#anju house
jayyloyal · 4 months
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marc--chilton · 2 months
laying modded clangen and added house md characters to it to see what would happen. here they are (in order: house, wilson, cuddy, cameron, chase, foreman)
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just-some-cat · 3 months
Hi everyone, this is important
A friend of mine in the US is currently trying to escape highly physically and mentally abusive relationship. She's already out of the house with her cat and some other things she could grab with her, but she had to leave much earlier than had been planned (the escape plans had been thought to be for the months ahead) because of how dire the situation became and she can't stay at her friend's place. I'm keeping her anonymous for safety's sake. She's desperately in need of money while trying to figure out where she and her cat can stay.
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If you are able to help at all, any and all donations are helpful and appreciated. Even if you can't donate, we'd still really appreciate reblogs to spread the word.
Where to donate: Paypal: @phoenyxnf Cashapp: $PheeNF Thank you so much!! - Anju
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ym-loreposting · 6 months
Portraits in Majora's Mask 3D
The 3DS remake of Majora's Mask gave the game a major graphical overhaul and added many details to the world of Termina. These include various portraits that give a bit more insight into the backstory of characters in the game, most notably the family running the Stock Pot Inn, the family of Clock Town's Mayor Dotour and the sisters living at Romani Ranch.
Stock Pot Inn Family
The family running the Stock Pot Inn in Clock Town consists of several members: Anju, her unnamed mother and her unnamed grandmother. The grandmother also mentions her son Tortus, who was Anju's father:
Oh, Tortus. Did you finish helping father? Then let mother read you a story.
Meanwhile, she also has a diary that belonged to her husband Gampy. In the original game, Tortus and Gampy remained unseen, but via the newly added portraits, it seems they have received designs. One shows a woman resembling Anju's grandmother in a wedding dress. Another shows the same couple with a baby, presumably Tortus.
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We also see a portrait of an elderly man, presumably Gampy in his twilight years before his (implied) passing by the time of the main game.
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We also get a shot of the whole family. It is clear that the woman in the wheelchair is Anju's grandmother, now a bit older than in previous pictures. It is harder to determine who the other people are, though below are my best guesses based on the assumption we are seeing all five members of the family here.
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Besides this, we also get a picture of a younger mayor Dotour and what is presumably a child-aged Tortus. When talking to Anju's grandmother when wearing Kafei's Mask (Kafei being the son of Dotour), it becomes clear she knew Dotour well in the past as well:
Oh, Dotour... If they pick on you, you come tell teacher, OK?
As a neat aside, Dotour can also be seen holding a Keaton Mask, which is popular among youths in Clock Town. His son Kafei also owns such a mask and wears it during the game.
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Finally, the portraits also reveal that Anju's grandmother owned a tiger in her later years. At first it was a small cub, but later on it is shown to have grown into a proper tiger. Her Hyrulean counterpart in Ocarina of Time also owns such a cub, though it appears the tiger in Termina has passed by the main game. Nonetheless, Anju's grandmother still has a tribute to the tiger on the back of her wheelchair.
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Romani Ranch
A few paintings can also be found at Romani Ranch, though a few relevant ones can also be found at the Stock Pot Inn. It is namely mentioned that ranch owner Cremia and Anju are friends:
In town...I have a friend. Her name's Anju..
It is also suggested by Cremia's sister Romani that Cremia has a crush on Kafei, who is Anju's fiancée and supposed to marry her soon:
Romani knows... My sister, Cremia, has someone in town she likes... But that person is supposed to get married the day of the carnival. It's hard for my sister... Going into town...
These things are reflected in the portraits. In the Stock Pot Inn, a portrait of Cremia and Romani can be found. Meanwhile, in Cremia and Romani's house, a portrait of what looks to be a younger Anju, Kafei and Cremia can be seen.
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A second picture from Cremia and Romani's house seems to show the two of them in front of the Milk Bar that their ranch supplies with Milk, albeit very faintly:
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Lastly, the portraits contextualize a rather odd sidequest of Majora's Mask. During the game, strange ghostly aliens attack the ranch and try to steal its cows. The ghosts attack once every year and arrive in a glowing ball of light:
They... They come at night every year when the carnival gets closer. They come riding in a bright, shining ball, and many of them come down...to the barn...
However, the portraits suggest the ghosts may stalk the ranch more often than that. This is because both in the Stock Pot Inn and Cremia and Romani's house, pictures of UFOs can be seen.
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honeytrap26 · 9 months
Cookies for a Confession
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Raiden Shuga x Reader
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summary: you confess to Raiden Shuga that you have feelings for him by making him cookies. cw: SFW, fluffy, silly, aunote: This man doesn't get enough love, this anime doesn't get enough love. Here is my effort to try and spread the word. Enjoy and happy reading! wc: 1k+ (proofread 🙈)
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“It says to mix the flour and water first then eggs then sugar.” you follow the directions mixing everything in.
“This is pretty easy, I can see why Anju likes to bake.” you turn around to throw the spoon in the sink. Kurena comes into the kitchen and looks into the cabinets, she turns around to look at you,
“Hey do you have the salt? I need to refill the salt and pepper bottles for the trip.” 
‘I have it, I’ll take a teaspoon and you can have the rest of the jar.” you place the teaspoon of salt on the countertop, handing her the jar. You grab the sugar, placing it on the countertop, with the lid off. Theo taps on the window, you walk over to the window, propping it open. 
“Hey can you come outside, I have a new design for your call sign” he smiles excitedly at you, 
“Thank you Theo you didn’t have to. I like the one you had on there already.” you say to him, walking outside. After a few minutes of talking to Theo you make your back into the kitchen.
‘Now where was I again?” you dry your hands off, reading the recipe list that Anju wrote for you.  
“Oh yes, the last step is to add sugar and then it's time to bake!” you grab the jar and add two cups of sugar to the mixture.
“Hurry up and do it.” Kurena whispers as she elbows you.
“I-I can’t.” you whisper back, and take a bite of your food.
“Didn’t you finish making them this morning?” Anju whispers, covering her mouth so the boys can’t see. You nod in agreement to her question.
“So what are you waiting for?” Anju leans forward winking at Kurena.
“Got it, I’ll distract Shin and Theo.” Kurena throws Anju a thumbs up, she stands up abruptly and starts faking a cough, the boys look at her. She mumbles, 
“I need help…” she glances over at Shin and Theo mouthing “go away”, Theo raises an eyebrow at her and looks over to Anju who’s pointing at you. It takes Theo a minute to process what’s happening but when he does he shoots a thumbs up to Anju. Shin ignores Kurenas obvious attempts to get everyone to leave.
“I said I need help,” Kurena says through gritted teeth, looking at Shin, she sighs when he doesn’t pay any attention to what's going on, still talking to Lena through the Para-RAID.
“You okay?” Raiden stands up but Kurena pushes him back down into his seat.
“Not you.” she continues to exaggerate her cough, making her way to Shin.
“I think she needs some water. Shin would you mind getting some for her.” Anju says calmly, still sitting next to you.
“She has wa-”
“It wasn’t a question.” Anju tilts her head and smiles at Shin.
“O-okay.” Shin stands up from his seat, grabbing the water on the table, he tries to pour a glass of water for Kurena but she smacks the water pitcher out of his hand. 
“Oh no, looks like we need more water from INSIDE.” she emphasizes the last word, coughing lazily a few more times.
Shin stands there blinking a few times before he says,
“I’m fine, I still have water.”
Everyone sighs in defeat, Anju walks over to Shin and pulls him out of his seat.
“H-hey!” he grabs his plate of food.
“Read the room dummy!” Kurena whisper yells at Shin, dragging him inside of the house.
You cover your face in embarrassment and Raiden just stares at the four of them very confused.
“What was that all about?” he glances at you.
“I don’t know…” you shake your head covering your face. 
Raiden and you are sitting outside underneath the stars. The warmth from the fire keeps you warm from the cool breeze. You continue eating your food. Raiden looks at you a couple of times, he purses his lips together, tapping the empty plate on his hand then he clears his throat and he gets up to sit next to you.
“So…how’s the food?” he stares at the flames dancing in the fire pit.
“It’s good, you did a good job.” you finish the last bit of food on your plate before you take a sip of your water. There’s a pause, your fiddling with the rim of your glass,
“I-” you begin to say, but he cuts you off not hearing you.
“Do you want some dessert? Anju made some earlier today.” Raiden points to the fruit tarts sitting on the picnic table.
“Actually, I made something too.” you mutter, glancing down at the bag of cookies next to you, your heart beating faster.
“That’s right, you made chocolate chip cookies earlier today. How did it go?” His body shifts facing you.
You hand him the cookies that are neatly wrapped in a bag with a letter attached to it. 
Raiden hesitates for a split second, 
“This for me?” a small smile creeps onto his face, 
“Yes it is.” you nod quickly, not breaking eye contact with the dancing flames in the fire pit.
He grabs the bag and unties the letter.
You can hear him unfolding the paper, 
“ Dear Raiden Shuga, we’ve been in this squadron for…..” he mutters the rest, chucking at the funny situations you’ve been in together.
He continues, “ We spent so many nights together, we fought on the battlefield together, I don’t know when it happened but I…” he trails off, eventually he stops reading it out loud.
You sit there closing your eyes regretting your decision to confess to him, you didn’t want to burden him with this silly idea, the idea that you could possibly fall in love before you were sent to die out on the battlefield.
Raiden stands up and kneels in front of you, taking your hand into his, his emerald eyes meet yours.
“It’s funny,” -he takes a deep breath- “because before we leave for this mission, I was going to tell you that,” he exhales and chuckles, shaking his head, he grabs a note from his back pocket and places it in the palm of your hand.
“I’ve fallen in love with you too.” he smiles at you, his eyes soften seeing the way your face lights up at his confession. You lunge into his arms, wrapping your arms around his neck,your face buried in the crook of his neck, he hugs you tightly, wishing to never let go of you, to never lose you.
“I’m sorry it took me so long to tell you how I felt.” he takes a deep breath in, finally being able to hug you like this, something he thought he would never get to do.
“It’s okay, we never had the time to do this.” you pull away and look at him, he leans in and places a small kiss on your cheek. You blush at the kiss and place a hand over it before grabbing the bag and shoving it into his chest.
“Here’s the cookies, you should try them.” you mumble. He laughs at your sudden shyness, he grabs the bag and takes a cookie out.
