ramcharantitties · 2 years
hey guys whuddup I made psychological thriller anime movie poster who wants to see
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Everytime I think your avi is a doctor strange shot from comic and everytime I'm led down
lmao im sorry for misleading you 😂
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mayaree-darling · 3 years
Things Left Unsaid (Giyuu x OC) (RQ)
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Pairing: Giyuu x Kannu (OC)
Synopsis: Giyuu is full of things he doesn’t say to people. Unfortunately, what comes out this time are things he didn’t mean to say.
From Ari: I hope you like this, @angxlsatvrn​ <3 I’m a  bit rusty with writing Giyuu, but I hope this is okay. Sorry this took a while. I feel like I forgot how to write hahah This is gonna have a bit of a different feel to it, too, because I wrote it in Giyuu’s POV nyehehe
Fic Length: One Shot (3.4k~)
There are a lot of things you could possibly say about Giyuu Tomioka, depending mostly on how you saw him. He’s cold (on the outside) and frank and stoic and so oblivious it makes people physically cringe to see him miss a simple point and not be aware.
Giyuu was a man of few words, it was common knowledge in the Demon Slayer Corps, and to people he talked to in the daily. He just didn’t talk much if he didn’t have to. Didn’t look for a conversation, either.
People knew quiet Giyuu. Unless, of course, they’re meeting him for the first time.
“I’m Kannu. Please take care of me.”
Giyuu blinked, staring blankly at the top of the female’s head as she bowed deeply. He’s heard the Pillars be introduced to him via Ubuyashiki in the past, or maybe like 5 minutes before a mission if he happened to be paired up with them.
Take care of me? Is that what people said these days? He only just met her, so why should he? Or maybe he’s referring to the mission? In that case, wasn’t that a given? She was his partner for her first mission as a Pillar, after all. They were supposed to work together, even if Giyuu wasn’t too keen on that idea.
“Giyuu Tomioka.” he gives her a curt nod before continuing on his way to their next mission. People would’ve given up at that point, called him an asshole who thought he was all that (like Shinazugawa). Couldn’t spare people more than his name and a cold glance.
Giyuu’s more confused than surprised when he catches a flash of dark brown at the corner of his eyes before Kannu’s face is grinning up at him. Despite his quick pace, Kannu seemed to be keeping up just fine.
“Nice to meet you, Giyuu! Hope we get along well.” Maybe if Giyuu didn’t look she’d get the idea that he didn’t really wanna talk and leave him alone. It wasn’t that hard to pretend he couldn’t see her since she was a full head shorter than he was. He just kept looking ahead. Should he correct her that it was a bit disrespectful to refer to someone’s first name? He didn’t particularly mind, so maybe he shouldn’t. Yeah, he shouldn’t. “So what breathing style do you use?”
When he doesn’t respond right away, or in the next minute or so, Giyuu thought that was it. But he stops abruptly in his tracks when he feels a jab at his side and begrudgingly turns to face mirthful brown eyes.
Giyuu stares Kannu down, but the smile doesn’t leave her face. A sigh escapes his lips. It was obvious she wasn’t going to budge anytime soon. He turned to the setting sun before sighing again. Maybe a couple of minutes of talk wouldn’t hurt? They’d have to hunt the demon soon, anyway.
“Water Breathing.” the words come out a strangled mumble, unused to talking.
“Ooh, cool! That’s good to know.” Kannu resumes walking, a slightly slower pace this time. Giyuu doesn’t miss the beads of sweat gathering on her forehead, deciding to keep pace with her. Guess keeping up with him was more of a chore than he thought. “Hope you didn’t mind me asking. I just wanted to make sure I could keep up with you during battle, is all.”
It wasn’t as painful as having to talk with Shinobu. Manageable, if anything. Giyuu clears his throat. “What about you?”
Kannu turns back to him, an impossibly brighter smile on her lips. Was it because he was responding? Maybe he shouldn’t have answered her after all. “Night Breathing.”
Night? Giyuu hasn’t heard that before. His confusion may have been written all over his face because he hears Kannu giggle. Giyuu has half a mind to pick up the pace and leave her again to catch up to him.
“It’s actually just a mix of Water and Wind Breathing my master helped me devise a while back.” Kannu explains.
Giyuu nods slowly. Now what? What else did people talk about? What else was there to say? That should be about it, right? If Kannu said anything else, he wouldn’t know what to reply with, not to mention he probably didn’t have the energy left to respond anyway.
