#jewish holocaust
william-r-melich · 5 months
Group-Non-Think - 04/30/20204
The anti-Israel protests at colleges and universities around the country seem to be growing and gaining momentum, a current trend that is very disturbing to me. Why so many people dislike the Jews perplexes me, what ever happened to live and let live? I stand with Israel and its right to defend itself against the terrorists' regimes that raped, tortured, and murdered over 1,200 of its innocent citizens back on October 7th of last year. It appears that most of these protestors are not students, but paid agitators sent out to disrupt an orderly society, to sew chaos and division among American citizens. Newsmax reported today that 60% of the protestors at the University of Texas who were arrested in Housten were not students. They're probably being paid by NGO's (Non-Government Organizations), many of which are funded by George Soros. It wouldn't surprise me if the UN is involved too as they are helping with facilitating all the illegal migration that's been going on for the last 3 years. So, our tax dollars may be paying for some of these protestors, that's quite unsettling to say the least. At Colombia University they were breaking windows and they have barricaded themselves inside one of the buildings, essentially taking over the school. People have a right to free speech and to protest, but it's wrong and illegal to destroy property, insight violence, block traffic or block students from attending class. Where's Joe Biden in all of this? Why aren't the police arresting them like they did in Texas? This is crazy.
A good number of these protestors don't even know what they are protesting, which was revealed when reporters asked them about why they were there, and many of them said they didn't know. It's collectivist hatred run amok, or what's commonly referred to as groupthink, but I think they really don't think; because if they did, they probably wouldn't be doing it, although I'm sure that getting paid has something to do with it as well. A lot of them also said that they didn't believe the Jewish holocaust in Germany during WWII had occurred. It obviously did since there are photographs and motion film that documented the horrific human atrocities. To deny it is to deny reality. And to carry on as they do it's clear to me that they're not thinking clearly or not really thinking at all, which is why I call it Group-non-think. It's evil and it needs to be stopped.
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ngtskynebula · 29 days
Through it all, Walz modeled and argued for careful instruction that treated the Holocaust as one of multiple genocides worth understanding.
“Schools are teaching about the Jewish Holocaust, but the way it is traditionally being taught is not leading to increased knowledge of the causes of genocide in all parts of the world,” Walz wrote in his thesis, submitted in 2001.
In it, Walz argues that the lessons of the “Jewish Holocaust” should be taught “in the greater context of human rights abuses,” rather than as a unique historical anomaly or as part of a larger unit on World War II. “To exclude other acts of genocide severely limited students’ ability to synthesize the lessons of the Holocaust and the ability to apply them elsewhere,” he wrote.
He then took a position that he noted was “controversial” among Holocaust scholars: that the Holocaust should not be taught as unique, but used to help students identify “clear patterns” with other historical genocides like the Armenian and Rwandan genocides.
“The Holocaust is taught too often purely as a historical event, an anomaly, a moment in time,” Walz Told the New York Times in 2008, reflecting on those Alliance lessons. “That relieves us of responsibility. Obviously, the mastermind was sociopathic, but on the scale for it to happen, there had to be a lot of people in the country who chose to go down that path.”
Tim Walz wrote a master’s thesis on Holocaust education, just as his own school’s approach drew criticism.
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rdarkvoid · 3 months
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Massive Deportation of Jews from Ioannina,Greece
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i-am-aprl · 7 months
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Jewish protesters at the National March for Palestine in 📍London today 🍉
Photos: X: JustjewsUK
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animentality · 11 months
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Rather proud of the post I made for JVP Boston for Holocaust Remembrance Day!
Antizionist Jewish Shoah survivors have always been some of my heroes.
And every one of them has been attacked and discredited by Zionists.
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daughter-of-sapph0 · 6 months
who had "jkr goes full nazi" on their 2024 bingo cards?
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the-catboy-minyan · 7 months
I will never forgive goyim for taking the word for the group that was literally all about mass murdering 6 million jews in the most horrific genocide in history that wasn't even 100 year ago, and twisting the meaning to be "evil person that is so fascist and evil they're not human anymore" and then turn around and call Jews that.
the Nazi belief is literally that JEWS ARE SUBHUMAN. Jews literally CANNOT be Nazis unless they genuinely see their people and themselves as subhuman and deserving of death.