“It’s really….” he pauses for a bit, you can see an array of different emotions appear on his face.
“What’s wrong? Do you not like chocolate chips?” you question him, he coughs a bit and swallows hard.
“No it’s not that,” -he clears his throat- “it’s umm…. it has an interesting flavor, maybe just a tad salty.” he coughs a bit and gulps down his water.
“Really? I swear I only put a teaspoon of salt like the recipe called for…” you grab a cookie and take a bite out of it.
“O-oh gosh! It’s soo salty!! I’m so sorry. I don’t know what happened.” you spit the cookie out onto a napkin.
Raiden laughs at your disgusted expression, he takes another cookie waving it in front of your face.
“I can’t throw away the cookies my girlfriend made for me, so I have to eat it.” he smirks at you and shoves it in his mouth and runs off.
“W-what?! Girlfriend!” you get up from your seat, making the chair fall back, knocking your cup over.
“It’s sooo good” he winces as he continues to shove them into his mouth.
 “No stop!” you panic running after him, he holds the bag of cookies above his head.
 “Y-you’re going to die!!” you jump up desperately trying to grab the bag, he puts another cookie in his mouth, smirking at you. 
You wrap your arms around his waist and try to push him over but he pretends to fall over, sitting on his butt, he stops and a tint of pink appears on his cheeks, you take this opportunity to grab his face, pinching his cheeks, some of the cookie crumbs falling out of his mouth.
“I got you! Spit it out!” you let go of his face when Raiden doesn’t say anything back, he turns his face away from you, you can see the shade of pink on his cheeks now. You take a moment to assess the situation, he’s propped up on his elbows, you're straddling his lap and your boobs are in his face.
“Yay! They’re finally together! Whoa…” Kurena comes out with a sparkler but stops when she sees you on top of Raiden.
“Are we interrupting something?” Theo says with an evil grin on his face, he’s waving his sketchbook in the air, it has two faces with heart eyes on it.
Raiden chuckles and starts to tickle you, making you burst out into a laughter/crying fit, you try to crawl away from him.
Your Para-RAIDS suddenly turn on, Lenas' concerned voice echoes in your ears.
“What’s wrong, is it a Legion attack?”
Shin chuckles and shakes his head, “No, she finally confessed to Raiden.” he says into his Para-RAID. 
“The screaming…” Lena trails off.
“He’s tickling her.” Shin sighs.
“WHAT! They finally confessed!” she shouts from the other line.
This makes all of you burst into laughter.
“How do the cookies taste?” Anju grabs the cookie that you took a bite out of.
Raiden immediately stops ticking you and you both run towards Anju.
“Don’t eat it!” Raiden yells.
“Noo! Spit it out!” you yell.
“It's so SALTY!!” Anju exclaims.
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Extra trimmings!!  You and the rest of the members are sitting around a fire pit. “The curry is ready.” Kurena says, putting the pot in the middle of the members. Shin and Raiden grab a portion of the curry and take a bite. They immediately spit it out onto the ground, they both look at you with a scowl on their faces. “It’s sweet” they both say in unison. “It wasn’t me!!” you run off towards Fido when Raiden approaches you. “Save me Fido!”  Fido just runs along with you. “Kurena, wasn't it your job to refill everything?” Shin asks, she nods and grabs the bottles showing it to Shin, he tastes it and hangs his head low. “This is going to be a long three days.” “Oops… guess I mixed them up when I was refilling them.” Kurena smiles, rubbing the back of her head. “Kurena!” you and Raiden shout her name in unison chasing after her. Everyone bursts into fits of laughter watching you, Raiden, and Fido chase after Kurena.
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cherubinym · 1 year
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Protector of Aevium OC! They/them; Eirlys Baihu
They were a Protector of Aevium before Anju/Hazuki/Vivian were assigned their roles. The group was slightly bigger then, before some incidents, with the previous Regi holders eventually passing their roles down to those three, then by default the Current. Eirlys was not a Regi holder, and instead was the wielder of the Sword of Ruin, along with the other cursed treasure holders. This part of the group wielded the treasures as a way to ensure Vitus would Not amplify their hated and use them for evil.
Their Chien-Pao can dissipate its form back into the swords and shroud it in either ice or dark energy, to which Eirlys can essentually dual-wield them in (mostly) close combat with any opponents. They appear quite cold and intimidating at first, but practically have the personality of a golden retriever. They are pretty playful, but very unconscious of their own strength, and so often accidentally hurt people.
They fight mainly in double battles, and are extremely loyal to Nymiera, though -- [...]
Evidently they are no longer in that position, but their status of life is unknown as well [...] only a couple souls are aware of their fate. Was it by someone else? Or themself?
In their free time -- you know -- outside of saving the region and training with the group's leader -- they are quite the elegant poet and study the Earth and materials within it and its ruins -- particularly the properties of black shards. If one were to find their house, they may find quite the emotional poems strewn around, directed to someone...but whom? They had a few Very important missions ... duties ... before --
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ticenchantedtoc · 5 months
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Someone has probably made a post about this already, but in Nymiera's house, there's a painting that looks a lot more like Angie than Anju: the lighter cyan hair, the red background, even the colors of the dress though they're small and hard to see clearly. Maybe it's just an easter egg, but there are definitely interesting implications considering we still don't know the full extent of Nymiera's powers.
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wormonastringtheory · 2 years
if you wanna show me a post please tag #wormielook!
welcome everyone new
important note: i am deeply dedicated to liberatory and decolonial movements and as such i post about mutual aid, protests, etc quite a bit. it's okay not to understand everything, if you have questions message and I'll forward you resources written by respective communities and to organizers/writers who discuss their liberation/literature
i am way too obsessed with MCR. I'm also an archivist for multiple interests. I'm way too interested in ultramarathon running (even though I cannot participate), tornadoes, robotics, and fall out boy. ok a bit more about me
-23 y/o
-disabled both physically and mentally (HSD, likely autism, severe brain fog, long haul COVID symptoms, a mast cell disorder, tourettes, Metatarsalgia, ADHD, IBS, POTS, OCD, GAD and Depression, PTSD, and a suspected brain injury, amongst other things)
-artist! i do digital art, textile work (making patches and v basic hand sewing), traditional drawing and painting (usually acrylic on canvas), crocheting, and collage
-loosely bigender. my gender is fluid and expansive to some extent so labelling is complicated. Kinda a butch, kinda a trans man.
-he/they/xe/vamp pronouns
-sapphic as fuck and that's important to my identity, lesbian I think. again beyond that not into firm labels. mostly t4t or queer4queer, and ace/aro spectrum
-one of the biggest joys of people in my life (and my trusted sources for media reccommendations) is @milfsrights
-my best friend, platonic soulmate and other half is @frilly09
-irl bestieeee and loml is @anour22 ❤️❤️❤️❤️
-tornadoes. literally anything about them, and most natural disasters tbh
-harm reduction and street outreach, mutual aid organizing
-history (especially queer history, revolutionary actions and protest movements)
-library sciences
-music!! fall out boy, mcr, mitski, lianne la havas, willow, frank tichelli, nina simone, the staples singers, stevie wonder, against me!, pure hell, the muslims, the mountain goats, elton john, paramore, yana perrault, anju, the jerry cans, tessa violet, ruby waters, status non-status, r & b, punk, and soul
-tv/movies: repo! the genetic opera, goldfinch, best in miniature
-plays/broadway: wicked, hadestown, waitress, had a major deh phase too
-robotics! i am a mentor of a team and volunteer at competitions
-rare disorders, diseases, and conditions
-plushies! i am a collector, i have 109, most of them were gifts from friends and family or from my childhood
-disability justice
-biology, especially reptiles, foxes, spiders and amphibians
-linguistics! currently learning hebrew
-running and athletics
-gentle parenting and montessori (i am not a parent)
-crochet and fibre arts
-mountaineering disasters
-orphan sources/radiological incidents
-house shows/diy culture
-dan and phil
-safiya nygaard
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dexrm · 2 years
kare no hime | 彼の姫
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This story will contain mature themes.  Read at your own risk.
Sukuna, no longer the beast he is, develops a much deeper connection with you.  You find ignoring him is far harder than it was before.
Chapter 6 - Sukuna’s confession
Previous chapter
Next chapter
The following week was peaceful.
You place the basket full of clothes on the ground beside the stream.  Although Aoi’s children made a mess, they were taught well.  Unlike most children you’ve seen who were spoiled and didn’t have a sense of responsibility, Aoi’s two sons, Anju and Anfuku, were respectful.  Even if they run around in the village all day, getting dust and grass stains on them, they tried helping you out.
Your routine was quite simple.  Wake up, make breakfast for everyone, eat.  Then start doing chores.  Aoi even started paying you.  It wasn’t much, but enough to buy rice cakes in the village.  
You take a blue sheet out of the basket, and start washing.  While rubbing and scrubbing, you notice Anju, the older brother, running towards you.
“Fushiguro!” he yelled, almost tripping.
“Slow down Anju,” you say, taking the sheet out of the waters.
“I need to tell you something,” he pants.  “Father is home!”
“That’s great,” you reply, smiling.  “I’ll be back home when I finish washing these.”
“No!” Anju pulled your arm.  “You have to come before he leaves!”
Anju was fierce when dragging you.  He wasn’t this excited before.  
Sukuna was also in the room with Aoi, and her husband.  He didn’t look like a peasant to you, but not quite a lord either.  His physic was also quite lean, but not as much as Sukuna’s or Toji’s.
“Sit down,” Aoi gently whispered.  So you sit.
Anju ran to sit next to his father, whom gave him a vague grin.  But Anfuku, ran to sit with Sukuna.  Ever since Sukuna was in the house, Anfuku adored him.  You weren’t quite sure what Sukuna did with Aoi’s husband, but Sukuna seemed pissed every time he came back.
“I will be leaving for the Hida province,” he declared.  “I won’t be back until next spring.” he looked at his wife.  “I will be leaving enough money for you and the children to last until then.”
“No!” Anju stood up.  “You just went to Kyoto, now you’re leaving again?”
“Anju,” his calm voice interrupted.  “Father has to work, be a good boy and take care of your mother and younger brother.”
Anju sat down, clearly angry.  
“Tsuku is a good example of a man, learn from him, Anfuku,” Aoi’s husband stood up.  He looked at Sukuna.  “You have such great potential to serve the emperor Tsuku, do not waste this talent of yours.”
