#annabeth was the clan leader
litwafflehouse · 2 years
I said it once and I’ll say it again, imagine young Annabeth Chase forcing Will Solace and Clarisse La Rue to play warrior cats BECAUSE THATS SO FREAKING CUTE
Bonus: one Halloween she convinced them to dress up as their warrior cat personas
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white-boy-bracket · 1 year
Artemis didn’t want to be sitting outside- it was hot according to his standards, and he didn’t exactly want to be in the same general area as when he had discovered the corpse of, apparently, Percy and Grover’s former friend.
So when Mangus, Percy, and Stanley (who had some sort of cephalopod type creature on his shoulders) approached Artemis, he was understandably miffed. It wasn’t as though they’d done anything wrong last night-- well, Magnus had been a bit strange-- but Artemis didn’t even want to think about that… ‘pee-pee party’. At least that sword wasn’t there. 
They’d had Prosper and Firestar (and Graystripe) with them- it seemed as though Graystripe was loath to be left alone with a bunch of ‘two-legs’ (Artemis wondered inwardly if Firestar had once been a ‘kitty-pet’- he certainly seemed much more acclimated to people and knew the correct words for some things), so Artemis didn’t really have much of a choice but to follow them outside. They sat in a circle on the grass (which Artemis also wasn’t thrilled about).
The approaching party of three sat down near Firestar, and Percy spoke first.
“We need to ask for your help,” he said, rather seriously. Percy pulled out his own amulet from underneath his (horrendously) orange shirt.
“Annabeth and Stanley’s Narrator were… taken.” Percy said sorrowfully.
“We need to get them back.” Stanley signed in ASL, the octopus on his shoulder speaking his words aloud.
“We’ve got a plan, to use the amulets-- we can use them to sneak all of us in, if one person manages to get to the Showrunner’s prison.”
Artemis furrowed his brow, “How do you suggest we do that? The arena is impenetrable.”
“We go in during a round.” Magnus says slyly. “And that’s why we need your help.”
Magnus pointed to Graystripe (whose fur stood on end), and gave Firestar a questioning look. “Would that be… could you do that? This is really important to us.”
Firestar tilted his head, “What do you want me to do? And why point at Graystripe? He doesn’t- he’s not-” Firestar looked uncomfortable, “he’s never been around two-legs before.”
“Oh, sorry,” Magnus said, “Uh-”
Artemis jumped in, “Of course- Graystripe isn’t competing. You want him to sneak in and teleport the rest of you out, don’t you?”
“Yeah-” Percy said, “Exactly. Graystripe even already has a necklace.”
“If that’s something you’re willing to risk.” Stanley signed carefully, the octopus taking a gentle sort of tone.
Firestar said, “You phrase that like we’re fragile little kitty-pets. We’ve both done far more dangerous things- Graystripe is a great warrior and I’m leader of my clan. We’re not afraid.”
“So, that’s a yes?” Stanley asked.
“No, I need to ask Graystripe. He doesn’t speak two-leg.”
Firestar then meowed to Graystripe, who thought for a single instant, and then  meowed back, honestly sounding a bit offended. Firestar touched his nose to Graystripe’s pelt, looking embarrassed. The two meowed back and forth for a brief while, Firestar gradually looking more and more uncomfortable. 
Eventually, it seemed as though Graystripe relented. 
“He’ll do it,” Firestar said, though neither of them looked happy (Graystripe looked suspicious and Firestar looked embarrassed).
“Aw, great!” Percy said enthusiastically. “So, next round?”
“Thank you.” Stanley signed emphatically. “I hope that my Narrator may become friends with you. He’s a kitten right now, and you both seem to be very honorable cats.”
Firestar dipped his head, but notably didn’t translate that to Graystripe. 
Artemis said, “What’s your plan for once you get out of the death zone?”
“Allow me to explain how this is working.” the octopus said, pushing itself up from Stanley’s shoulder’s and looking more directly at the group.
