matan4il · 2 years
Hi!! How are you? I hope well! I'm sorry I've been missing, but I have so many things to do... There aren't enough hours to do it all lol, but what I do is read everything you post! The meta of the 6x10 chapter was absolutely amazing! I think what struck me the most in the chapter is Eddie's scream, which, on the other hand, was necessary to hear. I really liked one of the trailers, the one with Eddie yelling "do more" (part 1)
I think this is the first time I've seen Eddie palpably shocked by Buck, and not trying to hide it. In a way it seems to me that this episode is going to be more exciting than the one where Buck begins, and also, that his classmates are going to care more about him than when the truck bomb happened, or at least we will see it. I hope you are feeling better from the vertigos. As always, I am sending you lots of hugs and kisses and, of course, lots of positive energy (part 2)
Hi darling! How are you doing? Always good to hear from you, but I hope you know that you never have to stress about any fandom stuff with me! Trust me, I know exactly what it means, to be constantly out of breath and wonder how come we don't get more than 24 hours in a day. Just do what's good for you. I'm here and always happy to see you when it's okay for you. *hugs*
I'm so glad that you enjoyed the 610 meta! :D Thank you so much for telling me you did! And yes, I tried to talk a bit about how clearly shaken up Eddie is and how different his reaction is in comparison with the past in the 611 meta I shared. I do think we got to be more worried about Buck in this ep than in 405 because he got that much closer to the brink of dying, and the team def had much more of an on screen reaction, in part because in 218, Buck had to deal with a decision for himself when Ali tells him she doesn't think she can handle his choice of profession. What does he prefer, his calling or this chance at love with her? And I think he rightly chose his job. She wasn't a bad person, but I don't think they were compatible, as that ep proved. In 611, Buck had to learn to accept himself and the love he gets from his found family, and that moment when they ALL come in to celebrate his recovery is a closure to that.
Thank you for the kind words, I'm afraid I still suffer from this debilitating vertigo. I'm sending you all the love and the bestest of wishes and positive energies! You're so wonderful and I hope you know it! As always, my ask tag. xoxox
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matan4il · 2 years
Hi!!! First of all tell you that your last meta was really amazing. I know I'm a little late, I'm sorry, really, my life this course is crazy, but I wanted to wish you happy holidays and happy new year. I'm sure next year will be a great year!!! I send you a lot of positive energy, as always, and hugs and kisses!! You're wonderful!!
Aaaah, sweetheart! Do you mean the 609 meta? In either case, thank you so much, I’m so happy whenever I hear you enjoyed something I posted! ^u^ And you are not late! Fandom is not something we need to do “on time.” I’m happy to have you here, whenever that is! *hugs*
Thank you so much for the lovely wishes! I don’t actually celebrate the Gregorian new year, but I wish YOU a wonderful new Gregorian year, filled with all the joy in the world. Because you’re so sweet and wonderful, and every time I just think of you, I smile. And you deserve nothing less, to be spoiled by all the joy, by all the good and loving people around you, and by every wish of yours fulfilled to bring you nothing but joy! I’m treasuring your wishes and everything you send, and am sending tons of positive energy and love right back! YOU are wonderful! xoxox
(as always, if anyone’s looking for it, here’s my ask tag. xoxox)
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matan4il · 2 years
Hi! How are you feeling about vertigo? Does the new medication work? I was finally able to catch up on the 9-1-1 chapters, I always try to read you even though I don't always have time to write to you, but I keep an eye on you so I keep sending you tons of positive energy (hope you understand me well) (part 1)
After watching the episodes I've been thinking about Buck's donation, and I've had this crazy idea that the show wants Buck to have a child, meaning something happens to the couple in the end (hopefully not) or that they decide not to want it and Buck has to keep it, is it crazy to think that? I'm really curious to see if in the next episode Eddie says any of that to Buck and see how he would react. I congratulate you on your meta, they´re absolutely incredible!! Lots of hugs and kisses! (part2)
My darling! :D I'm so happy to hear from you! You don't have to write to me, it's only for whenever you can, there's no rush, I know that you're here and that you care, and it means the world to me! *hugs* I'm so glad you're able to read what I write! I hope you enjoy it all. Thank you so much for the positive energy, and please know I'm sending the same to you!
