#andy barber x original female character
syms-things-5 · 2 years
Case Histories - Chapter Eleven
An Andy Barber AU fic (based on BBC’s ‘The Split’)
Previous Chapter Here / Masterlist Here
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Synopsis: A talented small-town family lawyer, Grace Atherton, gets the opportunity of a lifetime when she is offered a job at prestigious Boston law firm, Rothman and Hale. She decides to give up the relative comfort and ease of her current working situation in favour of following a dream she’s had since she was a young law grad, to the detriment of her family life and marriage. She soon comes into contact with old mental and one-time flame, Andy Barber. As gifted as he is handsome, it becomes clear he’s been keeping an eye on her burgeoning career from afar. Just how much will this decision cost her?
Series Warnings: Strong language, cheating
For some unknown reason, right around the beginning of Summer, people liked to separate from their spouses. 
It may only be a temporary separation but it was almost like there was an internal clock slowly ticking away in the heart of the nation’s middle classes. About half-way through the year and with the heightened addition of the hot summer sun possibly adding to feelings of discomfort and pressure, a chain reaction sets off that provokes a crisis of conscience in couples everywhere. Literally, everywhere. 
It was 50-50 as to whether the separations were triggered by more husbands than wives (although Grace had her theory that it skewed more towards the former thanks to mid-life crises exacerbated by the stereotypical choices of top-down sports cars and the allure of a good, old-fashioned golf course) but nevertheless, it was a very real, very tragic, very expensive phenomenon. Law Firms up and down the country would prepare themselves for it. They would hire more staff (it was indeed true that May-into-June was an ideal time for a job switch if you were in the legal profession) and poaching caused panic all over the place. 
If Grace had her time at university all over again, she would have focused on this topic for her final thesis. She could have made a fortune on the public speaking circuit, written a New York Times best-selling book-cum-self-help-Bible, and retired with millions in the bank at the grand old age of 32. She would have gone on Oprah. She would have been New England’s answer to Brené Brown.
“God, I love the smell of divorce in the morning,” sighed Jack, comfortable, happy, hands stuffed firmly into his pockets as he surveyed the locked meeting rooms that surrounded him.
“Well, aren’t you the old romantic.” smirked Grace. She followed his eyeline and could see figures busily moving around behind the frosted glass that helped privatise rooms from the rest of the public.
“You know, this may surprise you but I have never been one for marriage myself.” He started.
Grace couldn’t work out if he was being sarcastic or not. Of course Jack didn’t “do” marriage. In her mind, she filtered back through some articles she had read about him before she joined the company and she was sure she had read the words “most eligible bachelor” on more than one occasion.
“I simply do not understand tethering yourself to one person for the rest of your life. It speaks of a fear of dying alone if you ask me and quite frankly, that thought has never bothered me. You come into this world alone, you exit alone.”
Grace paused as she tried to figure out a suitable, witty response, but she was coming up short.
“Maybe one day you can explain it all to me.” He turned to face her, bringing her back into the conversation with him.
“Sure thing.” Grace nodded, half-smiling a smile that didn’t quite reach her eyes. How the hell was she going to do that? She didn’t completely understand it herself.
“Now here is a man who agrees with me, right Andrew?” Jack called over as Andy strode towards them with purpose.
“Agree with what?” he asked, puzzled by the two of them staring back at him, expectantly.
“That marriage is a complete waste of time? Isn’t that what you said once?”
“Um…” He glanced between Jack and Grace. “Well, not entirely. Some people manage to make it work. It just requires a certain skill set and the right person.”
Jack furrowed his brow in bewilderment, suddenly not recognising the man stood in front of him.
“You’re going soft in your old age, Andy.” Jack said, jokingly. “I hope you manage to remain as stoic and cold-hearted for the next few weeks at least while we bash these agreements out. There’s seven on your desk from this morning alone so I’d get cracking with the team and see where you land. Keep an eye open for Mark Shallcross, too. He’s on the war path and doesn’t want to budge on his offer of alimony so that might give us a few hours in court.”
“Jesus, Jack, care to tone down the cynicism for a minute?”
“I am not cynical in the slightest. I’m perfectly normal. It’s everyone else who is the problem. You can spin it however you like but marriage is simply not worth the hassle. Imagine being married and being miserable for large chunks of your life. Or worse still, meeting someone that is better for you. Then what do you do? You end up paying us hundreds of thousands of dollars to save the rest of your bacon. So, tell me, what would be normal in this scenario?”
Jack walked off back to his office so the two of them knew it was a rhetorical question. Grace was slowly learning about Jack’s foibles but they often came at inopportune times so she didn’t always realise they were happening until long afterwards.
Grace and Andy looked at each other, perplexed. She shrugged at him and he chuckled, and the pair of them walked towards the front desk to see what else and who else was awaiting them both.
“Is it really going to be as busy as they say? I mean, I know it’s a ‘thing’ at this time of the year and everything, but still.” She chanced the question at him. The look in his eyes gave her all the answers she needed. “Shit.”
“Right? It’s madness and I don’t know if it’s just me or-”
“-No, I mean shit.” He interrupted her. “Christine.”
Grace quickly turned to look up at him before practically performing a 180 and seeing Andy’s ex-wife vacate the elevator.
Christine spotted him almost straight away despite being on the other side of the expansive foyer. Andy would stand out in most settings but, still, it was like Christine was magnetised by him.
“Hi Andy.” She approached them both cautiously but with a soft, familiar smile, pushing the strap of her blue handbag further up and onto her shoulder.
Grace wasn’t 100% sure if Christine had registered her standing beside them as she eventually stopped just a couple of feet from Andy. Andy didn’t say anything at first and it was at that point Grace realised she was the dreaded elephant in the room in this scenario. She hated that feeling.
“I’ll…” Grace did what she did best and tilted her head in the direction of her office before slipping away from the pair of them as subtly as possible.
She glanced back at them both just before they disappeared completely from her view as she entered her office. It didn’t look like he had moved a muscle from where he had been stood when she had been nearby. He was likely surprised and concerned in equal measure by her visit but whatever he had been feeling, he didn’t seem to be showing it in his body language. He always had a knack of hiding his true emotions and it had irritated the hell out of Grace on more than one occasion.
Nobody moved or even spoke in what felt like an age it seemed. Christine tucked her elegantly straightened, long, white-blonde hair behind her ear, keeping a hand gripped onto the strap of her handbag like it was a comfort blanket of some sort.
Grace wondered what had brought her here. Maybe a case? Maybe some distant family news she thought he would be interested in or needed to know about for some reason? Maybe seeing him again for the first time in a long time all those weeks ago brought back some fond memories she wanted to explore again. Grace supposed she could sympathise with that mentality.
When Grace spied her again sitting quietly in the lounge an hour or so later, she wasn’t altogether surprised although it was odd to find her sat alone. Grace tucked her hair behind her ear and cleared her throat so as to alert Christine that someone else was in the vicinity. Christine looked up from the article she had been reading at the table and they exchanged polite smiles before she returned her attention to the paper in front of her. Grace didn’t think she had recognised her so she set about making a cup of tea, assuming that would be the end of that.
“I take it he’s told you about me?”
Grace turned around, unsure of whether she had just heard what she thought she did.
“I’m the ex-wife? It seems like you two work closely together quite a bit so I just figured I’ve come up in conversation once or twice.” Christine asked, interested to know what Grace may or may not know about her history with Andy.
“Oh, not really, no.” Grace gave as non-committal an answer as she could but fully expected Christine not to believe her.
Christine sighed. “I suppose that shouldn’t surprise me either, actually. Probably doesn’t want to rake up past memories. I think the last memory he probably has of me is me screaming across a table at him in a restaurant in Paris.”
“Well, we’ve all done that.” joked Grace.
Christine chuckled appreciatively. Her shoulders slumped a little so they appeared less…tense? Was that how she was feeling? She looked down at the newspaper on the table but Grace could tell she wasn’t able to focus on the words.
“It’s Grace, right?” she asked after another quiet moment passed by.
“Yeh, it is. We met at the de la Salle hearing.” Grace was sure Christine could tell she was taken aback by hearing her name coming out of her mouth.
“I remember you. Sophie was very grateful for…everything you said to her. It really helped her a lot.” She smiled at her. “I take it you have children?”