“I am the Timekeeper. I, along with Stanley, the Line™, and the Narrator, originated from the Parable. The Parable is a confusing, contradictory, sort of place. It holds you captive and entwines you into its fabric in ways that even I can only begin to comprehend. I am connected to beings of the Parable. I can sense where others are, in a general sort of way, if I focus.”
Artemis nodded- it made sense, “And you’re informing us of this plan because we, too, have the necklaces.”
“Amulets,” Prosper muttered.
“Amulets,” Artemis corrected himself.
“Yeah,” Said Percy.
Artemis paused, “Speaking of Alastor, has he returned to your head yet, Prosperity?”
“No,” Prosper said, looking worried, “I think the Showrunner has him.”
Firestar looked like he was going to comfort Prosper physically, but decided against it. Because of Graystripe, Artemis thought- he was sure now that Firestar had had at least some connection to two-legs before; he wouldn’t look so embarrassed about it if he hadn’t.
“I’m sure we’ll find him,” Firestar said, “and besides, I think our accompanying Percy and his friends will actually make it more likely that all of us won’t be killed- Showrunner seems to like us. Artemis, Prosper, and I, that is.”
“We should all go together,” said Magnus.
Stanley signed, “Team Lit and Team Leverage.”
“Team…… Litvrage,” Said Percy.
“Team Litvrage,” Said Artemis, somewhat tiredly.
“Hell Yeah.” signed Stanley.
(cowritten by @misspelled-magic)
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Right before Revenge of the Fifth Ends, I did a companion piece(s) to Jedi!Percy, staring Mandalorian!Annabeth.
(No Helmet)
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Haha! Finished just in time before Revenge of the Fifth is over!!
I wanted her armor to have red, grey, and blue, which, in symbolism, means honoring a lost parent/leader, mourning a lost love, and reliability. It all ties in to her backstory that made up where she was left behind by her aliit (clan/family).
Her romance with Percy just makes it more interesting because the Mando/Jedi rivalry, and she's very Mando, having the powers of common sense and stab-well, but also holds family dear to her. It just makes sense.
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AUctober #6: Time Travel (Solangelo)
AO3 link
FF.net link
Alternate title: I Don’t Wanna Die (So You’re Gonna Have To)
Summary: But then there were warm hands on his shoulders, and he was staring into those expressive eyes the colour of the sky on a sunny day and he was falling in love all over again and Will’s embrace was warm, so warm, he never wanted to leave it again; he was home, where his heart was, once again. An Escape the Night crossover. Written for AUctober, hosted by @solangeloweek. (In ETN, a group of YouTubers are sent to the past to defeat an Evil force by completing tasks and competing in challenges where, in most cases, if they lose, they die. The general in-universe survival rate for YouTubers is around 30%. The YouTubers must also take on the persona of a role of the time period in order to participate in the time travelling process.)
Content warnings: Major character death and character death in general, mentions of homophobia (which actually isn’t present, not even in source material), panic attacks and sensory overload, spoilers for plot twists in Escape the Night Season 3 (and especially Episode 7), trauma. This fic also happens to be a cycle of hurt/comfort and angst and hurt/comfort and angst.
It had only been about eight hours, but Nico was already sick of the Seventies.
They had come into the decade via a strange seance, apparently, to free the Town of Everlock, which had been trapped in time, from “the Carnival Master”, but everything had been going… badly, to say the least.
For starters, to free the Town in the first place, people had to die to retrieve the relevant artifacts. No one had presented them with a waiver prior to the mission, to let them know that by participating in the quest, there was a ~70% chance of them dying in the process.