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fanchonmoreau · 5 months
Went to a gathering at a synagogue this afternoon to mark Yom HaShoah, the Jewish Holocaust Remembrance Day. A survivor, his name was Martin, told the audience about how his family snuck under some broken wire to escape their Polish ghetto. They lived in the forest on whatever they could find for months. Later, they found out that not long after they escaped, the Jews in their ghetto were marched to a local church, forced to dig their own graves, and shot en masse.
At the end of his speech, he thanked us for listening, as if we had done him some great kindness. Then he looked out over this audience of Jews and said:
Have long lives.
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jewish-mccoy · 3 days
zionist blocklists
if goyim are so determined to compare everything to the Holocaust, here’s a fucking comparison for you.
why are you making lists of Jews — and it is Jews, because most “Zionist” blocklists contain at least 2-3 users who are actually not Zionist in any form? who else did that?
seriously, goyische leftists, who else made lists of Jews, of Jewish businesses to boycott?
you may not be Nazis, but you sure as fuck have no problem copying moves out of their playbooks. and while we’re on the subject, this whole chasing Jews off social media and trying to ban us from places like rallies, colleges, etc? We’re dangerously close to being halfway through the 10 stages of genocide.
I seriously want goyim to reblog this. Because being an ally isn’t just reblogging the feel good content.
You’re complicit if you aren’t uplifting Jewish voices. And I’m not telling you that you have to reblog my post specifically, but I do want you to at least ask yourself why you aren’t. Because I truly believe, based on facts, evidence, personal experience, historical knowledge, that everything I have said is true.
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notaplaceofhonour · 1 year
Gentile leftists, this is a PSA, and I am begging you to listen. Sharing claims that Jews aren’t indigenous to the land of Israel, that Jews don’t come from the Middle East, and/or that the Zionist movement wasn’t created in response to centuries of antisemitism & genocide is fringe revisionist history with a long antisemitic history. These aren’t anti-imperialist or anti-colonial stances. They are just antisemitic conspiracy theories.
And on the flip side, acknowledging the simple fact that Jews are indigenous to the region currently occupied by Israel & Palestine does not imply any opinion about the modern states of Israel & Palestine, their governments, or the conflict in the region. This post is not voicing support for Zionism or the state of Israel. This is literally just historical fact: both Jews and Palestinians are indigenous to the region where modern day Israel & Palestine are.
If you make this about the politics or conflicts of the modern states of Israel or Palestine—if you comment or send me asks to that effect—you will be blocked.
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Today was Yom HaShoah, the day that Jews remember the Holocaust. The Holocaust was the industrialized genocide of the European Jewry by Nazi Germany and its collaborators from 1941-1945.
This is a really simple opening statement, but bear with me--I think it gets a lot more... 'yeah, buts' than most people may realize. And I think a good way of illuminating that is to break down the difference between how gentiles and Jews commemorate and remember it.
In my experience, gentiles seem to view the Holocaust as the ultimate example of mankind's barbarity to mankind. Like, the distillation of evil, the most obvious example of dehumanization and bigotry brought to its horrifying and extreme conclusion. They emphasize Nazi Germany's responsibility, elevate the instances of non-Jewish Frenchmen and Poles and Germans who made efforts to save Jewish lives, and generally view Nazi oppression as a catastrophe of whom Jews were one of many victims. And they emphasize the Allied Powers' role in ending it by liberating the camps and invading Germany. Hence why International Holocaust Remembrance Day falls on January 27th, the day Auschwitz was liberated.
But Jews have a different perspective.
