#health ledger joker x reader
ilovetoomanymen · 2 days
are the links for fics working for everyone else? whenever i click on someone’s master list, or a “continue reading here” link, it doesn’t work and it’s driving me crazy!! 😭💘
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Bunny - Health Ledger!Joker x Fem!Reader
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Pairing: Joker x Fem!Reader Joker x Reader with Anxiety
Word Count: 17,654
Warnings: murder, Joker, robbing banks, minor age gap, implied stalking, technically breaking and entering
Summary: !!Request!! All Y/n wanted was to deposit money into her bank account, but what happens when the bank she arrives at gets robbed by the Joker? And what happens when she catches his eye? (Part Two)
A/N: This was a request from the lovely @Evergreenbellaaaz I hope you enjoy this one as I love the Joker so much, like I would die for this man. Joker is a bit OOC, but he's a bastard, so what can you do? And I did not mean to pop off like this, but here we are! I wrote so much more than I was supposed to but when the words flow, they flow~ I hope you enjoy this, thank you for the request my dear, and love you all 💚
The bustling streets of Gotham seemed to close in on Y/n as she walked with purpose, her steps echoing the persistent beat of her anxious heart. Her fingers clutched the small envelope containing a substantial sum of cash, the weight of responsibility bearing down on her. She repeated the words she had rehearsed countless times under her breath, a mantra to calm her nerves.
"I would like to deposit some cash into my account, please," she whispered to herself for what felt like the hundredth time. The crowded cityscape provided an indifferent backdrop to her internal struggle.
The decision to go on this seemingly simple journey, a mere 30-minute trip to the bank, had transformed into a two-week-long ordeal of procrastination. Y/n, who usually had her parents help with mundane chores like this, now found herself standing in front of Gotham City bank. The money she had saved over the past year burned a hole in her pocket, a tangible reminder that it was time to step into the realm of adulthood.
As she approached the imposing facade of the bank, its polished exterior seemed to mock her insecurities. The daunting prospect of facing the unfamiliar banking procedures left Y/n grappling with a sense of unease. Yet, she pressed on, her internal resolve battling against the knots tightening in her stomach.
Entering the turnstile door of the bank, Y/n hesitated at the threshold, momentarily overwhelmed by the sterile environment and the rhythmic hum of conversations. She took a deep breath, steeling herself for the task at hand.
Getting in line, her voice still a quiet whisper as she practised, "I would like to deposit some cash into my account, please."
"Next!" The call from the person at the counter pierced through the ambient hum of the bank. 
Determination etched across her features, Y/n navigated through the maze of anxiety, reaching the counter with a mix of apprehension and resolve. She placed her trembling hands on the smooth surface of the counter.
The bank employee, a woman with a practiced smile, looked up from her paperwork. "Hi, how can I help you today?" she inquired, her gaze meeting Y/n's with professional courtesy.
"I-I..Um.." Y/n stuttered, feeling the weight of her own vulnerability. The words she had rehearsed so diligently seemed to evaporate in the heat of the moment. "Can I put my cash in my account?" she finally managed to articulate, her voice betraying a hint of nervousness.
The heat radiating from her neck intensified, the physical manifestation of her anxiety. Despite her efforts, Y/n couldn't escape the self-imposed judgment. After all the practice and mental preparation, she berated herself for stumbling over such a simple request. The bank employee, however, maintained a neutral expression, accustomed to the occasional nervousness of customers.
"Could I get your name and acc-" The woman at the counter was abruptly cut off by the jarring eruption of loud shouts, disrupting the calm atmosphere of the bank.
Y/n's gaze darted towards the source of the commotion, her heart pounding anew as an unforeseen disturbance unfolded, shattering the mundane routine of the day.
A sudden jolt reverberated through the once-calm bank as the turnstile doors spun, revealing an ominous group of men adorned in clown masks. In their hands, they held large guns.
"Get on the ground!" The command was barked, the harsh echo of gunshots accompanying the directive.
Panic erupted, and the bank's atmosphere plunged into disarray. A cacophony of terrified screams reverberated through the air as patrons and employees alike scrambled to obey, dropping to the ground in a chaotic symphony of fear.
Y/n's heart raced at an alarming pace, the sound of her own pulse competing with the pandemonium around her. Legs weakened by a cocktail of adrenaline and terror gave way, making it effortless for her to sink to the cold floor. Huddled against the counter, she sought refuge in the shadows, her trembling form attempting to blend into the background of the unfolding nightmare.
Through the ominous procession of masked invaders, a figure with an unmistakable presence emerged. A man with a face painted in ghastly hues, wild green hair framing his grinning visage, and a purple coat that billowed as he walked. It was a theatrical entrance that left no room for doubt, the Joker had arrived.
The room fell silent, a collective breath held as the Joker's calculating gaze swept across the terrified hostages. His painted face, a canvas for chaos, twisted into a grotesque yellow smile. In that unsettling moment, the Joker had seized control of the bank, turning a routine day into an unforeseen dance with the anarchic force that was the clown prince of crime.
The Joker surveyed the terrified hostages with manic glee. His eyes gleamed with delight as he strolled through the bank, his henchmen maintaining a menacing presence at his side. The air crackled with an unpredictable energy, the tension escalating with each step he took.
"Greetings, my fine friends!" the Joker declared, his voice resonating with a twisted mirth that sent chills down the spines of the hostages.
He paused dramatically, allowing the weight of his presence to settle upon the captive audience. "I hope you're all having a splendid day! I know I am!"
He gestured to the chaos around him, as if orchestrating a chaotic symphony. The hostages, cowering on the ground, exchanged fearful glances as the Joker continued his morbidly cheerful monologue. "You see, life is just a series of unexpected events. One moment, you're withdrawing cash, and the next, you're starring in a show you never signed up for!"
A twisted grin etched across his face as he revelled in the discomfort of his captives. "But fear not, my dear friends! The Joker is here to add a splash of color to your dull lives! And what's life without a little chaos, eh?"
The Joker's eyes scanned the crowd, and then, as if drawn by an invisible force, they locked onto Y/n. The corners of his mouth curled into a wicked grin. The Joker's voice cut through the tense silence, a raspy symphony of madness that sent shivers down the spines of everyone in the bank. His unnerving smile widened as he surveyed the captivated audience.
"Well, well, well, what do we have here?" he mused, his words dripping with malicious amusement.
His eyes, obscured by the chaos-inducing makeup, seemed to fixate on Y/n huddled near the counter. "A little bunny who wandered into my little party. What's your name, darling?"
Y/n's throat tightened, fear and uncertainty mingling within her. She stammered, "Y-Y/n," the words barely audible over the palpable tension in the air.
"Y/n!" the Joker exclaimed, drawing out each syllable as if savoring it. "Such a lovely name for such a lovely surprise! Welcome to the show!" He chuckled, the sound echoing like eerie music in the confines of the bank.
The atmosphere within the bank was suffocating, thick with fear and tension. The masked henchmen moved with ruthless efficiency, pointing their guns at helpless hostages and demanding compliance as they forcefully filled bags with money. The metallic scent of panic lingered in the air, and the dissonance of terrified sobs mingled with the Joker's maniacal laughter.
Yet, in the midst of the chaotic tableau, the Joker's focus remained fixated on Y/n. His eyes, obscured by the painted mask, bore into her with an unsettling intensity that sent shivers down her spine. The manic energy surrounding him seemed to warp the very air, making the atmosphere oppressive and surreal.
The Joker's henchmen continued their menacing work, but the Joker himself stepped closer to Y/n, the unnerving smile on his face never wavering. It was as if the rest of the bank faded away, leaving only the two of them locked in a macabre dance.
"Y/n," he purred, his voice a dark melody against the backdrop of chaos. "You're a breath of fresh air in this dreary city. I can't help but feel a certain... connection between us. Don't you?"
Y/n's heart pounded in her chest, the gravity of the situation intensified by the Joker's unwavering attention. The menacing environment and the Joker's unpredictable nature created a concoction of fear that gripped her, making her acutely aware that, in the midst of this criminal spectacle, she had become an unwitting focal point in the Joker's deranged performance.
The menacing henchmen continued to patrol the terrified hostages, their eyes devoid of empathy. The Joker, however, maintained an unsettling focus on Y/n, as if sensing a peculiar energy in the air.
"Now, my dear Y/n, since you're the guest of honor, how about you do something special for me?"
Y/n's eyes widened with trepidation, her mind racing to comprehend the surreal situation. The Joker's unpredictable nature made every second feel like an eternity.
"I-I don't... I don't know what to do," she stammered, her voice barely reaching the Joker's ears.
He threw back his head in laughter, the sinister sound reverberating through the bank. "Oh, darling, that's the beauty of it! Surprise me! Dance a little, sing a song, or maybe tell me a joke. I do love a good joke!"
Caught between the threat of violence and the Joker's eccentric demands, Y/n felt the weight of an impossible choice. Little did she know, her unassuming visit to the bank had transformed into an unexpected performance in the Joker's twisted carnival of chaos. The Joker, seemingly unbothered by her hesitation, circled Y/n like a predatory cat closing in on its prey. 
"No worries, darling. Sometimes silence speaks louder than words," he mused, his voice carrying an unsettling blend of whimsy and menace.
Y/n, caught in the crosshairs of the Joker's peculiar attention, remained frozen, her anxiety immobilizing her like a deer in headlights. However, the Joker, never one to let an opportunity for chaos slip away, decided to take matters into his own hands.
With an abrupt motion, the Joker twirled Y/n around to face him. "Since you're not in the mood for words, how about a dance?" he suggested, a maniacal glint in his eyes.
Without waiting for a response, he began to move, his own twisted rhythm guiding Y/n's hesitant steps. Everyone in the bank now bore witness to a macabre dance between the Clown Prince of Crime and an unwilling participant. Y/n stumbled through the grotesque waltz, her movements a stark contrast to the Joker's fluid, unpredictable motions.
The masked henchmen paused in their looting, their attention momentarily diverted to the unexpected spectacle. The Joker's laughter blended with the discordant echoes of the bank, turning the once-sterile environment into a nightmarish stage for an impromptu performance orchestrated by Gotham's most infamous criminal.
Within the chaotic vortex of the bank, Y/n felt the grip of anxiety tightening around her like an invisible vice. Her chest constricted with each strained breath, and her pulse echoed loudly in her ears, a relentless drumbeat of fear. The oppressive weight of the Joker's attention bore down on her, intensifying the already overwhelming sense of vulnerability.
As the Joker's manic laughter reverberated through the bank, it echoed in Y/n's mind, amplifying her sense of powerlessness. Her thoughts became a cacophony of self-doubt and fear, drowning out any rational response she might summon. 
Her mind, usually a refuge, had become a battleground of conflicting emotions, where anxiety and terror waged a relentless war against any semblance of control. In that moment, Y/n found herself caught between the stark contrast of the Joker's madness and her own silent struggle with the debilitating grip of social anxiety.
The Joker's gloved hand, cool and unsettlingly steady, closed around Y/n's arm like a vice. The touch sent a shiver down her spine, the contrast between his cold grasp and the warmth of her own fear-ridden skin intensifying the surreal nature of the encounter. His fingers, adorned in faded purple gloves, curled possessively around her.
The wad of cash in an envelope, her hard-earned savings, nestled uncomfortably in the pocket of her coat. The crinkling sound it made served as a cruel reminder of the mundane purpose that had led her to this twisted encounter with Gotham's Clown Prince of Crime.
“What’s this bunny?” the Joker whispered, reaching into her pocket.
In a swift motion, the Joker took the envelope from Y/n's pocket. The Joker's painted eyes lingered on the crumpled envelope, a twisted fascination dancing within their depths. His gloved fingers traced the edges of the paper, feeling the texture of the cash hidden within. The manic grin on his face widened, a malevolent satisfaction painting his features with an unsettling glow.
"Well, well, well," he mused, his voice a sinister purr. "Looks like we've got a bit of money here. What were you planning to do with all this pretty money, hmm?" His tone, mocking and playful, cut through the air, adding another layer of discomfort to Y/n's already fraught nerves.
The Joker's eyes, still fixed on the cash, momentarily flickered up to meet Y/n's terrified gaze.
"You know, pretty thing, money makes the world go round, buT chaos... chaos gives it that extra spin," he declared, his words carrying a perverse wisdom.
With an unexpected gentleness, he placed the crumpled envelope back into Y/n's trembling hands.
"There you go, darling," he sneered, his voice dripping with faux courtesy.
"You're pretty, and you get to keep your money. Consider it a gift from the Clown Prince of Crime himself!" The Joker's laughter, sharp and discordant, echoed through the bank, leaving Y/n to grapple with the bizarre reality that she had been granted reprieve in the midst of the madman's carnival.
The Joker abruptly stopped dancing, releasing Y/n with a dramatic flourish. As the eerie music of chaos continued to play in the background, Y/n, drained and disoriented, stumbled and fell to the unforgiving floor. The Joker, seemingly disinterested, began to saunter away, his vibrant purple coat trailing behind him.
Y/n watched the Joker's retreating figure, a mix of fear and confusion etched across her face. His manic laughter echoed through the bank as he distanced himself, leaving her in the wake of the strange encounter.
Just when Y/n began to believe the nightmare might be over, the Joker, in a surprising turn, paused and turned back to her.
