#anm era
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Photo by Magnus Jönsson, taken 10/02/2002
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droctaviolovecraft · 11 days
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"Ready... aim... catchim!"
Subject Classification: M-06-043
Damage Type: Physiker 🔴
Danger Level: HOCH 🔴
Anomaly Type: Military
Discovery Classification: Contracted (06)
Department: MOTHRA Military Base
Lead Researcher: Dr. Ironclad
Identification: Captain Coin
Containment: ANM-043-A must be kept in a locked vault at the MOTHRA military base, as one of the three supreme generals of MOTHRA. The vault must be guarded by two armed guards at all times. Only personnel with Level 3 clearance or higher may access ANM-043. Any use of ANM-043 for testing or research must be approved by Captain Coin himself.
Description: ANM-043-A is a Brazilian 50-centavo coin, dated 2010. The coin exhibits physical and cognitive anomalies that distinguish it from other coins of the same series. It weighs 1.5 kg, has a temperature of 37°C, and a heartbeat of 60 bpm. The coin also emits a weak electromagnetic field that interferes with nearby electronic devices.
The coin has a human-like personality and intelligence, capable of telepathic communication with anyone holding it or within 10 meters of it. ANM-043-A identifies itself as "Captain Coin" and claims to be a soldier of the Institution, assigned to protect humanity from anomalous threats. It demonstrates a high degree of loyalty, bravery, and a strong sense of duty, following the orders of any personnel who recognize it as such.
ANM-043-A can transform into a humanoid form, ANM-043-B, standing about 2.10 meters tall and weighing 810 kg. In this form, ANM-043 resembles a middle-aged man with hair, eyes, and a mustache. He wears a yellow military uniform with the Institution's insignia and several medals of honor. He also wields a golden rifle called "Gut-Puncher." The rifle resembles an M16 but is made entirely of gold and uses a magazine filled with coins from different countries and eras. The rifle can shoot these coins at supernatural speeds, causing lethal damage to both organic and inorganic targets. The humanoid claims the rifle is an experimental weapon of the Foundation, and that he is the only one who knows how to operate it.
ANM-043-B's body is made entirely of various materials used in coin production, such as gold, bronze, and silver. Despite its weight and form, it moves with agility, though somewhat robotically. Its body is also extremely durable, even more so than ANM-035.
ANM-043 can return to its coin form at any time and does so automatically when not in use or when in danger. It can also teleport to any location within a 50 km radius, provided there is a 50-centavo Brazilian coin at the destination. It uses this ability to move around, escape hostile situations, or assist the Foundation in missions. As a strategy, MOTHRA began placing a 50-centavo coin every 50 km across the Institution.
ANM-043 was discovered in 2022 during an operation by the organization to contain a group of hostile anomalies. ANM-043 appeared at the scene, introduced itself as reinforcements for the organization, and helped neutralize the threats. It was then taken to a military base for analysis and interrogation. The individual cooperated with researchers, revealing that it was created in 2010 in a secret lab of the organization as part of a project to develop anomalous weapons. ANM-043 stated it was one of several prototypes, but the others were destroyed or captured by enemy forces. ANM-043 claimed it escaped the lab and has since wandered the world, searching for dangerous anomalies and helping the Foundation whenever possible.
ANM-043 expressed a desire to continue serving the Foundation and requested to be assigned to a field team. The request is pending approval.
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freenewsreport · 1 month
Sweeney Kincaid: A New Era Under ANM Group
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For over three decades, Sweeney Kincaid has stood as a stalwart in the auction industry, particularly within the United Kingdom. This Glasgow-based industrial auctioneer has developed a sterling reputation, consistently enhancing the value of its clients' assets through meticulous and profitable auctions. Sweeney Kincaid's expertise spans a wide range of sectors, including machinery, plant, corporate assets, trade stocks, and vehicles, making it a go-to solution for businesses aiming to efficiently manage asset disposal. The company's dedication to integrity and professionalism has allowed it to cultivate an extensive client base, drawn from both the UK and beyond. This, combined with a robust online platform, has secured its position as a leader in the auctioneering field.
Strategic Acquisition: ANM Group's Vision
The acquisition of Sweeney Kincaid by ANM Group marks a significant shift in the landscape of Scottish business. ANM Group, a farmer-owned cooperative with a diverse portfolio that includes abattoirs, auctions, and meat processing facilities, has strategically positioned itself to expand its auction services through this acquisition. The inclusion of Sweeney Kincaid's industrial auction expertise is a testament to ANM Group's commitment to diversification and growth. The acquisition also includes the company's six-acre auction center in Hillington, a modern facility equipped with 6000 square feet of auction space. By retaining all of Sweeney Kincaid's staff, ANM Group underscores the importance of continuity and the value of the existing team's knowledge and experience.
Client-Centric Solutions and Problem-Solving Expertise
Sweeney Kincaid's success is deeply rooted in its client-focused approach and its ability to offer tailored solutions to complex challenges. Whether managing surplus asset sales, corporate restructuring, or capital raising through asset disposal, Sweeney Kincaid consistently delivers results that exceed expectations. The company’s extensive network of buyers and seasoned auctioneers ensures that assets are sold at optimal prices, while its online platform streamlines the auction process, enhancing competition and driving up bids. Sweeney Kincaid's comprehensive marketing strategies, which blend traditional and digital methods, further amplify its reach, ensuring that each auction garners maximum visibility and participation.
The Future Landscape: Synergies and Industry Impact
The integration of Sweeney Kincaid into ANM Group heralds a new chapter of growth and innovation. The synergies between these two industry leaders are expected to enhance operational efficiencies and broaden the scope of auction services offered. This acquisition is emblematic of a broader trend in the auction industry, where scale and diversification are becoming increasingly crucial for sustained success. As the industry evolves, the combined forces of Sweeney Kincaid and ANM Group are well-positioned to lead the way, setting new standards for asset disposal and management.
