#andromon IS COOL
koushirouizumi · 1 year
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{from Official Twitter here!}
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nikkisticki · 1 year
I gain a sick thrill watching Spotify desperately attempt to fight off Ublock, attempting to display the "playback is not supported" on two refreshes only for it to work fine on the third.
This is the closest I'll get IRL to a Digimon battle
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master-muffinn · 4 months
When they find a human child. (The kid is 4-5 years gender/neutral reader)
It was forever ago that I watched digimon and the different versions. I had to look up some of the digimons personalities. This is basically taken from different shows, mostly generation 1. The digimons that I like and are easy to place the right text to. 
Is the big and mature digimon who will help the kid find their home. They know the moment they see you that you don’t belong to this world and made it their mission to help you find a way back. They are used to dealing with younger digimons so a human child is no big deal. They pick you up and ask you a lot of questions about your parents, how you came here, where you are coming from etc. The longer it takes the more worried they get, because digiworld is not a safe place for a little human child. Don’t worry though, they will take care of you until you find your way back home. They will teach you how to survive in this world. What you can eat and not, how you can defend yourself and what to do in different situations. They probably will start calling you their kid at some point and will feel proud and happy that you see them as a parental figure.
^ LEOMON, ANGEMON, ANGEWOMON, Frigimon, Renamon, Gabumon, Lilymon, Piximon, Lilamon, Biyomon, wormmon, Andromon? ^
“Ew why are the brat following me?! Go somewhere else!!”. Doesn't like the kid at all and tries to get rid of it. Not by killing it or hurting it of course! They are not that cruel! But by running/flying away or tricking the kid to go somewhere or putting the kid in a box or hanging them up on a nail on a wall. Really, they try many different ways and become satisfied when they ‘think’ they have succeeded until the kid is sticking to their side and they sigh and get irritated. However when they finally succeed in getting rid of you they stay there and wait..and waiting..and waiting a little extra just to make sure you aren’t coming, just for them to miss you and getting worried. “Hey Brat! Where did you go?! Come back!” They end up taking a liking to you instead but they are pretty awkward about it. “Hey! Don’t go there! That’s dangerous!”. Yes, you somehow became their annoying little brat but they do have a soft spot for you, however they are not good at parenting though! 
^ BEELZEMON, Ogremon, ETEMON, Impmon, Ranamon ^
Say goodbye to your parents! You are theirs now! All you really did was call them “pretty” or “cool” with excitement in your eyes and they instantly fell for you and adopted you. They take you up in their arms? Paws? Claws? and take you home and fix a room fitting for you. They might spoil you to make sure you want to stay and have you ‘forget’ about your real parents. They will spend a lot of time with their kid, teach them things they know and totally show off while doing it too!
If anyone questions it they get upset, “What do you mean they’re not my kid?! Of course they are! Yeah they’re human, so what?! All babies don't come out of an egg”. Their parent instincts kick in whenever you aren’t around them or they don’t know where you are. “Where’s my baby!!” 😨 
Awkward... They aren’t used to being around kids at all and lacking knowledge about them. Like what are they supposed to do? They don’t have the heart to just leave the kid, what if they die? They go around and ask other digimons if they know anything about humans or where they are coming from, so they can take you home. What do humans even eat? What do they feed them with?? What if the human gets ill?” 
They do find the little human cute and they don’t mind the hugs and affection you are giving them, however- they believe that they aren’t good enough to take care of you so they search for someone else who could do a better job. Of course they have gotten attached to you and will have difficulties saying goodbye when they find the right person and place. Might or might not cry when they hug you farewell, maybe you’ll meet in the future when you are older, maybe you can be together then…
^ BAALMON,  Wizardmon, Orgemon, Andromon, Gazimon?  ^
They found you by accident. At first they watch you from afar for a while. Finding you very interesting and adorable. They already know at first glance you are a human from another world and the chances for you to come home is pretty low. 
They approach you slowly so as not to scare you and ask you questions about you and your home. The longer they talk to you the more comfortable they become and they actually enjoy themself. They end up offering you food at their place. And somehow along the way you end up in their care and now they are much more happy and have something precious to protect who needs them.
Knowing you are safe and waiting for them to come home and knowing you will be happy to see them will get them through even the toughest days.
^ DEVIMON, BEELZEMON (xros wars), gatomon ^
“Oooh!! A new friend!! Let’s play together!”. These digimon is basically a child themself and doesn't think so much about the difference. Ask you what kind of digimon you are. Actually, they don't really care what you are! A friend is still a friend no matter what! Will ask you a lot of questions. They might get you in trouble but they will of course protect and defend you if something bad happens even if themself aren’t that strong. 