We view the Holocaust as the most extreme manifestation of--but far from the conclusion to--mankind's barbarity to Jews. Not to his fellow man, per se, not to some universalized insert minority here slot, but to Jews, particularly and deliberately. The Nazis could never have accomplished their genocide were it not for the two millennia of anti-Jewish hatreds and dehumanization embedded deep in the institutions and political structures of European society. They didn't have to persuade Europe that the Jews were incurably evil, the Europeans already believed that. The Nazis had 99% of their work done before they'd even come to power, work that was done by the the Russian Empire, the Romans, Martin Luther, Christian Passion Plays, the Protocols of the Elders of Zion, the centuries of blood libels, the Fourth Lateran Council, the New Testament, the Spanish Empire, and on and on and on and on. It's as if some people think Hitler just woke up one day, out of the blue, with a total hatred of Jews and managed to use propaganda to convince the previously 100% tolerant Germans to hate Jews, too. Antisemitism did not begin or end with the Holocaust.
The sole responsibility of Nazi Germany in the Holocaust is also just... not true. Vichy France rounded up 13,152 Jews in the Vel' d'Hiv roundup, with not a single German participant, and sent them off to be murdered in Auschwitz. Vichy passed antisemitic legislation without any outside coercion--French Jews were hiding as much from the French police as they were from the Gestapo. France, of course, was the home of the Dreyfus Affair--antisemitism was and is a deep part of French society. And it isn't just France. Ukrainian nationalists participated in the Lviv pogroms, killing maybe around 8,000 Jews, Poles perpetrated the Jedwabne pogrom, and that doesn't even bring in that countries like the US, Switzerland and Ireland and Britain blocked Jewish emigrants, and I could just keep going on, but I think you get the point. Quite simply, six million Jews interspersed throughout Europe don't get murdered if it isn't without the collaboration of--or at minimum, silent assent and indifference--of all of their neighbors. The Nazis were the primary perpetrators of the Holocaust, of course, but almost all of Europe collaborated on some level, too. And this is a history that gets wiped away in favor of the comforting narrative of the Allied Powers bursting into Auschwitz, killing Nazis, and being horrified by what they've found, and then the poor people in the surrounding towns having NO IDEA about what had been going on. I think this narrative is why gentiles have International Holocaust Remembrance Day when Auschwitz was liberated--when they 'came to the rescue'--and why we have Yom HaShoah on the day in the Jewish calendar that the Warsaw Ghetto Uprising began--when we died on our own terms in spite of our murderers.
Think of the tiny, unwritten, centuries old minhagim of small Jewish shetls and towns like Trochenbrod, which were entirely annihilated. The end of the burgeoning Yiddish cinema. Yiddish going from 13 million speakers to 600,000 today. See how many entries in this list of shetls end with "town/city survived, but all/most Jews exterminated." Imagine for a moment, the potential rabbis and scholars and actors and scientists and artists who could have lived, had they survived or been born of Jews did. Three and a half million Polish Jews, to around 15,000 to 20,000 Polish Jews today. Imagine if Thessaloniki were still a majority Jewish city. How many Jews worldwide would be alive today had the Holocaust never happened? I've heard estimations of 32 million, compared to the real life 16 million. To kill such a massive number of people from an already tiny minority group--that has real consequences. The cultural loss for the Jewish people is staggering and beyond human comprehension.
And yet, the Nazis deliberate targeting of us is, in many ways, being pushed aside. Magnus Hirschfeld was gay, yes, and advanced the Institute of Sexology way ahead of its time and yeah, the Nazis were homophobic. But they were homophobic for antisemitic reasons. They viewed his work as Jewish perversions BECAUSE Dr. Hirschfeld was Jewish. In fact, they viewed homosexuality as a creation of the Jews. But so many progressive queer people, especially those who run in antizionist circles, seem to be trying to co-opt the Holocaust as being their trauma, downplaying Hirschfeld's Jewishness and holding the Institute up as proof that queer people were the 'real' victims of the Holocaust, entirely shutting out the millions of Jews, Sinti, Roma, and Slavs who were murdered. You can also see this in anti-mask conservatives comparing masking mandates during the pandemic to anti-Jewish legislation in the Holocaust, or the comparisons of the ongoing war against Hamas as being a 'modern day Holocaust.'