"On second thought," he said, his painted eyes fixated on her as if reconsidering something. 
With a swift movement, he approached his henchmen, and Y/n's breath caught, fearing he might grab a weapon.
To her bewilderment, however, the Joker reached into the bag of ill-gotten gains and pulled out a handful of cash. He approached Y/n with a malevolent smirk, crouching down beside her, holding the money out before her like an offering.
"Treat yourself," he quipped, the words dripping with a macabre generosity. "Buy you something pretty, bunny," His yellowing teeth flashed in a grin that sent a chill down Y/n's spine.
Y/n hesitated, glancing at the proffered money, her mind reeling from the bizarre twists of the encounter. The Joker, seemingly satisfied with his whimsical act of kindness, stood up again and walked out of the bank, leaving Y/n alone on the cold floor amidst the remnants of his chaotic performance.
The minutes that followed felt like a surreal blur to Y/n. The bank continued to echo with the disjointed sounds of the robbery, the erratic footsteps of the henchmen, the muffled cries of hostages, and the lingering aura of fear that permeated the air.
As she struggled to regain her bearings, the presence of law enforcement gradually became apparent. Sirens wailed in the distance, growing louder with each passing moment. Uniformed police officers, their expressions a mix of urgency and determination, streamed into the bank, ushering bewildered hostages towards the exit.
Y/n, still seated on the floor, felt a gentle hand on her shoulder, the touch snapping her back to a hazy reality. A police officer, their voice calm and reassuring, urged her to stand and guided her towards the exit. Her movements were mechanical, her mind a foggy labyrinth of emotions.
The daylight outside the bank entrance felt harsh against her dilated pupils. As Y/n emerged, she blinked, trying to return to the real world after what she had just experienced. The police ushered her to safety along with the other hostages.
As they moved away from the scene, Y/n instinctively slipped her hand into her pocket, the touch of cold, crumpled paper grounding her in the midst of confusion. Fingers tracing the contours of the secret wad of cash, she was jolted back to the disconcerting reality of the encounter. The bills felt real, tangible, serving as an unsettling reminder that the Joker had indeed been there and given her some sick kind of special attention.
The police officer continued to speak words of reassurance, but Y/n's attention remained fixated on the unexpected gift nestled in her pocket. The cash became a tangible link to the bizarre dance with madness, a connection to the maniacal clown who had momentarily disrupted her ordinary world.
As they moved further away from the bank, the distant wails of sirens and the controlled urgency of emergency personnel gradually replaced the dissonance of the robbery. Y/n's gaze remained distant, her mind grappling with the unnerving realization that, in the pocket of her jeans, she held a token of the surreal encounter that would continue to haunt her thoughts for days to come.
The revelation of the secret wad of cash tucked away in her pocket served as a haunting memento of the surreal encounter with the Joker. Y/n couldn't shake the eerie feeling that the crumpled bills held a weight beyond their monetary value.
To her muted surprise, the Gotham City police remained oblivious to the extra bit of money concealed in her pocket. Y/n, having seen the police's shortcomings on the news, didn't expect them to figure out what happened after the Joker's bank robbery.
Yet Y/n hesitated to use the money. She knew better than to tempt fate by using the illegal bills into her routine transactions. The very nature of the Joker's strange generosity hinted at potential consequences, and Y/n, despite her limited understanding of the intricacies of money, sensed the looming risk associated with its dubious origins.
Her reluctance to touch the Joker's gift stemmed not only from the fear of being caught but also from an inherent understanding of her own luck, or lack thereof. The dodgy bills, like a ticking time bomb, held the potential to unravel her ordinary life in a city that seemed to thrive on chaos.
Surviving the close encounter with the Joker left Y/n in a state of disbelief. The fact that she had danced with the Clown Prince of Crime and emerged unscathed defied all logic. The disconcerting notion that countless eyes had likely observed the bizarre spectacle haunted her thoughts, yet she felt a sense of relief that the aftermath of the incident remained shrouded in a peculiar silence.
As the days passed, Y/n couldn't shake the lingering shadows of the encounter, each quiet moment a reminder that the Joker's presence had brushed against the edges of her reality. 
A week had slipped by since the bank incident, a span of time that, thankfully, saw no follow up from the police. However, the absence of police activity also meant the unsettling reality that the Joker remained on the loose, and the thought haunted the edges of Y/n's consciousness. She fervently prayed that she would never find herself entangled in such a dangerous situation again.
On this particular late Thursday night, Y/n found herself navigating the dimly lit streets of Gotham. The late hours found her consumed by a craving for lollies, the lengthy study session still lingering in her mind. With the hood of her jacket up, she set off towards the nearby dairy, nestled conveniently around the corner from her university dormitory.
To her dismay, the familiar glow of the store's neon sign was conspicuously absent as she arrived at her destination. The store, known for it’s convenience, stood shuttered and silent. Faced with the closed doors, she felt a pang of embarrassment at the thought of returning empty-handed to her dormitory.
Refusing to let disappointment deter her, Y/n forged ahead. With a sigh, she continued down the street, her mind racing to recall the location of the next closest dairy. Though her steps were fueled by determination, a flicker of unease danced at the edges of her awareness, a lingering reminder of the precarious nature of life in Gotham.
Y/n's unease proved to be justified as she approached a group of men ahead. Despite her attempts to keep a low profile by bowing her head and hoping to pass by unnoticed, fate had different plans for her that night. As she drew nearer to the group, one of the men stepped forward, blocking her path with an unsettling certainty.
"Hey there, girly. What brings you out at this hour?" the man taunted, his words backed-up by the laughter of his companions.
A wave of numbness washed over Y/n, her instincts screaming at her to flee. Yet, as she tried to navigate around the imposing figure before her, he moved deliberately in front of her, effectively halting her progress.
"Whoa, hold on now. Where do you think you're going?" the man demanded, his voice laced with a menacing edge.
Desperation clawed at Y/n's throat as she pleaded for them to leave her be, her voice barely more than a whisper as she continued to avoid meeting their gaze.
"Please, just let me pass," she whispered, her heart hammering in her chest.
But her pleas fell on deaf ears. In a cruel twist of fate, one of the men reached out and tugged at her hoodie, exposing her to their scrutinizing stares. As Y/n lifted her gaze, her heart plummeted at the realization that she was now surrounded by five intimidating figures, their intentions unclear and her sense of safety shattered.
Y/n's heart leaped into her throat as one of the men reached into her pocket, extracting her wallet with a disregard for her privacy. "How much cash have we got here?" the man asked, his voice dripping with malicious intent.
With a sinking feeling, Y/n watched helplessly as a couple of the men gathered around, peering into her wallet with a grim curiosity. In that moment, instinct overrode reason, and Y/n's survival instincts kicked into high gear.
Without a second thought, Y/n bolted, her adrenaline-fueled flight propelling her past the looming figures that had moments ago surrounded her. She knew she was leaving her wallet behind, but in that split second decision, the preservation of her life outweighed any material possession.
As the men's shouts echoed behind her, Y/n's heart raced with a frantic rhythm, her feet pounding against the pavement in a desperate bid for escape. With every stride, she pushed herself harder, her mind a whirlwind of fear and determination.
In the darkness of the night, Y/n's gaze darted around, searching for a path to safety. Spotting an alleyway ahead, she made a split-second decision and veered off course, her feet carrying her into the murky depths of the narrow passage.
Though rational thought whispered warnings against running into the unknown, Y/n pressed on, her singular focus on outpacing her pursuers. With each step, the alleyway seemed to stretch endlessly before her.
Glancing over her shoulder, Y/n's heart sank as she realized the men were gaining on her with each passing moment. Y/n berated herself for the inevitable mishap as her foot caught on a discarded piece of rubbish, sending her crashing to the ground in a painful heap.
A scream tore from her lips as she tumbled to the unforgiving pavement, her hands and knees absorbing the most of the impact. Pain lanced through her body, tears welling in her eyes from a potent mixture of fear and agony. With trembling hands, she turned herself around, still on the ground, her gaze darting frantically to the looming figures that now stood before her.
But to her astonishment, the men's attention wavered, their cruel sneers faltering as their gaze shifted to something behind her. Confusion clouded Y/n's mind as she turned to follow their line of sight, her eyes widening in disbelief at the sight that greeted her.
Approaching from the shadows was another figure, one whose presence exuded a chilling aura of authority and menace. Y/n's breath caught in her throat as she watched the men scramble in terror, their boldness crumbling in the face of this new threat.
“A-ta-ta..” The scarred man's voice was a low, ominous growl as he continued his relentless advance, a gun trained on the men before him.
Y/n's heart pounded in her chest as the figure emerged into the dim light of the alleyway. It was the Joker, his painted visage twisted into a malevolent grin as he surveyed the scene before him.
“Drop the wallet,” the Joker demanded, his voice a cold command that brooked no argument.
With trembling hands, the man holding Y/n's wallet complied, the leather hitting the ground with a dull thud. “Now empty your pockets,” the Joker commanded once more, his gaze piercing through the darkness with an intensity that sent shivers down Y/n's spine.
The men, cowed by the Joker's presence, complied with his demands, the sound of coins and notes hitting the ground echoing through the alleyway. The Joker's eyes lingered on the scattered loot for a moment before he turned his attention back to the trembling figures before him.
A single shot rang out, reverberating through the alleyway with a deafening roar. Y/n's heart leaped into her throat, but to her relief, the bullet was aimed just past the men, a warning shot that sent them scrambling in a desperate bid for escape.
As the men fled into the shadows, Y/n watched in awe as the Joker stood victorious, his enigmatic presence commanding the darkness. In that moment, she couldn't help but feel a strange mixture of fear and gratitude toward the sinister figure who had intervened on her behalf.
Y/n's breath hitched as she watched the Joker step around her like a predatory cat, his movements unsettling. The sight of him crouched to retrieve the scattered money from the ground sent a shiver down her spine. She knew she couldn't afford to linger, the threat of her own demise looming like a dark cloud overhead.
Summoning every ounce of strength, Y/n pushed herself up from the ground, her body protesting with each movement. Pain flared through her limbs from the impact of the fall, but the urgency of the situation drowned out her discomfort.
"Where do you think you're off to, bunny?" the Joker's gravelly voice sliced through the air, sending a jolt of fear coursing through Y/n's veins.
She froze, her gaze locked on the Joker's figure as he deposited the money into her wallet. The mere sight of him instilled a primal fear in her, his unpredictability casting a long shadow over her trembling form.
The Joker's piercing gaze bore into her, demanding her attention. "I asked you a question," he repeated, his tone laced with a dangerous edge.
"M-my dorm," Y/n stammered, her voice barely more than a whisper.
The Joker's scarred lips curved into a sinister grin, his eyes gleaming with an unsettling intensity. "Without your wallet?" he inquired, his voice dripping with mock concern.
Y/n's heart raced as she struggled to find an answer, her mind racing with the implications of the Joker's words. In that moment, she realized that escaping the Joker's clutches might prove to be an even greater challenge than evading the men who had mugged her.
The Joker held her wallet up, a wicked gleam dancing in his eyes as he toyed with her. With trembling hands, Y/n reached out for the wallet, her fingers hovering uncertainly in the air. But before she could grasp it, the Joker's iron grip closed around her wrist, pulling her closer with a sudden, startling force.
A strangled cry escaped Y/n's lips as she was yanked towards the Joker, her mind immediately jumping to the worst possible scenarios.
"Is my little bunny hurt?" the Joker's voice rang out, his tone deceptively gentle as he inspected her injured palm.
Y/n's breath caught in her throat as the Joker's cold fingers traced the raw scrapes and bruises marring her skin, the gritty residue of stones and dirt clinging to the wounds. The contact sent a shiver down her spine, her fear magnified by the intimate proximity of their encounter.
The realization dawned on Y/n that she was utterly vulnerable, alone with the Clown Prince of Crime in the dim recesses of the alley. The terror that had gripped her at the bank now intensified tenfold, every instinct screaming at her to flee.
Yet, to her astonishment, the Joker's demeanor shifted unexpectedly. He tucked her wallet into his own pocket, much to Y/n's dismay. But instead of furthering her despair, he shrugged off his coat.
Y/n stiffened as the Joker draped the coat around her shoulders, the weight of the fabric heavy and thick. The gesture was unnerving, a stark contrast to the violence and chaos that had defined their encounters thus far. She stood frozen in place, her mind reeling with the unsettling realization that, in the twisted world of Gotham, even the most malevolent of figures could harbor empathy.
"Can't have my bunny freezing, can I?" The Joker's gravelly voice cut through the tense silence, his words tinged with an unsettling mix of concern and mockery.
Y/n stood frozen in place, her mind a whirlwind of confusion and disbelief. This unexpected act of kindness from the notorious Clown Prince of Crime felt like a twisted joke, leaving her at a loss for words.
Her thoughts spun in a dizzying whirl as she struggled to comprehend the surreal turn of events. Why was the Joker, of all people, extending such an unusual gesture towards her?
"As much as I'd love to walk you back to your dorm, I've got places to be," the Joker continued, his tone casual as he turned on his heel, his figure receding into the shadows of the alley.
“Goodbye, Bunny,” his voice echoed in the alleyway.
Y/n watched him go, a mixture of apprehension and curiosity gnawing at her insides. She couldn't shake the feeling of unease that clung to her like a second skin, her mind racing with unanswered questions.