At the end of the day you will fall asleep together under a big tree. You got yourselves a lifelong friend (hopefully) and will take care of one another. <3 
^ GUILMON, CULUMON, MarineAngemon, Lunamon, Patamon ^ 
Wow you are very unlucky if you meet these digimon. You probably become their dinner or even worse, they see you as a toy to play with (and not so nicely). Will totally chase you and throw hurtful stuff at you while laughing. And when the fun is over and they get bored, they will probably kill you, unless your screams are heard and the digimon from the first text/part will come and save you!
^ Kuwagamon, Myotismon, Diaboromon, Bakemon, Scumon-(probably won't kill you tho) ^ 
Thank you for reading and if you like it, reblogs are very appreciated! <3
Made by @master-muffinn
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otakween · 1 year
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Digimon Tamers - Episode 31
Kind of a "meh" episode. The ones that focus on the side characters always feel a little filler-like. I really don't know what the heck Hirokazu did to suddenly earn his digivice. Is it just arbitrary? I didn't see him do anything special -shrug-
The opening scene foreshadowed where Culumon is headed with some really surreal scenery. Looking forward to finding out what's going on there.
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Kenta was extra annoying in this one. Asking Guilmon to ditch Takato and be his partner was totally insensitive considering the situation. They've really given me zero reason to like this character.
I know all about Orochi and the sake association due to having played Okami. I thought he was supposed to be another Deva but realized it was weird that his name was Japanese instead of borrowed. Googling now I totally forgot we already met the snake Deva lol oops. The fact that he's not a Deva makes this episode even more fillery. Cool design tho
Smirking at the fact that this entire episode revolved around alcohol (including a 10 year old serving alcohol). Wonder what they called it in the dub. Milk? Juice?
Juri's comments about being "good at dealing with drunks" cracked me up. She's got that customer service brain.
So the "dust" data turns into alcohol?? I don't get it...
This episode featured two of my least favorite designs, Andromon and Gekomon. At least they made the main Gekomon more expressive than we're used to seeing.
I feel like Guardromon looks stronger than Andromon, I was surprised to find out that Guardromon was the inferior form (although I guess I should have learned that from DW1 lol)
Holy heck have the battles in this show been disappointing. The "big moment" in this one was a one-shot by Leomon after Juri swipes her Lady Devimon card. All the card did was give Leomon a poison attack which didn't look particularly strong. No digivolution necessary for Orochimon? Really? Weaksauce
Once again, it felt really weird that it was a super Juri-centric episode and then Hirokazu just randomly got his digivice at the end there like an afterthought. Weird choices were made while writing this...
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meltedbluecaterpillar · 2 months
Let me talk about Digimon real quick, I’m wide awake at this point. Tai Kamiya hasn’t left my brain in days, and that’s okay. I think Angewomon as your favorite makes so much sense 😅 she’s a very pretty lady. I love her and Angemon’s designs since they’re like angels.
I think I have two or three I’d say are favorites and then a few I’m partial to and no one is allowed to talk bad about them.
I already told you about me acting like my bike was Raidramon, but I also really love Gatomon obviously and Renamon from the Digimon Tamers season. I think she looks cool AF.
I think I would milli rock someone if they told me they for real hated Agumon and Veemon, because they’re my boys babies and how dare they not get love 😅 but also in the show Leomon and Andromon have special places in my heart and I love them very dearly.
You don’t know how happy it made me to watch the movie with someone, no one ever wants to watch it cause they’re just not into Digimon ☹️ but I’m glad you liked it and saying you like Davis, well I’m happy someone else see his dumbass appeal cause he may be stupid and dramatic but boy is his heart big. I’m gonna go talk to my signed Davis picture now and tell him how cool he is
Hello, Cheese. Even though she only showed up for a few minutes... My mind decided she was the coolest. I do not know much about Digimon and how they evolve... But I think it is very cool. I will try to watch some of the old anime. I could also start Tri? Even if I'm not super into a specific thing... I love fandom in general. And movies. Movies are easier for me than TV shows. Davis is so chaotic as a character. Him crying for six seconds and then recovering..? He makes me laugh. I think your signed picture of Davis will be very happy for you to tell him that he's cool. I am positive he has been waiting all day to hear it.
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He looks so goofy...
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thebl00dmaster · 1 year
Limbus Tamers
The limbus brainrot is terminal and digimon has been worming its way back so why not combine the two together. I’m not the biggest Digimon nerd (mainly watched some Adventure, 02 and Tamers and played Digimon world 3 and Cybersleuth) so I’ve been using Wikimon to help with the evolution lines, while  yes I could just mix and max anything I tried to use Digimon that actually evolve into one another.
I may do another one with Dante, Charon and Vergilius plus any Sinner I want revisit. So onward to my dubious picks!