Conclusion: A Promising Future for Sweeney Kincaid
The acquisition of Sweeney Kincaid by ANM Group represents a pivotal moment in the company's storied history. With a legacy of excellence and a client-centric approach, Sweeney Kincaid is poised to continue its trajectory of success under ANM Group's stewardship. The collaboration between these two industry giants not only strengthens their market positions but also opens up new avenues for growth and innovation. As Sweeney Kincaid embarks on this new chapter, its commitment to delivering exceptional value to its clients remains unwavering.
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capitalflutuante · 6 months
O relator da Comissão Parlamentar de Inquérito (CPI) do Senado que investiga as ações da empresa petroquímica Braskem em Maceió (AL), senador Rogério Carvalho (PT-SE), quer solicitar busca e apreensão no Ministério de Minas e Energia (MME) caso a pasta não forneça as informações solicitadas em até três dias úteis. O prazo para o envio dos dados, fixado em cinco dias úteis, foi prorrogado por mais cinco dias úteis, mas a extensão do prazo venceu e o ministério ainda não enviou os documentos, nem explicou à comissão o motivo da demora, segundo Carvalho. “Dê um prazo de mais três dias, sob pena de a gente pedir uma busca e apreensão dessa documentação sobre as ações que foram desenvolvidas pelo MME no caso da Braskem”, afirmou o relator, acrescentando que a pasta atua de “forma desrespeitosa” em relação à comissão, e que “é inadmissível que o MME não passe as informações”. O requerimento citado pelo relator foi aprovado pela CPI no dia 28 de fevereiro e pede, entre outros documentos, os processos administrativos, de fiscalização e controle, de denúncias e de ações emergenciais que tenham relação com a exploração de sal-gema em Maceió e com a Braskem. A Agência Brasil entrou em contato com a assessoria do ministério para comentar o caso, mas não teve retorno até a publicação desta reportagem. Duas versões A CPI da Braskem ouviu nesta terça-feira (18) o ex-secretário de Geologia, Mineração e Transformação Mineral do MME, Alexandre Vidigal de Oliveira. Ele ficou no cargo de janeiro de 2019 a junho de 2021. A secretaria é responsável pela implementação, orientação e coordenação das políticas do setor mineral, além de monitorar a atuação da Agência Nacional de Mineração (ANM), que é a responsável por fiscalizar o setor no Brasil. Vidigal destacou que, quando chegou ao ministério, existiam duas versões dos técnicos da secretaria sobre a situação do afundamento dos bairros em Maceió: uma dizia que as fraturas e rachaduras encontradas na capital alagoana eram fruto de terremotos ou chuvas torrenciais, ou seja, de causas naturais, e outra versão dizia que essas rachaduras eram resultado da extração de sal-gema nas minas da Braskem. O relator Rogério Carvalho destacou que a existência das duas versões buscou confundir, porque não havia motivos para imaginar que o afundamento dos bairros em Maceió ocorria por causas naturais. Com isso, Carvalho pediu a relação dos servidores que sustentavam tal tese. “Essa disputa de narrativa interessava a alguém, e a gente precisa saber quem defendia qual narrativa”, destacou. “Alguém, dolosamente ou intencionalmente, queria confundir e retirar a responsabilidade de uma lavra predatória feita em Maceió”, completou o senador. O ex-secretário Vidigal destacou ainda no depoimento que faltava pessoal e recursos para monitorar o setor mineral no Brasil. “Quando cai Brumadinho [janeiro de 2019], nós fomos surpreendidos, ao saber que o Brasil tinha dez fiscais para cuidar de barragens, e são mais de 600 barragens. Dez fiscais! E quando cai Brumadinho, todos os fiscais se dirigem a Minas Gerais”, disse. Regulação da mineração Para o relator, os depoimentos da CPI e os documentos até agora analisados indicam que o setor mineral era o responsável pela própria fiscalização. “O que nós estamos vendo aqui na CPI é que o setor regulado não é regulado. Ele se autorregula”, comentou. “É a própria mineradora que informa as condições técnicas em que se encontram as minas. Isso não é suficiente para dar segurança e para evitar danos como o que aconteceu em Maceió”, destacou Rogério Carvalho, que vem defendendo uma reforma de toda estrutura de fiscalização a mineração no país. Entenda A CPI da Braskem investiga o afundamento de bairros em Maceió que causaram o deslocamento de, ao menos, 60 mil pessoais. O caso foi revelado pela primeira vez ao público em 2019. Desde então, o afundamento de regiões inteiras da capital de Alagoas vem se agravando. Segundo o Serviço Geológico do Brasil (CPRM), a exploração de 35
minas de sal-gema pela Braskem foi a responsável por deixar milhares de pessoas desabrigadas e transformar bairros antes movimentados e populosos em lugares praticamente desertos.  A Braskem suspendeu as atividades no município em novembro de 2019. A companhia diz atuou por 17 anos em Maceió, “respeitando todas as normas técnicas e exigências regulatórias”. Com informações da Agência Brasil
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conceptrelining · 9 months
Innovationer inom avloppssystemets anomalidetektering: Säkerställer effektivitet och hållbarhet
N¦r det g¦ller urban infrastruktur ¦r ett effektivt fungerande avloppssystem avg￶rande f￶r folkh¦lsa och milj￶m¦ssig h¥llbarhet. Med den st¦ndigt v¦xande komplexiteten hos dessa n¦tverk har behovet av avancerad teknik f￶r att uppt¦cka avloppssystem anomali blivit avg￶rande. Ett s¥dant genombrott inom omr¥det ¦r integrationen av r￶rinspektion med kamera-teknik,ᅠvilket revolutionerar s¦ttet vi ￶vervakar och underh¥ller v¥ra avloppssystem.