Turning her attention to the coat draped around her shoulders, Y/n felt a wave of disorientation wash over her. It felt surreal to be adorned in the Joker's iconic attire, a stark reminder of the surreal encounter she had just experienced.
As she made her way home, the weight of the coat hung heavy upon her, its unfamiliar presence a constant reminder of the surreal chain of events that had unfolded in the dimly lit alley. Y/n prayed fervently that no one would recognize the coat she wore, fearing the inevitable questions and suspicions that would surely follow.
Each step felt like a surreal blur, the reality of the situation sinking in with each passing moment. Y/n couldn't shake the nagging feeling that her encounter with the Joker was far from over, his presence lingering in the shadows of her thoughts like a haunting specter.
A day had passed since that second encounter, yet Y/n still struggled to wrap her mind around the surreal turn of events. The Joker, of all people, had saved her. The very same man who had orchestrated a bank robbery only days before had intervened to rescue her from a potential mugging. It was a twist of fate that defied all logic and left Y/n grappling with a strange mixture of gratitude and disbelief.
As she gazed at the purple coat draped across her chair, Y/n couldn't help but feel a surge of conflicting emotions wash over her. The garment served as a tangible reminder of the unlikely alliance forged in the depths of Gotham's shadows, a silent testament to the bond she now shared with the Clown Prince of Crime.
It was a paradox that baffled her, and while the events of the past day had left her shaken and uncertain, one thing was clear. the Joker's actions had defied all expectations, leaving Y/n to grapple with the unsettling realization that perhaps, in the twisted world of Gotham, even the most notorious of villains could harbor a spark of unexpected humanity. Y/n couldn't shake the unease that gnawed at her, the weight of the garment heavy with unanswered questions.
What was she supposed to do with it now?
The thought lingered in her mind, casting a shadow over her already troubled thoughts. Would the Joker come looking for it? Or would it remain in her possession, a permanent reminder of the inexplicable bond forged in the darkness of Gotham's alleys?
Either scenario filled her with a sense of dread. The thought of the Joker tracking her down sent shivers down her spine, while the prospect of being forever tethered to the coat felt like a suffocating burden.
As fate would have it, the coat laying over her chair would soon be the least of her worries.
Upon returning to her dorm from a long day of lectures, Y/n's heart skipped a beat as she stepped into her room, greeted by the absence of the Joker's coat. Initially, the sight would have brought her immense relief, were it not for the unsettling realization that its disappearance hinted at a much more alarming reality that the Joker had been in her room.
A shiver traced its way down her spine as she scanned the room, her senses on high alert. With cautious steps, she made her way to her desk, her movements tense with apprehension. Flipping through the scattered belongings, she breathed a tentative sigh of relief as she realized that nothing appeared to be missing, well, aside from the mess she had inadvertently created.
But just as she began to relax, her eyes fell upon an unexpected discovery nestled within her drawer, a piece of paper adorned with a smudged smiley face, drawn in what looked like lipstick or face paint. With trembling hands, Y/n retrieved the paper, her heart pounding in her chest as she turned it over.
"Use the money, Bunny," the words scrawled across the paper sent a chill down her spine, the possible meaning of the message sinking in with a nauseating weight.
Fighting back a rising tide of panic, Y/n tentatively reached into the drawer, her fingers closing around the familiar wad of cash. Yet, to her astonishment, her touch encountered not one, but two bundles of bills, an unexpected windfall courtesy of the Joker himself.
The realization left her reeling, her mind spinning with disbelief. What did it all mean? And more importantly, what did the Joker want from her now? As she grappled with these unsettling questions, one thing was certain: the enigmatic Clown Prince of Crime had once again thrust her into the midst of his twisted game leaving her with a handful of cash and a trail of unanswered questions.
Once again, Y/n found herself walking down the Gotham's streets under the cloak of night, a decision she had sworn she wouldn't repeat after her previous night. Yet, the suffocating crowds of the city's daytime bustle left her feeling more vulnerable than ever, driving her back to the relative solitude of the nocturnal streets.
With her hands buried deep in her pockets, Y/n hurried along the familiar path to her usual convenience store, her steps quickened by a sense of urgency that seemed to permeate the very air around her. Despite the familiarity of the route, each shadow seemed to loom larger, every alleyway a potential trap lying in wait.
Finally reaching her destination, she breathed a sigh of relief as she confirmed that the store was indeed open this time, a small victory in the face of Gotham's relentless chaos. Snagging a couple of snacks, she wasted no time in completing her purchase before slipping back out into the night.
As she walked briskly down the dimly lit street, her senses on high alert, Y/n's heart skipped a beat as she neared an ominous alleyway, a dark abyss from which the muffled sounds of distress emanated. Her pulse quickened with apprehension, her instincts screaming at her to turn and flee.
With a sinking feeling, she realized that she was frozen in place, her feet refusing to carry her past the source of the chilling cries for help. And then, as if on cue, a desperate voice shattered the silence, cutting through the night like a knife.
"Help me!" the plea echoed through the darkness, sending a shiver down Y/n's spine. 
Y/n's heart plummeted as the menacing figures in the alleyway pivoted to fix their gaze upon her, their predatory stares sending a chill down her spine. And then, as if materializing from the very shadows themselves, the unmistakable voice of the Joker sliced through the night air, his mocking tone dripping with sinister amusement.
"Well, well, if it isn't my Bunny," the Joker's voice rang out, a dark melody that sent a shiver down Y/n's spine. “We can’t keep meeting like this.”
Without a moment's hesitation, Y/n abandoned her purchases, her only thought to escape the clutches of the Clown Prince of Crime. With adrenaline coursing through her veins, she bolted down the streets of Gotham, her breaths ragged and panicked.
The cacophony of her own heartbeat drowned out all other sound, the pounding rhythm echoing in her ears as she careened through the streets. Her vision blurred with tears of fear and desperation, each stride carrying her farther from the looming specter of the Joker. It felt like everytime she left her dorm, she was being chased or attacked.
As she approached a bustling intersection, Y/n's resolve wavered, her frenzied mind teetering on the edge of recklessness. With a reckless abandon born of sheer panic, she made a split-second decision, her foot poised to step into the path of an oncoming car.
But just as she was about to leap into the unknown, a firm grip seized her hoodie, yanking her back with a jolt. She stumbled backwards, her heart pounding in her chest as she was pulled into the safety of the man's embrace behind her.
The adrenaline-fueled rush subsided, replaced by a wave of overwhelming relief as Y/n realized the gravity of the narrow escape.
"What, are you fucking crazy? Are you trying to get yourself killed?" the man's voice, tinged with exasperation, cut through the haze of panic.
Her skin still tingling with the remnants of fear, Y/n bristled at the accusation, her indignation rising in the face of the Joker's audacious presence. With a defiant shove, she attempted to break free from his grasp, only to find herself ensnared once more by the iron grip of the man behind her.
Y/n's voice quivered with fear as she pleaded for mercy, her words tumbling out in a desperate rush. "Please! I didn't see anything! I'm sorry!"
The Joker's gaze bore down upon her with an unsettling intensity, his eyes narrowing in confusion. Her eyes followed down his body to his other hand, her heart lurching in her chest as she caught sight of the glinting blade clasped within his grasp. With a strangled cry, she recoiled, the threat of violence hanging heavy in the air.
"Quit it with the screaming, okay!" the Joker snapped, his tone brusque as he silenced her.
Her breaths came in ragged gasps as she struggled to compose herself, her hands trembling with the weight of her fear.
"Don't hurt me, please..." Y/n's voice cracked with desperation, her plea hanging in the air like a fragile thread.
The Joker's response showed he was clearly irritated. "I'm not going to hurt you," he retorted, his tone dripping with annoyance.
Y/n's eyes widened in disbelief, her gaze darting to the glinting blade still held within the Joker's grasp. "You have a knife!" she pointed out, her voice trembling with apprehension.
The Joker waved her concern away with a dismissive flick of his wrist. "Forget about the knife," he declared, his attention already drifting elsewhere.
"What do you want from me?" Y/n's voice quivered with uncertainty, her gaze locked on the figure before her.
But the Joker merely chuckled, his response cryptic and evasive. "I popped by the other day. You weren't home so I just let myself in," he explained, a hint of amusement dancing in his eyes at her incredulous expression.
"Yeah... I fucking noticed," Y/n retorted, looking at his purple coat.
The Joker's laughter filled the street at her remark, his amusement seemingly boundless. "How did you even get in?" Y/n demanded, her voice laced with a mixture of frustration and disbelief.
"With locks like those, it's hard not to," the Joker replied with a smirk, his gaze sweeping over her with a mixture of amusement and disdain.
"How did you even figure out where I lived?" Y/n pressed, her curiosity outweighing her fear.
But the Joker's response was infuriatingly vague. "Does it matter?" he quipped, his tone flippant as he dismissed her question with a wave of his hand.
Y/n felt frustrated as she realized the conversation was going nowhere. The Joker's vague answers only made her feel more uneasy.
"Why don't we walk back and grab your things, hmm?" the Joker suggested, his tone oddly casual despite the gravity of their situation.
Though wary of his intentions, Y/n reluctantly agreed, her steps hesitant as they set off together. But rather than walking alongside her as one might expect, the Joker lingered just slightly behind, a shadowy presence that loomed ominously in her peripheral vision.
Feeling the weight of his gaze upon her, Y/n came to a sudden halt, her unease bubbling to the surface. With a trembling voice, she addressed the Joker, her eyes fixed on the ground before her. 
"Can you please walk beside me," she whispered, her words barely audible above the noise of the city.
The Joker's response was a flash of amusement, his grin spreading across his face like a twisted caricature.
"Aww, does the bunny want to hold my hand?" he teased, his voice dripping with mock innocence.
Y/n was taken aback as the Joker's gloved hand enclosed hers, his grip firm yet strangely comforting. With her heart racing, she found herself being led by the mysterious figure, a whirlwind of emotions swirling in her mind.
With every step, Y/n felt the Joker's imposing presence bearing down on her, making her feel suffocated. Despite feeling trapped, she had no choice but to accept the strange reality of their situation. She kept her eyes focused on the ground as they walked through the dimly lit streets of Gotham side by side.
As Y/n returned to the alley, she heaved a sigh of relief upon seeing her purchases relatively unscathed, their packaging intact. However, the same couldn't be said for the bag that once held them, it lay torn open, now unuseable.
Gathering her items into her arms, Y/n cast a wary glance down the alley, the eerie silence a stark contrast to the screaming that had driven her to flee in the first place. The unsettling thought made her stomach churn uncomfortably.
Beside her, the Joker stood with an air of nonchalant observation, his hands tucked into the depths of his trench coat pockets. With a snap of his fingers, he summoned two of his lackeys, who hurried to his side at his command.
"You got a bag?" the Joker asked, his tone tinged with impatience.
"Um, no boss," the two men replied in unison, exchanging a hesitant glance.
Clicking his tongue in frustration, the Joker's gaze flicked back to Y/n. "We can go grab you one if you need," one of the men offered.
"Forget it, just go sort that out and I'll meet you in an hour," the Joker dismissed them with a wave of his hand, gesturing down the alley.
As the men scurried off to comply with his orders, the Joker turned his attention back to Y/n, his gaze piercing. "Give me those," he commanded, snatching the food from Y/n's grasp before she could protest.
"I-I can—" Y/n attempted to speak up, only to be silenced by the Joker's sharp interruption.
"Quiet," he snapped, cutting her off with a steely glare.
Efficiently, the Joker began to stuff the items into his pockets, reserving the larger items like chips to hold in his hands.
"Now, let's get you back to your dorm, hmm?" the Joker suggested, turning to address Y/n once more, his demeanor unsettlingly calm amidst the chaos of the alleyway.
Reluctantly, Y/n nodded. She knew arguing with the Joker would only lead to more trouble, and she was already on edge from their encounter. Clutching the remaining items tightly to her chest, she followed the Joker as he led the way to her university hostel.
As they walked, Y/n couldn't shake the feeling of unease that lingered in the air. Every step felt heavy, weighted down by the knowledge that she was at the mercy of the Clown Prince of Crime. She stole glances at him from the corner of her eye, unable to decipher the enigmatic expression on his face.
The journey back to her dorm felt endless, each passing moment filled with tension and uncertainty. Y/n's mind raced with a myriad of questions, but she dared not voice them aloud, fearing the Joker's unpredictable response.
To her surprise, Y/n didn't need to initiate the conversation. "I'm guessing you still haven't touched my gifts," the Joker remarked, his tone casual yet tinged with annoyance.
Y/n furrowed her brow in confusion. "Gifts?" she echoed.
The Joker rolled his eyes in exasperation. "The money. The two bricks of money I gave you," he clarified impatiently.
A sense of unease crept over Y/n as she realized the gravity of the Joker's words. She hesitated, unsure of how to respond.
"I... no, I haven't used them," she admitted, her voice trembling slightly.
"Why not?" the Joker demanded, his frustration palpable.
"W-well, it's not really... my money," Y/n stammered, her nerves getting the best of her.
"Ahh, yeah it is... I gave them to you," the Joker countered sharply.
"I know that, but... it's illegal money," Y/n explained, her words rushed and hesitant.