Now it was your turn.
“Fushiguro, do not worry, I will arrange marriage with you and Tsuku once I am back,” he took a step to the door.  
You froze in embarrassment.  You weren’t sure who it was; Aoi, Anju, or Anfuku who wanted this.  But it was obvious one of them wanted Tsuku to be with you.
“Wait,” you say.
“Yes?” he turned around.
“I have one more request,” your eyes water.  “I have told Aoi I have no family.  But the truth is, I think my family is still alive.  They live in the Hida province.  If you have the chance, may you consider travelling to the north of Hida to find them?” your voice trembles.  “My father’s name is Ato Fushiguro.”
Aoi’s husband pauses, then nods.
“If I have the time, I will search for them.”
“Thank you,”
He turns to the door as everyone scrambles to follow him to his horse.  Anju was bawling, but Aoi was rather calm.  But you could tell, she didn’t want this. 
While grilling fish, you see Anfuku standing next to you, waiting for the food to be ready.  His rather innocent face made you wonder why he liked Sukuna so much, since he did ignore Anfuku a lot.
“Anfuku, I have a question,” you say, sliding the fish into a plate, handing it to him.  
“Yes?” his high pitched voice replied.
“Were you the one who wanted me married to Tsuku?” you said in the gentlest tone possible.
“No,” he responds, eyes locked on the fish.  Anfuku loved fish more than anything.
“Was it your mother?” you ask again.
“Anju?!” you were surprised he was even concerned for you and Sukuna’s business.
“No,” Anfuku smiled.  “Tsuku.”
“He wants to marry me?” your heart jumped that the conclusion.
“Shh,” Anfuku put the plate on the ground, then put his index finger on his lips.  “Don’t tell him I know.  I was secretly listening to him talk to father.”
“H-how did he say it?” your chest pounded.
“He said he wanted to make you his wife because,” he stopped to think.  “Because of your magnanimous character.  I don’t know what that means, sorry.” he picks up the plate and runs.
You stood there like a fool.  Although you didn’t move at all, your head was thinking of all sorts of scenarios.  
Ryomen Sukuna wanted to marry you.
No, Tsuku did.
He wanted a life with you.
You snap out of it, and leave the kitchen.  
Sukuna was standing right in the hallway, with Anfuku next to him.  Sukuna’s jaw grew much more sharper, and the bottom of his eyes had bumps.  You knew Sukuna’s true form had little eyes beneath his actual ones.
“I told you she’s red!” Anfuku shrieked in happiness.
“Brat,” Sukuna mutters.
“Anfuku, go eat,” you said quietly, gently push the little boy, laughing while running.  You turn to look at Sukuna.  His monster appearance was coming back.  You heard some of the other village kids mocking him once.
“Y-you go eat too,” your stomach felt unbelievably hot.
“No,” Sukuna’s stare made your face feel warm now too.
You turn to leave, until he grabs you by the hand.
“I need to show you something,” he whispers in your ear.  
It was almost sunset, and Sukuna had the nerve to take you out in the middle of the forest.  But he was confident.  
“Are we there yet?” 
“We’re here,” he grabs your wrist, leading you onto a hill.
A hot spring.
He then attempts to take off his robe in front of you, but you put a hand on his stomach.
“Not in front of me,” you say.
“Why not?”
“Because..” you continue.  “Go behind a rock.”
As Sukuna changed, you also took off your kimono.
The water wasn’t as boiling hot as the one Sukuna’s old residence, but hot enough you felt relaxed.  You felt a splash beside you.  Sukuna was next to you.
“D-did you ask Aoi’s husband to marry me?” you ask.
“Yes,” he almost immediately replied.
“You barely even know me,” you claim.  His facial expressions didn’t move.
“Some husbands have never met their wives,” he put his arms behind his head.  
“Why?” you stare at him.  ���There are many other much more magnanimous women in the village.”
“And you’re the only one who doesn’t avoid me because of my appearance,” he snapped.  “I don’t know why I keep on growing taller and more beast like, but you seem to not care, Fushiguro.”
“Are you this keen on marrying me?” you ask.
“Yes,” he replies.  He takes your hand, putting it in his palm.  “Believe me.  I will be with you.  In poverty, illness, or old age.”
Your entire world stops.
“I..” you try to speak.  “I am..” I am already married to Toji Zenin.  “I return these feelings too.”
“Good,” Sukuna smiles for once.  
He pulls your body closer to him, as you feel yourself sitting on his upper thigh.  You could feel something long and hard beside it, but didn’t dare question what it was.  You put your arms around his neck.
Without any restraint, you gently suck on his skin.  
You feel his arms lifting your legs up to the hard long thing you felt earlier.  Feeling it sinking into you, you hold in the little cries at the new sensation.
“Not yet!” you whisper.
Sukuna let go of you, but you still are sitting on him.
“You’re right,” his cheeks were slightly pink.  “I got excited.”
“Do you get these thoughts about me a lot?” you ask, your thighs squeezing against his, still recovering from what happened.  
“When did you start thinking about marriage with me?” he ignored your question.
“I don’t know,” you responded.  Which was true.  “Was I the first woman?”
“No,” he said.  Your gut twisted.  Did he remember something?  “I remember a woman I loved.”
“Do you remember something?” you curiously tugged his finger.
“She was angry at me, so she left,” his eyes were still with you.  No where else.  “I don’t remember anything else.”
But his memory was someone else’s.  Ryomen Sukuna’s.  He was a monster was tore villages and burned them, any woman would be furious at him.
“I won’t get angry at you, I won’t have a reason to be,” you cup his face with your hands.  “I’ll make sure we have a peaceful life.”
Showing his sharper teeth, he smiles.  Warmly.
The way back, you notice Sukuna looking at you more.  His gaze was somehow always on you.  By the time you reached the house, Aoi was asleep.
As Sukuna lies down on his mattress, you slowly walk over to sit by his side.  You slide under his blanket, head under his chin.  Maybe a little further down.  Snuggling up to him, you catch him smiling while eyes closed.  His arm, pushes you against him even more.  
You think of what happened to you these months.
Maybe it was worth it.  
The following autumn was you and Sukuna doing tasks together.  But it was more of you two having conversations that the old Sukuna would’ve asked you about.
Walking home from buying kimonos, you hear woman behind you, whispering.  When you turned around, you notice they were young women a few years younger than you.  You could tell by their voices and clothing.  
“Fushiguro,” one of them ran up to you, the others followed.  “I heard you and Tsuku are engaged now?”
“Yes,” you say, smiling.  You don’t enjoy speaking to most people your age except your sister, but it was an inevitable task to small talk.
“Why did you choose Tsuku?” the one wearing a pink kimono asked.  “He doesn’t even have a last name.”
“He will take on mine then,” you reply.
“But he’s scary.. and really ugly” the youngest one, no older than fourteen says.  
“I think he is a kind man,” you softly retort at the comment.  Anfuku would attempt to kick these women if he heard them say that.  But you knew these women were immature little girls.  “He treats me nicely, and thats all I care for.”
“You’re so wise, Fushiguro,” the youngest one smiles brightly.  “Whens your wedding?”
You lift up your basket of white shiromuku, then walking away.  
Aoi was waiting for you by the entrance, and so was little Anfuku.
“When’s it going to happen?” Anfuku yelled.
“When the first snowfall arrives,” Aoi patted his head.  “Be patient.”
The entrances door slid open, Sukuna stood there in a black robe.  His gaze immediately focused on you.  But his gaze was gloomier than usual.
“Tsuku, my husband has told us he will arrange a house for Fushiguro and you,” Aoi said.  “It won’t be big, but it’s the best he can do.”
“He also said something else,” Sukuna’s tone dropped.  “He has bad news for you.”
He gestured his fingers for you to follow him, a habit he had before he lost his memory.  His footsteps were heavier today, and he didn’t smile when he saw you.  Leading you to the shared bedroom, he aggressively shuts the door closed.
You sat down with Sukuna as he reopened the letter.  He seemed relatively calm, but you sense of uneasiness in him.
But these months you spent with him were worth it.  You understood when he was tired, sad, annoyed, and happy.  When he was unhappy, he’d often take his anger on objects.  He would punch the floor, or sometimes smash plates.  But he never took it on Anfuku, or you.  He would only do it when he thought he was alone.
Dear Fushiguro, you requested for me to ask for your family’s well being.  I found a village in the north of Hida, and I asked the villagers about a man named Ato Fushiguro.  The head of the village says he is a businessman of another village further south that has been long burned down and slaughtered by a malicious beast.  They don’t know how many, or who, survived the brutal attack.  My curiosity grew bigger, I went to the burnt down village to investigate.  The village had torn roof and some skeleton of those dead.  I sincerely apologize I couldn’t find the remains of your father and the rest of your family.  May buddha protect them in the afterlife.
You clenched your fist as you read the letter.  Sukuna put his hand on yours.  You push him away.  
He killed your family.
No, Ryomen Sukuna did.
He was in Ryomen Sukuna’s body.  But he wasn’t him.
Tsuku was a grounded, sweet man.  Sukuna was another man.  You wanted yourself to believe that.  
“It will be okay,” Sukuna put your hand on his chest.
Tears dropped onto the letter as you begin to audibly wail.  Ryomen Sukuna slaughtered your entire village, not sparing a single bone.  That was what he was.  A cold blooded murderer.
You look from your tears, to see Sukuna’s sympathetic face.  He was the same man who killed everyone in your village.
“I need a walk,” you scramble to get out of the room.
“I’ll come with you,” Sukuna gets to the door before you.
“No,” you snapped, eyes red.  “Please, I want to be alone.”
Pacing out of the house, Anfuku calls out your name, but you ignore him.
While slowly walking down the now empty streets, you could only think.  Marrying Sukuna was marrying the man who killed your parents.  But he was different now.  
But you promised yourself, if Sukuna ever regained his memories, you would leave.  Who is now is someone different.  Regaining his old memories meant Tsuku was gone as dead.
“Fushiguro?” a quiet voice behind you said.  “Let’s go home.”
You turn around.  Sukuna stood there, with bleeding knuckles.  He must’ve took his emotions onto something again.  
Walking towards him, you grab his injured hand.  
The walk home was silent.  You leaned your head on his lower shoulder, to feel a weird bump.  You felt it with your hands.  The second pair of arms were growing back.
“Tsuku, do you think your body had been changing these months?” you ask.