R￶rinspektion med en kamera m￶jligg￶r en omfattande unders￶kning av avloppsr￶r, identifiera potentiella problem som sprickor, l¦ckor eller blockeringar. Denna teknik ger inte bara visuella data i realtid utan m￶jligg￶r ocks¥ ett proaktivt tillv¦gag¥ngss¦tt f￶r underh¥ll, vilket f￶rhindrar st￶rre st￶rningar och kostsamma reparationer. I den livliga staden G￶teborg, d¦r ¥ldrande infrastruktur ¦r ett problem, har innovativa l￶sningar som r￶rlindningstj¦nster i G￶teborg blivit framtr¦dande.concept relining
Traditionella metoder f￶r reparation av avloppssystemen involverar ofta omfattande schaktning och utbyte, vilket orsakar st￶rningar i samh¦llen och p¥verkar milj￶n. Tillkomsten av avancerade tekniker som r￶rreparation utan systembyte har dock inlett en ny era av h¥llbarhet. Detta tillv¦gag¥ngss¦tt fokuserar p¥ riktade reparationer, vilket minimerar det ekologiska fotavtrycket samtidigt som avloppssystemets livsl¦ngd s¦kerst¦lls. se concept
Ett anm¦rkningsv¦rt verktyg i denna arsenal ¦r det roterande r￶rreng￶ring verktyget, som effektivt tar bort skr¦p och sediment fr¥n r￶r, vilket f￶rb¦ttrar deras funktionalitet. Denna teknik ¦r s¦rskilt effektiv i samband med Sj¦lvb¦rande r￶rinstallation, en metod som minskar behovet av omfattande gr¦vning och s¦kerst¦ller r￶rens strukturella integritet.
N¦r det g¦ller hantering av r￶r blockeringar erbjuder innovativa tj¦nster nu effektiva borttagning tj¦nster f￶r r￶rblockering utan att beh￶va ta till traditionellt r￶rbyte. Detta sparar inte bara tid och resurser utan minimerar ocks¥ st￶rningar i den omgivande infrastrukturen och samh¦llet.
I ett tidevarv av datadrivet beslutsfattande ¦r integrationen av teknik som videoinspektion f￶r avloppsr￶r avg￶rande. Denna metod ger en detaljerad visuell bed￶mning av hela avloppssystemet, vilket g￶r att myndigheterna kan lokalisera potentiella problem och planera underh¥llet effektivt.
Sammanfattningsvis f￶r¦ndrar utvecklingen av detektering av avloppssystem anomali v¥rt s¦tt att n¦rma oss underh¥ll och reparationer. Med teknologier som r￶rinspektion med kamera och h¥llbara metoder som r￶rlindningstj¦nster i G￶teborg g¥r avfallsindustrin mot en mer motst¥ndskraftig och milj￶v¦nlig framtid. Att ta till sig dessa innovationer s¦kerst¦ller inte bara effektiviteten hos urban infrastruktur utan bidrar ocks¥ till det ￶vergripande v¦lbefinnandet f￶r v¥ra samh¦llen och milj￶n.
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lamilanomagazine · 1 year
Scontro Anm-Nordio. Santalucia: "Costituzione a rischio"
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Scontro Anm-Nordio. Santalucia: "Costituzione a rischio" "La direzione in cui da anni si incamminano le riforme sulla magistratura ci sta allontanando progressivamente dal disegno della Costituzione. La prospettiva che prende sempre più consistenza è che la successiva tappa di questa continua esperienza riformatrice segni un ulteriore distacco da quella complessiva, essenziale, architettura". Lo ha detto il presidente dell'Anm Giuseppe Santalucia, parlando all'assemblea degli iscritti. E rispondendo al ministro Nordio sulla separazione delle carriere, Santalucia ha detto: "nessuno, meno che mai i magistrati, pensa di condizionare nessuno, meno che mai il Parlamento" .  "In gioco è un bene collettivo, di cui al più i magistrati possono essere custodi, attenti custodi che avvertono il dovere di lanciare l'allarme ove si avvedano che quel bene viene messo in pericolo. Il bene a cui alludo è l'indipendenza dei magistrati, come singoli e come ordine, dal Potere politico". Lo ha detto Santalucia,a proposito dell'iniziativa disciplinare promossa dal ministro della Giustizia nei confronti dei magistrati di Milano per il caso Uss, aprendo l'assemblea a Roma degli iscritti. L'iniziativa disciplinare nei confronti dei giudici della Corte d'appello di Milano che si sono occupati del caso Uss non costituisce " 'un precedente non rassicurante', come voi temete. E questo perché, come ho detto dal Palazzo di Giustizia di Milano, "non c'è e non c'è mai stata una contrapposizione". C'è stato invece da parte del Ministro "l'esercizio di una prerogativa, nel rispetto dei doveri e delle funzioni attribuite dalla Costituzione". Lo scrive il ministro della Giustizia all'Anm. Nel bilanciamento tra i poteri, a tutela del cittadino, "va ricondotta anche la prerogativa del Ministro del potere-dovere di intervenire, in una situazione in cui sia ravvisabile una condotta che potrebbe essere disciplinarmente rilevante", sottolinea Nordio. "Il punto non è mai stato l'interpretazione delle norme o la valutazione del fatto o delle prove, che non possono dar luogo a responsabilità disciplinare. Lo sappiamo tutti benissimo. Il punto non è mai il merito di un provvedimento", precisa il ministro. "Ciascuno di voi sa che le decisioni, prese ogni giorno nell'applicazione della legge e secondo coscienza, possono essere in altra sede confermate, modificate o ribaltate - rileva ancora Nordio - . Saranno dunque il Procuratore generale della Cassazione - ed eventualmente - il Csm a verificare il rispetto delle regole di deontologia giudiziaria, conseguenti - per dirla con Luigi Ferrajoli - alla natura cognitiva della giurisdizione".  "Non c'è stato e non ci potrà mai essere alcun atto ministeriale che possa mettere in discussione l'indipendenza e l'autonomia della magistratura, patrimonio irrinunciabile della nostra democrazia". E' quanto assicura il ministro della Giustizia Carlo Nordio in una lettera inviata all'assemblea dell'Anm dove era stato invitato a partecipare.... #notizie #news #breakingnews #cronaca #politica #eventi #sport #moda Read the full article
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Como vender mais na Pandemia
Como aumentar suas vendas durante a Pandemia;
Em 24 de março, a maior realidade a ser retratada era a pandemia do COVID-19, hoje, ainda lutamos com isso, essa ainda é uma realidade que precisa ser abordada. Mas, nós, aqui da Voice preferimos olhar para as adversidades como oportunidades para nos unirmos e nos fortalecermos. Afinal, já existe dor e perda demais no mundo para olharmos apenas pelo lado negativo do momento. Escolhemos esse momento para estendermos nossas mãos e conhecimentos a todos os nossos queridos e importantes parceiros.
