#annnnnnnnd [rest]
lynksease · 9 months
guys if I keep on waking up early and going to sleep on time I MIGHT just start school with an appropriate sleep schedule for the first time on earth
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charliem0rningstar · 7 months
From the desk of @one-coming-is-enough , Logos to the World, Prince of Peace, and Crown Regent of Hell:
(I'm His unofficial Metatron--given that I am the daughter of @the-metatron , this seems appropriate.)
Hi there! You're cordially invited to:
the throne room.
*Upon receiving this, you're there. It's instantaneous. You just look up and you're good.*
*It's got lavender ferns in big pots now. And couches, also lavender and very modern, floating. There is a shiny purple asymmetrical coffee table with a small purple fish dish containing wrapped butterscotch candies.
The rest is a lavender void filled with stars.
Jesus Himself reclines in an egg-shaped armchair, wearing a lavender double-breasted suit that pops against His dark skin. His long, frizzy hair is in a ponytail, and He wears a golden crown of thorns tipped with dangling ruby drops.*
"Charliiiiiie, what's shakin'?" Jesus doesn't get up, but waves at the egg-shaped chair across from Him. "The place is a little under construction just yet. Don't mind the stardust. Roscato?"
Two wineglasses appear on the table and fill with a bubbly red.
*she looks about a bit frazzled but blinks then sits across from him*
"I'm um I'm alright, I just didn't expect to be here just yet, annnnnnnnd you are?"
*she doesn't pick up the wine glass close to her*
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headingalaxys-spicy · 2 years
Say the omega rebellion is successful and the government collapses. What would the yandere alphas do? Who would try to escape? Who would try to fight back? Who would fail?
Alright as you try to drown out the screams and panic in the background I’m here to give you a quick breakdown of the colossal calamity. Because holy butter. Do omegas have a lot of pent up anger. And all of you know what happens when something has been pent up for far too long.
Fucking Ka-BOOM!
Yandere Alpha’s - Omega’s toppling them will break some of their goddamn brains. Which makes it easier for more of them to be a part of the slaughter. By enhanced scythes that make murder almost effortless. It just takes one swing! *cue Grim from Billy and Mandy-esque laughter*
Others will be fighting back and trying to subdue some of the hoards that have spawned from seemingly nowhere. It’s as if there was an entire nation of Omega’s that were living in hiding and only just now had the proper leadership to overthrow the repressive dictators. The hellish scenes of those who are in their rank, that does not cease nor subside will eventually wear those with mightiest of mettle. Will succumb to the hordes.
Some will beg and plead to not be killed.
Others will simply sit in their leather chairs and have a stiff drink as death walks through their doors armed with Molotov Cocktails.
Fleeing for an Alpha isn’t too possible since most of the good hiding places are still occupied by those who were ostracized by them in the first place.
“Sucks when the shoe is on the other foot doesn't it?” A frying pan crashing into a figure could be heard from miles away.
Only a small population of docile Alpha’s that were known to be kind to those in the lower classifications will be spared.
America, Germany, and Russia would be the Alpha’s that fight to their deaths.
England and China were prepared for this. They escape. England with his magical powers. But he now has to live in his magical dimension probably permanently. China, he’s wise and was not here for the bullshit. He built an entire secret underground palace where he’ll live out the rest of his days with his staff and his omega love.
Canada dude just had a lot of favor with the Omega’s. He was kind to them. Mattie boy gets to watch the collapse of life as he once knew it while watching it on his HD TV. He’s chilling while he eats a pile of maple pancakes and enjoying the absence of his annoying twin.
Beta’s - A lot of them are in awe of how feral Omegas are. They’re impressed, terrified, and lending a hand to the rebellion. Although it took a reasonable amount of discussion and discourse to get through to some sizable groups of them.
After the war has started a lot of them will either be stationed in the city facilitating medical, transport, and communications amidst the blood, debris, & political dissonance. They’re the ones behind the larger operation and do their best to seek out Alpha’s with enhanced technology that can look at a person's gene code. Since some Alpha’s have tried to hide amongst the Omega’s and pretend that they were on their side for the entire time.
The ones who fail in this group are the ones who firmly believed in the Alpha Controlled Government, those who ratted people out, blackmailed, etc will be the ones who get interrogated for information, tortured, and imprisoned.
France- Going to be inebriated though all of this. The rebellion has broke his brain. He’ll be found at the end of the war somewhere with an empty red wine bottle facedown on the concrete with sparkles still around him. (He’s that fabulous.)
Italy- With his brother and Spain, mass producing white flags, annnnnnnnd trying his best not to flood his apartment.
Spain- Considering drinking but doesn’t want to freak out Italy.
Romano- Stress drinking and chowing down on his third bowl of pasta.
Omega’s - Some of them are scared and excited out of their mind. Only about 20% of them would be unwilling to get violent in the uprising. However, that did not mean that they were going to be useless. Since a great deal of them are nurses, cooks, and other blue collar jobs that made life for the Alpha’s easy. Nevertheless, that didn’t mean that all Omega’s dedicated themselves to the cause.
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WIP(s) Update #I
A/N: Hello everybody! As promised, this post is a little peek into what I’ve been working on as of late.
It’ll be divided into two parts: drafts I’ve been intermittently working on from 2022 and earlier (some may be all the way back from 2020 as well, YIKES), and then more recent works that have popped up within the last five to six months.
More under the cut because this got . . . very long.
Old(er) Works/WIP(s) [from 2022 and before]:
Fics I owe/want to give people [three to five in total]
Expansion of AUs Written / Noted
possible modern AU of Bảo being a gamer as a teenager like some Youtubers, but he’s small-time indie kinda guy
Reversal [within my cast of OCs] (i.e. Apprentice!Bảo and Auntie!Liên)
Celestial Sanctum
Actor AU(?) [at least Lucio’s part]
Apprenticember—DAY(s) II & III (Part II)
Main 6 LI route stories with Apprentice and/or Librarian Lyra
Maybe??? Even??? Librarian Lyra Route???
Expansion on time spent with the various in-laws for both Apprentice / Librarian Lyra and her LI(s)
All Apprentice!Lyras interacting with one another [The Observation Room]
May be a series, or it may be a set of one-shots that interconnect somehow
Finish Devil!Lyra’s Ascension [lucio x apprentice]
OC Backstories
Lyra [slight reboot/rewriting of her past, present and future within the world of The Arcana
Lyra’s extended family
Rồngkarst (village)/Leysương (country) aesthetics [parts of Fantasyland Vietnam]
specific details and whatnot
Walterine’s Parents
How Walt is related to Sekani
James’s Parents [two] and Siblings [five of them]
The Banbha [James’s tribe in The South]
The Olde Deer God
Connections / Interactions with the Heart of the Forest
Tarot [Major and/or Minor] Card Associations
Annnnnnnnd just THIS chunk is written out in about 60 or so one sentence ideas in a notebook of mine that I’ll need to break down or combine in order to make any coherence.
WIP(s) [from Jan 2023 to now]:
Ceci and Thomas
Details how they’re connected to Lyra and her family
May or may not tie in with The Observation Room shenanigans
Also Ceci and Thomas’s siren / mermaid / undine(?) background / lineage
More stories about the fan kids
Tarot [Major and/or Minor] Card Associations
Whether or not they’re aware of the canon / in-game events that their family and loved ones have gone through.
Whether or not they’re aware of THOMAS’s background as not being entirely human
Pictures of Crochet!Nook [thanks go to @fire-fira for this bit. I’m still overjoyed this could happen]
In Conclusion:
This writer’s brain is very full of ideas and I wish I had more time in the day to work on all of these.
If you made it this far, thank you so, so much for your time and patience to read all of this.
Have a good rest of your day / night!
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thessalian · 1 year
Thess vs Types of Jank
And again, because obviously, more demos:
Havendock: This is one of the more annoying colony sims I’ve played in awhile. The premise is simple enough - stranded on an island, no idea how you got there, have to build a home and other survivors can turn up as settlers, and I got to the point of hey, a settler, and they have a house and we’re getting organised! Annnnnnnnd ... lightning. Just kind of hit everything. Nope. None of that, thank you. I have enough colony sims and they’re less frustrating than this.
Heistgeist: This is ... what I have heard termed ‘slavjank’. Basically take Cyberpunk 2077, give it more of a Shadowrun colour palette, add a literal dollop of Slav, and make it a deckbuilder. The story seems interesting, fuck ‘em right in the ear for ending the demo on a cliffhanger ... it stays on the list.
Cryptmaster: Honestly, I’m glad this one’s coming out in 2024, because there’s some shit to work out here. It’s mechanically interesting but really vague on how its mechanics work and is very content to let you flail. Basically it’s a typing / vocabulary game, where you use words (typed or voice apparently work, though I have to wonder how voice recognition would work on this thing) to do various things, to the point of having to guess what abilities the members of your party should have so that you can actually unlock them for use. I’m generally pretty good at both typing and vocabulary games, but this one ... right at the moment, the demo is made of jank. For one thing, it crashed twice before it would finally load; for another, there’s no real explanation of, for example, how hit points work. Basically you’re a four-man party, and it took me awhile to realise that the reason some of them were losing letters on their names was because that’s what measured their hit points, and reasoned out that the “loot the enemy” mechanic was meant to give your party members the letters of their name - and thus their hit points - back again. But it’ll lurk on my wish list for awhile longer, and maybe I’ll check the demo again in a few months when maybe they’ve ironed some of this shit out.
So a fair bit of jank (derogatory) with a smattering of jank (affectionate). I guess I can live with that. They can’t all be winners, though I kind of wish I’d ended today’s demo poking on a higher note. But it’s late and I did a lot more than I meant to today - I went out for some supplies despite the rain, and I whipped up a new batch of refrigerator dill pickles, so that’s enough of anything demo-ish, particularly since it’s 3am. The rest can wait until tomorrow, at least the bits of tomorrow where I’m not running D&D.
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j0kers-light · 4 months
okayy, so, how would Joker react if reader was obsessed with history?? Like, really obsessed, she knows how long Napoleon's d_ck was, has been to france over a hundred times just to see Marie Antoinette's bedroom, has watched and read every historial movie/book possible and is yapping all the time about weird history facts??
One and half inches.
So....... basically you want me to describe myself? Aight. Let's get into it! I sincerely hope you enjoy love🖤✨
Joker knows you're a history buff. You're always sounding off random facts during normal conversations that he's used to it by now.
If he says something inaccurate, rest assured, you take a deep breath and hit him with the "well, actually..." A normal correction rant lasts about 5-30 minutes or 1-2 hours if he's completely wrong.
He doesn’t have a clue about what you’re saying majority of the time but he’s a supportive lover so he’ll listen more so to the sound of your voice rather than what you’re saying.
That being said, Joker uses your extensive knowledge of things to his advantage. If he brings you to a meeting, he purposefully says something incorrect to get a reaction out of you and you fall for it every single time. For example…
“Historically, The Battle of Agincourt was an astonishing victory for the English despite the reported 25,000 French forces that showed up. It was won not by luck.. but military tactics like using the terrain and basic human instincts. Imagine stepping over your fallen comrades wearing armor weighing 60 pounds through thick mud and..."
Annnnnnnnd you begin an impromptu history lesson. This is gonna take a while.
All Joker said was, 'get your feet out of the mud and focus.' How you connected his comment to facts from a 14th century battle, Joker will never know. It’s a hidden talent of yours.
Now you're educating his goons about the historical importance of the English longbow and quoting excerpts directly from Shakespeare's play Henry V. The crazy part, they're actually listening!
His bunny is weird. That's all he can say. He doesn't bat an eyelash when you beg him to go on another trip overseas.
There's a new exhibit at the Palace of Versailles and you have to see Marie Antoinette's bedchambers again! Like it changed since last year.... 🙄
He takes you anyway and you know more than the tour guide that tourists are following you around the vast estate learning odd facts and trivia.
You have too much information stored in that silly little head of yours. Can someone really be that smart?
You know about every little thing to the point that it should be annoying, but Joker loves watching you nerd out over documentaries, books, and etc. You can easily be a historian or curator.
Joker does not dare bother you when a new research article or accredited documentary drops because you are laser focused, mouthing the new knowledge under your breath as it gets absorbed in.
Do you really need to know that much about the past? Yes, he doesn't understands how history repeats itself but come on! Some of this stuff is useless knowledge....
Your interests span from the Byzantine empire to modern day culture ranging from crucial facts to funny tidbits.
Joker is not exaggerating to the boys when he says, "Y/n. Knows. Everything."
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"Alright lightening round. I'll stop if you're incorrect. You ready Y/n?"
You nod at Morgana and close your eyes to concentrate. In the background, Joker and his loyal three were scheming a new mission at your dining room table. You and Morgana are forced to entertain yourselves until they finish.
They stopped discussing plans the second Morgana started asking random questions.
"Modern day Persia is located where?"
"When did construction on the Tower of Pisa begin?
"Uh... it took 199 years.. ooh! August 9th, 1179!"
"China's first emperor." Morgana asked. You opened your mouth to answer, but paused.
"Male or female?" You asked.
She smirked. Okay.. you understood the assignment.
"First male emperor, Qin Shi Huang who invented the title emperor and created the Qin dynasty. The first any ONLY female emperor, is my girl Wu Zetian! A true, started from the bottom now we here! Her epitaph remains left blank."
Morgana resumed her quick fire questions ranging from the ancient and modern world with you answering all correctly and adding a cool side fact.
It was rather impressive.. until Joker decided to have a little fun. "Since ya know soooo much Bunny. Do ya know Batman's identity?"
You were halfway answering the process of explaining Venetian architecture, when you heard Joker’s comment.
The room went quite waiting for your answer. Frost and Joker lock eyes but they quickly dart over to you when you finally respond.
“I don’t know everything J. Batman’s identity is a well guarded secret however he and I are on speaking terms. I can ask him whenever we ever bump into each other again. Not like I’ll get an answer, but it’s worth a shot.”
You nod to yourself and without missing a beat, you resume explaining to Morgana how the floating city of Venice was created one wooden pile at a time.
Meanwhile Joker is fuming at the table. “Whaddya mean bump into him again?!” Why does this sound like a common occurrence?
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sleepytime-muses · 1 year
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@hclluvasinners asked; “Rest in Peace’’ annnnnnnnd “Sweet dreams”. :3c
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Thank you so much for reading!! Feel free to hmu anytime to plot something! Or interact with anything mutual friendly ^^
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venusguks · 3 years
Unlike You
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pairing : jeon jungkook x fem!reader
summary : As daydreamy and romantic as you are, you decided true love was going to have to wait for you tonight. That was because tonight, you were getting laid !! ...Your best friend doesn’t make it easy for you when he finds out why, though.
warnings : smut, dom!jk, sub!reader, unprotected seggs, fluff, bsf!jk, degredation, dumbification, possessive jk, jealous jk, fun sexy times, jk is whipped for mc, oral (fem receiving), body worshipping, jimin/reader but only for a sec
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“A club?” Jungkook raised his brow.
He was incredulous and slightly displeased as he watched you pace around your room. It was rare after all, new to see you like this―in a black, satin dress with a slit high enough to make him upset. He didn’t need you catching anyone else’s attention, especially in a neon lit bar full of ravenous people.  “For the seventh time, yes, Kook,” You huff, jarring your mouth slightly to dab a dreamy red over your plush lips. 
You couldn’t recall the last time you felt so confident as you applied mascara and tickled a delicate pink over your cheeks. More than anyone, Jungkook couldn’t recall ever seeing you this way, this excited to be amidst a crowd of sweaty bodies. You honestly didn’t see why he was being so apprehensive, it wasn’t like you necessarily hated parties―you just always preferred the coziness of your home better. Huge social interactions were never your thing, and that was okay. Being an introvert wasn’t something to be ashamed of anyway, but staying in came with the everyday comforts of baggy sweatpants and sweaters.
So could anyone really blame you for your excitement? You just loved the way getting ready made you feel, missed it. You already knew you were beautiful with or without makeup, but damn did it make you feel confident.
“It’s just...” Jungkook furrowed his brows and ruffled his hair. “This isn’t like you, love. Did something happen? Are you okay? We can talk about it, if you want. Whatever it is, I’m here to listen you know.” 
You sighed exasperatedly at your best friend’s reflection through your vanity. His eyes were uncertain and full of concern as he watched your figure with crossed arms. “Koo, we’ve been over this so many times already. I’m nervous enough as it is, and you’re not helping at all. I want to do this, okay? It’s been awhile. Plus, I haven’t seen the others boys in so long.”
