shareaquote · 7 years
It takes climbing a mountain to get there. Crossing a bridge beaten down by harsh elements, finding no shelter, and being your own person. It takes change and growth to reach the destination. It’s no easy ride. It’s pain and gnawing disbelief, wondering when it will all end. But this is an affirmation, that the sun does exist. That smiles need not be heavy and kindness need not be in exchange for anything. This is a testimony, of the good humanity still has to offer. To acknowledge that no matter how harsh this world has become, the winter sets the start contrast to appreciate spring.
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shareaquote · 7 years
Here’s to the sacrifices made for the dreams we build and the goal we aspire towards. Knowing we are more than our failures makes us unstoppable.
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shareaquote · 7 years
It’s easy to fall in love with the idea of beauty – of a person, a place, a sorrow and a secret. After all, beauty is what all its appearance can ever reveal. So know that until you see deep through the crevices to what lies beneath, you can never say you love it for all that it is.
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shareaquote · 7 years
Much of what’s both true and magical in this world doesn’t come with embellishments. There are no words to describe its magnitude nor height to account for its depth. It exists as it is, beheld in truth only in the hearts of those who feel it.
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shareaquote · 7 years
The beauty you see and feel in someone and towards something should never be subjected to validation from society. Whichever way the world turns, know that beauty is subjective and love cannot be agreed upon by many. So what are you waiting for? Go get that love.
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shareaquote · 7 years
I think the beauty of life is seen not from being fleeting, not from being always on the run, on the go, always leaving. I think you see beauty, true beauty, by being the one who stays. Because it takes far greater sight and love to see the good and beauty in something mundane and everyday, in something normal that you’ve grown accustomed to for quite some time. It takes a wondrous soul and an adventurous being to see beauty in his or her everyday life.
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shareaquote · 4 years
Most days I'm fine.. I allow myself to believe I've healed from the ordeal. Some days I'm back to the start. And on these days the stark contrast exists between the reality and the memories in my head: there's no such thing as healing from all this. There is just THIS. The NOW. The living with it, the getting through it, the getting up from bed and trying anew, the showing up, and just dealing with it. There's no magic here.
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shareaquote · 4 years
You’re not the bright shining sun with glorious presence and jaw-dropping smile. You’re the soil from which all things grow, the source of timeless beauty, immemorial, ever present.  
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