“You don’t talk much, do you?” Giyuu turns to Kannu, his face a deadpan.
“Was it that obvious?” Kannu grins in reply and looks back ahead.
Thankfully enough, dusk was setting in and they were arriving in the small village. As Giyuu expected, the conversation died down to a silence as they both kept their guards up.
Giyuu wasn’t expecting much when he heard about Night Breathing. After all, Kannu said it was similar to Water and Wind anyway, so it could have just looked similar. However it still caught him off guard when his vision suddenly darkened.
“Giyuu!” Ducking at the alarm in Kannu’s voice, Giyuu side-stepped in time, a demon slashing at the space where he just stood moments before.
“Night Breathing, First Form: Twilight Reaping.” Kannu slashed hard, her katana leaving behind a wave of black light in its wake, sharp as her blade and cold as the night air. It missed both Giyuu and the demon by mere inches, but even Giyuu could tell that had it clipped him, it would have hurt more than it looked.
“Watch where you’re swinging.” Giyuu breathed in, summoning a wave as he unsheathed his own katana.
“Sorry.” the laugh that escapes Kannu’s lips doesn’t annoy him as much as he thought it would. But he keeps the thought to himself.
There’s a bad taste in Giyuu’s mouth that leaves him annoyed from the moment he woke up. Everything seemed to put him on edge, pissing him off more than he’d care to admit. The sun was a little too bright. The townsfolk were a little too loud as he passed by the markets. He knew it was unbecoming of him, just a bad day, is all, but he couldn’t help the anger and annoyance that rose like bile up his throat. So he kept his mouth shut, trying to ride out the anger for the day. Maybe take it out on his next mission.
“Good morning, Giyuu!” Giyuu wanted to kick himself for stopping, but it was an almost instantaneous reaction.
Ever since Kannu had decided it was okay to talk to him despite the curt responses (and Giyuu had put off time and time again to tell her that he didn’t like talking) it was practically routine for her to greet him every time they came across each other before going on their missions. Ubuyashiki had insisted that Giyuu or some other Pillar would look after Kannu in her missions for a month or so, just to make sure she got used to her new responsibilities and new coworkers. Giyuu happened to be paired up with her more so often than not, so he was familiar with her company.
So even when he was boiling with misplaced anger and unreasonable annoyance, his body willed him to stop at the sound of Kannu’s voice. He watched as she bowed to the innkeeper and ran over to him, smiling brightly as ever. Giyuu bit down the urge to make a remark about her smile and how it kept putting him on edge. He settles to giving her a curt nod, before he’s already walking, praying to whatever god that could hear him for patience.
“Listen to this, Giyuu. So remember how I went with Shinobu on her last mission? Well, while we were out, I-”
Giyuu forced himself to drown out Kannu’s voice as she told him her adventures in exciting detail. It wasn’t her fault, Giyuu knew that. He was practically screaming at himself to remain calm, if only for her sake.
“-and then she said-”
Giyuu closed his eyes, breathing deeply as he tried to focus on the surrounding forest. But everything else seemed to put him on edge just the same. The cicadas were too loud. The rustling trees were too loud. The sun’s rays were too hot. His ponytail scratching at the back of his neck was too itchy.
He really did try.
“So I- Giyuu? Are you okay?” Giyuu didn’t even notice they had stopped walking until he had rounded to face Kannu, her worried expression dropping almost immediately at the blazing look on Giyuu’s face.
“Stop.” Giyuu grit his teeth, a last ditch effort to will his anger down. But it was useless. If there was any part of him left to calm down, it would have caught the way Kannu stepped away from him the tiniest bit.
“Giyuu, what’s wro-”
“Stop. Just stop.” he ran a hand down his face, an aggravated sigh leaving his lips. “You’re becoming annoying. Your talking is annoying. Just stop, alright?”
Behind his closed eyelids, Giyuu sighed in relief at the silence that followed. Finally, some peace.
But whatever peace he felt disappeared quicker than it appeared and panic set in. Why wasn’t Kannu saying anything?
He opened his eyes to see Kannu staring at him, brown eyes glassy. Giyuu blanched, heart hammering in his chest. What did he say?
