#annnnnd post
dear-ao3 · 1 year
dracula movie and its set during canon era and all that except the only music in the movie is while jonathan is writing about his realization that dracula is not human, monster by lady gaga is playing. everything else is completely historically correct and it would be super dramatic if lady gaga wasnt playing
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oceantoyz · 2 years
Creature time!
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wackycatzzz · 2 months
art dump :3
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finchers-ipad · 7 months
sighhhh…the narrator wearing garfield pyjamas and tyler wearing hello kitty ones
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kaijudick · 4 months
soft sciences? no, actually, all sciences get me hard
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aleatoryw · 7 months
obi-wan kenobi is so eldest daughter coded
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toxifoxx · 25 days
he should've been naked in that suit
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sappymix1 · 1 year
IN THIS VIDEO WE WILL BE TRAVELING TO THE WATER PLANET FROM THE MOVIE INTERSTELLAR! we have to survive the next fifty hours while avoiding the GIANT WAVE that rotates around the planet and trying not to drown. we have all of your favorite youtubers with us including sapnap! dream! and georgenotfound! but what none of the guys know is that the gravity of the black hole we’re rotating around speeds up time, so every hour here can be years back on earth. stick around to the end of the video to see if any of our friends and loved ones are still around when we get home!
*karl voice* what did you say jimmy?
*looks directly at the camera* don’t worry about it!
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scholarhect · 4 months
frustrated because i want to get educated on feminist theory but idk where to start, especially since there’s so much flawed feminism out there (god, you’re saying i have to read it all and form my own opinion? but that’s so much work! just tell me what One feminist work i should read to know everything) but it’s so important because i’m becoming increasingly convinced that our deemphasis on theory is killing feminism.
we’re losing her. we’re doing vibes-based feminism we’re doing “whatever personal opinions i bring to the table without thinking about them are my political views” feminism we’re doing “it’s easy! if you don’t hate women and want them to die you’re a feminist!” feminism we’re doing VANITY feminism we’re doing “common sense” feminism (just a rephrase of “whatever personal opinions…” feminism) and we’re shocked that we’re losing. a political movement & ideology* that has NO thought behind it, JUST vibes. no pillars, no standards. what even is a feminist? when do you ever hear that articulated? unless, again, you’re hearing “a feminist is somebody who believes women are people :)” that’s exactly the problem i’m talking about.
this is why we’re losing ground to “criticizing beauty standards is antifeminist because it feels good to be pretty” feminism we’re losing ground to “you know what group has had it too good for too long? the transgender woman” feminism we’re losing ground to “feminism is for women AND men and the more we include men the more feminist it is” feminism.
frankly the way the transphobic feminism gains followers is it’s the only fucking side that actually gives somebody ARGUMENTS to latch on to. people are alienated by toothless no thoughts feminism and they’re going to people who are offering them some thoughts, and a bad argument beats the shit out of no argument at all. it’s like if you showed up to court with no lawyer? and you were like “everybody knows i’m right, morally. it’s common sense. the strength of that will protect me :)” you are going to prison. we could be doing transfeminist theory we could be explaining the role of gender in society and how it’s constructed and how women both cis & trans are constructed as women but instead we’re saying “i don’t hate trans women because i’m normal :)” that’s nothing!!! am i making myself clear do you see what i’m talking about!
and then the other two things i complained about, the “feminism is anything that makes me feel good, as a woman” and “feminism is for men, actually” are just because when we have zero standards for feminism it can mean anything at all. we could be talking about these things but we aren’t.
