#human atrocities
william-r-melich · 5 months
Group-Non-Think - 04/30/20204
The anti-Israel protests at colleges and universities around the country seem to be growing and gaining momentum, a current trend that is very disturbing to me. Why so many people dislike the Jews perplexes me, what ever happened to live and let live? I stand with Israel and its right to defend itself against the terrorists' regimes that raped, tortured, and murdered over 1,200 of its innocent citizens back on October 7th of last year. It appears that most of these protestors are not students, but paid agitators sent out to disrupt an orderly society, to sew chaos and division among American citizens. Newsmax reported today that 60% of the protestors at the University of Texas who were arrested in Housten were not students. They're probably being paid by NGO's (Non-Government Organizations), many of which are funded by George Soros. It wouldn't surprise me if the UN is involved too as they are helping with facilitating all the illegal migration that's been going on for the last 3 years. So, our tax dollars may be paying for some of these protestors, that's quite unsettling to say the least. At Colombia University they were breaking windows and they have barricaded themselves inside one of the buildings, essentially taking over the school. People have a right to free speech and to protest, but it's wrong and illegal to destroy property, insight violence, block traffic or block students from attending class. Where's Joe Biden in all of this? Why aren't the police arresting them like they did in Texas? This is crazy.
A good number of these protestors don't even know what they are protesting, which was revealed when reporters asked them about why they were there, and many of them said they didn't know. It's collectivist hatred run amok, or what's commonly referred to as groupthink, but I think they really don't think; because if they did, they probably wouldn't be doing it, although I'm sure that getting paid has something to do with it as well. A lot of them also said that they didn't believe the Jewish holocaust in Germany during WWII had occurred. It obviously did since there are photographs and motion film that documented the horrific human atrocities. To deny it is to deny reality. And to carry on as they do it's clear to me that they're not thinking clearly or not really thinking at all, which is why I call it Group-non-think. It's evil and it needs to be stopped.
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noknowshame · 2 years
why is religious Christmas imagery all so joyful and pleasant? where is the inherent horror of the birth of Christ? A mother is handed her newborn child, wailing and innocent. Her hands come away sticky. Red. Simply by giving her son life she has already killed him. He is doomed from the beginning. Her love will not save him from suffering. Because the thing cradled in her arms is not a baby, it is a sacrifice: born amongst the other bleating animals whose blood will one day be spilled in the name of what demands it. the night is silent with anticipation. Mary, did you know? That your womb was also a grave?
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agentfascinateur · 5 months
The Rafah coverup preparations:
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Getting rid of the witnesses..."democratic" "allies", undemocratic accomplices.
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teecupangel · 3 months
Submitted by @ma-du
Sorry, it's me again.
Ezio: *minding his own business and climbing the Vatican Summit*
The Borgia guards:
Additions by teecup:
Please don't apologize. I love hearing from you whether it's AC or COD XD
What the games didn't tell us is that a lot of guards started quitting once Ezio started on this kind of 'stunt'.
They considered being a mercenary as a safer option.
And some of them?
Well... they accept the coins given to them by the assassino himself.
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lotus-pear · 8 months
bsd fic authors i understand yalls pain SO well right now why is it so fucking HARD to write dazai. like i have a whole fucking spreadsheet dedicated to tireless analysis i have done on my part so i can accurately characterize him but he is such an unpredictable and morally gray character that it's hard knowing his limits and boundaries and where he draws the line for himself.
#i hate when ppl make him out to be a sadistic villain with no remorse. like did we read the same manga 💀#but at the same time he is NOT crying abt all the ppl he sent to the grave. he sleeps just fine at night knowing he committed atrocities#yes he feels remorse? but he isn't like kunikida to weep at someone's grave for failing to save them#and then we have his emotions themselves#dazai isn't emotionless. far from it. he has difficulty expressing affection but yk he finds someone endearing when he trusts them#trust is very important to dazai and is one of the aspects of human emotion that he can fully grasp#but like everything else is in a hazy gray area that he does not feel like exploring. he feels alienated from his humanity bc of this#AUUUGHH can someone help me with character analysis PLEASE#I WASNT PAYING ATTENTION TO THIS MF UNTIL RECENTLY SO I MISSED OUT ON A LOT OF IMPORTANT DETAILS#see i would go and reread a few light novels but like i don't have time for that#and this is for dazai specifically. i am very well versed on his relationships w other charcaters#but just like asigiri himself said: it's very difficult to write dazai and write him WELL#so yeaaa i have a lot of smart ppl following me pls help#bsd#ALSO MY FRIEND STILL HAS NO LONGER HUMAN UUUUGHHHHHH I NEED THAT BACK BC I TABBED IT A SHIT TON#FOR LIKE CONNECTIONS TO YOZO AND BSD DAZAI AND WHERE ASIGIRI DREW INSPIRATION FROM YOZOS CHARACTER FOR DAZAI#THAT WOULD BE SUCH A VALUABLE FUCKING RESOURCE BC I DID SOME ANNOTATIONS IN THEM TOO BUT MY BOOK IS ANOTHER FUCKING STATE#I HATE IT HERE FML
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fun-esta · 5 days
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narenohate · 2 months
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no context spoilers for my toh au i. i guess??