This phenomenon, Holocaust universalization, gets so much pushback from Jews for a reason--it downplays the anti-Jewish character of the Holocaust. It's softcore Holocaust denial. And it's so ridiculous we even have to say that, as the whole point of the Holocaust was to be anti-Jewish, to be the "Final Solution to the Jewish Question." It's 'All Lives Mattering' the Holocaust. Holocaust universalization, and Holocaust inversion--the phenomenon of talking about Jews, Zionists, or Israelis as perpetrating a 'new Holocaust'--minimizes and trivializes the astounding damage and traumas and death and destruction wrought by the Holocaust. It's a polemical lie, so incendiary and so insulting--imagine telling a sexual assault survivor that they're morally no better than their rapist--that the only thing it can be is antisemitic. It is beyond reprehensible to talk like that, but it's so mainstream and acceptable to do it. Activists who say these things need to examine their own rhetoric, because it's dangerous, antisemitic, and adjacent to Holocaust denial. Not a place I think anyone should want to be.
The Holocaust is not a lesson Jews should have learned, an educational seminar, a 'card' Jews play, a choose your own adventure novel, a philosophical meditation on the nature of mankind's evils, or an empty slate upon which to project modern politics, warfare, or your ideology onto.
The Holocaust is, quite simply, the industrialized genocide of the European Jewry by Nazi Germany and its collaborators from 1941-1945. And today was Yom HaShoah, the day we remember that.
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matan4il · 5 months
Today is Erev Yom Ha'Shoah (Eve of Holocaust Memorial Day) in Israel. It will be observed by Jews outside of Israel, too.
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The Hebrew date was chosen to honor the outbreak of the Warsaw Ghetto Uprising. It's also a week before Erev Yom Ha'Zikaron Le'Chalalei Ma'archot Yisrael (Eve of Israel's Memorial Day for its Fallen Soldiers and Terror Victims), which is itself observed a day before Yom Ha'Atzmaut Le'Yisrael (Israel's Independence Day). A lot of people have remarked on the connection between the three dates. On Yom Ha'Atzmaut, we celebrate our independence, which allows us to determine our own fate, and defend ourselves without being dependent on anyone else, right after we remember the price in human life that we have paid and continue to pay for this independence, and a week before we mourn the price we've had to pay for not getting to have self defence during the Holocaust. NEVER FORGET that in one Nazi shooting pit alone (out of almost two thousand) during just 2 days (Erev Yom Kippur and Yom Kippur 1941), more Jewish men, women and kids were slaughtered than in the 77 years since Israel's Independence War was started by the Arabs. This unbreakable connection between the living and the dead, between our joy and our grief, is often addressed with the Hebrew phrase, במותם ציוו לנו את החיים, "With their death, they ordered us to live."
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On this Erev Yom Ha'Shoah, I'd like to share with you some data, published on Thursday by Israel's Central Bureau for Statistics (source in Hebrew).
The number of Jews worldwide is 15.7 million, still lower than it was in 1939, before the Holocaust, 85 years ago (that is what a genocide looks like demographically).
7.1 million Jews live in Israel (45% of world Jewry) 6.3 million Jews live in the US (40% of world Jewry)
Here's the data for the top 9 Jewish communities in the world:
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There are about 133,000 Holocaust survivors currently living in Israel. Most (80%) live in big cities in central Israel. Around 1,500 are still evacuated from their homes in northern and southern Israel due to the war (back in January, on International Holocaust Remembrance Day, there was a report about 1,894 survivors who also became internal refugees due to the war. Source in Hebrew). One Holocaust survivor, 86 years old Shlomo Mansour, is still held hostage in Gaza. He survived the Farhud in Iraq.
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I haven't seen any official number for how many survivors had been slaughtered as a part of Hamas' massacre, despite everyone here being aware that Holocaust survivors had been murdered on Oct 7, such as 91 years old Moshe Ridler. Maybe, as we're still discovering that some people thought to have been kidnapped during the massacre, were actually killed on that day, no one wants to give a "final" number while Shlomo has not yet been returned alive.
