william-r-melich · 5 months
Group-Non-Think - 04/30/20204
The anti-Israel protests at colleges and universities around the country seem to be growing and gaining momentum, a current trend that is very disturbing to me. Why so many people dislike the Jews perplexes me, what ever happened to live and let live? I stand with Israel and its right to defend itself against the terrorists' regimes that raped, tortured, and murdered over 1,200 of its innocent citizens back on October 7th of last year. It appears that most of these protestors are not students, but paid agitators sent out to disrupt an orderly society, to sew chaos and division among American citizens. Newsmax reported today that 60% of the protestors at the University of Texas who were arrested in Housten were not students. They're probably being paid by NGO's (Non-Government Organizations), many of which are funded by George Soros. It wouldn't surprise me if the UN is involved too as they are helping with facilitating all the illegal migration that's been going on for the last 3 years. So, our tax dollars may be paying for some of these protestors, that's quite unsettling to say the least. At Colombia University they were breaking windows and they have barricaded themselves inside one of the buildings, essentially taking over the school. People have a right to free speech and to protest, but it's wrong and illegal to destroy property, insight violence, block traffic or block students from attending class. Where's Joe Biden in all of this? Why aren't the police arresting them like they did in Texas? This is crazy.
A good number of these protestors don't even know what they are protesting, which was revealed when reporters asked them about why they were there, and many of them said they didn't know. It's collectivist hatred run amok, or what's commonly referred to as groupthink, but I think they really don't think; because if they did, they probably wouldn't be doing it, although I'm sure that getting paid has something to do with it as well. A lot of them also said that they didn't believe the Jewish holocaust in Germany during WWII had occurred. It obviously did since there are photographs and motion film that documented the horrific human atrocities. To deny it is to deny reality. And to carry on as they do it's clear to me that they're not thinking clearly or not really thinking at all, which is why I call it Group-non-think. It's evil and it needs to be stopped.
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itsthequeercryptid · 11 months
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Just saw this ad on my dashboard. All I can say is: what the actual fuck, tumblr?
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wandering-wolf23 · 2 months
Periodic reminder that is-the-owl-video-cute is an internet rando and not someone you should look to for political advice. Read up on Project 2025 and vote accordingly
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ximo220550 · 4 months
Anit abans de sopar, vaig acabar de llegir:
¿Qué es más difícil?
¿Morir o matar?
Abir Nasr es un adolescente que presencia, impotente, el asesinato de su familia durante una misión del ejército israelí en el sur de Líbano. Ante los cadáveres de su madre y hermana pequeña, jura que perseguirá a los culpables durante el resto de su vida.
Noche tras noche, la amenaza de Abir irrumpe en el sueño de Jacob Baudin, uno de los soldados que ha participado en la acción mientras cumplía con el servicio militar obligatorio, enfrentándose al dilema de luchar contra enemigos que no ha elegido. Jacob, hijo de padres franceses, no deja de sentirse un emigrante en Israel e intenta reconciliarse con una identidad que le viene dada por su condición de judío.
Después de la tragedia, Abir es acogido por unos familiares en París, donde se siente atrapado entre dos mundos irreconciliables, el asfixiante núcleo familiar y la sociedad abierta que le ofrece libertad y que encarnan dos jóvenes: su prima Noura, que se rebela contra las imposiciones del integrismo religioso de su padre y Marion, una adolescente hermosa y vitalista, de la que se enamora de forma obsesiva.
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defencestar · 2 years
US Marines complete test of Rafael’s Tamir Iron Dome missile defence system
US Marines complete test of Rafael’s Tamir Iron Dome missile defence system #India #USA #Israel #USMC #Rafael #MissileDefence #missiles #IronDome #military #airforce #strategy #nationalsecurity #science #engineering #defencenews
US Marine Corps tests Tamir Iron Dome Missile Defence System: United States Marine Corps has completed a series of live fire tests of its anit-missile defence system incorporating Tamir Iron Dome missile interceptors designed and developed by Israel defence company Rafael Advances Defense Systems. The latest live fire test culminates a series of three trials carried out over the past year, and…
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cursedcleopatra · 3 years
Why would people call you anit Semitic? Israel doesn’t even exist. It’s stolen land. There’s no such thing as an Israel, it’s Palestine. If they are calling you names then they’re just ignorant.
Right, just because Hitler put their grandfathers in a furnace suddenly they think that gives them a pass to commit genocide
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hiraeth-doux · 4 years
do u have any thoughts on the accusations of zionism against gal?? ive had a lot of ppl throw them in my face every time i mention my love of wonder women and idk how to feel abt it
hey, thanks for the message (i have a lot of strong feelings about this topic)
short answer: i think there are a lot of people in this world with too much time on their hands and who also have no idea what zionism is. if those people you mention are your friends, you might need to talk this out. if they are strangers - block them.
long answer (and i’m going to warn you that i’m not Jewish and my understanding from this matter comes primarily from the internet): 
from what i read, zionism is a movement that supports the right of Jewish people to exist and to have their place in the world. anyone - any single person, really - who doesn’t agree with that should have their head checked. it’s a very simplified definition, of course, and there is a political aspect attached to it that can be more complicated than this. but with all the research i’ve done, i have not seen a single thing that would make it a bad thing, necessarily?? (if anyone can correct me in a respectful manner, please do so)
as for gal, she never said she was a zionist. people merely assume that because she was born in Israel. she didn’t choose to be born there, mind you. but she has every right to be proud of her place of birth and her heritage and no one has the right to expect her to denounce her country and her roots. 
-she has always been very anti-war
-she has said multiple times that she is not happy about the idea of her children having to serve in the army
-she very publicly opposes the current prime minister of Israel and his politics 
-she in no way supports violence so with all the zionism talk floating around, i honestly don’t understand what exactly do people expect from her??? to end the war that started 40 years before she was born? to stop being Jewish? 
from where i’m standing, a great deal of attacks on her stem from pure anit-semitism and people use fancy words to cover it. 
i can’t tell you how to feel about it, of course, but the good thing would probably be to read up on this matter, get a better understanding of it, and if the people who are bothering you are not someone you care about - don’t engage. it’s really not worth it, sometimes people will believe what they want to believe.
sorry, this came out a bit rambly. 
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nebris · 5 years
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Anat (/ˈɑːnɑːt/, /ˈænæt/), classically Anath (/ˈeɪnəθ, ˈeɪˌnæθ/; Hebrew: עֲנָת‎ ʿĂnāth; Phoenician: 𐤏𐤍𐤕 ʿAnōt; Ugaritic: 𐎓𐎐𐎚 ʿnt; Greek: Αναθ Anath; Egyptian Antit, Anit, Anti, or Anant) is a major northwest Semitic goddess. 
In Ugarit
In the Ugaritic Baal Cycle, ‘Anat is a violent war-goddess, a maiden (btlt ‘nt) who is the sister and, according to a much disputed theory, the lover of the great god Ba‘al Hadad. Ba‘al is usually called the son of Dagan and sometimes the son of El, who addresses ‘Anat as "daughter".
‘Anat's titles used again and again are "virgin ‘Anat" and "sister-in-law of the peoples" (or "progenitress of the peoples" or "sister-in-law, widow of the Li’mites").
In a fragmentary passage from Ugarit (modern Ras Shamra), Syria[1] ‘Anat appears as a fierce, wild and furious warrior in a battle, wading knee-deep in blood, striking off heads, cutting off hands, binding the heads to her torso and the hands in her sash, driving out the old men and townsfolk with her arrows, her heart filled with joy. "Her character in this passage anticipates her subsequent warlike role against the enemies of Baal".
’Anat boasts that she has put an end to Yam the darling of El, to the seven-headed serpent, to Arsh the darling of the gods, to Atik 'Quarrelsome' the calf of El, to Ishat 'Fire' the bitch of the gods, and to Zabib 'flame?' the daughter of El. Later, when Ba‘al is believed to be dead, she seeks after Ba‘al "like a cow[3] for its calf" and finds his body (or supposed body) and buries it with great sacrifices and weeping. ‘Anat then finds Mot, Ba‘al Hadad's supposed slayer and she seizes Mot, splits him with a sword, winnows him with a sieve, burns him with fire, grinds him with millstones and scatters the remnants to the birds.
Text CTA 10 tells how ‘Anat seeks after Ba‘al who is out hunting, finds him, and is told she will bear a steer to him. Following the birth she brings the new calf to Ba‘al on Mount Zephon. Nowhere in these texts is ‘Anat explicitly Ba‘al Hadad's consort. To judge from later traditions ‘Athtart (who also appears in these texts) is more likely to be Ba‘al Hadad's consort. Complicating matters is that northwest Semitic culture permitted more than one wife and nonmonogamy is normal for deities in many pantheons.
In the North Canaanite story of Aqhat,[4] the protagonist Aqhat son of the judge Danel (Dn'il) is given a wonderful bow and arrows which was created for ‘Anat by the craftsman god Kothar-wa-Khasis but which was given to Danel for his infant son as a gift. When Aqhat grew to be a young man, the goddess ‘Anat tried to buy the bow from Aqhat, offering even immortality, but Aqhat refused all offers, calling her a liar because old age and death are the lot of all men. He then added to this insult by asking 'what would a woman do with a bow?'