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For Yi Sang I chose this line mostly for his desire to have wings and his association with crows. Plus Yatagaramon is cool.
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For Faust I focused on her witch imagery, what with her base E.G.O. giving her a broom and her codename being Walpurgisnacht, and her vast knowledge with Impmon being a stand in for Mephistopheles (I know Mephismon exist I already had settled on witchmon and needed a rookie). AncientWisemon could have gone to Yi Sang since he invented the mirror we use to pull the gacha but it still have that sorcerer vibe.
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For La Creatura I settled for the Guilmon line mostly because Gallantmon/Dukemon, being a Royal Knight, fitted with her knightly delusions and also because I remember Guilmon going feral at some points in Tamers. Plus if we go for Dark Digivolutions,when Don completely snaps she could go down the Megidramon (or even ChaosDukemon) route similarly to Takato.
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I hesitated a bit with Ryoshu so I ended doing both ideas: I kinda cobbled this one together trying to concile her ties to fire (her E.G.O inflict burn,the “cooking” of the Kebab and that one picture of her burning everything using as her steed) and art with Etemon being a singer and Piedmon being a clown (and circus artist in general).  Plus the Dark Master have throwing knives/swords. 
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This one was more was more based on her swordplay and the fact she’s ... ok maybe not “honourable” but she’d rather not do it the “coward’s way”, she straight up refused to disguise herself during the casino heist and wanted to face the Shi assassin head on in Canto IV. So Musyamon popped into my mind and then went up the evo line to try and keep the samurai/ronin theme and Kunemon is here because I couldn’t use Kotemon as it doesn’t digivolve into Musyamon. 
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Mr Salt got the Andromon line because he’s very robotic at times, a cog in the machine if you will, plus he is a tank of a man so Guardromon fits well. Also I thought it would be funny if somehow the machine Digimon ended up being more prone to make judgements than its human partner. 
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I didn’t know where to go with Hong Lu, I tried with the Devas and little more with Lopmon’s line then I saw QueenChessmon and went “Chess is pastime for hoity-toity rich folk and Hong Lu is a rich boy” and went from there. Not really satisfied but it just clicked in the moment. ... If Hong Lu is playing some 5d chess with us I SWEAR TO -
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Another double feature with the other sinner with double seats privilege ... this was completely incidental. This one is based on the brutish side of Heathcliff though Ogremon can be cunning as can our angry british. Titamon is also connected to revenge (specifically against the Olympos XII) so it fits as well. I know Rebellimon doesn’t digivolve to Titamon but fuck it ! I didn’t want Digitamamon on here and that’s the only exception I made, I just wanted to keep mean green demon all the way.
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This one came frame from a flash about Telepole Heathcliff and since He’s a bastard I couldn’t him give a regular Gabumon.
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I just had to give Fishmael a Whamon because of Moby Dick. As for the rest: I picked Gomamon because I thought it’d be funny to have a laid back partner with how rigid she can be; Dolphmon to transition between Gomamon and Whamon and Plesiomon because it’s a traditional Mega for Gomamon alongside Vikemon.
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I must admit being stumped and just going “Waifumon go !”. Might revisit her with a more fitting line sometime.
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For Sinclair at first I wanted to give him an avian line then stumbled upon Tsukaimon digivolving into Pidmon and went “time to go the angel route” as a spin on Patamon. Outside of MagnaAngemon (and Angewomon for that matter) I tried not to use Adventure/02 digimon. I picked Dominimon but hesitated between it, ClavisAngemon and SlashAngemon.
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For Outism I first wanted to have an Olympos XII member then wondered whether or not there was a trojan horse digimon, Lo and behold there was ! As for the rest I worked my way down : Cherrymon being a duplicitous tree (he tried to manipulate Yamato during the Dark Master arc) fit Outis being suspicious, kiwimon is kind of a filler pick and Alraumon is a fake Palmon. 
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Finally for Gregor I picked the Wormmon line though with some changes. I chose Snimon instead of Stingmon to harken to G Corp Gregor and while there’s a roachmon I felt it was too on the nose. As for Bloomlordmon I hesitated with going with GranKuwagamon or HeraclesKabuterimon but leaned more on this one mainly to distance a bit from bugs since Gregor has two plant based E.G.O.
That should be it for now.
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backus-naur · 5 months
Idea Journal: Digimon MMORPG
Wouldn't it be cool to have a Digimon online RPG that makes use of all the null canon Digital World lore (from the Digimon Reference Book and other sources related to the Virtual Pets, like the Folder Continent Report and Digimon Chronicle/Digimon Chronicle X)? This is my take on what it could look like.
