#angel dust Agere
lttl3babybug · 7 months
could I request a couple of carer!angel headcanons?
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Hope you enjoy my loves!!
Cg!Angel Dust Headcanons!
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🕸️Angel isn’t used to kids, he’s never been round them much. Sure he’s had his fair share of experience taking care of things
🕸️Things being Fat Nuggets. His pig.
🕸️So it’s safe to say he’s a first time cg
🕸️Not that that means he’s bad at it! Cause he’s not, Angel is an amazing caregiver
🕸️This man has 6 arms. That’s 3x the hugging, that’s so much hugs.
🕸️If you’re having a fussy day he wraps you in all 6 of them very tightly to keep you from thrashing about or just to calm you down if you like the pressure
🕸️Keeps every drawing you do for him, they’re all in a folder and he rotates what one gets put up on his door underneath all the pictures of him and everyone else
🕸️You and Fat Nuggets get along like a house on fire
🕸️If you’re feeling upset but don’t want to cuddle or talk about it you can guarantee that you’ve got a little pig squealing at you for cuddles
🕸️Cause Angel is super duper fluffy he’s like your own personal stuffie! He’s perfect for cuddling
🕸️Long fluffy limbs that can squeeze you till you’re asleep, what more could you want!
🕸️He’ll buy you whatever gear you want (or if you don’t want any he’s totally understanding of that!) paci’s, bottles, onesies, stuffies, dips, colouring equipment! You name it, he’s got it!
🕸️Surprisingly good at dealing with tantrums
🕸️If he’s had a rough day and needs a drink you’re coming with him to the bar because he doesn’t trust you not to get in trouble
🕸️Husk will give you things to keep you entertained, ultimately that doesn’t work out and you end up playing with his tail the whole time
🕸️But that’s for my cg!husk post
🕸️Loves, loves, loves giving you little nicknames
🕸️Darlin’, dollface, little one, sweetheart, princess/prince, sugar
🕸️They’re a need
🕸️He also loves dressing you up in outfits, he’ got boxes full of old fabrics that he uses to make you cute little dresses or shirts or whatever you want really
🕸️He will make everyone sit and watch while you show off the outfits he’s made you
🕸️Music, lights, the whole shebang. He’s going all out for his baby
🕸️Circling back to the point of him being really cuddly, he will get pretend jealous if you choose to cuddle a stuffie instead of him
🕸️Rolling his eyes and dramatically sighing while turning away, listening to your giggles
🕸️He lives to keep you entertained, even if it is just holding you on his hip and prancing about the hotel
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junixbugg · 6 months
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💖: just a baby (1-5 is the vibe I get)
💖: hyper as heck when on the older side of his age range!! He will climb everything! Scale walls if he needs to - anything to get that energy out
💖: sassy/has an attitude to him
💖: 2 under? Oh, he's precious and lives up to the name angel.
**angel particularly bad day at work** he stumbles into the hotel far too late for his fuzzy little baby brain... "Angel?" The deep voice was low as angel sleepily lifted up his head to meet the yellow eyes of his cg,,husk! He slowly gets more filled with energy and giggles and basically throws himself to his beloved kitty ♡♡♡ (don't worry! Husk stopped cleaning and cuddled his baby immediately <3)
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nostalgiclittlespace · 2 months
Caregiver: Husk
Little: Angel
Plot: Angel regresses super duper tiny (like newborn to 6 months) and Husk takes care of him
Thanks for the ask! This turned out super fluffy, I love CG Husker. Takes place the night after Charlie and Vaggie return from their tour to Heaven+Angel’s encounter with Val at the club. I hope you enjoy!
-Marty 🕷🐈‍⬛ SFW AGE REGRESSION FIC, DNI IF NSFW, KINK, MAP, PROSHIP, ETC. DO NOT REPOST Pairing: Caregiver! Husk x Little! Angel Dust
Title: What are they, compared to you?
Word Count: 1,372
Description: The stress in Hell is starting to get to both Husk and Angel. Good thing they have each other for solace and safety. (100% fluffy 😊)
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What are they, compared to you?
What a day, Husk thought, swiping his paw over his face.  
Charlie and Vaggie had returned from their visit with Heaven earlier that day.  And it had ended poorly to say the least.  Charlie’s reassurances to them all that “everything is going to be fine!  I can convince them!” had disintegrated upon the first glance at the princess’s devastated face as they were thrown through a golden portal.
Despite their best efforts, Exterminators would be arriving in a month, headed first to the Hazbin Hotel.
Not to mention the horrific experiences at the club while Charlie and Vaggie were gone…no, it’s best not to think about that, Husk shook his head.  He couldn’t do anything to stop Valentino, despite the utter fury that burned his heart as he witnessed Angel’s pain first hand.  For now, he could only supply support from the sidelines.  