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Out of all Israeli Holocaust survivors, 61.1% were born in Europe (35.8% in the countries of the former Soviet Union, 10.8% in Romania, 4.9% in Poland, 2.9% in Bulgaria, 1.5% in Germany and Austria, 1.3% in Hungary, 4.2% in the rest of Europe), 36.6% were born in Asia or Africa (16.5% in Morocco, 10.9% in Iraq, 4% in Tunisia, 2.6% in Libya, 2.1% in Algeria, 0.5% in other Asian and African countries) and 2.3% were born elsewhere.
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Out of all Holocaust survivors in Israel, 6.2% managed to make it here before the establishment of the state, despite the British Mandate's immigration policy against it (up until May 13, 1948). 30.5% made it to Israel during its very first years (May 14, 1948 until 1951), another 29.8% arrived in the following decades (1952-1989), and 33.5% made Aliyah once the Soviet Union collapsed, and Jewish immigration to the west (which included Israel) was no longer prohibited by the Soviet regimes (1990 on).
The second biggest community of survivors in the world is in the US, the third biggest (but second biggest relative to the size of the population) is in Australia. I heard from many Holocaust survivors who chose to immigrate there that they wanted to get "as physically far away from Europe as possible."
For a few years now, there's been this project in Israel, called Maalim Zikaron, מעלים זיכרון (uploading memory. Here's the project's site in Hebrew. In English it's called Sharing Memories, and here's the English version of the site) where Israeli celebs are asked to meet up with a Holocaust survivor (it's done in Hebrew), and share the survivor's story and the meeting on their social media on Erev Yom Ha'Shoah (which is today). Each year, there's also one non-Israeli Jewish celeb asked to participate (in English. This time around it's Michael Rapaport, he's meeting Aliza, an 81 years old survivor from the Netherlands, who was hidden along with 9 other Jewish babies for two years. He uploaded a preview of his meeting with her here, where he asked her what it means to her to be a Jew, and from what I understand, he will upload more today to the same IG account). This year, there will be an emphasis on Holocaust survivors who also survived Oct 7 (with 6 of the 20 participating survivors having survived Hamas as well). Here's a small bit from an interview with one such survivor, 90 years old Daniel Luz from kibbutz Be'eri:
(for all of my updates and ask replies regarding Israel, click here)
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sunbeamedskies · 5 months
People on here spreading propaganda that the Iranian government is good...stop.
You are hurting Iranians, Jews, Muslims, Arabs, and more.
The Iranian government does not give a fuck about Palestine. All they are interested in is spreading their power and influence across the Middle East. They even hurled missiles at Al-Aqsa Mosque, which potentially could have destroyed or damaged it if the Iron Dome didn't exist. The only seriously injured victim in Israel was a 7 year old Muslim Bedouin girl. Many Arab countries understand how dangerous the Iranian government is and intercepted some of their missiles.
Iranians have been screaming at the top of their lungs that they don't want war and they are tortured and murdered by their government, but your desire to view the Middle East as a sports match makes you want to root for anyone who is against Israel. The Iranian government literally hosted a Holocaust denial convention in 2006 which included David Duke, one of the former leaders of the KKK. They are not against the Israeli government for the right reasons, but for antisemitic ones. The growing antisemitism in Iran due to their rule drove out thousands of Iranian Jews, many whose only option was to move to Israel.
Please do research before spewing ignorant bullshit that harms everyone. There is no shame in admitting you were misinformed. Peoples' lives are worth more than your bruised ego.
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cata613 · 2 months
It’s unfortunate to see what the world has come to :(
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jewish-vents · 6 months
Six million of us died. My ancestors were either slaughtered, separated from their cultures and families, or traumatized for life. Yet people still speculate what the 'bad ending' of WWII would be. How is this ending not bad enough?
↑ this. so many people have speculated "what if Hitler won" and like... he's not some cartoon villain of world domination, he was an actual leader who lead a very serious and devastating genocide.
6 million Jews dead, entire families and histories wiped, thousands of books burned to ash. is this not bad enough for you? or is it only the "bad ending" when it starts affecting you as well?
- 🐬
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