A part of you didn’t want to be annoyed at Jungkook for his incessant worrying, but it truly was hard not to sometimes. “You’re being such a fucking dick, you know that?! Can’t I just live my life without you being so fucking hysterical about it every time?! ” It was that winter a few months ago when you unleashed all your pent up frustration. Jungkook had always been overprotective, and you appreciated him for caring, but he just made it so hard for you to even breathe sometimes. It was the biggest argument you guys ever had when you started dating a boy a few years older. You ignored Jungkook’s calls and messages for weeks, but when you discovered that he cheated on you, Jungkook was the first to be by your side. You still remember the assurance and safety you felt in his arms; with his soft lips against your forehead, murmuring sweet consolations as you sobbed on his shoulder. After that day, Jungkook agreed to be less protective. 
“I just don’t get why it has to be a club. We could meet the hyungs anywhere else, baby.”
“Oh sure, maybe a strip club would do,” you said, chuckling when you see his shock. “I’m kidding, Koo.” Though that wouldn’t be such a bad idea...
Maybe you couldn’t blame him for being so appalled. You usually opted out whenever your friends went out to celebrate, which by the way, was rather often. Night after night, the few of them would call you, practically beg until they realized their efforts would end in vain. By the morning, notifications would spam your phone of their wild night; pictures and details that showcased hookups you didn’t need to know about. Now that you think about it, it was sort of ironic that you’d always grimace to the crude texts.
That was because tonight, you decided you were getting laid.
That’s right, to hell with sweet, wholesome love! If true love had to make you wait, true love would have to wait for you too! Your subscribing 48K readers have been expecting a new chapter of Spring’s Breath, an erotica series, which you’ve delayed for 2 whole months now. You didn’t exactly know when your writers block came, but by the fourth hour you stared at your blank screen, unable to come up with any other synonym for dick or thrust or moan; or how the overused dirty talk you wrote made you cringe―you realized the firecracker you had in writing erotica died out.
It was your dear friend, Hoseok, who suggested the whole ordeal. He was the only one who knew your secret, anyway. You had so much trust in him, so when he professed that maybe if you slept with someone, your spark would come back, you had truly considered it. Maybe it wasn’t such a bad idea. After all, no cons would come out of it. It was just odd to think about.
You have always been such a huge romantic, your literature proved it. Jungkook nor you nor anyone would anticipate you hooking up with someone just to hook up with someone. The tenderness, the connection, the intimacy... you’ve always prioritized genuine adoration over whimsical one night stands. You were an honest daydreamer, and maybe that’s why your works would always take off.
But maybe... maybe it was okay to let go once in awhile.
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When you mentioned Jungkook being less overprotective, you forgot to put an emphasis on less―because there he was, his hand possessively squeezing your inner thigh every time you even dared to look at a cute boy. You let out a frustrated sigh when he nuzzles his nose into your neck.
You tried not to mind it. It was just in his nature anyway―ever since kindergarten when he found you crying over your dropped ice cream. Jungkook left only to come back with another cone, rubbing your fat tears away with the palm of his sleeve. In elementary school, he peppered you with tiny kisses when you sobbed over the death of your kitten. You’ve only had him for a month, dedicated all your time to him and skipped play dates to care for your little serendipity―but just like that―he was lifeless. It was Jungkook who found him on the road. In middle school, he’d go through the enveloped confessions in your locker and rip them apart, saying you deserved better than any of them. You’ve always looked up to him througha lens of admiration. Everything he did for you, he did it out of thought and care. It was sweet.
It was times like these where you really started to mind though. 
You’ve been giggling with your friends for the past hour, catching up on every minuscule detail. You were sitting in a booth wedged in the middle of Jungkook and Hoseok, brimming with happiness to see Namjoon and Yoongi again. Its been so long, and your heart would swell to the stories you’ve missed out on.
The night was carrying on delightfully! ...except for the fact that Jungkook sent death glares to whoever even glanced at you. The countless of times you shyly returned someone’s gaze, only for them to rush away when they caught sight of your best friend left you agitated. When the boys were engaged in a conversation about a class they all shared together, you decided it was a good time to bring it up. 
Gulping a shot down, you let out a huff. “Kookie...”
“Yes, baby?” He whispered into your ear, his large hand grazing the access of your slitted dress.
“Stop it.”
“Stop what, love?” You sharply inhaled as Jungkook rubbed sensitive circles on your skin.
Immediately standing up, you squeezed yourself out of the booth. “I’m gonna go dance!” You yell through the loud music, avoiding Jungkook’s eyes, because seriously, the nerve of that man! The rest of your friends cheered, “We love to see you like this, y/n! Enjoy yourself, cutie!” Hoseok laughed when you blew a kiss to him. He made you feel so much more at ease, so much more confident. Okay, you got this! No use in sitting around. You couldn’t get anywhere tonight with Jungkook by your side, anyway.
Fluffing out your hair after you downed another shot, you strut your way into the dance floor. Your hips swayed in a rather alluring manner as you made your way into the crowd, your fingertips tracing seductive lines from your hips up to your waist, your neck and finally, into the air. The alcohol slowly took its effect as your confidence settled in, rolling your head back and moving your body fluidly to the loud music. 
Truth be told, you didn’t know what you were doing, just knew you must’ve looked good as hell doing it as you felt hands grip your waist. You gasped as a body pressed against your back, sticky with sweat.
“You’re so captivating, princess,” His dulcet voice was enough to make you weak...or was it the alcohol? Whatever the case, get your grip together y/n! It was just four words for star’s sake! 
“I, um, th-thank you...um! You too..” Your confidence from only moments ago dissolved with your voice. “So shy now, princess? How come? You were dancing so sexily just moments ago.” He chuckled lowly against your ear, nibbling it. You whimpered to his brazen touch, his hands guiding your hips with his. “Are you shy for me? Is that it? What a cute little princess you are... so beautiful, fuck.”
Annnnnnnnd you truly were fucked. You professed only hours ago that true love could wait, that you’d be a different woman tonight, yet you couldn’t help but feel bashful to the man’s praise. His voice and his nectar sweet words enough to make you feel wobbly.
“I’m Jimin. Can I know my princess’s name?” He pressed his hardened member against your ass, the silk thin fabric barely doing its job of coverage. “Ah Jimin,” you moaned breathlessly as he kissed your neck. “I...I’m-”
“―Mine,” a low, husky voice finished. Jungkook stood behind you, jaw clenched and arms crossed. The veins on his biceps protruded under the incandescent lights; His white shirt and tight, black jeans doing wonders to complement his physique. 
“Are you deaf? I said she’s mine so why the fuck are your hands still on her?” Jungkook had always been intimidating, even when he didn’t try―so in the rare times he did, even he scared you sometimes.
Much to your disappointment, Jimin immediately lets go, hands in the air, “sorry man, I didn’t know.”
“W-what? Wait, he isn’t my...!” Before you could try to reach for the pink haired man, Jungkook firmly takes your hand. “Y/n, we’re leaving.” You didn’t even have a second to feel shocked before he swiftly guides you through the ocean of bodies. Loud music reverberated with your disappointment, and by the time the night’s cold air stings your cheeks, you've processed what just happened―what you just missed. It’s when Jungkook latches your seatbelt on and drives that you feel anger simmer in your chest.
“Why did you...Why the fuck did you do that, Jungkook?” You were exasperated with your emotions. You just didn’t get it. You were finally having the time of your life, finally stepping out of your comfort zone, finally dancing with a guy who made you feel amazing―just to end up on a drive back home before anything could happen. “Seriously, what the hell is your problem? That was my..! He was..!” You groaned, too frustrated to conjure up words.
Jungkook scoffed, “what, y/n? He was what? Your soulmate or something?”
“I didn’t say that! And even if I think so, why does it matter?! I was having fun! I was having so much fun and you just..! (hiccup) I was having so much fun....” You cried into your hands. “I haven’t felt that way in so long, j-just for you to mess everything up. God, I can’t even muster up words right now. I hate you so much.”
“Love...” Jungkook finally sighed, shutting the engine off. You had cried the whole ride home. The anger he once felt diminished with your tears. “Baby, please look at me.” 
“F-fuck (hiccup) off, Jungkook.” You quickly unbuckled your seatbelt and opened the car door. Knowing him as long as you did, you knew he would take your chin to force you to look up at him―but you had enough of him for the night, and honestly, the whole week.
You were just so fucking frustrated at everything. At Jungkook for unnecessarily budging in, at your writers block, at your own sexual frustration left with Jimin. What did you have to offer your readers now? A heartbreak of a possible relationship that never happened with a shitty friend on the side?
You tuned out Jungkook shouting from behind you, striding to you complex and up the stairs.
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It wasn’t long after you slammed the door shut that you heard it click open again. You had forgotten Jungkook had an extra spare of your keys. “Just leave me alone, Kook.” You groaned, storming off into your room.
You kicked your heels off and stomped to your bed, taking out your frustration on your pillow where your sobs were muffled. The bed dips down when Jungkook sits beside you, silent as he caressed your hair in the way he always did to soothe your nerves.
Deciding it wasn’t enough this time, he carefully lifts you up to sit on his lap, sliding his arms around your waist to pull you into his chest. Jungkook knew you long enough to know hugs were the best remedy for you, even at your angriest moments. He knew you wouldn’t push him away.
“You jerk...” You buried your face into the crook of his neck, sniffling. “I don’t get you, Kookie. Why do you always do this?”
“I...I just wanted to protect you, baby. People have bad intentions, I didn’t want to see you end up doing something you’d regret,” His voice was gentle, brushing hair strands away from your face.
“Stars, Kook, I knew what I was doing. Whether I’d end up regretting it or not, that’s for me to sort out. I didn’t need you to ‘protect’ me. I was really enjoying myself, something I haven’t done in a long time. A-and you just..! You ruined it for me.”
Jungkook scoffed, “so you liked it then, how he was touching you? You were just going to let him fuck you?”
“Yes, Kook!” You yelled. “He could’ve fucked me in the public bathroom or in his car―in front everyone for all I care! He was hot and we were in the moment and you just interrupted! I know you care for me and I’ll always appreciate you worrying but there’s a fine line where your protectiveness should be. I’m not a kid anymore, Kook.”
Jungkook was gritting his teeth, and the two of you only glared at each other before he let out a sigh. Despite him wanting to be mad, he didn’t like making you upset. If you were going to cry because of him, he wanted it to be for an entirely different reason. 
He gently cupped your cheeks, holding your gaze with tender, sad eyes. “You know I’d do anything for you, yes? That I’ve always done anything and everything I could to help you?”
You furrowed your brows, unsure of how that related to anything, but nonetheless, you nod. “Yes, I know Kook.”
“Then why didn’t you just ask me to sleep with you, hm? If you needed help so bad, why didn’t you just ask me, baby?” You stared, dumbfounded and mouth ajar as his thumbs brushed the remnants of your tears away.
“W-What are you...?”
“Was so concerned for my baby. Hoseok got drunk and told me everything I needed to know. Did you know how hurt I was? How Hoseok knew something about you that I didn’t? Especially that you were a writer, love. I thought I was your number one, how could you keep that from me?”
“O-Of course you are, Koo! You’ll always be my number one. I just...didn’t want to tell you because it was embarrassing,” you mumbled, glancing away. Damn it Jung Hoseok! After all these years, this is when he accidentally slips it out? “Nuh uh, baby, I’m not having any of that. Look at me.”
Jungkook pressed his forehead against yours, an act you were certainly no stranger to, but nevertheless making your cheeks warm. “Not only that, you wanted to go clubbing tonight just to find a stranger to help you, is that right, baby? Wore this tiny dress just so someone could fuck you? Wanted Jimin to fuck you? Wanted to write about him fucking you in the bathroom stall?” Jungkook was speaking softly, though his words were anything but as his hands left your cheeks to trace sensuous lines up your thigh.
Your hands weakly held onto his shoulders, gasping when you felt his bulge press against your sensitive core.
“What was that you said....In his car? Wanted him to fuck you in front of everybody? Wanted to be a dirty slut just for your readers?” You didn’t know how exactly this moment came to be, but his honeyed voice brought you to a daze as you grind your hips against him. You were desperate to feel more—of anything, of him—only to let out a whine when he forcefully holds you down, burying your clothed center into his bulge. 
“I don’t think so, baby. I don’t think you deserve it,” Jungkook’s hot breath tickled your ear. You whimpered as he bit it, hands squeezing your hips. “You used to be so good for me baby, used to come to me for anything. Used to be a good little girl and depend on me. I would’ve helped you, baby. Instead, you became a dirty little slut, let another man touch you. Is that what you are now? A fucking slut?”
“N-no Kookie,” a new bundle of tears welled in your eyes at his harsh words. “I’m sorry, I’m sorry, sh-should’ve, ah, went to you,” you felt your body succumb to his touch. His nose brushed your jaw, placing warm kisses all over your neck before he glided his tongue down to your collarbone. “Please forgive me, I-I’ll be a good girl for you now, p-promise.”
“Yeah? Wanna be a good girl for daddy?” Jungkook licks the base of your collarbone before sucking it. “Yes..ah, yes daddy. Gonna be so good for you.” 
“And yet you weren’t,” you cried as you felt teeth sink into your skin. “J-Jung― ah, Kookie stop! Please i-it hurts!”
“You deserve this, fucking slut. You know how much you hurt me tonight? You’re secretly just a desperate whore, aren’t you? Missed your tiny cunt getting fucked so much that you’d let a stranger do it for you, hm? Answer me, slut.”
You felt tears drip down your eyes, embarrassment washing over your face. “What? You’re not going to speak now?” You shook your head in desperation. You couldn’t. How could you? It was too shameful.
You yelped when Jungkook picked you up by your waist and turned you over so your face was smushed into a pillow. “Ass up, now. Don’t make me repeat myself.” He snarled, and you immediately obliged. Jungkook was on his knees, eyes lidded to your position as he rubbed slow circles on your bare ass. “My slut is voiceless now, hm? Begged to be daddy’s good girl but can’t even answer when I talk to you. Why are you being so disobedient tonight, baby?” It happened so fast you could barely gasp as your body lurched forward to the slap. It repulsed through your skin as your right cheek stung with a faint red.
“J-J-Jungkook, ah!” You cried as another slap came, face burying further into your pillow. “I’ll be obedient from now on! s-so please! I’m sorry, I-I’m sorry, daddy!”
Jungkook’s lips pulled to a smirk, grabbing a bundle of your hair before pulling you towards him. You whimpered and he bent down so he could see your face, tisking. “Oh, my poor baby. Did that hurt? Want to be a good little girl for daddy now?” You nodded ferociously, “p-please yes daddy! I-I’ll be so good for you. Please let me be good for you!” 
Jungkook’s dick felt constrained in his tight pants. He licked his lips to your messy, desperate state. Your eyes were red and puffy, lips just the same as heavy tears streamed down your eyes. Fuck, what Jungkook would give to fuck you senseless right then and there. But no, he needed to wait, needed to be patient. You deserved this.
“Make up your fucking mind, slut. If you want to be a good girl, then take your punishment like a good girl,” Jungkook pushed your face back into the pillow before slapping your ass once more. 
You didn’t know how long it went on, only knew the room was filled with your sobbing and the alarming sound of the contact that met your bruised skin. It hurt, it hurt so much. Your thighs were trembling and both your cheeks were a lovely shade of red and purple. But no matter how much you screamed your endless arrays of i’m sorry’s, Jungkook didn’t fail to notice how your juices soaked your underwear and spilled down your thighs
“Already making such a mess baby,” He groaned to the sight, palming himself to his creation. 
“P-please....hurts so bad...please let me l-lay down daddy, can’t hold myself much longer, please,” Jungkook adored the way you sounded for him, the way he corrupted you. You were perfect there, so perfectly powerless under him. 
“Mm, keep begging baby and maybe I’ll let you,” he unbuckled his pants and discarded them, his cock throbbing to your feeble pleads. “Please, please, p-please, please daddy... please. Hurts so bad, I-I can’t... please i-i’m a good girl. I’m a good girl for daddy. I’ll do anything please.”
“Did you learn your lesson, then?”
“Yes, I-I did, daddy!”
“You’ll be a good girl and obey daddy from now on?”