It’s not a crazy thought to entertain. I believe I heard others toss the same idea out there, that this kid Connor and his wife are having will eventually be Buck’s. I’m less convinced, in part because the show already has one of its only two male single (attractive) leads as a single dad. It leaves the show a lot less room for diverse representation, experiences and themes. Also, it is more difficult filming with babies, and they already have Jee Yun on the show. Lastly, I feel like the show has to address officially that Buck is basically Christopher’s other dad and Eddie’s life partner before it can throw in another baby into that situation. So I can’t see it happening right now. But one never knows.
Thank you so much, hon. I’m so happy you enjoyed the meta and I am very grateful for your kind feedback regarding those posts! All the hugs and kisses to you, too! xoxox
(and as always, if anyone’s looking for it, here is my ask tag! xoxox)
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matan4il · 2 years
Hi! Here I´m again with all my good energy to give you! Sorry I haven't told you anything, but I've been busy and I haven't even been able to watch the episodes of 9-1-1 because the page where I´d it fell down (I hope I explained myself well), so I just feed myself thanks to the spoilers (on the facebook pages) and to your weekly meta (many hearts) (Part 1)
As soon as I can I'll catch up, but I wanted to stop by to say hello and send you my love, I hope you're fine (I read that you had vertigo again) . Lots of hugs and kisses! (Part 2)
Hi my darling, I’ve been missing you and hoping you’re alright! I’m just happy to hear from you, I hope that means you’re doing well? *hugs* Sending you all the good energy right back! (I actually have vertigo constantly and... seems like I have a lesion growing right next to a nerve that might be causing it)
Do you d/l Torrents? Or watch online streaming sites? We can try and find you an alternative, if anyone can suggest a good one in the comments to this post! I’m so glad my weekly meta can help a bit, but there’s nothing like seeing the ep itself, so I hope we can help!
I’m so glad you stopped by regardless of any eps and I’m sending you a ton of love, and lots of hugs and kisses right back! xoxox
(and if anyone’s looking for it, here is my ask tag! xoxox)
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matan4il · 2 years
Hi! How are you? Sending you a lot of positive energy!!! I saw the big post you made and I was touched, you are totally adorable. I was traveling and the internet was horrible, so I couldn't write to you as soon as you got Buddie's goal, but I'm back and I can only tell you that he loved reading you, as always! It was a surprise to learn that everyone Eddie saved is dead, and I can't help but think that both Buck and Chris helped Eddie in some way. and kept him from harming himself, (part 1)
I have a feeling Buck will be , or it will have to be, a great support for Eddie, so that he endures with everything he has inside and that he does not let out. On the subject of Taylor and Buck I was surprised that they didn't let him, and I wonder if Buck will ever tell him that he went with Lucy or will he let it go, which is how Taylor seems to prefer, I also wonder what will make him they two break up, or if they will. I send you many kisses and hugs!!!! (part 2)
Hi darling! *loves you so much* You sent these two asks and I had so many to answer this week (and so little time, sadly) that before I managed to reply, you also send these, so if it’s okay, I will reply to all of them together:
Hi! How are you? I wanted to congratulate you for your meta, it's absolutely amazing! After seeing how Buck supports Eddie, what I wrote you in the last chapter gains more strength (I think you missed it among so many comments :-p) Lucy doesn't quite fit me in the team, just like Taylor doesn't quite fit me with Buck. (part 1)
Seeing what they say is going to happen in the last episode, I have a theory that Eddie will be the first to admit that he's attracted to boys. I send you a lot of positive energy!!! Hugs and kisses! (part 2)
Awwwww, hon! Thank you so much for the kind words, for reading everything that I write, even the personal stuff, and for always reaching out in the loveliest of ways! I’m so glad you enjoyed the meta, too! *huuugs*
Regarding Buck, he’s def caught between two women, neither of which is suited for him as a partner, while his real emotional energy is centered on helping Eddie and Chris, his true family. So what’s going to happen? I imagine that those two women are set on a collision course and when they do crash into each other, that’s when Buck’s r/s with Taylor will come to an end, when she finds out about the kiss. Meanwhile, I have to admit I always used to think Buck would be the first to realize his feelings/attraction to Eddie, because he always seemed like he would be more able to admit the possibility that he’s into men as well as women (maybe he even knows already, just that he’s not talking about it because currently it doesn’t seem relevant to him). But the way they’ve been progressing Eddie’s arc, who knows? Maybe precisely because it seems like it would be a bigger crisis for him to realize he might be into Buck, he’ll end up being less oblivious about the true nature of his feelings for his best friend. Plus, the way Buck shows up for Eddie this season is just undeniable, isn’t it? I mean, they’ve both always been there for each other, but Buck in 513 and 514 has taken it to new levels... so how long can Eddie remain repressed about what it all means?