Unlike Valentino, Husk wasn’t an Overlord.  Not anymore.  Powerless.
Husk sighed.  Tensions were running high, that was for sure.  The cat-demon occupied the hours since Charlie’s return with mindless bar-tending, sending discreet glances at the other Hotel patrons.  His keen eyes provided enough insight to know things didn’t look good for anyone.
Whatever.   Nothing I can do about it now, Husk thought, ready to put the issue to rest for now.  Reaching his bedroom door, he fished his key from his pocket.  He fought back a yawn as he stuck the key into the door—
Only to realize the door was already open.  
Husk’s ear perked up, training on the room.  Shuffling, quiet breathing…Someone is in there.
Husk’s wings raised defensively, and he snatched his metal-plated playing cards.  Attacks on the hotel had lost their intimidating luster—perhaps every few days vandalism or an explosion appeared at their doorstep.  But intruders?
Anything was possible, Husk reminded himself.  Though cautious, he couldn’t bring himself to be fearful of the unknown beyond the cracked door.  He, an ex-Overlord, could fight his way out of anything.  Save for his contract with Alastor.  The singular being hiding in his room posed little threat.
Prepping his steely focus, Husk shoved the door open.  His playing cards peaked between his fingers, and his fangs barred.  Perhaps one of the only perks to being a cat demon, his pupils swiftly dilated to counteract the darkness beyond.  
It wasn’t hard to spot the shuffling’s cause.  A certain, wide-eyed spider had curled up on his bed, surrounded by blankets, stuffies, and a pacifier bobbing in his mouth.  He momentarily froze as his eyes met Husk’s suspicious ones.  After a split second to process, Husk dropped his defensive demeanor. 
“Angel,” Husk sighed.  “What are you doing up late, kid?”
The spider-demon tilted his head, sending his fluffy bangs to fall before his face.   Angel mumbled something unintelligible as he patted his stuffies and fleece blanket.  Even without words, the message came clear.
“Tiny time, huh?” Husk nodded, venturing into the room.  “Couldn’t have turned any lights on?”
Angel shook his head, extending his arms out to Husk.  The bartender complied, sitting on the bed with him.  Before he could say anything else, four arms wrapped around his furry torso and Angel dragged himself into his lap–slow, uncoordinated movements that were a far cry from the spider’s usual grace.  Nonetheless, Husk took it in stride, adjusting Angel so they’d both fit comfortably while pressed so close together.
Admittedly, the position was fairly odd.  Angel, being so lanky and tall, managed to slump over, tuck in his legs, and keep his head ducked into Husk’s chest.  All while his arms kept the cat as close as possible.  Husk stayed sitting up against the headboard, trying to ensure Angel had enough room.
“Long day for you too, Angie?” Husk hummed, his paws patting Angel Dust’s floofy hair.  “Third time this week you’ve been small.”
As expected, Angel babbled something long winded but cute.  Between the pacifier that somehow stayed in his mouth and the slurred sound, Husk couldn’t decipher it.  He nodded along anyway, allowing the baby to ‘tell’ him all about his day.  A couple clearer sounds made it through, which suspiciously sounded like ‘Val’ and ‘work.’  An innocent pout often followed those words.
Husk pushed his rising anger aside.  He knew full and well that whatever had triggered Angel was Valentino’s fault, but he couldn’t do anything about that now.  For now he could only take care of the very vulnerable spider that had attached himself to his chest.
“Well, thanks for sharing all that, buddy,” Husk huffed softly, a small smile twitching at the corners of his mouth.  “How about we get you into some comfy clothes and something to eat?”
Angel squealed happily and bounced in Husk’s hold.  I’ll take that as a yes, Husk thought, scooting them to the bed’s edge.  He adjusted his hold on the baby in his arms so he was fully supported before bringing him over to the dresser.  Digging through the messy drawers, he soon came across the pair of pajamas they had saved for occasions like these.
Husk had taken care of Angel while regressed before this.  The two had been trying to be more honest with each other after all, trying to feel less alone.  So, when Angel confided that he didn’t always feel as mature as he acted…well it was a no brainer that he would need a Caregiver.  Especially when he was this young.
Husk didn’t mind at all.  Even in a few short weeks he and Angel had bonded well.  Besides, seeing the kid comfortable, safe, and happy?  Worth any cost.
Arriving back at the bed, Husk carefully lowered Angel onto the mattress.  The baby got distracted instantly, his attention stolen by one of his stuffies.  Works for me, Husk thought, huffing affectionately as Angel reached for it.  It’s sure easier to get all his arms sorted out when he’s not wiggling.