Digimon Partners
You start the game by choosing one of the five factions from the original Pendulum (except Virus Busters), each of which gives you a different starter Digimon:
Nature Spirits: Elecmon > Leomon > GrappLeomon > SaberLeomon
Deep Savers: Betamon > Seadramon > MegaSeadramon > MetalSeadramon
Nightmare Soldiers: Candmon > Meramon > DeathMeramon > Boltmon
Wind Guardians: Mushmon > Woodmon > Jyureimon > Pinocchimon
Metal Empire: Hagurumon > Guardromon > Andromon > HiAndromon
Some boss Digimon also drop Digitama when defeated, which can be hatched into the Child form of that boss. Other Digitama can be acquired by completing specific quests.
Folder Continent: The main hub of the game, split into different subregions for each faction, like in the Pendulum Z. Bosses: Royal Knights, including Omegamon (drops Agumon or Gabumon Digitama), UlforceVeedramon (drops Veemon Digitama), Dukemon (drops Guilmon Digitama), Sleipmon (drops Kudamon Digitama), Examon (drops Dracomon Digitama), JESmon (drops Hackmon Digitama)
Net Ocean: Underwater area, reached via the Deep Savers subregion. The deepest part is the Dark Web, which connects to the Dark Area. Boss: Leviamon
Kernel: Reached via the Virus Busters subregion, inhabited by angel Digimon that serve Yggdrasil. Bosses: Seraphimon (drops Patamon Digitama), Ophanimon (drops Plotmon Digitama), Cherubimon (drops Lopmon Digitama)
Dark Area: Underworld region inhabited by demon Digimon, reached via the Nightmare Soldiers subregion or the Dark Web. Boss: Anubimon
Cocytus: The deepest layer of the Dark Area, inhabited by the Seven Great Demon Lords. It connects to the Dark Areas of other Digital Worlds. Bosses: GranDracumon (drops Dracumon Digitama) and Seven Great Demon Lords, including Belphemon (drops Phascomon Digitama)
Iliad: Alternate Digital World governed by the Olympus XII. Bosses: Titamon and Olympus XII, including Apollomon (drops Coronamon Digitama) and Dianamon (drops Lunamon Digitama)
Dark Area (Iliad): Dark Area of the Iliad server. Boss: Plutomon
Witchelny: Alternate Digital World inhabited by magic-user Digimon like Wizarmon and Witchmon, and home to a magical academy. Boss: Hexeblaumon (drops Blucomon Digitama), Zephagamon (drops Pteromon Digitama)
Old Digital World: Old Digital World server before Yggdrasil released the X Program and abandoned it, inhabited by X-Antibody Digimon. Boss: Alphamon (drops Dorumon Digitama)
Ulud Terminal: Terminal of the new Digital World that represents the past, inhabited by dinosaur Digimon. Boss: Volcanicdramon (drops Vorvomon Digitama)
Skuld Terminal: Terminal of the new Digital World that represents the future, inhabited by machine Digimon. Boss: Metallicdramon (drops Jazamon Digitama)
Two players with compatible Ultimate-level Digimon can temporarily Jogress them into a more powerful Digimon. Examples:
Examon = Breakdramon + Slayerdramon
GraceNovamon = Apollomon + Dianamon
Omegamon = MetalGarurumon + WarGreymon
Digital Hazards
Special events where all the players unite to fight a threat to the Digital World, also giving them the chance to get special Digitama. Examples:
Arkadimon Super Ultimate (drops Arkadimon Digitama)
Armagemon (drops Keramon Digitama)
Rasenmon Fury Mode (drops Herissmon Digitama)
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Gimmie a digimon
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With the following line of Mekanorimon -> Andromon -> Dorugoramon
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Can't not end you on a cool robot dragon :D
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the9thbestchojin · 2 years
So I've been getting into digimon over the last year and being a life long fan of pokemon my mind naturally went to (if I could have any digimon as my partner who'd I pick) but while thinking of such a thing I naturally came across digimon that I nore anyone else should or even could tame so allow me to regale thee with the 5 Digimon would could never tame
5. Appmon any Appmon
Im sorry but you live in a world where digimon are real and you choose an Appmon then your either dedicated or dumb the only reason you could never raise one of these is cus the roast sessions would be disgusting I'm sorry but if you tell me you have a Raidramon and show up with anything but the blue dog it is on sight I'm talking Kike Aliodas type shit the only reason I could see for anyone raising an Appmon is as an April fools joke telling a random Resercher you found Gaiamon just to show em the the pound land version from the last 3 episodes of Appmon
4. Any and all Humanoid Digimon
Ok so Digimon are at their roots digital pets so they need to be trained washed fed and even taken to the bathroom like normal pets yea no I'm not doing that with Angewomon "now now good sire I a TRUE gentleman would gladly escort a poor Angewomon to the laboratory if she was in need of such help" yea that's great and all but I'm not doing that for Piedmon I know some of are degenerates amd would gladly clean up LadyDevimons poo while she insults you but not me I don't care how cool Gankoomon is or how hot Lilithmon is I am not cleaning up a grown human beings poo
3. Millenniumon