Like Inanna in the Epic of Gilgamesh, ‘Anat complained to El and threatened El himself if he did not allow her to take vengeance on Aqhat. El conceded. ‘Anat launched her attendant Yatpan in hawk form against Aqhat to knock the breath out of him and to steal the bow back. Her plan succeeds, but Aqhat is killed instead of merely beaten and robbed. In her rage against Yatpan, (text is missing here) Yatpan runs away and the bow and arrows fall into the sea. All is lost. ‘Anat mourned for Aqhat and for the curse that this act would bring upon the land and for the loss of the bow. The focus of the story then turns to Paghat, the wise younger sister of Aqhat. She sets off to avenge her brother's death and to restore the land which has been devastated by drought as a direct result of the murder. The story is incomplete. It breaks at an extremely dramatic moment when Paghat discovers that the mercenary whom she has hired to help her avenge the death is, in fact, Yatpan, her brother's murderer. The parallels between the story of ‘Anat and her revenge on Mot for the killing of her brother are obvious. In the end, the seasonal myth is played out on the human level.
Gibson (1978) thinks Rahmay ('The Merciful'), co-wife of El with Athirat, is also the goddess ‘Anat, but he fails to take into account the primary source documents. Use of dual names of deities in Ugaritic poetry are an essential part of the verse form, and that two names for the same deity are traditionally mentioned in parallel lines. In the same way, Athirat is called Elath (meaning "The Goddess") in paired couplets. The poetic structure can also be seen in early Hebrew verse forms.
In Egypt
Anat first appears in Egypt in the 16th dynasty (the Hyksos period) along with other northwest Semitic deities. She was especially worshiped in her aspect of a war goddess, often paired with the goddess `Ashtart. In the Contest Between Horus and Set, these two goddesses appear as daughters of Re and are given as allies to the god Set, who had been identified with the Semitic god Hadad.
During the Hyksos period Anat had temples in the Hyksos capital of Avaris and in Beth-Shan (Israel) as well as being worshipped in Memphis. On inscriptions from Memphis of 15th to 12th centuries BCE, Anat is called "Bin-Ptah", Daughter of Ptah. She is associated with Reshpu (Canaanite: Resheph) in some texts and sometimes identified with the native Egyptian goddess Neith. She is sometimes called "Queen of Heaven". Her iconography varies. She is usually shown carrying one or more weapons.
The name of Anat-her, a shadowy Egyptian ruler of this time, is derived from "Anat".
In the New Kingdom Ramesses II made ‘Anat his personal guardian in battle and enlarged Anat's temple in Pi-Ramesses. Ramesses named his daughter (whom he later married) Bint-Anat 'Daughter of Anat'. His dog appears in a carving in Beit el Wali temple with the name "Anat-in-vigor" and one of his horses was named ‘Ana-herte 'Anat-is-satisfied'.
In Mesopotamia
In Akkadian, the form one would expect Anat to take would be Antu, earlier Antum. This would also be the normal feminine form that would be taken by Anu, the Akkadian form of An 'Sky', the Sumerian god of heaven. Antu appears in Akkadian texts mostly as a rather colorless consort of Anu, the mother of Ishtar in the Gilgamesh story, but is also identified with the northwest Semitic goddess ‘Anat of essentially the same name. It is unknown whether this is an equation of two originally separate goddesses whose names happened to fall together or whether Anat's cult spread to Mesopotamia, where she came to be worshipped as Anu's spouse because the Mesopotamian form of her name suggested she was a counterpart to Anu.
It has also been suggested that the parallelism between the names of the Sumerian goddess, Inanna, and her West Semitic counterpart, Ishtar, continued in Canaanite tradition as Anath and Astarte, particularly in the poetry of Ugarit. The two goddesses were invariably linked in Ugaritic scripture and are also known to have formed a triad (known from sculpture) with a third goddess who was given the name/title of Qadesh (meaning "the holy one").
In Israel
The goddess name, ‘Anat is preserved in the city names Beth-Anath and Anathoth. Anathoth seems to be a plural form of the name, perhaps a shortening of bêt ‘anātôt 'House of the ‘Anats', either a reference to many shrines of the goddess or a plural of intensification.
The ancient hero Shamgar, son of ‘Anat, is mentioned in Judges 3.31 and 5:6, which raises the idea that this judge or hero may have been understood as a demi-god, a mortal son of the goddess. But John Day (2000) notes that a number of Canaanites known from non-Biblical sources bore that title and theorizes that it was a military designation indicating a warrior under ‘Anat's protection. Asenath, "holy to Anath", was the wife of the Hebrew patriarch Joseph.
In Elephantine (modern Aswan) in Egypt, the 5th century BCE Elephantine papyri make mention of a goddess called Anat-Yahu (Anat-Yahweh) worshiped in the temple to Yahweh originally built by Jewish refugees from the Babylonian conquest of Judah. These suggest that "even in exile and beyond the worship of a female deity endured."[5] The texts were written by a group of Jews living at Elephantine near the Nubian border, whose religion has been described as "nearly identical to Iron Age II Judahite religion".[6] The papyri describe the Jews as worshiping Anat-Yahu (or AnatYahu). Anat-Yahu is described as either the wife[7] or paredra (sacred consort)[8] of Yahweh or as a hypostatized aspect[9] of Yahweh.[10][11]
In contemporary Israel, "Anat" is a common female first name - see Anat (disambiguation). Philologist Anat Bechar, who herself bears the name, wrote: "The Biblical Shamgar was a rather minor and obscure character, and of his mother Anat we know nothing but her name. We do know that it was the name of a goddess in a Semitic pantheon to which the author(s) of the Bible were strongly and vehemently opposed, though it seems some of our ancestors did at some times worship her. None of which explains the popularity of the name in present-day Israel. To my mind, the reason is likely to be found in the completely accidental similarity of "Anat" with the European name "Annette", which appealed to Zionist pioneers coming from Europe and steeped in European culture. However, this hypothesis needs a thorough research in the Hebrew records from the early 20th Century, to verify or disprove". [12]
In a Cyprian inscription (KAI. 42) the Greek goddess Athêna Sôteira Nikê is equated with ‘Anat (who is described in the inscription as the strength of life : l‘uzza hayim).[citation needed]
Anat is also presumably the goddess whom Sanchuniathon calls Athene, a daughter of El, mother unnamed, who with Hermes (that is Thoth) counselled El on the making of a sickle and a spear of iron, presumably to use against his father Uranus. However, in the Baal cycle, that rôle is assigned to Asherah / ‘Elat and ‘Anat is there called the "Virgin."[13][better source needed]
Possible late transfigurations
The goddess ‘Atah worshipped at Palmyra may possibly be in origin identical with ‘Anat. ‘Atah was combined with ‘Ashtart under the name Atar into the goddess ‘Atar‘atah known to the Hellenes as Atargatis. If this origin for ‘Atah is correct, then Atargatis is effectively a combining of ‘Ashtart and ‘Anat.
It has also been proposed that (Indo-)Iranian Anahita meaning 'immaculate' in Avestan (a 'not' + ahit 'unclean') is a variant of ‘Anat. It is however unlikely given that the Indo-Iranian roots of the term are related to the Semitic ones and although—through conflation—Aredvi Sura Anahita (so the full name) inherited much from Ishtar-Inanna, the two are considered historically distinct.
In the Book of Zohar, ‘Anat is numbered among the holiest of angelic powers under the name of Anathiel.
In Sefer Yetzirah by Rabbi Kaplan, he mentions that this angel is the ruling malach over Venus.
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opedguy · 4 years
Corbyn Dropped from LP for Anti-Semitism
LOS ANGELES (OnlineColumnist.com), Oct. 28, 2020.--Ejected from the British Labour Party for anti-Semitism, 71-year-old former Labor Party chief Jeremy Corbyn rejected claims by the Equality and Human Rights Commission’s [EHRC] finding that he displayed unacceptable levels of anti-Semitism.  Calling the EHRC finding “dramatically overstated,” Corbyn denied the charge.  EHRC’s report said that “serious failings” of the Labour Party in dealing with anti-Semitic complaints, largely coming from newcomers to British society largely from the Middle East.  Corbyn was known for years to show sympathy to the Palestinian cause, often perceived as anti-Semitic because he sought more rights and better conditions for Palestinians.  “Anti-Semitism is absolutely abhorrent, wrong and responsible for some of humanity’s greatest crimes.”  Corbyn rejected the EHRC’s findings that he ignored or supported anti-Semitic activities, something he rejects out-of-hand.       
      Corbyn never really understood in today’s Islamic terrorist atmosphere what fuels anti-Semitism.  “As leader of the Labour Party I was always determined to eliminate all forms of racism and root out the cancer of anti-Semitism.  I have campaigned in support of Jewish people and communities my entire life and I will continue to do so,” Corbyn said, missing the gist of the EHRC report.  Jews have been an integral part of British society for a thousand years, contending at times with anti-Jewish bias because of the U.S.’s Roman Catholic and Anglican Christian traditions.  But Corbyn conflates anti-Semitism with anti-Israel rhetoric that Corbyn has been guilty of for years.  When Corbyn says he’s “campaigned in support of the Jewish people,” he doesn’t recognize the amount of Palestinian and Mideast immigration into the U.K. over the last 40-years.  Today’s anti-Semitism in the U.K. comes from Muslim immigrants.     