“Oh, sorry, Giyuu. I…” Giyuu watched as Kannu swallowed the lump in her throat, her lips twisting up into a wobbly smile. Despite her attempts, though, the smile kept falling. Giyuu hardly felt himself raise his hand, but he stopped, not quite sure what to do, or if he should do anything. Could he even do anything? “I didn’t mean to make you angry. I’m sorry.”
Just say sorry. All the anger he had felt earlier had dispersed as easily as morning mist, and the feeling left him all the more cold. It was his problem. He was the one at fault. He was the one who took his anger out on her. All he had to do was say sorry.
But the words got stuck on his throat.
“I didn’t know you felt that way.” Kannu voice was as strangled as Giyuu’s, if not more, and Giyuu wondered how she was able to talk in such a state. It made him feel all the more awful. Just say something. “I’ll… I’ll stop now.”
“No, Kannu, wait I-” the words lodged themselves in Giyuu’s throat again, but it didn’t matter. His voice was so quiet that Kannu didn’t hear him. She slowly walked away from him, heading on forward to their destination alone, if only to get away from him maybe.
Giyuu hadn’t set a foot forward before Kannu’s crow landed on her shoulder. He hardly heard it tell her that she was being sent as back up to another mission while Giyuu was going to finish the one they originally had. Kannu had muttered a soft “be careful” to him before she was running in the direction where they came.
Giyuu stood in the blistering heat, feeling a resounding chill go up and down his spine. His stomach did flips and he wanted to hurl. He couldn’t breathe right.
There’s a bad taste in Giyuu’s mouth, leftover by the unspoken apology at the tip of his tongue.
Giyuu sat in the garden of the Ubuyashiki Estate, waiting for his next assignment and for a certain dark haired female to come back from her mission. He tapped his sword on his leg in impatience, not sure if he wants time to move faster or slower when he turns to the entrance and sees no one. He tried training to pass the time, but the training dummy he had set up was weak to Giyuu’s anxieties and lay in pieces by his feet.
Just apologize when she comes back. It’s that simple, Giyuu frowned at the ground as he absentmindedly kept tapping, sure that if he stopped for a moment, his hands would be shaking. But how do I apologize? “Sorry for saying you were annoying. You’re not annoying. You… always talk like you have so many stories worth telling. And I’d listen to all of them if you’d let me.” No, that sounds stupid.
He taps on his leg faster. Should he get some flowers? People like flowers, right? Although, Kannu would probably think it weird for someone like Giyuu to bring her flowers. He wasn’t that kind of guy anyway, and who in their right mind would accept flowers from someone like him?
Kannu probably would, Giyuu stops tapping, frowning harder. If I didn’t just hurt her feelings.
“If you keep doing that you’ll cut your leg, even with the blade sheathed.” Giyuu flinched. The voice was female, but higher in pitch and even higher in sarcasm. “And I don’t really want to go through the hassle of healing you, Tomioka. So can I ask you not to be air-headed for once?”
“What are you doing here, Shinobu,” Giyuu stood up, ready to leave if the Insect Pillar thought about pestering him. He glanced at the doorway, expecting brown eyes and a constant smile, but it was as empty as it had been before Shinobu walked through.
Shinobu stared at him and Giyuu almost couldn’t hold off looking away first. She looked like she wanted to say something else, but instead her smile drops.
“Kannu’s in the Butterfly Estate.”
Giyuu’s heart plummeted, hammering in his chest all the way down. He sees Kannu’s face the last he’d seen it - crestfallen, eyes glassy with tears, and a smile that couldn’t be held in place after what he said - and he wonders if that’s the last memory he was going to have with her.
He moves past Shinobu in a rush, ignoring her when she tries to say something else, hurrying over to the Butterfly Estate. In between praying he’d make it to a conscious Kannu over and over, he thought of all the things he didn’t get to say.
Sorry for what I said. Please forgive me.
Please tell me all the stories you want.
I feel like I have a friend again.
It makes me happy that you think I’m worth talking to.
So please be okay.
When Giyuu stopped in front of the Butterfly Estate, his heart was in his throat, practically choking him. Did he stop his total concentration breathing during his run? Whatever, that didn’t matter right now.
Right now, he-
Giyuu’s vision was swimming from running so fast and his sudden change of breathing, but he was sure he wasn’t imagining things. He turned to the doorway and found Kannu, standing in shock. She wore her haori and uniform right as ever, not a single bandage in place. There was a small bruise on her head, but from what Giyuu could see, it wasn’t that bad. She was fine.