Changing into his PJ’s (pink with a pig pattern) went smoothly as it possible could when dressing a kid with six lanky appendages.  Comfortable and prepped for the night, Angel began to fuss, waiting for his favorite part of their recently implemented routine: dinner.
“Working on it, kid,” Husk laughed as he went to snatch a bottle from another drawer.  “You sure get impatient when it’s time to eat, don’t you?”
Angel grumbled something that sounded awfully sassy, but Husk ignored him in favor of snatching the milk from the mini-fridge.  Husk couldn’t help but shake his head as he noticed that almost all his favorite drinks were gone, replaced by milk, juice, and kiddie snacks.  Geez, he was going soft wasn’t he?
A spoonful of sugar, followed by a splash of vanilla had the bottle ready to be warmed.  Angel milk, Husk mused as he waited for the bottle heater to beep, A fitting name.  
A few moments later, a conveniently timed ding, interrupted Angel’s bored and impatient huffs.  Perfect, Husk thought, feeling the temperature in his paws as he returned to his baby’s side.  He couldn’t even fully sit down before Angel scrambled into his lap.
“Alright, kiddo, alright,” he laughed, removing Angel’s paci and replacing it with the bottle.  “Well, good job waiting.  Enjoy it.”
Angel’s impending wrath was appeased as the sippy popped into his mouth.  With Husk supporting the bottle, Angel’s hands held onto the cat’s fingers or his suspender straps.  He quieted down, and Husk enjoyed the calm floating between them.
As the bottle gradually emptied, Angel’s eyes took longer and longer blinks.  His chest rose and fell in a slow, steady rhythm and his limbs went slack.  Perhaps the only thing that hadn’t gone limp was the hand keeping a grip on Husk’s clothes.  An anchor to his Caregiver.
Realizing he had fallen asleep, Husk carefully extended his feathered wings and wrapped them around Angel like a blanket. He stirred momentarily, but settled again once his paci was perturbed to his mouth.
Husk couldn’t help but smile as he watched Angel fall asleep again, the silicone soothing bobbing in his mouth.  Angel deserved this safe space…and hell if Husk hadn’t needed this too.
Bad times were coming.  Bad things had happened already.  Husk couldn’t stop any of it.  But this?  This made any other force seem meaningless in comparison.
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littlebabyself · 8 months
Little!angel dust ((hazbin hotel)) headcannons!
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• bratty ofc xD but still nice
• ((general hc)) uses she/they/he/neos
• husk is their caregiver
• prefers to call husk papa, ubba, dad, dada, etc, but won’t say daddy for trauma reasons
• loves to play kitchen
• refuses to get dirty
• LOVES angel milk
• pet regressor ((bunny))
• when she pet regresses she gets super shy
• her age range is 3-7
• very giggly
• often independent, but when they are 5 and under they just wanna be in dada’s arms and be fed milk
• loves to dance to husks singing
• often wonders around and gets lost when small
• lots of pouting
• loves to wear sweaters and big clothes that drape over his body
• loves cuddling with husk and being shielded by his wings
______________________________________________ btw guys! if you wanna request fics for random fandoms I’d appreciate it. I just started a random fandom Agere book on my watt pad account smalleststrawbaby
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nostalgic-woodwind · 5 months
🕷🩷 Regressor! Angel Dust Headcannons 🩷🕷
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Angel's regressed age ranges from 0-6 and 11-14
He is a scene kiddo. He absolutely loves dressing up in scene clothes and making kandi bracelets for everyone in the hotel
He is also a Blue's Clues kiddo, no matter where his headspace age ranges. Whether it's the original series, Blue's Room spinoff, or the Blue's Clues & You! reboot, he will watch it nonstop
His favorite characters are Tickety Tock, Blue, Magenta, Fred (Blue's Room), Polka Dots, Rainbow Puppy, and Twinkle (Rainbow Puppy's piglet friend). He also loves Periwinkle because he reminds him of Husk and how they are both magicians
Husk made a plush version of Twinkle and Angel absolutely loved it!
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He also loves Invader Zim, Making Fiends, Bear in the Big Blue House, Angelina Ballerina, Octonauts, Rubbadubbers, PB&J Otter, Puffin Rock, Bubble Guppies, Slumberkins, Bluey (idea by @nottapossum), Maisy, and Sesame Street because the shows give him a second home to look forward to (along with Fat Nuggets and his CG, Husk) 🥹
He also likes Baby Einstein and the BabyFirst Channel when he is in his younger headspace (0-2)
His favorite Bluey characters are Bingo, Bandit, Muffin, Mackenzie, Jack, Coco, Judo, and Rusty (Bingo and Mackenzie idea by @nottapossum)
He hates thunderstorms and will hide anywhere to avoid them at all cost (idea by sunflowersandyellowroses on Ao3)
He love-love-loves the Magic Pony Carousel books
Husk always tells Angel these quotes from Bluey: "Remember, I'm always here if you need me," "You're doing great," "I promise I'll always love you," and "Remember, I'll always be here for you, even if you can't see me, because I love you." 🥹🥺
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angels-playspace · 5 months
sum angel dust agere headcanons involvin ta vees!!