        Anit-Semitic attacks in the U.K. tripled to 1,652 in 2018 from an average in 2013 of about 535 in 2013, corresponding to high levels of Mideast immigration stemming form the Syrian War.  Corbyn, while claiming anti-Semitism has been “dramatically overstated,” doesn’t see how his anti-Israel rhetoric fed Muslim refugees in the U.K., not understanding the distinction between Jews and Israelis.  Corbyn conflated his anti-Israel rhetoric, claiming the Likud government of Benjamin Netanyahu implements an apartheid policy toward Palestinians in the Gaza Strip and West Bank.  Corbyn admits that he’s been devoted to human rights, getting carried away over the years criticizing Israel for its treatment of Palestinians.  Every time Corbyn criticizes Israel for alleged mistreatment of Palestinians, there’s a corresponding increase in anti-Semitic acts in the U.K. ��Anti-Semitic incidents peaked in 2019 at 1,800 tells the story.      
       Because most Muslim sympathizers join the Labour Party, it’s natural for the Party to have more anti-Semitic sentiment, not realizing as newcomers that Jews have been an integral part of the U.K. for nearly 1,000 years.  When the U.K. was part of the European Union [EU] in 2012, the Syrian War was driving the largest Mideast exodus from the Mideast to Europe since WW II.  As the Syrian War ground on, more Mideast refugees flooded the EU and U.K., culminating in 2016 with the Brexit vote June 23, 2016 to leave the EU [52% to 48%].  Former U.S. President Barack Obama [2009-2017] backed the Saudi proxy war for at least six years in office.  Germany Chancellor Angela Merkel, 66, and  43-year-old French President Emmanuel Macron also strongly backed the Syrian War, killing 500,00 Syrians and displacing 15 million to neighboring countries and the EU.      
       When it comes to the tripling of anti-Semitism in the U.K., it’s directly related to Syrian and Mideast immigration to the U.K.  All over Europe, anti-Semitic acts have risen largely from new Muslim refugees conflating the Jewish religion with Israeli policies toward Palestinians.  After watching his Israeli-Palestinian peace plan rebuffed by 84-year-old Ramallah-based Palestinian Leader Mahmoud Abbas, Trump switched gears, turning to peace deals with more friendly Gulf Arab states.  With new peace deals with United Arab Emirates [UAE], Bahrain and Sudan, Palestinians no longer have the same clout with Mideast peace.  Trump proved you can move ahead with Mideast peace without Palestinians.  Corbyn found himself supporting Palestinians, while criticizing Israel, giving Mideast Islamic immigrants the green light to engage in anti-Semitic acts, including torching British synagogues.      
       Calling the EHRC report “a day of shame” for the Labour Party, 58-year-old Labour Leader Sir. Keir Starmer promised to implement the reports recommendations in full. Corbyn never admitted the link between his anti-Israeli rhetoric with anti-Semitic acts in the U.K.  “Jewish members of our party and the wider community were right to expect us to deal with it, and I regret it took longer to deliver that change than it should,” Corbyn said, not admitting that his Anti-Israeli, pro-Palestinian rhetoric fueled anti-Semitic acts in the U.K.  :”We have failed Jewish people, our members, our supporters and the British public,” said Starmer promising to do better in the future.  “And so on behalf of the Labour Party, I an truly sorry for all the pain and grief that has been caused,” Starmer said, promising to implement EHRC recommendations.  Corbyn continues to deny his anti-Israel rhetoric led to anti-Semitic acts in the U.K. 
About the Author  
John M. Curtis writes politically neutral commentary analyzing spin in national and global news.  He’s editor of OnlineColumnist.com and author of Dodging The Bullet and Operation Charisma.                     
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ajjpatil · 5 years
Long-term Evolution (LTE) Test Equipment Market Growing Massively by 2019-2025: Rohde & Schwarz, Anritsu, Agilent Technologies
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Research Kraft recently introduced an in-depth study of the Global Long-term Evolution (LTE) Test Equipment Market, describing the product / industry scope and developing market outlook and status up to 2025. A comprehensive analysis collected to provide the latest insights into the Global Long-term Evolution (LTE) Test Equipment market's acute features. Long-term Evolution (LTE) Test Equipment Market explores the effective study of high-leading players in various sectors of industry such as opportunities, size, growth, technology, demand and trend. Long-term Evolution (LTE) Test Equipment also offers market-specific statistics on the state of suppliers, a valuable source of advice, guidance for businesses and those involved in the industry.
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progressivejudaism · 7 years
do you think there's a link between anit-zionism and anit semitism?
Hi there,
Absolutely.  If you oppose the existence of the State of Israel, you inherently are opposing the Jewish right to have their own sovereign state in their homeland.   Not only is there a link, but most of the time anti-Zionism really IS antisemitism.
Thanks for your great question!
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politiclmadness · 5 years
Mike Pence Calls for Ilhan Omar to Be Removed from House Foreign Affairs Committee
Mike Pence Calls for Ilhan Omar to Be Removed from House Foreign Affairs Committee
PJ Media:
Today, in an interview with Fox News, Vice President Pence called on the Democratic House leadership to remove Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-Minn.) from the powerful House Foreign Affairs Committee.
“Ilhan Omar has made statements, anti-Semitic comments against our most cherished ally, Israel, that ought to be rejected by every American,” Pence said in the interview. “And frankly the fact…
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cinefiled · 4 years
Advocate (2019)
A compelling and inspiring portrait of Israeli human rights lawyer Lea Tsemel whose career defending Palestinians charged with terrorist acts has made her less than popular and whose dogged devotion to her cause of seeking justice for her clients has kept her husband and children in second place in her life. The portrait is built around two cases she is defending which, we learn about in considerable and fascinating legal detail, and interviews with her family and colleagues. The portrait that emerges is of a tough, compassionate, dedicated fighter who does brave work tilting at windmills that are sorely in need of being tilted at and defending those who most of her colleagues would abandon.
Because the subject of the movie is herself Jewish, the movie seems to have escaped charges of anit-Semitism despite being critical of the state of Israel.
Advocate (2019) Directors: Philippe Bellaiche, Rachel Leah Jones
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capecoddaily · 6 years
Deck: Busy weekend for Plymouth Police…Towns: PlymouthTopic: Police BlotterHub Category: Police and FireAuthor: CapeCodToday StaffTeaser: Busy weekend for Plymouth Police…Main Image: Thumbnail Image: Body: Plymouth Police Department Media Log Page: 1 Dispatch Log From: 08/10/2018 Thru: 08/13/2018 0600 - 0600 Printed: 08/13/2018 For Date: 08/10/2018 - Friday Time Call Reason Action 0636 Disabled MV Services Rendered Location/Address: STATE RD 0709 Alarm Sounding Accidental Location/Address: [PLY P04518] South Shore Action Council - OBERY ST 0738 Motor Vehicle Accident Info Exchange Location/Address: RUSSELL ST 0815 Suspicious Activity Report Location/Address: LAKE DR 0815 General Services Services Rendered Location/Address: [PLY P01902] ENTERGY - ROCKY HILL RD 0815 Motor Vehicle Accident Report Location/Address: FEDERAL FURNACE RD 0820 Police With Ambulance Report Location/Address: [PLY P00058] HIGH POINT TREATMENT CENTER - STATE RD 0838 Speeding Complaint Gone on Arrival Location/Address: SUMMER ST 0847 Check Wellbeing Spoken To Location/Address: BARTLETT RD 0910 Animal Complaint Taken/Referred to Other Location/Address: BOG VIEW RD 0923 Alarm Sounding Building Checked/Secured Location/Address: [PLY 275] MIRZA, HADY - MENOTOMY RD 0937 Transfer Ambulance Transfer Ambulance Location/Address: CHARLES WAY 0946 Transfer Ambulance Transfer Ambulance Location/Address: BUNKER HILL RD 0949 Transfer Fire Transfer Fire