“Yeah,” his gaze felt sad.  “I look ugly now.”
“You aren’t ugly,” you say, looking at him in the eye.  “I don’t care how you look.  Maybe it’s a curse from the gods.” 
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airplanned · 1 month
WIP ask game…Trill AU (I am already invested in this lol)
The Trill AU has a lot of it posted, and I just have a big mental block on the next scene. The mental block is from a lot of reasons, but in rereading this after such a big break, it doesn't seem like that big of a deal.
Anyway! Here's a snippit.
Landing in the capital city was enough of a trigger for Anju to return.  She was able to guide them from the spaceport and through the city to the neighborhood where she and Link and Illia were born.  The capital had a system of street trolleys, and Anju excitedly pointed out where the routes had changed and which skyscrapers were new.  
"It really is the perfect planet," Anju said quietly, leaning in to whisper against Zelda's ear in an unnerving way.  "It's in Klingon space, so the Trill home world has no authority, and the Orions would never turn away a group of outlaws, especially those who keep their heads down and are carrying the knowledge of a dozen lives and are willing to share their medical and engineering advancements.  The only real problem is the heat."
Anju shrugged out of Link's  jacket for some relief.  And though Zelda toughed it out, she eventually huffed and elbowed Ruto into taking off her jacket too.  She was pale and sweating and had the straw from a water pouch on her back tucked grumpily into her cheek.
It was a relief to reach the Trill neighborhood, where the architecture changed.  Zelda couldn't help but grin up at the boring, municipal-looking building that housed the Orion Trill Symbiont Assistance Organization.
"Assistance Organization," she repeated.
"It's very friendly.  Come see."
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lonelypond · 2 days
NicoMaki, HonoKotoUmi, Love Live, 4.3K, 4/4
Summary: Honoka makes a decision as the rest of the crew rush to her aid.
Mighty Fine Shootin', Chapter 4
Twenty minutes before
The wagon with dynamite was slowing Tsubasa down. They were in sight of the railroad tracks and could see the smoke from the approaching train. Frustrated, Tsubasa had dismounted and taken over the reins of the wagon, urging the cart horses faster with curses and slaps. It seemed to be working, at least from Honoka's perspective. So she had a hard choice, do something while they were on the move, before actual contact with the train. To wait would be endangering too many innocents. And Umi and Kotori. Honoka wished no one ill but Tsubasa had made bad choices over and over again. Today, there would be consequences. Honoka slowed her horse, letting fellow members of the gang pass her. One gloved hand rested on the handle of her Colt pistol, relaxed so as not to draw attention. Honoka would briefly have the element of surprise. She hoped she'd read the signs and signals right. A glance at the plume of smoke from the train. It was getting closer. No more delay. Her hand hesitated. It gritted too hard against Honoka's nature, a sneak attack. The dynamite wasn't going anywhere faster than her bullet would find it. And Honoka wasn't a cold blooded killer.
"Hey, Tsubasa. Better jump."
Kira Tsubasa's head swivelled and chilly green eyes locked onto Honoka's, opening wide as so many little hints swarmed into a realization about why she'd never found out the identity of the marshal. Right under her nose. Like the dynamite. And then Tsubasa leapt through the air, rolling into a landing.
One snake strike motion and Honoka's gun was out and two bullets headed to the load of dynamite in the wagon. Barely even a breath before a searing heat pulsed outward with a huge, concussive noise, throwing riders off horses, other horses stumbling back and rearing. Forewarned, Honoka controlled her horse, steering her clear of the chaos. And then the riders came out of the trees, a very familiar voice calling out, "U.S. Marshals. Surrender!"
Yukiho. Yukiho had gotten her message. A flash of fawn colored hair caught Honoka's eye. Kotori? No, her mother, retired Deputy Director of The Marshals, who'd recruited and trained Honoka, Yukiho, and Umi. A gunshot kicking the dirt next to her horse focused Honoka back in the present. Where had Erena and Anju gotten to? Tsubasa wasn't getting to her feet. Still too close to the wagon to be unscathed. Honoka spotted orange hair running to where Tsubasa had likely landed. Anju. Honoka laid along her horse's back, minimizing her profile. Erena had probably found cover in the chaos, ducking back into the trees, probably on foot, the better to scramble out on a branch and use her sniper skills.  Bullets were whining by everywhere. Honoka spotted Yukiho to her left with Director Minami by her side. They were returning fire, while pushing the scattered bandits toward the central wreckage of the wagon. Honoka rode to Yukiho's other side.
"Glad to see you."
"Hey, sis. You sure do know how to send a signal."
"There's a sniper somewhere. She'll probably be after me."
"Get cover. Now." Director Minami ordered.
"You're a big target, sis."
A bullet tore through Honoka's hat.
"Darn it."
Yukiho leaned over and pushed Honoka in the direction of the closest cover, "Just go."
Honoka chivvied her horse, hurrying to reach a less exposed location.
Eli hadn't seen Nozomi in a couple of hours. Time to tip up her hat, lean back, and lose a few hands to ease her absence from the table.
Pair of fives. Not a great hand. She let herself frown and pushed a dollar chip forward.
"I'll take three."
Dealer obliged. Eli stared at her full house, keeping the frown. Raises went around the table, gamblers eager to get some of their stash back. Eli was about to oblige them. 5 to her. "I'll see your 5 and raise you…" hesitate, bite lip, give off hurried air, "two."
"You're bluffing. I'm in."
Neither of her remaining rivals raised so when it came back to Eli she laid out her initial pair.
The pale man next to her snorted, "That the best you got? Flush." He laid 5 clubs on the table. "They might not be pretty but they get the job done, Miss Russian."
Eli knew he'd slipped the ace of clubs out of his worn sleeve. Once upon a time, she would have shot a hole in his hat and slit his cuffs. Now she sighed, an envious smile at his good fortune.
"Da, ya got me. Time for a dinner break." Eli pushed back from the table, making sure to swivel her hip so her pistol hit the table, to discourage anyone from joining her.
A boom. The train rocked. Nozomi. Where was Nozomi? Eli shoved through to the aisle and started running. She pulled up when she saw Umi, both hands raised to block her.
"Where's Nozomi?"
"I sent her to get the horses. We've got to stop the train."
"Why? The explosion was behind us."
"Honoka will be out there, alone. We have to hurry."
"UMI!" Kototi skittered around Eli, going straight for Umi, throwing her arms around the sheriff's waistcoat.
"Kotori, let me breathe."
Eli shook her head. "You stop the train. You have the badge. I'm going to help Nozomi."
Umi considered. "All right. Bring the horses to the locomotive. There's at least two bandits. Nozomi knows who they are."
Nozomi with two bandits. Eli didn't wait to listen to anything else Umi said.
Nozomi held the shotgun almost lazily. But anyone who could read people would have been warned by the narrowing of her eyes. The bandits misread the situation, choosing threats.
"I gave you your cigs. Let us through."
"You're not taking any horses."
"It's two to one. How are you going to stop us."
"Easy. I'm gonna let you go." Nozomi cocked the gun, raising it to her chest. "Just step off the train and I won't follow."
"You won't follow. Like we're supposed to be scared."
A smile. Cold. "That's the best offer you'll get on this train. I'd take it if I were you."
"NOZOMI!" could be heard from behind the door. Then before anyone could react, Eli broke through, reading the situation in an instant and tackling the bandit who had their gun on Nozomi. Knee on their chest, Eli had her pistol out and pointed at the bandit's face, "You're under arrest."
Nozomi had stepped closer to the other bandit, rifle cocked, pointed at their temple. "Drop your gun."
Metal hit the ground. Nozomi kicked it away. "I told you that was the easy way."
"I'm fine, Eli."
"Thank God."
"Where's Umi?"
"Stopping the train." Eli looked Nozomi over and seeing no wounds, relaxed. "You'd better get the guards. We'll have to restrain these two and leave 'em."
"Just let me cuff this one so she can't cause you any trouble." With a strength that surprised her captive, Nozomi had her wrists chained around a post in under a minute. "I'll be right back." Nozomi winked, "Don't have too much fun without me."
Nozomi laughed, "Sorry." She kissed the top of Eli's head. "I won't be long, love."
Once Nozomi was gone, Eli growled and casually connected the bandit's head to the floor of the train as she adjusted her hold on their shirt collar. They swallowed back their complaint when they read the murder lurking in blue eyes.
"Stay still."
The engine room was hot and crowded, impatience thick in the air.
"Stop the train." Umi demanded.
"I can't."
Unlike the train, Umi had no intention of stopping. "Are you the engineer? Is this train equipped with air brakes?"
Umi moved closer to the controls. "Which of these activates them?"
The grizzled engineer pushed back, "You don't know what you're doing. There are bandits out there."
"And I am here to help stop them. Pull the brake."
The engineer glanced to his partner, who started to reach for something to use as a weapon.
Umi pulled out her badge, "Sheriff Umi Sonoda, working with the Federal Marshals. There are two bandits on this train. My colleagues have probably transferred custody to your railroad police."
"Why didn't railroad security warn us?"
"We set a trap for the A-Rise gang. Only the actively involved law enforcement officers knew."
A chin scratch. An easing of the engineer's posture. Kotori stepped forward, "Please listen to Umi, sir. We're needed. And we need your help."
Umi had never witnessed anyone turn down Kotori. This engineer would not start a new trend. He reached for a lever, then hesitated. "Does it have to be a full stop?"
"We need our horses."
He nodded, then turned to his younger colleague, "Better get up there, Jimmy."
"Yup." And the brakeman headed for the roof of the car next in line.
"Thank you." Umi's sincerity eased the mood.
"Just nail those bastards to a tree. I lost good friends in a raid last year."
"We will do our best."
A shared glance, a nod, and the train shuddered to a stop.
Erena hadn't been able to resist a shot at Kousaka, that traitor. Marshals were everywhere, circling her team, herding them, disarming them, now about to set up a perimenter. She could see Anju's ginger hair, bent over Tsubasa, thrown several yards from the wreckage. Maybe Tsubasa was still alive…Honoka hadn't had the grit to do her job thoroughly. Erena spotted two marshals heading in her direction. She'd have to flee, gather whoever she could find, and get set up in a hideout for winter. A chance to rescue her friends might come but only if she escaped. Walking her horse quietly through the trees, she hurried to reach a spot out of the sight of the marshals so she could mount up.