“Mhm!” You nodded vigorously, and Jungkook chuckled to your desperation. He peeled your soaked thong down, lifting your limp legs momentarily to pull it off until he set you back. You were so tired you felt your thighs give up on you right then, but before you could submit to your exhaustion, Jungkook lifted your ass up higher, arching your back deeper with one hand.
“Mm I don’t think so baby. Obey daddy and keep your ass up like a good little girl.” A gasp left your quivering lips when you felt Jungkook’s breath on your throbbing core.
“You smell so sweet baby, so fucking wet for me,” Jungkook hikes your dress up and glides his tongue up your inner thigh, wiping your dripping juices clean. “Kookie, mm, please,” he trails delicate kisses over your skin, nibbling it. “Yes, baby?” 
“P-please...please Kookie..!”
“Use your words, baby. I can’t help you if you don’t tell me what you want.” Jungkook smiles against your thigh as he hears your soft sniffles muffled by the pillow. His poor baby, always so shy. It was true he loved to tease you, tempt you, and loved making you cry for him—but more than anything, he wanted to take care of you. “Please touch me, Koo, please.”
“Of course, sweetheart.” A sharp shiver crawls across your skin when your pleads are obliged, moaning as Jungkook stuffs his face into your cunt. He kisses your clit softly. One, two, three times before sucking it with his plush lips. His hands were the only thing keeping you up now because you practically melted to the touch. The way his tongue rolled over your sensitive bud already having you see stars. “Ah...feels so good, Kookie.”
“Yeah? Would it feel even better if I do this?” He easily slides his middle finger into your slippery hole, slowly pumping in and out. “O-oh...oh my god, more please.”
“Anything for you baby, but first,” a whimper escapes your lips when you feel him leave you, that is until Jungkook swiftly but gently flips you over so you’re finally laying on your back.
Jungkook’s breath hitches to the sight of you below him, frozen for a moment to the aching pull of his heart.
“You’re so pretty baby, so pretty,” Jungkook’s voice was sweet and smooth as he helped you undress. Fuck, did you know how much you pained him? How much he held back for you, all these years, in this moment? It was so hard not to take you right then, to kiss you until you couldn’t breathe, to touch every single part of you with his lips.
Jungkook has fantasized about you ever since he could remember, but you truly went beyond his imagination. You were so fucking beautiful. 
“...so pretty here,” he kisses your cheeks and your jaw, down to your neck. “And here,” he kisses the valley between your breasts, his hands trailing down your curves. “And here,” your stomach...and finally, taking your clit back into his mouth.
“The prettiest cunt baby, dripping so much for daddy,” he murmurs. His tongue rolls around your clit, pumping two fingers in and out of your slick pussy. It was all too much, the sensations overwhelming your senses as ungodly moans escape your mouth. You felt fuzzy and almost light headed, reaching down to hold Jungkook’s curls.
Your back arches and tears stream down your eyes from the intense pleasure exhausting you, his fingers curling into your sweet spot mercilessly. “Do you like this baby?”
“Love it so much, Jungkook,” You moaned breathlessly, looking down at him through your tears and ... wow. 
Jungkook’s brows were creased as he focused on his tongue devouring your wet cunt, plunging his two fingers steadily in and out of you. His bangs were sticking to his forehead, glossed with sweat while your hands curled around the rest. 
You were taken aback with your emotions. Was it strange, how timid you felt then? Doing this with him was supposed to be sinful, yet for some reason, it felt anything but at that moment.
It was the fact that Jungkook looked so intent, so concentrated in making you feel good. How Jungkook showed his care for you, how he always did, how he was doing right now, cherishing you with his best effort. He wanted to give you the best experience he could, wanted nothing more than to make you feel good.
It was unbearable how much your heart swelled for him.
A knot tied in your stomach, and as if noticing your stare, his eyes flutter open to look at you.“Hm, does baby wanna cum now? You can do it love, cum for daddy.”
With that, you came undone in Jungkook’s mouth. Your cries filled the room, and Jungkook opened your hole wider with his fingers, devouring your cream. The sound of slurping made your cheeks heat with an impure red. “That’s my girl, so good for daddy. So sweet for me baby, so beautiful.”
When you went limp in his arms, he gives your lips one last sweet kiss before standing on his knees. Jungkook smiles at the sight of you, already so fucked out even when he was no where near finished with you. 
He crawled forward, his forehead resting over yours once again. “Did that feel good, sweetie?” You nod shyly, your chests heaving up and down together. With rosy cheeks, you weakly bring your hands up to trace his jaw. “Jungkook?”
“Yes baby?” You melted to his dulcet voice, keeping his loving gaze. It held so much affection, so much adoration for you, you wondered why you never realized it.
“Kiss me, please.”
Jungkook smiles warmly. Without hesitation, he takes your lush, sweet lips in his. It was gentle, a kind of kiss that was so tender it made you warm with reassurance. You were kissing Jungkook—your silly, annoying, bratty, and all the while, lovable best friend of 20 years. It was strange and odd but more than anything, it felt so, unmistakably right.
You took Jungkook by surprise when you deepened the kiss, your hand squeezing his hair. He chuckled softly, pulling himself back momentarily to look into your eyes. “I love you,” he whispers.
Your cheeks heat up, but you fight your timidness as you smile back, “I love you too, Kookie.” 
With that, Jungkook delves back into your lips. A kiss that wasn’t so delicate this time. Rather, untamed and furious, as if Jungkook wanted to show you how much, how long he’s wanted this all this time.
You moaned into him as his hands groped your breasts, fingers twirling your perky nipples. “Jungkookie,” you hold your breath, feeling his clothed cock press against your core. “Fuck me please. Please, I need you so bad.”
“Yeah?” He lowers himself to take a nipple into his mouth. “Tell me how much you want it baby.” He flicked, swirled, and sucked it with his tongue, alternating with the other.
“W-Want it so bad daddy. Please, n-need you to fuck my wet pussy mm, daddy please.”
“Since you asked so nicely,” he grins and sits up, pulling his shirt over his head, discarding his boxers and...
Your breath hitched, blinking at Jungkook’s huge, painfully hardened cock. His tip was pink with sticky, white precum dribbling down his long member. It slightly pretruded up and its veins throbbed as if it’s been aching. And truly, he was. He’s been aching to feel your walls wrap around him for so long. You have no idea how hard he’s been trying to hold himself back for you. How painful it was to—and now, seeing you there, perfect and pretty, so shy and red just for him, Jungkook wasn’t sure he could anymore.
Jungkook needed you. He needed you getting stuffed full of his cock right now.
“I-Its so big...” You gulp as he centers himself in between your legs. “I know baby, so big and ready for your tiny cunt. Can you be a big girl and take it for me baby, hm? Let daddy fuck you until he’s satisfied? Let him use you like the little cock slut you are?”
“Y-yes daddy,” you whimper as he rubs his slick tip against your soaked, smooth cunt, sliding it back and forth. “I’m yours so please, p-please just use me daddy!”
“So good for me baby, such an obedient little slut for daddy, fuck,” Jungkook groans, slipping his tip into your lush walls. You cry as he stretches you all the way out, leaving no room for you to breathe with his tip poking your tummy. Your mind felt dizzy, mouth ajar with drool slipping out even when he hadn’t even moved yet. 
“Shiiit you should see yourself baby. Such a fucking whore for daddy’s cock. Can I move, baby? Or can this tiny little pussy not take my big cock?”
“I-I..mm, please, I can take it! Please fuck me daddy!”
“That’s my girl.” Jungkook starts off painfully slow but just as painfully hard, pushing your knees to your chest. He completely draws himself back so he can see his glistening, twitching tip before driving himself back into your core. “Shit baby, your pussy’s so, fuck, tight.” Jungkook moaned to how your breast bounced up and down every time he shoved himself in.
You were sobbing by the time he quickened his pace, the intense sensation having you light headed. Jungkook loved the way you looked under him, eyes rolled back with buried balls deep inside of you. “You like this baby? Love my cock filling you? Answer me.”
“L-love mm love so m—ah, Kookie..! f-feels so....g-good daddy.”
“Look at you, baby. Can’t even talk with daddy’s cock stuffing you. Such a dumb slut for daddy, so fucking hot baby.” Jungkook moans, juices spurting everywhere and dampening the sheets with every thrust.
“I-I’m not d-dumb..!” You whimpered, fat tears streaming down your eyes. Jungkook smirks, licking his lips.
“Aww, of course you are baby. Just a dumb little cock slut for daddy. Can only think of daddy’s cock, can you?”
You can’t bring yourself to answer, your mind too scrambled with each and every thrust. Jungkook was going so fast, so hard, you felt so full.
“That’s what I thought baby. My sweet girl, fucked dumb for daddy. You only need daddy’s cock, nothing else.” Jungkook positioned your legs over his shoulders, clenching on to them to drill deeper into your tummy.
“Oh, o-oh my god, ah d-daddy...! ‘m your slut...love your dick so m-much...love being stuffed with cock.” Jungkook groaned to your sinful moans, feeling his stomach tighten.
“Just want daddy to cum inside you, don’t you? Want daddy to fill you up until you’re dripping with my cum, baby?”
“Y-yes, please daddy! Want daddy’s cum so bad! Please give me cum..!” Jungkook shoves his thumb inside of you plush lips, and god, he’s so proud of his work, so proud of you. You were taking his thumb like a good girl, sucking it as if it were his cock.
Jungkook felt his dick throb inside of you, aching for release. He pulls his thumb out with a pop of your wet lips, coated with saliva, and rubs figures over your clit. You scream, gripping onto the sheets. it was so much, too much for you to handle. Your back arches as he abuses your clit and sloppily fucks your hole.
“J-Jung–Jungkook, ah, please! Kookie! I-I’m..!”
“Its okay, baby, its okay. Gonna cum with daddy, hm? You can do it baby, sweet girl, cum for me,” Jungkook cooes, attempting to soothe your nerves, but his words are breathless and ragged. He thrusts in and out one, two, three, four more times until he burries himself deep inside you, spurts of thick cum filling your womb.
Jungkook groans as your pussy clenches around him, and you’re a sobbing, moaning, wet mess as you milk him. “Fuck, my sweet girl. Taking my cum like a big girl baby. So good for daddy, so fucking good for me.” With his praise, you feel yourself release soon after. Jungkook continues to thrust in and out of you, helping you ride out your high.
When he feels you falter in his arms, he pulls out and lays on top of you. Both of you stay like that for awhile, exhausted and in a daze.
With your moist bodies tangled with one another’s, you shut your eyes. You can hear Jungkook’s heartbeat hammer against yours, you short-winded breaths, and the soft whirring sound of the air conditioner.
Moonlight filtered in through your windows, casting a luminescent glow on Jungkook’s skin when he pushes his upper body up, his shoulders resting on either side of you.
Jungkook had spent the whole night cherishing you, telling you how pretty you were, and yet there he was—so ethereal under midnight’s grace. How could he be real?
You bring your hand to caress his cheeks. You don’t say anything. He doesn’t either.
In that moment, so intimate and sacred, His doe, gentle eyes that you could get lost in—that hold all the lost stars of the night sky, tell you all you need to know.
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You yawn, stretching your arms high up. “Here’s your order maam,” two porcelain cups of matcha are placed in front of you, steam following it’s every movement. You mumble a thank you, smiling before your eyes drift to the man at the other side of the cross walk.
He’s wearing all black as per usual, revealing the beautiful tattoos that adorned his tan skin. His hair was tousled and he looked sleepy—after all, he’d just gotten out of class—but as soon as the crosswalk lights up with green, you chuckle when he sprints across and into the shop.
The bell that hung by the door didn’t even finish ringing before he runs to you, sweeping you off your chair and into his arms. “Kookie, let me down!” You giggle, but nonetheless wrapping your arms around his neck.
“I’m so proud of you baby,” he nuzzles his nose into yours. “You finally published it right? The twenty second chapter?”
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a / n : ahhhhh its exactly 3:01am and i have class in the morning which is why the middle ending is super rushed sorry ! i truly wonder why i do this to myself.
this is my first smut fanfiction so i’m not sure how i did , but if anyone ever reads this , i hope you enjoyed ! i dont think im cut out to write smut, i truly did have headaches thinking of synonyms for thrust and dirty talk . i really admire smut writers ,, writing smut is not as easy as it seems !!
anyways , sending love abundance and happiness your ways. you deserve love, you’re worthy of love, and you are love.
stay safe and healthy starlights <3
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bcdwclves-aa · 2 years
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can’t stop thinking about a Royal Guard AU for Alastor, and maybe just a general Royals AU for some characters. mainly inspired by applepartysins fanart and AU, i can’t stop imagining Alastor being the Royal Guard for the Morningstar family. 
an upstart demon, incredibly powerful and hellbent on making a statement, being laid low by the King of Hell, only to disappear and reappear a few years later as a guard for his family. for what better else than to have a powerful demon than at your family’s side? 
leaves room for whole kinds of situations annnnnnnnd ships. like bodyguard x princess, or butler x master. the options are so good. 
also for the general Royals AU, would just have the rest of the Hazbin cast being intertwined with the royal family. Vaggie being the personal guard for Charlie, Angel being the unwitting and new servant for Charlie and Alastor being the fucker who watches the rest of these fuckers. With Nifty and Husker being still under Alastor’s control but also working for the royal family. 
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frida--y · 3 years
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my thoughts on trains you asked?
Was going say this is my first sentai, but I’ve been watching zenaki!!
Man, I love toqger so much. It’s prefect really.. just such a good run. I love the power of imagination. I was sort of afraid it was just gonna be,”I’m gonna imagine beating you!” but it really is so much more. 
It’s the power of wanting, hope.
Wanting to be a better person, stronger in so many ways- and seeing yourself achieve it by your own merits. It’s hoping for a better outcome and seeing the light at the end, finally getting your happiness. Moving forward.. GO!!
It’s also about the bird wig episode :)
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but man.. these kids.. they’re just KIDS!!
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There were hints that this was gonna be the reveal, but man does it still hit so hard when they confirm it. And the fact that the more they fight, the more likely that’ll be stuck in their adult forms. Sucks!!!!!!!!! LET THEM BE KIDS!!!!!!!!
The villains were so fun too, it’s good to see in-fighting and see the dynamic change through out the show. Of course I love my girl Gritta 💕
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Zed was also so great, such a sympathetic villain too. It’s kinda really sad that someone like him cant get what he wants! But his violent way of wanting to possess the shine for himself is what truly makes him a threat to our heroes. He wants to break from his total isolation in the darkness and wants to be in the light (even if he physically cannot live in it), he yearns for it and cant understand why he cant have it (in end he does know why, but still.... he wants it). Really entertaining when Right gives into the darkness and Zed is so angry about it. Satisfying ending to Zed, a sad ending!
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I love my kids!!! 
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I think they’re a great cast! Tokatti’s super awkward but has really great brave momentes. Hikari’s super serious and level head and has that. amazing detective episode. Mio’s perceptive and takes care of everyone and learns to show her vulnerability to others. Kagura’s super great! Brave! Strong! The best! Right!!!!!!!!!! I LOVE RIGHT!!!!!!! I really love whenever the villain says how’ll they beat our heroes and Right goes, “Nah.” It’s so great, gives him a bit of more a bite, just a cute little punk!
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How can I not talk about Akira... him being a parody of the stoic character that bravely dies for others is sooooooo funny. Completely endears him to you and it’s just great comedically when the rest of cast is “-_- not this shit again” 
Man what an emotionally great series. I cried so badly when Right tries to leave by himself and the rest of the cast turns back into kids and are running and calling for him!!!
a 100/10 series for sure. Imagination rules!!
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bonus pics:
my daughters!!!!!!!!!!!!
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my son!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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Akria beating the shit out of his former boss bare fisted on top of him, let’s fucking gooooooooooooo
annnnnnnnd big fucker extreme 
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blackhakumen · 3 years
Mini Fanfic #794: A Sleepover With his Two Girlfriends (SSBU X River City Girls)
8:34 p.m. at Smash Mansion.........
'Doorbell Rang'
Dark Pit opens the door to see his two girlfriends standing outside the doorway.
Kyoko: (Smiles Brightly While Waving at the Dark Angel) Hi, Pitto-Kins!~
Dark Pit: (Smirks Softly at Misako and Kyoko) Hey, losers. (Noticed They're Holding Someone Between One of Their Shoulders) What's with the sleeping bags?