when angel's little and val has work, val 'sually gives 'im to ta otha Vees to watch over him.
angel calls them papa/daddy v/val, auntie v/vel, and uncie v/vox
vel and angel like ta do dress up with each other.
vel is ta only one he trusts to do his hair. she also gets him tonsa dresses
vox and angel will play usually video games togetha.
vox tries to teach angel all sorts of complex moves buts its too over his little mind
val really likes to spoil angel, buyin him all ta plushies and colorin books and candy he wants
val is otherwise not that involved, but angel doesn't mind as after a day with antie and uncie v, he just wants ta cuddle up to val and fall asleep on 'im. val will do sum things with angel if he asks tho
note: please no val hate on tis!! i know val is real bad in canon but as a fictive val is a comfort character for m' and he means a whole real bunch ta me and it upsets m' ta see val hate :(
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angieagere · 3 months
💕Angel Dust AgeRe Head Canons💕
Part one
Angel regresses from ages one to five
Little Angel is a sweet heart, but really struggles with emotional regulation
He loves pastel pink, glitter and sparkles
Angel adores Husk and Charlie when he's small and will follow them around the hotel
Some of his favorite activities are tea parties, dress up and going to the aquarium
He loves doing Husk, Charlie and Cherri's makeup and nails
He calls Husk 'kitty', 'baba' and 'dada'
Angel likes big comfy clothes
He loves dolls because he can brush their hair and dress them up
Charlie's nick names are 'Cha' and 'ChaCha'
His favorite snack is strawberries
He will put anything in his mouth and needs access to pacifiers, teethers and chewlery at all times
He loves just being in someone's lap and rocking back and forth
Angel often loses the ability to speak and has a communication board
Angel has a sticker chard for good behavior
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nostalgic-doodles · 4 months
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Angel’s blankie I designed for the little spiderling 🥹
It’s also found in my CG!Overlord Husk and Little!Angel headcanons
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Mishap At The Moth’s Studio
A/N: Okay, so. I hate Val, but love his character outside of the Angel stuff. So, I’ll give you guys a warning first.
⚠️WARNING⚠️: Valentino will not always be portrayed the same, in every agere fic he’s written in. Depending on how I want to portray him in a fic, he will either be Good or Bad, Better or Worse, or in between.
And here, in this fic, he’s in between. —The same goes for the other Vees too, btw. They won’t hurt Angel, but they will act like amateur babysitters. There’s also swearing.
Forgive me, for I’m not used to writing for agere. I’m just starting, so I might be a bit sloppy.
Angel sat in his chair as the minutes ticked closer to shooting the next scene.
However, he was feeling uncharacteristically anxious.
Well, he had only recorded three scenes, and his mind already started feeling fuzzy from exhaustion, plunging him into a state of fear and vulnerability. He couldn’t let anyone outisde of the hotel —let alone, anyone at Val’s studio and Val himself!— see him regressing!
However, being surrounded by unfamiliar faces and the hustle and bustle of the studio, Angel's senses were overwhelmed, and he couldn't contain his distress. He couldn’t stay big.
He eventually started slipping.
Tears streamed down his face as he cried out, drawing attention from the crew members and actors preparing for the next shoot. Their confused and concerned stares only added to Angel's anxiety.
The looks from multiple eyes, scared and prompted Angel to seek refuge under the nearby bed he had just finished recording on.
Valentino, normally quick to anger, was taken aback by Angel's behavior and quirked an eyebrow at the spider’s sudden action.
He’s seen Angel scared before, sure. But, for him to suddenly start bawling like a child, then hiding under the bed? That’s not something you see everyday.
Valentino walked towards the bed, and crouched down to meet eye to eye with the cowering spider. “Angel, what the fuck are you doing under there?" The moth questioned, slight irritation evident in his tone.
Angel whimpered and covered his ears, his speech reduced to childish babbling. "No no! Bad words are bad!" he protested, his voice trembling with fear.
Valentino, completely baffled by Angel's sudden change behavior, could only blink in disbelief.
“What the hell...?" he muttered under his breath, but Angel heard him loud and clear. In response, he burrowed even deeper under the bed, seeking refuge from Valentino's confusion.
Growing increasingly irritated, Valentino sternly commanded Angel to come out from his hiding spot, his words laced with curses. “Alright, Angel! Enough with this game! Cut the horseshit and get the fuck out of there! Don’t make me tell you again, you little mocoso!”
