vitalconviction · 9 months
genesis for the ask meme :3
Sexuality Headcanon:
gay queer generally unlabelled, to the shock of no one who actually knows him personally but more shocking to people who only hear him out of context speaking in what's essentially gayer riddles than the riddler himself has put out
Gender Headcanon:
honestly, i like him being either ftm or just generally male adjacent with more masculine inclinations, he finds power in the manipulation of the imagery of what a 'man' is and so he runs with it. im personally flexible with this so im applying that back onto genesis as someone flexible with something like gender. this dude spends his time dissecting a centuries old unfinished text writing dissertations on it, he could without a doubt dissect the notions of gender along the way because of how gender is something potent in literature and poetry--linking it back to what it means to be a hero in a story about a female goddess where the modern depiction of heros is abundantly male
A ship I have with said character:
sephesis, strifesodos, valenstrifesodos, gentseng, genvin, GSC + Vincent too, if I feel like he's too lonely and start MISSING MY BOY!
I think he's almost versatile in how he could theorhetically romance anyone, but it's himself who stands in the way of that. If anyone could actually make him get out his own way, even if just a slight moment, I think these are the people who could.
A BROTP I have with said character:
gengeal, angenesis -- They're literally like. they fufill a brother dynamic to me. That's what I mean by broship. Of course people have made the (increasingly likely) argument that they actually are brothers on a semi-real-world-impossible scale, but I don't even care about the biology. Truly and fully they have such a strange dysfunctional relationship that is founded on both love and a resentment on some level. It's really strange and provoking. I think their bond is something like siblings raised to go against each other but despite everything still try to love one another. Of course an added romantic element would further complicate this and I fucking love interpersonal strife and drama so I'm not completely turning away from the idea of it, but it isn't my favourite ship inclination. I also love the idea of them horrifyingly finding out they're somewhere like 0.7% related to each other in some way but that's just my personal LOL session fuel (holdover from being in the dc fandom half my life and adoring all the batships HAHAHA)
A NOTP I have with said character:
eeh sometimes gengeal? Otherwise, mostly cis women characters because I just. I can't see him going for a non gender queer or GNC person, he is baked in queerness and so are his tastes! cant take the gay out of the gaylord LOL
A random headcanon:
His birthday has to be on a new years celebration day or start of a season change for me! For example, he could be born January 1st, literally a genesis i.e. start of the new year! That or he's born March 21 as the start of spring and the start of a new season.
I also like to use Tibetan influences in his crafting, reasoning being Banora is partially inspired by Tibet with the fruit and all, alongside Ryukyuan (Gackt W for once) + Minnan :D
Also, as for the aforementioned ships, he's very inclined towards neurodivergent people as well clearly LOL all his love interests are so off the walls non-neurotypicals it makes my heart sing and swell with pride
General Opinion over said character:
This guy are sick!!!!!! His designs gorgeous and I love his motifs, I don't get why people don't like him other than just not liking such obviously autistic people in media LOL like he's always been so endearing to me! I won't ever stop defending this dude
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arugula2048 · 2 years
Do u have any ff7 ships queen
I made a sefikura tree
omg that's such a cute tree :o here i made u a angenesis present to go with it
im a multishipper so i ship pretty much whatever's written well in canon/by fanfic authors/by meee in my head lol. one of my favorite ship dynamics tho is fiery/snarky character x cool/calm character so i like genesis x cloud most, tho i also ship cloud w sephiroth, zack, reno, and if it's written well... angeal and tseng. i hate the weird 5sum ship with cloud and all the soldier firsts like brooo where are their personalities😭
tifa and aerith are cute together but like, lbr, it's so much work to ship women in fujobait, esp now when so much femslash isnt even fem🤢
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so um. hey guys i have an Idea
hahha until dawn final fantasy vii au hahhaah... kinda?? its like inspired by until dawn but does not follow the actual plot of the game very much so...
yea im hyperfixating on until dawn if that wasnt obvious um. i'll put a read more for anyone interested in hearing about it i guess??
sooo basically jenova is the malevolent entity on the mountain. she was created by hojo as a weird expeirment because hojo's weird we all know this. he wanted to release her to see what damage she could cause to the mountain, but vicncent didnt like that since there were people living on and around the mountain and vowed to stop him. well, hojo kinda clocked vincent in the head and put him into a medically induced coma to get rid of him. jenova eventually gets powerful enough to break out of her... tank thing? whatever she was in at nibelheim and kills hojo and escapes.
sephiroth sees the whole thing and is so traumatized he blocks his memories from his brain and runs away.
jenova fucked their house/lab up when she escaped, so its like all on fire and shit. anyway, a pilot flies overhead and happens to see it and decides to try and find any survivors. this pilot? cid highwind. he finds vincent and wakes him up. vincent explained everything and asked cid for his help in destroying jenova. cid was like "well shit i got nothing better to do" so theyre kinda like the stranger in that regard...?
sooo sephiroth gets to the town by the mountain and ends up in foster care. he has trauma induced amnesia. he ends up living with elmyra, gast, and aerith :) im a sucker.
anyways, sephiroth is found to be hojo's last living relative and is given the mountain estate by the authorities. sephiroth decides to go check it out and his friends come with him because they're moochers.
soo his friends are zack, tifa, cloud, aerith, yuffie, angeal, and genesis. and heres the kinda cast list?
mike - zack
sam - tifa
matt - angeal
emily - genesis
jessica - aerith
chris - cloud
ashley - yuffie
josh - sephiroth
yeah so ships and character dynamics are gonna be way different than in until dawn itself because theyre different people obviously. also ships....... are undecided im sorry. expect for angeal and genesis obvi but other than that idk.
so yeah thats all i've got rn um. lemme know what you think maybe?? hmm idk lol
edit: oh yeah!! i forgot to write about barret. hes a guy who lives up on the mountain with his daughter and helps the gang hunt down jenova. hes not any character from until dawn in particular, but hes there definitely
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