niuttuc · 20 days
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You know what, it's been a while since I talked about my various planeswalking guys and gals from the focus group, time to see if a portion of the spreadsheet can get people to ask some questions about them. Even basic questions if you don't know them, it's good for me to to restate the facts every so often and I don't expect anyone to know them in advance.
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wychelmie · 3 years
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the first house in the new neighbourhood!
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foxcoloredcat · 5 years
What kind of school program did Anedia go into to end up in Dimir journalism with extras?
This isn’t quite the kind of question I expected XD I mean I assume journalism courses if Ravnica has those?
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hazoret · 5 years
The sleep based 'walker I was talking about last week gained a name, Anedia Kosel, a job as an overt Dimir journalist, and an overall backstory, so she's doing well.
That’s really cool! I like her.
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papuaaaanewwguinea · 5 years
Festivities, celebrations and traditions
What is the country’s culture like? Papua New Guinea is a country with more than 7000 different cultural groups, each one has its own language, body paint, costume and weapons. It is a country with a rich culture, which has a great diversity of cultural expressions that even predominate more than the laws of the country
Food, music and traditions
It is a largely rural country, therefore much of its food is thanks to agriculture. The food is largely vegetarian and based on agricultural crops such as rice, sago, taro and yams. Also, in this country a great variety of fruits such as pawpaws, pineapples, passionfruit and mangoes are consumed.
Saksak is a traditional dessert from Papua New Guinea made from the starch ‘sago’. aksak, which is an integral part of the local diet in Papua New Guinean, is essentially a dumpling of sago, mashed bananas, and creamed coconut milk. Since the dumpling itself doesn’t taste too sweet, saksak is traditionally eaten drenched in coconut milk.
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The traditional Papua New Guinean cooking method. Mumu is a Papua New Guinean method for cooking food in large quantities for traditional celebrations. A typical mumu is a ground oven/pit containing fiery hot coals, on which banana leaves are placed. The food, which is the meat, starches, vegetables, and fruits, goes in last at the bottom. The whole lot is further in a banana leaf for the food to steam properly. buried for hours so it can cook
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MUSIC After 1872, immigrants introduced different types of music to the country, such as Christian hymns and all forms of Polynesian music, such as Anedia, Ute and Taibubu. Later, with the expansion and musical influences of other countries, Papua and new guinea began to produce music in other genres such as: pop, reggae music (in which Anslom Nakikus stands out) and also in hiphop/rap, which since 2013 has been growing, having many exponents of underground hiphop
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Sing-sing it is a ritual in which people of different tribes and traditions celebrate together. Sometimes, they start spontaneously and at other times they are planned and organized. One of the most important is the Mount Hagen Cultural Show, which is held once a year in the western highlands. The first time it was celebrated was in 1964, its purpose was to share cultural experiences and avoid conflicts with other tribes.
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The traditional attire of the Huli people is the one of the most colorful in the country. The Huli believe that they are descended from an ancestor named Huli, who was the first to cultivate the land on which they live. In this celebration, the Huli paint the upper part of their face in red, and the lower part in ocher. But, in addition to the body paint, the most colorful characteristic of Huli traditional costume are their wigs. The importance is so great that male are also known as "wigmen". Their unique initiation rite is: At the age of 14 or 15, Huli boys leave their families and are sent to live in a sort of "bachelor school" to learn their role in society. The most important activity during this time is taking care of the boys' hair, in order to produce ceremonial wigs
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Resources: https://trip101.com/article/traditional-food-in-papua-new-guinea https://www.zegrahm.com/blog/papua-new-guinea-culture-introduction-ancient-traditions
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victorlamela · 5 years
A Deputación da Coruña apoia unha guía para sensibilizar sobre a diabetes nos centros de ensino
A Deputación da Coruña, a través da área de Cultura, colabora coa asociación Anedia na publicación de “Os Bolechas saben o que é a diabetes”, unha guía que se distribuirá nos centros de ensino e que ten como obxectivo sensibilizar e informar sobre unha enfermidade que en Galiza padecen un millar de menores.
A vicepresidenta e responsábel da área de Cultura da Deputación da Coruña, Goretti…
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niuttuc · 6 months
Kinda want to write a summary of how some of my magic characters have evolved since they were created, but I don't know if there's any interest in that or in any specific character, so to start...
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niuttuc · 1 month
It was only a matter of time before I sent this ask around... I know you prefer if I tap specific ocs of your but I want to know for as many as your willing to share... what animals would some of your walkers turn into turn into on Bloomburrow?
Have a wall of text to explain why I tend to prefer not to do all of them typically!