The first one to go down was Thalia. Nico was pit against her that round… but to be honest, it was their chosen challenge-partners who were being pit against each other. Both of them were just stuck there, tied to a pair of wonder wheels, waiting for Reyna and Will to save them like royal figures in distress in some stereotypical video game plot. Will only got a slight edge over Reyna in the last sections of the challenge — catapulting a rubber chicken into a basket and a knock-’em-down game with bottles. He never realized he was so close to death until Will’s warm arms were wrapped around him again and the Killer Clown Clan’s leader grabbed her knife to stab Thalia in the guts. By the time the artifact was cleansed, the knife of the Clown in Chief was dripping with fresh blood and it clattered to the ground as its owner poofed into black smoke. At the same time, he couldn’t help but feel terrible that Reyna had to deal with all of this — she had to fight between saving his life and her best friend.
They lost Percy to the venom of the Snake Woman the next hour, leaving a distraught Annabeth behind, already grieving for her older sister figure. And after that, Jason — his cousin and the first person he ever came out to (thanks to Piper’s older brother being a testa da caso…) never came back from the den of the Man With No Name — Hazel mentioned something about him tripping over and losing his glasses halfway through the challenge, so he suspected Jason’s nearsightedness had something to do with the situation.
And then he died, for real this time. It had been tests of strength and physical strength and it was a blur and it was an arm-wrestling contest against Frank and he lost and everything hurt and he knew not even the Fates would spare him in a peaceful death if they had barely spared him in life and he would have to leave his tesoro and Hazel behind, he could still hear Frank’s shouted, guilt-ridden apologies and despondent screaming for mercy and the roars of “You’re gonna die” and then it was pain and pain and more pain—
There were flashes. A church. A Black young man, a woman with dark hair perhaps slightly younger than the man, holding hands, scabbards on their belts.
And then there was a voice. A familiar voice, but it couldn’t be him, they were separated on the boundary of life and death—
“Come back to me, Skeletor. I’m waiting for you.”
But you can’t be, I can’t come back, I’m literally d—
“Trust me, Angel. Open your eyes.”
The humming chords of a harp. He could feel his heart pumping again. He was… alive? He rushed through the town, roads only lit by the dim lights of street lamps and storefront signage. The lounge behind the fridge inside the arcade — it was supposed to be his place, according to the role he was supposed to take on, the Arcade Attendant.
Inside, he guiltily noted that both Annabeth and Leo were missing from the group. Perhaps they were doing some new challenge—
But after a moment of silence, he was greeted with cheers and tearful, relieved laughter.
“You’re back!”
“It worked! The Harp worked!”
“I’m so happy to see you again!”
“We did it!”
But then there were warm hands on his shoulders, and he was staring into those expressive eyes the colour of the sky on a sunny day and he was falling in love all over again and Will’s embrace was warm, so warm, he never wanted to leave it again; he was home, where his heart was, once again.
“I… I thought I lost you for good, Neeks.” He was wearing Nico’s leather jacket, which he entrusted to Will before he entered his challenge. The only thing Nico could really do was cling onto his boyfriend and never let go — here it’s safe, here it’s warm.
“I guess I’m back now, firefly.”
They got some peace and quiet for a solid five minutes altogether.
Later on, he asked about what happened to Annabeth and Leo — where they were.
“Oh, sweetie…”
Apparently Annabeth had been locked into an iron maiden — as in the medieval torture device?! — after an unfortunate stroke of luck in the votes, and Leo had apparently had his skull bashed in with a falling disco ball of all things (he would have asked more about it, but Will had clammed up right after that, so he decided not to question further).
And after that, they were forced down to a Funhouse with flashing colours, one by one, to solve puzzles and pop balloons, which didn’t exactly help his already ‘disoriented and overwhelmed from being back from the dead’ self. The Funhouse Man with his many faces came in and dragged him out, leaving him to have a panic attack in a cage outside. Hazel, Will and Reyna eventually joined him outside, but it did nothing to stop the discomfort of being stuck in a cage is it just me or is it getting smaller and smaller and smaller—
And eventually, after what was practically eternity, the stupid idiot responsible for triggering him on at least three different levels returned, set Hazel and Reyna free, and told him and his boyfriend to re-enter the stupid Funhouse for “a final time”, for a challenge to the death.