Maki had switched to automatic mode, her muscles urging the horse faster, her mind racing through most likely injuries due to explosives. Unless someone had made rudimentary triage efforts, Maki was in a desperate race against blood loss. She could smell the acrid smoke and blood and gunpowder. Must be close. Ahead of her, a rider directed their horse across the trail Maki was on. She pulled up Midnight, angry.
"Get out of my way. I'm a doctor. People might be dying."
"No one is getting through. We have it under control."
"Are there injuries? I can help. Don't be stupid."
Maki heard horses behind her. Nico. And Rin. Rin would get her through. She urged Midnight into a turn.
"Rin. Tell them I'm a doctor."
Rin was out of breath and holding her badge in front of her, "Let her through. Is Honoka okay?"
"Hoshizora! Good to see you. We were afraid you might be…"
Rin glanced over her shoulder to Hanayo. "I'm fine. Let Maki through."
Maki pushed Midnight to a trot.
"I'm with her. Don't try to stop me." Nico's voice snapped from next to her.
This was better. Maki could make a difference now. And Nico, Rin, and Hanayo had her back.
Maki could read an accident or battle scene automatically. Bustles of activity, lines of fighters or rescuers, riderless horses moving in dangerously erratic patterns. Her eyes were drawn to oases of quiet, the almost hidden patches where silence and blood mingled, tears often in the mix. About fifteen feet from the still burning wagon, Maki saw a stillness and dismounting, she grabbed her waxed canvas roll from the saddle and headed for her first patient, not paying attention to warning shouts or passing bullets. Nico cursed, grabbed several blankets, and jumped down, grabbing Midnight's reins, tossing them at Rin and Hanayo.
"Tie the horses somewhere safe. I'm going after Maki."
Hanayo gulped, but nodded with more confidence than she felt. Horses were a problem she could manage.
"You got this Kayo-chin. I'm gonna find Honoka."
"Be careful, Rin."
Rin cheerfully saluted and searched for a fellow Marshal, Sugar calmly following Rin's lead. Hanayo dismounted, patting Cream, "We'll be fine, girl. Let's see where we can wait." Cream's lead rope in one hand and Midnight and Rose's in the other, Hanayo headed for the treeline.
Anju hissed as Maki shoved past her to kneel next to an unconscious Tsubasa.
"Get away from her."
"I'm a doctor. Be quiet."
A rough hand on Anju's shoulder pulled her away from Tsubasa and Maki. Nico had her gun and knife confiscated in less than a minute.
"Tsubasa's gonna…"
"Tsubasa's lucky to be alive. How come you're not in cuffs?"
Anju shrugged. Nico figured the marshals hadn't registered her as a threat. And with Tsubasa wounded, maybe she wasn't. Nico wouldn't be taking any chances. Not with Maki completely absorbed in examining the patient.
"Where's Erena? Is she in custody."
Anju didn't respond, watching Maki's face for any clue as to Tsubasa's condition.
Maki had her kit unrolled. "Is there any hot water?"
"Take these blankets." Nico shoved them past Anju. "I'll start a fire."
"Is she dying?" Anju whined.
Maki tucked a wool blanket around Tsubasa, using a second as a pillow, gently moving Tsubasa's head with the smallest motions. "You did well stopping the bleeding." Maki glanced to the wagon, the fire almost burnt out. "She's far enough from the blast zone that we might not be dealing with internal injuries. But these lacerations," Maki pointed at Tsubaba's forehead, "indicate she hit her head, as does her unconscious state."
"What does that mean?"
Nico was half listening as she gathered kindling and larger sticks, stacked them, and ignited her tinder.
"Probable concussion. No way to know how bad the damage is until she regains consciousness."
"Can't you do something?"
Ignoring her frantic audience, Maki had her stethoscope earpieces in, the bell on Tsubasa's chest.
"What's happening? Is she breathing?" Anju pressed, panic rising.
"Leave Maki alone. She's a good doctor. She'll save Tsubasa if she can. She saved Nico." Nico grabbed Anju, pulling her to her feet. "Help Nico find something to heat water in."
"I want to stay."
"We're going." Nico had left her rifle in its saddle holster but she had her pistol. Drawing it got Anju's attention and agreement.
Chaos. Honoka had lost her horse somewhere and knocked out, cuffed, or tied up so many members of the A-Rise gang she'd lost count. Her feet were sore, every time she went to rub her eyes the sight of her soot blackened hands stopped her. She needed water and a break. Where had Yukiho gone?
Umi? Honoka spun, suddenly lighter. Umi, hat flying off her head, was running toward her, Kotori right behind. They were here. They were safe. Umi's strong arms wrapped around her, Kotori's tears dropping onto both their shoulders.
"Honoka." Kotori sobbed.
Honoka felt strong enough to pick them both up but she knew that was just adrenaline surging at the touch of her lovers.
"You're all right." Kotori's hand was on Honoka's cheek, golden eyes searching for wounds.
Honoka grinned, shaking herself, "I need a bath but I'm fine, Kotori. How did you get here?"
"We heard the explosion. Captured the two bandits on the train, turned them over to the railroad police. Then stopped the train and got off." Umi held Honoka close for a long minute, then stepped back. Honoka grabbed her hand.
"You're not getting away."
"Can we help?"
"Kotori's mom's in charge."
"Yeah. I didn't know if you'd make it so I took a chance and snuck out and telegramed Yukiho. She and Kotori's mom brought a bunch of marshals."
"I am very glad you were not facing A-Rise alone."
"Me too. Especially after I set off the explosion."
"You did what?"
"I couldn't let them get to the train. I knew you were on it."
"Honoka." Kotori's voice was soft.
"Honoka." Umi's was accusatory.
"I'm fine."
"You're lucky."
"Lucky to have the two of you." Honoka wrapped her arms around their shoulders. "Let's find Kotori's mom. I need some grub."
"And we can assist ongoing efforts."
"That's my Umi." Honoka laughed, "Did you two have any fun at all while I was gone, Kotori?"
Kotori started to tear up.
Honoka felt panic for the first time that day and rushed into an apology. "I'm sorry, Kotori. Don't cry. I'm fine. I'm coming home. Please don't cry."
Umi had almost chucked Honoka on the back of the head but restrained. "Then resist the urge to ask disturbing questions."
"C'mon, let's go."
"Lead the way." Umi's heart eased as her stride matched Honoka's. On a parallel course, Kotori between them, reunited, all safe, their love solid. They had built a home and family on this foundation.
Eli finished shaking a marshal's hand as she turned over three members of the bandits to the authorities. A special locomotive with two rail cars was coming from Denver with additional marshals and railroad police to pick up the captured gang members.
"You look tired, Elichi." Nozomi swung in, sliding her arms around Eli's waist.
"I am. Had to ride those three down."
"Where's your horse?"
Eli pointed vaguely north, "Left it with one of the marshals. Have you seen Umi?"
"She and Kotori found Honoka and went to talk to Kotori's mom. She's the retired Deputy Director Of The Marshals."
"I know."
Nozomi giggled, "Spent some time in her office?"
Eli shrugged. "Let's just say, I'm sure she'd be a bit too interested in anything I've been up to."
"But you're a blacksmith now. And a stalwart of the community. Umi relies on you."
There was something in Eli's eyes, something hidden, something haunted. There had been too much crossover with her old life these past few days. Eli loosened the bandana around her neck. "Is there any food around for a hungry rider?"
"Actually, Hanayo's got a nice little set up."
Eli smiled at that, "She's probably got rice cooking in at least two pots."
"Good guess."
Eli shifted her gun belt, "It'll be a nice touch of home."
Nico had left Anju with Umi and taken on the job of gathering the horses that were milling around riderless. She found a small clearing and put one of the younger marshals in charge. As she gathered more mounts, Maki's near constant movement was a distraction, the doctor stomping through camp, triaging the wounded, dealing with the most dire cases first. Nico finally had to focus on her own task and leave Maki to hers. Several A-Rise members had been close to the explosion; Maki setting a few fractures, cleaning and stitching wounds, stabilizing patients for transport and administering painkillers. Tsubasa remained unconscious so she was carefully moved to the area where the wounded were being prepared to be transferred onto the train.
"Nico!!!" Rin's voice rang out, distracting Nico from the feedbags she was putting over horses' noses.
"Something happen?" Nico asked.
"You got to come eat. Kayo-chin's made curry. She sent me to get you and Maki."
"Have you seen Maki?"
Rin shook her head. "Nope. Haven't been everywhere yet."
"Nico will look. Take over here."
"Sure." Rin grabbed the feedbag, petting the horse's blaze, "Hey, buddy."
Nico went back into the main area, now much more organized. She didn't immediately see a redhead. She did hear Honoka.
"Umi, you've got to convince her. There'll be a doctor on the train. She looks so exhausted."
Nico pivoted, heading for Honoka's voice.
"NICO!!! You're alive!" Honoka rushed Nico, lifting her off the ground. "I'm so glad to see you."
"Nico's glad too. Now what were you saying about Maki?"
"She's sleepwalking, can't keep her eyes open."
"Where is she?"
Honoka pointed to the left, "She was heading for the wagon last I spotted her."
Nico touched Umi's forearn, "I'll get her to take a break."
Umi nodded, "I think you could. Honoka and I need to go over some details with Director Minami. Will you be going on to Denver?"
Nico hesitated. She'd planned to go, to testify, then head further south to see her family. But the memory of the last time she'd seen Maki kept revisiting, the doctor bent with exhaustion, her steps a forced, weary shuffle, not a confident stride.
"Do you need Nico to testify in court?"
Honoka and Umi shared a glance, "We can take a sworn statement from you, say it's to keep you safe and anonymous."
"Erena's still out there." Nico muttered.
"She'll be more focused on Tsubasa." Honoka drew a line with her heel, "And me."
"Erena saw me. And Tsubasa knows where my family lives."
"Don't worry about it, Nico. The marshals will take care of your family. And the gang is probably done for the winter, if not longer. Maki's not sure how much brain damage Tsubasa might have suffered. She was awfully close to the explosion."
"You saved lives Honoka." Umi said softly.
"I know but…"
Nico decided not to third wheel. She had an emotional crisis of her own to resolve. "I'll find Maki; you find Kotori."
"Thanks, Nico. You're good people. We won't forget that."
Honoka held out her hand. Nico shook it, surprised at the relief Honoka's simple words allowed her.