The Joker scoffed, dismissing her concerns with a wave of his hand. "Have you seen this city? Everything here is illegal. Use the damn money," he insisted.
Feeling a knot form in her stomach, Y/n could only nod quickly in response, her mind reeling with the implications of the Joker's demands.
Finally, they reached the familiar entrance to Y/n's dormitory. With a sense of relief washing over her, she paused at the threshold, turning to face the Joker hesitantly.
"Thank you," she murmured, her voice barely above a whisper.
The Joker reached into his pockets, retrieving the assorted treats he had hastily stuffed inside. With a flourish, he presented them to Y/n, a mischievous glint in his eyes.
The Joker offered her a cryptic smile in response, his eyes glinting with a hint of mischief. "Anytime, Bunny," he replied, before disappearing into the shadows with an unsettling grace.
Left alone in the quiet of the night, Y/n let out a shaky breath, her heart still racing from the encounter. As she stepped into the safety of her dormitory, she couldn't shake the feeling that this wouldn't be the last time she crossed paths with the infamous Joker.
Despite being accustomed to enduring long lectures in crowded rooms, they always seemed to take a toll on Y/n. Dragging herself back to her dorm, she could already feel the weight of exhaustion bearing down on her, her mind consumed by the anticipation of the nap she desperately needed.
As she unlocked the door and stepped inside her dorm room, her tired eyes widened in shock. There, sprawled across her bed in his unmistakable attire, was the Joker.
Her initial reaction was one of sheer terror, a scream escaping her lips before she could stop herself. Hastily, she clamped her hand over her mouth, her heart pounding erratically in her chest.
"Ah! You're back!" the Joker exclaimed, rising from her bed.
Y/n's mind raced, panic overtaking her ability to form coherent thoughts. She tried to back away, but found herself trapped against the closed door, her breaths coming in shallow gasps as she struggled to make sense of the surreal situation unfolding before her.
"Why are you here?" Y/n ventured, her voice tinged with a mix of curiosity and apprehension.
"I was in the neighborhood, thought I'd pay you a visit," the Joker replied casually, a smirk playing at the corners of his lips.
Y/n couldn't help but scoff inwardly at his flimsy excuse. It was clear to her that his sudden appearance had ulterior motives, but she kept her thoughts to herself.
"Don't you have crimes to commit?" she blurted out before she could stop herself, a wave of panic washing over her as soon as the words left her mouth.
To her surprise, the Joker's response was met with a sly grin rather than anger or offense. "Not for another few hours, Bunny," he quipped, his tone teasing.
Heat rushed to Y/n's cheeks at the familiar nickname, and she quickly averted her gaze, feeling a pang of embarrassment wash over her.
"Excuse me," she muttered softly, retreating to her bed and huddling against the headboard, her eyes fixed on the Joker as he settled himself at the opposite end of the bed.
As the Joker made himself comfortable, lounging against the wall with his legs crossed.
"Take your shoes off before you put your feet on my bed!" Y/n exclaimed, her voice betraying a hint of irritation.
With a grumble, the Joker complied, kicking his shoes off and allowing them to clatter to the ground. Y/n couldn't help but feel a surge of unexpected confidence at her boldness, silently thanking whatever higher power had spared her from the Joker's wrath.
Y/n found herself at a loss, her dorm now occupied by someone as unsettling as the Joker. She sat back, her gaze lingering on him uncertainly. She couldn't help but notice the scars marring his face, though she made a conscious effort to avoid dwelling on them for too long.
The scars, etched deeply into his skin, held a certain fascination for her. Even though she only caught a glimpse of the left side of his face, the wide, prominent scar demanded her attention. Despite her curiosity about their origin, she knew better than to broach the subject with someone as unpredictable as the Joker.
Suddenly, the Joker's gaze met hers, prompting her to quickly avert her eyes in embarrassment. "What are you looking at?" his tone sharp.
Y/n's cheeks flushed with embarrassment as she mumbled an apology. "Sorry..." she murmured, her discomfort palpable in the air between them.
Y/n sensed movement from the corner of her eye as the Joker shifted onto his knees and crawled closer to her on the bed. Her heart pounded erratically in her chest as neared her.
"Is it the scars?" the Joker's voice cut through the tense silence, his tone deceptively innocent.
"I'm sorry... I didn't mean to offend you," Y/n stammered, her apology laced with genuine remorse.
The Joker furrowed his brows in response, clearly taken aback by her unexpected apology.
"Here... Why don't I give you a better look?" Suddenly, he reached out and grabbed her face, his grip firm yet surprisingly gentle as he forced her to look at him.
Y/n squirmed in discomfort, but the Joker maintained his hold, his piercing gaze locking with hers. Despite her initial unease, her eyes were drawn not to his scars, but to his own intense gaze, filled with a complexity she couldn't quite decipher.
Y/n found herself captivated by the striking contrast of the Joker's eyes against the backdrop of his black face paint. They were a mesmerizing hazel, with hints of green around the edges, drawing her in like a moth to a flame.
"What are you looking at, Bunny? I thought you wanted to see my scars," the Joker remarked, his voice surprisingly soft.
Y/n blinked, momentarily taken aback by his unexpected question. She couldn't tear her gaze away from his captivating eyes.
"You have really nice eyes," she blurted out, the words escaping before she could stop them.
The Joker's lips curved into a faint smirk at her unexpected compliment. He released her face, withdrawing his hand as he settled back on the bed, his gaze still fixed on hers.
"Why, thank you, Bunny. I do try to maintain some level of charm," he replied, his tone dripping with amusement.
Y/n shifted uncomfortably under his intense stare, unsure of what to make of the strange dynamics between them. Despite the Joker's unsettling presence, there was an inexplicable magnetism that seemed to draw her to him.
As the silence stretched between them, Y/n couldn't help but feel a twinge of unease creeping back in. She cleared her throat nervously, searching for something to break the tension.
"So... why are you really here?" she ventured, her voice barely above a whisper.
Joker's response hung in the air. "I just like you," he hummed, his tone casual yet laden with a mysterious undertone.
Y/n couldn't quite decipher the meaning behind his words. Was he being genuine, or was this just another one of his twisted games? And even if he did mean it, what exactly did he mean by it?
Her mind raced with questions, but she found herself at a loss for words, unsure of how to respond to the Joker's cryptic declaration. The Joker's grin widened as he observed Y/n's perplexed expression. He seemed to relish in her uncertainty, his eyes gleaming with amusement.
"Don't worry your pretty little head about it, Bunny. Just enjoy the company," he said, his voice dripping with mock sweetness.
Y/n couldn't shake off the feeling of unease that settled in the pit of her stomach. Despite the Joker's casual demeanor, there was an underlying sense of danger that lingered around him like a dark cloud.
She forced a weak smile, nodding in response, but her mind raced with a multitude of unanswered questions. As the silence enveloped them once again, Y/n couldn't help but wonder what other surprises the Joker had in store for her.
Y/n watched with curiosity as the Joker sauntered over to her shelf, his eyes scanning the various items displayed there.
"What do we have here..." His voice held a mischievous edge as he rubbed his hands together, clearly intrigued by the contents.
His gaze landed on the CD player, and a wicked grin spread across his face. "What does this little bunny like to listen to?" he mused aloud, reaching out to press the play button.
The familiar strains of music filled the room as the CD player came to life. Y/n recognized the song instantly, it was one she had been listening to earlier that day. The chorus of "Last Cup of Sorrow" by Faith No More filled the air
As the music filled the room, the Joker's grin widened, his eyes gleaming with a mixture of mischief and madness. Without warning, he extended his hand towards Y/n, a silent invitation for her to join him.
"Come on, Bunny, don't be shy," he urged, his voice laced with excitement.
Y/n hesitated, her heart pounding in her chest as she weighed her options. But before she could respond, the Joker was already closing the distance between them, his hand gripping hers firmly as he pulled her towards him.
"Let's have some fun, shall we?" he said, his grip unyielding as he began to sway to the rhythm of the music.
Caught off guard, Y/n stumbled slightly, her movements awkward and hesitant. But Joker's relentless energy was infectious, and soon she found herself being swept up in the ood dance.
As they twirled and spun around the room, Y/n couldn't help but feel a strange sense of exhilaration mingled with fear. The Joker's laughter filled the air, echoing off the walls as they danced, a twisted symphony of madness and mayhem. And amidst the chaos, Y/n couldn't shake the feeling that she was being drawn deeper into the Joker's twisted world with each step they took.
"Bunny having fun, hmm?" Joker teased, his eyes alight with amusement as he watched Y/n begin to smile.
The contrast between this dance and their first encounter in the bank was stark. There were no hostages, no looming threat of violence, just the two of them, alone in her room, moving to the rhythm of her music.
"Such a pretty little thing when you smile," Joker remarked suddenly, his words sending a warm flush creeping up Y/n's cheeks.
Caught off guard by the unexpected compliment, Y/n felt a flutter of emotions swirling within her. Despite the chaos and danger that seemed to follow the Joker wherever he went, there was something strangely captivating about him in this moment, something that made her pulse quicken and her heart race.
As the song reached its climax, Joker twirled Y/n one final time, their movements becoming more frenzied and erratic with each passing moment. The room seemed to spin around them, the music echoing in their ears as they danced in a whirlwind of chaos and uncertainty.
With a dramatic end, Joker dipped Y/n backwards, her heart racing as she gazed up at him, their eyes locking in a moment of intense connection. For a fleeting instant, it felt as though time stood still, as though they were the only two people in the world.
But just as quickly as it had begun, the dance came to an abrupt end. Joker released his grip on Y/n, letting her fall. She screamed as the sudden pull of gravity yanked her downward, the impact jarring as she hit the floor. Pain shot through her body, but it was nothing compared to the surge of anger that flooded her veins as she looked up at the Joker.
"What the fuck, Joker?!" she exclaimed, her voice laced with fury and betrayal.
But the Joker simply grinned down at her, his eyes gleaming with mischief and amusement. "Oops, dopy me," he quipped, his tone infuriatingly nonchalant.
Y/n could do nothing but glare.
"Well, that was fun," he remarked casually, a hint of mischief dancing in his eyes. "But I've got places to be, Bunny. I’ll be seeing you."
Y/n's heart sank as she watched Joker turn away from her, a pang of disappointment mingling with the lingering thrill of their dance. She wanted to say something, to protest or something, but she found herself speechless, unable to form the words.
With a final smirk over his shoulder, Joker disappeared out the door, leaving Y/n alone in the silence of her room. As she sat there, still thinking about him. The way he moved with her, it was unlike anything she had experienced before. In his arms, she didn't feel the familiar grip of fear tightening around her chest, instead, there was a sense of exhilaration, a rush of adrenaline coursing through her veins. Dancing with him was like stepping into another world, one where she could forget about her worries and simply be in the moment.
As they moved together in perfect synchronization, she couldn't help but feel a sense of happiness wash over her. It was as if the weight of the world had been lifted from her shoulders, replaced by a buoyant feeling of joy and excitement. In that moment, there was only the music, the movement, and the electrifying connection between them.
For the first time in what felt like forever, she allowed herself to let go, to revel in the intoxicating thrill of the dance. And as they twirled and spun across the room, she couldn't help but think that maybe, just maybe, there was something special about the Joker after all.
It had been a few days since Joker had last visited her dorm room, and the memory of their dance lingered in Y/n's mind. She found herself constantly thinking about him and the strange encounters they had shared. As she lay in bed, contemplating the events of the past few days, she couldn't shake the feeling that fluttered in her stomach.
Late into the night, as the clock approached 11 PM, Y/n was just about to drift off to sleep when she heard movement outside her door. She let out a resigned sigh, assuming it was just some noisy neighbors from down the hall. However, her heart skipped a beat when her door swung open, revealing an unexpected visitor.
The creak of the door opening wide echoed through her room. She froze in her bed, the darkness of the room swallowing her up as she strained to see who had entered. Her mind raced with possibilities, but deep down, she knew exactly who it was.
The figure stepped into the room, the faint light from the hallway casting eerie shadows across the floor. Y/n's breath caught in her throat as she watched the silhouette move closer, her pulse quickening with each step. She couldn't make out his face in the dim light, but she didn't need to. She knew it was him.
"Miss me, Bunny?" his voice, dripping with mischief, filled the room, sending shivers down her spine.
Y/n flicked on her bedside lamp as Joker sauntered into the room, shutting the door behind him. "What the hell?" Y/n groaned, rubbing her eyes wearily.
Joker began rifling through her drawers, pulling out clothes and inspecting them before carelessly tossing them onto the floor. Y/n shot up from her bed and approached him, annoyance evident in her voice. 
"Hey! What do you think you're doing?" she exclaimed, gesturing to the mess he was creating.
"Don't fret, Doll. Just for a nice little outfit for you," Joker replied casually, tossing another item aside with a nonchalant grin.
"Why?" Y/n questioned, her confusion evident.
"Because, Doll, you and I are hitting the town," Joker declared, holding up a shirt for inspection before tossing it onto Y/n's bed and moving on to her bottoms.
"But I have classes tomorrow, Joker," Y/n protested.
"Uh huh," Joker murmured dismissively, paying her complaint no mind as he continued his search.
Y/n rolled her eyes in exasperation. "Well, maybe if you actually went to university, you'd understand," she retorted, taking a jab at his unconventional career choice.