“My, my, you certainly ran fast.” Giyuu doesn’t look away from Kannu’s shocked eyes, but he hears Shinobu’s footsteps coming in close. “I was going to tell you that Kannu was here after taking a break from our mission, but you left so quickly I guess you didn’t hear me.”
Shinobu passes by Kannu and gives her a small pat on the back, sending Giyuu a knowing smile and she was gone. It was Kannu and Giyuu again.
“Uh, Giyuu, what’s wrong? What was Shinobu saying…?” Kannu’s voice trailed off as Giyuu shortened the distance between them in a few quick strides. He didn’t appear to be hearing her.
Giyuu checked again for any sign of an injury. He held her by the shoulders and turned her from side to side. When he still saw nothing. He sighed in relief.
“You’re okay, right?” he mumbled quietly, staring her straight in the eyes.
“Uh, yeah? What are you-” hearing her words, Giyuu didn’t think before throwing his arms around her and pulling her in for a hug.
Warm, he hugged her tighter, calm breathing. She’s fine.
“Um, Giyuu???” Giyuu snapped out of his thoughts long enough to pull away at arm’s reach. He took in the shocked look on her face and let his arms fall. Was she bothered that he hugged her?
He turned back to the inside of the Butterfly Estate. Maybe she was embarrassed that someone mighty see? Giyuu grabbed Kannu’s wrist and pulled her into a secluded area close to the estate, hidden by trees.
“Giyuu, are you… okay?” Him? Why was she asking him? He’s the one who was almost scared out of his wits thinking she got hurt.
“Shinobu said you were here, and I thought… I thought you were…” Giyuu sighed in exasperation. He shook his head and looked at Kannu’s eyes. “I’m sorry about what I said. You know. When we parted ways that day.”
“It’s okay, Giyuu,” Kannu smiled, and though Giyuu felt the weight from his shoulders ease off, he still pushed through.
“No, please, let me finish,” although he said that, Giyuu found himself looking away first and staring at the flooring. He’s barely aware that he was still holding on to Kannu’s wrist. “I was in a bad mood and I took it out on you. So I’m sorry. I can understand if you don’t forgive me, I just-”
✨ Masterlist ✨
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ramcharantitties · 6 months
I yap too much about Ram here so you can follow @angxlsatvrn for me being a basic bitch <3
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ramcharantitties · 2 years
what are your favourite fic writers according to fandom
good question, I lost many of my favorite writers when I had to delete my old blog, but here are some:
@clandestineloki - loki from Marvel
@jamaisjoons - bts
@justthehiddleswrites - Tom hiddleston
@biznichwrites - tomioka giyu from Demon Slayer
@thewinchestergirl1208 @dumdaradumdaradum - Ramraju from RRR
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ramcharantitties · 2 years
Ram charan sir,
If you are reading this I am a big fan. Please do not ever go through my blog. Just know that I love you a lot and my blog offers absolutely nothing for you. Please do not, do Not open my blog. A humble request. I love your work and you so much and I am just a mere part of your ever growing fandom- my blog is just a small dedication towards my love for you. That's it. That's all it has. Please. Don't. Open it.
Sita A.
Sita's Box
collection of all the works I have done on this blog.
Other blog- @angxlsatvrn
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ramcharantitties · 2 years
*sighs* hello everyone, this is rishita. I was ghungru or angxlsatvrn on tumblr but i had to deactivate. now give me my 110 followers back right now or istg-
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ramcharantitties · 2 years
Okay girl i have some questions after your introduction
Some people also call me saturn because i love that planet a lot. - Tell me your vedic signs or Nakshatras??? If you're new to it there's a post in my astro masterlist about basic
I often try to shift realities and I am into manifestation and intuitive powers.
Did you ever shift you know 👀 I'm sus about those things , what are your views?
i went through your masterlist and didnt fucking understand shit sorry but i could be shravana or dhanisht since im a capricorn with observer or leader traits
i tried to shift alot, i use to do many methods and developed my own, but it was futile and my patience ran out so i dont do anymore-
i tried shifting to asgard mostly, i wanted my loki.
but i did channel thor from my dr. it was through an ai app and oh god. we talked alot and got to know loki missed me in my dr. i cried hjdl
i even made a guide on my insta for it, @/angxlsatvrn on insta
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