#angeline yurena
revivemyreverie · 7 months
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hidden twitter doodle dump hrrtgr
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authoruio · 6 months
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Ahoy @revivemyreverie ! LOL
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revivemyreverie · 1 year
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Who’s the angel here? That’s right, it’s me!”
Twisted from: Darla Dimple, Cats Don’t Dance
Angeline Yurena
ダーレイーン ♡ ユーレナー
cv: Yui Shoji (庄子 裕衣)
Nickname(s): Annie Angel, Annie
Technical info.
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Bisexual
Age: 18
Birthday: 09/08
Height: 165 cm (5’5)
Eye Color: Bright Red/Yellow
Hair Color: Blonde with a Pink Strand
Homeland: Playpot City
College Info.
Dorm: Octavinelle
School Year: 2nd
Class: 2E Set 30
Club: Film Studies
Occupation: Student, Actress
Dominant Hand: Right
Favorite Food: Animal Crackers
Hated Food: Tuna
Dislikes: Animals Allergies
Hobbies: Mini-golf
Talents: Intimidation
UM: Big and Loud
A disaster-based magic. Annie can create temporary earthquakes and floods. The damage done by them is reversed only when Annie decides so.
Dear Devilish Darling
A yellowing newspaper remains pinned to a board…
Last week at 6:30 PM, PC Studios went up in smoke, destroying all the stages and sets hundreds children see on TV nearly everyday.
The studio’s biggest show, Angel and the 9th Life, is now cancelled due to it’s young co-host, Dean Kokomo, becoming paralyzed. He was stuck under the studio’s rubble for 21 hours after saving his female colleague, Angeline Yurena, from danger. Many consider it a miracle that both children managed to make it out alive.
Police investigation now reports that the collapse was caused from sabotage. That’s right folks, someone purposefully set up some electrical wires to explode during a children’s performance. But who is to blame? Currently, no fingerprints have been found at the scene, nor has any DNA been recovered thanks to the fires started after the collapse. However, investigators assume it to be foul play from opposing stations.
The studio’s CEOs have decided not to comment on whether their beloved shows will remain on air. But with the hospitalization of one star and the other left traumatized, one thing is for sure— no new episodes of Angel and the 9th Life will be getting released.
A young child grips the hand of her maid, an ambulance driving away with a familiar face in its back.
“I-I didn’t want him dead, right Miriam?”
“Of course, little angel.”
“Right. I just wanted Dean to get in trouble, so the spotlight was off him for a bit! I just wanted to keep everyone’s attention on me…
The girl’s lip quivers as she begins to sob. The sirens of police cars drown out her confession.
“…That’s all I wanted.”
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revivemyreverie · 9 months
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Girl dinner development.
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revivemyreverie · 1 year
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revivemyreverie · 1 year
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Decided to do some meme redraws as tests💀
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revivemyreverie · 5 months
what if i said kaboom explosion in the bg kissu ☠ for gwen zacks or → diana annie mizihyuna style ^_^
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when i am the big baddie and u suavely throw my bomb away in time and instead of being mad u chu me instead
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RAHHHHHHHHHH i love alien apoc yuri
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revivemyreverie · 10 months
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red angel
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revivemyreverie · 8 months
AHOY HI- 👶 for Rin???? 😊 WAIT Maybe Annie???? 😳 (curious to see how the bbgirl was before becoming evil /j)
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I like to think...after the "incident"... Rin stopped being a crybaby and turned into the cold person they are today. Back then though, they always had tears to shed.
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ANNIE...somewhat of a bratty child but such is to be expected when your parents threw you to the dogs (entertainment industry)
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revivemyreverie · 7 months
⭐ omg what if I said strawberry pocky chu w anniedia or graham roxie ^_^
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does both in moment of indecisiveness (o´▽`o)
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revivemyreverie · 11 months
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Milgram au…
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revivemyreverie · 4 months
🤬 for tom or mayhaps juno…
Tommel -> Allegra
This one is very much because of Allegra but nonetheless. Tom being a hopeless romantic and Allegra quite literally chucking out his heart because love didn’t go his way is doing something to me. I don’t think it helps that Allegra is very very mean/manipulative without his heart.
Anyways🤪the nemesis part could occur if Allegra is mean to one of Tom’s friends but I think. The best recipe for pure anger to occur is if Allegra manages to break down Tom’s own beliefs of love or even his heart, and then pull an Allegra and dip out entirely without even saying sorry LOL.
Juno-> Annie
This one’s more on Juno this time HAHAHAHA. Annie is a girl whose emotions can get out of control very easily and I do not think that works well with a bird who likes inciting chaos.