“Two, a boy and a girl.”
“Yeh, I thought you sounded maternal. You have a warm energy about you.” She smiled again. “You don’t often find that with lawyers.”
Grace wasn’t sure what to say to that. Over the years she had become well aware that her methods were sometimes seen as unconventional; unconventional being another word for ‘kind’. Whatever it was, Christine was clearly astute until Grace remembered she had been married to Andy for a certain amount of time and she had no doubt gathered first hand that some lawyers were colder than others. Grace didn’t have sympathy for Christine listed on her bingo card for that day.
“Do you know...?” Christine started before something suddenly caused her to think twice. “Actually, never mind.”
“No, go on.” Grace encouraged, turning to face her fully as she dipped the teabag in and out of her mug. It was strong enough already but she didn’t know what else to do with her hands.
Christine sighed and considered speaking again before rolling her eyes at herself. “This is going to sound like High School but do you know if he is seeing someone?”
Grace hoped her facial expression didn’t give her away. “What?”
“Y’see?! It’s fuckin’ High School all over again! Christ, I must sound so pathetic right now.”
“No, you don’t sound like that at all! Sorry, I just wasn’t sure what to… I mean, I don’t know, really. I’m probably not the best person to ask.” Grace fumbled her way through a reply. “Do you think he’s seeing someone?”
Christine stared at the empty seat in front of her for a moment as she tried to organise her thoughts. It was clear she had some views on that question but wasn’t sure what to say to the almost-complete stranger standing near her who was listening to her speak about things she likely hadn’t even vocalised to a life-long best friend before. Or someone she knew even just one degree better than Grace.
“It was just something he said. Before. I wasn’t sure how to read it, that’s all.” She dismissed it and turned the page as though she was indicating to Grace that their conversation was over, but a thread had clearly been pulled.
“Maybe that’s something you need to speak to him about?” Grace wasn’t sure how to vacate the room much less find a way of courteously ending the conversation without looking like she was about to run away. “Are you waiting around for him?”
She seemed like she hadn’t heard Grace’s question but, soon enough, they made eye contact again.
“No. I just felt a little faint before so I thought I would sit in here for five minutes. It’s probably just the heat, though. Although that was about…” She checked the watch on her wrist. “Half an hour ago so, yes, I suppose I should be thinking about leaving.”
“Don’t leave on my account if you’re not feeling well? I can get someone to call you a cab if you need one?”
“No, it’s fine. Some fresh air will do me good.”
There wasn’t a lot spoken between them after that. Grace offered to call her a cab once more but Christine declined it once more as well. She checked her phone before chucking it into the side pocket of her handbag, and gathered up the paper before nodding her a goodbye.
Whatever it was that had transpired, whatever it was that had led to Christine sitting by herself for this short time, Grace had a feeling it wouldn’t be the last she would see of her. And, as odd as that made her feel, what right did she have to know about their relationship anyway? About what was or was not going to happen?
Those were the thoughts she found whirling around her brain for the rest of the afternoon.
She sat in her office staring at some notes she had made the night before while supervising Sam as he made them all dinner. Nothing quite like summarising a $10million settlement for a three-month long (or should that be short?) matrimony as her innocent, beautiful son made some mac ‘n’ cheese.
A direct message popped up on the bottom right corner of her screen and she inwardly groaned. She rubbed at her eyes with the tips of her fingers, steeling herself to move from the relative solitude of her office.
“What’s up?” She asked Andy as she poked her head into his office a few minutes later.
He turned in his chair to see her in his doorway and placed the file he had been skimming through on his desk in front of him, letting out the air from his puffed out cheeks.
“You think we’ve been too hasty on this McLaughlin case?” He asked her outright.
“No.” She shook her head but still pondered his question in case there was some minor detail they had both omitted from their memories. “He pretty much admitted to all of the affairs, even the ones he couldn’t explicitly remember. It was a bit odd but you said yourself that it was cut and shut.”
He tapped his fingers on the file papers on the desk. “Yeh. Yes, you’re probably right. I just can’t shake the feeling that we could have saved him a bit more cash, y’know?”
Grace shrugged. “I’m sure he’s comfortable. He seemed pretty happy with the settlement at the time unless you’re thinking about raising an appeal on his behalf?”
He shook his head unsympathetically. “No, I’m not thinking that. Sorry, ignore me, it’s been a weird day.”
Grace forced a smile through her closed mouth. She nodded before turning on her heels to leave his office again.
“Grace?” He stood up from his chair. “Could you…shut the door for a second?”
She turned back to view him warily. He walked slowly around the side of his desk before leaning back against it, his hands nervously fidgeting with something in the pockets of his trousers. She did what he asked but she wasn’t exactly thrilled about what was likely going to come next.
“I’m sorry about Christine earlier. I wasn’t expecting...”
Grace shook her head hoping it would stop him in his tracks. “Don’t worry about it.”
He looked her over but she couldn’t work out what he was thinking. Likely, he was wondering why she appeared to be so casual about his ex-wife’s sudden presence.
“There isn’t… there’s nothing there. For me.”
“OK.” She blinked. “It’s not really any of my business.”
“I just didn’t want you to think there was.”
She nodded again. She suddenly felt like she was stood in front of a Principal who was giving her some unwanted advice about something she had been forced to discuss out loud.
“Right. Well,” he tried his hardest to mask his irritation at Grace’s apparent indifference.
He looked around his office at nothing in particular. Grace scratched at the back of head.
“I’m still sorry if it made you feel uncomfortable.”
“Andy, it’s fine, honestly. You guys were married for heaven’s sake, you have a history. It’s perfectly reasonable for you two to maintain a relationship, even after…everything.”
Andy huffed to himself. “I wouldn’t say we have a relationship exactly, of any kind. In fact, we hadn’t spoken in years before de la Salle. I wasn’t sure why she came by the office today either. Still not sure what she was after even now after she’s left.”
Grace wasn’t sure if he knew Christine had lingered around in a quiet part of the floor before she left earlier that afternoon, but she decided she wasn’t going to be the one to share that little titbit with him. It wasn’t exactly her place.
“What she was after?” She asked him.
“Yeh. She’s, er, getting married again.”
Grace was snapped suddenly by his admission. Reviewing his casual stance still leaning back against his desk, he didn’t appear to be upset or even remotely saddened by the news she apparently gave him just a few hours ago. If anything, he seemed surprised.
“…And she wanted to know what I thought.”
“About the marriage?” Grace approached.
“Yeh.” He nodded at her, matching her perplexity. “I didn’t understand either. I mean, we haven’t spoken in so long, not properly at least. I wasn’t aware we had to notify each other when we started seeing other people. Christ, I owe her a lot of visits.”
Grace rolled her eyes at him. Andy never asked for permission to do anything so of course it would make perfect sense that he wouldn’t think of giving someone the common curtesy of something so minimal and thoughtful, like ‘keeping in touch’.
“She was likely just giving you the heads-up in case you found out from someone else. Boston can be a small place.” Grace said. “Did she tell you about him, the new guy?”
“She said he’s nice, he works in marketing, I think. Oh, and he likes horses.” He shrugged like he wasn’t sure why Christine made a point of mentioning that specific detail.
“That’s cool.” She chuckles and he rolls his eyes in agreement. “It’s always good to find a man who like animals. And it bodes well for becoming a parent, I suppose, if she’s thinking about kids and the future and everything.”
“Thanks, I’ll remember that.” He speaks softly. He looks down at the floor and brushes his foot over the soft carpet below before snapping back into the room. “Why are you being so nice about her all of a sudden?”
“Why would I not be nice about her? Or neutral at least. I don’t know her.”
“S’pose.” He said. “She wanted to know if we had made a mistake. In breaking up.”
For the second time in as many minutes, Grace was rendered almost speechless.
“Oh. Right.” She nodded after what was far too long a pause for either of them to be comfortable with. She wanted to know what he said to her next but evidently, he was waiting for her to ask him that question instead. “What do you think about that?”
He shrugged almost nonchalantly. “There’s only so many times you can tell a person you weren’t right for each other, that you weren’t going to make the other one happy, y’know? I don’t particularly enjoy breaking people’s hearts, despite what you might think of me. I don’t think she deserves that shit again.”
Grace nodded and looked down at the floor by his feet, to avoid looking at his face.