Maki had to sit. No one thinking sensibly would pick the still warm, burnt out husk of an exploded wagon but Maki was cold, the wagon still had enough sturdiness that she could lean back against it, and at the angle she chose, it protected her from the sight of most of the camp.
She closed her eyes, leaning forward into her knees, her head resting on her arms. The noises had quietened. No shots, no shouts, just distant movement, conversation, things and people being dragged, horses snorting their opinions and requests at any passerbys. She could hear friends, sometimes a voice almost familiar spoke her name, but Maki just drew further into her shell. She had no intention of replying. She did not wish to be found. She'd done good work, saved lives, saved limbs, but after, there came the heaviness, the words trapped in her chest, the energy it took to even listen to a question. She had none for responses.
Boots in front of her. Maki glanced up. It was too dark to see the expression on Nico's face.
"Brought you some food." Nico crouched to hand Maki a tin cup full of what smelled like curry. "Not as good as Nico's but it'll warm you up."
Maki inhaled. Warm. Spices smelled good. Curry over rice; Hanayo had obviously taken over the campfire for the dinner shift.
"Nico's been rounding up the horses, feeding them."
Maki snorted. Maybe Nico should have brought her dinner in a feedbag.
"C'mon, eat." Nico tapped Maki's cup, "Nico's been watching you. You haven't had a break."
Maki forced a spoonful of curry into her mouth, the spicy warmth stimulating saliva and hunger. The cup was gone in less than ten bites.
"Here's a hunk of biscuit."
Maki wiped up the last of the curry.
Nico nodded, and sat herself next to Maki. "So is this a good spot for stargazing?"
Maki chewed. Nico was leaving. She was here to say goodbye. Maki had been listening for the train ever since Honoka had announced its existence late in the afternoon. Surely tired was what was prickling the corner of her eyes with tears, not this last small moment with Nico.
"Nico has some cookies left when we get back to our horses."
"I don't want cookies."
"Of course you want Nico's cookies. You love them, your daughters love them, Nico…"
"Stop." Maki could hear the train now. "You'd better get going. The train's nearly here."
Nico's eyes had adjusted to the low light. She could read the unhappiness in Maki's expression and turned the Doctor toward her, one hand sweeping up Maki's cheek.
"Don't cry."
"Too tired for this. Leave me alone." Maki growled.
"Lean on Nico."
"You're leaving." An accusation?
No response. Nico seemed to be blinking, biting her lip, thinking. Thinking was a rare look for Nico, Maki realized. Moments of honesty and scheming flashed across Nico's face with a rapidity that made any singular mood difficult to catch. Maki could feel Nico's fingers though, a gentle warmth against her cheek.
"Nico can't leave you."
"I am very capable…"
A brusque, bold press against her lips derailed Maki's argument, stealing her breath.
Another kiss.
"Wait. Please?"
Nico didn't pull back. Maki could still feel her breath against her lips but that was the only pressure. Nico was kneeling, one hand tangled in Maki's hair, the other sliding behind her neck.
"What about your family?" Maki's heart was racing so fast, Nico was so near, practically sitting in her lap.
"Mama will understand." Nico sounded so calm.
"Huh?" How could there be anything calm about this moment?
"Mama" kiss "will" kiss "understand" kiss "Nico can't leave the smart, pretty, kind doctor and her smart, cute, kind daughters." Kiss. Kiss. Kiss.
Maki's eyelids were fluttering, her exhales were three times as fast as she could take in air, Nico's weight everywhere, the sounds and their surroundings starting to swirl…her fingers gripped Nico's back, pulling her in, holding her tightly, Maki's face hidden in Nico's shoulder while she willed her breaths to slow, her face fever hot.
Nico sat back. There was space. A break of contact. Maki opened her eyes. Cool. Stars. Nico's smile.
"You're staying? Really?" More prickles as tears dropped to cool the fever of her cheeks.
"Nico is right here." Kiss. Again.
Maki sagged, everything that had happened that day a weight of weary that she had expected to carry alone.
Nico deftly altered their position, adjusting so Maki could lean against her shoulder, Nico's arm keeping her close. There was a whisper, both a promise and a demand.
"Nico is taking care of you now, Maki. Get used to it."
So bold. so silly. So presumptuous. So strong. So warm. Maki had no idea how any of this had happened. Or how Nico had managed to wrap a blanket around them.
The locomotive announced its arrival with a whistle. Maki tensed.
"Right by your side. Not going anywhere without you." Nico pulled her closer, Maki relaxing enough to yawn. "Time to rest, Maki."
Questions and conversations would wait. And that first star Maki just noticed could keep tonight's wish. If you could photograph a feeling, Maki would make a print of this moment, right now, to remember this dizzying, intoxicating sensation as the world tilted Nico-ward and Nico caught her.
It's been so difficult to get the characters to cooperate. Or maybe I was the difficult one, considering paths that characters would never take. But I like how this arc wrapped up. I'm planning to eventually continue the story using some of this year's Yeehawgust prompts. Thanks for reading!
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jayyloyal · 4 months
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leune · 3 days
"If I'm not me..."
Kim Namjoon × Female OC
Part 11 & 12
Warning: Mentions Self Exit
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Part 11
3 months later
“Joonie, should we really be walking this far from the pack?”
Namjoon smiled, pleased with her comfort within the pack, “I've been wanting to show you somewhere meaningful to me, but since my business took off in the human world, I haven’t had time to bring you.”
Anrea nodded, “I know, but I’m so far along.” She held her belly as Namjoon helped her over a small log. He smiled, “It’s okay, I’ll be able to get you back or call for someone.” She huffed and continued to let her alpha lead her through the foliage, rubbing her belly to soothe her fighting kids.
She found out last week that she’s having three pups. She blamed Namjoon because he knotted her 2 more times. Once because he didn't want to pull out and the other because he was rutting.
Stupid alpha.
She huffed again and said, stupid alpha, turned to her, giggling before sweeping her off her feet. “Aish!” She grabbed her head, “Doofus.” Namjoon chuckled and let her rest her light headed head against his shoulder.
They walked upon a field of tiger lilies.
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“When my mother was alive, she brought me here so I could shift, since shifting was forbidden in the house.” Namjoon chuckled as he stepped into the lilies, setting Anrea down to walk behind him. In awe at the gorgeous orange flowers, she followed him as he tugged her toward an opening in the treeline.
At the clearing was a cliff, it looked down upon the forest, a river flowing underneath. “She jumped from here, when she found out my father was cheating.”
Anrea gasped, caressing her stomach and holding his hand tighter. “She lived a good life. Things seemed to get easy for me though. Decisions were made easily: My father was kicked out of the pack and decided to remain human. I was supposed to follow him, but I loved our pack and I refused to leave. So I became pack alpha.”
Anrea smiled and nodded, tugging his arm to show she wanted to sit down. They sat down, their legs crossed as they continued speaking, until Namjoon brought up her family.
“Well, my dad was a CEO jerk. He was the head of an international company and we moved around a lot. My mom passed as soon as her water broke and my father was quick to claim me. I was raised by my nanny and disciplined by my father. Discipline was for anything he didn’t like, bad grades, speaking out of turn, not listening, anytime I whined for anything.”
“I grew up to fear men… Of course that was before I met you. When I met you I was already living on my own and had a job lined up for me from the woman my father befriended. He was abusive toward her as well, but when she walked out of my life she told me I could come to her for anything.” She smiled fondly.
“I’ll steal your dad’s company once I take my spot at my company."
Namjoon looked over the forest beyond the cliff. "I thought of a company. My friend’s father liked the idea and said he would run it until I wanted to take over. We both have the same last name and his son is one of my closest friends.” Anrea nodded, holding her stomach.
“Noona, are you okay? You seem to be holding yourself alot.” She grunted, “They seem a little heavy. Rami, Anju and Rim, stop putting pressure on your mom.” She grumbled but the kids went even more crazy, kicking and squirming.
“Joon- ” She gasped, grabbing her stomach more, “Th- They're coming!” He gasped in return and went to pick her up, “No! They’re coming now!” She grunted, her scent bursting into the air as her water broke.
She immediately began to push. Namjoon panicked, screamed and went to tug her dress to her knees. “Joon!” She groaned. He yelped and grabbed his phone.
“SUGA! SHE'S GOING INTO LABOR! HELP ME!” He screamed into his phone but Anrea grabbed him, “Stop, screaming, you’re scaring the babies.” He pouted with wide eyes. “But I’m scared too…” He said looking between her legs, “ARGH! JOON!” She screamed as she pushed again.
“Move over, Ignoramus.”
Namjoon gasped and hopped to Anrea’s side for her to grab his hand. Yoongi hovered over her belly, rubbing it, “Hush~” Yoongi smiled as her pants of pain and the squiring of children stopped.
“There we go. Little ones, 1, 2, and 3. Come to Uncle Yoongi.” Anrea grunted, pushing as she felt the push of her children wanting to come out.
Yoongi reached down and the first one came out, a silent baby, but its fingers were already wrapping around Yoongi’s finger. “Let me go, cutie.” He waved a hand and 3 small blankets popped up in the grass, next to a tub of warm water.
He magically cut the umbilical cord, “Joon, come wash the child.” Namjoon scrambled over, “Rami~” He whispered in awe, just knowing the quiet one was going to be his eldest son, Rami.
“Number 2, where are you?!” SUGA hummed, reaching down for the second child. With a scream, Anrea pushed out another. Namjoon laid a clean Rami on the blanket next to him, wrapping the baby, grabbing the next after SUGA cut the cord. A little girl.
He smiled and began to bathe her as well. “Number 3, stop fighting against me!” SUGA yelled, the baby finally stopped kicking Anrea and with a grunt, his head was poking out. “Come on.” SUGA grunted.
Namjoon looked up from wrapping Anju. “Rim!” The baby suddenly stilled and Anrea was finally able to push the child out. She gasped for air, SUGA pointed at her and placed Rim in the bathtub as he was screaming his head off.
“Oh, hush!” SUGA agitatedly squeaked, snapping his fingers. Three pacifiers appeared, separately colored with a sloshing liquid in the nipple. Rim sucked on his pacifier as SUGA bathed him, wrapping him in his blanket. He looked at the others and huffed, “Sorry, hyung, I’ll learn to swaddle better.” Yoongi snapped his fingers and the blankets unwrapped themselves before swaddling the babies.