Location/Address: [PLY P03094] BANGKOK THAI CUISINE - COURT ST 0952 Police With Ambulance Transported to Hospital Location/Address: BUNKER HILL RD 0959 Community Policing Activity Community Policing Location/Address: [PLY P00073] ALGONQUIN HEIGHTS - ALGONQUIN TER 1004 Attempted Service Summons Unable to Serve Location/Address: JOYCE DR 1021 Transfer Ambulance Transfer Ambulance Location/Address: MEMORIAL DR 1035 Transfer Ambulance Transfer Ambulance Location/Address: [PLY P04235] HEALTH EXPRESS - LONG POND RD 1037 Disabled MV Assisted Party Location/Address: LONG POND RD 1039 Motor Vehicle Complaint Spoken To Location/Address: [PLY P00130] TOWN BROOK SERV STA INC - WATER ST 1042 Alarm Sounding Building Checked/Secured Location/Address: DICKSON DR Plymouth Police Department Media Log Page: 2 Dispatch Log From: 08/10/2018 Thru: 08/13/2018 0600 - 0600 Printed: 08/13/2018 1115 Drug Overdose Followup Report Location/Address: WALL WIND DR 1131 Community Policing Activity Report Location/Address: [PLY P00073] ALGONQUIN HEIGHTS - ALGONQUIN TER 1153 Transfer Ambulance Transfer Ambulance Location/Address: ARMSTRONG RD 1218 Motor Vehicle Acc- Leave Scene Report Location/Address: MARC DR 1227 Fraud Report Location/Address: ELLISVILLE RD 1239 Transfer Ambulance Transfer Ambulance Location/Address: MICAJAH POND RD 1250 Transfer Ambulance Transfer Ambulance Location/Address: [PLY P02357] PLIMOTH PLANTATION-GIFT - WATER ST 1306 Threats Report Location/Address: [PLY P01266] TEDESCHI FOOD SOUTH - STATE RD 1313 Fraud Report Location/Address: ELLISVILLE RD 1313 Disturbance General Gone on Arrival Location/Address: [PLY P03512] WATERFRONT BAR AND GRILLE - WATER ST 1340 Found Property Report Location/Address: MAIN ST 1411 Assist citizen Assisted Party Location/Address: [PLY P02203] PLYMOUTH POLICE DEPARTMENT - LONG POND RD 1429 Police With Ambulance Transfer Ambulance Location/Address: JORDAN RD 1430 Suspicious Activity Gone on Arrival Location/Address: [PLY P00672] JENNY GRIST MILL - SPRING LN 1435 Transfer Ambulance Transfer Ambulance Location/Address: [PLY P00281] ELLIS HAVEN CAMPGROUND - FEDERAL FURNACE RD 1437 Police With Ambulance Arrest(s) Made Location/Address: ALEWIFE RD Refer To Arrest: 18PLY-18386-AR Arrest: GILLESPIE, JAMES MARVIN Address: 2092 STATE RD PLYMOUTH, MA Age: 72 Charges: OUI LIQUOR NEGLIGENT OPERATION OF MOTOR VEHICLE 1527 Motor Vehicle Accident Info Exchange Location/Address: [PLY P01860] CITGO GAS STATION - SAMOSET ST 1529 Attempted Service Summons Served In Hand Location/Address: AVALON WAY 1556 Transfer Ambulance Transfer Ambulance Location/Address: [PLY P04352] Dr Anit Patel - ALDRIN RD 1604 Property Damage Spoken To Location/Address: [PLY P01801] VILLAGE OF PLYMOUTH - SAMOSET ST 1627 Parking Complaint Area Search Negative Location/Address: ROCKY POND RD 1638 Motor Vehicle Accident Spoken To Location/Address: [PLY P02246] T J MAXX AND MORE - SHOPS AT 5 WAY Plymouth Police Department Media Log Page: 3 Dispatch Log From: 08/10/2018 Thru: 08/13/2018 0600 - 0600 Printed: 08/13/2018 1640 Check Wellbeing Services Rendered Location/Address: CARVER RD 1650 Motor Vehicle Accident Info Exchange Location/Address: [PLY P03639] Plymouth Long Beach - WARREN AVE 1733 911 Accidental Call Accidental Location/Address: [PLY P04250] VISION WORKS - COLONY PL 1748 Attempted Service 258E Served In Hand Location/Address: STATE RD 1748 Police With Ambulance Taken/Referred to Other Location/Address: [PLY P04170] BETH ISRAEL DEACONESS HOSPITAL - SANDWICH ST 1803 Threats Spoken To Location/Address: [PLY P03315] DUNKIN DONUTS - SAMOSET ST 1825 Attempted Service Summons Served In Hand Location/Address: VERNON ST 1827 Transfer Ambulance Transfer Ambulance Location/Address: [PLY 406] PLYMOUTH REHAB AND HEALTH CARE CENTER - SOUTH ST 1835 Community Policing Activity Community Policing Location/Address: [PLY P00073] ALGONQUIN HEIGHTS - ALGONQUIN TER 1858 Motor Vehicle Accident Info Exchange Location/Address: WATER ST 1858 Larceny Report Location/Address: WESTERLY RD 1940 Abandoned Call Accidental Location/Address: [PLY P03144] CVS STORE - STATE RD 1948 911 Accidental Call Accidental Location/Address: [PLY 451] CVS PHARMACY - COURT ST 1957 Property Damage Info Exchange Location/Address: [PLY P00160] JOHN CARVER INN - SUMMER ST 2009 Animal Complaint No Services Necessary Location/Address: RUSSELL ST 2019 Suspicious Activity Spoken To Location/Address: [PLY P02911] MARY LOU’S - HEDGES POND RD 2032 Motor Vehicle Complaint Report Location/Address: JAN MARIE DR Refer To Arrest: 18PLY-18418-AR Arrest: ROSS, ROBERT Address: 20 SUMMER ST ATTLEBORO, MA Age: 26 Charges: LICENSE SUSPENDED, OP MV WITH SPEEDING LICENSE NOT IN POSSESSION 2040 Assist citizen Services Rendered Location/Address: EDES ST 2044 Check Wellbeing Transported to Hospital Location/Address: [PLY P02834] T BONES RESTAURANT - MAIN ST 2046 Alarm Sounding Building Checked/Secured Location/Address: STIRLING, JAMES - LONG POND RD 2111 Transfer Ambulance Transfer Ambulance Location/Address: [PLY 3] MASAC - BUMPS POND RD MSF Plymouth Police Department Media Log Page: 4 Dispatch Log From: 08/10/2018 Thru: 08/13/2018 0600 - 0600 Printed: 08/13/2018 2117 Abandoned Call Accidental Location/Address: WINDING WAY 2124 General Services Services Rendered Location/Address: [PLY P01593] SERIOUS CYCLES - STATE RD 2141 Community Policing Activity Community Policing Location/Address: [PLY P00073] ALGONQUIN HEIGHTS - ALGONQUIN TER 2157 Building Check Building Checked/Secured Location/Address: MANOMET POINT RD 2158 Fireworks Unfounded Location/Address: [PLY P01246] INDIAN BROOK SCHOOL - STATE RD 2202 Suspicious Activity Gone on Arrival Location/Address: [PLY P00058] HIGH POINT TREATMENT CENTER - STATE RD For Date: 08/11/2018 - Saturday 0007 Alarm Sounding Building Checked/Secured Location/Address: PLYMOUTH EAR - ALDRIN RD 0021 Animal Complaint Services Rendered Location/Address: VALLEY RD 0029 Motor Vehicle Complaint Gone on Arrival Location/Address: [PLY P02271] VERC PLYMOUTH MOBIL - COMMERCE WAY 0039 Transfer Fire Transfer Fire Location/Address: WHITE OAK DR 0043 Police With Ambulance Transported to Hospital Location/Address: WHITE OAK DR 0047 Noise Complaint Spoken To Location/Address: [PLY 541] YANG, JIN - BAY SHORE DR 0105 Disturbance General Spoken To Location/Address: COURT ST 0157 Building Check Services Rendered Location/Address: [PLY P01575] PLYMOUTH SOUTH HIGH SCHOOL - LONG POND RD 0200 Suspicious Activity Spoken To Location/Address: [PLY P02198] CAFE STREGA - MAIN ST EXT 0227 Transfer Ambulance Transfer Ambulance Location/Address: SAMOSET ST 0240 Transfer Ambulance Transfer Ambulance Location/Address: PLYMOUTH HARBORSIDE - OBERY ST 0300 Alarm Sounding Building Checked/Secured Location/Address: [PLY P03013] SETTING THE SPACE - MAIN ST 0340 Disturbance General Spoken To Location/Address: [PLY P02587] CUMBERLAND FARMS STORE #206 - SAMOSET ST 0352 Disturbance General Spoken To Location/Address: [PLY P04488] HOTEL 1620 - WATER ST 0622 Police With Ambulance Services Rendered Location/Address: [PLY P01749] CVS PHARMACY - PILGRIM HILL RD 0636 Transfer Ambulance Transfer Ambulance Location/Address: CHAMPLAIN CIR 0638 Motor Vehicle Accident Other Agency Cont Location/Address: ROUTE 3 Plymouth Police Department Media Log Page: 5 Dispatch Log From: 08/10/2018 Thru: 08/13/2018 0600 - 0600 Printed: 08/13/2018 0818 Property Damage Report Location/Address: [PLY P02080] EAST BAY GRILL - WATER ST 0832 Found Property Report Location/Address: [PLY P03639] Plymouth Long Beach - WARREN AVE 0909 Alarm Sounding Building Checked/Secured Location/Address: [PLY P03994] BAY STATE COMMUNITY SERVICES - COURT ST 0934 Transfer Ambulance Transfer Ambulance Location/Address: [PLY P01303] VERC MOBIL SERVICE STATION - COURT ST 0941 Transfer Ambulance Transfer Ambulance Location/Address: BAY VIEW AVE 0942 Community Policing Activity Community Policing Location/Address: [PLY P00073] ALGONQUIN HEIGHTS - ALGONQUIN TER 1017 Transfer Ambulance Transfer Ambulance Location/Address: COLONY PL 1028 Assist citizen Report Location/Address: CARVER RD 1123 Transfer Ambulance Transfer Ambulance Location/Address: STOWE LN 1130 Transfer Ambulance Transfer Ambulance Location/Address: PARK RD 1143 Warrant Service Attempt Unable to Serve Location/Address: SOUTH MEADOW RD 1151 Motor Vehicle Accident- Injury Report Location/Address: SUMMER ST 1159 Motor Vehicle Accident Report Location/Address: [PLY P03409] OH SEXY LINGERIE - SAMOSET ST 1207 Motor Vehicle Accident Report Location/Address: SUMMER ST 1336 