But instead of complying, Angel shrank further into the shadows, his fear of Valentino consuming him entirely.
Valentino stood up with gritted teeth, as he pulled out his phone and dialed a number. He held it up to his face, glaring at Angel's trembling form still hidden beneath the bed.
Vox answered the video call. On the other side of the screen, the TV demon rolled his eyes dramatically. "What did Angel do to piss you off this time, Val?" he quipped, his attention focused on something off-screen.
Valentino scowled at Vox's nonchalant attitude. "How'd you know this was about Angel?"
Vox finally glanced at Valentino through the video call. "You're always bitching about Angel. So spill, what's the latest drama between you two?"
Valentino angled the phone's camera towards the bed, revealing Angel's tear-streaked face as he cowered beneath the bedcovers, all four of his arms shielding his eyes from the world.
“Angel's acting like a damn toddler. Won't come out from under the bed, crying and whining like a little brat." The moth explained.
Vox's expression shifted from amusement to curiosity as he watched Angel's distressed state, raising a brow.
Valentino asks, “Any ideas on what type of high the bitch is on?”
“Potty mouth!” Angel points at Valentino.
Ignoring the banter, Vox turns away, “Hang on. I think I’ve seen this before. Give me a sec…” Quietly, he began typing on his keyboard, searching for information on the ‘symptoms’ he was witnessing.
After a moment of silence, Vox looked back at Valentino, his demeanor more serious now. "Val, I think Angel might be experiencing something called ‘age regression’…”
He explained, his voice softer than before. "It's a coping mechanism where someone reverts to a childlike state in times of stress or trauma."
Valentino's frustration subsided as he process the information given. "So, what do I do?
Vox rubbed the space on his screen between his eyes. “I don’t normally care about this stuff… But, if anyone knew a regressor was hired as one of your ‘stars’…. Well, let’s just say you wouldn’t like what caregivers would do to you.”
He leaned closer to the camera, his gaze serious. "You need to approach him gently and calmly, like you would with a scared child. Try to reassure him that he's safe and that you're here to help," he advised, his tone firm.
Valentino's brows furrowed at the given instructions, "I'm a pimp, Vox. Not a babysitter!" He yelled into the phone.
Vox raised an eyebrow, unimpressed by Valentino's outburst. "Well, your favorite boy toy isn't gonna perform properly until he's done regressing. And we can’t take him out of the V Tower, in that state. Witnesses are everywhere. ‘Cause unless you know the passcode to his phone, and call up anyone from the hotel, the only option is to take care of him, until he’s big enough to walk home by himself.
He looked at the moth dead in the eye, his tone unyielding. "Suck it up and deal with it."
"Ugh! Fine! Whatever!" Valentino grumbled, his frustration evident as he muttered curses in Spanish under his breath. "But how the hell do you propose I get him out from under the damn bed?"
Vox leaned back in his chair, a smirk playing on his lips. "Try offering him something comforting, like a plush toy or a blanket," he suggested. "And speak to him gently, like you actually give a damn. It might just do the trick."
“I’ll consider the sweet talking, but I don’t have any of those type of toys! What industry do you think I’m in charge of!?” Valentino snapped at the flat faced demon.
“Well then…! I don’t know!? Use your wings!” Vox yelled back.
Valentino blinked, taken aback by Vox's unconventional suggestion. "My wings?" he repeated.
Vox nodded, "Yeah, they're pretty fancy looking for a kid’s liking. Turn your back to Angel, spread your wings out, and flutter them up and down to attract his attention. Get him to chase you like a butterfly," he explained, biting back a laugh at his own suggestion.
"I'm a moth," He pointed out, feeling the need to clarify.
"Same difference! Just fucking do it," Vox insisted. “And get on all fours. You’re ten feet tall, you’re height’s probably scaring him.”
Valentino sighed, realizing he had little choice but to trust Vox's advice. So, he set the phone on a nearby desk, so Vox can still see them.
With a resigned shrug, Valentino positioned himself with his back to Angel, getting down on all fours to be at his level once more, and spread his wings out wide. With a tentative flutter, he began to move them up and down, hoping to catch Angel's attention and coax him out from his hiding spot beneath the bed.
Vox struggled to contain his laughter as he watched Valentino reluctantly follow his instructions. "Pfft…! O-Okay, keep doing that with your wings.” A snort slipped out of him.
“Now, crawl away from him. Get him to crawl after you," he instructed, barely able to stifle his amusement.
Valentino shot Vox a glare, his patience wearing thin. "Fuck you," he muttered under his breath, careful not to startle Angel again. Because, he was apparently sensitive to profanity in this state. Oh the irony.