Well well only half way through the list and we have our first solo digimon and uh Millenniumon it's kinda obvious why a God of destruction wouldn't be as good a pet as a Terrier and I know some of you are saying "but I am a level 78 Paladin with a +35 Holy Katana with an A scaling in both Faith and Int as well as a B scaling in Dex so a lowly Millenniumon would be nothing before myself " and that's great for you and your Angewomon but from a pure resources point of view its not happening Millenniumon is made of 2 digimon who are both Chimeric abominations and would require
2 metalgreymon 1 SkullGreymon 1 Greymon 1 Garurumon 1 Kuwagamon 1 Kabuterimon 1 Monochromon 1 Airdramon 1 Angemon 2 MetalMamemon 1 Mega/Gigadramon and an Andromon and I'm not even sure that's all of them it's just to resource intensive and not worth the time
2. Lucemon
You cannot tame the devil YOU CANNOT TAME THE DEVIL and if your caught with his rookie form you'll look like a nonce
Sure he might be your favourite Digimon and I can respect that the moderator of the Royal knights discord is awesome but he comes with the slight Caveat of Death-Xmon the guys who can only be killed by killing Alphamon and Vice Versa so its kinda a waste of time like sure you got a strong ass Digimon but either the shadow of his existence destroys the world or he dies trying the stop him so yea it's kind of a waste of time to try .....at least Oryuken has a cool sword
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droshawoluv · 2 years
For a while I've been thinking of putting words why Digimon Adventure 2020 doesn't make me want to be super invested into it (but still entertained) and it all boils down to: it doesn't make me cry lmao.
I love that, I love being invested in that and characters having emotional rollercoaster everywhere and traumatic backstories or memories and then I am crying along Taichi feeling a deep rooted guilt because how almost killed his own sister, or how they see Digimon get brutally killed and instead of being scarred for life they are like "oh no...anyway off to victory!"
But I have to admit it's nonsensical fun and just a good time at points, which is what I want for every time the destined children are together (which is another issue, when they join they split, when they reunite they are drifted away, when they make it back they are drifted away again). But when it happens, there are fun moments just like every Mimi and Joe episode 🤣 (is the potatomon a reference to Joe singing "Kaze no fraido potato"? Because that's make it a 10/10)
It's frustrating maybe if the OTT plot in the real world appears and gets solved in between the main journey, are we fighting Devimon or are we helping the NASA, or both? Why is Omegamon appearing so much? When did their Crest meaning have to do with something? + the timing or moments or reason behind every new evolution may give that "eh that wasn't as satisfying". But if I look it just as the silly fun and COOL AS FUCK animations and moves, then I have fun myself! Accepting that I won't be crying just of imagining what a character may feel, and see them do stuff made it to me to enjoy it more, I like the wild digimon leveling up because survivor of the fittest type of thing, and they do show nice relationship between each other (in fact, one of the best moments are when there is no ISS crisis AND they are still together as group):
Taichi being a source of support and encouragement to Koushiro, the siblings relationship, Taichi and Sora being that 1-2 leading combo and being the reliable parents. Yamato being that cool tsun tsun but not annoying dude. Mimi is always queen in every universe. Joe using Zudomon hammer what the fuck go off king. Cute things to catch up from that.
And also, the fact that I don't have to watch the same attacking animation 17890 times through the show is so important. Imagine Digimon Adventure or Tamers with these animations, is insane. I thought the warpevolution was already cool, seeing Wargreymon appearance not the first, but the second time show an animation that was the coolest evolution animation ever in that technical stuff.
In summary, a lot of things to not care about the whole of it (so far, chapter 40 already), but taking bits individually (that you may completely forget because it's irrelevant to the big scene) is actually cool! Some I can remember off the top of my head are
Mimi chan kingdom; Joe and Gomamon speaking before Ikkakumon evolution; Yamato having a small "wow these bozos are caring about me and supporting me? Is this...FRIENDSHIP?" bc you know, his crest and all; the way MetalGreymon evolved, like, is not better than the OG of course, but I mean how he was fighting a bigger dude and for MANY times they were trying but not giving up, as in, showing their courage, made sense; Lillymon and the whole nature defeating the machinery of Andromon; Holy Digimon being special and focusing on that; Tailmon fears and struggles up to its Angewomon evolution (MarineDevimon was a good idea to put there); the one solving the ISS crisis being Koshiro not just in knowledge but in action trusted by his friends and leader Taichi; Taichi and Sora playing football together heck yeah cuties show how well you both combine for everything and be cute in front of my salad (they are making it on purpose, Taichi gets trapped and immediately the Love emblem shines to evolve to Garudamon).