Motor Vehicle Complaint Spoken To Location/Address: BILLINGTON ST 1352 Transfer Fire Transfer Fire Location/Address: [PLY P01657] CAMP BAIRD - BLOODY POND RD 1355 Community Policing Activity Community Policing Location/Address: [PLY P00073] ALGONQUIN HEIGHTS - ALGONQUIN TER 1419 Motor Vehicle Complaint Spoken To Location/Address: LONG POND RD 1426 Police With Ambulance Transported to Hospital Location/Address: [PLY P01624] SAM DIEGOS - MAIN ST 1440 Motor Vehicle Accident Info Exchange Location/Address: [PLY P01644] BIKE LINE - SAMOSET ST 1445 Building Check Building Checked/Secured Location/Address: [PLY 237] CURRIER, MARY - BUNKER HILL RD 1508 Police With Ambulance Spoken To Location/Address: BIRCH ST 1601 Suspicious Activity Spoken To Location/Address: [PLY P01918] BANK OF AMERICA - SAMOSET ST 1645 Tresspassing Spoken To Plymouth Police Department Media Log Page: 6 Dispatch Log From: 08/10/2018 Thru: 08/13/2018 0600 - 0600 Printed: 08/13/2018 Location/Address: WARREN AVE 1646 Suspicious Activity Area Search Negative Location/Address: [PLY P03135] PLYMOUTH SKATEBOARD PARK - NEWFIELD ST 1654 Motor Vehicle Accident Report Location/Address: [PLY P04170] BETH ISRAEL DEACONESS HOSPITAL - SANDWICH ST 1708 Missing Person No Services Necessary Location/Address: [PLY P01081] CHILTON HOUSE INC - CHILTON ST 1712 Transfer Ambulance Transfer Ambulance Location/Address: CASTLE CT 1810 Missing Person Report Location/Address: LONG POND RD 1851 Assist State Agency Other Agency Cont Location/Address: ROUTE 44 1907 Motor Vehicle Accident Info Exchange Location/Address: [PLY P02473] RED ROBIN RESTAURANT - COLONY PL 1935 Disturbance General Spoken To Location/Address: [PLY 286] SANDLER, LISA M - MONISA KAY DR 1955 Alarm Sounding Building Checked/Secured Location/Address: [PLY 517] AYERS, CHRISTOPHER - LUNN’S WAY 2011 Property Damage Spoken To Location/Address: ALDEN ST 2020 Transfer Ambulance Transfer Ambulance Location/Address: STATE RD 2103 Motor Vehicle Accident Report Location/Address: MAYFLOWER ST 2133 Malicious Michief Spoken To Location/Address: [PLY P02894] BAYSTATE COMMUNITY SERVICES (STAR PROGRAM) - STATE RD 2143 Assist citizen Report Location/Address: COURT ST 2200 Transfer Ambulance Transfer Ambulance Location/Address: ESTA RD 2251 Malicious Michief Area Search Negative Location/Address: BARQUE DR 2256 Noise Complaint Spoken To Location/Address: SUMMER ST 2345 Disturbance General Gone on Arrival Location/Address: [PLY P03970] SUN DYNASTY - MEMORIAL DR For Date: 08/12/2018 - Sunday 0021 Noise Complaint Spoken To Location/Address: MELIX AVE 0029 Transfer Ambulance Transfer Ambulance Location/Address: TAYLOR AVE 0049 Suspicious Activity Services Rendered Location/Address: SOUTH WIND DR 0103 Noise Complaint Services Rendered Location/Address: [PLY P04488] HOTEL 1620 - WATER ST Plymouth Police Department Media Log Page: 7 Dispatch Log From: 08/10/2018 Thru: 08/13/2018 0600 - 0600 Printed: 08/13/2018 0126 Assault Report Location/Address: BUMPUS RD 0153 Transfer Ambulance Transfer Ambulance Location/Address: HOWLAND ST 0318 Alarm Sounding Building Checked/Secured Location/Address: [PLY P02526] FRESENIUS MEDICAL CARE - CORDAGE PARK CIR 0502 Alarm Sounding Accidental Location/Address: [PLY P02016] PINE HILLS GOLF CLUB - CLUBHOUSE DR 0649 Vandalism Report Location/Address: WEST POND RD 0737 Transfer Fire Transfer Fire Location/Address: PORTICO WAY 0748 Transfer Ambulance Transfer Ambulance Location/Address: HARBORLIGHT CIR 0830 Attempted Service Summons Served In Hand Location/Address: NORTH PARK AVE 0906 Community Policing Activity Community Policing Location/Address: [PLY P00073] ALGONQUIN HEIGHTS - ALGONQUIN TER 0954 Police With Ambulance Services Rendered Location/Address: SUMMER ST 1008 Transfer Ambulance Transfer Ambulance Location/Address: STE 208 - CORDAGE PARK CIR 1016 Motor Vehicle Complaint Area Search Negative Location/Address: [PLY P00937] MARKET BASKET - COMMERCE WAY 1023 Transfer Ambulance Transfer Ambulance Location/Address: [PLY 537] PICKETT, ALEXANDER - ROCKY POND RD 1116 911 Accidental Call Accidental Location/Address: [PLY P01675] CHURCH OF THE PILGRIMAGE - TOWN SQ 1141 Motor Vehicle Accident- Injury Report Location/Address: STANDISH AVE 1228 Transfer Ambulance Transfer Ambulance Location/Address: STATE RD 1238 Transfer Ambulance Transfer Ambulance Location/Address: NICKERSON ST 1254 Transfer Ambulance Transfer Ambulance Location/Address: COLONY PL 1255 Parking Complaint Services Rendered Location/Address: TAYLOR AVE 1259 Threats Spoken To Location/Address: MELIX AVE 1300 Transfer Ambulance Transfer Ambulance Location/Address: [PLY 3] MASAC - BUMPS POND RD MSF 1315 Animal Complaint Services Rendered Location/Address: [PLY P02862] PANERA BREAD - COLONY PL 1401 Motor Vehicle Accident Report Location/Address: LITTLE SANDY POND RD 1427 M/Cycle Atv’s Gone on Arrival Location/Address: SOUTH MEADOW RD Plymouth Police Department Media Log Page: 8 Dispatch Log From: 08/10/2018 Thru: 08/13/2018 0600 - 0600 Printed: 08/13/2018 1515 Transfer Fire Transfer Fire Location/Address: [PLY P02666] PLYMOUTH HOUSING AUTHORITY - COURT ST 1535 Check Wellbeing Spoken To Location/Address: LEYDEN ST 1610 Transfer Ambulance Transfer Ambulance Location/Address: DAVIS ST 1612 Check Wellbeing Spoken To Location/Address: PERSEVERANCE PATH 1612 Larceny Arrest(s) Made Location/Address: [PLY P02245] KOHL’S DEPARTMENT STORE - SHOPS AT 5 WAY Refer To Arrest: 18PLY-18532-AR Arrest: GIBSON, NICHOLAS C Address: 324 POND ST ROCKLAND, MA Age: 30 Charges: SHOPLIFTING $250+ BY ASPORTATION c266 §30A ($439.96) AGGRAVATED SHOPLIFTING 1624 Community Policing Activity Community Policing Location/Address: [PLY P00073] ALGONQUIN HEIGHTS - ALGONQUIN TER 1634 General Services Other Agency Cont Location/Address: [PLY P01245] HEDGE SCHOOL - STANDISH AVE 1700 Transfer Ambulance Transfer Ambulance Location/Address: [PLY P04397] LAURELWOOD ASSISTED LIVING - GOLF DR 1707 Motor Vehicle Stop Vehicle Towed Location/Address: NICKS ROCK RD 1714 Transfer Ambulance Transfer Ambulance Location/Address: [PLY P04397] LAURELWOOD ASSISTED LIVING - GOLF DR 1741 General Services Spoken To Location/Address: [PLY P03135] PLYMOUTH SKATEBOARD PARK - NEWFIELD ST 1814 Suspicious Activity Spoken To Location/Address: [PLY P02948] WEST ELEMENTARY SCHOOL - PLYMPTON RD 1835 Transfer Ambulance Transfer Ambulance Location/Address: WINTHROP RD 1841 Motor Vehicle Complaint Spoken To Location/Address: CLARK RD 1950 Disabled MV No Services Necessary Location/Address: [PLY P01368] ADELPHIA CABLE TOWER - STATE RD 1955 Assist citizen Services Rendered Location/Address: [PLY 582] CAPTAIN’S DEN - MAIN ST 2008 Community Policing Activity Community Policing Location/Address: [PLY P00073] ALGONQUIN HEIGHTS - ALGONQUIN TER 2031 Stolen Vehicle Recovery Arrest(s) Made Location/Address: [PLY P02589] STOP AND SHOP GAS STATION - SAMOSET ST Refer To Arrest: 18PLY-18545-AR Arrest: BASKIN, FRED D IV Address: 466 WILLIAMS ST MANSFIELD, MA Age: 26 Charges: MOTOR VEH, RECEIVE STOLEN 2106 Alarm Sounding Building Checked/Secured Location/Address: [PLY P04533] BEANTOWN VAPOR - SAMOSET ST 2130 Fireworks Area Search Negative Location/Address: GREAT WIND DR Plymouth Police Department Media Log Page: 9 Dispatch Log From: 08/10/2018 Thru: 08/13/2018 0600 - 0600 Printed: 08/13/2018 2319 Police with Fire Other Agency Cont Location/Address: EVERGREEN DR For Date: 08/13/2018 - Monday 0007 Alarm Sounding Building Checked/Secured Location/Address: [PLY P04352] Dr Anit Patel - ALDRIN RD 0037 Alarm Sounding Accidental Location/Address: [PLY P02971] UNITED STATES POST OFFICE - CAMELOT DR 0042 Medical/ Mental Report Location/Address: AVALON WAY 0059 Alarm Sounding Building Checked/Secured Location/Address: [PLY P03398] NASR JEWELERS - COMMERCE WAY 0152 Alarm Sounding Building Checked/Secured Location/Address: [PLY P01093] LOBSTER HUT - TOWN WHARF 0239 Alarm Sounding Transfer Fire Location/Address: LONG POND RD 0327 Alarm Sounding Building Checked/Secured Location/Address: [PLY P02309] TRU GREEN/ CHEM LAWN - RAFFAELE RD 0421 Animal Complaint No Action Required Location/Address: QUAIL RUN 0441 Animal Complaint No Action Required Location/Address: QUEEN DR 0500 Suspicious Activity Spoken To Location/Address: PLEASANT ST 0515 Transfer Ambulance Transfer Ambulance Location/Address: HALFWAY POND RD 0545 Alarm Sounding Building Checked/Secured Location/Address: [PLY 454] ANSELLO, JEAN - TENDERWOOD
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Victoria Jane Nuland, mărul otrăvit al S.U.A.