In conclusion, it had been an absolutely terrible night so far.
Lollipops of disgusting flavours. High-stakes bean-bag toss combined with the Floor is Lava. He tried his damnedest but he was two seconds away from solving the final riddle with a warm hand in his when a voice beside him accidentally blurted out the answer and ran off, leaving his hand to cool, and slotted the necessary item in the right place—
"We have a winner, ladies and gentlemen! Both of you exit the rooms and claim your prize."
And they were crying in each other’s arms, fearful and uncertain for what was their fate to come. Vague memories of threats of being gutted with a fish-hook. The accidental betrayal, having to go back to the Other Side with the guilt of dooming the other, but if they had decided to pull a Katniss-and-Peeta then they doubted that the Funhouse Man would let them both go if they won at the same time—
Last kisses in the elevator moving upward, to the surface, to certain doom. Last goodbyes, heartbroken, guilt-ridden, tearful. Perhaps there were no happy endings awaiting at all, and the world was indeed as homophobic as the bigots made it out to be at all.
By the time they left the garish structure, both of them were bitterly resigned to their fates, yet there was no Funhouse Man with a fish-hook awaiting them outside, just a small box hanging from a string with a note. The note was written in very curly cursive, which took them a while to read, but the first half of the message read, The sad news is, you both get to live.
Tearful embrace. Warm. Safe. Together. Not to be parted again. They still had a chance to go home together. Hope.
When the boys got back, they would find several startled friends shouting over the dead body of Piper McLean with a bloody, gaping wound in her stomach (even if she voted Will in, Nico forced himself not to stay mad at her for doing so), and they would spend the next twenty or so minutes mourning those they had lost, but for now, we could only let them enjoy their peace and quiet, if only for a moment.
Testa da caso - Venetian heavy profanity, lit. d!ckhead, refers to a bad person who does not understand and gives problems
Despite what the implications were, Thalia and Reyna were just friends in this ‘verse, with no romantic affiliation for each other.
The two figures replacing Jael and Ryu are Beckendorf and Silena.
In-universe, the Harp of Lazarus was retrieved by the YouTubers in Season 3 Episode 6 and were permitted to use it to revive one of the deceased from the dead and give them a second chance to fight for their lives.
For a moment, I considered letting Hazel be the one revived, but since the challenge was a boys-only challenge, she couldn’t be the one. And I also completely forgot about Leo (if a Season 4 is possible in this universe, he would definitely be an All Star)... and I live for Nico angst. I mean, don’t we all? (And fluff. Both angst and fluff. Both is good.)
To those of you who love Percabeth, I’m so sorry (I am personally indifferent to the ship). To those of you who hate Annabeth in particular, her painful death (albeit offscreen) in this fic is for you, credited to be one of the most brutal deaths in the entire series. You’re welcome.
The rest of the note read, Breaks my heart. It really does. The very good news, however, is that the person who voted the winner into the challenge is getting their guts torn open right now.
And to my fellow Escapees, at least I’m not doing Episode 9, that would be a nightmare for my minor ass to write. I’d probably have to slap a big fat warning label on it, and they should have done it too at the start of the episode. Also, if you guys want to know what I had planned for Episodes 8-10 for this AU, just ask in the reviews/comments/notes/reblogs/tags, because I have some plans. Oh, and the disco ball death isn't canon, of course, it's from one of my older idea lists.
I'm going to be having tests for several different subjects (10%-20% of exam scores) in the next two weeks, so I probably will be going on temporary hiatus for a while, but I'll do what I can. After all, October is already almost ending, and I haven't even finished a week of this writing activity yet. Man, I really need to catch up, and kudos to everyone who managed to do this continuously without major delays in each fic.
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irisviel101 · 4 years
Sometimes, I wonder if people just don't use their brains
Why do people always demonize/hate the characters who you have to look deeper into to understand? I've seen this happen so many times, it's ridiculous. I have nothing against not liking a character even for no reason — even in real life, people don't get along for no reason — but when someone completely butchers a character, takes everything about them out of context, compares them to other characters to judge their "worth" and trivializes their suffering and pain?