“So, I told her I hope she’ll be happy and I hope the wedding goes well.” He spoke again, in a slightly more cheerful tone this time. “I mean, what else is there to say?”
It was a rhetorical question, she knew that, but it didn’t stop her trying to come up with words that might bring this awkward conversation to a close. As it happened, he did it for the both of them.
“I want you to come to Chicago with me next week. For the conference.”
Her eyes widened in shock but he remained as cool as ever as though he hadn’t just posed a completely impractical suggestion.
“That’s not going to be possible. With work and everything, I can’t just up-”
“Yes, you can. Nadine can take on the Phillips and Carlson cases, I know they’ve been dragging for a little while-” Oh wow, flirting and criticising her work in the same sentence. Nice. “-and anything else can wait a day or two. If we fly out Thursday morning and come back late Saturday evening, you’ll be back before anyone realises you’ve gone. It’s easy.”
He wasn’t blinking which was a thing he did when he was arguing with someone, like being trapped under the sheer weight of his intense stare would likely cause his opponent to cave at any moment. She’d shudder to think how many times it had worked in the past, and on whom, like it was almost working on her now.
“No, it’s not easy. I can’t up and leave with no warning, Andy. Even if work wasn’t an issue, I have the kids to think about. I’m sorry.”
“What if Jack asks you to come with me?”
“What?” She narrows her eyes towards him.
“This thing is a pretty big deal, Grace, it only happens once every two years. There’ll be some speakers there I know you’ll wanna see, like that lady with the cats on the front cover. Sadie…?” He clicks his fingers repeatedly until Grace can’t bear it any longer.
“Sadie Carmichael.”
“Sadie Carmichael!” He grins. “I remember you tried making me read her thesis on animal custody in divorce.”
“Yeh, and you kept falling asleep.”
He gets up from his desk and stalks towards her but mindful of leaving a foot between them so as not to crowd her back against the office door.
“I promise I won’t fall asleep this time.”
She does give him the satisfaction of thinking it over a tiny but before she declines him again, leaving him to back away from her.
“Just…think about it. Please?” He presses. “The kids could have a couple of nights with Dan, and I get to spend some time with you.”
“I thought this Chicago thing was a pretty big deal? Won’t you be wanting to schmooze with everyone?”
He purses his lips before smiling at her. “It has to come to an end at some time, right?” He bites his bottom lip in contemplation and regards her again. “That’s one thing I realised today, when she asked if I thought we made a mistake in ending our marriage. I knew instinctively that we hadn’t, it was almost an automatic feeling in me that it was right and that I didn’t regret leaving, but it doesn’t stop me feeling regret for other things I’ve done, or didn’t do. Things that I wanna make right…”
“Just…a couple of days and then we can figure it all out afterwards.” He placed his hand in hers, hanging by her side. “I promise.” 
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jamneuromain · 2 years
Hello everybody :)))
I write for Chris Evans / Mads Mikkelsen and their characters (for now). Requests are opened. If you are interested, feel free to check out my stories. Unless specified, the stories are finished one-shots. Minors please don't interact. You are responsible for your own media consumption.
I will block bots on a weekly basis. If you are an actual human-being who want to follow, please have something on your dash or change your icon from the tumblr given setting so that I won't block you by mistake.
And apparently tumblr has flagged some of my work with mature themes, so be sure to turn on your settings ;)
Beautiful dividers by @firefly-graphics
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The Lucky Saturday He Met You ✓ 💕🔥
Pairing: Chris Evans x You Summary: One-shots of the stories between Chris (Actor) and You.
Multi. Chris Evans Characters Masterlist
Ari Levinson Masterlist
Steve Rogers Masterlist
Andy Barber Masterlist
Lloyd Hansen
A Whiff of Blood √: Mob AU. It is a dumb idea to be working for Lloyd when you have hemophobia. (Mob!Lloyd x Secretary!You) 🥀💕🌑
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Misc. Characters Masterlist
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Drabbles & Headcanons
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Cum Together Trifecta (✓)
Jammy's 500 Followers' Celebration
The Slumber Party Present Bingo (✓)
More stories can be read on AO3, but I can't promise all of them are in English :P
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buckyswifesblog · 2 years
can you do a smut about andy barber cheating on his wife lauri with his sister in law, cam girl reader!
Lust on web
Pairing: Andy barber x cam reader
Summary: andy fucks his sister in law
Warning: 18+ 😏🌶️
Note: this is my first time writing a smut so plz be patient
Yn set up her computer in her bedroom ready to live stream again no one knew it was her do to yn covering her face and only showing her body. yn begin her live stream and saw someone new named hotdaddy345
“ oh hello there have seen that u are new here right “
Hotdaddy345 replied yes sweetheart.
Andy was bored not getting attention by his wife that he went online to see what he saw, he saw girl name ynm ( ur name in the website) and click it he saw how beautiful her body all in a red lingerie the only problem is that he couldn’t see her face but he memorized her body, her tattoo, her belly piercing and every detail of her.
Andy text it on the chat if he can be in a private with her, yn said ofc and send him a message of the link he pay to see.
Yn was so excited to see that he pay, in the private server yn took her linger how to show him her body. Andy ask her to spread her legs for him and to touch herself.
Yn did what he said. She run her finger in her wet slit, andy told her to use to fingers and she did what he said yn place two fingers in her slowly moving it in and out . Andy saw that and he was already hard he used his hand to bump his dick imagine that it was her doing it. andy saw how good she is in doing what andy told her to do, in the other side yn was moaning about to cum for him.
Andy wishes that was him making her happy, after it was done “ it was nice meeting u daddy hopefully u had fun tonight” “ ofc I did baby “ yn ended the live stream and receive a text from him saying hopefully we meet soon to make u cum like u just did.
Days after
Yn was staying over in her sister and husband house since she hasn’t seen them in while, yn and Laurie were close but when Laurie got married they stop hanging out, “ yn good to see u again” “ u too Laurie it’s nice seeing u again “ Laurie and yn were talking about how she doing in life and everything. Whilst they were talking Andy enter the room “ oh hi yn nice seeing u again it’s been so long “ “ ik Andy it’s been so long since we hang out” Andy notice that yn had a tattoo the same one has the cam girl Andy thought to himself if he was seeing her get a wild or someone else. Andy didn’t knew what to think or do so he leave it like that.
Next day
Yn went to the pool with them and but her bikini on, while andy was sitting down he saw yn had the same features like the cam girl that he decided to do something to see if it was her or not, Andy texted the cam girl and yn phone light it with the message, Andy was in shocked seeing that he wanted to fuck his sister in law.
When they got back home Laurie had a called in the company that she left “ yn Andy I’m coming back they called me about something” “ no problem Laurie “. Yn went to her room and Andy follow behind and knocked “ hi Andy do u need something “ “ yes now tell me yn are u ynm “ yn was shocked in seeing that his brother in law knew about her secret “ how u know Andy “ Andy didn’t say anything he just smirked.
“ I made u deal yn I won’t tell Laurie what u doing if u let me fucked u “ yn didn’t knew what to say that she accepted it. Yn went and but on a rope without her clothes on to go in Andy’s room.
Andy: u know yn, u are really pretty and hot when u doing that
Yn: just let’s get it over with Andy
Andy started kissing yn body slowly, taking her rope little by little, yn couldn’t wait any longer that she grab him from his tie and flip him over kissing him passionate yn took her rope and Andy was staring up and down her body, yn went down in his pants and unzipped them and stared to suck his cock “ that’s it be a good girl “ . Three months later yn and Andy decided to have an affair with each other yn knew that it was wrong since it was her sister husband. Yn and Andy were doing it when they can in the bedroom, bathroom little quick on the sofa when Laurie was sleeping, Andy was having a good time with his sister in law seeing her bounce up and down his dick, sucking it and yn love it how his Beard touch her sensitive spot neck, while he was eating her out.
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ughdontbeboring · 2 years
yall…what the fuck is Christopher Robert Jamal Evans doing! I mean that thang is hanging!
his pants are literally stugglingggg struggling to hold that dick up 🥹 if i dont get that dick in my mouf sooooooon
literally a crime to humanity that you havent shared that thang with me 🤷🏽‍♀️
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SaiyanPrincessSwanie - Reading List Week 110
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Welcome to Week 110
As always these will be listed in no particular order. None of these stories are mine. I’m just signal boosting them. Author is listed next to title. My goal is to signal boost writers and spread positivity in the community.  💜💜
Click HERE to see what I will or won’t read. This is very important.