Anrea groaned, “I’ve been working on a pain potion, would you like to try it? The only side effect is drowsiness.” Anrea nodded and practically inhaled the potion when it appeared near her mouth. Namjoon chuckled and ran a hand through her hair, “I love you so much, Noona.” Anrea smiled and kissed him deeply, “I love you too, Joonie. Can I see the babies?” SUGA hummed and snapped, the tub disappearing and the babies floating over to their mom.
She smiled, “Rami~” She said, rubbing the head of the baby with a pale blue pacifier in its mouth. “Rim~” A pale green pacifier sat in his mouth. “And Anju.” The baby garbled around her pale pink pacifier as she rubbed its hair. She smiled and held them all, “Can we go home, I feel dirt- ” Her head slowly lolled back and she fell asleep with a tight grip on the babies.
“We can get there, lay her down.” SUGA said, kneeling next to them and touching their shoulders before disappearing with them.
Oblivious to the set of sad eyes watching nearby.
Part 12
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The muffled sound of the storm raging outside bright blood to Anrea as she slowly inhaled the scents of her children, who smelled like a mix of pine, rain and tiger lilies.
“That’s your scent too, you know?”
She grumbled and Namjoon chuckled, “Look.” She slowly opened her eyes and noticed the three bundles between them. “Rim seems to be the troublemaker, already fighting sleep at a day old.” He chuckled. Anrea chuckled but frowned, “Joon.” He looked at her, “What's wrong?” She sighed, “I only have a month, I can feel it.”
He frowned, his scent souring a bit. “It’s okay love. I’ll love only you for the rest of our lives.” Anrea shook her head. “I love you just as much… But when you smell my scent, chase me. I’ll come back. I know I will. I might not look the same in any way, but I promise, I’ll come back…”
“If you promise to still chase me.”
“I promise.”
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bleachanimefan1 · 3 months
The Forgotten Promise Part 8
The Giants,
"Were you able to recover your precious item from that imp?" The Happy Mask Salesman asked until he saw the ocarina in Link's hand. "Oh! Oh! Ohhh! You got it! You got it! You got it!" He shook Link happily before releasing him. Link dropped to the floor and the salesman walked over to an organ that mysteriously appeared in the room.
"Then listen to me. Please play this song that I am about to perform and remember it well." He said and he sat down and he began to play a melody on the keys from the organ. Link followed the Happy Mask Salesman's notes to, the Song of Healing, and played on his ocarina. Suddenly, a bright light filled the room engulfing Link. As it disappeared, the Deku mask fell off from Link's face and plopped on the ground and Link returned back to his normal form, now armed with his sword and shield.
"It worked!" Talea said surprised. Link sighed in relief. The Happy Mask Salesman stood up and walked over to the two.
"This is a melody that heals evil magic and troubled spirits, turning them into masks. I am sure it will be of assistance in the future. I will give you that mask as a commemoration of this day. Fear not, for the magic has been sealed inside the mask. When you wear it, you will transform into the shape you just were. When you remove it, you will return to normal. Now, I have fulfilled my promise to you..." The Happy Mask Salesman smiled and held out his hand. "So please, give me that which you promised me."
Link hesitated. "Uh, you see, I didn't have a chance to..."
"Don't tell me...My mask. You did...get it back. Didn't you?" Before Link or Talea could speak, they saw the grin from the Happy Mask Salesman drop a little and his eyes turned angry. He picked Link up from the ground and began to strangle him, violently shaking Link in the air.
"What have you done to me!!!" He shouted, furiously, and dropped Link roughly. Link fell to the ground and Talea, helped him up. They saw the Mask Salesman shaking his head, gripping his hair tightly, almost ripping it out. "I told you before, if you leave my mask out there, something terrible will happen!"
"We tried to!" Talea shouted at him. "There was so much happening at once! We were under a lot of pressure at the moment, considering the moon was falling down on us! And why do you want that mask so badly, anyway? Why not just destroy it?" Talea asked him.
"I went to such great lengths to get that legendary mask. When I finally had it...I could sense the doom of a dark omen brewing. It was that unwelcome feeling that makes your hair stand on the end." The Happy Mask Salesman continued to on, ignoring Talea's question. "And now that imp has it..."
"I promise that I will get it back and I will." Link told him.
"Really? You'll do it for me? I was certain you would tell me that." The Happy Mask Salesman smiled. "Believe in your strengths and you'll be fine."
Talea and Link quickly left the tower, stepping outside to find themselves in the town again.
"Okay, so what do we do now?" Talea asked Link.
"Skull Kid's just going to drop the moon on us if we go back up there. If there was a way to stop it..." Link murmured, softly, thinking.
"Hey, guys! My brother! He said something earlier...Four people, Swamp, Sea, Mountains, Canyon. I wonder what he meant by that." Tatl spoke.
"The people here seem to know a lot about Skull Kid. Maybe we can get some more information." Talea said.
"I think I know where to start." Link said and started to walk away. Talea and Tatl followed him wondering where Link was going.
"Really? Who?" Talea asked.
"When I was being chased by that dog, a woman chased it off and helped me. She and her family own an Inn." Link replied. He led them to the Stock Pot Inn and the three walked inside the house. Anju was standing by the waiting desk and noticed them and smiled.
"Hello, if you're looking to stay for the night. I'm sorry, we're booked at the moment because of the carnival." She told them.
"Hi, Anju." Link smiled, walking over her. Anju blinked, looking at Link confused.
"Do we know each other?"
Link realized that Anju didn't recognize him. He wasn't a Deku scrub anymore and they went back in time. They never met. Anju doesn't remember.
"Sorry for the rush but I really need to talk to your grandmother." Link told her.
"Granny? Okay, sure. But her stories usually put everyone to sleep because they're so long. She's in her room. I'm about to bring her breakfast." Anju told them. Link and Talea quickly headed over to Anju's grandmother's room, while Anju went into the kitchen to get started on the food. As the two walked into the room, they saw Anju's grandmother sitting in her rocking chair.
"Oh, Tortus. I wasn't expecting you back so soon!" 
"We're kind of in a hurry, Granny. Could you tell us about Skull Kid?" Link asked.
"The Four Giants are the guardian gods and creators of Termina. The people all lived together, and the giants lived with them as they protected them. On the day of the harvest festival, where the people wore masks of the Giants to honor them, the Four Giants told the people that they shall continue to protect the people in their slumber. They then departed from the location where the Clock Tower was built, each walking 100 steps in each of the directions where they slept. They told the people that if they had need of them, to loudly call and declare their plight, so that their voice may carry to the sleeping giants. 
One person was very shocked and sad that the Giants had chosen to sleep. That person was a little imp, the Skull Kid, who had been friends with the giants since before they created the four worlds. Feeling neglected, the Skull Kid was angry and repeatedly wronged the people. Eventually, they had enough and called out to the Giants. They awoke and confronted the Skull Kid, roaring out that if he does not stop hurting the people, they would rip him apart. The Skull Kid left and returned to the heavens, sad that he had lost his old friends." Anju's grandmother finished.
"So, Skull Kid was friends with these giants. I guess I can't blame him for acting the way he is. They just left him." Talea replied. She couldn't help but feel bad for Skull Kid. He must have been so lonely.
"Let's go find these giants. The swamp is the closest so let's start there." Tatl spoke.
"Maybe we should be prepared for this trip. Let's go get some supplies." Talea said.
"And how are we going to pay? I'm broke." Link answered.
"I actually have some rupees stashed at the bank. When my grandmother passed away, she left a little for me." Talea said.
"I'm sorry to hear about your grandmother." Link said.
"It's okay. It happens. There's nothing that you can do." Talea replied.
Link and Talea went to the bank and withdrawn some rupees and headed to the shops to buy some supplies for the journey. Link was browsing around at the weapons and bombs and Talea saw a bow and some arrows that were on sale. She bought them and the two headed out, heading towards the swamp. They saw a large log in the distance as they got closer. Tatl suddenly stopped in front of a tree that had a carving on it and Link and Talea noticed. It was a drawing of Skull Kid and Tatl and Tael.
"Is there something wrong?" Talea asked.
"This is where my brother and I first met Skull Kid. It was raining and we took shelter underneath this log. We weren't alone. Skull Kid, shivering from the cold, had taken shelter as well. We huddled together to stay warm. From then on, it was just the three of us."
"We'll make things right again." Link told her and they left, heading to the swamp.
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ramayantika · 1 year
Usha Lakshmi Gargi Ratri Saraswati Rati
It's 9am. I am at my father's place for my Godh bharai ceremony, now widely referred to as baby shower parties. I still prefer to use Godh bharai instead of baby shower. Godh bharai means to fill the lap of the mother-to-be with abundance. She is gifted with sarees, jewellery fruits, baby toys, baby clothes and lots of blessings for the upcoming newborn.
I am standing in front of the mirror. This is the same mirror where my mother used to get ready for school. She was a teacher. This is the same mirror where she used to tie my plaits for school, and this was the same mirror where I pretended to be a 90s bollywood heroine in my teens. This is the same mirror where I got ready for one last time before leaving my parents house as a bride. Now, I am back here as an expectant mother.
Maa passed away two years ago. After I got married, she would constantly pester me with questions about her future grandchildren though in a teasing and light hearted way. She was the first one who advised me to have kids when my husband and I felt ready for it instead of giving in to pressure and conceiving right away.
But look how fate played its move. My mother passed away and I couldn't even give her the happy news. Sometimes I wish I had conceived early so my mother could have seen her grandchildren. She could be with me and witness the journey of my motherhood. But she isn't alive. Maybe she is around me, and her energy still exists around my house, around this mirror, but she isn't standing here in flesh and blood. She will never touch my pregnant stomach and feel this little one's kicks. She can't compliment my pregnancy glow on my face.
I have a lovely mother-in-law. She has treated me like the daughter she never had. She has taken care of me all this while. I remember her excited little jump in the living room when I broke the news that I am pregnant. She hugged me tight and touched my flat stomach and clearly instructed, "No more moving around much. Whatever you need, whatever weirdest strangest craving you get, you will call my son, and if that idiot makes a face, immediately call for me!"
Baba was ecstatic on getting to know that he was going to be a grandfather. He wished me well, but just before ending the call, he said, "I wish your mother was here too. She would have been so happy to see her little girl be a mother." That day, I had shed a few tears while looking at my mother's photograph.
"Beta, are you ready? Pandit ji has arrived," Baba says, standing at the doorway. His eyes for a brief moment drift down at my heavy seven month stomach. I smile and say, "Baba, chill. I am carrying your grandson. You don't have to be this awkward."