Misako: We figured since you guys are going to your family vacation in a couple days, we would have ourselves a nice sleepover together at your place for the night.
Kyoko: We'll have soooo much fun together!~ Can we watch movies, do each other's nails and makeups, gossip, ooh!~ We could even-
Misako: (Covers Kyoko's Mouth With her Hand) All the other things most people can think of doing in any dumb sleepover. So you whaddya say, babe?
Dark Pit: (Simply Shrugs) Yeah. I'm down for that. Wish you could've told about it sooner though.
Misako: Yeah.... Sorry about that. We thought about doing this at the last minute.
Kyoko: (Starts Licking Misako's Hand)
Misako: (Immediately Got Her Hand Away From Kyoko's Mouth Before Glaring at Her) UGH! Really?
Kyoko: (Playfully Sticks her Tongue Out at her Girlfriend)
Dark Pit: ('Sigh') Figures. (Turns to Samus Walking By While Texting Someone on her Phone) Hey, Mama Samus!
Samus: (Turns to Dark Pit) Hm?
Dark Pit: Can the girls and I have a sleepover together in the living room for the night?
Samus: (Simply Shrugs) Yeah. Sure. (Gently Ruffles the Top of Dark Pit's Hair) Just try not to stay up too late or do anything I wouldn't do, alright? (Turns to Misako and Kyoko) Piiti's been talking about you girls a lot here, by the way.
Kyoko: Awwwwww~
Misako: (Gives Pitto a Teasing Smirk on her Face) You don't say?~
Dark Pit: (Immediately Glares at Samus) Seriously?
Samus: (Chuckles Lightly) What? It's the truth isn't it? You gotta be honest with your feelings more often, bud. (Kiss the Top of Dark Pit's Forehead Before Walking Away) Have goodnight~
Misako: 'Kay!
Kyoko: (Waves at Samus) Goodnight, Mama Samus! (Turns to Misako) She's a cool lady.
Misako: Yeah. (Turns to Dark Pit With the Same Smirk on her Face) So about you talking about us in your home life~
Dark Pit: (Already Gas a Deadpinned Look on his Face) Are you coming in or not?
Forty Five Minutes Later in the Living Room......
Dark Pit: (Talks to Misako While Kyoko Carefully Paints his Finger Nails) So did you manage to watch that new Luoca movie that came out a few weeks ago?
Misako: We did. It was pretty good despite how simple the plot was. We could've watch it together if I brought my tablet with me.
Dark Pit: (Shrugs) Eh. We can watch it together some other time. Maybe once I come back from vacation?
Misako: (Nodded in Agreement) Bitchin'.
Kyoko: Annnnnnnnd done!
Dark Pit: (Looks Down at His Newly Painted Nails Kyoko Done For Him) Holy shit, Kyoko......I can't believe I'm saying this, but this actually looks good on me.
Misako: (Nodded in Agreement While Being Impressed) Yeah. It might be your best work yet, babe.
Kyoko: (Giggles Softly) I'm glad you guys like them~ I picked a darkish purple color since it matches with your attire and personality perfectly.
Dark Pit: Huh. That's..... pretty neat actually. Thanks, Kyoko.
Kyoko: (Smiles Brightly at her Boyfriend) You're welcome, honey~ (Immediately Pulls Out a Make-up Kit in her Hands) I can put makeup on you next?
Dark Pit: (Gives Kyoko a Deadpinned Look on his Face) No.
Kyoko: (Immediately Puts on a Sad Puppy Dog Look on her Face While Wobbling her Lips Up and Down Afterwards) PLEEEEEASEEEEEE!?~
Misako: (Turns to Dark Pit) Let her have this, babe. It won't be too bad. Probably.
Dark Pit: ('Sighs in Defeat') Fiiiiine. Go nuts.
Kyoko: (Smiles Brightly) Yay!~
Few More Minutes Later........
Misako: (Eating Garlic Bread Along with Her Girlfriend and Boyfriend) This is actually some good garlic bread.
Dark Pit: (Eating Garlic Bread While Wearing Black Lipstick and Makeup On his Face) Yeah. Cheap product, but it taste the part.
Kyoko: (Smiles Brightly) I love garlic bread. I could eat it almost everyday if I could.
Misako: Then you'll get fat.
Kyoko: (Raised an Eyebrow in Confusion) Why would I get fat?
Misako: Bread makes you fat, Kyoko.
Dark Pit: Especially the garlic ones.
Kyoko: (Eyes Widened in Complete Shock) Bread makes you fat!!?
Ten Minutes Later........
Kyoko starts dancing (terribly) to the beat of the music that is currently playing. All while Dark Pit and Misako watches.
Dark Pit: So uhh....(Turns to Misako) Has Kyoko ever been to any dance lessons or.....
Misako: She has. We used to attend dance classes together back when we were in first grade. She was.....never really the best dancer in the class.
Dark Pit: (Turns Back to Kyoko Dancing) I can tell.....(Suddenly Starts Blushing) But damn she's cute for trying~
Misako: (Smiles Softly While Blushing as Well) Yeah~ (Turns to Pitto with a Sly Smirk on her Face) You look even cuter with makeup on~
Dark Pit: (Starts Looking Away From Misako While Blushing Some More) S-Shut up......
An Hour or Two Later........
Kyoko: (Snuggling onto Dark Pit on her Side of the Sofa) So where are you guys gonna go to on your vacation this year?
Dark Pit: Isle Defino.
Misako: (Turns to Dark Pit While Snuggling onto him On the Other Side of the Sofa) Wait. Isn't that the place where Mario got arrested that one time? For...something he didn't do or whatever?
Dark Pit: Yeah, but that all happened a long time ago. Plus, the place does look nice enough to be a vacation spot, so I ain't complaining......You know, I could try and convince Mario and the others to let you guys come with us if you want.
Misako: (Smiles Softly at the Angel Boy) Nah. It's fine. You should spend more time with the family and enjoy the experience while you're there.
Dark Pit: ('Sigh') Alright. But you sure you two are gonna be okay while I'm gone?
Misako: (Immediately Puts on a Deadpinned Look on her Face) Okay. Now you're sounding like an actual parent. We're be fine, babe. Trust us.
Kyoko: (Happily Nodded in Agreement) Yeah. We'll miss you like crazy, but we can take care of ourselves just fine.
Misako: And before you say anything else, we'll try and stay out of trouble. Can't promise you we will 100%, but we'll still try.
Dark Pit: Yeah. Yeah. I take your word for it. ('Yawn') I'll try not to worry about you losers too much....
Misako: (Chuckles Lightly) Getting tired on us already, babe?
Dark Pit: Guess so. Who would've thought JoJo of all things, would try and put me to sleep?
Kyoko: Want us to sing you a lullaby?~
Dark Pit: ('Tch') Please. I'll pass on that offer thank you. (Lays his Head on Back of the Sofa Relaxingly) I can rest easy as long as I have you two are here with me. I love you guys.
Kyoko: Awww~ (Happily Snuggles Onto to Dark Pit Some More Along with Misako)
Misako: ('Heh') Dork~ We love you too.
The trio stayed by each others' side. Even when they eventually fall themselves to peaceful sleep for the rest of the night.
The Next Morning in the Kitchen......
Yoshi: (Walks in the Kitchen While Noticing Dark Pit is in There Without Looking) ('Yawn') Morning, DP.
Dark Pit: (Place a Breakfast Tray Down on the Table) Hey.
Yoshi: (Grab a Carton of Orange Juice From the Refrigerator Before Closing it and Turning to Dark Pit) How was the sleepover?
Dark Pit: (Turns to Yoshi While Still Having Make-up on his Face) Pretty good for the most part.
Yoshi: (Starts Snickering at the Sight of Dark Pit's Face)
Dark Pit: What?
Yoshi: Dude. Did you seriously let your girlfriends put make-up on you last night?
Dark Pit: (Glares at the Green Dinosaur) Yeah. So what? I look drop dead gorgeous!.......(Starts Blushing Once He Realized What He Just Said) At...least that's what Misako told me.....(Angrily Points at Yoshi) Y-You better not tell Pit-Stain or the others about this!! You hear me!!?
Yoshi: (Chuckles Lightly) Whatever you say, beauty queen.
Dark Pit: Seriously, Yoshi! I will SUPLEX you on the FUCKING GROUND if this goes out in the mansion!!
10 notes · View notes
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Chapter 23: Spirits of Apples & Pears, Part 1
By now, it was about an hour or so past noon. Everyone still in the palace has woken up, though with still 2 days until the wedding. Most are hanging out in their fancy palace rooms. Twilight & Spike ponder in which order to get the ponies they most want to get to see Pear Butter & Bright Mac get summoned for the first time.
Twilight: Hm, I could go to Applejack’s room first… but I might actually get everypony else first before seeing Applejack… how about we get the CMC first?
Spike nods, and Twilight head on over the room that the CMC got together. Each palace room bed is huge, much more then enough for 3 fillies to be on one bed but feel like they had their own space. Though they certainly weren’t sleeping, Apple Bloom and Sweetie were playing a card game together, and Scootaloo was in the room’s bathroom bathing in Seapony form.
Apple Bloom: Draw four, Sweetie Belle!
Sweetie Belle: Please… Apple Bloom. I already have so many cards! What fruit… (Please say pear, though lemon or blueberry would be alright too)
Apple Bloom: Apple!
Sweetie Belle: And… of course the one fruit card I somehow don’t have… I feel like you somehow rigged this...
Sweetie Belle finally gets an apple card from the deck and plays it. Though Apple Bloom plays an Apple 1 and then exclaims…
Apple Bloom: Fruit-O!
Indicating she’s on her last card. Sweetie Belle now having to be careful of what she plays or else Apple Bloom wins.
Sweetie: (Hm, I have a Pear 1… if her last card isn’t a pear I can change it… and just in the pear cards… I have a few skips and a draw +2 that might just buy me time to come back…)
Sweetie Belle grins as she places the Pear 1 down. But then Apple Bloom slams down her card revealing her last card was another Apple 1. Apple Bloom grinning smugly after her win.
Sweetie: OH COME ON!
Sweetie tosses all her cards in the air, and crosses her hooves whilst grumbling.
Apple Bloom: Good game, Sweetie!
Sweetie: Suuuuuureeeee….
Twilight and Spike enter at about the moment their game ended. Apple Bloom and Sweetie turning towards the door opening.
Apple Bloom: Howdy there, Twilight and Spike! Did ya’ll come t’ play Fruit-O with us?
Twilight: Sorry, we can’t right now. But maybe another time. I actually want to bring you girls back to Sweet Apple Acres for a little bit. Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo don’t necessarily have to go if they don’t want to, but I do have a feeling that you… Apple Bloom… will definitely want to be there.
Apple Bloom: Huh, why me?
Twilight: *winks* It’s a surprise for you and the family. I promise you won’t want to miss this. Where is Scootaloo though?
Sweetie: She’s in the bathtub
Twilight: Ah, of course. Still enjoying her sea pony form.
Twilight heads on over to a corner where the palace room has it’s own bathroom. Knocks on the door.
Scootaloo: That you, Twilight? I could hear your voice after you entered.
Twilight: Yes, it’s me. May I come in?
Scootaloo: Sure! Go ahead!
Twilight opens the door into the palace room’s bathroom and just as she suspected Scootaloo is in her sea pony form again in the bathtub. Scootaloo looking over from the side of the tub with her front hooves hooked over the edge of the bathtub looking at Twilight with a smile as she wags her sea pony tail in the water.
Twilight: Sorry, if I interrupted any possible fun you were having in the bathtub. I did hear from Rainbow you’ve taken a lot of baths since I gave you this ability.
Scootaloo: Nah, it’s alright Twilight. It’s not necessarily about fun, it’s about trying to be in sea pony from so often that it feels as close to natural as possible when I’m older. If I’m going to be the fastest on the Waterbolts one day, I’m going to have to be swimming a lot in the coming years!
Twilight: I’ve heard! I am happy to see just how dedicated you’ve been ever since you wished for this.
Scootaloo: Yeah, I owe you so much for this, Twilight. To be honest, I feel like I’m more happy about this, then if I had wished that I could fly.
Twilight: You don’t need to owe me anything. I’m happy enough, that you’re making good use of it. Though if it’s ok, me and Spike are going back to Sweet Apple Acres for a little bit because I have something to show the Apple Family and the rest of my friends. You nor Sweetie Belle have to go with us if you don’t want to, but while Apple Bloom just has to be there. Maybe you and Sweetie would still be interested in what Apple Bloom’s gonna see.
Scootaloo: I could go see what’s going on. Judging by the fact you haven’t explicitly said what it is, I Imagine it’s something of a surprise?
Twilight: Mmhmm *nods*
Scootaloo: Alright then, I’ll drain the tub.
Scootaloo briefly dips her head underwater to bite the plug out of the drain. she jumps out of the tub, and transforms her sea pony tail back into her hind legs and pony tail. Twilight helping dry her off by levitating a towel and rubbing Scootaloo’s fur. They then walk out of the bathroom.
Twilight: Ok now, I don’t think I got an answer from Sweetie yet if you wanted to go. What do you say?
Sweetie: Yeah, I’ll go. Must be something important for Apple Bloom at the very least. I’m curious about whatever it could be.
Apple Bloom’s just kind of thinking to herself on what this could even be, it’s not like it’s her birthday or anything. So it’s not some surprise party, but clearly Twilight has some nice surprise for her and her family. But she can’t place her hoof on what exactly it is. She follows her friends, Spike, and Twilight out the door.
Twilight: Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo, how about you both split it up and get Rarity and Rainbow Dash to join us. As for Apple Bloom, go see if you can get Big Mac and Sugar Belle here. Meanwhile me and Spike will get Pinkie, and then Fluttershy. Before we all gather together to get Applejack last.
The CMC nod and head on over to the rooms that Twilight told them to get to. Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo quickly getting Rarity and Rainbow Dash respectively. As Apple Bloom heads on over to Big Mac’s shared room with Sugar Belle. Apple Bloom knocks on the door of the couple’s door.
Sugar Belle: Who is it?
Apple Bloom: Just me, Sugar Belle! Is mah brother in there?
Big Macntosh confirms his presence with his signature response.
Big Mac: Eyyyyuuuuuuup
Sugar Belle walks up to her door for Apple Bloom
Sugar Belle: Good afternoon, Apple Bloom! Whatcha here for?
Apple Bloom: Twilight apparently has ah surprise fo’ us and wants t’ take us back t’ Sweet Apple Acres fo’ ah little while.
Sugar Belle: I wonder what it could be, I thought we were just going to chill here for the next 2 days until the wedding… must be something important she wants to show us, if we’re going back home already. Guess we should be extra glad about those gum portals to make this easier.
Sugar Belle and Big Mac follow Apple Bloom’s lead. Meanwhile, Twilight knocks on Pinkie Pie’s door. Pinkie just runs up to the door and opens it to see who it is.
Pinkie: TWILIGHT! *She tightly hugs her* OMIGOSH! Last night was one of the best parties I’ve ever been to! And that’s saying something! All those amazing performances, got to see my whole immediate family, I got to sing, Cheese Sandwich became my special somepony, ANNNNNNNND we got to dance our hearts out! Thank you so so so so so SOOOOOOOO much to you and the royal family for setting all this up!
Twilight: I’m glad you had so much fun, and I’m really happy for you and Cheese Sandwich too! Though speaking of Cheese, where is he? I would of thought he’d have bunked with you the whole night for your first ever day as special someponies.
Pinkie: He just went to his own room, we thought about sleeping in the same room to sleep. But we decided to go to our separate rooms, even us party ponies like to have our own space sometimes. There will be plenty of time for us to be together later, anyway.
Twilight: Gotcha, well anyhow… Pinkie, I want you to come with me and Spike back to Sweet Apple Acres with the rest of our friends. I got the Cutie Mark Crusaders to get Rarity, Rainbow, Big Mac, and Sugar Belle already. Just need to get you, Fluttershy, and Applejack. Though, if I may suggest something you can do… how about you get the Cake family to come along with us too. I think at the very least Mrs. Cake should be here for what we’re doing.
Pinkie: Oh sure! I can definitely get the Cakes with us. But what exactly are you both doing?
Twilight: It’s a surprise, especially for the Apple family.
Pinkie: Ooooooh, you already know I love a good surprise! I’ll go get the Cake family right away!