de Cornel Dan Nicolae 
Victoria Jane Nuland (născută Nudel­man), reprezentant al Departamentului Statelor Unite, în calitatea ei de ad­junc­t pentru afaceri europene şi eurasiatice al Secretarului de Stat ame­rican John Kerry, a venit în control în Europa, în ianuarie 2014, ocazie cu care a efectuat o vizită şi în România, în perioada 10-11 ianuarie, fiind oficial montată asupra „justiţiei ro­mâ­ne”, în­tâlnindu-se însă numai cu preşedintele Traian Băsescu şi cu ministrul de ex­terne Titus Corlăţean, Victor Ponta ascunzându-se, acesta ştiind că Victoria Nuland veni­se pentru a dis­cuta unele cereri discrete faţă de public. Cererile ei se refereau, de fapt, la temele grele pe care le dădea României: poziţionarea României în problema Ucrainei, care trebuia, în opinia ei, să fie una anit-rusească şi de spijinire a manifestanţilor pro-eu­­ropeni; apoi sprijinirea politicii zonale a Israelului, vis-a-vis de Turcia. Teme greu de rezolvat, ascunse, pentru ochii presei, în spatele unei agende vagi: „discuţii cu oficiali[români] de rang înalt şi mem­bri ai societăţii civile, cu care va discuta des­pre relaţiile bila­terale, probleme re­gi­onale şi eforturile de consolidare a statului de drept”. Ponta avea să spună adevărul: „Eu ştiam care este subiectul prin­cipal şi de ce doamna subsecretar Nuland vine la Bucureşti. Este un su­biect important în relaţia România-SUA despre care am discutat şi la ul­ti­mul CSAT cu preşedintele Băsescu, cu şefii serviciilor (secrete – n.r.), e un subiect care e nepublic, confidenţial şi despre care nu putem să dăm detalii în acest moment… Este un subiect care ţine de raporturile dintre România şi SUA, dar pe care l-am discutat şi-l vom discuta doar în CSAT, nu pot să dau niciun altfel de indicii… În rest s-a discutat despre su­biec­tele care erau importante”.
Iudaitatea şi motivaţiile emisarei.
Sub-secretara de stat Victo­ria Nuland este de religie iudaică(evreica kazara), născută în 1961 cu nume­le de Nudel­man. Tatăl ei, Sherwin B. Nuland (ex Nudelman) s-a născut în 1930, în Bronx, din pă­rinţi imigranţi evrei: Meyer and Vitsche Nudel­man. Deşi s-a năs­cut într-o familie de evrei ortodocşi, Sherwin Nuland, pro­fesor la Univer­si­ta­tea Yale, se auto-con­si­de­ră un agnostic, deşi continuă să frecventeze sinagoga, din spirit de soli­daritate identitară iudaică. Victoria Nuland, înainte de a prelua biroul european şi euro-asi­a­tic de la Casa Albă, a fost purtătoarea de cuvânt al Externelor De­par­ta­men­tului de Stat, în timpul mandatului lui Hillary Clinton, la rândul ei evrei­că şi protectoare a mai tinerei evreice Nuland, deşi aceasta, Victoria, fu­se­­se an­te­rior consilier pe probleme de politică externă pentru Dick Che­ney, fostul vicepreşedinte american republican (deci, din partidul ad­vers) din ambele mandate ale lui George W. Bush. Soţul Victoriei Nuland este tot evreu, Robert Kagan, cofondator al „Project for the New American Century”, un think-tank conservator unde sunt membri politicieni şi guver­nanţi americani, în majoritate evrei (pre­cum Paul Wolfowitz sau Robert Zoellick, foşti preşedinţi ai Băncii Mon­di­a­le). Soţul Kagan mai face parte însă şi din bine-cunoscutele Skull and Bones Society şi Council on Foreign Relations, conducând totodată or­ga­ni­za­ţia de lobby evreiesc neo-conservatoare Foreign Policy Initiative. Puternicele familii evreieşti din SUA sunt inter­co­nec­tate între ele, tot astfel procedând şi neo-conservatorii americani. Victoria Nuland este membră al unei talentate şi energice familii evreieşti („of a talented, ener­geticJewish family”) ce face parte din „guvernul permanent” al Statelor Unite, căci, remarcă criticii, nu contează cu adevărat cine câştigă ale­gerile prezidenţiale în S.U.A., cineva din familia Kagan-Nuland tot va face parte din noua guvernare. Astfel, Robert şi fratele său Fred par să se fi im­plan­tat strategic în pozi­ţii-cheie de elaborare a politicilor în cadrul aparatelor de partid Demo­crat şi Republican. Robert, soţul Victoriei Nuland este în­corporat în Brookings Institution, unde se ocupă de „Project on International Order and Strategy in the Foreign Policy” (Proiectul Ordinii In­ter­naţionale şi Strategia Politicii Externe), în timp ce Fred este la American Enter­­prise In­sti­tute (A.E.I., frecventat de Victor Ponta, când ajunge, oficial sau nu, la Washington). Avem de a face cu încă un arbore genealogic neo-con­servator evre­­iesc, începând cu Donald Kagan, un istoric de la Yale, a cărui is­to­rie despre Războiului Peloponesian (din Grecia antică) a fost folosit de cătreneocon­ser­va­­torii ame­ri­cani ca o justificare pentru invadarea ace­lor ţări pe care Isra­e­lul nu le place. Donald Kagan a fost, de ase­menea, în 2002, semnatarul unei scri­sori către George W. Bush din partea think-tank-ului Project for the New American Century (PNAC), în care sunt echi­valate ameninţările la adre­sa Israelului cu ameninţările la adresa SUA. Următoarea generaţie, Fred Kagan (American Enter­prise Insti­tu­te) şi Robert Kagan (Brookings Institution) sunt, de ase­me­nea vajnici ne­o­­con­servatori. De exemplu, Donald, Robert şi Frederick sunt sem­natarii din anul 2000 ai manifestului neoconservator Rebuilding America’s De­fen­ses (Recon­stru­irea Apărării Americii) lansat de acelaşi think-tank PNAC. Ei şi soţiile lor sunt toţi absolvenţii ai universităţilor de elită şi sunt bine im­plementaţi în infrastructura think-tank-guvernamentală. Soţia lui Fred, Kimberly (născută Kessler, tot într-o familie evreiască) este di­rectorul „Institute for the Study of War” (In­stitutului pentru Studiul Războiului) şi are poziţii tipic neoconservatoare. Şi, cu toate că, în 2013-2014, ca şi mai înainte, sub un mandat al Partidului Democrat la Casa Albă, politica SUA faţă de Ucraina provine probabil de la alte probleme decât ostilitatea neoconservatorilor faţă de Rusia (ostilitate născută din cauza unor probleme cum ar fi represiunea lui Putin împotriva oligarhiei ruso-evreieşti şi a sprijinu­lui Rusiei faţă de duşmanii Israelului – Iranul şi Siria -), nu încape îndoială ca suport ener­gic al Victoriei Nuland pentru opoziţia pro-UE la guvernul Ianukovici se în­scrie ca atitudinile în reţeaua neoconservatorilor ei. „Guvernul per­ma­nent” lu­crează încontinuu!