He laughs and scratches his head. "Yes, I get it. Now, come down." He lends his arm and looks at me. I hear him slowly mutter under his breath. "Kash Anju hoti..." Anjana, my mother.
Everybody stop their chitter chatter and fix their gaze on me. My friends and cousin sisters, clear up the sofa and make space for me to sit. My eyes move to my husband who is staring at me just the way he saw me during our first date. Damn, am I looking this beautiful even now? He quickly comes near me and kisses my cheek, whispering, "You look lovely, meri jaan. I hope this little munchkin did not trouble you inside."
Giggling quietly, I reply, "Not at all. No morning sickness today and no Ronaldo kicks to trouble this beautiful mummy."
I hear my father clear his throat which makes my husband jerk away from me causing me to breakdown into laughter again.
An hour has passed. Pandit ji got over with the puja. Everyone has started gifting me things the baby and me. My father-in-law gifted me a beautiful pink saree which I am hundred percent sure that this was mummy ji's choice. He also places a baby shirt on my lap. He wants a grandson, I have always known this.
Next, I see mummy ji come and place a fruit basket and a cute baby frock on my lap. Now, she never had her own daughter, so she wants a granddaughter. Baba joins next and gifts me a salwar suit and books for alphabets and numbers. He wants the child to be a genius. He then opens a bag, and looks at the package. It looks old -- maybe a year or two. His eyes fill with emotion, as he places them on my lap. "Your mother had bought it much before and had even gift-wrapped it. Maybe she knew..... Open it afterwards." He lovingly pats my head.
My friends and other older women whisper blessings and fun teasing rhymes for the baby. Some of my friends dance on bollywood songs for a while. The environment feels blissful. Absolutely perfect.
"Am I late to bless the new mother-to-be?" I hear a voice from behind. Turning back, I see a beautiful lady in a green kanjeevaram saree. Her hair was elegantly donned in a bun adorned with a gajra. She looked old like around mummy ji's age, but her face, her aura felt different. Something godly.
I look at everyone. Nobody looks at this new lady. They wave at me, but don't even bat an eyelid at the woman behind me as if she is invisible to them. Confused, I ask, "Auntie, I am very sorry. I can't recognize you. Mummy ji hasn't told me anything about you."
"Would you want a poetic introduction or a straightforward one?"
Mentally I responded to her question with huh???? I answered with a sheepish smile, "A straightforward one would be good for now."
The woman laughs and answers, "Straight to the point then. Devamata Aditi."
I was almost about to drop the saree I was holding in my hand. Stuttering, I ask, "Dev- devamata. The mother of the Gods. A-aditi. A goddess."
Devamata sits beside me, and holds my hands. Maternal warmth fuses in her touch. "Well, I also have to bless new mothers now. You all are bringing new souls to this mortal realm. It's a big job!"
I can feel my cranial nerves shortcircuit. I am dreaming right? Right? This can't be true! The hormones have messed up my head. I am seeing things which also explains why none of my family members nor the guests are seeing Aditi.
"Relax, my child. I am really Aditi, and you are perfectly same. Devamata can always cast her illusion around. Come on, my son Vishnu, your favourite God does it half of the time." She hugs me gently. I feel warm loving maternal energy surround me and around my unborn baby. It feels as if maa is here.
Devamata touches my chin and says, "I know you miss your mother. Her soul is eternal, and souls always come back. Stories go on."
She places a lovely green saree on my lap. The borders are embroidered with golden threads. The glitter on the saree looks like twinkling stars. A fabric stitched from the Universe itself!
"Blessings from a mother to another one. May your child be born with good health and be surrounded with infinite love and happiness, dear one." She pats my back just like my mother used to do whenever I had any important event. My eyes moisten at the corners in happiness.
"Thank you, Maa." I hug her tighter.
****** ******* ***** ********* ******** ****** ****
2 months later
"Ma'am please, one last push. You can do it. The baby needs just one last push." I hear the doctor's instructions, but I am too tired. The room feels dazed. My eyes are heavy. I just want to sleep.
A soft warm hand on my forehead draws me away from going into tired slumber. I blink and look at the person, thinking it to be one of the doctors on the team.
Only, it is not a doctor. It's the universal mother. My Devamata, Aditi.
Like a tired child, I mutter to her, "Maa, I can't do this anymore. I want to sleep on your lap. It's been hours, since I am here in labour. This is tiring."
Mata caresses my forehead which is probably drenched in sweat. I hear her speak, her voice soft, like a melodious lullaby.
"It's only a little effort, now, sweetheart. You are minutes away from bringing this little one to this world. The little one has to see you, its beautiful caring mother and a loving father. The child has to run around the house like little Krishna and dance like little Radha. Just one push, my love."
I shake my head. Gasping, I ask, "Can't you take care of it Mata? You are a goddess. Let me sleep, please. Get my baby out."
The goddess breathes and kisses the top of my head. "I can take care that the baby is born alive and healthy. The action has to be done solely by you. I am a goddess, but foremost a woman and we have been given enough strength to endure this pain of bringing another life into this world. You have nurtured this child in your womb for a while now. Don't you want to hold your baby? I promise, I will show you a cute little Vishnu as a toddler."
That brings some energy back to my body. "Do you promise me that?"
She nods and smiles. Maybe I am hallucinating, but I see a lone tear drip down her smile. I breathe deeply and gather all the remaining strength and push.
Darkness greets my vision, and I hear a faint murmur. "You did so well, dear one. I am so proud of you. Now, take some rest and see your darling god as a baby."
A large gate opens up leading me to a room. I am not travelling in my bodily form. Probably some astral projection or god knows what form I am in. I can't see my own body, but the sights around.
A sweet baby voice rings in my ears. I turn around and see a cradle kept in the corner of the room. Small dark hands with rosy palms hold the edges of the cradle. I walk near it, my heart pacing with excitement. As soon as I reach the cradle, my eyes land on a most beautiful baby, I have ever seen in my life.
Large doe eyes stare at me brimming with happiness and mischief. His eyes spark with recognition, and he giggles. Baby Vishnu stretches his little fingers, and holds my index finger.
I want to melt into a puddle. This is so cute. This means I will get to hold my baby and feel it touch my fingers too.
"Yes, darling." Devamata enters the room with a toddler running around her legs. "Now, are you happy to see your baby Vishnu?"
I jump around and touch Vishnu's cheeks. He laughs again, and I smile. I hear his baby voice say the word. "Sakhi......"
Devamata peers over the cradle, and gently rocks it. In a minute, Vishnu goes to sleep looking as adorable as ever.
"Mata, can I go back to my baby now?"
"Of course, putri."
I wake up energised. The first thing I see is my husband holding a small white bundle in his arms. His eyes are red with happy tears, and he whispers, "We have a daughter, and believe me or not, her eyes look just like maa." He hands over my daughter to me.
I look at the small baby girl. Her eyes meet mine, and I see a beautiful smile. I bring her close to my chest and kiss her tiny forehead.
She has my mother's eyes!
✿✼:*゚:.。..。.:*・゚゚・* ✿✼:*゚:.。..。.:*・゚゚・*
I have no idea how this is. I don't even know how Devamata came inside my head forget writing about preganancy and motherhood.
I am literally on my period today and here I am writing on giving birth to a baby.
Also I might have tweaked around the actual stories to make you all see and read about baby Vishnu. Besides Devamata would fulfill our desires too so yeah baby vishnu!!!
I am getting cramps or my stomach feels funny now so I will go sleep byeeee. 🌸💖
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que-de-metal · 10 months
🎇2023 Fanfic Favourites🎆
Hi guys! I wanted to share some recs before the year ends! I have an inspiration blog for sharing original art (@qululq), a personnal blog for sharing fan art (ask off anon for url if you want) , but fanfiction is harder to share since it's on a separate platform. So here's a round-up of some of my most beloved stuff I read this year (not all of it was published this year, some are older fics! I also only picked one fic by author but do check their other works <3)
Things that can be read without knowing a particular fandom:
benefit of broken hearts - Hilarious and sweet rom-com about immortality based on the song Beach House by Carly rae Jepsen
Something Else Woke Up Inside Me - Short horror story based on the visuals of Monster by Red Velvet. One of the coolest monster concepts!
At This Point, Don't Let Go - (gift for meeee) Experimental story about body swapping based on this Perfume MV.
Coffee Realists & Tea Dreamers - (another gift for me. technically read in 2022 but since the author reveals were this year i'm including it!) Short story with all original characters in the universe of Werewolf the Apocalypse. The eeriness of areas that toe the line between urban and rural.
Touhou fics (for this it was really hard to only do one fic by author lol):
Longing That Transcends Memory (by @freshlybakedspiderbread) - Various stories about love centered on Akyuu, based on the TH ship week prompts and exploring so many fun concepts and aspects of her character.
The Immortals (by @mimicteruyo) - Diary of Mokou long after the fall of Gensokyo, about eternity and the fates that befell a big cast of long-living Touhou characters.
Erin Yagokoro Says Nothing (by @yukareimu) - Pre-canon pre-Eientei TeruEri fic. I feel like saying too much would spoil it. It's short and brilliant so go see for yourself!
The Cicada Shell Diary (by @littlejustices) - LittleJustices strikes again with another amazing diary-format AkyuuRei fic. Really creative and elegant take on the ship.
Various other fandoms:
[LoZ: Majora's Mask] A World Reborn (by @theseventhsage) - A few days in Cremia's life after the world didn't end, with a focus on her unrequited love for Anju who reunited with Kafei.
[Tiger Tiger] Among the roses - Luck/Ludovica from the POV of an outsider noble as Ludo reappears in the public eye!
[Yellowjackets] An Unofficial Anthology of the Online Fandom for the Yellowjackets Tragedy (warning: doesn't work on mobile) - Fake internet pages from the Yellowjacket universe and its true crime community and Yellowjackets RPF writers. Super fun.
[early Dreamcatcher MV continuity] Room 808 - A short take on the events of the Chase Me MV. This was my intro to K-pop MV fanfics and to Dreamcatcher!
If you know the tumblr handle of one of the writers tell me so I can mention them. Likewise, if you're one of the writers and would like me to remove your fic/handle from the list tell me too!
I hope you find a fic that you love in there! What were your 2023 favourites? (I don't want to turn this into a tagging game but I'd love to see more recs <3)
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