Click HERE for past reading lists.
My Masterlist click HERE
Please make sure you are reading the warnings on every story. They range from dark to fluff. Do Not Read if you are under 18 years old. These stories are meant for adults only. You’re responsible for your own media consumption.
Page-break by @whimsicalrogers​​​​​​​​ & header by me
If you can, please reblog these lists so they can reach more people on Tumblr.
I love you 3000 💜 Missy
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Chrome & Leather - Chapter 1 - (Steve x Reader, Billy x Reader) - @saiyanprincessswanie​​​
Wild Ride - (Billy x Reader) - @agentwhiskeysdarlin​​
Surprise Breakfast - (Ari x Reader) - @syntheticavenger​​
First Day of School - (Ari x Reader) - @syntheticavenger​​
Shot Down - @writercole​​
A harmless Taxi ride - (Stony x Reader) - @ironlady1993​
Hope to God You See My Face - (Mr Freezy x Reader) - @the-iceni-bitch​​
Interference - (Bucky x Reader) - @navybrat817​
Chubby Bucky Drabble - @angrythingstarlight​​
Sam Wilson & Matt Murdock Roommates - @1000night​
Sunday Snuggles - (Bucky x Reader) - @jobean12-blog​
Welcome to Paradise - (Bucky x Reader) - @jobean12-blog​
Forever, you will be mines - (The Darkling x Reader) - @princessofdarkwinter​
Through the mirrorverse 4 - @ironlady1993
Constant - (Bucky x Reader x Steve) - @navybrat817
A Taste of Submission - (Bucky x Reader) - @jobean12-blog
Recovery - (Bradshaw x Reader) - @writercole​
𝐒𝐨𝐦𝐞𝐰𝐡𝐞𝐫𝐞 𝐢𝐧 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐁𝐞𝐥𝐥𝐲 𝐨𝐟 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐁𝐞𝐚𝐬𝐭 - (𝐋𝐥𝐨𝐲𝐝 x Reader) - @ozarkthedog​
Infinity - (Bucky x Reader) - @maladaptivexxdaydreaming​
nomad!steve is filthy and so are you - @christywantspizza​
Hospital Visits, Anxiety and McDonalds - (Stucky x Reader) - @jackthemarvelfinatic​
ICU, I love you. - (Stucky x Reader) - @lfnr-blog-blog-blog​
Daddy's best friend (3) - (Ari x Reader) - @holylulusworld​
You're No Bun - (Rooster x Reader) - @writercole​
Aahp (2) - New territories - @holylulusworld​
Wasn't looking for love till I found you - @madscape​
Drunk Or Baby? - (Andy x Reader) - @fictional-affairs​
Riding On - Chp 28 Part 2 - (Frank x OFC) - @wiypt-writes​
Miss Velvet - Chp 8 - (Bucky x Reader) - @missvelvetsstuff
Girlfriend boyfriend, Girlfriend boyfriend - Part 6 - (Stucky x Reader) - @sidepartskinnyjeans
Sunrise - Part 7 - (Bucky x Reader) - @wkemeup
Delicate Edges - Part 7 - (Bucky x Reader) - @wkemeup
The Agony of Desire - Part 4 - (Billy x Reader) - @becauseicantthinkwritings
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hollybee8917 · 1 year
Only One
Characters: Joann (OFC), Andy Barber
Warnings: None, this is just pure fluff.
@joannaliceevans-fanficblog This one is for you.
“Joann? Honey?”
Andy’s voice echoed through the empty house as he walked from from room to room, “Jo? Sweetheart? Where are you?”
The Assistant DA made his way up the stairs of the home he shared with his wife, “Joann?”
Soft sniffles caused him to pause at the bedroom door. Tentatively, he placed his hand on the knob and turned it, pushing the door open as he did so. Then he saw her.
Joann was curled up on their bed with her back turned to the door. He slipped his shoes off and crawled onto the bed behind her. Gently, he wrapped his arms around her torso, “Hey. Hey. I’m here.”
Joann turned to face him, “Andy…”
He soothed her, "Easy, darling. What's going on?"
But Joann didn't answer him. She merely cried into his shirt and tightened her grip around him. With a sigh he kissed her hair, "There, there, everything is alright. I'm right here. You don't have to say anything. I will just hold you for now. Can I tell you about my day?"
He felt Joann nod into his chest and he smiled softly, "Well, after I got to the courthouse, I was immediately accosted by Loguidice who demanded I tell him why I took over a triple homicide case that was supposed to go to him. You should have seen the look on his face. It was like he had sucked on a sour lemon. Around midday, I took my lunch to the park across the street. I saw Jacob and we ate together while he told me about the classes he was taking for his senior credits to graduate. He asked about you. It's sweet how close the two of you are and I am so glad you get along. Laurie came to pick him up and said hello. She asked about you too. After lunch, I was in court for about two hours then I went back to my office. I spent the rest of the day thinking about you. Did you think about me today?"
Joann looked up at him, "Hold me, Andy. I just need cuddles. Lots of cuddles."
All he could do was oblige her.
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buckets-and-trees · 2 years
Forest of Fics [masterlist]
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Puzzle Pieces in the Dead of Night [1.5k] soft dark Nomad Steve x female!reader [1.5k] | explicit smut, connected to It Fit Too Right
Falling Away [1.5k] soft dark alpha Bucky x female!omega!reader | tw: DUB CON, explicit smut, sequel to Give Up 
heat [7k] soft!dark Mob Boss!James Barnes x Chef!Female!Reader | explicit smut, conclusion to the Devour Series
an ask about a water creature C!Evans character [bullet point drabble] Bolotnik!Curtis Everett x Female!Reader | explicit smut, non-con, dub con, terato/monster fucking
Love That's Laid Beside Me [5k] King!Steve x Queen!Female!Reader | explicit smut, part of the Cedar Trees Royal AU
Prepare for Takeoff [1.5k] soft!dark!mafia Andy Barber x female!reader | tw: dub con, explicit smut, part of the I'm Your Man collection
The Only Way of Knowing You [7.8k] leshy!Nick Fowler x female!Reader | modern AU, smut, tw: dub con
CEDAR TREES [royal AU collection] f!Reader insert, king!Steve, Royal AU, smut, fluff
DEVOUR [short series] soft!dark Bucky x f!Reader insert, mob AU, non/dub-con start, explicit SMUT
Sacrificial [3.5k] Minotaur!Bucky x f!scientist!Reader (modern AU) dark SMUT/monster fucking, dub-con
WARM SHADOWS [post-endgame omegaverse series] Alpha!Bucky x f!reader, Alpha!Captain Hydra x f!reader | DARK SMUT, tw: non con, tw: dub con, fluff beginning
I'M YOUR MAN [mafia AU series] soft!dark mafia Andy Barber x female!reader | tw: dub con, explicit smut
events & challenges
Aspen's Holiday Extravaganza 2022
Into an Alternate June-iverse 2023
Hot Bucky Summer 2023
Bucky Barnes Bingo, Round Five - through January 2024
Aspen's 1st Anniversary Sleepover
'A Very Horny Monday to You...' August Sultry and Sinful List
Aspen's Dark Forest Fest - October 2023
Aspen's Enchanted Birthday - January 2024
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IN THE OPEN AIR [dual-part series] Gender Bend Mermaid AU, f!Reader insert
part one: Out of These Waters [7.9k]
part two: That Shore Up Above [will be continued TBD]
THE BROOKLYN BOYS [drabble series] female!Reader insert, slow burn
DEVOUR [short series] female!Reader insert, mob AU, non/dub-con start, explicit SMUT, mostly-dark!mob boss Bucky
BUCK'S ELEVEN [snapshot series] historical AU, Ocean's Eleven-style heist premise
Buck's Eleven (original one-shot) [1.6k] Bucky, mentions of ex-wife!Reader, Steve
WARM SHADOWS [post-endgame omegaverse series] Alpha!Bucky x f!reader, Alpha!Captain Hydra x f!reader | DARK SMUT, tw: non con, tw: dub con, fluff beginning
Into Cursed Pixie Dust [9k] female!Reader insert, SMUT, morally grey Winter Soldier
Silent Screams in Wildest Dreams [8k] female!Reader insert, SMUT, dark ending
hope is a dangerous thing for a woman like me to have [2k] dark!Wanda + Bucky x gender neutral!Reader, non-con/dub-con smut DARK FIC
Sacrificial [3.5k] Minotaur!Bucky x female!scientist!Reader (modern AU) dark SMUT/monster fucking, dub-con + follow up drabble: Do You Remember?