I get so mad that it cannot even be stated.
You mean to tell me that Ron "the thing Harry would miss the most" Weasley is holding him back? That Ron "torture me instead of Hermione" is abusive towards her? That Ron "fights Malfoy, Crabbe and Goyle because they insulted Harry, Neville and his entire family" Weasley is a bully? That Ron "came on the horcrux quest and put his whole family in danger to help Harry" is a liability? That Ron "willing to sacrifice himself at the age of 12 for his friends" Weasley is a coward?
You mean to tell me that Sakura "saved so many lives that I can't even count" Haruno is useless? That Sakura "played wing woman for Hinata and Naruto" Haruno is a bully? That Sakura "forgave Sasuke for all his bullshit" Haruno is shallow? That Sakura "willing to kill Sasuke to stop the whole crisis" Haruno is nothing but a fangirl?
You mean to tell me that Hinata "motivated Naruto by her proud failure speech and standing up to Pein" Hyūga is useless? That Hinata "did her best to improve by training a lot — mentioned by Kurenai — to live up to her clan" Hyūga has no character beyond stalking? That Hinata "offered her medicine to Kiba as well as Naruto after their fight" doesn't care for anything except Naruto? That Hinata "fought Neji and actually surprised him despite no one except Naruto, including herself, believing she could" Hyūga is weak?
You mean to tell me that Jason "I offer my life, just save my friends" Grace cares about nothing but himself? That Jason "I don't want to be the leader" Grace is arrogant and attention seeking? That Jason "having an identity crisis" Grace has no development or personality? That Jason "takes charge ONLY to keep everyone going after Percy and Annabeth fall into Tartarus" Grace cares only for himself? That Jason "had to keep himself from showing weakness to avoid being eaten by a wolf at the age of 2" Grace is weak? That Jason "literally doesn't know who he is beyond a demigod soldier" Grace doesn't have a single problem in the world? That Jason "abandoned by his psycho mom at the age of 2, raised by wolves and had to find the camo on his own at the age of 3 while being a beacon for monsters because of his dad" Grace doesn't know hardship? That Jason "can we even trust Nico" Grace never makes a mistake and is unrealistically perfect?
Guys, just please look into these beautiful people. They don't deserve this.
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dndbabes · 6 years
Dark Dreams
want to get caught up? [click this link]  this update is 2 sessions in 1 update, because both were rly short.
Recap done by Naivara.
Harbuck is lvl 2 now. Good job buddy. Naivara visits Merle, but he isn’t home. Corkpop checks on Aunt Maggie. She’s alright. She mentions how windy it just was, completely unaware of the hurricane force of the winds.
Ash goes back to the tavern. He gets a crossbow and an axe pointed at him by Ruck and Kallista, they’re both fine. 
Naivara goes back to Merle’s place, but no answer. Mark Smith was wounded in the conflict. Merle is not answering because he is, in fact, counted among the dead.
...Naivara, unaware of this and already at his house, decides to loot. She gets all our shit back, plus 140 gold and 10 platinum.
Tobi talks to Harbuck, invites him out for a drink. Harbuck is interested, but asks for a raincheck because the Town Was Just Attacked, Tobi.
Kuori helps the guard w defensive measures.
Tobi drinks an entire bottle of fancy ass wine in his room. When Naivara gets back to the room, she writes a letter to Forge. It’s real cute and real gay.
Kuori starts catchig up to Tobi, he hits on Ruck, then Tobi vents to him. They have a drunk bonding session. Naivara tells them both to shut up and go to bed. They fall asleep in eachothers embrace.
Corkpop attunes to the wand and Sava’s cloak. Then he reads his book for 9 hrs.
Naivara gets Corkpop to make a sticky substance sample, then undresses Tobi and Kuori [both are uh. passed out drunk.] In the morning, Corkpop makes the room, smell of sweat.
