fresh. It'll even pop up for ya. I'll call it a toaster!"
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pa-goffik-grape · 10 months
"No, no. Just the once, the second time. The first time you have to cook it from the dough like, the regular way. But then you slice your bread, stick it in the box, and bam! Twice-cooked. Toasty, delicious, crunchy bread. Toast. It'll be the best thing since sliced bread!"
“This is why you made me drive three hours out into the middle of nowhere?” (larry star of christmas verse)
"Beautiful, though, isn't it?" Seymour said, grinning widely. "This here scrap pile's got everything you need for a good invention. Think of it, Milward! Those springs, with that metal box, a lighter, and a piece of bread? Combine 'em and get your bread toasty fresh. It'll even pop up for ya. I'll call it a toaster!"
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pa-goffik-grape · 10 months
"Heh. Told ya kidnappin' wasn't a bad idea." Seymour said, sounding pleased with himself. "Anyway, if I know anything about women, which is evident by my several ex-wives with the same name, I know they appreciate a good surprise. And I'd be happy to help ya out! After all, I owe ya for - uh, actually, I guess you'd owe me for the whole... rocket car thing... but who's keepin' track, right?"
“You weren’t supposed to laugh! I’m so embarrassed!” (to Seymour from Cavis)
"Heh, sure, but it was pretty funny how ya - oh, come on, Cavis. Get a sense of humor! All the bad stuff's over with now, right? Oh. Oh, is this about that Miss Pickering?"
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pa-goffik-grape · 10 months
“This is why you made me drive three hours out into the middle of nowhere?” (larry star of christmas verse)
"Beautiful, though, isn't it?" Seymour said, grinning widely. "This here scrap pile's got everything you need for a good invention. Think of it, Milward! Those springs, with that metal box, a lighter, and a piece of bread? Combine 'em and get your bread toasty fresh. It'll even pop up for ya. I'll call it a toaster!"
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