Vaalin... Is already half merfolk, but given Fish are food and not people on Bloomburrow, probably defaults to some other kind of amphibians. Axolotl maybe, we see Kiora as one of those.
Zarunpel I've decided not to ever send to Bloomburrow. It's hard enough to pick for the others and she has layers of additional stuff that kinda don't translate well to animals. Including a big magical panther living in/as her shadow. so No.
Anedia is most definitely a Rat, she fits all the requirements there and stereotypes of them on Bloomburrow.
Arnoss is probably some kind of Lizard, but bigger than any sapient lizard people of Valley are used too, they might assume he's a variant from another region. Which wouldn't be too shocking, the Lizards of Valley already come from another region. Probably something Komodo Dragon-inspired.
Farell... Well, just like everywhere, Farell would be whoever he wants. Although fun mental image of him trying to take familiar forms and getting twisted into their animal equivalent, divining at the same time what some folks would be on Bloomburrow.
Ivegard is an elemental of rock and fire. I don't know how THAT would translate to Bloomburrow, elementals are typically calamity beasts, but she ain't about to become flesh and blood, so probably an unsettling animal-shaped flamekin that make people double-take with typically calamity characteristics.
Dolores... Well, her Azra form probably becomes a Mink, and her demonic one a variation on it. Imagine a very angry (on account of being turned into a Mustelid) big mink with scary wings.
Dancing-Hands is already a Fox.
Lhur probably becomes one of the larger species of Bats of some sorts, and is very confused about the whole star and religion thing.
Nyrhen's entire magic is specialized in keeping him himself. I imagine that centered on himself, he'd manage to keep himself an elf and a disaster for Bloomburrow. With that said, that feels WRONG for the plane and for him, be quite an effort to constantly fight the very will of the plane, and he'd likely leave quickly to avoid that.
Jaspar lines up perfectly with the Squirrels of Valley, quite scarily, and a visit is definitely in order with them having Cosmos Beasts, a magical tooth sword taken from the most dangerous of those that could reach other planes, and some really interesting locations for him.
Arega is in a similar boat to Zarunpel where they have A LOT going on that's part of what their body is like so, uh, let's not try. Bloomburrow would get as confused as them, three planes worth of magical modifications mixing in complicated ways is enough. OUTSIDE of Bloomburrow they'd qualify as being... An Insect Fish Elf Owl Bat Lizard Shapeshifter Mutant?
Madaya... I want to say frog for what she does, but she'd probably prefer being a Bird, so we'll go with the latter. A peafowl seem fitting, even without as grand displays for a woman.
Regellen and Quzawe would of course be Calamity beasts of some kind or another. Don't need much in the way of modifications for them tbh, Quzawe is already a Hurricane-Serpent and Regellen a Moonlight Dragon.
Kinahel is already a bird as a Phoenix Aven. Type of bird would be whatever they currently are. That one's easy.
Jibea... Has vibes from all three normal types in their colors. So I'm gonna go with a Skunkfolk, to side completely and arbitrarily.
Sezashi is already a Lizard who had his legs taken, essentially, so I think he can come through looking mostly like himself but cuter.
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niuttuc · 2 years
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Something I’ve found very fun to do with my fanwalkers is giving them “reprints” of fitting, existing cards flavored around them. Some are easier to find than others, but overall it works pretty well!
Here are some from my main crew.
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niuttuc · 2 years
Alright, time to bring up some of the developments about my fanwalkers from 2022 (and some more recent in 2023)! Send me an ask about them, and I'll tell you what has changed about them. Ones that have had bigger changes are Anedia, Arega, Dolores, Lhur, Alamir and Zarunpel. Though there's been a few things happening with the others if you really want to ask about it.
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niuttuc · 2 years
What's Anedia up to right now?
Setting up her own publication!
Trying to decide if she sticks to being based in the Fourth district for it, risks the higher cost of living and business, along with the dangers of the Tenth, or sets up in another district altogether. And also trying to find dependable (and preferably Dimir, though the two aren't always compatible) people to work with to start her core team.
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niuttuc · 1 year
Tell me more about your ocs dealing with the Phyrexia invasion!
Dancing-Hands was on Amonkhet with his partners' family during the invasion, and unfortunately his particular skills were pretty well countered by the Phyrexians' nature. His telekinesis for the most part couldn't touch them as they were alive, and even enchanted, his paper constructs had a hard time cutting metal. He made himself useful in different ways, using his origami to lure enemies or carry messages, but he mostly stayed hidden in the back protecting Epnu and Tasaba's children while they worked at sapping and attacking the enemy more directly.