*hugs you some more* Thank you again, my love, hope you’re having a fantastic day! xoxox
(I got an influx of asks, I WILL answer all of them, but it might take a sec. If anyone wants to check whether I've already answered theirs or to read my replies, here's my ask tag. Thank you! xoxox)
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matan4il · 2 years
Hello! How are you? I haven't written to you in a long time, I hope all is well! So I watched the new episode and thought... why would they want Buck and Taylor to move in together if things aren't going well between them? And maybe what they are looking for is that they both move to another house, the relationship breaks down and Buck has to find another place to live. And all this coincides with the moment when Eddie needs a lot of help, and they decide to move in together...
Sorry, I didn't fit it all together. Have I gone crazy? Do I have much imagination? Thank you very much!! Looking forward to your super meta! I send you all my positive energy, just in case (happy face) (I hope my English is understood!)
Hello, my lovely! Your English is as great as you are, thank you so much for reaching out and for all the kind words, I am sending tons of love positive energy right back and hope you enjoyed the meta, hon! Please tell me you’re doing well?
I think first and foremost, they want Taylor moving in with Buck because it ups the stakes when he has to navigate his way around working with Lucy, while lying to his gf, and it make the hurt for him and her deeper once that r/s breaks down as the truth will be revealed. Which will probably help force Buck take a real look at why he got to that point, what’s his pattern that led him there. I would love for Buck to move in with Eddie and Chris, I would give a kidney for that, but I don’t think he will. Even based on technicalities. I don’t see them investing in creating a set for Taylor when they never have throughout s4 and 5a, plus I think they did invest a lot in Buck’s loft and won’t get rid of it too quickly. If they ever do go the “Buddie roommates” route, I think it would be before they’re ready to let Buddie get together, and 5b is really showing us that neither man is ready for that just yet. But the awesome thing is we can still play it out in our heads and fics and fanart, because it is a damn AMAZING scenario that you sent here! Thank you for sharing it and much love to you, hon! xoxox
(HEY, if it takes me a moment to reply to an ask, it's 'coz I'm juggling work overload and medical stuff. If I got it, I will reply to it! You can always check my ask tag. Thank you for understanding! xoxox)
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matan4il · 2 years
Hi!! How was everything? I hope you are better, I send you a lot of positive energy!!! I love your meta, it's amazing, as always! The last scene of Buck calling Taylor seems to me the beginning of their breakup, although it is better not to have expectations because the next chapter can be together without knowing what happened with that conversation. I send you many kisses and hugs!
Hola my lovely! TBH, rl is still challenging, but I’m always smiling when I’m talking to good people, so thank you for every message you send! *hugs*
I’m so glad that you enjoyed the 517 meta, and absolutely! We all knew the break up was coming, and now we get to bask in the satisfaction of seeing a story that was built well throughout coming to its natural conclusion and presenting us with character growth for Buck. You’re right, a bad show might have just dropped the storyline and ignored its own build up. I’ve seen that happen on shows that were very popular, and even ones that were considered quite good. But thankfully, that’s not usually 911, def not with its bigger season-long story arcs. I’m so glad we got to experience this and rejoice in it together!