But Vox couldn't help himself. "It's working, isn't it?" he teased, a mischievous twinkle in his eye. "Now, try to coax him in a baby voice. Lure him out by cooing at him."
“Oh, for fuck’s sake…” Valentino let out an exasperated groan and facepalmed, feeling utterly ridiculous. “Fuck my life….”
Ignoring Vox's laughter, he continued to flap his wings and lure Angel out from under the bed. "Here, Angel... Come here, Angelcakes. Pspspss…” He cooed, his voice strained with humiliation.
"Shut the hell up, Voxxy!" Valentino snapped, his cheeks flushing with embarrassment. “I swear to hell, I’m going to hang up!”
Meanwhile, the rest of the set crew struggled to contain their own laughter, the scene unfolding before them more amusing than any script they had ever read. But, they all knew they needed to keep to themselves, unless they wanted to feel thwarted wrath of their later.
Thankfully, the stupid strategy Vox came up with, seemed to worked. Angel, started crawling out of his hiding spot. His eyes shimmered with awe as he stared at the fluttering wings.
“Oooh!” Angel gasped with fascination. “Butte’fwy!”
A tick mark formed on the Val’s head. “I’M NOT A—“ He groaned, and decided to just accept it. “Yes… Butterfly! Follow the pretty butter—OOF!”
The moth fell right on his face, his glasses slightly cracked, when Angel had suddenly leaped and tackled him to the ground.
Angel fiddled with the moth’s wings and fluff. “Mr. Butte’fwy is ‘o pwetty!”
Valentino sighed, as he slowly pushed himself up from the ground, taking off his glasses and setting them on the same desk as his phone where a hysterical Vox was.
“Ohohoho This is tohoho good! I can’t wait to send this to Velvette!” Vox cackled, wiping a tear from his eye.
The moth glared at him, “You were recording us!?”
“Why wouldn’t I? Bwahahaha—WHOA!” Vox fell off his chair in a loud crash.
After 3 seconds of spewing out some colorful words, he picked himself back up.
Valentino rubbed his temples, as he tried to maintain his balance, while a hyper Angel Dust was crawling up his back and harshly pulling at his wings. “Look… could you come over here…? I don’t if you’ve heard Voxxy, but ‘child friendly’ isn’t really the rating I specialize in.”
“You think I’D know how to handle a child, let alone someone in their little headspace?” Vox asked, dramatically placing a hand to his chest. “Vel may call me in all the time, to calm your temper tantrums, but that doesn’t mean I know how to change a diaper.”
Then the realization dawned on Valentino. “H-He… doesn’t actually need a diaper… right?”
Vox gave him a smug, shit eating grin. “That depends on what age range he’s regressed into.”
Then he turned his eyes to Angel, “Hey, Angie!” The TV demon, called to the spider, using his friendly showman voice. “How old are you, huh sport?”
Angel paused in his self-entertainment, and looked at Vox with doe eyes. He then looked at the ceiling, and bit his finger while thinking.
Then, he held up three fingers and enthusiastically answered, “This much!”
Vox looked back at a petrified moth, and smirked. “Good luck. Better pray to hell, he doesn’t need to go.”
Valentino, snatched his phone from the desk. “Vo—“
The call ended.
I decided to stop here, for now.
The next part will have Velvette, and Vox will show up in person.
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fandom-nursery · 3 months
Angel agere headcanons
Usually either in babyspace or regressed to around age 8 without a lot of in between 
Regresses as frequently as he can safely which, unfortunately, ends up not being that often although it’s getting more frequent now that he is living at the hotel 
Angel usually regresses voluntarily to help cope with the trauma and stress of his daily life however occasionally breakdowns or panic attacks will trigger involuntary regression. Involuntary regression tends to cause angel to enter a younger headspace than voluntary regression  
His regression is his safe space. It has helped him a lot and he loves having time to be a child and feel valued in a completely non sexual context. However he is terrified of the wrong people finding out about it 
Angel feels things very strongly. He isn’t really able to mask his feelings and put up a persona when small so his emotions are very apparent 
Angel can be nonverbal on occasion or simply prefer to babble or make sounds to communicate. Of course he can be fully verbal and full of sass 
Angels tempremet when small varies a lot. He can be sassy and outgoing, clingy and emotional, or reserved and shy. It depends heavily on how he has been doing mentally before he regresses 
He will nap but it’s not his strong suit. He’s more than happy to be cuddled and read or sung to while all wrapped up in blankets but he does not like to fall asleep. Angel loves all the aspects of a nap except for the actual sleeping part 
Little Angel likes to be cozy. He’s a big fan of watching movies, coloring, making blanket forts, tea parties, and stories. Things that make him feel safe and that can be done without leaving his room or the hotel are his favorite 
A little bit of a messy eater. It’s hard to stay clean when you’re covered in fur and little Angel isn't the most careful when it comes to making messes. 