Talk [2k] Pleasure Dom!Bucky (modern AU) SMUT, BDSM, forced orgasm
Perfectionists [2.2k] + Test Play [1.8k] Game Designer!Bucky x female!reader (modern AU) SMUT
Desperate [3k] female reader, SMUT, dubious consent, sex pollen, kidnapping
Uncertain and Sure [550] Bucky Barnes x Female!Reader | follow up drabble to Desperate, slight angst, feels, no smut
Insatiable [1850] Bucky Barnes x Female!Reader | more for the Desperate verse but can stand alone, explicit smut
The Pool Party Op [1.2k] female reader, SMUT
Meet Cute [2.2k] female reader, modern AU, first piece in the Trader James Collection
Saturday Night Movie Marathon [2.4k] female reader, SMUT
Don't Blame Me [<1k] female reader | SMUT, tw: infidelity
What You Want [2.7k] lawyer!Bucky x curvy!female assistant!reader| modern AU, power dynamic, periphery/secular reference to the Christmas holiday, vaginal fingering, use of "plum" as a term of endearment
Christmas Eve Eve [1.1k but slotting with the drabbles because it’s still short] gn!Reader insert, fluff
Tactics [650] TFATWS era Bucky, character study
Coffee Shop Meet-Cute Request [1.1k] post-TFATWS!Bucky Barnes x female!Reader, fluff
The Color Crimson [500] Bucky Barnes x female!Reader x Ari Levinson, SMUT
Give Up [450] soft dark alpha Bucky x female!omega!reader | tw: DUB CON, explicit smut
Nose-brush forehead kisses post-TFATWS!Bucky Barnes x Reader, fluff
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CEDAR TREES [royal AU collection] female!Reader insert, king!Steve, Royal AU, smut, fluff
THE BROOKLYN BOYS [drabble series] female!Reader insert, slow burn
WARM SHADOWS [post-endgame omegaverse series] Alpha!Bucky x f!reader, Alpha!Captain Hydra x f!reader | DARK SMUT, tw: non con, tw: dub con, fluff beginning
Tiny Vessels [1.5k] gender neutral Reader insert, end of Endgame Steve, brief moments of non-graphic physical intimacy follow up: Don't Forget You Were the One Who [1.3k] Steve returns
King [1k] female!Reader insert, mob!Steve, angst quickly resolved into fluff
Witchview [1.3k] female!Reader insert (witch!reader), Steve stays in the present after Endgame, post-WandaVision, smut, magic, manipulation, dark-ish
Peering In My Hollow Core [2.4k] Nomad!Steve x Morally Grey f!Reader | SMUT (dub-con sex pollen)
With You female!Reader insert, fluff, potential future Neighbor!Steve scenario/chaptered work
inspired by a Chris and Dodger gifset gender neutral Reader insert, fluff
Bookings and Rings female!Reader insert, Buck's Eleven Collection, light smut
Steve with a Breeding Kink [750] Steve x f!reader | soft dark SMUT, tw: dubious consent
Not Meant to Be Like This [680] Alpha!Steve x female!omega!reader | SMUT, unexpected heat
It Fit Too Right [690] soft!dark Nomad!Steve x female!reader | smut
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Sketch of Sam and Natasha [1k] Nat x Sam, exploring a CA: The Winter Soldier theory/close “reading of the text”
Are We Falling [1k] Sam x female!Reader, smut, post!TFATWS
Consort [2.3k] Namor x female!Reader, smut, post Wakanda Forever Companion [3.3k] Namor x female!Reader, smut, part two of Consort
The Ashes In My Wake [1.2k] dark!Daredevil x female!Reader, non-con smut
These Hands Had To [1k] Alpha!Joaquin Torres x female!Omega!Reader, omegaverse, fluff to smut, post!TFATWS
hope is a dangerous thing for a woman like me to have [2k] dark!Wanda + Bucky x gn!Reader, non-con/dub-con smut DARK FIC
Late Night Quickie Natasha Romanoff x Joaquin Torres | Gamer AU, SMUT
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Unholy Errand [4k] Lloyd Hansen x female!Reader, God the Bounty Hunter x female!Reader, Ransom Drysdale SMUT, dark, non-con, dub-con
I'm Your Man [3k] soft!dark Mafia!Andy Barber x f!reader SMUT, tw: dubcon
The Color Crimson [500] Bucky Barnes x female!Reader x Ari Levinson | SMUT
Exactly Like You [1k] Nick Fowler x Female!Reader | soft dark, reference to smut happening, Stockholm syndrome
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cassieb1617 · 1 year
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Hello everyone! I‘m Cassie, my pronouns are she/her and I‘m 21. I come from Germany so English is not my first language, my zodiac sign is Sagittarius and my Hogwarts house is Slytherin. I‘m also a big Marvel and Harry Potter nerd which is what this blog is about. 
I, at first, made this blog to read fanfiction about my favourite Harry Potter characters but then decided to write some of them myself, later on I began watching the Marvel movies and started writing for my favourite MCU characters as well. 
All the gifs I use are not mine unless specifically stated, they are taken from Pinterest or from here on Tumblr. You can see the original gif-maker when you tap on the light grey name under the gif on the right side. The pictures like the header image in my navigation are nace by me and my divider as well. 
Please be kind when you send stuff into my inbox, I don‘t tolerate stuff like discrimination, hate, bullying etc. I don‘t want any of works plagiarized, copied republished somewhere that‘s not my account or translated. My works are only on Tumblr and my Wattpad. 
I ask you to read the warnings in the works and to not interact with the post if one of the warnings is MDNI [minors do not interact] or 18+. You are responsible for your own media consumption so I will not be held responsible when something triggers you that has been mentioned in the warnings. 
A little disclaimer: neither the Harry Potter universe nor the Marvel Universe belongs to me. Everything that you read is purely fictional!
In my earlier fics I used (y/n) but later on stopped using it. All my readers are female or gender neutral and I won‘t write male readers. Please respect that. I try not to describe the reader‘s features like eye colour, skin colour, etc so everyone feels included, inform me if something is incorrect (unless specifically given e.g. gamer!reader).
Some helpful tags may be:
#[insert your character‘s name] 
#[insert your character‘s name] x reader
#cassie‘s masterlist
#fic rec
Please block this hashtags if you don‘t want to see this topics/fics:
#camgirl au
#harry potter
!To see the 18+ fics you‘ll have to change your community labels!
The characters I write for:
Harry Potter:
James Potter
Remus Lupin 
Regulus Black
Lily Evans
Fred Weasley
George Weasley
Charlie Weasley
Hermione Granger
Ginny Weasley
Steve Rogers
Bucky Barnes
Sam Wilson
Pietro Maximoff
Wanda Maximoff
Natasha Romanoff
Chris Evans
Ari Levinson (The Red Sea Diving Resort)
Andy Barber (Defending Jacob)
Frank Adler (Gifted)
Ransom Drysdale (Knives Out)
Lloyd Hansen (The Gray Man)
Billy Loomis (Scream 1996)
Stu Macher (Scream 1996)
Sam Carpenter (Scream V)
Amber Freeman (Scream V)
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syms-things-5 · 2 years
Case Histories - Chapter Twelve
An Andy Barber AU fic (based on BBC’s ‘The Split’)
Previous Chapter Here / Masterlist Here
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Synopsis: A talented small-town family lawyer, Grace Atherton, gets the opportunity of a lifetime when she is offered a job at prestigious Boston law firm, Rothman and Hale. She decides to give up the relative comfort and ease of her current working situation in favour of following a dream she’s had since she was a young law grad, to the detriment of her family life and marriage. She soon comes into contact with old mental and one-time flame, Andy Barber. As gifted as he is handsome, it becomes clear he’s been keeping an eye on her burgeoning career from afar. Just how much will this decision cost her?