Entendendo que a realidade de muitos dos nossos parceiros é o empreendedorismo, selecionamos dicas do que fazer para não parar na quarentena sem “quebrar” e também motivos para não deixar de acreditar no seu sonho, seu negócio.
Dicas de Argumentação com seus clientes:
3) Home Office; O trabalho em casa, ou também conhecido como Home Office é uma nova realidade do “Novo Normal”no mercado brasileiro. No Brasil, estima-se que essa modalidade crescerá 30% durante a Pandemia. Também há a projeção de que muitas empresas adotarão um modelo de trabalho híbrido no “Novo Normal”, mesclando o trabalho remoto em casa com o presencial, como a própria XP Investimentos, que adotou definitivamente o modelo home office. Então mudanças na infraestrutura na casa dos trabalhadores serão necessárias e com certeza ocorrerão. Desde a contratação de mais dados com suas operadoras, até o upgrade de roteadores ou replicadores de sinal WI-FI, linha de Twibs, Gepons e redes de fibra ótica. O segmento de redes tende a crescer muito.
O que oferecer para o seu cliente?
Produtos isolados, como CFTV’s, centrais de alarmes ou até fechaduras digitais ou analógicas (externas, no caso) são escolhas interessantes. Mas é muito mais vantajoso (para você, parceiro, pois vende mais e para o cliente, para maior segurança) a integração das soluções, como a citada na dica 1. A integração da IM3 com nosso sistema de alarme ANM 2004 MF seria a solução mais acessível, porém com uma IM4 já existe muito mais eficiência e inteligência na solução, justamente pela câmera detectar o calor humano, o alarme só será acionado se de fato ocorrer uma invasão ou acesso não autorizado e não alarmar o cliente em caso de alarme falso, como movimentações de cortinas que acionam alarmes, por exemplo.
Central de alarme não monitorada.
4) Sensores que evitam o toque humano; Evitar a contaminação pelo toque humano é a realidade do novo normal, com isso, aqui na VoiceData, ofertamos e orientamos nossos parceiros a tomarem medidas preventivas para aumentar sua segurança, como a obtenção de controles de acesso via proximidade através de tags, sensores por aproximação, como a BT 4.000 Intelbras, com abertura por sensor infravermelho, você libera o acesso movimentando a mão em frente ao produto, sem a necessidade de contato dos dedos com o botão, temos também sensores sem toque humano da Control ID.
O que oferecer para o seu cliente?
O Bio Inox Plus SS311 F é uma solução funcional e acessível que traz essa segurança e tranquilidade para seus clientes, ele permite tanto a biometria quanto a proximidade através de cartões.
Agora, aos motivos para não deixar de acreditar:
–  Apesar da VoiceData ser hoje uma das maiores distribuidoras Intelbras no Brasil, nem sempre foi assim. Começamos há 13 anos a lutar pelo nosso lugar, uma jornada repleta de desafios e obstáculos, onde nunca abandonamos nosso DNA, nossa essência: Sermos uma família. A Voice foi criada em família e hoje, com mais de 80 colaboradores, ainda estamos em família.
Então, não se esqueça, se você está passando por um momento difícil, você é brasileiro, sua natureza por si só te ajudará a continuar e além disso, você não está sozinho, você e todos nossos parceiros, também fazem parte da nossa família e estamos sempre aqui para a nossa família, a distância de um telefonema ou se a dificuldade ou saudade apertar, venha presencialmente, nós da Voice vamos lhe receber de braços abertos.
Saiba mais: https://voicedata.com.br/como-vender-mais-na-pandemia/
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tiesandtea · 3 years
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Photo of Richard taken by Andrew Future at David Bowie’s Meltdown 2002, courtesy of www.festivalflyer.com (x).
Full transcript of Richard’s interview by Andrew Future for Virtual-Festivals.com from 27 September 2002 under the cut. Taken from an old Italian Suede fansite called New Generation.
SUEDE: Beautiful Insatiable Flash Metal Trash
27 September 2002
Lead guitarist Richard Oakes speaks to Andrew Future about Suede's fifth album, 'A New Morning', Spanish girls, gays, Bernard Butler and why he probably wouldn't join Suede now.
We’ve tracked Suede all across the festival circuit this summer. From Manchester to Mardi Gras; from Spain to Waterloo. Hurriedly burrowing out of their three year hiatus to promote their fifth studio album; ten years on from their eponymous debut, it’s all very different. They’ve survived though, more or less.
‘What doesn’t kill you only makes you stronger,’ muses Richard Oakes, Suede’s former child-prodigy of a lead guitarist. The crack, the departures, the ‘shit’ number one record, the binned sessions from album number five… Suede must be pretty damn strong now. When Bernard Butler walked out following the completion of ‘Dog Man Star’, Suede famously recruited his successor through an ad in a music paper. But has the novelty of getting to play for your favourite band not worn off now?