I’m sending you tons of love and kisses right back, darling! xoxox
(I got an influx of asks, I WILL answer all of them, but it might take a sec. If anyone wants to check whether I've already answered theirs or to read my replies, here's my ask tag. Thank you! xoxox)
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matan4il · 3 years
Hi! How are you? I keep sending you my positive energy!!!!!! It seems that this episode is dedicated to Taylor and Lou, which makes me think that maybe Taylor will stay as a secondary character, a friend of Buck (it´s clear that BT will break up) I think BT have more feeling as friends than as a couple. What do you think? Congratulations on the meta!!! I look forward to it excited after each chapter! Hugs and kisses!!
Hi hon! Thank you so much, I am sending you tons of love and positive energy, and hope you're doing well! :***
I honestly don't think they've developed Taylor enough to keep her even as a secondary character, at least not where things stand now. Yes, we're gonna get her background, but she still has only one real r/s on the show, and that's with Buck. Once they break those two up, if they wanted to keep her, they'd have to start building up her other relationships from scratch. They might go with Lou, but I honestly don't know? He's himself a very minor character. We don't even know he will stay, or to what a degree, so he's not the most sound connection for Taylor outside of Buck. Also, while I agree they worked better as friends than as a couple, it was evident to me from her first 408 appearance that she was brought back to be a romantic interest for Buck, not a friend. 911 has a pretty big cast, a lot of minor characters, and it has to work hard to balance all of the different characters and stories. I suspect they're not likely to stretch themselves even thinner for the sake of a character who's not even a romantic interest or fulfills any role in a substantial plot for one of the mains... I may be wrong, but as things are now, I can't see her staying. I hope that doesn't disappoint you too much, lovely!
Even more love coming your way! xoxox
To anyone else who sent me an ask, I am going through all of them, thank you so much for your patience! If you wanna check whether I’ve replied to yours yet, you can have a look at my ask tag. xoxox
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matan4il · 3 years
Hi!! Hope you feel better, I keep sending you positive energy!! I loved your meta, it's fascinating how well you capture everything.I couldn't help comparing Buck's "I love you" to Taylor's with what other partners had; Maddney, Battena, KaHen... It felt so cold and strange... Still, I don't think they will part in the next episode. I send you many kisses and hugs!!!
Hi lovely! I am ALWAYS sending positive energy and tons of love right back to you! Thank you, hon, for always being so kind! *cuddles*
I'm so happy you enjoyed my meta post, and so humbled and grateful you feel that I did a good job referring to the different elements referring to Buddie in this ep. Thank you!
Oh, I couldn't agree more regarding B/T. It's def more invested in than Eddie and Ana were, but still, when you compare it to any of the other relationships on the show, it's just weird and off. And I find it interesting, 'coz they do put in more time and effort into B/T, so if it feels cold and strange, it's not for lack of investment.
I also tend to think they won't part in 510. Whatever purpose this r/s is serving, a purpose for which they have invested big chunks of 507 and 509, the show hasn't gotten there yet. They might get to it in 510, but a Xmas ep feels like a strange time to get to it, and right on the heels of 509 too, I don't see it, not yet. But we will get there. More than any other ep, 509's weird exchange of I love you's makes it clear that B/T aren't endgame.
Thank you for this ask, hon! I hope you have a great day! xoxox
To anyone else who sent me an ask, I am going through all of them, thank you so much for your patience! If you wanna check whether I've replied to yours yet, you can have a look at my ask tag. xoxox
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matan4il · 2 years
Hi!! How are you? Hope you're doing better, just in case I'm sending you tons of positive energy! I've been working hard for a season and, before I knew it, I hadn't started the previous chapter. I congratulate you for the two meta, they are really amazing. As for the last chapter, I loved it, I really loved it, but I still have plenty of Taylor, not a single look, not a gesture between the two, they seemed more like a couple of friends. (part 1)
On the other hand, I love that strangers (if I've got it right) point out the obvious chemistry between Buddie. As for Lucy, she doesn't seem like a bad girl to me, she really seemed worried about Cap, I'm curious if Taylor will find out that she was the girl Buck kissed when he was drunk. Sorry if you already answered something I'm talking about here, lately I've been a bit confused hehe. I send you many kisses and hugs! (part 2)
Hi darling! Thank you so much for always caring! I'm waiting to get my test results to my doc, so it's just waiting for me rn, to hear what's happening with me. I hope you're doing good and I'm sending you all the positive energy right back! *hugs*
Awwww, I'm so glad you liked the meta posts for 515 and 516. That means the world! And yes, the complete disconnect between Buck and Taylor even as the show is hitting us with her jealousy was a very obvious way of pointing out that B/T may be a couple, but they really aren't a love story.