Is there a Team Light and Team Hope coming apparently? That's cute. Looking forward to it.
Anyway, just wanted to write about it for so long since I have that "ok I get where this is heading and it's to not make me cry" feeling but I have different thoughts, not mostly bad or anything.
Should start making Gifs of these moments I loved.
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bubblymochicat · 2 years
Watching Digimon again for the first time since I was a kid and I'm starting to get some thoughts in this big ol brain of mine.
All the random human stuff (bus, phone booths, factory, phone cables, etc.) could possibly be form the human worlds that were also struck by the weird disasters (the floods, droughts, and stuff)
I have never heard the sub version and that honestly makes me feel strange (I almost always watch anime/shows in the og language)
The Digimon before they digivolve are ADORABLE! Motimon and Tokomon are literally my heart and soul
Kind of cringey, but in the cute nostalgic way
Highkey obsessed with Palmon's voice/design. Just her in general
Andromon is disturbing. Mf's eyes are going in opposite directions. Not to mention his dino toenails
The gears are a horrifying concept
Hey maybe Leomon should put a shirt on so he stops getting stabbed
Devimon lowkey got a look going on. His design is really cool
ANGEMON!! MY BOY!!! I am honestly in love with his design + the surprise reveal gets me every time
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oxythedigiguy · 2 years
Day 9 of playing Digimon World. This one was fun:
I finally unlocked my first perfect! It was an Andromon and I happen to love Andromon, so that's cool as fuck.
Trusting blindly in my very cool robot, I went back to Freezeland wanting to fight Garurumon, but I didn't find it. Instead, what I did find was Whamon, which I'm guessing is the Digimon Yuramon was talking about. Apparently I somehow missed a screen last time.
Whamon told me some thug had conquered its cave and, just as I expected, it was Ogremon. I defeated it and it promised to join the city... only to fucking laugh in my face and run away. The game even played the recruitment music, so it was a great joke, I fucking love this game.
I checked with Whamon and it can take me to Factorial Town so that's what I did, since that would help Andromon learn some new moves. I explored a bit and discovered that the factory is dumping its toxic wastes into the sewers. The only way to fix this is to sneak past the guards at noon or midnight and probably fight a Giromon.
I had a few hours left and I wanted to make some money to buy recovery items, so I went back to the city and, from there, I headed into Drill Tunnel so I could work for Drimogemon for a bit. Imagine my surprise when I found Ogremon yet again.
I beat its ass again, even more easily this time (and couldn't get the item it dropped because it ended up under an Agumon lmao), and it admitted that it had been causing trouble because of whatever danger its coming. If the island was going to get destroyed anyway, why not go apeshit? I really liked this little arc for Ogremon, it wasn't just an evil bandit, but a vulnerable Digimon that happened to make some mistakes.
After getting Ogremon to go to the city and work with everyone, I went further into the cave, still wanting to work for Drimogemon. But it turns out it didn't need me anymore! The blockage had been removed, revealing a new passage. There, I found and fought a Meramon. I don't understand what it was doing, but it seemed motivated by the same danger as Ogremon, so I sent it to the city. And that was the last thing I did today.
I'm starting to think this game is way longer than I expected, I've already recruited a whole bunch of Digimon and I'm only starting to hear things about the plot now. Admittedly, the game is pretty slow because of how much time you have to spend training, but I already expected that and I'm having a blast whenever I have some time to explore and make the story move forward a bit.
Right now, I have a bunch of options ahead: I can keep exploring the cave, go back to my previous goal of saving Factorial Town, or go back to the north-east and try to see what's beyond Misty Trees (maybe even recruit Garurumon along the way). Before that, though, I guess I'l start tomorrow's session by going back to the city and seeing what Ogremon and Meramon add to it.
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hazelplaysgames · 2 years
a combination of being busy and getting distracted by Flash Game Speedrun history has kept me from making an update.
not that i have a major update: i’ve just spent some time grinding everything up. and not just my team, i’ve been getting several more Digimon for the Digi-farm quests. i’m now choosing to get them all. the other areas of Dark Moon City have a variety of Digimon, and the first one, the East area, straight up tells you what you need. for example, a Tsukaimon that tells you to leave a Tsukaimon with a lazy attitude in the farm. the South and North areas, while still having Digimon, leaves it as clues to figure out; like an Andromon that says he lost his cool attitude.
of course, it can be brute forced just by just getting the mons you need, then checking the quest boards, then deleting and reconverting them, and checking again, and even if i can make a guess about which attitudes i need by just talking to the other ones, i’m just gonna look them up as a time respecting thing. cut to the chase and all.