Series Warnings: Strong language, cheating, romantic language but nothing NSFW / 18+
“In many ways, it started and ended in that hotel room in Melbourne. I remember the faint aroma of the freshly vacuumed carpet, the gaudy décor, even the sunlight coming through a window. I remember it all so vividly that it may as well have happened yesterday.” 
Sadie Carmichael, seventy-three and carrying a much more youthful air than a woman half her age, had the entire place enthralled. She had regaled story after story from her past as she explained how she came to be viewed as one of the most revered lawyers of her generation. She spoke about her studies, her writing, her work with the Innocence Project, and the sexism she had encountered following her promotion to partner at Levison and Co., a company she would later buy a 30% stake of just because she could and just because she “wanted to piss some guys off”. It was this current story, however, that of a young woman falling in love for the very first time, that struck a more personal chord with the audience sat on the edge of their seats in front of her.
She talked about a young girl travelling the world and falling in love with an older man, a man who would take her virginity within days of meeting her. She talked about how her studies in Australia suffered considerably from the after effects of her having had her heart broken for the first time in her young and carefree life when he told her that he was married with children, a fact he had previously omitted to share with her. Ultimately, her father had to sell his car so as to afford the airfare halfway around the world in order to bring her home again.
“Everything I am today, everything I have built and learnt, it’s all because of him really. And it’s not that I want to give him credit for his influence or anything like that, but it’s more about the lessons we learn subconsciously when we don’t think we are doing so, or don’t think we are capable of taking anything away from something.”
As she goes on to explain, she spent the twelve months following her return to the United States in a severe bout of depression. It was a while before she felt she was able to return to her law studies. It was because of this impromptu break in her life, and the worry she had caused her father (her mother had passed away when she was only seven years old) that she would later go on to excel in her studies and become the youngest partner of any Law Firm in the United States. She didn’t say as much explicitly but she had scripted it like it was the ultimate revenge against a man who very nearly destroyed her and, in a way, her father. This is why, she explains, you have to think about all of the parties involved in a divorce and not just those you are paid to fight.
“That’s why we have to be so good at what we do. We have to practice the lessons others do not know for themselves. We protect people and we fight for what is right.”
The room Sadie was speaking to could only hold 150 people, Grace being one of them, but many more were happily standing up at the back. A few people had also gathered around the side of the makeshift wooden stage that currently supported both her and the interviewer, a journalist from the New York Times. Sadie was that big of a deal and rightly so as Grace had explained to Andy earlier that afternoon.
“Everything I have written since that time, no matter how things ended, was in some way influenced and shaped by those days. Whatever is growing or is taking up my interest at any one time, was very much sketched in part by him. I don’t know if I have spoken this candidly about him before today to be honest with you but as you get older and you start to look back on these things, I guess you lose interest in keeping the peace for other people’s sakes. I talk about what I want to talk about and do what I want to do. You never know if it might help someone else.”
Grace felt a murmur of appreciation from a few people sat around her at that last comment. Honestly, she could very well have clapped at the end of every breath Sadie took such was her candour and her eloquence. Whether it be a biting remark at an unnamed colleague here or a scathing review of a now-defunct Law Journal she once contributed a piece to in the late 90s, it didn’t matter much. She was never less than delightful. They say never meet your heroes but Grace was feeling rather superior at being sat in front of one of hers.
After finally vacating the room once the cheers had died down and people reluctantly started to make their way out of the room, she checked her phone and found a text waiting from Andy.
She entered the bar fifteen minutes later and found him sat to one side, nursing a bottle of bud in one hand and scrolling through something interesting on his phone. He put the phone down as soon as he noticed Grace approach him and motioned to the barman to bring another drink his way.
“So…?” He smiled at her. “Tell me how much I would have loved it.”
She placed her bag on the side of the bar and pursed her lips at him in thought. “You know, I don’t think you would have enjoyed it that much. A lot of it would have probably gone over your head, what with the feminist angle and all that.”
“Ouch.” He pretended to flinch away from her. “I’ll have you know I love strong women.”
She smiled a thanks to the barman for the bottle he placed in front of her and Andy tipped the neck of his towards hers to clink them.
“Here’s to one last night of freedom.” He spoke like it was a joke but Grace knew there was some internal commentary beneath it. She was still riding on the high from being just feet away from one of her all-time favourite legal theorists, and Andy’s cockiness was not going to spoil it.
They took sips of their respective drinks before she watched him look at her out of the corner of her eye.
“How was your meeting?” she asked.
He quickly looked back at something on his phone as he contemplated what to say to her.
“It was interesting. A few things in the pipeline, I think. Could be a gamechanger.”
“For the company?”
“Like an expansion or something?”
His eyes squinted at something he’d spied on his phone as he, again, pondered the right words to use. She knew there was something going on.
“Not technically.”
She smirked at him. “You’re not going to tell me, are you?”
“OK.” She wasn’t going to push either. She was far too tired to do that.
“What do you want to do for dinner?” He smiled his “smile’ at her as he pointedly changed the subject. “What?”
She scratched at the corner of the label on her bottle of beer. “Nothing. What do you fancy?”
“Do you want my literal answer to that question,” he leaned forward on his forearms. “Or do you want to know what I want for dinner?”
She rolled her eyes at him. “Dinner, obviously, seeing as you brought it up in a bid to change the conversation from something you apparently can’t talk to me about.”
He regarded her for a second, seriously thinking about clueing her in, but he didn’t.
“It’s not that I can’t tell you about it, it’s just that some pieces need to be in place first.” He looked up at her through his eyelashes. “You know me, I like to be prepared, and there is a great Thai restaurant down the street from here.”
Grace could have wound him up a little more if she had felt so inclined to do so but the mention of Thai food got her salivating. She wanted to know but she really wanted food. It wasn’t ideal for her to drink on an empty stomach especially around Andy and she reasoned that he and Jack would let the firm in on whatever they had been planning eventually. Whenever the time was right. 
The city looked beautiful at this time of the night. Lights from cars and buildings and streetlamps twinkled in shades of white and pink and orange as the two of them casually strolled down Solidarity Drive. There was very little breeze but the air was mildly chillly, so much so that Grace kept her arms wrapped around herself for their brief sojourn out of the restaurant.
Andy had persuaded her to come for a walk with him before they retreated back to their hotel for the last night of their trip and while he didn’t have to work too hard to convince her, she didn’t let on to him that she needed to walk off some of the amazing food currently taking up home in her stomach. She would travel the near-thousand miles for that food any day of the week and made a mental note to bring Liv here one day soon.
Despite the late hour of the evening, there was still gatherings of people milling around going about their business after what would have been the end of their working day and week in full. The vibe in the air felt relaxed but also buzzing with possibility about what the city would get up to over the coming weekend. You could still easily blend into the surroundings without being noticed much, though. It was nice.
As they neared the waterside, she felt Andy tug on her arm and pull her towards the side where the railings separated them from the water. He stepped behind her and stretched his arms out either side of her, resting his hands beside hers on the railing in front of them, loosely caging her in.
“Is this OK?” He spoke softly into her ear.
She nodded her agreement, far too chilled out and sleepy for words. He leaned his chest against her back so they were touching a little more and she was thankful for the warmth of his body against hers. She felt his lips skim the top of her ear before he softly placed his lips on her hair just behind and where he would remain for a few quiet minutes, not quite kissing her as such but just enjoying the feeling of her hair brush against his face.
“I can’t believe how quiet it all is.” Grace eventually spoke. “You don’t get this in Boston.”
He murmured his understanding. He took in a deep breath and she could feel his chest slowly rise against her back, like he was relaxed and comfortable. The conflict from being in Chicago with him hadn’t much left her mind but she couldn’t deny how nice this all felt, just being in the here and now with him. It was almost like they were the only people in the city. Like time had just stopped still, and they could pretend for a little while, with no problems to speak of.
“Yeh. I always assumed I would miss the noise of home but…I can’t be mad about this.”
They remained where they were stood in near silence. More cars were heard in the distance, in the downtown area they had just left, and the water of Lake Michigan to the right of them ebbed and flowed unobtrusively, soothingly, producing the kind of sounds that would not be out of place in one of the sleep apps Liv had tried to get Grace to listen to before she went to sleep.