And yes, you have it absolutely right, Carson never met either Buck or Eddie before, yet he could already pinpoint that they are a couple. In the realest sense of the word.
I think with very few exceptions so far, 911 usually doesn't make people out to be bad, even when they do some things we dislike, they're still shown as complex, three dimensional people. So it's no surprise that even as Lucy launched Buck's cheating storyline, she's not presented as a one dimensional villain. I'm sure Taylor WILL find out Lucy was the woman Buck kissed before this cheating storyline wraps up. It's going to be one of those moments when it's not just us as viewers, it will also be Taylor who realizes just how deep the B/T disconnect actually runs.
Never apologize or hesitate about sending me asks, I'm always happy to hear from you and I'm sending you all the love and hugs! xoxox
(I got an influx of asks, I WILL answer all of them, but it might take a sec. If anyone wants to check whether I've already answered theirs or to read my replies, here's my ask tag. Thank you! xoxox)
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matan4il · 3 years
Hi! I hope everything goes great! I keep sending you my positive energy! The chapter left me a bit worried... They keep telling Buck that everything is about him, first Chimney, then Eddie and finally Taylor. Also, the fact that Chimney said goodbye to everyone except Buck I think will bring future problems for Buck. Do you think Eddie and Buck ever talked about what happened at the supermarket? Not counting the kitchen scene. Also, Taylor and Buck's hug felt so weird. Thank s, you´re wonderfull
Awww, thank you so much, hon! It's so sweet of you. How are you? I hope YOU are doing well! xoxox
I'm so sorry the ep left you worried! But I honestly am not. I know how Chim left was on a sour note, but it's what we call "a descent for the sake of ascent". He had to leave like that, so that their reconciliation can be more meaningful when he comes back. That way, Chim's absence isn't just a part of a plot where a pregnant actress' character had to be sent away, and then logically that character's partner had to follow, it injects drama and meaning into this plot and makes us crave its resolution... Which I’m sure we will get, once Chim’s back!
As for Eddie and Buck, I have no doubt they did talk about the supermarket argument. Not just in the kitchen scene. The show has shown us repeatedly that these two share information, including the most personal stuff, that they know each other inside and out (just think of how Eddie is the person who's most in the know about Buck being in a therapy session AND why he's having it, back in ep 404), including telling each other things that are deeply personal, emotional, even when these talks aren’t shown on screen, we discover that they did happen. So as part of that, I'm sure they did talk about this subject!
Lastly, yeah. That hug did feel weird, I'm assuming because Buck is not meant to be wrapped up in it, which is very unusual for him (just compare to every single hug he shares with Eddie). Taylor's actress mentioned she had to lower her head so they could film the expression on Buck's face as he gazes into the distance. It shows that despite everything being resolved at the station and Taylor trying to be a good girlfriend, Buck's still sad, worried about his sister. Despite the hug, he's not comforted and he's not at peace... This leads to the phone call from Maddie and him figuring out where she is. I can't wait to see what he's actually going to do about that!
I hope I helped, love? Endless hugs and kisses to you, because you're wonderful yourself! xoxox
To anyone who sent me an ask, I am going through all of them, thank you so much for your patience! If you wanna check whether I've replied to yours yet, you can have a look at my ask tag. xoxox
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matan4il · 3 years
Hi!!! How are you? I keep sending you all my positive energy!! Congratulations on your meta, I love it!!! I would like to know your opinion, do you think the rest of the team imagines or believes that there is something between them, or that there are feelings? I mean, they have a very, very close relationship. You may have already answered it, if so, excuse me!!! Thank you very much and happy week!! I send you kisses and hugs!!