‘It was never about novelty. It was great fun touring Dog Man Star, but you just have to keep your feet on the ground. You can stand there and marvel at everything or you can get on and make sure you do a good job. I don’t spend any time thinking about the magnitude of stuff.
‘It was like someone saying, ‘OK, you can play these songs in your room, do you wanna go and play them in front of some screaming Spanish girls?’ Of course I do. At the time it was fine. Luckily enough I was a blasé teenager with my eyes and ears shut to the world. I was like, what pressure? I had very strong armour at the time I wouldn’t let anything in. I was very guarded, but I’m not like that now. If it had happened now, and he’s left and I’d gone for the audition I don’t know if I’d be able to join the band. You grow up and you realise the world is a big place.
The ‘magnitude’ of events in more recent times though has been quite grand. Keyboardist and songwriter Neil Codling quit because of ME so the band recruited ex-Strangelove guitarist Alex Lee.
‘We all knew he was gonna leave, he’d been ill for a long time and knew he couldn’t commit. We got Alex in but it takes a few months out of your plan. It’s a bit like a marriage, you have to work at it. We did all that recording in summer 2001 and we shouldn’t really have done that. We needed to get back to London to rehearse and write, and we sat and did some stuff with Alex.
‘A New Morning’ would end up being recorded with Stephen Street. He’s famously worked with everyone from The Smiths, to Blur and our new favourite band Melaton. Sounding not unlike many of the b-sides from the Head Music singles, it’s a lot more direct and organic. More acoustic, with none of the messy overdubs and synths which blighted the last album.
"We wanted to disregard technology on this one. Head Music used a lot of Pro Tools, synths, samples and loops and we just wanted to bin all of that stuff and just record the songs the way they were written, which was on an acoustic guitar in somebody’s house. Stephen Street was the ideal person to do that. His forte was finding the spark for getting us playing together. He wasn’t interested in any of the solo aspects of it all, he just wanted to ensure the feel of each track was what it should be." Putting behind them the entire album’s worth of dumped material recorded with Beck’s old producer, Suede have taken their new dawn to the road. They’ve done a considerable number of festivals over the summer. ‘They’ve all been great,’ comments Richard, polite and incredibly well spoken, you’d think he came of age at Eton rather than in a tourbus smoking with Brett Anderson. ‘There’ve been a couple where the audiences have been a bit stiff. We did Pukkle Pop in Belgium, that was a bit of wet blanket. I think with Alex in we’ve rediscovered playing live. We’re petty shit hot, I can’t wait to go on tour.’ And tour they will do. With three sold out London dates in Shepherd’s Bush being equal to a capacity crowd at Wembley, Suede are more in demand than ever.
‘This time we can play everything off the album. Much of it was recorded live and it’s so different from Head Music, where a lot of it we hadn’t even rehearsed together. We’ve got a year on the road and I feel like I have got the energy this time. We’re the kind of band that need an audience to give a lot back, because we give a lot. Y’know the way Oasis are? It’s all very statuesque, we’re not like that. I need our shows to be, like, everybody going nuts!' Indeed, you can’t imagine ‘Beautiful Ones’ or ‘Killing Of A Flashboy’ being quite the same without the flailing limbs and sweaty air. Aside from their fanclub show in Camden, it was the London Mardi Gras that brought the best out of Suede. The original indie androgyny boys, (Brett once famously remarked of being ‘a bisexual man who’s never had a homosexual experience'), it hardly signifies a complete change of direction. ‘Someone just asked us and we said yes. There’s never really an agenda with us. It was a good thing to play, it’s not as if we don’t have links with the gay scene. Simon’s done his speaking in Parliament to get the age of consent lowered, and I don’t mind at all. They like the band, they’re just like anyone else. The highlight of that gig was a grandioso prog encore of ‘…Flashboy’. ‘It went on for ages. Alex and I were going off on one. We can probably get quite cheesy when we get going. There’s so many rules. Suede used to be a very virtuoso band, and for the last few years we’ve really kept away from that. I don’t we’ll ever see a return though, I don’t think anyone’s got the patience. ‘Stay Together’ is the classic one, the long piece of prog music, 'Asphalt World', all very Pink Floyd.
Like Virtual Festivals, Richard also rates Benicassim as the musical highlight of the summer. ‘It was superb. It’s always really hot there, but we went on quite late. It’s a lovely festival and I hope we go back there next year. Move in Manchester, supporting Bowie wasn’t so good. We don’t usually support people and it was strange playing to a crowd that isn’t yours. Bowie fans tend to stand and check you out with their arms folder. What I said about needing people to go nuts; that was exactly what they didn’t do! It rained as well.
Apart from watching Suede from the stage, one of the other highlights of Benicassim was Radiohead’s new track, ‘There, There’, which featured Johnny Greenwood banging drums. Oakes though, doesn’t have any live percussion moments planned.
‘…But we did a comedy encore of ‘Can’t Get Enough’ in Japan where we all played different instruments! Neil played drums, Brett played bass. ‘Can’t Get Enough’ is one of the easiest songs, and I’ve never seen him look so nervous! He had his foot up on the monitor and was bashing away at the bottom string with the plectrum in his hand, concentrating so hard. Matt played guitar; which is hilarious cos he’s so tall and it just looked tiny on him! Simon stood at the front with the tambourine and I had to sing. It was a terrible mistake.’
Suede’s vocal harmonics though are truly beautiful. Especially on new track ‘Morning’. ‘Everything about it’s quite unique, the melody, the harmonies. It’s Mat’s first album track, he wrote the music for it and it’s just a great all round Suede track, a bit like The Wild Ones, or something. We wouldn’t have been able to do that three or four years ago, I think it shows how we’ve moved on.’ Suede still sound like Suede though. ‘We always will, it’s the mark of the band. There’s no point struggling to not sound like yourself, you might as well celebrate it.’