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rubykgrant · 2 years
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Some images to go with the RVB-DigiMon nonsense I’ve been wasting my time with! These are the basic forms for the partners of each character (except for Sheila and Lopez, who themselves are DigiMon). For those in the know, DigiMon has always been BONKERS with how the creatures work, so I just kinda did my own thing with their Digivolve-lines. I also made another post once, about what kind of Crest each character would have, so I’ll add that here too~
Church; BakeMon-WizardMon-PhantomMon-CherubiMon (haha, he gets a bunch of ghosts/spooky/angel DigiMon because of the running gag of him dying… but also, the CherubiMon will switch between the Virus/Vaccine type depending on how many negative emotions Church is getting weighed-down with, so he’s gotta watch out for that). Crest of Love (it didn’t even show up for a LONG time because somebody doesn’t like to show his feelings)
Tucker; VeeMon-ExVeeMon-MagnaMon-ImperialdraMon *Paladin (he gets to have Golden Armor forms and the White Knight Fsuion form all by himself because he’s special). Crest of Reliability (he was SURE he’d get Love or maybe Courage because it sounds cool, and then Reliability made him feel insecure, but he really lives up to it)
Caboose; KoteMon-StrikedraMon-MetalTyrannoMon-MachinedraMon (he gets the big mech DigiMon to be similar to Freckles. also, Caboose will often befriend various enemy DigiMon, and they turn good. he’s just like that). Crest of Friendship (what else COULD the boy have?)
Kai; FlutterMon-KazeMon-ZephyrMon-IrisMon (if anybody appreciates the… interesting outfits designs of DigiMon, it is definitely Kai. I made FlutterMon up as a kid, to be like a cute pixie-Rookie for KazeMon). Crest of Love (it is easy for her to share affection and ask for it herself, and it is honestly frustrating that everybody else isn’t as comfortable with their Crest as she is… get it together, y’all)
Sheila; KokuwaMon-MekanoriMon-DataMon-MetalKabuteriMon (I’m calling MetalKabuteriMon a Mega here, because I like the giant tank-bug and think it works for Sheila)
Sarge; GuilMon-GrowlMon-MetalGrowlMon-GallantMon *Crimson (he has the reddest Digimon, but when he lets his anger get out of control, the final form becomes MegidraMon for a while. Eventually, he calms down just ENOUGH to stop being a jerk, thus getting GallantMon. naturally, Crimson Mode). Crest of Courage (it is almost a little too perfect, which is why he’s gotta learn how to combine compassion to make Courage truly effective)
Simmons; BetaMon-SeadraMon-WaruSeadraMon-MetalSeadraMon ( he gets the sea creatures that are similar to snakes. haha, I give him and Grif the ones that remind them of their fears… but obviously, that makes the friendship even stronger when they eventually care about their DigiMon~ also, he and Grif match with air/sea themes). Crest of Knowledge (oh he was very proud of himself for getting this, but the whole point is it doesn’t work if you only use the knowledge to be smug all the time)
Grif; PataMon-PipisMon-MaildraMon-JustiMon (he gets a PataMon, which initially freaks him out because it is basically a hamster with BAT WINGS on the head. He finally bonds with the little goober, and rather than go with the angel theme, it keeps the bat qualities. the JustiMon is a new form with wings and the Critical Arm weapon, to kinda be like the Grifshot). Crest of Hope (when you’ve spent years acting like you don’t give a heck, Hope seems like a LOT of effort)
Donut; LalaMon-PeonyMon-LilyMon-NobleRoseMon (PeonyMon was one I made up as a kid, kind of just a pink SunfloMon, and NobleRoseMon was also a made up one from my childhood, meant to be a slightly more masculine version of RoseMon Burst Mode, but still the exact same outfit). Crest of Light (yes, because he is that important~)  
 Lopez; Digimon; HaguruMon-GaurdroMon-AndroMon-HiAndroMon (he and Sheila are both like guardian DigiMon, there to protect the other characters until their partners get stronger. however, they can’t Digivolve at first... it takes everybody combining the energy of their Digivices together for the guardian DigiMon to gain new forms)
Tex; ImpMon-DarkGargoyleMon-DevidraMon-BeelzeMon (she gets the cool biker demon Digimon with a huge cannon, heck yeah. also I made DarkGargoyleMon up as a kid, because I wanted a good Champion for ImpMon… basically just GargoyleMon but with ImpMon’s color-scheme). Crest of Courage (perhaps an obvious choice… but when somebody has to learn to be brave enough to ask for help, it can be a big step)
Wash; BlackGatoMon-DarkLeoMon-LoweeMon-AncientSphinxMon (calling BlackGatoMon a Rookie here. Wash has a bit of the deal Koichi had going on in Frontier; kind of an antagonist for a bit, but ultimately joins the group as a good guy). Crest of Kindness (initially he thought this made him sound like a wimp, and later he thought he’d been too much of a jerk to deserve it… but it DOES suit him)