Hi lovely, how are YOU? *hugs* Thank you so much for the positive energy and lovely words! I'm so happy you liked the 508 meta and thankful that you always grace me with your kindness!
Oh wow, that's such a big question. I believe I did answer it, but def not since the start of s5, which means there's new data to add in. I think it's hard to imagine that someone as observant as Hen who figured Bathena out immediately in 201 would be in the dark about Buddie, or that Maddie who knows her brother so well and commented on his crush on Eddie right away in ep 204 wouldn't at least suspect something, but this season, I have to throw in that specific way that Bobby told Buck about their new partnerships, which I addressed in my 505 meta and in this ask + gifset. I know that we had a lot of gifsets showing Bobby closely watching Buddie, but I always figured that as much as that could be a hint that Bobby knows, it could also be just Peter Krause being a very attentive scene partner, and Buddie fans with our specific sensitivity to all things Buddie, we notice it in the context we're most tuned into. But the way he told Buck about their pairing off was NOT how a captain would normally announce it, so I think he might know.
Or even if he and the rest of them don't know explicitly, I'm sure they're all very well aware that the friendship between Buck and Eddie is way deeper than the other ones people on this team have, which are all very deep and meaningful friendships as is! So some might know and some might feel it without actually having put words to it. And I don't think any of them will be really surprised if and when Buddie get together...
Thank you for this ask and I hope you're having an amazing day, hon! Sending lots of hugs and kisses right back! xoxox
To anyone else who sent me an ask, I am going through all of them, thank you so much for your patience! If you wanna check whether I've replied to yours yet, you can have a look at my ask tag. xoxox
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matan4il · 2 years
Thank you very much for answering! Although I have had difficult moments, which I am in the process of assimilating, I usually see the positive side of things. I hope you are well! By the way, I loved the meta!!!
Hi, my darling! If you're referring to this ask, you're very welcome, I'm always happy if I manage to help in any way, and you've always been so sweet, supportive and overflowing with care and positive energies, it's an absolute honor to! And I'm so delighted that you enjoyed the meta, thank you for letting me know and for always making me smile, simply seeing your username! Love you! xoxox
I hope it's okay, since you're always so lovely, I thought I'd add in here, a couple of other lovely asks, too...
Honestly your posts are one of the big reasons why I do believe that buddie will be canon. So thank you.
Hi Nonnie! Thank you so much for telling me about this, I'm so happy that you enjoy my posts! Honestly, I now want Buddie to go canon even more than I already do, just to make you happy as well. I hope you're having a fantastic day, sending love your way! xoxox
Hey, just checking in. Wanted to see how you’re doing. And wanted to let you know that you are one of my favorite content creators, I look forward to all of your metas and each in depth analysis of every episode.
Hi Nonnie, thank you so much for sending this, it's so kind of you! TBH, I'm not doing that great, I took a fall not that long ago, and took a pretty bad hit to the face. I'm still feeling its effects, so I'm still going between medical appointments trying to make things better. That’s on top of my existing health problems and still having to work, plus other rl stuff, so it hasn't been easy, but it just dwarfs in comparison with seeing that people care, and hearing that somehow, despite all of this, I'm still able to offer you wonderful people something you can enjoy. Thank you ALL so much for this grace. I also hope you're doing well! xoxox
(HI! Since I've been juggling work overload and medical stuff, sorry I fell behind on answering asks despite trying to double my pace. I'll try to use the weekend to catch up, look out for my ask tag. xoxox)
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matan4il · 3 years
Hi! Sorry to disturb you. After reading that sometimes the questions don´t reach your mailbox, I thought that perhaps mine hadn´t reached you. If the question has come to you, I'm sorry! If it hasn't come to you, I can ask you again. Thank you very much and congratulations on your meta!!! You are amazing! Hugs and kisses!!! I send you all my positive energy !!
Hi darling! *hugs*
Thank you for this ask! If you hadn't sent it, I wouldn't have found your original ask (it landed in my inbox, but under the wrong blog title somehow)...