The whole of ‘A New Morning’ sounds like a celebration. From the rich, cinematic wistfulness of new single ‘Positivity’ to the epic ‘Astrogirl’ and the divine ‘Lost In TV’, it’s all beautiful in Brett’s neon, blue, suburban, concrete dream. It’s definitely a Suede album for Suede fans, though don’t expect a return to 1994. Think about tracks like ‘Let Go’ and ‘Crackhead’ and that’s pretty much what you have here.
As well as Pavement, The Breeders and Pixies, Richard’s also been giving a bit of time to the new McAlmont and Butler single. ‘It’s all over the radio. Stations like Virgin, the kind that builders have on when they’re… erm, building. I think it’s really, like, ‘that’s their style’. I thought ‘Yes’ was good when it came out. They’re very Motowny, trashy, poppy and there’s always a histrionic element to it; the BIG chorus. I think it’s good that Bernard’s doing music. I wasn’t too enamoured with his solo stuff, he definitely works best with people.’ Him and Brett? ‘They’re not mortal enemies, they just don’t see each other. He doesn’t hang out in the same places. They’ll never work together again, it’s a closed chapter. I’ve got nothing against him, I wish him all the best.
Brett’s other old arch-enemy, Damon Albarn, is also now feeling the pinch of having no lead guitarist. ‘It’s a shame, he’s a great guitarist. He has his solo stuff, I suppose, but I haven’t heard any of it.’
Where Coxon and Blur have veered into the leftfield, sometimes at the expense of lifting choruses and hummable verses, Suede have stayed true to their glam pop cause.
‘It’s great pop music. Like having a hug. Very emotional, the songs drag you in. Suede fans understand the passion, and there’s maybe more here. There’s always fans that want Dog Man Star Part II, and who want us to play ‘Stay Together’ live, but it’s not going to happen.' Indeed, there were many disappointed faces when it wasn’t on the ‘Wheel of Suede’ at their last fanclub show. ‘We were considering rigging it so that it was on there, but wouldn’t land on it!’
Without the history, Suede wouldn’t be what they are today. ‘People have got high expectations of us. I’m really glad people have faith, it’s not based on luck. You can’t suddenly attain success through fashion.’ Unless of course you are The White Von Hivesuns, in which case you’ll probably fade out rather quickly. ‘I’d like to write a whole album with Alex. He joined last year in March, so he’s only done a couple of tracks. It would be really interesting. We’re doing new things all the time. I don’t think we’ve reached a plateau yet at all.’
© 2002 Virtual-Festivals.com
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kalluun-patangaroa · 4 years
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Q magazine, December 2002
Here’s a review of Suede’s ANM era gig in Copenhagen and a little interview with Brett and Mat
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avenger-nerd-mom · 6 years
Carry on my wayward son, there'll peace when you are done
Lay your weary head to rest...
15 years is a long time in the family business...
Thanks for the memories, the quotes and the fandom, Supernatural!
Sam and Dean deserve peace. I hope they find it.
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droctaviolovecraft · 4 months
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ANM-535-063-XK: Omniverse Destroyer (Last Anomaly)
**ANM №: ANM-535-063-XK**
**Lead Researcher:** The Eleven Counselors
**Identification:** Omniverse Destroyer
**Danger Level:** Apocalypse ☠️ (Cognitive, mental, sanity, physical, public, social, military, structural, technological, explosive, spatial, manipulative, technological)
**Containment Difficulty:** 5 (Impossible)
**Anomaly Type:** Military, sentient, cyborg, dimensional, destructive, technological, bio-weapon, reality-altering
**Containment:** ANM-535-063-XK is considered uncontainable due to its anomalous abilities and unpredictable nature, as previously observed.
ANM-535 is constantly monitored by satellites, drones, undercover agents, and other intelligence sources to predict and try to prevent possible attacks or incidents caused by ANM-535. ANM-063, now designated as ANM-535-063-XK, retains its position as one of the supreme generals of the MOTHRA Institution, playing a crucial role in the organization's strategy and security.
**Description:** ANM-535-063-XK is General Jotavê (previously ANM-063), who re-emerged from the now-destroyed ANM-351 time machine. The subject, now identified as ANM-535-063-XK, appears stronger than before, claiming to have participated in several wars that changed him over "many years that passed inside ANM-351," where time seems to have passed faster than outside. This includes the specified "Two-Day War" (GDD). His return raises questions about his temporal journey and possible changes during his absence. ANM-535 maintains a chaotic, impulsive, sadistic, and megalomaniac personality, still deriving pleasure from causing destruction.
ANM-535's body has changed drastically, with noticeable differences since he emerged from ANM-351. He stands about 2.26 meters tall and weighs 130 kg. ANM-535 has brown hair, now with green and clear irises, and a Caucasian appearance. He wears a blue military uniform adorned with golden stripes and buttons of unknown origin. He also has a mechanical left arm connected to an attached machine gun, with retractable claws that can be used as melee weapons. ANM-535 carries both old and new equipment and artifacts from different eras and dimensions. Notable among them are:
- A giant sword, about 3 meters long and 50 kg in weight, which ANM-535 wields with ease. The sword has a serrated blade and a handle with a red button that can activate an explosive function at the tip.
- A helmet with a holographic visor, allowing ANM-535 to access various information such as maps, targets, communications, data, and analyses. The helmet also has a defense system that can emit a force field around ANM-535 or fire lasers, missiles, or grenades at threats.
- A bulletproof vest that can withstand various types of projectiles and impacts. The vest has a regeneration system that can heal wounds and diseases in ANM-535 or inject substances that enhance his physical and mental performance.
- A backpack with a portable energy generator providing unlimited power to ANM-535's equipment or serving as an alternative power source for other devices. The generator can also be used as a bomb, releasing a massive amount of energy in a devastating explosion.