He has a lot of stuffed animals. They bring him a ton of comfort and little angel is almost never seen without at least one in his arms 
Little Angel prefers loose, soft clothing that covers him up a lot. Big fan of onesies 
Sometimes Angel like to use pacifiers however other times he really doesn't like anything near his mouth 
Absolutely no one knows about his regression besides fat nuggets. Angel is extremely anxious about anyone finding out because of what Val and his fans could do with that information. After a long time in the hotel he may eventually confide in some of the others but it’s going to take a long time before he’s ready to take that risk  
He does not have a caregiver because of this. In older headspaces he doesn't really want one (although he would love a playmate) when he’s really little though he craves having someone safe to take care of everything 
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agerefandomstuff · 5 months
Hi hi, can you do Angel Dust (from Hazbin Hotel) edit please? 🥺🫶🏻💕
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Pacis personally drawn straight from my hands for your beautiful eyes🫡💕💕enjoy!
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lttl3babybug · 7 months
Can you do a angel dust stimboard with a paci pls
I MOST CERTAINLY CAN!! I’ve never made a stimboard before this is very exciting, I hope you like it!!
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the-spider-cg · 6 months
Hewo mr dust! Uhm, so, so u habe any advice on how to tell my friends when I’m little? They know I regress and it’s easy for them to tell sometimes, but not all the times :[
(alsooo! Can I be uhm Lion Anon? I really wike lions!!) 🦁🖍️
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Sometimes just outright saying "I'm feeling little" or "I think I'm starting to regress" is the best route, but if you regress non-verbal teaching your friends basic sign language before hand might be a good idea, you can sign something simple like "little" or "baby" to make it easy, hope this helps, hun
(Also, of course you can! ♡)
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May I request Baby!Angel & CG!Husk where Angel has a really shitty day at work (courtesy of Val) and regresses to babyspace as soon as he gets back to the hotel? Husk comforts him obviously.
Angel’s little age would be about six months old.
Okay, first of all, I’m really sorry for making you wait a month for this! Between school and sickness, I have been struggling to find time for free writing unfortunately. However, I hope you enjoy it! Happy regressing and happy reading! -Marty
Title: Quiet but loving
Pairing: Caregiver! Husk & Little! Angel
Description: Angel returns to the Hazbin Hotel after a rough day at work. But Husk can always be counted on for some comfort (Hurt/comfort)
Word Count: 1222
TW: References/hints to alcohol, drugs, and Angel’s work. (None are actively depicted)
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Quiet but Loving
Husk knew something was wrong the moment Angel stumbled inside the Hazbin Hotel.  This wasn’t his common loopiness, induced by too many drinks or mysterious pills he had downed while on the job.  Instead, his arms were hugged close to his body, his eyes widened frightfully, and his breaths ragged.  
Husks ears had perked up, trained on the spider as soon as the front doors flew open.  Angel didn’t waste a moment, already stumbling towards the bar while gasping for air amongst his heaving breaths.  He nearly collapsed several times along the way, as his lacking coordination threatened to send him to the floor.
Something is wrong, Husk’s caregiving instincts immediately caught.  He froze in place, trying to analyze every movement for signs of injury, while the concerned emotions swarmed in his chest.  Had Angel gotten hurt?  Had it been a bad day at work?  Did he need help?
By some miracle, or perhaps his raw determination, Angel made it to the bar.  Shakily, he climbed onto a barstool and flopped his head over.  A heavy, unsteady sigh escaped his parted lips as his body trembled.
“Angel?” Husk hummed lowly, doing his best to keep his voice calm.  “Are you okay?”
Angel looked up just long enough to meet the cat’s eyes before his own wide orbs welled up with tears.  Instantly, he hid his face in his arms.  Husk could see him puffing out his cheeks and holding his breath, seemingly determined not to let himself cry.  The reaction was answer enough.
He was not okay.
“Angie,” Husk soothed, reaching a hand over the bar to stroke the spider’s floofy hair, “sweetheart, it’s okay if you’re upset.  It’s okay if you had a bad day.”
The words might have seemed obvious to some, but Husk knew the reassurance was necessary if he wanted Angel to actually respond.  The last thing they wanted was Angel dissociating for the day and drowning his sorrows in whatever powerful tonics laid behind the bar.
A choked sob disrupted the strained silence.  Angel whimpered, his shoulders bouncing as he hid his face in his folded arms.  The tortured sound reverberated around the empty lobby, just as it echoed around Husk’s tormented soul.
Determined not to leave him without comfort for even a moment, Husk continued to pet his hair while hopping over the bar counter.  He grabbed a barstool for himself and sat on it, close enough to Angel that their bodies brushed against each other.