Your ask:
Hi! How are you? I send you all my positive energy from here (I have plenty!) I love your meta, everything you capture is absolutely brilliant. I heard that in chapter 7 Eddie will be a hostage. I guess TV will cover the news (Taylor), do you think when Buck goes crazy over Eddie, Taylor and Buck will break up? Will she realize what happens between them? Will Taylor open Buck's eyes with Eddie? And, if so, will they get together this season? Many thanks! You are awesome! Lots of hugs and kisses!
That's a really good question! We know Eddie will be held at gunpoint, we don't yet know for sure that Taylor will see this happening, though you're very right that it's more than likely. At the same time, we've not yet had Buck and Taylor acknowledging the issues between them even without Eddie entering the picture. So I feel like between that, which still needs to play out (and it might in eps 505 and 506, but we won't know whether they will until they air) and the fact that we just had Eddie breaking up with Ana, I suspect Buck and Taylor's issues might take a little longer to lead to a breakup. First, because those issues need a bit more presence before we can see them leading to this result. Second, because if Buck and Taylor break up right after Eddie and Ana did, it becomes too obvious. And I feel like so far, every hint that 911 has planted along the way that Eddie and Buck might become a couple has been allowed to be meaningful, but not that obvious. You know, other and Buck and Eddie's stupid faces lighting up in bliss every time they look at each other, giving them away... XD But NGL, I would love it if Taylor did make some comment about Buck and Eddie which would open up Buck's eyes, because honestly, that one brain cell he has left every time he so much as thinks about Eddie, even that one brain cell is too in love to be functional, so if we want Buck to ever wise up, he is probably going to need a helping hand from an outside observer.
What's interesting is that while he has had people from the outside commenting on his r/s with Eddie (Maddie's comment in 204, elf lady in 210, Tia Pepa's raised eyebrow in 204 because it is NOT a common thing to bring a colleague along for a family hospital visit, the online comments in 218), we haven't seen such comments since s2, have we? And that was probably too early in the Buddie r/s for Buck to take these insights seriously. So have those comments stopped because if they happened now, he wouldn't be able to easily dismiss them as he did back then? It's def a possibility. And Taylor is def in a prime position to see what's going on and reflect it back to him. But I do think this very much depends on whether she's there to see the hostage situation going down. Because she has been around Buck and Eddie together before, and it didn't stop her from getting together with Buck. Given that she's not the type to be willing to play a second fiddle to an unrequited love, I think her getting together with Buck in 414 means that so far, she hasn't noticed just how intense her bf's r/s with Eddie is... So where we're at right now, pre-505, I would say something needs to happen to make her see the reality of Buddie's bond, too.
Does this make sense? I hope so!
Thank YOU for the ask and all of the loveliness, you are SO sweet, it absolutely makes my heart grow three sizes bigger! So many hugs and kisses right back, and thank you again, wholeheartedly for the kind words and amazing positive energy, beautiful! xoxox
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matan4il · 3 years
Hello again! I hope everything goes great for you. I continue to regret my poor English and I hope that I am well understood. I have so many questions to comment on... that I don't even know where to start. Congratulations on the three metas that you have made!! They are wonderful! I'll start with Eddie's panic. In the end Eddie followed his heart... but do you think the panic attacks were just because of Ana or could it have to do with him starting to feel things for some boy (Buck)? Thank you!
+ Hello again! I don´t fit everything you wanted to say in the other post, sorry! Maybe it was just my imagination, but in the scene (chapter 2) very subtly, when Eddie and Buck are talking about Eddie's panic, I can see behind Eddie the blue bunks all the time and behind Buck the red fire trucks Can it mean something or am I fantasizing about Buddie? Regarding the scene of Eddieana's breakup, he has his arms crossed when she touches him. Sorry to ask a lot, but I would love to know your opinion!
Hi lovely, it's so wonderful to hear from you again! *HUGS* Thank you so much for the kind words, I'm so happy you like the meta posts! I'm doing better than I was, though there's still a lot on my plate, so I'm not really okay. I hope you are doing good? And your English is great, never worry about it!