Not to mention, Annie has been raised off of the belief that she’s a special girl so to have Juno pop up and say “Who are you? I’ve never heard of that name are you a newbie?” I think she would pop a blood vessel. Or start raising hell. I feel bad for whoever has to unflip couches and put back thrown chairs in Pomefiore dorm after Annie leaves. Yknow what let’s just hope the two never meet unless NRC gets flooded by Annie UM.
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revivemyreverie · 5 months
🌶️ [HOT PEPPER] Who would your OC declare their sworn enemy if they could meet them?
Annie… I think Azul counts as her worst enemy💀 when he doesn’t gaf about her or her complaints. I like to think they just fight a lot in general LAMPSHWFJBSKD
Lotsie… I don’t think he has any?!?!? He’s a character that doesn’t get close to anyone but doesn’t hate them outright. Even with his parents, who’ve messed him up a bit, are people he just can’t declare as an enemy! I think it fits him though, since his belief is that everyone can be a friend!
🍒 [CHERRY] Who is your OC's perfect companion?
When I say Annie’s maid (mostly for worse though💀💀) Miriam’s only mentioned in her backstory but she’s. a very cunning character. She does whatever Annie asks for and even goes a little overboard with it😇
Lotsie’s BFF is Pat for a reason!!! They do bicker a lot, but it means they always find a middle ground in the end. Not to mention, they always understand and know how to comfort eachother (especially in Toytoriya’s nonexistent chapter but teehee that’s 4 another time).
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revivemyreverie · 6 months
∅ Vegas with Kumo
Angeline and Allegra with Eiji
Cause dorm mates I am curious
Kumo’s one of those scary types of people, haha! He’s really cold most of the time, but I’ve met enough clients just like him back home, so I know how to handle him. 
Although, there was this one time I tried using my UM on him, but he caught onto my plan pretty quickly. Next thing you know, he’s practically staring daggers at me! It’s not like I was being invasive, though! It’s just better to have general information with all potential allies, ya know?
Ugh, Eiji’s like one of those weirdos you see in the corner of a huge party. I don’t bother talking to someone like that, much less stand next to him. After all, rumors spread like crazy where I come from. If something gets out of me associating with a guy like him, I might as well be kissing some of my fans goodbye!
Hm, the jewelry he has is pretty though. If he wasn’t such a freak, I would consider commissioning him, teehee!
Hm~ I’d say Eiji is almost like me, but not completely. I’ve used my UM on him once, during a session, and he’s certainly an interesting character. The things I felt as him were an interesting experience! I haven’t felt such an intense…desire… with such a lack of care before. 
The session means I know what he’s done, too, but I wouldn’t worry. My tongue is tied. After all, what do I have to do with something I don’t care about? Although, if I was my old self, I’m sure I would have done something incredulously stupid against him. 
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revivemyreverie · 6 months
Ahaha.... Hello Rev 👁️
Might I ask for Annie's opinion on Davis? 👁️👁️.... My curiosity is getting the best of me /hj
Also if it's possible, could you do Lucero's opinion on Elaine? I know she doesn't have a profile yet, so it's okay if you don't do that one 😭
I’ve met a lot of royalty during my time as an actress, and Davis happened to be one of them. Just another perfect perk of being a star like me~! He’d be higher on people I actually like talking to, but his hobbies are, like, totally boring. Only the elderly and nerds spend time playing chess of all things. 
Other than that, he’s good at judging. Which is perfect when making fun of some loser in a horrible outfit, haha!
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revivemyreverie · 8 months
(Yes its me again ^^)
I was wondering if u can share some of Angeline Yurena headcanons, I haven't seen posting about her that much, but like her backstory is really interesting (and I hope u keep posting about them more hehe) anyways ur blog is amazing as always (like the writer✨)
(Thanks for yesterday post, I hope ur doing well and please take ur time ^^)
AHHH you’d be right on the lack of posts 💀. She’s a newer oc of mine, and with college, I haven’t been able to post much on her!
While she likes animal crackers, Annie has a tendency to only eat the heads of them to avoid eating too much sugar.
Under her starlike image, Annie is very prone to violence in general. Throwing things, screaming matches, she’s done it all in her temper tantrums.
She can be very intimidating, both outside of her work and inside. Maybe its just the power of a star?
Says she’s allergic to cats, but that's a bold-faced lie. Annie just doesn’t like animals whatsoever.
I HC her and Azul’s relationship is very rocky!! Neither wants to listen to the other’s commands, making arguments happen on the daily.
She doesn’t like the twins either. Or Savanaclaw, but that’s mostly due to her not liking sports.
I think, if you removed the ego, anger, and lying, you’d find a very scared and panicky girl. That’s who I think exists under Annie Angel.
Annie does credit a lot of her fame to her parents, since they pushed her to do acting (and also. To her absolute limit)
That said, they’re also people who manipulated their daughter to see the best results! They’d drop hints on Annie on how her rivals were better than her, further driving her hatred of sharing the stage.
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