Pinkie zooms out of her room and heads to the Cake Family’s room, Twilight & Spike follow suit by quickly getting Fluttershy to come with. All that’s left now is Applejack. The entire group all gather around Applejack’s door, as Twilight knocks on her door.
Applejack: Who’s there?
Twilight: It’s me who knocked… though… I also have our friends and your family right here behind me.
Applejack walks on over to the door and indeed she finds Twilight accompanied by her friends and family.
Applejack: What the hay are ya’ll doin’ gathering at mah door fo’?! It ain’t mah birthday or anything… and the wedding is still 2 days from now!
Twilight: Applejack, we’re going to take a portal back to Sweet Apple Acres for at least a little while. I have a surprise for you and everypony behind us. I promise you it will be worth it.
Applejack: Ah don’t quite understand what this could possibly even be. But ah guess ah trust ya’ll enough that ya wouldn’t do this fo’ no good reason. Ah guess everypony can come in, and we can make the portal in mah room?
Applejack walks to the very back of the room so that everyone can funnel themselves through the doorway. Twilight creates a gum portal right to the gates of Sweet Apple Acres, and everyone follows through.
((Story continues after the break))
Applejack: So… now what, Twi?
Twilight: We’re gonna go to a specific location on the farm for this. Follow me to the entwined Apple & Pear tree just between the boundaries of the Apple and Pear farms.
The Apple Family members in the group go wide-eyed. That’s a pretty sacred spot of the farm for them, they certainly are more interested then ever to see what exactly Twilight’s plan is. The whole group all walk to the pretty sight that is the two trees, one a pear tree, the other an apple tree that was planted by Applejack’s parents on their wedding day. Since their deaths, these trees forever entwined with eachother, have become a living memorial to them.
With everybody gathered in front of the entwined trees. Twilight and Spike walk out in front, turn around, and face the group as they prepare their surprise.
Applejack: Alright, Twi and Spike… What are ya’ll doin’ dragging us over here fo’?
Twilight: Let’s just say... a miracle, Applejack. But first I need you, Big Mac, and Apple Bloom to step forward, and I need you to place a hoof on Spike’s Dragon Tear. I think Mrs. Cake would also work for what we’re doing. but the tear is so small, and four hooves might be a little tough to fit. It can work with just one of you as well, but I feel this is a special moment that all of three of you should partake in.
Applejack: Um… alright?
Applejack, Apple Bloom, and Big Mac all step forward and approach Spike. Spike holds his dragon tear outward with his arms stretched forward so that all three can touch the tear. All three place the tip of their hooves on the tear.
Applejack: Now what, Twi?
Twilight: All that’s left for you to do now… is internally in your mind… say a message as if you could talk to your parents from beyond the grave…
All three go wide-eyed once again with mouth aghast.
Applejack: w…w…..w….wh..wh…wha…………….WHAT?!  This ain’t some kind o’ cruel prank is it?!
Applejack pulls her hoof off the Dragon’s tear
Twilight: Applejack, this isn’t a prank. This isn’t something that I’d joke to you about. Pinkie or Rainbow Dash wouldn’t either.
Applejack: But ya’ll are telling me t’ send ah message, as if mah parents are going t’ hear it and/or respond somehow! Twilight, do ah have t’ remind ya’ll that mah parents are DEAD?! When somepony’s dead, they can’t speak, respond, or listen. Just what are ya’ll thinking trying t’ tell me and mah family otherwise?!
Twilight: Applejack… I understand that you’re hard to convince. Especially on matters like this, but I wouldn’t have set this up without promising you something will come out of it. Just listen to me, put your hoof back on the Dragon’s Tear and try to say something into Spike’s Dragon Tear
Applejack dismissivly looks to the side, away from Twilight’s gaze
Applejack: ……….Ah really don’t know if ah should
Applejack walks away and hides behind a nearby tree. Everypony else in the crowd just stands there with surprised and/or raised eyebrows at just what Twilight is suggesting is happening. Those that are rather incredulous let Applejack speak for them, others that do want to believe Twilight just stand there, covering their mouths with their hooves to anticipate something.
Twilight: Well… if you really don’t want to. I guess that’s ok… Big Mac and Apple Bloom, I plead with you to please give it a try even if Applejack remains skeptical.
Both remain quiet for a bit before Apple Bloom responds.
Apple Bloom: Ah’ll… keep my hoof on it… if what ya’ll are saying is true… we can at least somehow say something t’ them… right?
Twilight: Perhaps, I should just directly say it. Yes, Apple Bloom your parents will hear it. I’m basically risking losing my friendship with Applejack on this, she would never forgive me if I was lying about this.
Apple Bloom: Then it’s at least worth trying!
Twilight: What say you, Big Mac? Will you keep your hoof on the tear?
Big Mac’s somewhat conflicted, Applejack is too skeptical to even bother going along, whilst maybe Apple Bloom being as young as she is, she’s just maybe a little bit too optimistic and curious. Big Mac thinks for a moment before deciding. He takes a deep breath, and says a lot more quietly then usually.
Big Mac: Eyyup…
Twilight smiles
Twilight: Thank you, Big Mac.
Suddenly Mrs. Cake steps forward
Mrs. Cake: If… Applejack doesn’t want to… I’d like to try to say something in her place. Does this require 3 ponies that knew them to work?
Twilight: No, it can work with just one. But I’d be more than happy to let you say something too. Three hooves is just the maximum before there’s too many hooves because Spike needs to have a claw on it too to work.
Mrs. Cake: Well alright, I’ll go up and put my hoof on it.
Twilight: Thank you, now focus within your mind and say what you want to say within your mind.
Applejack is sitting to the side leaning behind  a tree with hooves crossed, she does lean further towards the side of the tree to peek what’s happening but kind of goes back out and hiding again. Apple Bloom, Big Mac, and Mrs. Cake take deep breaths before proceeding.
Apple Bloom: (So uh… Mom? Dad? We uh… never met… Ya’ll passed only weeks after ah was born… if there’s one thing ah’d like t’ say… ah’d really like t’ see ya’ll fo’ the first time… aside from memories ah lost as ah foal… even if it’s just one time… mah family and friends like Mrs. Cake and Burnt Oak have so many stories o’ ya’ll being the sweetest ponies ever! Ah can’t stand not even havin’ ah single memory o’ ya’ll unlike everypony else in mah family! Please, if it’s at all possible fo’ ya’ll t’ show up… Ah wish ah could see ya’ll!)
Mrs. Cake: (Buttercup? This is Mrs. Cake… or well you knew me as Chiffon Swirl. You see I got married to Carrot Cake sometime after your death… I just want to say I dearly miss you, and it would be nice to somehow hear or even see you again somehow someway. I owe you so much for helping me get into baking. I have a lovely family with Carrot Cake and I even have two foals that I’d do anything for you to see them!)
Big Mac: (Ah’m… not sure if this will even work… but… Ma… Pa… ah’m going t’ at least try fo’ Apple Bloom’s sake while at the same time understanding Applejack’s skepticism. If ya’ll can actually hear us wherever ya’ll are like Twilight claims, ah hope ya’ll can forgive Applejack fo’ choosing t’ not send ah message. Ah knew ya’ll both the longest out o’ us 3… but ya’ll deaths definitely hurt her more then anypony else. She was ah wreck, the suddenness o’ it all made it hard fo’ her t’ be around the farm. It was partly why she tried t’ live in Manehattan with Aunt and Uncle Orange. Of course she realized she would miss me, Granny Smith, and lil’ Apple Bloom and came back after ah rainbow gave her ah sign t’ come back home. But she never was quite the same filly she was before ya’ll passed… and if there is ah way… Give Applejack some sort o’ sign that ya’ll are there somewhere… please… Ah miss ya’ll as much as everypony else that got t’ know ya’ll, but please do anything in ya’ll power t’ at least do something fo’ Applejack. That’s all ah’ll ask)
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The three finish their thoughts, and Spike then does his role as the conduit again to send those thoughts and desires up in the sky by closing his eyes focusing while a claw is touching the Dragon’s Tear. Just like the previous two times that summoned Jennesis and then Jinn in the cave, the Dragon’s Tear on Spike’s neck starts glowing. Apple Bloom, Big Mac, and Mrs. Cake reflexively freak out putting their hoof off as they have no idea what’s happening. The rest of the group also express one big gasp. Applejack takes another peek from behind the tree she’s hiding behind, with mouth aghast.
Applejack: Just what in tarnation is happening over there?!
Applejack noticing that Twilight is looking up in the sky smiling. She tries looking to the direction Twilight is looking at, and in the distance she can see what looks like two comets coming in, approaching the very spot they’re all at. Scared that it’s actually something that will come and hit nearby, but knowing it’s probably too late to dodge a deadly shockwave. She just ducks and covers waiting for the inevitable.
But instead of an impact, these comets simply stop in front of the entwined apple and pear tree. And now there are two glowing white spheres just above the ground. The sphere on the Apple side of the border is slightly bigger then the one on the pear side of the farm. The spheres then start forming into the shapes of two ponies. The one on the apple side a big, burly, stallion similar to Big Mac’s size but also seems to have a hat. And on the pear side, a mare shape silhouette of what looks like a long curly haired mane. Their colors finally start fading in, the stallion silhouette’s coat revealed to be a light yellow, with a red mane very much like Apple Bloom’s colors. The mare’s coat being tan, with an orange mane. At this point, those familiar with what Pear Butter and Bright Mac looked like, it was unmistakably them. Though even then they’re still in the process of shock and disbelief.
The spirits are now in full appearance with transparent physical forms with a white glowing outline still indicating they weren’t alive, but Pear Butter and Bright Mac appear before the entire group with eyes still closed. They open their eyes, revealing the green and turquoise of Bright Mac’s and Pear Butter’s eyes respectively. Once they’ve fully opened their eyes, the two look at each other and move into eachother’s hooves. Twilight noting that these summoned spirits can touch other spirits, or at least maybe it works the exact same as with the living that only those that were close can touch. The couple brought back to the farm for the first time since their untimely deaths just look lovingly at each other in the eyes and Pear Butter says…
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After hearing them speak, Twlight notices that the voices still somewhat echo. So it wasn’t just an effect of the cave. The voice of Spirits always have an echo to them.
The two then kiss in front of the entwined apple and pear tree. That was just about enough to convince most of the group that, yes, Pear Butter and Bright Mac’s spirits are right in front of them speaking, and probably can hear too. But before Apple Bloom, Big Mac, and Mrs. Cake can go up and approach. 
Suddenly Applejack slowly walks out from where she was hiding. Walking in the slowest speed she’s ever done, eyes wide, tears streaming down, and jaw open to the lowest it can go. The Spirits of Pear Butter and Bright Mac watching their daughter slowly approach.
Applejack: Y…y…y….ya…..ya’ll… can’t be real!… this has t’ be ah dream or ah mirage! As soon as ah’m about t’ run up and hug ya, ya’ll just going t’ disappear... or end up being changelings with ah cruel prank! Maybe ah drank too much cider last night that ah forgot ah even did drink�� and ah’m having hangover hallucinations…
Pear Butter and Bright Mac look at each other with concerned looks. Their daughter Applejack can’t believe they’re actually here. So Pear Butter tries talking.
Pear Butter: Applejack, dear… it’s really us, I promise… Princess Twilight’s done this two other times before us earlier today.
Applejack just stands there not knowing what to think, she recognizes the voice as her mother’s. But she still can’t find herself completely believing it.
Rarity: Twilight, is what Applejack’s mother said true?
Twilight: Yes, but mostly because I had to be fully convinced this was really happening too… Spike met his dragon birth mother as a spirit first, having unwittingly done the requirements needed to summon spirits with his Dragon’s Tear. Then Spike’s birth mother told us to summon Jinn after sending her back, we got Kubuya and Somnambula to make sure we could summon her. And Jinn explained just about everything, from how spirit summoning works, where the souls of the deceased go, what the spirits do, and more stuff that utterly blew my mind!
I’ll have to explain everything she said later, but for now. I thought it was a good idea for the first thing to do with all this newfound knowledge was to give Applejack, her family, and friends a happy reunion. I guess I should have known a little better, but I didn’t think Applejack was going to be this stubborn about this. Denying the very moment their spirits are here and speaking directly to her.
But trust me, that is really Pear Butter and Bright Mac in front of us. It’s their spirits, they can hear us, they can speak to us, and even after we send them back. We can bring them back anytime anypony of the Apple family wishes to see them again as long as Spike comes by with his Dragon’s Tear.
Applejack just stands there shaking for a few more moments until she finally cries and runs up… to a nearby apple tree. Banging her head onto it multiple times, hat falling off quickly, as the multiple impacts even manage to shake loose a few apples from the tree
Applejack: Come on, Applejack! Wake up! This ain’t real! This just can’t!
Earth pony skulls might be able to withstand more impact then either Pegasi or Unicorns. But that doesn’t mean the brain jiggling in there isn’t any less possibly moving in there. The entire group gasps in concern for Applejack.
Twilight: Applejack stop! You’re going to give yourself a concussion!
Applejack continues to bang her head until Twilight just decides to put a stop to it herself by freezing her movement. Twilight turns her around, and see her forehead is badly bruised.
Twilight: Applejack, please! This is real! You’re not going to wake up from this! It’s exactly what it seems, why won’t you trust what your eyes can clearly see? Why won’t you trust me?! I trusted you when you said I’d be ok when I was hanging from a cliff on the first day we met!
You know me, Applejack! I would of been just as skeptical before this morning if I hadn’t seen it done 3 times now!
Applejack remembers the day she told Twilight to let go, knowing that Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy would catch them.
Applejack: B…..b…..but.. knowing our friends can fly… is ah heck o’ ah lot different then actual pony spirits!
Twilight just sighs, it just seems Applejack is determined to refuse to revel in what should be one of the best days of her life. perhaps Applejack was traumatized by her parents death more then anyone realized. That she’s scared of the very moment she allows herself to think it’s real, it’ll reveal itself that it’s something her paranoid mind is telling her, it might be just to crush Applejack’s hopes. 
As the standoff in trying to get Applejack convinced her parents are actually in front of her. Apple Bloom gets a determined look on her face, and approaches her parents’ spirits. Much like how she was the first to trust Zecora, even if in this case it’s only Applejack they have to convince. Perhaps if Applejack sees how the spirits react to Apple Bloom, it’ll turn her around. Pear Butter and Bright Mac look at the daughter they didn’t get to quite raise for very long and smile.
Apple Bloom: Mom? Dad? This is the first time ah’ve ever seen ya’ll… may ah… have ah hug…?
Pear Butter: Of course, Apple Bloom. You are a huge reason we’re so happy to be down here, we wanted to see our baby daughter…
Apple Bloom smiles and tears stream down her face.
Rainbow whispers to Twilight
Rainbow: Pssst, Twilight… not to ruin the moment… but isn’t Apple Bloom just going to through them...
Twilight: Actually, no. Just watch.
Apple Bloom gallops and jumps into her mother’s arms, as she cries joyous tears. Bright Mac also putting a hoof around his daughter and one behind his wife for a group hug. Rainbow surprised that the spirits can still hug, but it quickly turns into tears of happiness watching the joyful reunion like everyone else watching. between a child who never really got to see their parents for very long when they were alive.
Big Mac then follows suit approaching his father, now about the same size as each other.
Bright Mac: Mah boy… ya gotten so big… me and your mother were once afraid naming ya Big Macintosh was going t’ be ah bit presumptuous.
Big Mac himself now streaming tears, and hugs his father.
Big Mac: Ah’ve missed both o’ ya’ll so much….
Bright Mac: We missed ya’ll from where we were up there too… we never wanted t’ leave ya’ll and ya sisters as early as we did…
Then it was Mrs. Cake’s turn, she approaches Pear Butter. Tears streaming on her face seeing her best friend for the first time in years.
Mrs. Cake: Buttercup…
Pear Butter: Chiffon…
Pear Butter outstretches her right hoof as her other hoof still has Apple Bloom hugged tight. Mrs. Cake hugs her old friend, and Pear Butter has her other transparent hoof around Mrs. Cake’s Shoulder. Apple Bloom, Big Mac, their parents, and Mrs. Cake now in one big group hug together. Most of the rest of the group, express a huge d’awww and also start crying in joy in happiness for this happy reunion.