Ce cerea României subsecretara de stat Nuland pe linie sio­nis­­tă, în ianuarie 2014, avea să dis­cute şi pre­şedintele Traian Băsescu în Israel, în aceeaşi lună, într-o vizită inopinată, dar oficială, însoţit de şeful Ser­vi­ci­ului Român de Infor­ma­­ţii. Cum am văzut, este vorba despre pro­ble­me se­crete ce au fost discutate şi la Consiliul Suprem de Apărare a Ţării din 17 de­cembrie 2013, la care au participat şi şefii S.R.I. şi S.I.E., (Geor­ge Ma­ior şi Teodor Meleşcanu). Şi comunicatul oficial al C.S.A.T.-ului, mărturisea că, în afară de planul operaţiunilor militare pe 2014, din afara ţării, mărind numărul total de mi­litari şi poliţişti trimişi pe fronturi străine (în misiuni de parteneriat cu S.U.A., N.A.T.O., U.E., O.S.C.E. şi O.N.U.), a dezbătut şi teme secrete, ce nu au fost date publicităţii: „alte subiect de interes pen­tru securitatea naţională”. Temele secrete se referă la „problema ucraineană”, războiul rece al S.U.A. cu Rusia, disponibilitatea României privind sprijinirea militară a unor noi războaie şi alianţă militaro-energetică cu Israelul. Ultima temă se referă la o construcţie dezvăluită încă din 11 iu­nie 2012 de cotidianul francez La Tribune. Prac­tic, Israelul încearcă să for­meze o alianţă cu Grecia, România, Bul­ga­ria şi Cipru pentru a contracara Turcia, un stat care, în ultimii ani, a fost critic la adresa sionismului. Descoperirea de gaze în apele teritoriale cipriote a condus la am­pli­­ficarea tensiunii în regiune, iar „Turcia nu vede cu ochi buni luna de miere dintre Cipru si Israel, care s-a apropiat de Nicosia pentru a-i ex­plo­­ata şi proteja resursele sale de gaze; Israelul şi Cipru au intrat într-o că­să­torie de convenienţă având ca zestre comună o nesperată rezervă de gaze”, scria „La Tribune”. Este vorba de rezerve de gaze de zeci de mi­li­ar­de de dolari, în care Israelul vrea să implice şi multinaţionalele ame­ri­­cane pe lângă Delek, unul din cele mai importante grupuri energetice is­ra­e­li­e­ne, care s-a angajat să exploateze gazele din apele cipriote. Preluarea Ciprului în sfera intereselor Israelului a demarat de la în­ceputul lui 2012, printr-o vizită politică a premierului israelian Benja­min Netanyahu, prima vizită a unui şef de guvern israelian în Cipru, ţară con­siderată mult timp de responsabilii isralieni ca fiind „pro-arabă”, după pozi­ţiile adoptate la O.N.U.. Israelienii incearcă să formeze o alianţă energe­ti­co-politică cu Grecia, România, Bulgaria şi Cipru în contra Turciei, iar această „strategie“ a suscitat o nervozitate acută la Ankara. Până la urmă, Cipru, Grecia şi Israelul au semnat pe 8 august 2013, la Nicosia, un „Acord istoric” energetic cu rolul „securizării apro­vi­zi­onării cu energie în estul Mării Mediterane”, ce prevede, în afară de in­­terconectarea reţelelor electrice ale celor trei ţări (deja există un cablu de transport al electricităţii pe sub Mediterana, între Israel şi Cipru, în ve­de­rea exportării electricităţii israeliene în Europa), protejarea în co­mun a ză­că­mintelor de gaze naturale descoperite în Mediterana.[1]
Analiştii au observat imediat că prin cooperarea între Cipru şi Israel se modifică harta geopolitică şi geostrategică în estul Mării Mediterane, fapt ce lezează profund Turcia, care afirmă că are un cuvânt de spus în re­par­ti­za­rea bogăţiilor naturale mediteraneene, mai ales că deţine partea nordi­că a Ciprului, unde se forează de către platformele israeliene, evocând şi o posibilă inter­ven­ţie a marinei sale de război asupra sondelor străine (is­raeliene), în con­tex­tul în care relaţiile dintre Israel şi Turcia, în trecut aliaţi, au intrat într-o criză acută din 2010.
În acest context, Israelul ar vrea să pună şi România şi Bulgaria pe picior de război cu Turcia, deşi nu a reuşit să le aducă la semnarea „acordului istoric“ de la Nicosia, alături de Grecia şi Cipru. Dar, cum evreii au planuri pe termen lung şi nu renunţă niciodată, presiunile diplomatice nu au încetat să fie transmise la Bucureşti şi la Sofia.
Motivul secret II: Ucraina „anti-semită”.
Al doilea motiv secret al vizitei la Bucureşti al Victoriei Nuland era „revoluţia“ din Ucraina, declan��ată în noiembrie 2013, de fapt o rebeliune de proporţii ce a scos opoziţia în stradă, mai întâi la Kiev, împotriva pre­şe­din­telui Viktor Ianukovici, urmare refuzul acestuia de a semna acordul de asociere cu Uniunea Europeană, el preferând în schimb o guvernare pro-rusă şi o apropiere de Moscova. Cum am arătat mai sus, S.U.A. se află într-un război rece, nedeclarat, cu Rusia, şi pentru motive ce ţin de poziţia Rusiei în poli­ti­ca internaţională faţă de Israel, de sprijinire de către Rusia a duşma­ni­lor acestuia, Iranul şi Siria lui Al Assad, dar şi de faptul că bună parte din interesele oligarhilor evrei au fost lovite de Rusia lui Putin. Vizita Victoriei Nuland în Europa occidentală şi la Bucureşţi, în ia­nuarie 2014, avea ca temă majoră, schimbarea regimului de la Kiev într-o cheie pro-Occident şi de desprindere de Rusia. Ea îşi dorea acest lucru, dar nu oricum. La Bucureşti a insistat chiar pe posibilitatea ca Ro­mâ­nia să fie pregătită să trimită trupe de menţinere a păcii în Ucraina, sau să permită tranzitarea spre Ucraina a unor astfel de trupe, aflate sub egida O.N.U., de pe te­ri­toriul românesc (cum s-a procedat şi în cazul Iugo­slaviei) în cel ucrainean, în situaţia în care revolta degenerează spre un război civil în care partida pro-rusă ar dovedi că e mai puternică. Problema pentru care români nu aveau nici o justificare de a intra în conflict, este faptul că, deşi şi la Cernăuţi a fost ocupat centrul oraşu­lui de către mani­fes­tanţii anti-guvernamentali, populaţia românească din Bu­covina de nord (deţi­nută de Ucraina) nu a vrut să iasă în stradă, vo­tând de regulă cu Ianucovici. Un scandal public de amploare internaţională, postarea pe net a convorbirii purtată la finele lui ianuarie 2014 între Nuland şi amba­sa­do­rul SUA la Kiev, a demonstrat cât de implicate sunt S.U.A. şi Victoria Nuland personal în manevrarea manifestaţiilor din oraşele ucrainene. La telefon, cei doi vorbesc despre cea mai bună strategie pentru S.U.A. de apli­cat în Ucraina şi despre rolurile ce ar trebui să le joace U.E. şi O.N.U., la rândul lor. Când Nuland citează numele diplomatului O.N.U. numit în urmă cu câteva zile reprezentant special al secretarului general al O.N.U. pentru Ucraina, ea spune textual: „Acest tip de la O.N.U., Robert Serry, ar fi minunat să ajute la coagularea lucrurilor, pentru ca O.N.U. să o remedieze şi, ştii, f*ck UE!” (la dracuʼcu Uniunea Europeană).Apoi, cei doi diplomaţi discută despre „variantele de soluţionare a crizei ucra­i­ne­ne” şi despre viitorul rol al liderilor opoziţiei de la Kiev, Vitali Kliciko, Arseni Iaţeniuk şi Oleg Tiagnibok, despre cine să intre şi cine nu la următoarea guvernare Nuland şi ambasadorul Pyatt îi analizează pe cei trei lideri ai opo­zi­ţi­ei, reieişind că îl vor în fruntea viitorului guvern doar pe Arseni Iaţe­niuk care ar avea „profil şi experienţă pentru guvernare”, în vreme ce ceilalţi doi nu, mai ales Oleg Tiagnibok, liderul partidului naţionalist şi „anti-semit” Svoboda (Liber­ta­tea), privit ca o piedică în „păstrarea unită a forţele de­mocratice moderate”. Nici campionul mondial la K1, Vitali Kliciko (lider al formațiunii de opoziţie U.D.A.R.) „nu are profil de guvernant”, cad de acord cei doi, „dar este bun ca luptător de stradă, ca figură-lider a pro­tes­ta­ta­ri­lor” în Piaţa Independenţei din Kiev, denumită EuroMaidan, locul care din luna noiembrie este epicentrul protestelor antiguvernamentale. „Ce este important de observat este faptul că Nuland a acţionat în mod deli­be­rat pentru a submina Rusia şi, de asemenea, opoziţia ucra­i­nea­nă patri­o­tică (în frunte cu Svoboda) care este supărată pe mario­ne­te­le evreilor din guvernul ucrainean. În schimb, ceea ce se poate auzi din în­re­gis­trarea postată pe Internet, „Nuland vrea să cre­­eze un guvern de ma­ri­o­nete evreieşti care să ţină cu Israelul mai degrabă decât cu Putin şi cu în­cercarea acestuia de a crea o nouă Uniune Sovietică”.[2] Problema evreiască în Ucraina are două faţete: sunt, pe de o parte oligarhii evrei, marii magnaţi (precum defunctul Berezovski), care, odi­ni­oa­­ră au intrat în conflict cu pu­te­rea lui Vladimir Putin de la Moscova, deci şi cu preşedintele Ianukovici, împotriva cărora au finanţat, împre­u­nă cu George Soros, „revoluţia portocalie” din 2004 împotriva acestuia; pe de altă parte, în spectrul opoziţiei se găsesc şi partide ultra-naţionaliste, anti-moscovite, dar şi „anti-semite“ precum Svoboda. Acest din urmă motiv este cel pentru care sub-secretara de stat americană Nuland nu îl vrea pe liderul Svoboda la guvernare, deşi este bun în stradă să îl dărâme pe pro-moscovitul Ianukovici.