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notacluedo · 2 years
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and some annotations from the Aeneid bc we finished it in class
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dougielombax · 3 months
Here’s some advice.
Don’t EVER mock, belittle, degrade, or otherwise insult the victims of genocides, mass displacement, and other such atrocities.
That’s three drinks away from straight up denialism. And in some cases is a key component of it.
Don’t ever do that!
If you do so, you’re a fucking idiot at best and a dangerous fascist at worst.
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blueberrysimsam · 21 days
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A twitter thread said that we should draw our human Bill designs as those Valentines cards in the book so of course I dropped everything I was doing to draw it
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agentfascinateur · 4 months
U of Ghent Divests 👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼
Belgium's University of Ghent (UGent) is severing ties with three Israeli educational or research institutions which it says no longer align with UGent's human rights policy
#students winning !
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sleevebuscemii · 11 months
this was the problem from the fucking start. the outpour of support for israel after what happened last saturday with absolutely ZERO acknowledgement to who israel IS and what they’ve been DOING and what has been the cause of this for 70 YEARS leading to this current indifference to the death to the fucking massacre of palestinians. ‘end the violence!’ but now its fucking crickets because to them this is all a consequence of hamas’ actions. ‘if palestinians didnt want to be massacred and their children murdered and their homes and hospitals bombed, maybe hamas shouldn’t have done what they did’ ‘im sad for gaza but israel has the right to defend itself’ WHAT WAS ISRAEL DOING BEFORE HAMAS DID WHAT THEY DID. WHAT WAS HAPPENING FOR DECADES BEFORE HAMAS DID LITERALLY ANYTHING. HISTORY DID NOT START ON OCTOBER 7 WITH HAMAS’ ACTIONS.
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aroacettorney · 8 months
[chapter 630+ spoilers]
its so funny to me that although ludger could have easily and efficiently wiped his enemies with the power of [the goddess who loves humans very much], instead, he chose to flex his power and completely obliterate them in the most petty way possible. he killed:
the lightning wizard of color with lightning
the fire wizard of color with fire
the entire holy army with holy power
the almost equivalent of the pope with the same god that he worships
you cant even call this massacre a poetic vengeance because he clearly didnt even see them as a worthy enemy but more of a swarm of annoying pests that need extermination.
ironically, ludger was created to become a vessal of a god, yet not only he rejected this divinity but also became the exact opposite of one — the manifestation of pettiness, a trait that is unmistakably very human.
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astraystayyh · 11 months
Last night Israel cut off all the communications on Gaza before bombing it for hours on end, with no means for Palestinians to document or share the atrocities committed against them. The death toll has risen to more than 7000 people and more than 3000 children killed. Please don't stop talking about this, please be a voice for Palestinians who are forced to be silent.
Learn about the genocide Israel is committing against Palestinians :
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Here are the companies to boycott :
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Thread of links to pressure politicians to cease fire:
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and how YOU (yes you) can help Palestine rn
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hindahoney · 1 year
If a "new" form of antisemitism ever surprises you, you don't know enough about antisemitism. I can promise you that every single form of antisemitism, both from the left and the right, all share at the very least several centuries (if not millenia) of history. It's all the same stereotypes repackaged to appeal to whoever the target audience is and dressed up in modern terms to reflect whatever values they're trying to sell you.
Pagan antisemitism is the same as Christian antisemitism. Christian antisemitism is the same as Muslim antisemitism. Muslim antisemitism is the same as new age antisemitism. New age antisemitism is the same as Nazi antisemitism.
It is all the same, it hasn't changed in over three thousand years. You need to educate yourself on the origins of antisemitism or you won't know something is antisemitic unless it's someone screaming "Death to the Jews." If you fail to recognize the antisemitism in front of you that is dressed up in language you agree with, you will fall for it.
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