Even Applejack who’s remained skeptical of this just stares at the group hug, she bites her lip, more tears stream down her face, and she looks off to the side. A part of her is still telling her this can’t really be happening, but now that the reunion looks like its started in earnest… hope starts to take over AJ’s mind. Her hat is still off from when after she banged her head on a tree. She… then starts to walk closer to her parents again. At first, just as slowly as when he was about to accuse them of being just mirages or in a dream. But then she steadily goes a little faster, getting to her normal walking speed. In which the group hug temporarily disengages just so Applejack gets her own special hug… if at least that’s what Applejack is doing. Then Applejack starts speeding up her walking…
Until she just couldn’t take it anymore… she runs as fast as she can and exclaims…
And is soon jumping into the arms of her mother, almost tackling her down to the ground. Though Bright Mac’s big body provides a cushion. And Applejack is just crying her eyes out, face deep in her mother’s shoulder, sobbing uncontrollably. Bright Mac gets a big hoof around his older daughter’s back. And soon, Apple Bloom, Big Mac, and Mrs. Cake all join back into a group hug. Applejack finally getting a chance to smile, for her parents have not disappeared like a mirage in the desert, they weren’t changelings, nor some fancy magic hologram or special effect.
Despite being spirits, they felt just as warm to touch as when they had been alive. Applejack now knew for certain, that this was indeed them. And remembering what Twilight said earlier, this wasn’t just a one-time deal. She could see them anywhere at anytime, as long as Spike was available.
Her parents were home.
UP NEXT: Chapter 24: Spirits of Apples & Pears, Part 2
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lavendertwilight89 · 4 years
“Bite me” 🤣
only like... a billion years later...
Also posted on AO3 in Asks and Answers
@kagometaishostory  @dangerouspompadour​​​​​ @lemonlushff​​​​​ @willowandfog​​​​​ @cstormsinukagblog​​​​​ @littlestuffstohide​​​​​ @clearwillow​​​​​ @ruddcatha​​​​​ @hnnwnchstr​​​​​ @smmahamazing​​​​​ @wolverine1092​​​​​ @inuyashaloverforever​​​​​ @xfangheartx​​​​​ @umacaking​​​​​ @bluejay785​​​​​  @murdergiraffe​​​​​ @superpixie42​​​​​ @shnuggletea​​​​​ @sistasecbhere​​​​​ @nopenname22​​​​​ @mcornilliac​​​​​ @sapphirestarxx​​​​​ @fawn-eyed-girl​​​​​ @liz8080​​​​​ @shinidamachu​​​​​  @neutronstarchild​​​​​ @arcprz​​​​​ @kaze-ranna​​​ @alerialblu​ @nsr0716​​ @sailorbabydoll92​​ @sailorlolo @swaggingtomboy​ @keichanz  @mamabearcat
There was an infinite number of reasons Inuyasha hated Kagome going back home. Firstly, it shouldn’t be her home. She was home when she was in their era--or rather his era… either way, the future shouldn’t be where she called home. Her home was with him--or by him. Whatever.
Secondly, he wasn’t allowed to just go anywhere he pleased--specifically, to follow her around while she was at school or with her friends in town. What if she got into trouble and he wasn’t around to save her? She was always tripping or finding a way to get kidnapped or hurt--she was a walking accident! 
Thirdly, it fucking smelled terrible. The pollution and other modern smells overpowered his fucking senses. He often left with a migraine. Stupid future shit. No wonder demons weren’t around--they wouldn’t fucking survive.
Fourthly, he… well… he just missed her. When she wasn’t around. Near. God, she was turning him into the biggest wuss on the planet. 
They’d been traveling together for just over a year now; their friends and they had been to almost every corner of Japan. Naraku was still at large, but he had been quiet for quite some time. Probably just as frustrated as they were with the lack of jewel shards to be found. 
Shockingly, Inuyasha and Kagome had gotten into another fight. Not like the fights they used to have--noooo those had simmered down since their first year of travel. These were just based on… differences of opinions. Such as she, wanting to go home because she had a test and him, saying tests were pointless and she didn’t need to go.
Unfortunately… she won. Per usual. Only because she could fucking sit him and call it a day. So, he reluctantly followed her because--it wasn’t like he had anything better to do than watch the slayer and monk ogle each other or watch the slayer beat the tar outta him when he made to flirt with another woman.
Pass. Hard pass.
Even though he wasn’t supposed to, he trailed after her when she went to school. She was in something called ‘high school’ now and had to change uniforms. He didn’t really like the blue uniform. It reminded him she was getting older. Things were changing…
In good and bad ways. Good ways were, she was becoming a fucking woman. Her scent was beyond intoxicating each passing month. Yea, she had her cycle when she was fifteen but… now his demon sensed the maturity of her body taking form more and more. It took everything and more not to pour out his undying love for the woman and rut her in the middle of a fucking forest. Like an animal. But who was he kidding? She didn’t like him like that… Yea, they cared for each other. Yea they had kissed… but she was just--trying to save him. Yea, they’d hugged but she hugged Sango and Shippo… at rare times Miroku. He may be engaged but he wasn’t married yet. 
Another good change was they didn’t fight as much. Or as hard.
Bad ways… she was growing up. She wasn’t going to want to travel around forever. According to her, she wasn’t marrying age yet in this time, even though in his, she was ripe for the taking. But he knew she had suitors. Plural. All that could offer her way more than he could. He had what? An asshat brother who wished he was dead? A dark half-demon that hunted him and his kinda ex-fiance person? An ex who was dead, haunting the lands until her revenge was exacted? Possibly longer? The clothes on his back and sword at his hip...Yep. He had the whole package. 
Meanwhile, Koga had a full wolf tribe, ruled the mountains… And… what was the fuckin’ kid's name? Hobo? Hoko? Hojo--that was it. Both the Hojo idiots from both times. They had perfect happy little lives. No drama. No demons. They could offer her anything and everything. 
Gods… he was doomed. He loved her so much. Kikyo? Pft. Yea, he cared about Kikyo--like a friend you owed because you accidentally kinda-got-them-killed-kind-of thing. Guilt--that’s what Kagome called it. He felt guilty and felt he needed to make it alright.
Anyway, with the lack of action, she wanted to come back to her time, catch up, and shit. Blah blah blah… He knew she could sense him. Her powers had increased, another good change. But she didn’t sit him or come out and yell at him. In fact, she actually did manage to come up for lunch.
“Hey, I figured you’d be hungry,” she happily greeted him.
“You’re...not angry?”
“You’re staying out of sight, why would I be mad?”
“Are you embarrassed of me?”
“Of course not! Why would you ask that??” She asked as she sat down opening her lunch. She took a rice ball and placed her container between them. 
“Well it’s not like you let anybody see me or anything,” he glared at the food. He actually wasn’t even mad at her or the food. In all honesty, he was angered by his heritage. He was surprised when he felt her cool hand reach up and grab his face to look into her beautiful caramel eyes.
“I don’t want anyone to take you from me… You know there aren’t demons in this time. I don't want to put you in danger because they would want you. They would capture you and... What would I do without you?”
His heart pounded so hard he wondered if she could hear it with her human ears. Her eyes darkened and her lips parted from that soft smile. Her breath hitched and she bit down on her silken lip and all he could think about was devouring it.
Then he heard the door open and he pulled away from her, throwing his hat back on. She blushed madly and turned to see her friends coming out onto the roof with their lunches. Fucking perfect.
“Oh, h-hey guys,” she stuttered.
“Heyyyyy, are we interrupting anything?” The one named Eri smirked.
“NO!” He yelled, likely way too loudly and fast. But she seemed so flustered by what almost happened and he didn’t want them to think she was the idiot who got carried away.
“H-how are you guys,?” She asked with her fake smile. Damn. He hurt her. Again. She got caught up in the moment, and he took advantage of it. 
“Hojo’s coming up,” Yuka said with a gleam in her eye.
“Uhhhh…” Kagome started.
“I can go,” Inuyasha muttered.
“No!” She looked at him like a deer in headlights and gripped his hand. “I-I mean--nooooo, don’t go! I thought we were going to share my lunch?”
He was blushing and staring at their joined hands when the Hobo came out. The boy stalled for a moment drawing Inuyasha’s attention and when their eyes met, he could tell Hoho was sizing him up. Out of habit to protect Kagome from other’s opinions, he tried to draw his hand away from her, but her grip tightened. What was she doing?
“Hey Hojo,” she greeted.
“Hey Kagome, how are you today?”
“Great! Inuyasha was in the area and decided to join us for lunch.” Was she lying?? Why?? Why wouldn’t she just tell them he followed her? This boy couldn't hurt him.
“Inuyasha? Oh--you’re the guy from the festival last year,” Hojo said as he sat down on the other side of her.
“Yea, one and the same,” he confirmed gruffly. Staring at the boy in front of him, he was surprised when Kagome held out a riceball for him. He took it from her with the hand she wasn’t holding and muttered his thanks.
“Oh, are you sharing your lunch?” Ayumi cooed.
“Kagome, you probably need more nourishment than that--here, why don’t we share--”
“That’s okay Hojo. I appreciate the thought, but I’m honestly not that hungry. He’s doing me a favor helping me out,” she laughed fakely.
Did no one else see the mask Kagome put on aside from him? He knew that she loved Sango, that she confided in her about everything. Did these girls know anything about his Kagome?
The rest of the time it was just idle chit chat. Nothing for him to really follow as it was mainly about classes they were taking. He noticed Kagome’s hand didn’t leave his though even when she would reach and take food out of her little box, her grip never lessened. To be honest, he loved the feeling of his hand in hers. Even more so because she was doing it in front of her friends.
When lunchtime ended, her friends got up and led the way to the door. She lingered behind them and told them she’d catch up shortly. Hojo sent her a passing glance, obviously hesitant about leaving her alone with him, but complied when she bid him a good afternoon.
“I uhm… I’ll see you when school's out, okay?” Why was she acting all shy now? She was the only one who gripped his hand in hers.
“Uh...sure. That’s fine. I’ll just wait here then?”
“Mhm,” she smiled softly and with a final bite of her lip, she turned and went back inside.
The school literally couldn’t end soon enough. He needed to know what the fuck was actually going on with her.
The hours seemed like they took forever--of course, that’s how it always was when she wasn’t right by his side. Again, the biggest pussy on the planet when it came to her. 
Maybe he accidentally dozed off from boredom. Watching the clouds wasn’t the same without the bossy spirited girl who actually appreciated the little things while he laid on his back beside her, merely just enjoying her presence, but he didn’t realize she was outside until he heard the dumbass Hobo call out her name. He rolled onto his side to peer off the roof to see what was going on. 
She looked startled and began to look around--likely lookin’ for him. She’d be fuckin’ pissed if he just leaped down from there then. After all, she did just admit it wasn’t about embarrassment, it was about the danger of him being taken from her. Humans were odd creatures--always lookin’ to learn more and more about something. He knew what she said was true. 
But that only meant that even if he were to follow her back to this time to be with her, if she really wanted to be with her family, they’d have no future here either. Not like she’d likely want a future with him. He needed to--he needed to keep his head on straight. Why let his hopes get raised for nothing? 
“Kagome! How about I walk you home! You’re probably famished and could collapse from that vertigo your grandfather called about last week.”
“Hahahaha...of course he did,” she smiled while he smelled her annoyance and anger. Kagome had mentioned her grandpa making up some rather colorful excuses to get to miss school since she was always with him. While he told her she didn’t have to go, she pointed out that she did. At least for her family’s honor. That was the only reason he let her still travel back and forth… well actually it was the only reason she actually wanted to. 
He noticed she looked around again and finally saw him on the roof and frowned slightly. Biting her lip and then turning to look back at Hojo she said loudly enough to where he heard her mention, “Inuyasha said he was going to meet me at the corner but you can join us.”
“Oh...I see. Kagome, can I ask you something?” They started to walk away and while he had demonic hearing, with all the other chatter and distance they were putting between them was making it difficult what the man-child was asking of his--no--not his--Kagome. Just--Kagome.
“Sure, what’s up Hojo?” 
Inuyasha sneakily leaped onto the track of the school and then up and over the fence onto the house across from them. He proceeded to jump down so he wouldn’t be seen but could listen in on their conversation.
“What is up with that friend of yours? I would have figured with your health problems he would have encouraged you to eat--not the other way around.” Inuyasha wanted to growl at the thought that he would ever put his own health before hers.
“Oh, honestly I wasn’t that hungry. We often share lunches. I’m obviously not starving.”
“Does he--he visits you when you’re in the hospital? At the shrine when you’re not well??”
“Oh--uh--yeah! See? He’s very concerned.”
“Does he not have a job? Did he drop out of school?”
“No, no, nothing like that. He’s actually very intelligent. He does uh… exterminations?” He overheard her nervous laugh. That was the truth technically. Demons were what summoned them from village to village in hopes they would come across a jewel shard. But the money was shared. They were a pack. It wasn’t his alone--even if it was, no one would feed, clothe, or house a half-demon.
“Oh he must be very fortunate then… do you think the chemicals are the source of what are making you ill though?”
“Of course not! Being with Inuyasha is--” He heard her cut off and at that point, he was standing at the fork in the road when she had mentioned he would meet them. “It’s uh…”
“Do you really like him, Kagome?”
“Yes… I just--I don’t know if he feels the same,” he heard her whisper, likely hoping he wouldn’t hear. But he did. And his head was spinning. She ‘liked’ him? Well duh, they’d been traveling together for over a year together. He hoped she would at least kinda enjoy his company. But did she mean--is that why--
“Oh! Inuyasha!” 
Fuck he was made! He brought his head up and saw them walking towards him.
“Hey,” he replied back gruffly. It wasn’t his intention for it to have been so mean… but he was officially frustrated and confused.
“Everything ok?” Kagome asked sweetly as she blushed while she stood before him. Damnit.
“Yea. Fine. Let’s go,” he replied as he turned away. She groaned slightly--the one she used when she got bad news. He turned back to look at her and she looked highly disappointed… She acted like she didn’t want him to hear her little confession. Obviously she was embarrassed by liking him so why should she be upset if he acted like he didn’t hear her?
“Say, Kagome. What are you doing this Saturday?” 
Would she be pissed off if he broke this kid's nose? Didn’t he just hear she liked him?? 
“Uhm…” She started. Oh, fuck no.
“She’s gonna be with me, twerp,” he stated firmly as he swung around and wrapped his arm around Kagome’s shoulders. She seemed to tense under the initial contact but then relaxed. Her breathing was a little erratic like she was nervous but excited… What a weirdo.
“Oh I see, did you decide this for her?” Hojo questioned.
“Pretty sure it’s a mutual agreement at this point, kid.”
“Yes, I’m sorry Hojo. Inuyasha and I have plans.”
“Why what?” Inuyasha snapped.
“Why be with someone who doesn’t tell you how they feel? Make you feel appreciated? Kagome--I’m in love with you. Please--let me prove that to you. Let me show you how a man should treat a lady.” 
It took all he had to not punch the little dick in the throat. How dare he say those things to Kagome!
“Look here you little--”
“Hojo--I like spending time with Inuyasha,” Kagome countered.
“But Kagome--”
“Just because Inuyasha doesn’t like me in the same way doesn’t mean we can’t be friends, Hojo. If I want to stay with him then it’s really not--”
“You actually like me?” Inuyasha finally asked.
Kagome turned and looked at him from under his arm. She looked confused and she stepped out to be in front of him. She looked embarrassed and uncomfortable but she never hesitated in her response, “Inuyasha--of course I like you. I love you. I thought… it was obvious.”
“Kagome, I--” He realized they still had an audience and glared with a growl in the little fuck’s direction. “Do you mind?!” 
“It’s okay Hojo. We need to talk. I’ll see you tomorrow at school.”
“Okay. Take care, Kagome,” he waved as he headed off in the other direction.
Now they were standing there. In the middle of the road. Irony. 
“Kagome I--”
“It’s really alright if you don’t feel the same. I just want to be by your side. As--as long as you’ll have me.”
“Why though?”
“Why--why what?”
“Why do you like me? I’m kind of an asshole. I always say the wrong thing, I always hurt you… I can’t offer you anything.”
Her soft cool hand on his cheek made him look her in the eyes. He could forever get lost in the chestnut eyes. Honestly, he almost did; he didn’t even notice she had started speaking.
“It’s not about what you have to offer me. Things--possessions-- they aren’t important to me. You are. Yeah, you’re rough around the edges but you only do that to protect yourself. I don’t try to take what you say personally, I know you don’t mean it. I just--I want you to know you don’t have to be afraid of me hurting you; I’d never harm you. I love you for who you are. My gruff half-demon protector.”