So, here's the thing about Eddie's panic attack. He has it over thinking about a future with Ana, because on some level he knows he's with the wrong person. Why should she be that? On paper she's great. He does think she's pretty, they have a common cultural background, she's good with kids as a teacher, she's smart, Chris loves her...
But if you're already emotionally taken, even the most perfect person ever would be the wrong one. And I think Eddie is emotionally taken and has been for quite a while before he even met Ana. He meets her in 312, but by 303, we hear him telling Buck that there's no one in the world he'd trust with his son. And Christopher is Eddie's heart. Bobby's words in s4 even explicitly point that out. Eddie has given his heart to Buck before Ana even crossed his path. She never stood a chance. So in a sense, this has always been about Buck. It's sort of confirmed in 413 & 414, when right after Carla puts it into words, that Eddie isn't feeling for Ana what he should, Eddie is shot and the whole thing is framed as being tied to Buck, to his presence there, to Eddie reaching out to him, to him saving Eddie, to then Eddie in the hospital making sure that Buck knows how much he's wanted and chosen. It might require a little more nudging for Eddie to fully realize this, but I think in terms of emotions, he's already there, he's in love with Buck.
I had another look at the bunk talk scene and I see what you mean! I'm still not sure, but this is def going on the pro and con list... thank you for pointing it out!
Oh, the touching during that scene was clearly a metaphor for where Ana vs Eddie were in their relationship at that point. She's looking for a way in. I think she wasn't in love with Eddie, the main last thing she tells him isn't "you're great" or "I really liked you", it's "you're an amazing dad"... I think she had the same idea as Eddie regarding why they could be good together, she just wasn't ready to let go of that idea yet, unlike Eddie. So he closes up to her, because this is difficult for him. He's hurting her and he doesn't want to. His arms are crossed in front of him, which is a defensive posture. His walls are up and they have to be for him to do the thing that's right for both of them. And he has his back to the fridge, this is a battle position. On the battlefield, if you don't have other soldiers behind you, your back is exposed, you're vulnerable, so you need to take a position where something behind you blocks any surprise attack. Eddie, the ex-soldier, is in a full-on defensive position in more than one way. So her trying to dig in between his closed arms, a form of one last attempt to request that he rethink this, is very meaningful. It is uncomfortable to watch her try to touch him like that, it's meant to be. And it shows just how hard this really is on Eddie, how strong he had to be to keep his ground here. It only makes me even prouder of him that he did, that he didn't give in, didn't take the easier route of letting things go when he saw how much she didn't want the relationship to end.
Thank you for the asks, hon! I hope you have a great weekend! xoxox
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matan4il · 3 years
Hi! If you don't want to, you don't need to post this, it was just to tell you that, even though we live on different continents (I assume that you are in the US and I am in Spain), I'm here if you need it!!! Lots of hugs and kisses!!
Awwww, this is so lovely of you and I so appreciate it, hon! It's just so sweet and I hope you know that the very knowledge that there are good people out there who care, that in itself helps. Thank you so much, sweetheart! I hope you yourself are doing good? Oooh, you're from Spain? That's so awesome, it's one of the countries on my list of destinations I hope to get to travel to one day... And I'm actually a fellow ESC participant. XD Tons of love are coming your way! xoxox
💛🌼🌼💛 send this to the twelve nicest people you know or who seem to have a good heart and if you get five back you must be pretty awesome 💖✨💖✨
@idealuk @buddiextarlos @loveyourownsmiilee @firefighter-diaz @lieselfh-art @missjmelville @backofftubby @deluweil @nawelkim
Thank you so much to all you wonderful humans for taking the time and making the effort of sending this message to me. I really appreciate it and I think you're all fantastic! You make Tumblr better and I hope I can do the same for you! I’m not kidding when I say that I love you all, each one with your own unique and incredible traits, and I’m so glad I ran into you amazing lot... xoxox
@boohooweewoobuckaroo I'm so sorry I haven't yet done the ask game you sent to me. I'm struggling a bit to come up with a list of five things I like about myself right now, but... um. Maybe listing all of these wonderful people counts in a way? *hugs* Thank you for including me in this ask game, beautiful! xoxox
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