But first. Tobi has a vision. His pleasant dream of fighting alongside John Harbuck, both shirtless for some reason, goes dark. He can’t see anything. He realizes he can’t move either, he’s being restrained, but he’s afraid and wants to move. He hears crying and screaming, then he starts to see flickers of light and feel warmth. Wherever he is, it’s engulfed in flame. The cries and screams eventually cease, and all he sees is fire and the night sky.
A figure stands above him, appearing to be made of living shadow. A cloak billowing off them, and a longsword in one of their hands. They reach out a hand towards him and everything goes black again.
Kuori also has a dream. He’s fighting formless foes, his companions fighting with him. More and more start to appear, and he starts getting seperated from the group. Each time he looks up from the fighting, his party is farther away. His foes turn into Drow warriors- He’s surrounded, but he’s winning. The number keep growing, but he does ok.
His party is nearly out of sight. He hears the sound of a hammer hitting an anvil from their direction. he tries to go back, but he can’t, he’s unable to get through his enemies. He’s being pulled down, and as he looks up, he sees two crossed spears being raised by 2 of the drow.
Kuori and Tobi both wake up with sticky stuff on them, and the room smelling of sweat. Tobi’s Brain Explodes and he Very Quickly gets dressed. the party finds out he’s a virgin because he mentions that he’s mad he doesn’t even remember his first time.
Kuori tastes the... sample and finds it’s not biological [and that’s as far as i’m tying.] Tobi, now left, summons Snowball in a park. Kuori confronts Corkpop, who denies everything. Ash eats breakfast. Ash has learned not to get involved.
The Entire Party [besides Tobi] tries to convince Kuori it happened. Kuori throws part of his breakfast, a very large sausage, at Kalissa. 
Corkpop has a nice new outfit. Tobi goes to find Harbuck.  Harbuck is very tired. Tobi brings forms to Linda, the new mayor, so that Harbuck can catch some ZZs. 
Ash, disguised as Naivara, finds a old but still usable fishing rod in Merle’s shop. He goes fishing with Naivara, and they both catch feesh.
Linda hands Tobi a writ to give to Annabeth, the Lord Commander of the Order of the Chalice. Tobi also goes to find Xander with Corkpop and Kuori, because he apparently wanted to talk to the party. 
Xander found out a few things:
First, the orb. It would have caused hurricane force winds, for a mile, for a full hour. The box was meant to contain it.
He also leads us to a room, with a woman asleep in it and a man by her bedside. Xander brings out a newborn, human-looking except for a bright blue tinge to his skin. [Tobi is like ‘CUTE’ internally.]
Xander also hands us one Sending Stone, keeping the other for himself in case they need to get word out to us from Redlarch. 
Kuori and Tobi go out to the Goldenfields. Ash, Corkpop, and Naivara stay behind. Ash and Naivara spread rumours about Tobi and Kuori. 
Kuori and Snowball pull the cart. Corkpop’s player eats lemons just... by themselves and he’s weird and Jesse Doesn’t Understand Their Friends.
ANYWAYS. The head druid’s name is Meera, we go to find her. All the farmers and rangers seem... distracted. We find Meera, and she’ll unpetrify Flint and Moira if we can first do something for her. She wants help with a wild folk clan, the Clan of the Pale Forest. She wants us to try and convince them to not attack her fields, because they’d get annihilated.
The harvest was scarce for the Goldenfields as well. 
The leader of the Pale Forest Clan is a very strong half-orc, but other than that Meera doesn’t know that much about her. The clan itself is split pretty evenly. There are a fair number of Orcs, Half-Orcs and Humans. The leader sits at the base of the largest tree, Meera marks our map.
On the way out Kuori grabs grain to offer to the elk spirit when we get to the Everwood Spine. 
Meanwhile, the rumours have been spread, just like Tobi’s legs.
We cut the session just as Tobi and Kuori get back to Redlarch to get the party.
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