“Kagome…words--aren’t really my thing. But you kinda knew that, so--” He cut himself off and pulled her close to press his mouth against hers, praying to any fuckin’ God she didn’t sit him for acting without thinking. Though to be honest, he’d be lying if he said he had never thought about it. In fact, sometimes that was all he thought about. Along with some heated moaning and intimate places linked… Oh shit, his dick was already getting excited at the thought. 
Her hum of approval and fingers lacing through his hair, softly shifting his ball cap off his head brought him from his imagination. 
“Not here,” he barely grunted before scooping her up into his arms bridal style, leaping from the road to the roof of house after house until they arrived at her shrine. She urged him to take her up to her window where she crawled through before he entered after.
Once his feet were on the ground, he found himself engulfed in her embrace and her lips frantically moving against his. She flipped his hat off and whoaaaa--her hands were untying his haori. He stilled them and she whined but they needed to talk about this. Not just rush into whatever--well--that was wrong. He knew Kagome would never play with his heart. She had just declared she’d never hurt him; that her love wasn’t based on what he had or could give, it was based on who they were. But that was exactly why they needed to talk. 
“Hey--we don’t need to rush this--”
“Inuyasha I don’t want to wait until you’ve changed your mind about everything--” She proceeded to keep kissing him, his mind becoming this weird useless blob because damn if she didn’t taste fantastic. All his fantasies were coming true in just the movement of her lips.
She hummed her approval over his vulgar words; weird as she usually was the one always conveying ‘manners’ but obviously she liked that she could make him helpless. 
“Damn, you shoulda confessed your feelings earlier, wench,” he smirked when he pulled away to trail kisses and drew teasing circles of his tongue against her throat. Her moan lit his cock on fire. Shit.
“Bite me, dog boy,” her husky voice sounded as he hovered over her shoulder. Pause. Did she just tell him to mark her? What did she know about demons and mating?? Or was she just teasing. This whole situation had gotten away from him. He began to pull back and her breath hitched. She was panicking.
“I’m not gonna go changin’ my mind but this is kinda--you don’t just--shit--sit down,” he ordered as he pulled her down to sit on the edge with him. Wrapping his arms around her to reassure her of his unvoiced feelings, he felt her snuggle into his hold. “Kagome… what you said kinda made me realize we--well--we need to try and talk.”
“What do you mean?” She seemed confused by his words. It dawned on him she had no idea she had asked him to mate with her. Not that he could blame her--demons didn’t just go around boasting… Scratch that. Normal demons that aren’t fleabags don’t blurt out mating rituals.
“What do you know of mating with demons?”
“Uh--I--” She turned as red as his haori and buried her face into said top and muttered her response, making his ears twitch to try and catch the muffled words she spoke. Oh, so she had just said ‘bite me’ as a retort… and totally missed the full meaning.
“Did the wolf-shit tell you all that? Because I may have to go skin him--”
“No! No! Sango had uh… mentioned it,” she admitted, biting her lip.
“Keh, ‘course that busybody did.”
“D-don’t be mad! I had asked her in all honesty…”
“Why didn’t you just ask me?” The look she gave him made him realize exactly why not. Disbelief. He was a callous asshole. Probably would have taken the wrong way… Whoops. “Nevermind. I got it. Are you sure this is something you truly want? What happens if once we complete the jewel the well closes? What if the old woman can’t get the village to accept us and we end up living in the forest? What if--”
“We can’t play a what-if game forever Inuyasha. We won’t know until we cross that bridge, but I told you the truth when I said none of that stuff matters… I don't belong here. This is just where I come to keep my family’s honor. My home is with you,” she said as she stroked her hands through his silky silver tresses. “Besides, I bet even if the village turned us away, Miroku and Sango would find a place for us to settle down--maybe her old slayer village.”
“Oh fuck, we’re stuck with them, aren’t we?”
“Inuyasha,” she warned him. He smirked down at her showing he was only teasing. They were friends. His family. Something he never thought he would ever have.
“We can wait to complete the mating ritual--it doesn’t have to be right now,” he said idly as he traced where he would mark her on her shoulder over her blazer.
“Are--Are you the one who is unsure?” She asked hesitantly as she shuddered from the light graze of his claws.
“No. This is the only thing I have ever been completely sure about my entire life.”
“But what about--I mean--”
“You can say her name.”
She averted her eyes and he pulled her chin back so she had to look him in the eyes. “I was going to become human for her. Mating is a thing for demons. Humans wither and die while demons live for centuries. I wanted someone to accept me--even if that meant I had to change. You’ve never asked that of me--fuck, you’ve begged me to stay the way I am. Kagome… I-- damnit, why is this so fucking hard!”
“You’re doing okay,” she whispered as her hands slid from his chest to his cheeks. “I love you, Inuyasha. I would be honored to be your mate.”
“I love you, Kagome,” he finally said as he slammed his hungry lips down onto hers. Her hands stayed on his cheeks as he moved from her chin to her hips to bring her closer even though she was perched on top of his lap.
She surprised him when she turned herself around to straddle his legs and pushed his chest down making him fall backward. How a tiny girl like her could ever startle him enough to knock him over was beyond comprehension. Her hands started to undo his haori and he made to undo the buttons on her blazer. It was sloppy, them removing each other’s clothing between their heated kisses, trembling excited fingers, and the awkward but hot as fuck grinding of their sex.
Her core was so fucking wet; he honestly couldn’t wait to taste her. He wondered if she tasted just as he imagined. Her fucking mouth tasted like cherries and honey--his fucking cock felt like it was going to fall off; he was so aroused. Between the bucking of her hips, the wetness of her panties, and the simple but teasing sweeps of her hand as she explored his body, he wasn’t going to last long. 
Losing his patience, he sliced through her bra and underwear and flipped her over so that her legs draped off the bed as he towered over her. Smirking down at her, he took control again as he began to devour her. All of her. Her lips, her neck, her clavicle, her breasts--he lingered there the longest, making sure the perky mounds were red, bruised, and thoroughly marked as his as he proceeded to lave and caress her toned stomach just before he found himself kneeling on the floor between her perfect shapely muscular thighs.
He didn’t even hesitate as he went straight to the weeping opening that was begging for his hardened length. It was a siren calling out to ship and he had to steer straight ahead and plunge into the abyss. And plunge he did--with tongue. A loud cry of his name was his answer in return. He brought one hand down to steady her hips as he continued to memorize her scent, her taste, and the sounds he could make her produce with abandon. 
Noticing there was a significant nub that she seemed to like to have teased the most, he moved his thumb to press and circle it as he used his tongue to continue to drink up her juices. It was clear with all her shaking and quivering that she was close to her orgasm. Her hands were frantically pressing his head into her folds, and her voice was fucking wrecked. She sounded like she had just run five kilometers nonstop and she was begging for water. And he ultimately would be the one to help her out with her thirst. With one last flick of his tongue, he switched his hand with his mouth and inserted one, then two, then three fingers slowly stretching her as he pumped in and out of her. His mouth found purchase on her nub and he sucked hard as his other hand softly stroked his own dick as he was fairly positive if he didn’t, it would burn off in the flames of arousal this woman was feeding him.
Thankfully her walls began to vibrate as she came undone around him and cried out his name in ecstasy. When she stopped twitching, he finally slunk back up her body and smirked down at the completely dazed look on her face. He couldn’t help but feel his confidence growing that if he could at least take care of her like that, happily sated every night, a home with Sango and Miroku, then he could give her the life she deserved. Not fully, but one she seemed to want.
Her hands reaching for his cock brought him from his wandering musings and damn--he’d never be able to go back to his own hand. Why was she so good at that?!? Fuck, shit, damnit, fuckkkk-- he grabbed her hand to still her motions and she gasped.
“Is--am I not--”
“N-nah, y-you are. Fuck, I almost just came all over you.”
“What if… I’d like that?”
His eyes widened and his ears perked up. What did she say? Anything he had to say went out the window when she shoved him against her headboard and engulfed his hardened length with her hot wet mouth. Some weird strangled sound came out his mouth as his hands went to her head without thinking. Fuck. Shit. He loosened his grip once he had some semblance of control and mainly kept his hands there to keep hair out of her way. Her tongue was swirling around him and he felt her spit literally drip down to where her hand was stroking him where her mouth couldn’t reach more than making up for the lapse of coverage. The other sneaky hand was fondling his sac and he literally swore right then it wouldn’t be the jewel, nor Naraku, Koga, his brother, or even Kikyo who would kill him--it was going to be Kagome. Because holy fuck he was about to fucking die. The ache in his stomach from not being touched was far gone and replaced with a burning passion; the tightening coil had grown taunt and he could barely tap her to gain her attention before it sprang loose. 
Panting, breathless, and grunting he managed a ‘“Comin’’, or some word like that. Either way, she hummed and that was what threw him off the edge. He could hardly not grab her head to keep her there, but he hadn’t needed to; she drank him up like he was producing actual milk and not seed for pups.
She pulled away from him and licked her lips, whether it was meant to be seductive or innocent didn’t really phase him as he grabbed her head and pulled her into a hard bruising kiss. Not only was he tasting her in his mouth from when he had given her pleasure but now he was tasting himself on her cherry red lips. Goddamn. He was the luckiest hanyou ever born. And he was already aggravatingly hard again.
“Mmmmm, Inuyasha,” she begged.
“What Kagome?”
“Bite me,” she pleaded. He lifted her to straddle him once more as he knelt on her bed and brought her face to meet his. Gazing deeply into her brown sparkling earthy eyes for any form of doubt, he exhaled and groaned as he lowered her onto his cock. Her arms wrapped around his neck and her breath hitched uneasily. Fuck. She was tight. Hot. Wet. He wasn’t even completely sheathed by her wet hot core and he felt her walls already stirring back to life as she moaned in his ears.
Once she was finally held on his lap by her hips, he was completely engulfed by her, it was an odd sense of fulfillment. Like everything in his life had led to that exact moment. Everything just suddenly fell into place. Every horrible unspeakable attack on his life, every mistake he ever made, any step he took, it all led to her--his Kagome. 
“You okay?” He managed to grind out around his gritted teeth. He was barely holding on for dear life; all he wanted to do was pound into her, but she deserved more--she deserved better.
“Perfect,” she sighed, groaning as she twisted her hips and good fucking Gods--she was fucking perfect.
She started to rise up on her calves to pull away from him and then slammed herself back down on him making them both whimper, groan, moan, growl as the fucking pure bliss of pleasure as she continued her actions with his help. He could never use his hand again. Ever. She had effectively ruined that for him. He would no longer be able to fantasize about her--it would always have to be her. Riding his cock. Like the fucking expert she was proving herself to be.
“Inu--Ya--Shaaaaaa,” she cried out as she tried to still her movement as she released all over his deeply embedded cock. Holy shit. If her coming apart in his arms was not the most erotic sight he had ever seen. It was the way her head was thrown back; her eyes were squeezed shut;her hair, damp from her sweat-glistened body, swaying behind her; her tight grip on his shoulder; her chest heaving, making her breasts bounce, and how her pussy effectively hid his dick.
“Ka--Kagome--” he stuttered, leaning his head down to her shoulder, pulling her back to him so their bodies were as close as possible as he continued thrusting into her. His tongue acted of its own accord as it brushed her shoulder all the way to the back of her ear as he huskily groaned making her return her own whimper. Her hands snuck their way from his shoulders to his ears--and if it didn’t feel fucking amazing. He moved his mouth back over her shoulder and kissed it lovingly before nuzzling it. “Ready?”
“Yes,” she cried.
His release snuck up on him from the beautiful sound of her pleasured filled voice. As he came, emptying himself into her womb, he bit down into her shoulder, marking her as his, filling her with his youki. He felt her reiki flow around him in return, caressing him, sheltering him with her love. And damn, if he didn’t feel like he was home.
The rest of the evening, they spent kissing and exchanging loving touches. Talking about their future, talking about their dreams. Inuyasha could swear he had never felt so relieved and happy in his entire miserable life. But then again, he didn’t have Kagome until the year before. He had never known what love and happiness ever was before her. And his life would never be miserable again, not with this amazing woman by his side.
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r3b3lgrrrrrrrl · 4 years
A LunaTic and Her Gunn (Part 117 2xs2) "Internet Thangs"
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Colson and Luna pull up to The Chateau Marmont. Colson steps out first, handing his keys to the valet. As another man approaches Luna's door he puts his hand up to stop him. Walking around, he'd rather open His Girl's door himself. Slipping out of the SUV, the somewhat notorious couple manages to walk inside, hand in hand without being bothered.
"Why are we here?" A slightly drunk and totally confused Luna asks.
"They usually film in NY, out here they book where we want. Ash or Jackie must've chose The Chateau... I'm not sure who booked this one." He shrugs out his answers as he leads her to room 29.
Inside the room looks nothing like the hotel Luna's used to. Everything is draped in black sheets. It actually makes the tragic landmark a bit more gloomier, which Luna didn't think was possible.
"Hey, Colson! How are you?" Sean the host greets him. "This must be Luna, it's such a pleasure." He grins as he stretches his arm out.
"Thank you for having us." Luna accepts his hand warmly, still not knowing what the fuck Colson has gotten her into; all she knows is that there's supposed to be wings and she's starving.
"We're all set up. Make yourselves comfortable and we'll start in 10... Sound good?" Sean confirms to Colson's nod and Luna's look of uncertainty; this is Colson's third time, Luna's never have I ever.
"Welcome to Hot Ones, Everybody!" Sean greets the camera. "We've got a special couple's edition here today with some self proclaimed Bad Things. I'm talking with Machine Gun Kelly and if you don't mind my saying so, his STUNNING girlfriend THAT Brooklyn Bitch. They're both ruling the charts with their hit single Bad Things along with other collaborations like I Think I'm Okay and Nightmare." Sean now turns to them directly. "Guys, I've gotta admit, I've seen the music video, caught your performances on SNL, Ellen and GMA... Not a stalker but I might've also peeped a couple hot Insta pics and stories of you two... I have to say, they do not do justice to the amount of tattoos and bad assery, I don't know if that's a word but I'm making it one... That comes along with the two of you in person. Just looking at the you, I wanna peirce my nose, buy a fender and find a hardcore chick to rule The World with!" He laughs nervously as Luna gives him an weird look; in her drunken mind, he's an odd, little man.
"Do it! Live the dream, my Dude!" Colson encourages him with a chuckle.
"Don't tempt me, I just might." Sean wishes. "Okay, so lemme give Brooklyn a little insight... We've got ten wings. Ten types of hot sauce raising in intensity with each wing... And one question to go with each wing and sauce." The host explains.
"Wait, what?" There's that magic sentence again as Luna hears how each wing is contingent upon a question. "You told me hot wings... You didn't say anything about questions." Luna raises her eyebrows at Colson.
"Ten wings. Ten questions. Come on, we got this, Kitten." Colson sinks a firm kiss onto Luna's cheek.
"Not the way you eat fucking wings." Luna lowly snarks for only Colson to hear with an obviously unamused tone; she doesn't like to be blindsided.
"Okay, Round One... One wing, one hot sauce, one question. Beware they get hotter as we go. Don't worry though, we've got your water and your milk that you can refill at anytime." Sean begins to start them off.
"Hold on... Wait. What? What is milk and water? Are you... Are you children?" Luna slightly stutters in disgust. "If I'm gonna do this, I'm gonna enjoy it. Fuck this ballsack shit, lemme get a beer. Please." Luna asserts while finding herself asking the same stupid fucking question AGAIN as she tries to reel herself in.
"Fucking MILK??? Who the FUUUUUCK... Ugh... Shut up, Loons. Get your beer, eat your chicken, let Colson answer whatever questions and roll on." She tries to calm down and mentally prepare herself for who knows what besides chicken and beer. "They are REALLY trying to ruin two of my favorite things though." Luna can't help but still complain to herself, thinking of how much she HATES interviews.
Colson can't help but laugh at her. He knew today was gonna take a lot of patience and persuading, considering Luna's great love for interviews and all things The Internet. He's surprised she's held up this well so far. "SHIT!! I hope either Ash or Jackie screened these FUCKING questions." Colson's heart suddenly begins to panic.
"Heineken, please." The sound of Luna's voice breaks Colson's thoughts as he focuses on the secretive smile on her face.