"I'm too old for uni, Bunny," Joker replied with a smirk.
"You're never too old to learn," Y/n shot back.
"Fucking nerd," Joker muttered under his breath, eliciting an eye roll from Y/n.
"What are you, 12? Get a better insult," Y/n retorted. "And I hope you don’t really expect me to go out with you."
"I'm taking you one way or another," Joker stated firmly.
Y/n wanted to stay mad, but her heart was pounding with excitement. The fact that Joker wanted to hang out with her felt monumental. Joker eventually found a skirt to pair with her shirt and tossed it onto the bed.
"Get changed," Joker commanded, already moving to fetch her some shoes.
"Don't tell me what to do," Y/n muttered under her breath.
Joker turned to give her an intimidating stare. Y/n stood up, reluctantly agreeing, "Fine, I’ll change, just get out while I do."
"You can change right here, Doll, I won’t peek," Joker assured her, smirking.
"I'm inclined not to believe you," Y/n replied.
Knowing he wasn't going to leave, she sighed and grabbed a bra to put on first.
"Oh, so I'm getting the full show?" Joker teased, making Y/n blush furiously.
"Stop being a weirdo," Y/n snapped, pulling her arms through her sleeves to put her bra on underneath her shirt.
Joker dramatically pouted while inspecting her shoes. Y/n managed to get the bra on and glanced at the clothes he had chosen. It was a nice see-through shirt with patterns on it and a black skirt, she liked his style.
She removed her top and started putting on the shirt, only to hear Joker wolf whistle. Her face couldn’t have been hotter at that moment.
"Stop looking!" Y/n yelled, quickly buttoning up the shirt.
She then put on the skirt with her pajama bottoms still on, making sure Joker didn't catch any more glimpses of her than she was comfortable with. Joker sauntered over to where Y/n sat, still in awe of his audacity. As she sat on the bed, shedding her pajama bottoms discreetly beneath her skirt, 
"Nice legs," he remarked, a compliment she wasn't accustomed to receiving.
Joker's casual comment caught her off guard. "Um, thank you?" Y/n responded, unsure how to react.
With the shoes in hand, Joker approached Y/n once more. Just as she reached out to take them, he surprised her by crouching down before her, lifting her foot and resting it gently on his knee. It felt surreal, her mind momentarily going blank.
With deft movements, Joker slipped the shoes onto her feet one by one, securing the straps around her ankles. His touch was surprisingly gentle, the sensation of his leather gloves against her bare skin sending tingles down her spine.
Joker stood up, his hands clapping together sharply, breaking Y/n out of her trance. "Ready, Bunny?" he asked with a grin.
Y/n simply nodded in response. Before she could fully process what was happening, Joker grabbed her hand and pulled her up, leading the way to the door.
But Y/n halted them abruptly. "Wait, we can't just walk out there! Anyone could see you!" she protested.
Joker arched an eyebrow at her. "How do you think I got in, Doll?" he retorted, not waiting for her response as he dragged her out of the dorms.
As they walked, Y/n couldn't shake the rush of adrenaline coursing through her veins. Her eyes remained fixated on their intertwined hands, her wrist held firmly in Joker's grip. It was an oddly exhilarating sensation, one that left her feeling both thrilled and apprehensive.
The cold air and the bustling sounds of the city snapped Y/n back to reality. "Joker, wait..." she began nervously, catching his attention.
Joker turned to her, a hint of impatience in his tone. "What now?" he growled.
"I... I'm sorry, I don't want to go out," Y/n admitted, her voice trembling.
Joker noticed the change in her demeanor and softened slightly. "What's wrong, Bunny?" he asked, moving closer to her.
Y/n's hands shook visibly as she spoke. "I don't do going out. I don't do crowds. I don't do being outside my room," she confessed, avoiding Joker's gaze.
Leaning in, Joker lowered himself to her eye level. "Listen, Bunny. I'll keep you safe tonight. I'll make sure you're all comfy, and nobody will bother you. It'll just be us and a couple of the guys keeping watch. You don't have to worry about a thing. How does that sound?" he whispered reassuringly.
Y/n found herself gazing into Joker's eyes, their warmth contrasting with the hardness of his exterior. She couldn't shake the urge to see his face without the paint, though she knew it was a dangerous curiosity. Despite knowing who he was and what he did, she inexplicably trusted him.
Nodding slowly, she watched as a toothy grin spread across Joker's face. He took her hand once more, leading her toward a waiting van.
"Oh, this doesn't look dodgy at all," Y/n quipped as they approached.
Joker opened the back door for her to enter first. With a polite smile, she stepped inside, Joker following and closing the door behind them. Taking a seat, Y/n looked around the interior.
"Where's the seatbelt?" she asked.
"No seatbelts here, Doll," Joker replied casually.
"Well, you better hope I don't go flying off this seat, then," Y/n scoffed.
"If you feel unsafe, you can always hold onto me, Bunny," Joker suggested, his smirk making Y/n blush once more. "And besides... Rocco's a great driver, isn't that right?" he called to the front of the van.
"Uhhh... yeah, I'd think so, boss," came the hesitant reply from the driver's seat.
Y/n's attention was drawn to the presence of two men seated in the front of the van. They seemed to be keeping to themselves, occasionally exchanging glances in the rearview mirror but otherwise remaining focused on the road ahead as they pulled out of the parking space. Their silence added to the tense atmosphere inside the vehicle, amplifying Y/n's apprehension about the night ahead.
As the van rumbled through the dimly lit streets of Gotham, Joker leaned closer to Y/n, his breath tickling her ear. 
"You nervous, Bunny?" he whispered, his voice sending shivers down her spine.
Y/n swallowed nervously, her eyes darting to the men in the front seats before returning to Joker's intense gaze. "A little," she admitted, her voice barely above a whisper.
Joker's lips curled into a sinister grin. "Don't worry, Doll. I'll make sure you have a night to remember," he promised, his tone dripping with mischief.
As the van continued its journey through the city's streets, Y/n couldn't shake the feeling of unease that gnawed at her insides. She glanced at Joker, trying to decipher his intentions from the mischievous glint in his eyes, but his expression remained inscrutable.
With each passing minute, Y/n's apprehension grew, but she knew it was too late to turn back now. She was along for the ride, wherever it might lead. She could only hope that Joker's promise of keeping her safe would hold true amidst the uncertainty of the night ahead.
"Now, Doll.. Where we’re going, I’m gonna need to bag you," Joker said, as he casually held up a burlap bag. Y/n felt a surge of anxiety at the sight.
"Wait, what's happening?" Y/n asked, her voice trembling with uncertainty.
Joker raised a gloved hand in a calming gesture. "Relax, Bunny. I told you I'd keep you safe," he reassured her.
Despite her apprehension, Y/n found herself complying as Joker placed the bag over her head, enveloping her in darkness. She couldn't shake the feeling of fear that gripped her tightly as she waited in the unknown.
In the darkness beneath the bag, Y/n felt Joker's firm grip on her wrist as he guided her out of the van. With the van door opening, she was enveloped in a swirl of uncertainty. She hadn't dared to glance out of the tinted windows during the drive, leaving her completely at Joker's mercy.
As they walked, Y/n could feel the ground beneath her shift from rough pavement to a smoother surface, indicating they were inside a building. The silence around her was deafening, leaving her unable to decipher their location. Joker's grip on her wrist remained tight, guiding her with purpose through the mysterious space.
Just as Y/n's mind raced to make sense of the situation, she heard footsteps approaching them. "Your table is ready, sir," a quivering voice spoke, sending shivers down her spine. 
Joker's grip tightened on her wrist as he pulled her along, and she strained to understand the significance of the words. Soon, they approached a second door, which opened before them. As they stepped through, the door closed behind them, enveloping them in an eerie silence that amplified Y/n's anxiety.
As they stepped into the room, the unmistakable sound of Faith No More filled the air, instantly recognizable to Y/n's ears.
As the bag was lifted from her head, Y/n blinked in the sudden light, her eyes adjusting to the scene before her. Before her stood Joker, a mischievous grin on his face as he stepped back to reveal a table set with napkins, candles, and cutlery.
"Ta-da!" Joker announced, spreading his arms with theatrical flair.
In the room, aside from a few strategically placed plants and the central table, there was no one and nothing else present. 
"W-what's going on?" Y/n questioned, her voice trembling with uncertainty.
Joker rolled his eyes before pulling out a chair for her. She settled into the seat as he took his own across the table.
He grabbed one of the menu set in the middle of the table. "Pick anything you like, Doll," Joker chimed in, his eyes scanning the list of options.
Y/n took her own menu, her gaze drifting over the choices as she contemplated her selection.
Y/n glanced around the dimly lit room, her curiosity piqued by the ambiance Joker had created. The flickering candles cast dancing shadows on the walls, adding to the mysterious atmosphere.
"What's the occasion?" Y/n asked, unable to suppress her curiosity any longer.
Joker chuckled softly, a mischievous glint in his eyes. "Just wanted to take the little Bunny out," he replied, flashing her a grin.
Y/n raised an eyebrow, a hint of skepticism in her expression. Despite her reservations, there was something undeniably intriguing about this impromptu dinner with the Joker.
“What? Is this a date or something?” Y/n's question hung in the air, laced with a nervous chuckle. She couldn't help but feel a mix of curiosity and apprehension about the situation.
Joker's grin widened, his eyes gleaming with amusement. "If you want it to be, Doll," he replied, leaning back in his chair.
Y/n felt a rush of conflicting emotions. The idea of a date with the Joker was equal parts thrilling and terrifying. Y/n felt a wave of shyness wash over her, her cheeks flushing with warmth as she fidgeted with the menu in her hands. Every glance at Joker sent a flurry of butterflies fluttering in her stomach, making her feel more flustered with each passing moment. She struggled to maintain eye contact, her heart racing as she tried to compose herself in his presence.
"So! What's it gonna be, Doll?" Joker asked, leaning forward slightly, his eyes fixed on hers, waiting for her to tell him her order.
Y/n hesitated, feeling a mix of nerves and excitement. She glanced down at the menu, trying to focus on the options in front of her. Finally, she made her choice and looked up at Joker with a tentative smile.
"I'll have the... um, the chicken alfredo, please," she said, her voice a bit softer than usual.
Joker stood up from his seat with a smirk and walked over to the door, opening it just a crack. He exchanged a few hushed words with one of his men outside before closing the door again, returning to Y/n sitting at the table.
As Joker returned to the table, the realization dawned upon her, Y/n understood the purpose behind the burlap bag and the secrecy. Joker was safeguarding her identity, shielding her from any potential trouble that could arise if her association with him became known. She appreciated his gesture, despite the unconventional means.
"So, uh, thanks for this... dinner," Y/n said, feeling a bit awkward but genuinely appreciative of the gesture.
Joker flashed a grin, his eyes sparkling mischievously. "Anything for my favorite Bunny," he said, leaning back in his chair with a casual air.
Y/n couldn't help but smile at his reply. She still couldn't quite wrap her head around the enigmatic nature of their relationship, but for now, she decided to enjoy the moment and the unexpected dinner date with the notorious Joker.
As the evening progressed, Y/n found herself surprisingly at ease in Joker's company. His charismatic demeanor and witty banter kept her entertained throughout the meal, and she couldn't deny the allure of his unpredictable charm.
Between bites of food and sips of wine, they engaged in lighthearted conversation, sharing stories and exchanging laughs. Despite the peculiar circumstances of their encounter, Y/n couldn't deny that she was enjoying herself, relishing the novelty of the experience.
As the night wore on, the initial tension that had enveloped Y/n began to dissipate, replaced by a growing sense of camaraderie with the man sitting across from her. It was a strange sensation, considering who he was, but she couldn't deny the genuine connection that seemed to be forming between them.
Eventually, the meal came to an end. Joker reached into his pocket and pulled out a wad of bills, tossing them onto the table without a second thought.
"Let's get out of here, Bunny," he said, rising from his seat and offering his hand to Y/n.
She hesitated for a moment before putting on the burlap bag again and placing her hand in his, allowing him to lead her out of the restaurant and into the night once again.
As they stepped out into the cool night air, Y/n couldn't help but feel a sense of exhilaration tinged with apprehension. She was stepping into the unknown, guided by a man whose intentions remained shrouded in mystery.
Joker led her back to the van and took off the bag. Without a word, he gestured for Y/n to climb in, and she obliged, settling into the seat beside him. The van rumbled to life, and they began their journey through the city once more.
As they drove, Y/n's mind raced with questions, but she held her tongue, unsure of how much she dared to ask. Instead, she gazed out the window, watching the lights of Gotham blur past as they navigated the labyrinthine streets.
Eventually, they arrived back at Y/n's dorm, and Joker brought the van to a stop. He turned to her, his eyes glinting in the darkness.
"Well, Bunny, it's been a pleasure," he said, his voice laced with a hint of mischief.
Y/n nodded, a mixture of relief and reluctance swirling within her. She knew she should be wary of him, but there was something undeniably compelling about the enigmatic man beside her.
"You're not going to walk me back?" Y/n said, surprising herself with her sudden burst of confidence.
Joker's smirk widened as he stepped out of the van. "Couldn't say no to you," he replied casually.
Together, they walked in silence, the air thick with unspoken tension. Y/n stole glances at Joker, trying to decipher the enigmatic expression on his face. She couldn't quite shake the feeling that there was more to him than met the eye.