“You ever think about moving out of Boston one day?” He asked her, finally breaking the silence after what seemed like an age.
“Not really, no, but not in a definite sort of sense. It’s not having the time or the reason to do so, y’know?”
He remained quiet for a second so she didn’t know whether he heard her or not. Or if, like she was feeling, he was so peaceful he couldn’t muster the energy to speak.
“What kind of reason do you think you’d need?” He asked her. “Like, if someone told you that you had to move away from Boston tomorrow?”
It was an interesting question for sure. Neither she nor Dan had ever thought about raising their kids anywhere other than in Boston. They had never needed to check that with the other person during the earlier years of them being together and, yes, while they discovered they were pregnant far earlier in their relationship than they had perhaps planned to be, nevertheless Boston was where they had both grown up. It was just common sense for them to stay there. 
The best universities and colleges were in Mass as well and Grace thought it had always had a very liberal way of life. She’d considered that a very important philosophy for her children to grow up with. It was a fait accompli and she wasn’t mad about it. The kids were happy. Maybe that was the answer she was trying to fathom? If either Liv or Sam ever expressed an interest in moving away then maybe they would? Even so, even if they had ever brought it up with her or Dan, it was still unlikely to happen, she thought.
“I’m not really sure.” She said when she remembered no one had spoken for a little while. “I guess when things are right you just know you don’t want to be anywhere else.”
“And things are right in Boston? Like, right now for you?”
“So long as Liv and Sam are happy and settled where they are, that’s all that matters for me at the end of the day. And they’re both at that age where school gets a little more important and they have their friend circles and routines and…” She shrugs her shoulder, holding it there as she tries to find the right words. “If they’re happy, I’m happy.”
“And Dan?”
“He’s close to the big sports so he’d be happy regardless.” She chuckles.
“That’s not what I’m asking.”
She shifts a little under his hold and manages to turn her body around to face him fully. He relinquishes his grip on the railings behind her but she’s still very much caged in by him, feeling like she can’t get away, in every sense.
She studies his face for a second before looking away, finding his gaze a little too intense for this time of the night when she was starting to lag.
“I know we’re not perfect and I can’t say that we’re happy 100% of the time but Dan…” she starts slowly, wary of how this would make Andy feel. “Dan’s the only stable thing I’ve had in my life. We have our issues but he’s there when it counts the most.”
She watches as Andy begins to falter slightly in front of her, like he suddenly regrets asking her the damn question in the first place. She certainly wasn’t expecting it but she also wasn’t going to lie to him. He would suss her out in no time.
“After mom died, I didn’t know how I would cope, especially with a young baby and a husband who had to work all hours because I couldn’t. He kept us all going.”
“You deserve to be happy and you don’t owe-”
“-I know that,” She interrupts him. “And I’m not saying I feel like I owe him either. I’ve just, I’m seen far too many marriages end because of the opposite scenario. Y’know, people get wrapped up with the stuff that doesn’t matter, the small, daily grievances they might have with one another, and they leave the one thing that does count to just rot away.”
His eyes skim back over her face and just when she thinks he’s about to say something, he rests his forehead against hers and remains quiet. His breath fans her face and she watches him as he closes his eyes. She takes her hand currently resting on his arm and moves it to hold the side of his face. Her thumb soothingly strokes the side of his cheek and he sighs in ease.
He backs away from her a little, only millimeters but she can feel the difference all the same. The almost imperceptible movement of his eyes was sometimes a giveaway to what he was thinking and feeling in a given moment and Grace found herself in this close proximity, with his body still so near to hers, being almost able to sense his sway in emotions.
She could make some guesses as to how many people were aware of this small tell of his. It was the only nuance he had allowed those who knew him, really knew him, to know what was going on.
“I’m…sorry.” She forced out. She wasn’t able to verbalise what she was sorry for but she knew she felt it for him in that moment.
“You don’t need to be sorry, Gracie.” He shook his head, bringing his gaze back to hers. “This is…”
He couldn’t locate the words he wanted to say. Sorry would suggest regret of some kind and he really didn’t want to heat that from her. Not least because it was something he had been increasingly aware of in his own state of mind since the day she had re-entered his life.
“Y’know, I don’t think I wanna end this like this.” He whispered. “Let’s just go back and…”
He gently moved a loose strand of her hair from out of her eye and smiled softly at her. 
Andy looked peaceful as he lay there in the morning light. His eyes were closed giving the impression he was still asleep but he wasn’t and she likely knew he wasn’t. His steady breathing was the only sound she could just about make out in her room.
It had been a heftier walk back to the hotel the night before and while Andy had first suggested they get a cab, Grace actually chose the walk back, surprising even herself. In the aftermath of a heavier conversation than she had been anticipating, she found herself preferring the cool breeze and exercise in a bid to help clear her mind.
They walked in near silence the entire way back, only stopping once when Andy decided he wanted a pretzel from the street vendor. He was still open, presumably to satisfy the late-night appetites of people leaving clubs and bars, and it was like witnessing a kid finding ice cream in the middle of the night. He kept offering her a bit as they continued to make their way home but she kept refusing causing him to make exaggerated noises akin to ‘you don’t know what you’re missing out on’. He was trying to lighten the air between them and she appreciated it.
As she watched him rest his eyes, one arm lazily stretched out in front of him and crossing her side of the bed almost inviting her back to him where she could perhaps curl herself up into his side and sleep for another hour or two, she mentally fought through everything spinning through her mind.
She hadn’t slept much during the night but not for any physical reason. After they reached their floor and they lingered inside her doorway a second too long, she pulled away from his kiss. He invited himself to stay with her regardless. Neither had said much out loud but they were both thinking the same thing.
And that was what she found herself mulling over now.
Somewhere between receiving the job offer from Rothman & Hale and choosing to accept it, she had managed to convince herself that working with Andy again after all this time, after having not seen him nor spoken to him for so many years, would be the easiest thing. Why shouldn’t she jump at the chance to work alongside him again and for a firm she greatly admired? No matter their personal entanglements, at one time Andy had been a life-saver for her and it was something she could only be grateful for.
When she was at university and struggling, her anxiety only serving to reinforce the idea that she wasn’t capable of becoming a lawyer, Andy seemed to be the only person who saw through the lies her brain was telling her. He was able to keep her going. She had never had that kind of support before. Her father didn’t much want her to become a lawyer, figuring she was too soft for the profession, and her mother, well, she just wanted her to be happy and if that was working night shifts in a 7-Eleven then so be it. Andy saw through that, though. He had encouraged her when she was at her lowest as a young student and now, here he was again, subtly pushing her from the side-lines, telling her she is the very lawyer he told her she could be. It was irresistible. Andy was her first in a lot of ways and, God, how she had underestimated her memories of him.
It had been a hang-up of hers, this lingering lack of self-esteem from an erratic childhood of watching her parents fight and her father leave and come back, sometimes weeks after the fact. Her mother was miserable with him, she had known that since she was eight years old. That Andy seemed interested in the little things made a difference at a time when it mattered the most and, like a proverbial moth to a flame, she found herself unable to stop being drawn to him.
She watched him as a student, working harder for him than any other teacher, seeking the praise he happily gave her. She watched him succeed and charm and flirt with everyone who crossed his path and something in her needed that reassurance, needed that drive to keep going, to build something better for herself. Her strong feelings for him, she figured, were one-sided, if only for a brief period of time.
It wasn’t that she had disregarded their relationship or that she didn’t feel for him what she knew she did when she was younger and, well, more naïve, but it was more about how she hadn’t fully contemplated the impact he would have on her life all these years later. Maybe she had pushed those memories of him to one side because she had been so consumed with her career and getting to a point she felt she deserved in some way. But…that was Andy. That had always been Andy. He had done that for her.
“What are you thinking about?” Came the recognisably sleepy voice from the side of her.
Maybe Andy had been right all along: some things just never change.
She just couldn’t resist knowing what happened next.
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buckyswifesblog · 2 years
oh this is going to be interesting, could you please write about Andy barber cheating on his wife, Lauri with his assistant, reader
The other women
warning: smut 😏🌶️
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Andy and his assistant yn have been together for 3 months, yn knew that Andy was married but she didn’t care she will still fuck with him , or suck his dick under his tablet well he was talking to Laurie.