"Alright, Penny Lane." He teases her as he squeezes her thigh and tries to drop a kiss on her lips.
"Unh Unh... Luna Smith, motherfucker." She declares with a slur as she ducks just out of his reach; reminding him of the first time he tried to kiss her.
Giving him a playful eye, she let's him pull her into his lap. Luna runs her fingertips along Colson's jawline as he dips his tongue inside of her willing mouth, lightly dancing together until he breaks away to only hold her by the lips; hands firm upon her ass as always. There's a sweet, sensualness to them as love and other emotions rush between their beings by just their kiss on the lips. Colson wraps his arms around Luna, both sighing upon his release as they rest forehead to forehead. Intimate words are exchanged between the two of them until Sean interrupts them after grabbing Luna a few beers. EVERYTHING being caught by the cameras. Slightly intoxicated, Luna doesn't even think to be aware of them like a fucking dumbass.
"Alright... Round One... Now complete with water, milk and beer." Sean rubs his hands together with a chuckle.
"Thank you." Luna lifts her beer graciously to his smiling nod.
"Starting us off, we've got Hot One's classic sauce. It's our garlic fresno edition so critique away." He suggests as they all bite into a leg.
Colson takes one bite. Luna's eating the fuck out of her chicken wing as always. Then dude starts asking questions and ruins everything.
"You two are getting married in like two weeks so I'm assuming you live together... How do you guys typically start your day off?" He is easily the most awkward interviewer Luna has ever encountered.
"We do." Colson answers after he swallows his bite; looking over at Luna whose still munching away, her chicken filled nod agrees with him for the moment. "We usually start the day by fucking and getting stoned. One or the other or both together. It don't matter which order as long as their together. Back to back. Fucking and stoning. Stoning and fucking." Colson clarifies himself as Luna almost snorts her beer and Sean tries to compose himself.
"I fucking love him." Luna's soul shines for Colson.
"Round Two... This is a shawarma sauce by Dawson's. Little spicier but not much." The host leads.
Colson takes one bite as expected. Luna's chilling. Eating fucking chicken. She can't talk if she has a mouth full of chicken.
"You've got this new album out, Hotel Diablo... What would you say is the most personal song on it?" Sean asks as he takes a sip of his milk.
"Glass House." Colson answers lowly; Luna hands him her beer, only slightly happy her mouth is preoccupied by delicious meat.
"Next we got Goat Rider by Angry Goat Company... " Sean begins to describe the next sauce.
"They should call Em that... " Luna says lowly as she looks up at Colson and tries to contain herself; his smirk only encourages her. "Because he's the angriest little GOAT of them all." She says in a tiny, childlike voice; it's Colson's fault she couldn't help herself as she dips her face into his chest to hide her giggles; he's just as bad as he covers her head and his own laughter with his arm crooked around her.
"God Damn, I fucking love her." Colson's heart glows with amusement from his Kitten's sense of humor.
"Hey... Hey... Hey... No secret conversations. Hot wings and questions." The host tries to redirect them.
"Alright, super chicken man." Luna announces as she comes out of her hiding spot. "What's next?" She asks as she grabs her third wing and chomps into it.
"Are you guys REALLY getting married at ESTFest?" He asks as Colson almost chokes on his chicken.
"Need some milk?" Luna asks sarcastically with a full mouth.
"Fuck you." Colson coughs out as he sips the milk. Luna almost chokes on her own chicken as she laughs at him. "See, that's what you get. Asshole." He calls her out after handing her, her beer and making sure she'll live.
"So ESTFest... ?" Sean goes on to remind them.
"Yeah... " Colson nods after he collects himself also. "During ModSun's set."
"What?" Luna asks Sean directly when he won't stop looking at her for an answer. "You see the ring." Luna wiggles her sparkling left finger in the air. "ACTUALLY... I got two." She grins like a spoiled little girl as she extends her right hand out. "THIS one is my favorite... " Luna declares as she admires it herself before she leans back against Colson, staring up at him with THAT One Look as she plays with one of her most prized possession.
"Is that a guitar string?" Sean asks with pure wonder.
"Is that the fourth question?" Luna asks with a teasing charm as she holds her hands together towards her chest, just underneath her chin.
"I like that you play hard ball." Sean chuckles nervously as he wags his finger at her, not wanting to let this question go. "I'll trade it in for Round Four's question as long as it's a two part answer." He bargains.
"Mmmm... Nope. Two questions. Two answers. Two chickens." Luna's unwilling to budge.
"Fine... Is it a guitar string?" He asks again with a tinge of disappointment but still wanting to know.
"Yes." Luna nods her head proudly as she answers and presents her hand back towards him again so he can fully study the work of love.
"Wow. That's really neat the way the wire is twisted around to reinforce itself." He observes in admiration. "Where did it come from? EXACTLY." He reframes the question.
"We were On Tour in Pittsburgh and Colson sporadically proposed to me in his dressing room after The Show. He made it with one of the strings off the guitar he'd used that night within like 20mins." Luna sweetly admits as she thinks back to those private moments.
"I just wanna say, for the record, One... The guitar that string came off of goes everywhere with me now. Has ever since... Actually I don't think I've used another electric since that night." Colson looks over at Luna, who shakes her head to agree with him that he hasn't. "And Two... I had that rock for a few weeks but my dumbass left it behind when we hit The Road." Colson points out.
"Annnnnnnnd I love them both." Luna coos as she pecks Colson on the side of the mouth. "Now can I see why this goat is so angry?" She asks as she shoots him a grin and grabs her chicken leg.
"Alright, where are we at?" The host struggles to regain control of his show.
"We're at you owe me another hot wing because we gave you two answers." Luna reminds him of their deal as she splashes the sauce from the next bottle in line onto her fifth tiny drumstick. "You want any?" She asks Colson as she reaches over.
"Ahhh... Just a bit." He groans.
"You know Imma tell Slim all about this later tonight, right?" She chortles at him lightly. 
"I fucking hate you." Colson chuckles at a munching ass Luna while he reaches for her beer.
"So... Round Six?" Sean asks as he weakly throws his hands up to their nods. "We've got Scorpion from the Heartbeat Hot Sauce Co. Now we're climbing up the ladder guys but Brooklyn, you've eaten all of each of your wings. The only other person to do this is Shia Labeouf. Think you can you keep up?" He asks her as if it's a test.
"This motherfucker is DUMB." Colson snickers to himself at the idea of anyone challenging Luna.
"Hold up, I have some questions. First off... What do you mean only one other person has eaten all their wings? What the fuck do they do with 'em?" She asks, feeling kinda offended by the lack of chicken respect on this Internet Thang that Colson has her involved in.
"Most guests usually take a small bite of each wing." He explains to Luna's look of horror.
"Why did you ask me if I can keep up? Did you run out of chicken and beer?" She genuinely asks around the sexist insult to his head shake.
"She's such a fucking bitch." Colson thinks in amusement as he watches Luna. She is his favorite person in The World, especially when it comes to her level of IDGAF.
"Okay then, let's eat and answer questions." Sean simply requests as he takes a healthy bite. "What's the craziest thing you two have done together?" He asks once he's swallowed.
Colson takes a drink from the beer he's now sharing with Luna, mentally refusing to sip anything else after she made fun of him. His insides are dying. Luna's having the time of her life like she's the Abba Queen of hot wings as she wipes her mouth after fucking up her latest victim. Both of them are on totally different waves lengths but when their eyes meet for the question anything drops away and everything makes sense.
"The craziest thing I've ever done with Luna is fall in love with her almost 10yrs ago simply by her presence and smile." Colson grins as he looks down for a moment. "I think I might've even described it once as a cosmic boner." Colson lightly laughs to himself as he looks up into Luna's welling eyes and they lightly giggle together at the reality of their love; she covers her mouth to slightly to muffle her happy whimpers.
"Yeeaaah... We've done some crazy shit but none of our foolish antics compare to the risk that we're taking by starting a life together." Luna answers sincerely as her breath catches and her eyes never leave Colson's.
"More wings for Round Seven?" The host interrupts their intimacy again.
"Round Seven." The couple agrees before nodding studiously at each other and focusing on their wings.
"Round Seven we have Bourbon Habenero Ghost from Hellfire Detroit. Let's give it a go." He suggests as they each take a bite. "Best song on Hotel Diablo?" Sean hits them with a rapid fire question.
"AHHHHH... Fuck!! THAT'S hot!! Ahhhh... Ahhh... Bad Things!"  Colson shouts out his answer as he stands up and begins waving his bandana around.
Sean heads directly for the milk after one full bite, chew and swallow. Luna eats the whole wing. Then finishes her beer.
"Aww... Bunny." Luna coos with a smile as she lightly giggles and sucks her teeth. "Don't listen to him, he's hot sauce dumb right now. Col, get some milk... " She advises as she hands him the glass. "Hotel Diablo is bigger than just ONE great song." Luna air quotes. "It's a whole concept from beginning to end. I won't say which song I think is the best but I think when a song that is not only number on the Alternative charts but also number two in POP with a major lyric that stands alone about hurting oneself... " Luna's voice begins to quiver. "Than that means to me that millions of people are responding to and resonating with a certain kind of painful feeling... " Luna starts to become visibly emotional as she continues to speak. "And I think it's important to pay attention to that point because it's incredibly concerning that so many individuals in our society obviously relate in some kind of vulnerable way to the words of this song but we don't talk about ANY it. It's time to change our question. It's not what is the best song. It should be WHY is this the best song." Luna has tears rolling down her cheeks as she looks down in her lap to let them drop silently, leaving both men speechless.
"Holy fuck... I never thought of it that way." Colson stares at her while holding the empty glass of milk before making his way over to comfort her.
"Are you guys ready for Round Eight?" Sean gently asks as he sits back down with them after Luna's had a chance to pull herself together.
"Yeah, Man. We got this." Colson answers as he squeezes Luna's thigh.
"Okay... Round Eight... We got Beyond Insanity by Da Bomb and a direct question for Brooklyn. We ready? Bite!" Sean declares skipping his own wing to ask Luna the question mid chew. "Why won't you proclaim your birth name publicly?"
"What the FUCK was that?" Colson's bewildered by the question presented to Luna as he holds tight of her thigh and drops his wing as she speaks. "Just know I'm here, Kitten." Is all he can think as he stares daggers into Sean and Luna cooly rips the host a new asshole. 
"Do you know my birth name?" Luna asks as she slows down her chewing and stares through the stupid host. "Because I don't. It's not Luna Smith if that what you're suggesting. That's my legal name. Not my birth name. You should really do your research before you ask your guests personal questions... Or at least have them worded correctly." Luna advises icily as she finishes her wing. "We ready for Round Nine?" Luna asks loudly with an annoyed tone as she drops the chicken bone onto her full plate.
"Yeah. Let's do it." Sean continues uncomfortably. "This is called Chipotle Express and it's by PuckerButt Pepper Co... We may be rising in heat but we're gonna take it down a smidge in the questions... I know you've collaborated a few times but do you guys think you'll ever do anything like a full album or project together?" Sean asks as he bites into his wing.
For the first time Luna doesn't use her love of food as an excuse not speak. "That's probably the best question you've asked yet." She compliments Sean finally as she looks over at Colson's own turning wheels before choosing to explain. "Because it's the first one that I don't have an answer to because I never heard the question."
"I think what she's trying to say is as natural of a next move that you may think making an entire album together may be... It never occurred to either of us until the moment you presented the question... " Colson turns his head to stare at Luna with a loving smile; both knowing that they're sharing almost the same thought. "And now I can't stop thinking of all the other thousands of things we could create together. So thank you." Colson and Luna turn away from each other for a moment to look at Sean with gratitude.
"Do you guys believe in soulmates?" He asks his final question while caught up in the loving feelings between the couple.
Colson and Luna answer at the same time but with different responses. Different ideals. Different expectations. 
"What do you mean no?" He asks her with furrowed eyebrows.
"I don't. I believe in true love but I don't believe that we're only destined to love one person. I think different people are supposed to come into our lives at different points for different reasons for different amounts of time. If that wasn't my truth than I would've never been able to fall in love with you after Justin." Luna explains her logic to him as if they're the only two in the hotel room.
Colson's silent for a moment. Totally hating Sean and his hot wings. ESPECIALLY hating his stupid fucking questions. Deeply contemplating what Luna just said.
"But you do, MGK?" Sean asks him directly, interrupting his thoughts.
"Yeah. I believe I found my soulmate... And if not, I'll have her as my wife." He smiles coyly, never taking his eyes off of Luna as she watches him with adoration.
"What were your other questions?" Luna inquisitively asks Sean after they wrap up taping.
"Oh! Uh... What do you think married life will look like for you guys and do you think you'll ever have kids?" He responds, slightly caught off guard.
"Life won't change." Luna smiles. "We're gonna keep on creating, traveling and being kind to The World as for... "
"You ready, Kitten?" Colson interrupts them as he slips his arm around Luna's waist. "Thanks again, Man." He acknowledges Sean before leading Luna away.
"We already have one... But maybe another one day." Luna answers his second question over her shoulder with a twinkle in her eye.
"Where are we going now?" Luna giggles into Colson's ear as he carries her piggyback style up a slight hill.
"You've shown me a lot of cool things, now it's my turn." He answers her as he gently sets her down in the evening glow of the dipping sun. "Here, lemme get that blanket." He asks of her as he takes the schoolbag from off of Luna's back. Stretching it out, he reaches for her once he sits down. "Lay with me, please?" He requests.
"Where are we?" Luna asks as she curls up next to his body.
"Just wait." Colson gently instructs as he lights a blunt.
On a quiet hill somewhere in LA, Colson and Luna snuggle up together in the warm summer's air as the sun falls off the edge of The Earth. The night's sky slowly creeping around them. Luna's breath catches in her chest as she takes in Colson's surprise. It's a WHOLE sky filled with stars.
"I knew you'd appreciate this." He smiles to himself as he kisses the top of her head.
"It's so beautiful... How did you ever find this?" She asks in amazement.
"Mod showed me one night when we were tripping. It's the ONLY place you can see the stars out here." Colson breathes in deeply as he pulls her closer.
They lay together pointing out what they think are different constellations. Debating what's a satellite and what's a star. Luna drawing out Orion's Belt as Colson shows her where he believes to be The Big and Little Dipper are.
"So you really don't believe in soulmates?" Colson asks Luna again under the cosmic sky.
"No. Not one. I believe we're destined to love who we love... And I love you, Bunny. What's the difference?" She asks him.
"I don't know... I guess I find the whole idea of belonging to one person to be comforting and romantic. It's like having a predestined home." The idealistic yet hurt little boy inside of him answers.
"Oh, Bunny... " Luna purrs as she snuggles closer to him. "I am your home. Forever. Married, not married. Soulmates, not soulmates. I know a lot of shit but there's not much I'm sure of." Luna admits. "I am sure that I've loved since I saw you but that I wasn't meant to truly meet you until I did." She places his hand in the middle of her breasts so he can feel her beating heart. "We are who we are for a reason and right now... Our reason is the only thing that makes sense or matters to me."
Colson grabs her chest with a firm lightness. Holding their feelings tightly inside of his large palm. After a moment he gently rolls his body so that he looms over top of Luna. Staring down at her, he brushes the random stands of hair from her face. Leaning on his forearms, he dips down to kiss her passionately. She runs her fingers along the sides of his face into the back of his hair as she pulls him closer and kisses him firmly.
Their touches are sweet and soft under the star filled sky. They slowly undress each other as their kisses linger on their bare skin. Colson and Luna stare into each other's souls as he fully enters her. Making them both shake from their pure feelings and emotions.
It's not often that Colson and Luna make love. They usually fuck the shit out of each other. Tonight they're not animals. They're intimate lovers, both taking their time. Dropping heartfelt I love yous into each other's ears as they softly pant and moan. Soulmates or not, Luna and Colson are in this shit called Life together. Forever.
To be continued...
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atmyhiraeth · 3 years
Annnnnnnnd now I’m crying 
Quiz: you can only have one of these. the rest you will never have again.  Quiz answer #3: someone you can ALWAYS count on to be there and do the right thing, every single time Mbege: *thinking of Murphy* I want that one. 
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princessnijireiki · 7 years
UHHHH tfw a pixiv manga you decided to read while your french fries were cooking hit you with a fucking uppercut & right jab with the frank honesty about that mental illness + neurodivergence combo out here in these streets... fuckin RUDE
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