When they reached her dorm room, Joker stopped and turned to face her. "Well, here we are," he said, his tone tinged with a hint of amusement.
Y/n nodded, her heart pounding in her chest. She wasn't sure what to say, but she found herself reluctant to part ways with him.
"Thanks for... everything," she finally managed to say, her voice barely above a whisper.
Joker flashed her a grin, his eyes sparkling with mischief. "Anytime, Bunny," he replied before turning on his heel.
As Joker turned back to leave, Y/n's heart raced with a sudden impulse. "Wait!" she called out, her voice echoing in the quiet night.
Surprised, Joker turned back just as Y/n rushed up to him, her hand reaching for his. Without a second thought, she pulled him close and pressed her lips against his, feeling the cool touch of his greasy face paint against her skin. Despite the unconventional sensation, she relished the moment, savoring the feel of his scars beneath her touch.
Caught off guard by Y/n's sudden kiss, Joker froze for a moment before melting into it, his surprise giving way to something more akin to amusement. As they parted, he flashed her a grin, his eyes gleaming with mischief.
"Well, well, Bunny," he chuckled. "Seems like you've got some surprises up your sleeve too."
Y/n felt a rush of warmth at his words, a mixture of nerves and excitement coursing through her veins. But before she could respond, Joker's expression shifted, his gaze darting around as if sensing something amiss.
With shaky steps, she turned and hurried back towards her dorm, her heart still pounding in her chest. Each step felt heavier than the last, her thoughts a whirlwind of confusion and excitement.
As she reached her door, she fumbled with her keys, her hands trembling with nervous energy. Finally unlocking the door, she practically stumbled into her room, closing the door behind her with a soft click.
Leaning against the door, Y/n let out a shaky breath, her cheeks flushed with a mixture of embarrassment and exhilaration. She couldn't believe what had just happened, the kiss still lingering on her lips like a bittersweet memory.
Feeling a rush of emotions, she sank down onto her bed, burying her face in her hands. It was all so overwhelming. As the reality of her actions sunk in, Y/n's mind raced with a whirlwind of conflicting thoughts. She had just kissed the Joker, arguably one of the most dangerous and unpredictable individuals in Gotham City. It was a reckless move, one that could have dire consequences.
Her heart pounded in her chest as she replayed the moment in her mind, the feel of his lips against hers, the roughness of his scars. It was surreal, almost like a dream, and yet, it had happened.
But along with the rush of adrenaline came a wave of uncertainty and fear. What would happen now? Would the Joker seek her out again? And if he did, what would he want from her?
Y/n shook her head, trying to push away the barrage of questions crowding her mind. For now, all she could do was wait and see, her heart still racing from the daring act she had just committed.
Y/n knew it was a terrible idea to go out the night before. She had endured three consecutive two-hour lectures, running on a mere five hours of sleep. Exhaustion weighed heavily on her as she trudged back to her dorm, fantasizing about the blissful nap awaiting her.
Y/n's exhaustion seemed to fade away as she caught wind of the conversation in the common room. Curiosity piqued, she quickened her pace, eager to hear more about the news report.
"Holy shit, turn up the TV," one of her fellow students exclaimed.
"Infamous criminal, Joker, was seen last night with an unknown woman, entering a restaurant," the news report blared from the television.
Y/n's heart skipped a beat as she absorbed the information. Anxiety gnawed at her as she contemplated the implications of being linked to such a notorious figure. Standing in the doorway, Y/n listened intently to the news report echoing from the common room.
The news report continued, "The sighting has sparked widespread speculation about the identity of the mysterious woman seen with the notorious criminal. Eyewitnesses claim the woman appeared to be in her early twenties, possibly younger, but her face was obscured by a bag as they entered the restaurant. Authorities are urging anyone with information about this incident to come forward."
Y/n's heart raced as she realized the gravity of the situation. She had been seen with the Joker, and now her anonymity was at risk. She knew she had to be more cautious than ever before.
The news report continued with a solemn tone, "In a chilling turn of events, just hours after the sighting, reports flooded in of a violent attack attack against several political figures late last night, with witnesses describing the perpetrator as none other than the Joker himself. It was described as a chaotic scenes as the Joker and his accomplices unleashed mayhem in the heart of the city, targeting high-profile individuals attending a gala event."
Y/n's stomach dropped as she listened to the horrifying news. She couldn't believe she had been with him just hours before, completely unaware of his plans. Fear and guilt gripped her as she realized the danger she had unwittingly placed herself in by associating with the Joker.
Y/n felt a wave of nausea wash over her as the reality sank in. The man she had shared a meal and a moment with had gone on to commit atrocious acts of violence. The guilt weighed heavy on her conscience as she rushed to her room, seeking solace in solitude. Each step felt heavier than the last, burdened by the knowledge of her unwitting association with a criminal of such magnitude. She couldn't shake off the feeling of disgust and betrayal, retreating into her room to grapple with her tumultuous emotions alone.
Y/n was overwhelmed by a mix of regret and disbelief. How could she have been so reckless as to kiss someone without truly knowing who they were? She cursed herself for her naivety and ignorance, realizing that she had allowed herself to be drawn into the orbit of a dangerous individual. From that moment on, she vowed to steer clear of any further association with him, determined to distance herself from the enigmatic figure who had deceived her so thoroughly.
A few days passed, and Y/n tried her best to put the incident behind her. However, her resolve was put to the test when, one evening, there was a knock on her dorm room door. With a sinking feeling in her stomach, she approached cautiously, heart racing as she wondered who could be on the other side. Opening the door tentatively, she was met with the unmistakable figure of the Joker, standing there with his characteristic grin.
"Happy to see me, Bunny?" The Joker's voice was laced with amusement as he stood casually in the doorway, his eyes gleaming with mischief.
Y/n's heart skipped a beat as she took in the sight of the Joker standing at her doorstep. She hesitated, unsure of how to react, but before she could say anything, he pushed his way into her dorm room with that ever-present smirk on his face.
"I got you a little something," Joker announced, producing a bouquet of flowers from behind his back. The contrast between the bright, colorful blooms and his dark, enigmatic presence sent a shiver down Y/n's spine.
"J-Joker... You shouldn't be here," Y/n stammered, her voice trembling as he pushed the bouquet of flowers into her hands.
The Joker merely chuckled, unfazed by her unease. "There's a lot of things I shouldn't do, Doll. But here I am," he retorted, ignoring her plea.
"You can’t be here… Please, just go," Y/n pleaded again, her eyes pleading with him to understand.
Joker's expression softened slightly as he noticed the tears welling up in Y/n's eyes. He took a step closer, but she instinctively backed away, her fear palpable.
"Bunny, what's wrong?" Joker's voice was surprisingly gentle, a stark contrast to his usual demeanor.
"I just... need some time alone," Y/n replied, her voice barely above a whisper, her emotions too overwhelming to articulate.
Joker hesitated for a moment, his eyes scanning Y/n's face as if searching for answers. Finally, he nodded slowly, acknowledging her request.
"Alright, Bunny. I'll leave you be," Joker said softly, his voice carrying a hint of concern.
Y/n watched as Joker turned to leave, his presence disappearing from her dorm room. Alone once again, she sank onto her bed, clutching the bouquet of flowers tightly against her chest as tears began to fall freely.
She grappled with conflicting emotions, torn between the fear of what Joker might do if he discovered the truth and the guilt of rejecting his gesture of kindness. The bouquet of flowers lay on her bed, a poignant reminder of the tangled mess she found herself in. Y/n felt trapped, uncertain of how to handle the situation she was in.
As Y/n made her way back to her dorm, an unease settled over her. Another week had passed since Joker visited her. Every shadow seemed to harbor a lurking threat, and she quickened her pace, eager to reach the safety of her room. However, her apprehension only intensified when she was stopped by someone from her floor.
"Got yourself a boyfriend or something, huh?" the girl asked with a knowing smirk.
Y/n's confusion deepened. “Uhh.. No," she replied cautiously.
The girl nodded toward Y/n's dorm room. "Guess you've got a secret admirer then," she said before walking away.
Heart pounding, Y/n approached her door and froze at the sight before her. Another bouquet of flowers, even larger than before, greeted her, accompanied by a playing card resting beside it. As she reached for the card, her fingers trembled, and she turned it over to reveal the unmistakable image of a joker.
Her breath caught in her throat as she stood frozen in the doorway, her eyes widening in disbelief. The sight that greeted her inside was both stunning and terrifying. Flowers, dozens of them, filled her room, arranged in an array of colors and shapes.
Y/n stumbled forward, dropping the bouquet she held in her trembling hands. As she surveyed the room, her heart hammered against her chest. Four bouquets adorned her desk, their vibrant hues contrasting sharply with the pale surface. Another three lay scattered across her bed, their delicate petals casting shadows in the dim light. And yet more flowers, at least twenty, were strewn haphazardly throughout the room, their sweet fragrance mingling in the air.
Fear clenched at her insides as she realized the implications of this gesture. Y/n stood there, stunned by the sheer extravagance of the display. Never before had anyone shown her such generosity or tenderness, and coming from someone like the Joker, it only meant trouble.
Given the fact that this man killed for a living and enjoyed it, receiving such affectionate gifts from him carried a weighty significance. It hinted at a depth of feeling and a seriousness in his affection that Y/n found both bewildering and unsettling.
Inspecting her desk, Y/n noticed several scattered playing cards, one of which bore writing along the face of it. She picked it up and read the message: ‘Sorry I couldn't give these in person, Bunny. Hope you're feeling better.’ Beneath the message, there was a small doodle of a bunny.
The message offered little comfort, especially considering the likelihood that Joker had likely gone on to commit some heinous act afterward, perhaps even something as dreadful as blowing up a school bus.
Y/n found herself utterly lost, grappling with a sense of powerlessness. Yet, she knew she couldn't afford to succumb to fear any longer. Having the Joker show up uninvited was no longer an option. The next time she saw him, Y/n knew she had to put a stop to this.
Despite the danger of navigating Gotham's streets at night, Y/n had grown accustomed to it. It was a routine she had mastered, whether it was grabbing late-night essentials from the convenience store or simply wandering the dimly lit alleys. But tonight was different, tonight, she felt the presence of danger looming around every corner.
As she hurried along the deserted streets, Y/n couldn't shake the feeling that she was being watched. Every shadow seemed to conceal a hidden threat, every flicker of movement sent a jolt of apprehension through her veins. But deep down, she knew that somehow, some way, her path would intersect with the Joker's once again.
Tonight was the night in which Y/n would confront Joker and declare what ever was happening between the two of them would not happen again.
Y/n's mind was occupied as she walked along the sidewalk, her thoughts consumed by the upcoming confrontation with the Joker. Suddenly, a group of men passed by, one of them coming to an abrupt halt.
"Hey... I know this chick," he exclaimed, pointing directly at Y/n.
Startled, Y/n turned to face them. "Excuse me?" she replied, her voice tinged with apprehension.
"Yeah, you're the one who put us in the shits with the Joker," another man chimed in, his tone accusatory.
Recognition dawned on Y/n as she realized who these men were. Y/n's horror deepened as she recognized the men who had attempted to mug her when the Joker intervened in that dark alley. The memories flooded back, vivid and unsettling.
As the men closed in on her, memories of that terrifying encounter surged through Y/n's mind. She instinctively stepped back, trying to distance herself from the group, but they closed in, their faces contorted with malice.
"Should've kept your mouth shut back then, girlie," one of them snarled, shoving her roughly.
Y/n stumbled backward, her heart racing with fear. She knew she was in trouble, trapped in this menacing situation with no one to help her.
“B-but… I didn’t s-say anything. It wasn’t my fault..” Y/n’s eyes welled with tears.
As the men continued to harass her, Y/n's mind raced, searching desperately for a way out. She knew she couldn't take them on physically, but she had to find a way to escape. With each push and taunt, her fear turned to determination.
Suddenly, a voice cut through the tension like a blade. "Ah, the old, familiar places.." 
Y/n's heart skipped a beat as she recognized the voice. It was him. The Joker. 
As soon as the Joker's voice rang out, the men froze in terror, their faces paling. Without hesitation, they turned to flee just as they did last time, but before they could take a step, two of Joker's henchmen emerged from the shadows and grabbed them, preventing their escape. The men struggled against the firm grip of Joker's men. 
"Bunny, Henshaw over here will escort you back to the van. I've got some unfinished business to attend to," Joker declared, his gaze fixed on the trembling men.
Y/n felt a mix of relief and fear as one of Joker's men, presumably Henshaw, firmly grasped her shoulder and led her away from the scene. She cast a nervous glance back at Joker, unsure of what was about to unfold. Y/n watched as Joker took something from his coat, likely a knife, and moved towards the first man.
"I suggest you look away," Henshaw advised, gently nudging her towards the van.
Feeling a knot form in her stomach, Y/n obeyed, knowing it was wise to heed his warning as the piercing screams pierced the air behind her.
Sitting in the back of the van, Y/n's breaths came in heavy, her hands trembling as the screams echoed outside. She pressed her hands against her ears, trying to block out the horrifying sounds. In the front seat, Henshaw shifted uncomfortably, glancing back at her.
"Uhh... You want me to put on the radio?" Henshaw offered.