Carolina; RenaMon-KyubiMon-TaoMon-SakuyaMon (the kick-butt magical fox warriors just really fit for her, and I feel like she would actually share that quiet punk-kid vibe with Rika, plus the whole “I’m the BEST” attitude before she softens up). Crest of Hope (she was a very determined person… who also often felt like she had nothing to look forward too, so Hope is something she digs deep for)
Doc; LopMon-RabbitMon-AntylaMon-CynthiaMon, TerrierMon-GargoMon-RapidMon-DuskRapidMon ( he gets the twin bunnies (for a while he doesn’t understand why just his LopMon Digivolves, but eventually realizes it is because he isn’t paying attention to O’Malley. this leads to some angst, O’Malley having his jerk moment of betrayal like some of the DigiDestined tend to do from time to time, but eventually they both learn to help each other, and the whole group makes sure to be closer to them both. CynthiaMon is a variation of DianaMon I made up, to go with the Rabbit in the Moon vibe, DuskRapidMon is another one I made up, an alternate option to MegaGargoMon, combining RapidMon with designs from DuskMon, so it’s all dark and cool). Crest of Kindness AND Knowledge (the tricky part is, Doc and O’Malley have to figure out what both Crests mean for them so it actually works)
Locus; WormMon-StingMon-JewelBeeMon-GranKuwagaMon (obviously had to give him the green bug... and in sort of a similar situation from the actual series, when Locus is being all evil and junk, his WormMon won’t Digivolve properly. he has to collect a lot of Armor Digi-Eggs to use, until he finally stops being a jerk). Crest of Friendship (this represents his difficult relationship with Felix, and his personal growth to move on with his life)
Felix; GabuMon-GaruruMon-WereGaruruMon-MetalGaruruMon ( he has a wolf-theme, not “obviously evil”, and also he tricks people by acting like this makes him a loner so you must be oh-so special for him to like you. spoilers, he’s just manipulative)
Sharkface; AguMon-GreyMon-SkullGreyMon-BlackWarGreyMon (he gets some dragons. I feel like it kinda combines fire and sharks as well, because teeth for chomp’n)
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otakween · 2 years
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Digimon Adventure (Blind Watch) - Episode 50
Woohoo 50 episodes! Only took me like a zillion years lol. Truth be told, this last arc has been a bit of a slog. When the writing’s not up to par my motivation gets pretty low. I can see the light at the end of the tunnel. 
The “humor” in this episode rubbed me the wrong way. Felt dated and sexist. 
Digimon introduced: LadyDevimon 
-I was excited to see LadyDevimon’s debut because I’ve seen cool fanart of her. I really didn’t like how her introduction was handled though. Sora and Hikari being personally attacked by her acting flirty toward the boys (I guess?) felt tacky. I’m not even positive that’s what they were going for. Did they think she was slutty or something? Either way it felt off. After that they made a dated “cat fight” joke that had me rolling my eyes. Just the need to make a big deal about two “females” fighting is silly in general. Nothing wrong with LadyDevimon and Angewomon really, but the reactions to their fight were annoying. 
-More Mimi and Joe shipping bait, but I still don’t see them as anything but platonic. 
-The existence of SaberLeomon makes me question Mimi and Joe’s army of champion-level digimon. If the digivices can be used to digivolve non-chosen digimon, then why can’t they use them to level-up their squad? Maybe they’re just going for quantity over quality. 
-The fact that Mimi and Joe are like “eh, enough is enough, let’s go back to fighting” made their little excursion feel really pointless. I really don’t get what they thought would happen when everything is dependent on the whole group being together... And then Joe wants to split up again? It just feels kind of contrived. 
-All of the digimon serving very specific purposes (Meramon = stove, Frigimon = freezer, Andromon = power outlet) reminded me of the HMs in Pokemon. I bet the kids are kicking themselves for not having these built-in appliances on their team earlier! 
-Why the heck did they think using Agumon’s “baby flame” on LadyDevimon would do anything? 50 episodes in and they’re still putting rookies into the fight smh 
-Agumon being all proud when Taichi called WarGreymon the “trump card” was cute. 
-Not gonna lie, I did giggle a bit when Angewomon called LadyDevimon a bitch in the fansubs. It just totally caught me off guard lol. People need to stop passing off kids shows like they’re more badass and edgy than they really are. 
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myeecez · 3 years
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HiAndromon is so underrepresented. I do like Andromon more but this guy is really cool looking and a satisfying mega version for Andro
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