kcfuson · 7 months
This Got Me In My Feelings...
damn right I'm angry
I've spent my life recovering from things that I should have been protected from.
I was too young to become a ghost full of grief, children are supposed to be happy & free.
don't tell me I wouldn't be who I am today, without all the struggles I faced.
I already know that, I could have been a kid instead of being forced to grow up.
the people who were supposed to protect me failed me, no amount of heeling will change that.
damn right, I'm angry. I'll never get my childhood back.
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mymetric360 · 11 months
🤔Is it overwhelming and unsafe when my housemate brings her babies to visit?
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electricpoolshark · 7 years
I hate how my ex gave me such bitter feelings about jazz. I hate how I have such a hard time listening to jazz because of the two and a half years I spent with him. I hate how listening to Sinatra makes me want to curl up and cry because of how it makes me feel. I have a hard time with Torme, Dean Martin, even Ella Fizgerald and Louis Armstrong. It makes me want to cry, to scream, because jazz is so ingrained in the way I feel love. Even the songs I associate with my datemate are making me want to cry right now. I love jazz. It's beautiful and my most comfortably sung genre. I want nothing more than to be able to feel these old jazz standards without wanting to curl up and let my brain take me out for the count.
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fromabelarditcame · 7 years
I believe
I believe
That I'm in too deep
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harlequinartist · 9 years
Upside to having little to no followers, this stays mostly unread. This is stupid, but I need to get this out, and I don't like talking about things like this. I have a severe social anxiety, well, maybe not severe, but pretty bad. I was teased...no...basically tortured verbally in high school. I had alopecia...and those assholes treated me like my touch was cancerous, so I got used to not being "allowed" to touch. It's left me severely stunted in giving physical affection, I have a hard time letting people touch me, and being affectionate with other people. I also have abandonment issues. People either leave me by moving away, or just stop contacting me, I have a really hard time trusting people now, because I end up just getting burned. At my job, when I originally started, I got bullied a lot by my co-workers, and I was close to being fired because I was calling out almost every week because of my anxiety. Luckily, they all left, or got fired, and a new crew came in. One of the girls, who's now my manager, saw the bullying, before she got promoted, and helped me get my stuff straight, and helped gain confidence back. I started to open up with her, and one of the other girls. Me and the second girl, hang out sometimes and do things, but lately she's pulled away a lot, and seems annoyed with me in general. We got two new girls in, and one of them is having a bonfire party tonight, I was invited, but ended up having to back out because I got stuck at work late, and still had to drive an hour home to take care of my animals. I texted, got no reply, and thought nothing of it. Two of the other girls texted, backing out, and both got responses where my text did not. It's so stupid, but it hurt my feelings, like they could give a shit less that I wasn't going. I'm not upset about not going, I mean, there would've been a lot of people I didn't know, and my anxiety would've just made me uncomfortable, but not getting a response just really hurt me for some reason. I'm really sad about this, and it makes me feel like shit. There, just needed to get all that off my mind, I don't feel any better, but it's not twisting my guts up with anxiety anymore.
~Harlequin Artist
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navelgazed · 12 years
To people who make fun of Otherkin, Multiples, Fictives, Fic'kin:
There is nothing you can say that we have not heard before.
Here, I can summarize for you:
MULTIPLES: LOL they're cr*zy and they're appropriating REAL mental illnesses WHERE'S DA PROOF also all of them are cis/male/white/rich/teenagers!
OTHERKIN: LOL they're delusional and they think they're animals WHERE'S DA PROOF (yes! because people have taken us seriously enough to do a study!) also all of them are cis/male/white/rich/teenagers!
FICTIVES: LOL they think they're fictional characters and also they're just roleplaying but they're also cr*zy and delusional and omg you make my favorite character look bad D: also WHERE'S DA PROOF??? also all of them are cis/male/white/rich/teenagers!
FIC'KIN: basically the same thing
Oh, and then fandoms tell us we're 'ruining it for everyone'. Well holy jesus, let me just look through my room--nope, I didn't find any fucks to give. Because I care more about not being forcibly institutionalized than your precious fucking fandom. 
(The last bit was in response to the replies on happypyrodance's post. I don't care how many 'ha's you can string together, you're not as cool as you think you are. We have heard it all.)
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heart8r8kersanonymous · 12 years
whoa okay.
i just read the tegid system's post and that hit...way too close to home.
dammit why can't i talk to people outside? what the fuck kind of fairness is that?
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