Y/n nodded, grateful for any distraction. Henshaw fiddled with the radio, but even the music couldn't drown out the haunting echoes of agony. Y/n felt utterly helpless, unsure of what to do in such a harrowing situation.
Y/n's heart pounded with conflicting emotions. On one hand, she had achieved her goal of finding Joker, but the situation had spiraled out of control. He was out there, committing acts of violence in her name. While she couldn't deny that those men probably deserved it, she couldn't shake the feeling of unease and guilt.
Tonight was supposed to be about confronting Joker and ending whatever twisted connection they had, but now he was killing people for her. The thought of facing Joker now filled her with dread. Would he turn his rage on her next and kill her, or would he simply make her life a living hell? Y/n had no answers, only fear and uncertainty about what lay ahead.
As Y/n grappled with her conflicting emotions, another wave of realization hit her. Despite the chaos and violence that seemed to follow him wherever he went, Joker had shown her a side of himself that she had never experienced before with anyone else. His gestures of affection had left a lasting impression on her, stirring feelings she had never known.
She couldn't deny the way her heart raced in his presence, or the warmth that spread through her when he treated her with tenderness. Joker made her feel special in a way that no one else ever had, and that made her dilemma even more agonizing.
Lost in her thoughts, Y/n was jolted back to reality when the van door was pulled open, revealing Joker standing there. Behind him lay the aftermath of his violent confrontation, a grim reminder of the darkness that lurked within him. As he closed the door, Y/n couldn't help but feel a sense of dread wash over her, uncertain of what would come next.
As Joker settled into the seat across from her, the tension in the van seemed to thicken. Y/n's heart pounded in her chest, her mind racing with a multitude of conflicting thoughts and emotions.
Joker's gaze met hers, and for a moment, there was silence between them. Y/n couldn't bring herself to break the silence, unsure of what to say or how to address the situation unfolding before her.
Finally, Joker spoke, his voice low and measured. "You okay, Bunny?" he asked, his tone surprisingly gentle given the circumstances.
Y/n swallowed hard, her throat feeling dry. "I... I don't know," she admitted, her voice barely above a whisper.
Joker's expression softened slightly, and he reached out to gently squeeze her hand. "You don't have to be scared, Doll," he said reassuringly. "I'll always keep you safe."
Despite his words, Y/n couldn't shake the unease that gnawed at her. She knew that being involved with Joker meant being thrust into a world of danger and chaos, and she wasn't sure if she was ready to face the consequences.
But as she looked into Joker's eyes, she couldn't deny the strange pull she felt toward him, the inexplicable connection that seemed to draw her closer to him with each passing moment. Whether it was the thrill of danger or something deeper, Y/n couldn't say for certain.
“You have something to say..I can tell,” Joker's voice was rough and impatient, cutting through the tense silence that hung between them.
“You don't know me that well,” she replied, her voice trembling slightly as she tried to muster up the courage to confront him.
Joker raised an eyebrow, his expression unreadable as he regarded her. She could feel the weight of his gaze bearing down on her, making her feel small and vulnerable.
“Listen, Bunny. I ain't known for my patience, so you better start tal—” Joker's words were abruptly cut off by Y/n's confession.
“I don't want you to visit me anymore,” she blurted out, her voice barely above a whisper as she struggled to meet his gaze.
The air in the van seemed to grow heavy with tension as Joker's expression shifted, a dangerous glint entering his eyes. Despite her fear, Y/n stood her ground, her heart pounding in her chest as she awaited his response.
“What did you say, Bunny?” Joker's voice was deceptively light, but the intensity behind his words sent a shiver down her spine.
“I-I don't think you should visit me anymore,” Y/n stammered, her voice trembling with uncertainty.
“Think or want, Doll. Make up your mind,” Joker's tone was mocking, his words laced with an underlying threat that sent a chill down her spine.
As the two men in the front of the van stepped out, leaving them alone, Y/n felt a sense of dread wash over her. She knew she had to stand her ground, to assert her boundaries, no matter the consequences.
“This can't happen anymore,” she stated firmly, her voice quivering with emotion.
“This, what is this,” Joker's question hung in the air, his eyes boring into hers as if searching for the truth hidden within her words.
“I don't know! I don't know what this is, but whatever it is can't happen anymore!” Y/n finally snapped, her frustration and fear bubbling to the surface as she confronted the enigmatic man before her.
Joker's gaze bore into Y/n, his eyes flickering with an intensity that sent shivers down her spine. She could feel the weight of his presence pressing in on her, his very aura demanding attention and compliance. Joker's demeanor shifted, his previously calm facade cracking as he leaned in closer, his eyes narrowing dangerously.
"You're telling me to stay away?" he asked, his voice a low growl that sent shivers down Y/n's spine.
For a moment, there was a tense silence between them, broken only by the distant sounds of the city outside the van. Y/n's heart hammered in her chest, her nerves on edge as she awaited Joker's response. 
"I... I can't do this anymore," Y/n stammered, her voice barely above a whisper. "It's too much. I can't."
“You don't get to decide that, Bunny," he said, his words laced with a hint of menace.
Y/n recoiled slightly, her fear mounting as she realized the gravity of her words. She had never seen Joker like this before, and the sight sent a chill down her spine.
Joker's expression hardened, his features twisting into a mask of barely contained fury. "You think you can just walk away from me?" he spat, his voice dripping with venom.
"I-I can't do this anymore, Joker, please!" she stammered, her voice trembling with a mixture of fear and defiance.
Joker's lips curled into a predatory smirk, sending a chill down Y/n's spine. "You knew what you were getting into when you kissed me, Doll," he said, his tone dripping with dark amusement. "You can't just walk away now."
Y/n's eyes brimmed with tears, her voice trembling with emotion. "Y-you don't understand, Joker... I'm scared!"
"Of what, Bunny? I ain't touched you," Joker retorted, his tone flippant as he dismissed her fear.
"B-but what if you do? You just killed a group of men outside! How am I any different?" Y/n cried out, her voice breaking as she struggled to contain her fear. "For fuck's sake! You're a criminal, being near you is illegal!"
"Bunny, you need to listen to me right now," Joker said, dropping to his knees before her, gently cradling her face in his hands.
"I would never touch a hair on your body that you didn’t want me to," Joker assured her, his gaze unwavering. "And the law? Pft! Forget about it... This city was fucked before I came along. Now, I'm having a play."
Y/n's lip quivered as she absorbed his words.
"And I'll make sure they never lay a finger on you... Imma keep my little Bunny safe," Joker murmured, his voice surprisingly tender.
Overwhelmed by emotions, Y/n burst into tears, collapsing into his chest. Joker enveloped her in his arms, offering comfort. In that moment, she surrendered to her feelings. Despite her efforts to deny it, she couldn't deny the pull she felt towards Joker. She had never experienced such emotions before, and she was unwilling to let go of them now.
As Y/n's tears subsided, she felt Joker's grip loosen. He pulled away slightly, cupping her face in his hands and wiping away her tears with his thumbs.
"You're safe with me, Bunny," Joker reassured her, his gaze soft yet intense.
Y/n nodded, feeling a mix of relief and uncertainty wash over her. She knew she was diving into dangerous waters by allowing herself to be drawn to Joker, but at that moment, she couldn't deny the undeniable connection between them.
"Thank you," she whispered, her voice barely audible.
Joker planted a sloppy kiss on her forehead, his touch surprisingly tender as he rubbed her arms with his gloved hands. Y/n felt a rush of warmth and comfort flood her senses, despite the chaos surrounding them.
"Let's get you home, Bunny," Joker said softly, his voice carrying a sense of reassurance that eased her anxieties.
She realized that whatever unfolded between them would likely be filled with danger and uncertainty. Yet, in that moment, she found herself surprisingly unfazed by the prospect. The way he made her feel was unlike anything she had experienced before, and for her, that was enough.
For better or for worse, she had chosen to embrace the chaos, to walk alongside the Joker, wherever their twisted journey might lead them.
A/N: So yeah, this story became way more cuter than I anticipated and hoped for..oops. I originally wanted this to be more dark and shit with more of the stalker-y kinda shit but I kinda got distracted..by bad So if yous want some more Joker but more unhinged and less cute shit, feel free to request and I may or may not be in the middle of writing a Joker fic that is a bit Dead Dove 👀 (I say may because I have no idea when I will finish writing it) Also, I was listening to Faith No More while writing this, so that's why I added them here. Slay But thank you for reading and I hope you enjoyed. 💚
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j0kers-light · 1 month
His Lighthouse: Coordinates to Home (LedgerJoker x f!reader)
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Coordinates to Home - Oneshot
In light of this post, I give you Joker with tattoos! Don't tempt me, cuz I’ll write it! I did not use this mini oneshot to stall writing the next chapter. I had to get this out of my head and onto digital paper before I lost it my marbles. Child I literally wrote this at my desk so I apologize if there’s anything errors. I hope you enjoy!
@blackreaderatrisk @twinkledinkle @clemdango04 @l3ejm @tears-of-amber @what-an-angel @darthjokerisyourfather @thatsnoteii @dollster @cheetahspy @kaidennnnn @urdariingdoll @motivation-idontknowher @ins0mniac-whack @spaghettificationandpretzels @reneisance @alittlesmartcookie @ninacutebee16 @carydorse @jaysmentalspace @she-could-never @that--thing
Let me know if you wish to be added to the official His Lighthouse taglist! Be alerted with any oneshots and the main story updates! 🖤✨
You had to be seeing things because there was no way Joker, of all people, had a tattoo.
It didn’t make sense given that tattoos were so unique. They were used to identify people for crying out loud! Was he really that careless? You found it hard to believe that J would have one given his illegal (and wanted) status in the world.
Unless.. he acquired them before becoming The Joker. If so, you had to know what it was!
For a moment you thought it was just a trick of the light. Another blemish, for a monument to his hard life was etched onto his skin already. What was another mark to a man like Joker?
Old scars, deep battle wounds, and one gnarly area below his rib cage, ‘a bomb gone wrong’ he told you, made identifying the possible tattoo difficult. It just blended in with his silvery skin.
Additionally, you had to pretend that you weren’t intrigued less Joker would feel your gaze and thwart your attempts. He had come a long way to be confident with his body, more so around you.
In the beginning, he didn’t remove his clothes at all if you were nearby. Now Joker practically walked around nude. You definitely weren’t complaining yet this was the first time you looked at him in great detail.
What could you say? When Joker took off his clothes, your mind quickly became… distracted.
It was a peaceful morning with the sun pouring in through the windows and Gotham had yet to begin its corruption. Not like it ever took a break.
You and Joker were safely tucked away in the comfort of your bed.
J was knocked out, flat on his stomach, and for once you woke up before him. It was rare to see Joker asleep, so you took the opportunity to admire your lover while it lasted.
The stress of his title was far removed from his features. His face was bare of any greasepaint and surprisingly his hair wasn’t dyed its signature green. J had promised not to color it when around you, thus his natural sun kissed hair was askew all over the sheets.
A gentle smile curled the corner of his scarred lip, and the sight made you copy the action. Joker looked at peace.
Any other morning you would’ve counted his freckles or kissed his nose—today you were on a mission.
Joker was an extremely light sleeper, causing you to move with caution until you straddled his lower back. There you had full access to view his most vulnerable side. A ray of sunlight hit Joker just right and you held back a sigh, seeing all the pain he endured over the years.
Some other time you would kiss them one by one.
Your fingertips grazed the site where you first caught a glimpse of his potential tattoo.
And much to your surprise, a sentence in a language unfamiliar to you was written out in red ink. It almost blended with his skin and if you weren’t intentionally looking, you would’ve never found it.
“Everything burns.”
You jumped hearing Joker’s sleep filled voice recite the text. He turned his head toward you, groggy from sleep but still handsome as ever. Right now, he resembled a grumpy cat deprived of sleep.
You had the decency to be guilty. “I didn’t mean to wake you, J. G-Go back to sleep.” You whispered.
Fat chance of that happening.
Once Joker was up, it would take an act of congress to get him back asleep. Both of you knew that. He yawned and rolled onto his back, extending a hand to hold your hip steady during the position change.
“J… I’m so sorry for waking you. I know you’re exhausted from last night and…”
Why were you still talking? The damage was already done.
“Hush Bunny.” Joker blinked away the last of his sleep to finally rest his eyes on you. Being woken up this early was worth it if this was the reward.
You bathed in the morning sun, gazing down at him like a deity. How did he get so lucky? His thumbs rubbed soothing circles on your hips, as he hummed.
“Mm. I got such a errr curious little Bunny. Did ya find what you were uhh, looking for?”
The sound of his voice so early in the day should honestly be illegal— but you shook your head clear to focus. Now was not the time to be horny.
You did in fact find what you sought out for, but its discovery only opened more questions.
“What language is it in and.. um why use red ink?” You asked.
How did he get access to ink? Was the tat written his native tongue? And it was so tiny, no bigger than your index finger in length. Who can tattoo that small? Joker could see the swarm of questions buzzing in your head.
“Now, now Bunny. Tattoos are powerful messages! Red ink is perfect for uh hiding them in plainnn sight. Why, you’ve seen everyyy inch of me doll and you didn’t notice it.” He stopped to smirk, “Or the others.”
Your bunny ears perked up, “Others?”
Joker thought you were the cutest. He could see every emotion you displayed in real time. He winked at you.