- A belt with various grenades and explosives, which ANM-535 can throw or detonate. The explosives range in type and potency, from TNT to antimatter and nuclear bombs, causing catastrophic damage to the environment and structures.
- A pair of gloves with matter-manipulation devices, allowing ANM-535 to alter and transform matter into different forms and states, creating complex objects from simple materials or changing the physical and chemical properties of substances.
ANM-535 has an intelligence far above the human average and his former version, with new IQ tests showing results above 480 points. He can devise complex plans, strategies, traps, and inventions, with advanced knowledge in physics, chemistry, mathematics, computer science, engineering, biology, and many other fields.
He maintains various abilities that defy the laws of nature and logic. Notable among them are:
- The ability to create and detonate explosives of different types and powers, causing catastrophic damage to the environment and structures. ANM-535 seems to have total control over the explosives, able to activate or deactivate them at will, or alter their effects and properties. ANM-535 can also create explosives from any material or generate them out of thin air.
- The ability to manipulate and transform matter into different forms and states, creating complex objects from simple materials or altering the physical and chemical properties of substances. ANM-535 can use this ability to create weapons, tools, vehicles, structures, or anything he desires, or to modify or destroy existing objects. ANM-535 can also use this ability to alter his own body or that of other people or creatures, changing their appearance, structure, function, or composition.
- The ability to control and summon entities from the game Minecraft, such as animals, monsters, NPCs, and other characters, who obey his orders and can assist him in combat or other tasks. ANM-535 seems to have access to a vast repertoire of entities, of different genders, species, origins, and characteristics. Most mobs summoned by ANM-301 are creepers, green monsters capable of exploding on contact or command of ANM-535.
- The ability to access and modify the game's source code, altering the rules, parameters, variables, and functions of the system or creating new elements and effects. ANM-535 can use this ability to alter reality around him, changing the laws of physics, chemistry, biology, mathematics, logic, or any other science or discipline. ANM-535 can also use this ability to create or access other dimensions, worlds, universes, or realities, or to travel in time, space, or between different timelines or alternate realities. Examples include walking through walls, becoming immortal, flying, not feeling hunger, teleporting, destroying anything with his bare hands, etc.
- The ability to use special effects from the game, such as potions, enchantments, spells, commands, and cheats, granting him superhuman advantages and abilities, such as strength, speed, endurance, regeneration, invisibility, teleportation, flight, etc. ANM-535 can use these effects to enhance his physical and mental performance or to affect the environment or people around him, causing beneficial or harmful effects depending on his will.
Along with new abilities, he is now stronger in both close and ranged combat, mastering various combat types. The claws of his mechanical arm are about 25 cm long and very sharp, easily cutting and piercing through anything.
**Addendum 12/30/2034:**
ANM-063 was one of the few who knew about the existence and functioning of the ANM-351 Time Machine. ANM-535-063-XK reported having embarked on a secret mission to investigate a temporal anomaly detected in the reality where he was. The anomaly consisted of a circular portal within the machine, leading to an unknown dimension where a war was occurring between two factions: Humans and Ender Dragons. ANM-063 entered the portal to gather information about the anomaly's origin and purpose, as well as the forces involved in the war.
ANM-063 arrived in the dimension to find a chaotic and violent scene, witnessing destruction, death, and suffering caused by the war between Humans and Dragons, along with strange and hostile creatures that seemed to be the result of genetic or magical experiments. Among them were entities resembling Minecraft creatures, such as creepers, zombies, skeletons, and spiders. Jv spent the first day amidst the war, eventually joining the human faction.
This reported dimension seemed to be an alternate Minecraft dimension, set in the year 2018. ANM-535 attempted to infiltrate the Dragons' enemy base, hoping to find some clue or sign about the temporal anomaly. However, he was discovered by a group of soldiers. The soldiers attacked Jv with conventional weapons but failed to significantly injure him. Jv retaliated with his diamond sword, killing several soldiers within minutes.
Jv realized he was outnumbered and needed to escape the enemy base quickly. He used his matter-manipulation ability to create an explosion that opened a hole in the base wall. He then ran through the hole towards the human realm, spending a day there planning a new strategy and equipping himself.
Jv reports unifying several kingdoms to gain numerical superiority against the Dragons. The next day, Jv was intercepted by a colossal and monstrous being in the End dimension, accessible through a portal. The giant winged creature seemed to be the leader of the dragons. It had the form of an Ender Dragon, dark with purple hues, giant, with black scales and piercing purple eyes. The creature roared furiously upon seeing Jv (or ANM-063) and breathed a blast in his direction.
Jotavê reacted quickly, using his matter-manipulation ability to create an energy barrier that blocked the dragon's attack. The barrier was a blue force field reflecting the moonlight, creating a contrast with the dark and gloomy environment of the anomalous dimension. ANM-063 then took advantage of the dragon's distraction to run towards the temporal portal he had used to enter the anomalous dimension.
However, before he could reach the temporal portal, he was intercepted again by the dragon. Jv then reacted with all his might against the dragon.
He unleashed his unique matter-manipulation ability to confront the Ender Dragon. He created an explosive sword, skillfully slicing through the dragon's scales and body. The blue force field created by his helmet protected Jv from the dragon's attacks. As the battle unfolded, Jv used his superior intelligence to analyze the dragon's attack patterns, quickly adapting his strategies and tactics. Utilizing explosives and matter manipulation, he devised ingenious traps, gradually weakening the Ender Dragon.
The battle reached its climax when the enraged Ender Dragon attempted a final attack, unleashing a burst of purple flames. Jv, demonstrating his reality-altering ability, summoned a dimensional shield that absorbed the impact of the flames, protecting him from imminent destruction.
Seizing the opportunity, Jv gathered all his energy and unleashed a final blow, using his matter-manipulation gloves to concentrate power at a single point. With a precise movement, he struck the heart of the Ender Dragon, ending the destructive battle and imposing his supremacy over the colossal creature. He then collapsed, exhausted.