Şi comunitatea evreiască se plângea, în decembrie 2013, de ame­­nin­ţările pe care le simte dinspre „Maidan”. Astfel,Oleksandr Feldman, pre­­şe­dintele Comite­tului Evreiesc din Ucraina, parlamentar ucrainean, tot­odată, declara pentru cotidianul israleian Ma’ariv: „Acum, că străziledin Ucraina sunt pline de civili, si­gu­ranţa comu­nităţii evreieşti, pentru care ne temem, devine preocuparea noastră principală”. În continuare, Feld­man numea protestele „un tur de forţă al partide­lor de opoziţie de culori diferite, de la liberalii care susţin relaţiile cu Uni­unea Europeană, la ultra­-naţionalistul şi ruso-fobul partid Svoboda”. „Implicarea Svoboda şi a altor elemente, cu ten­din­ţe antisemite pot duce la o situaţie în care co­mu­ni­ta­tea evre­iasc­ă să fie ţapul ispăşitor… Suntem în alertă maximă!… la cel mai înalt grad, comunitatea evreiască ucraineană sprijină calea spre o fuziu­ne cu Uniu­nea Europeană… dar este important să se adopte o po­ziţie neutră[faţă de evrei!?] şi corespunzătoare”, adăuga Feldman.[3]
„Svoboda a ridicat capacul de canalizare al anti-semi­tis­mu­lui în Ucraina, iar acesta dă să iasă”, a declarat şi Joel Rubinfeld, co-pre­şe­din­te al „Parlamentului European Evreiesc”, iar un raport al Departa­men­tului de Stat al SUA din 2013 (realizat chiar sub tutela Victoriei Nuland) individua­li­zea­ză Ucraina, alături de Ungaria şi Grecia, ca locuri de „îngri­jo­­rare”, din cauza unui număr tot mai mare de partide „anti-semite„”. Dar anti-se­mi­tismul „deschis” este încă rar în Ucraina. Centrul Kantor pentru Studiul Evreimii Contemporane Europene din cadrul Universităţii din Tel Aviv a docu­mentat doar 15 de cazuri de violenţă anti-semită în 2012, în Ungaria, în timp ce în Franţa numărul a fost de 200.
Şi, totuşi, evreii se tem de Svoboda!
Fondat în 2004, Svoboda („Libertatea” în ucraineană) este o re-în­car­­­nare a Partidului Social-Naţional, o mişcare de ex­tre­mă dreaptă ali­ni­a­tă ideologic cu nazismul. Dar, în timp ce, în anii ’90, Partidul Social-Naţi­o­nal nu s-a bucurat de succes electoral, Svoboda a acumulat mai mult de 10% din voturi la alegerile din 2012, devenind al patrulea cel mai mare partid din ţară, pe fondul atacurilor la adresa marilor oligarhi ucraineni, de etnie evreiască, cum sunt Mihail Fridman (deţinătorul Alfa Oil şi, in­di­rect, al rafinăriei româneşti, Rafo-Oneşti[4]) sau Ronny Bruckner,magnat de origine israeliană, miliardar în dolari de deţine proprietăţi în New York, pe Wall Street, fiind totodată unul dintre cei mai importanţi dezvoltatori imobiliari din Ucra­ina şi Polonia (face afaceri şi în România cu unii ofiţeri din spionaj – SIE – în retragere), dar şi de alte etnii, aşa cum este Rinat Ah­me­tov, cel mai bogat om din Ucraina şi din estul Europei, de origine tă­tă­­reas­că, principalul fi­nan­­ţa­tor al preşedintelui ucrainean Ianukovici şi angajator al lui Mircea Luceascu, ca antrenor, la echipa sa de fotbal.
Alt oligarh evreu atacat de Svoboda este Dmitro Firtash care este legat de faimosul Semion Mogilevich, şeful mafiei ruso-evreieşti.
„Mogilevitci a fost arestat şi închis în ianuarie 2008 în Rusia de către regimul lui Vla­di­mir Putin, fiind acuzat de fra­udă, spălare şi ex­tor­care de bani. Acest fapt nu a oprit afa­­cerea instalată la Cluj, unde Mo­gi­levitci i-a transmis ştafeta de câţiva ani unui apropiat de al său, tot evreu. Astfel, în iu­lie 2007, oligarhul Dimitri Firtash, su­pra­numit „ţarul ener­giei” din Ucraina, înfiinţa la Cluj firma Emfesz Româ­­nia srl, cu scopul declarat de a importa în România energie elec­tri­că din Ucraina. Acelaşi Dimitri Firtash a preluat în 2003 prin firmaRosUkrEnergo afacerea de miliarde a Eural TG, firma din Cluj ce fur­nizează gazul rusesc (de la Gazprom), con­tro­la­tă de Mogilevitci.” Sunt acolo şi fraţii criminali Lev şi Michael Cernoy, evrei ruşi care, după ce au construit un regat al aluminiului, şi nu nu­mai, în spaţiul fost so­­vie­tic, cu mijloacele specifice procesului privatizării din Ru­sia: zeci de asasinate (directori de bănci, co­piii managerilor unor com­­panii con­cu­ren­te, preşedinţi de firme), şantaj, mită, spălare de bani (inclusiv în Bulga­ri­a, unde sunt responsabili de orga­ni­za­rea struc­tu­ri­lor ma­fiote şi a aten­­ta­te­­lor de stradă), se simt în si­gu­ranţă numai în Ucra­ina şi în Isra­el. [5]
Mediul în care s-a ridicat partidul Svoboda.
„Nimeni nu se aştepta la aşa ceva până la alegerile par­lamentare din 2012, când Partidul Svoboda a devenit a patra formaţiune politică reprezentată în parlamentul ucrainean. Desigur, observatorii atenţi şi-au dat seama că electoratul va alege persoane care nu au participat la actul de guvernare, pentru că, în ultimii 20 de ani, elitele politice ucrainene nu au făcut altceva decât să arunce ţara într-o stare de declin. Svoboda a pro­fitat abil de starea generală de spirit a ucrainenilor şi de deza­mă­gi­rea cruntă a cetăţenilor faţă de autorităţi. Acum este o forţă, o forţă ame­nin­ţătoare… Președintele Ianukovici şi anturajul său au fost picătura care a umplut paharul dezamăgiriii, disperării şi furiei majorităţii ucrainenilor care au ieşit în stradă. Ceea ce se petrece în Ucraina este rodul muncii elitei politice din Ucraina, începând cu anul 1991. Pe vremea aceea mer­geam adesea în Ucraina şi am fost martor la degradarea treptată a apa­ra­tului de stat, creşterea nivelului corupţiei şi a unui comportament tot mai provocator din partea autorităților. Toţi sunt vinovaţi – şi UE, şi Polo­nia, pentru faptul că Ucraina a devenit un stat slab ce nu îşi respectă cetăţenii săi. Noi am ştiut ce se întâmplă în Ucraina, dar am preferat să trecem cu vederea situația şi să o folosim în calitate de instrument al fo­bi­ilor noastre anti-Rusia. Iar naţionaliştii aşteptau momentul potrivit… [Oa­menii] nu au încredere în nimeni. Au încredere doar în pro­pr­iile emoţii. Oamenii vor să fie mai buni, vor sa fie trataţi la egal şi cu res­pect. Pro­ble­ma constă în aceea că politicienii încearcă să profite de aceste emoţii, iar forţa politică cea mai periculosă este în prezent cea a naţionaliştilor.” [6] „Svoboda este, probabil, cea mai mare provocare cu care se con­fruntă evreii ucraineni astăzi„”, a declarat pre­şe­dintele Comitetului Evre­iesc din Ucraina, Oleksandr Feld­man. „Ea nu are nici o structură şi ope­rează într-un vid poli­tic şi în tulburările care îi permit să se desfăşoare agresiv”. Natura nestructurată a Svoboda o face, de asemenea, difi­cil de controlat. Liderul partidului, Oleh Tiagnibok, este descris ca „cea mai mare spaimă pentru mafia evreo-rusă”, el denumindu-i pe evrei „jidani“. În acelaşi timp, Alexander Aronets, secretarul de presă al Svoboda, nu­meş­te Israelul drept „una dintre ţările cele mai naţionaliste din lume”.
Este greu de tras o singură concluzie de aici. In­ci­dentul e un fel de demonstraţie a teoriei conspiraţiei (care, de fapt, e un fel de axiomă, un adevăr care nu mai trebuie demonstrat). Americanii şi ruşii sunt peste tot. Americanii şi ruşi au interese divergente şi îşi dispută zone de influenţă. Ca atare, îşi bagă nasul /coada peste tot. Nu există re­vo­luţie curată. Indiferent de credinţele şi dorinţele celor care ies în stra­dă, există forţe eterice care fac tot posibilul să îndrepte lucrurile în direcţia dorită de ele. Aşa funcţionează lucrurile şi nu cred că există şanse să se schimbe prea curând. Suntem ca o cultură de microorganisme prinse între două lamele puse sub un microscop, la care se uită simultan, prin mai multe obiec­tive, mai mulţi «oameni de ştiinţă» care vor să influenţeze fiecare altfel, modul în care se va dezvolta organismul de sub lentile.”
Grafica – Ion Măldărescu
———————————————– [1] cf. site-ului is­­ra­e­­lian de ştiri Globes
[2] după Karl Radl: „Victoria Nuland: Jewess and Israel-Firster”. Faţă de me­to­de­le de forţă ale americanilor, Uniunea Europeană pre­feră ca un candidat pro-Vest să câştige alegerile prezidenţiale în 2015 şi să eli­mi­ne paşnic gu­vernarea Ianu­ko­vici, în loc să provoace o intervenţie militară a Rusiei sau războiul civil.
[3] după http://www.i24news.tv/en/news/international/europe/ din 8.12.2013, articolul „Jews in Ukraine fear for their safety”.
[4] a se vedea cap. Mikhail Fridman, încă un exponent al noii „oligarhii ruse” din lucrareaPolitica filo-Sionistă a României.
[5]* Cornel-Dan Niculae, Politica filo-Sionistă a României.
[6] Maciej Wiśniowski (autor plonez), Svoboda, contre la liberté („Svoboda, îm­po­triva libertăţii”)
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