i don’t know how to fix this (i could learn more, but what then? well i guess id post about it for my followers. good enough, i guess. so it’s just that i don’t know how to learn more) but i am getting so frustrated with the way things are now. i know there’s people out there doing real things in the feminist space but i don’t know where to look… lot of trans women on my twitter tl talking about feminism (and yes that’s something, but i am hungry for more than twitter threads <3) and they’re fighting an uphill battle over there. like. god
* i feel like it’d be the good feminist thing to do to come down hard with “feminism is a MOVEMENT” but we do kind of need internal ideology before we can have external movement, probably. seems like people who already have feminist ideas are more likely to engage in feminist actions when the time comes. but idk i’m no political movements expert. this post is just me giving you my two cents on a specific concept
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egipci · 7 months
Dean with beard burn on his face
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watching riverdale means you think about it all the time like i'll remember i have red hair and go "oh just like archie" or that I know a lot of words and go "just like betty" or that I am somehow both fighting the narrative and am the narrator I am fighting and go "just like Jughead"
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cinemacrypt · 2 years
I don't think it would've solved anything, in fact it probably would've largely exacerbated their problems, but I still think that Geaer Grimsrud and Carl Showalter from the 1996 hit movie "Fargo" should've fucked.
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poelya · 25 days
"The film’s abysmal reputation, however, didn’t hurt its financial prospects" love when people go "yeah the prequel trilogy made tons of money despite being hated on wildly" but remain dead silent when the sequels made more money at the box office,
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veliseraptor · 2 years
do you think it's possible to elaborate on your xy's head on xxc's knees thoughts or 👀
okay I'm going to try though I am concerned I might just end up sounding slightly insane.
so basically...I have a lot of feelings about the applications of, like, animal metaphors to Xue Yang specifically, and the ways in which they both have a tinge of...accuracy? to them, and also the ways in which they fall right in line with the continual dehumanization that is part of what fucked him up so bad. and I think they're something that he both resents and leans into - Xue Yang knows people see him as something animal (or worse, thanks Song-daozhang), and it both makes him angry and also is something that he will actively play up. it makes people nervous and also makes people underestimate him. which, sometimes Xue Yang wants to puff himself up like (watch this) an angry bird to make himself look bigger, but other times he's perfectly happy to play dumb if it gives him an advantage.
all this being said, then: I think I've gone on record before about the ways in which Xiao Xingchen, relatively uniquely (with the exception, I think, of Jin Guangyao and even that is...complicated) treats Xue Yang like an actual human person. and that, I think, is genuinely one of the things that knocks Xue Yang off his feet, because that really is huge. being cared for - even loved - not just for his use or skills but because he is a person who has intrinsic value...goes a long way.
thus: Xue Yang's domestication arc, wherein he's (at least partially) domesticated because someone isn't treating him as something at best animalistic, no ulterior motives, and the language here is important because, of course, domestication is language used specifically for animals.
so then I look at that art of Xue Yang on the ground resting his head on Xiao Xingchen's knee while Xiao Xingchen is sort of petting his hair and it's like. there's implications to that pose! there's a dynamic that's created there of subordination and submission, alongside affection and (with the positioning of his hands), a little bit of possessiveness. have you ever had a dog do the lean into your legs when you're petting them? that's kind of what it makes me think of. Xiao Xingchen's touch looks very light, but the position of his hands is such that it could also be holding him down. and then, at the other end of things, Xue Yang's eyes are open and staring directly at the viewer, and his expression still looks dangerous to me.
it's just this great combination of, like...Xue Yang as tamed/owned by Xiao Xingchen, by choice, but...barely. or partially. or only when it comes to him.
and look. just. when it comes to a certain flavor of xuexiao at least: feelings about the fine, fine leash Xiao Xingchen has on Xue Yang that's only there, that only holds, because Xiao Xingchen never, or almost never, pulls on it. domestication that only works because it isn't about taming something animal. submission that can exist because Xiao Xingchen behaves as though it doesn't.
not sure this arrangement of words makes any sense at all. maybe I just should've typed "ahhhhhhhhhhhhh xuexiao specific dom/sub dynamics where xiao xingchen isn't entirely aware that it's happening, also animal metaphors and xue yang's humanity" and left it at that
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wackycatzzz · 5 months
frilled jellyfish if she joined the abyss
back from the death. Also, HEEEAVILYYY inspired by Kyunika.
Tried to base it of of a medusa jellyfish, kind of failed.
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There was that post going around a while back about how fucking rough on the body it is to get jump-started back from the dead... but what if the reason so many revenants were reportedly chewing on their burial shrouds was because being infused with life again also gives you a mind-bending orgasm
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