“I’m sorry you had a bad day, kiddo.  If you want, we can go upstairs?  Get you in some comfy clothes and have some quiet time?” Husk suggested, giving his hands a gentle squeeze.
Angel glanced up from where he had buried his face.  His lip wobbled and he sniffled, but he managed a nod.  He reached out his hands in a clear, silent request.  Husk complied without hesitation, reaching forward and helping the arachnid wrap his body around his own.  Once he was in a secure carry, Husk hoisted him off the barstool and carried him towards the stairs.
With every sorrowful sniffle that pressed into his shoulders, he cursed Valentino and all the other denizens that had tortured Angel that night.  The endless work he did always wore him out, no matter how much he denied it.  But if he had reached the point of openly needing comfort like this?  It was a bad night.  Really bad.
Angel kept his head pressed against Husk’s shoulder all the way until they reached his bedroom.  Along the way, he jumped at any noise and routinely grabbed fistfulls of Husk’s fur for security.   His breath would hitch occasionally, threatening to resume hysteria.  Husk soothed away the panic with practiced care; whether it was soft reassurances or pressing a short kiss to the top of his head, they somehow eased him enough that they could cross the hotel without any major issues.
Upon reaching Husk’s room, the cat-demon carried them to his bed.  Even as he sat on the stiff mattress and tried to lay Angel beside him, Angel refused to move from his secure position in Husk’s arms.  His arms tightened their grip around his caregiver’s shoulders, a soft and defensive whine shattering the room’s silence.
“You want to stay with me?” Husk asked softly.
“Mhm.  No down,” Angel mumbled, words slurred and barely intelligible.
Without hesitation, Husk complied with the request.  Carefully, he readjusted Angel in his arms and kissed the crown of his head for good measure.  If Angel didn’t want to lay by himself, not surrounded by his caregiver’s body heat and presence, then Husk would accommodate.
So, he shifted so he sat against the headboard; Angel remained in his lap, taking shaky breaths to calm down while Husk patted his back.  Minutely, the little one’s entire body trembled with the laborious efforts of breathing evenly.
“I’m sorry you had a bad day, kiddo.  Can you talk to me?” Husk rumbled soothingly.
Angel shook his head, breath hitching as he clung tighter.  Quickly, Husk shifted tactics; talking about whatever torture he had undergone could wait.  If Angel just wanted comfort now, then he would get it without question.
“Okay, love.  We won’t then,” Husk said clearly, making sure the little knew his boundaries were being met.  “How ‘bout we just cuddle then?”
At that, Angel nodded–perhaps the first positive sign Husk had seen yet.  
“M’kay, Angie.  I’m not going anywhere.  Are you comfy?”
The tickle of white fur under Husk’s chin confirmed his contentment.
For a few minutes, neither Husk nor Angel said or did anything.  Husk knew the importance of not touching too much–not prolonging or exaggerating Angel’s overstimulation and panic.  Meanwhile, the latter needed the silence and the comfort, and was far too content in Husker’s lap to fathom moving so soon.
Even as the morning light began peaking through Husk’s shades, neither made any move to get up from the bed.  In fact, Angel’s exhausted form grew steadily more limp–practically melting into Husk’s fur.  Soon after, his breathing evened and slowed with sleepy heaves; his exhaustion had clearly caught up to him.  
Husk smiled to himself, a half-sad gesture as he stroked Angel’s head as he slept.  It wasn’t fair that he had to suffer like this; someone as sweet as him deserved Heaven’s eternal paradise.  For now, all he could pray was that Charlie’s experiment would prove effective, and that Angel would one day be free of the endless torture Valentino had subjected him too.
He couldn’t protect Angel from Val; he didn’t have that kind of power anymore…that was a mistake he’d regret for the rest of his afterlife.  If he still had his overlord status, he would have stormed Valentino’s territory the moment he realized how bad Angel’s treatment was.  And his pure rage would have been enough for him to wipe out all three Vee’s…
But that was only a fantasy.  For now, all Husk could do was heal Angel’s wounds after he received them.  He could be there for him when things seemed hopeless.  He could watch himself become better as he finally learned what everyone was talking about when they said they loved someone.
“Love you, kiddo,” Husk muttered.  “The hell did I do to deserve you, huh?”
Angel stirred a little, huffing a yawn.  “Wuv you too, papa.”
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also au!cg husk w/regressor! angel dust
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nostalgic-woodwind · 5 months
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🕷️🩷 Regressor! Angel Dust Moodboard 🩷🕷️
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PNG images belong to @zeiru, nyako, frostferatu, @olikitten, Vibrantgutz, Hot Topic, Target, Melissa & Doug, Walmart, emojifan96, Amazon, Google
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