Andy have been fighting with Laurie over 2 years do to what happened with Jacob, he got tried of it ask his assistant if she will be his lover yn begin a in love it’s Andy said yes to him, Andy was all happy with his assistant even if she was in her mid twenties he loved everything from her.
Yn will receive gift from Andy like expensive perfume, bags or even lingerie for her to wear for him, yn will do everything to please him and what Laurie won’t do.
After weeks later andy had decided to get a hotel room for him and yn to celebrate a win case yn had back her favorite lingerie to give him a big surprise. Will Andy was in the meeting yn had plan everything out. She placed candles, rose petals and more
Yn was so excited to show Andy this, she went and got ready and use her red lipstick high heels, her hair done and last her lingerie, when Andy was done he went back to the room and saw everything that yn had done he called her out and yn replied “ in the room andy “ andy went to the room and saw yn all ready for him candles, wine and the one thing that caught his eyes was yn all beautiful with the red lingerie that he bought her. Andy was quickly enough to take his shirt off, one thing got to another and now yn was riding him all fast and deep Andy loving it he gray her from her hips and help me go more faster and rough, Andy didn’t care if yn make so much noise for the next door people heard her, all he cares is that his dick was being used by her tight walls.
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marvelgirl7 · 3 years
Andy Barber��Masterlist
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Series: Coming Soon
The Scarf
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buckyswifesblog · 2 years
Broken hearts pt 3
Summary: Yn and Andy barber were friends since middle school they did everything together until andy ask yn out on a date in high school They both were in love everyone was jealous of their relationship more the popular girls in school but what will happen when yn enter Andy’s room to see him and Laurie naked in the bed, years later they both got invited to the reunion where they see each other again, what will happen when Andy try to get back with her, when yn doesn’t want anything with him again
Pairing: Andy barber x reader
Note: I chose this song since it will go better with the summary and this part also
Yn wasn’t sure if she was ready to go back to the school no plus seeing her ex with his wife ( yn didn’t knew they both were divorced) , yn called her friend and ask her if she was going and If she can help her find a dress and high heels, well they were getting ready andy on the other hand was so nervous and seeing yn again he didn’t know how to approach her or say something.
Andy had left a note to Jacob saying that he will go to a reunion and that he left food for him, on his way he stop by the store to get some chocolates for yn even tho he didn’t knew how she will react after so long. Yn had done her makeup, her hair and dress looking all good and shit “ yfn do u think this is a lot “ “ofc not u look amazing, u have to stop being all negative yn “ “ u right let’s go now”
( ur outfit,makeup,hair)
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At the school reunion
Andy was talking to his friends about his life and career on how he had a son that he was proud at
His friend: so Andy any news about ur ex lover
Andy: nah really idk if she is married or has children
His friend: well she is single tho and doesn’t have children, all ik that she is a teacher at this high school
Andy: oh
Andy acted like he didn’t knew when he does do to u being his son teacher, Andy and his friends were still talking until his friend saw u , they looked all surprised in seeing how hot u look.
His friend: well andy I think it’s ur luck day look who show up
Andy turn around a saw u all beautiful, how that dress hugs ur curves, one of Andy friends called u over while u look up u saw Andy all those memories come back to u , good ones ,bad ones ,and sad ones.
Yn: hi everyone, Andy
Andy felt her voice all cold and he didn’t like that, Andy’s friend have left him with u alone to talk but yn didn’t want to that she just walk away. Andy panicking he grab ur hand and told u how sorry he was for everything he has done.
Andy: yn wait, I just wanted to tell u that I’m sorry I been trying to tell u since high school but no one knew where u were
Yn: andy I don’t need to hear u talking about this
Andy: I’m sorry I was just wondering if I can have another chance with u
Yn: no andy, u broke me in little pieces and now u think u going to get back with me.
Andy all sad and brokers knew it was truth he never wanted to broke u.
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buckyswifesblog · 2 years
Broken hearts pt 2
Summary: Yn and Andy barber were friends since middle school they did everything together until andy ask yn out on a date in high school They both were in love everyone was jealous of their relationship more the popular girls in school but what will happen when yn enter Andy’s room to see him and Laurie naked in the bed, years later they both got invited to the reunion where they see each other again, what will happen when Andy try to get back with her, when yn doesn’t want anything with him again
Pairing: reader x andy
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Alice have took Jacob to the classroom everyone was ready to get started in the new subject that they will be learning today, Alice have ask Jacob to sit next to her in case they were not any empty seats. The class were during the warm up that yn had left them since she went to get some copies and bring a folder for her new student.
Jacob ask Alice “ where’s the teacher” she told him that she will be right back due to her bringing everything for the class and for him.
Yn: hello class good morning
Everyone: good morning ms yln
Yn was passing out the assignments for today and saw Jacob she was kind off shocked by him, in her mind she say he looks exactly like a copy of Andy and Laurie, even tho she still thinks how will be the future for them two if Andy didn’t fucked up, all the plans that they discussing. getting married, having children and much more .
Yn give Jacob his folder and told him “ hi welcome I’m yn I be ur teacher for this year this folder has papers that ur parents had to sing and return back to me the next day” Jacob replied back “ ok i bring them tomorrow” .
While everyone was doing their assignments yn log in to her personal email and saw that she was invited to the college reunion at the same time she didn’t know if to go since she didn’t wanted to see Andy or Laurie there but since she missed her friends she had to go and hang out with them, the reunion was in a fancy restaurant so yn had to get all fancy and more.
Andy had receive a invitation to go to the reunion has well ,he was thinking so much if he should go or not but thinking that he was going to be able to see u again he accepted it. Andy was going to find a way to apologize to u from all the things he told u and do to u
He never was the same person when u saw him all naked with Laurie ur face all sad eyes all watery u just standing there holding to the door heartbroken, he never got a change to tell u what really happened that it was a mistake, the reunion will be tomorrow night but he didn’t want to leave Jacob alone so he had to talk about it with him later on that he won’t be home tomorrow when he comes back from his friends house.
Jacob was having trouble making friends and being late to class but he did make some new friends during lunch, when Jacob returned home .he told his dad that he had to signed some papers that the teacher give him and the school, Jacob leave the papers in Andy office for him to sign them. Andy saw that his son had let him papers of the school so he decided to sign them rn after he made lunch, he sings them read them over until it was time for urs he read it all, in what Jacob will learn his supplies before he sing he saw that it was ur name, Andy’s world light up thinking if u were the same with no kids , no wedding ring or boyfriend.
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buckyswifesblog · 1 year
Can people ask me for stories plz?
It can be anyone 🫶🏻
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buckyswifesblog · 1 year
For anyone that stills reads my stories I’m sorry that it’s bad or something I’m not a professional writer I do try my best :(
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hollybee8917 · 2 years
Left For Revenge
Plot: Andy is a feared and respected mob boss who is not to be crossed. When he is, he seeks revenge. What he finds in the process is a girl to fall in love with which could spell trouble.
Warnings: Violence, mentions of rape, murder, torture, language.
           Andy Barber crawled through the rubble of his living room and yelled out to his guards, “Answer if you hear me. Shorty.”
Shorty called back, “Here.”
Andy continued, “Hatchet.”
“Here, Boss.”
Then Andy called out, “Lou.”
No answer. He tried again, “Lou!”
Still nothing. Hands lifted the mob boss from the debris, and he looked up to find the Givans twins beside him. The man’s foot struck something solid as he began to make his way out of the smoking ruins of his home. Andy glanced down to find Lou at his feet.
           Grinding his teeth, Andy turned his attention to the men standing beside him, “I swear that I will get my revenge on the man who murdered Lou. For now, we just have to find him.”
            Shorty wiped dirt from his brow, “I think I may be able to help with that, Boss.”
            “Talk to me,” Andy pulled his arms out of the Givans’ twins’ grasps, “and tell me what sorry s.o.b. did this.”
            His right-hand man tilted up his chin and Shorty replied, “Lucky heard Joey Spadaro telling his boys that he wanted to knock out the Viper and take the crown as the Big Boss.”
            Andy wiped the blood from his split lip and spit on the ground, “I think it’s time we paid Razor Joe Spadaro a visit.”
@chuckbass-love @time-for-a-library @the-fallen-nightmare @joannaliceevans-fanficblog @patzammit @saiyanprincessswanie
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