Arega used the invasion to their own end, taking advantage of the turmoil and fights to pull off a dangerous stunt to extract both their original and default body from the Simic facility where they were alternatively "secured". Their current whereabouts and status is unknown, and it's another thing the Combine is worried about now. Since Arega's whole thing was a secret, they're trying to figure out what they can do to contain the issue without revealing them.
Madaya was in Strixhaven during the invasion, after Iren pointed her in that direction, and she mostly tried to keep herself and some students alive, though to do that she had to resort to using spells on top of her usual tricks. Though her being as crafty as she is was more useful against professors who were well-versed in whatever spells their students knew, at some point she had to combine them with magical illusions to improve their effects. She might well come out of this disaster with having partly changed her mind about spellcasting.
Odomi definitely got more stories to tell during this. He was flitting about in between many different places in the Wilds, from the Alernis' castle to Nyrhen's sanctuary and more, bringing the story along with him, or maybe being brought alongside it. He didn't appear to actually do much himself but appearances can be deceiving.
Vaalin was a key asset of some New Coalition operations by providing invaluable logistic support and intel, all the while pursuing a research theory he had on a hypothetical way to apply his magic to potentially cripple the invasion. Unfortunately, that research eventually proved the opposite of what he wanted. So goes science sometimes.
Anedia tried her best to get the latest information on the situation as it developed without getting her eyes gouged out.
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niuttuc · 2 years
it is getting rather crisp in my part of the hemisphere so I wanted to ask how do Dancing-Hands, Anedia, Lhur and Ivegaurd get cozy?
Let’s start with the easy one...
Ivegard doesn’t really care about the temperature. Her own temperature is several hundred degrees (centigrade) above ambient temperatures, so a difference of a few dozens doesn’t really change a ton. She can feel it and she eats a bit more, and “colors” change a bit, but overall not much. She’s pretty great to cozy up with though, fireside comfort that can travel with you.
Alright, now, to the rest.
Dancing-Hands: After a few years up on the Ojutai mountains and his fur, he can handle some pretty cold temperatures, but he’s also great to cozy up with as his desert-born partners have learned. Those tails of his can be very warm. If he’s by himself, he’d probably be reading cuddled into his own tails not too far nor too close from a fire.
When things get cold, Anedia gets to pull out the thicker coats, and she likes those! She doesn’t really cozy up much, but sometimes she spends a bit longer in bed in the morning than she needs to, warm and comfy.
Lhur usually gets to be warm and safe in heated buildings with large fires, but he’s had to made do in the wild before, with a cloak, his magic and barely a shelter. He’s big enough that he has a lot of heat stored up (which has come in handy with other people), but if he gets cold it’ll take quite a while for him to warm back up.
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niuttuc · 2 years
Do any of your characters have autumn as their favorite season? If you do, what is their favorite part about fall? (Or if too many of them love it, you can pick the top ones that love it the most :D )
Oh, mmmh.
I don't typically think about favorite seasons because I don't have one, but let's see...
Anedia prefers falls, you get to wear stylish coats and NOT freeze yourself to death when you have to wait outside at night for a job for hours on end, if you're properly clothed.
For Ranek, fall is the frantic activity and last chances to do things outside before winter blows and Axgard's dwarves hole themselves cozily underground. Of course, it's been centuries since that's been true for him, but memories and tradition are strong.
Sezashi loves autumn. If you ask him why, he'll tell you it's because it illustrates that even something that seems like an end may just be the normal course of setting up a new, living world. And even that is beautiful. It's something Adima often said, and the seasons of change are his favorite, both spring and autumn.
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niuttuc · 2 years
How has Anedia's work been going lately? It must be a busy time for reporters.
It's always a busy time for reporters! She's recently gotten the clear and support of a higher-up within the Dimir to start her own paper, albeit small scale and specialized for now. It's very exciting, and she's currently doubling as a writer and editor in chief for it until she gets more people. She did manage to go over her former boss to do that, and got him to have to let her add a not in her last column in the Fourthcoming to tell her readers where to find her writing in the future.
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niuttuc · 2 years
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A commission that I had in mind since early 2020 finally gets realized, with my overt dimir reporter Anedia (and now starting her own newspaper) getting official and finished art commissioned to @gentlesmolgruulgal! Nowadays more active on her Twitter.
Also art of the Sleepwalker, a dimir covert agent that helps on some cases, who's everyday identity is clearly a mystery. Also featuring one of the spellbugs she uses to deliver her spells. This one is one of the larger ones she can summon, and when she actually wants to be sneaky they tend to be much more transparent and smaller, but having one like this makes sure her personal space gets respected. And it's cute!
You'll probably see this art on cards for her in the future!
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