The alternate dimension fell silent, and Jv, weary, was welcomed by the human kingdom. General Jota became a king of that realm, staying there for several more years until the human kingdom (now Jotavecity) became independent. By the year 4000, ANM-063 had further increased in power, also adapting his body. As the remaining dragons were extinct or expelled, the dragoness's head was kept as a war trophy. Jv reports that after hundreds of years, he discovered and reactivated the portal to return to the universe of the MOTHRA Institution. But he still plans to visit his old kingdom.
**ANM-535-063-XK Test Record**
**Date:** 05/30/2035
**Location:** MOTHRA Institution Testing Area
**Objective:** Evaluate ANM-535's offensive and defensive capabilities, as well as its resistance to conventional and anomalous weapons.
**Procedure:** ANM-535 was placed in an isolated test area, surrounded by reinforced concrete walls and equipped with cameras, sensors, and containment devices. ANM-535 was confronted with different types of targets, such as tanks, helicopters, robots, soldiers, and other anomalies. ANM-535 was instructed to eliminate all targets using its anomalous abilities and equipment. ANM-535 was monitored by a research and security team, who recorded his behaviors, reactions, and results.
**Results:** ANM-535 demonstrated impressive efficiency and brutality, easily destroying all targets with explosives, his machine gun, his sword, and other weapons. ANM-535 also used his matter manipulation abilities, entity control and summoning, source code access and modification, and special effects usage to create devastating and unpredictable effects. ANM-535 showed superior intelligence and creativity, quickly adapting to situations and obstacles, and using various strategies and tactics. He demonstrated incredible resilience and regeneration, surviving various types of attacks and injuries, and recovering within seconds. ANM-535 showed no signs of fatigue, fear, pain, or remorse, only sadistic pleasure and bloodlust.
**Conclusion:** Jv is an extremely dangerous and unstable entity, capable of causing catastrophic and irreversible damage to the environment and structures. He is virtually invulnerable to conventional and anomalous weapons and possesses an arsenal of abilities and equipment that defy the laws of nature and logic. ANM-535 is an existential threat to humanity and reality and must remain as General Jota.
**End of Record**
**Special Event Record: ANM-535-063-XK - Earth Fragmentation**
**Event Record:**
**Date:** May 6, 2040
**Location:** Planet Earth
**Event Report:** Fragmentation of Planet Earth by ANM-535-063-XK
**Detailed Report:**
At 14:37 UTC, ANM-535-063-XK was detected moving rapidly towards the geographic center of the planet. Within minutes, he activated a series of highly destructive devices from his backpack, combining antimatter explosives and nuclear bombs with matter manipulation provided by his gloves.
Satellites monitored a massive increase in seismic and energy activity around ANM-535-063-XK. He began drilling through the Earth's crust using his sword, whose explosive function was repeatedly activated, causing deep fissures and releasing energy at catastrophic levels.
From the epicenter of ANM-535-063-XK's operation, shockwaves propagated, resulting in the fragmentation of the lithosphere. In less than an hour, the planet began showing signs of global fissuring. Oceans began to evaporate, and tectonic plates became completely destabilized.
At 15:42 UTC, an energy explosion from ANM-535-063-XK's portable generator, set to release a critical amount of energy, was detected. This event marked the critical point of destruction, with Earth literally being split in half.
- **Physical:** Earth was divided into two distinct hemispheres, each drifting in opposite directions.
- **Public:** Billions of lives were lost instantly, with the remaining survivors in a state of absolute chaos and despair.
- **Environmental:** The atmosphere was severely compromised, resulting in oxygen loss and increased solar radiation.
- **Economic and Social:** All global infrastructure collapsed, leaving the planet in a state of anarchy.
- **Military:** All armed forces were decimated or rendered ineffective.
ANM-535-063-XK demonstrated a level of power and destruction that surpasses any known containment capability. Monitoring remains crucial, despite the complete failure of physical containment attempts.
The Eleven Counselors
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lamilanomagazine · 2 years
Napoli, si mette sui binari e interrompe la circolazione della metropolitana per 45 minuti
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Napoli, si mette sui binari e interrompe la circolazione della metropolitana per 45 minuti. Giovedì pomeriggio gli agenti dell’Ufficio Prevenzione Generale, durante il servizio di controllo del territorio, su disposizione della Centrale Operativa, sono intervenuti presso la fermata della metropolitana “Toledo” per una segnalazione di una persona molesta. I poliziotti, giunti sul posto, sono stati avvicinati da una dipendente ANM la quale ha raccontato che un uomo stava molestando i passeggeri ed era sceso più volte sui binari bloccando la circolazione dei treni per circa 45 minuti. Bloccato e denunciato Gli operatori hanno individuato l’uomo che, alla loro vista, ha tentato di aggredirli ma, non senza difficoltà, è stato bloccato. Un 44enne napoletano con precedenti di polizia è stato denunciato per resistenza a Pubblico Ufficiale e interruzione di pubblico servizio. Read the full article
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tiesandtea · 3 years
What's your favourite track from the album? Brett: I love the lyrics to the second single, Obsessions. It's basically a list of all the details about a particular person I find really interesting. Down to their little physical habits and the books they read. Simon: There's a track called One Hit to the Body which is very personal to Brett but it's a beautiful song. I love it.
Brett Anderson & Simon Gilbert in interview with Janice Long, BBC Radio 2, Belfast, on the occasion of Suede playing at the Limelight on 22 September 2002. (x)
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kalluun-patangaroa · 4 years
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i-D magazine, # 224, October 2002
Had problems scanning this, cos the mag is bulky, thick (322 pages) and heavy, and the pages hardly fit into my tiny little A4 home scanner, but here you go.
This is a great interview with Brett, one of the best from the ANM era, so I’m happy to share it with you. Enjoy!
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