leoreadss · 1 month
3D Artists, where are you?
Hi lovely people!
I've recently started to learn Blender and I AM IN LOOOOVE!
this in love
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I'm trying to collect as much info as possible on what kind of work to add to it. So please feel free to send me your portfolio, if you will, or want to share your favs.
I want to focus on the Environment part as I am a sucker for architecture.
Also, any book recommendations on the 3D world would be awesome.
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adragonsfriend · 13 days
Started reading “Making Money” one of the discworld books in Ankmorpork (second one I’ve read) and Lord Vetinari and Drumknot (idk how the names are spelled I have the audiobook) should fuck
No further comments
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wishdroplets · 4 years
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adolfo1111 · 7 years
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A Happy Hogswatch to all, and to all a good night. #hogswatch #hogfather #terrypratchett #sirterrypratchett #death #deathofrats #diskworld #ankmorpork #illustration #mixedmedia #acrylicpainting #acrylic #watercolor #ink #inkdrawing #drawing #painting #christmas #fatherchristmas #xmas #red #scythe #skull #grimreaper #adolfo1111artworks #adolfo1111 #art #artwork
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viktorjonsson · 8 years
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March 11th - Private Eyes
Medieval nior. 
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thatdoesntsuck · 7 years
Google did a thing with my some of my pics from @saltlakecomiccon again. There are so many more pics up in the clouds. Hopefully Google will get off it's butt and organize the rest off them cuz we all know I'm not. @ana.w22 #AnkMorpork #SLCC17 #TerryPratchett #InceptionPhoto #DontStandByMeWesley #CosplayContest
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Introduction to the Discworld of Terry Pratchett. What was I doing! My beloved friends ‘We Are Theatre’ invited me to audition and here I am writing Fan Fiction!!!!!!
Introduction to the Discworld. We Are Theatre invited me to audition for Maskerade
Introduction to the Discworld of Terry Pratchett. What was I doing! My beloved friends ‘We Are Theatre’ invited me to audition for their forthcoming production of Maskerade (the play of the book by Terry) and here I am writing Fan Fiction!!!!!!
Or possibly summarising the work of a great writer in a few paragraphs is the greater crime of plagor…
Let’s not go there.
I am a big fan though. When I…
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Night Watch
Holy fucking shit this book and I’m only half way through!  The story feels like it could go anywhere but where it does go just feels so inevitable it’s really amazing. 
I love that Vimes taking on John Keels place is completely up front in the story.  I thought i had worked it out the night before but then the monk explained what was going to happen.  Perhaps history was self correcting.
I also loved the explanation of time travel.  If you are going to do it you’ve got to have rules.  And here they are: one past, one future, but two presents.  One present is the one that Vimes remembers the other is the one that has changed.  But eventually they will snap together and Vimes has to be prepared for that.
Vimes is enjoying himself here.  He’s free from a lot of the rules (and paper work) of current AnkMorpork but at the same time I think he’s living in denial.  He’s ignoring the problem.  Oh sure it’s all about dealing with the problem that is ahead of him right now, but he’s about to become a father and while he’s been a father figure for many of the watch i’m predicting he’s freaking out about this fact.  And it’s all going to come crashing down on him.  
And it’s going to rip my hear out.
I can’t wait.  
Things that i consider more sort of maybe spoilery if you haven’t read the book under the cut.
I’m loving meeting all of current AnkMorpork in the past.  I am 50/50 on meeting Sybil again, i’d certainly like to, we know the boy that becomes the butler joins the fight. I squeeled out loud when we met Vetinari and did the old fanfiction wriggle.  Which also makes me wonder if Vetinari will recognise Vimes when he gets home.  ((he’s going to get home right - this isn’t a closed loop - like in the gardens - where we just flash back onto the university roof - but now that i’m thinking about it....))
I’m so concerned about this boiled egg thing.  The “seamstresses” remembered it enough to lay it on the graves.  And oh god I can just tell it’s going to break my heart when it happens.  And oh god what sort of state is young Sam going to be left in, knowing that he decends into alcoholism.
And speaking of young Sam.
When Carcer worked out who he was it was electrifying.  Holy fucking shit.  “Look after yourself.”  Jesus.  What is Carcer going to get up to?
In a more speculative tangent I wonder if young Sam is going to think Vimes is his dad.  Just if his head gets measured as well.  Or he succeeds in bringing Vimes home to meet his mum (and tries to ask her if she recognises him).  Or if Vimes does some very heroic self sacrificing thing for him, something you wouldn’t do for someone you only met a couple of days ago.
Vimes’ speech about pulling a sword on mob was one of the best written things I think I’ve ever read.  Just the rhythm to the whole thing was amazing.  It needs to be spoken out loud and into another persons face.  Good lord. 
I’ve got 250 pages left and I can’t read them all tonight.  I can’t.  I can’t.  
I might.  It’s Saturday tomorrow at least.
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wishdroplets · 4 years
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wishdroplets · 4 years
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wishdroplets · 4 years
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Random Dream Adventures
Visit 05
My fifth random visit I found found a fun little island that is under some construction. AnkMorpork
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The island definitely had a lot of areas they had under construction, but there was still a lot of fun things to see such as a library, gardens, and my goodness the detailed organization they have done.
There were several humorous, fun things on the island... like this lovely inhabitant. 
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I also had a good laugh at the tarantula/scorpion w/ the gold rose. It is so nice to see them patch up their differences like they have. They use to always be fighting with one another... (other AC titles reference...)
This is one I hope to re-visit in a few months to see what has changed!
If this happens to be your island (or you know who it belongs to), please let me know so I can tag~!
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wishdroplets · 4 years
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