You neglected the fact that Joker didn’t fully answer your question. You were on the hunt for the others. Joker hissed when your cold hands came in contact with his chest but chuckled at his bunny’s avid curiosity.
“You won’t find them like this, my Light. Be a dear and move?” He playfully bucked his hips, causing you to lose your balance.
“Oh!” You fell over and watched as Joker sat up and presented his back to you. It was an honor indeed and you kissed J’s cheek for the amount of trust he gave you.
You hardly saw his back given it was a sore spot for him. But sure enough, the sun’s gaze illuminated his skin for your search, and you saw it all.
Joker inhaled and your eyes dropped down to a patch of skin in wonder. “It’s white ink!” You gasped, “I never seen white before..”
You found a set of dates (no surprise, missing the year), a line of coordinates, another phrase in the same looking foreign language, and an exaggerated smiley face but in black ink. Each little gem was a rabbit’s hole into Joker’s character. You were almost afraid to touch them, it didn’t seem real.
He spun around to kiss you, but you wouldn’t be distracted.
In between kisses and gasps for air you asked, “What do they all mean?” It was your turn to shiver when Joker’s hands came in contact with your body. He was removing your night shirt when he huffed in irritation.
“Do they neee~eeed to have a meaning Y/n?” He pulled back to let you moan out in want. His hands were making it difficult to string sentences together.
“N-No but..” you wavered, and J used your hesitation against you.
“But nothing.”
He pushed you down on the bed and grinned at the hazy look in your eye. You wanted this too. Joker rubbed your knees until you got the message and parted your legs for him.
Joker slotted himself in the space you created and guided you to wrap your legs around his hips. Your hands traveled up his shoulder blades and down to where you now knew his tattoos resided.
With each mind-numbing kiss, you worked hard to memorize every bump and ridge. You weren’t letting this go. If Joker wouldn’t tell you, you’d find out for yourself.
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This was dangerous and probably one of the dumbest things you ever did.
Joker was out terrorizing Gotham City tonight, leaving you home alone and burning with curiosity. It was safe to say that you were obsessed.
J gave you plenty of chances to study the grooves of his tattoo with all the sex he instigated. It didn’t matter that you had to learn it backwards, you needed to know what his tattoos meant! You drew what you could duplicate in your notebook and hoped it was correct.
At first you were confused. Joker’s tattoo resembled Braille with its raised font; however, one engine search later found that prison tattoos or ones of lesser value, were not the best and scarred the flesh worse than a professional.
Joker’s tattoos were literally carved into his skin. His threshold for pain was a cause for concern.
After shivering in disgust, you opened a latitude and longitude finder and started entering the coordinates by trial and error.
You were excited to learn more about Joker even if your methods were a bit unconventional. Perhaps it was his old childhood home or the town where he was born! The coordinates were next to tiny Roman numerals for a date, so you assumed that was the meaning behind his tattoos.
Something this important on a man like Joker was bound to be epic.
He certainly went to great lengths to keep it concealed. It was located on his back, in white ink, and no bigger than three to four inches in diameter. Whatever it was, you would solve it.
You were biting your lip in anticipation when the map completed its search. The results shocked you. “Huh? That’s…”
You screamed upon hearing Joker right behind you. He had a habit of sneaking up on you, but today took the cake.
“Joker what are you doing here?! You almost gave me a heart attack! I thought you were staying in Amusement Mile tonight?!”
He ignored all your panic induced questions to focus on your computer. A GPS tracker had finalized its results and dropped a pin smack dab on your apartment. He glanced at your notebook where your handwriting matched the tattoos on his back.
His Light was too curious for her own good.
“If ya want-ed to know.. you could’ve asked me, Y/n.”
“Oh! I know you lying!” You asked him what they meant weeks ago, and he didn’t say! Now he wanna speak up? This man know he got on your last nerve!!
You had the urge to throw something, but you kept your cool.
Joker seemed to enjoy your irritation. He shrugged off his coat and made himself comfortable at your desk. He chose to ignore you calling him a liar, though.
“Are ya done, doll?” He mused.
“No, I’m not!” you tapped the computer screen, “Why does it point here?” You asked.
Joker twirled around in your desk chair, throwing you a ‘are you kidding me’ look. He was having a grand old time acting like a whole kid; you were waiting for an explanation.
He was making you dizzy so you reached out and stopped his little merry go round ride. J laughed and waited for the room to stop spinning before grabbing your hand.
“I uh de-cide-ed to keep a.. permanenT record of home on me should I ahh, ever get.. lost. Smart huh?”
Never mind the fact he couldn’t see it, you were touched.
You caved and walked straight into Joker’s lap. His hands found their rightful place on your hips as he looked up at his Light.
Your hands busied themselves in his hair, curling wayward strands around your fingers. “I-I’m home to you?”
J just nodded and quickly regretting the motion after spinning around so much.
“And the date?”
His lips pecked your exposed midriff before he rested his head against it. “The uh.. day we met.”
How do you respond to such a heartfelt confession? Simple. You don’t.
All you could do was blink back tears and pray that Joker didn’t hear you crying. Maybe he did since his grip tightened around you. Silence enveloped the room. Hidden within the scars of his past was a reminder of a brighter future.
Joker was grateful you didn’t poke any further and deduced the other portion of his tattoo. He told you the first half that was written in red ink, but not the added line in white.
Underneath the coordinates to home and the day he found his light, a vow was etched in a language he long since forgotten.
Everything burns, but not her.  
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charliedawn · 2 years
What would the slashers reaction be if the nurse rick rolled them idk why but i stayed up late thinking about that
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Freddy : "What in the...?!" *starts laughing* "That's a good one. Gotta admit."
He would laugh and start dancing.
Freddy likes a good prank. Besides, Never Gonna Give You Up is a classic. He would love it.
Freddy *starts singing* : "NEVER GONNA GIVE YOU UP ! NEVER GONNA LET YOU DOWN !"
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Brahms *smiles**completely oblivious* : "That's nice. I have never heard this song before.."
Wall boy here.
He didn't have access to internet for years and was spared the rick rolling era.
He would like the song and chill with it.
Brahms *hums it a few minutes later*
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"No...Really, Y/N ?"
Norman would laugh, even though he was rick rolled before. Plenty of times.
But, it wouldn't bother him.
He would go along with it and start dancing with the nurses.
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J used to torture people with that song. Locking them in a room with a 10-hour playlist..
Of course he would love it.
It would bring back good memories.
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Would leave the room and never come back.
Would ask Dennis to break the computer.
The Horde had their fair share of Never Gonna Give You Up, especially since Barry used to rick roll them. A lot.
Patricia : MAKE IT STOP !
Dennis *pushing every possible button on the computer* : I'M TRYING !
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Five *smiles at first before getting his axe and smashing the computer into pieces* : "If I hear this song again, I'm gonna KILL every single person in this hospital.."
Five is Klaus' brother..That's it. That's the explanation.
Klaus *waiting outside with a big soundbox, ready to blast the song*
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(Not my art)
Pennywise wasn't awake during the 1980s. Penny was.
He had to hear that song so many times..It may be the only song Penny doesn't like.
Which led to a lot of trolling from the older clown who may or may not have helped you set out the prank.
Pennywise *snickers when the song plays* : "Aww...Aren't you going to dance ?"
Penny *glares at him* : "On your corpse.."
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Michael wouldn't understand and ask you if something is wrong with the computer ?
Once he would understand its a prank, he would only smile and shrug.
Michael *gives you a thumb up and waits patiently until the song is over*
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What ?
Why ?
That's not the video he wanted to see..
Did..Did the computer get possessed ?
He would panic and start trying to close it or ask for anyone to help him.
Jason would find it strange, but would calm down once you would explain it was only a prank.
He is not very fond of pranks, but he'd tolerate it if it's you.
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"Ah. Used to prank a lot of people with that song back in the day. Nice try. But, I'm rick rolled immune." *starts dancing and leaves the room with a smile on his face*
Jack Torrance used to be the class clown in his younger years. He knows all about rick rolling and would be proud to see the trend coming back more than anything.
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lilcatdraws · 2 months
Home from the Psych Ward
Ledger!Joker x Reader
Warnings: None
Summary: Joker has been in Arkham for the past month. He escaped two days ago and after the horrible treatment comes home to you sick and miserable. You nurse him back to health.
Author’s Note: Finally! I got something done. I wasn’t really sure how to end this so sorry if it just kinda ended abruptly.
Taglist: @alittlesmartcookie
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Joker had been in Arkham for the past month and escaped just two days ago. He was at large and on the run from the cops. You were worried sick. You knew he would wait it out before he came home because he didn’t want to lead the police right to you. But that didn’t stop your anxiety from taking over. For two days you sat close by waiting for J to come home. You could not stop worrying about him. 
There was a knock at your window. Your relief finally came when you looked through the window and saw Joker perched outside. It didn’t last long though. 
“J! I was so worried about you!” You exclaimed as you helped him crawl inside. 
As soon as Joker hit the floor he collapsed. You knelt beside him in a panic. He wasn’t wearing his makeup so you could see how pale and gaunt he looked. His face was twisted in pain. 
“What happened? Are you okay?” You asked him.
“No. They had me drugged up pretty good last week. I think I’m, uh, getting sick. Most of that shit doesn’t react well with my stomach.” 
“What hurts?” 
“Everything.” Joker chuckled softly.
You nodded half heartedly and tried to figure out what to do. You decided it was best to move him somewhere comfortable. You helped him stand up and shuffled him over to the couch. Joker laid down and propped his head up with the pillow.
You felt his forehead. He was burning up. You went into the bathroom and emerged with a thermometer in hand. 
“J, I’m going to take your temperature, okay?” 
Joker smirked. “Ooh. I’d be happy to drop my pants, doll.”
You were glad to see his sense of humor wasn’t affected.
“Um, no. I’m good. Here, open up.”
Joker opened his mouth and you stuck it under his tongue. When it beeped you read the number and gasped. It was a high fever of 101. You rushed back to the bathroom and took a washcloth from one of the drawers. You soaked it in cold water and grabbed some ibuprofen from your medicine cabinet.
When you returned, you laid the cloth over his forehead.
“It’s a pretty high fever, J. You need to take something to bring it down.” You told him as you started to open the pill bottle and shake two into your hand.
Joker put his hand up to stop you.
“No. No more pills, bunny. I’ve had them crammed down my throat for the past month. I don’t think I can take anymore.”
“J, you don’t mess around with a fever. You need to take this. It’ll be fine I promise.”
Joker sighed and reluctantly took the pills with a sip of water from the bottle you had on the coffee table. He cringed as he swallowed. You felt a pang of guilt. Arkham must’ve been really bad this time. But you couldn’t let the fever linger.
“I’m sorry honey but see, that wasn’t so bad.”
“S’okay bunny. I’ll live.” J said with a weak smile.
“How long have you felt sick?”
“Uhh, the day after I busted out of the joint.”
“What was going on?”
“My head was spinning and my stomach was in knots. I thought it was just the after effects of the drugs though. Then I, uh, threw up a few times.”
“Are you still nauseous?” 
“Yeah.” Joker said with a yawn.
You could tell he was getting sleepy. Maybe a rest would do him some good. 
“Do you wanna go to bed?” 
“Yeah. I’ll just stay here. I don’t feel like movin’. Can you help me out of my suit?” 
You nodded and helped him undress into just his boxers and socks. One of the many  things you would never understand about him was wearing socks to bed. Sometimes he got too hot for them but usually he left them on. 
You laid a blanket over him and kissed him goodnight.
You woke up in the middle of the night to your bathroom light on. You sat up and rubbed your eyes, annoyed at Joker for waking you up. You got up to fuss at him but before you could, you heard gagging and coughing. 
J was throwing up and it sounded awful. 
You opened the door and knelt beside him. Joker glanced over his shoulder at you but felt another wave of nausea and retched again. You rubbed his back and held his hair as he vomited. 
Joker tried to sit up but got dizzy and fell back into your arms. He panted. You grabbed a towel and wiped his face. He tried to reach up to flush the toilet but missed so you did it for him. You guessed he was done.
“M’fine, bunny. Go back to bed.” Joker mumbled.
You shook your head. “No. I’m not leaving you. You can’t even sit up without falling.” 
Joker swatted you away and tried to stand up. His legs gave way and he fell backwards right on top of you. Your protective instincts were now in full swing.
“Okay that’s it. You’re coming to bed with me. I don’t feel right leaving you alone.” You said as you helped him up.
You both staggered back into the bedroom. J was practically growling to himself. He hated feeling so helpless.
“You can get over it, mister. You’re sick so I’m taking care of you. Simple as that.” You said sternly.
Joker rolled his eyes. “Whatever, bunny.” 
He laid down on the bed as you went around, picked up the comforter off the floor, and laid it over him.
“Does your stomach hurt?” You asked.
Joker nodded sleepily.
“Do you want a heating pad?”
He nodded again.
You went into the kitchen and found one of your heating pads in a drawer. Then you put it in the microwave for a few minutes and brought it back to J. He took it gratefully and placed it on his abdomen. Once you crawled back into bed, he snuggled close to you and began to doze off. You went back to sleep as soon as you heard his light snores. 
You woke up the next morning before J did so you could make him breakfast. He hadn’t been properly fed in a while and you wanted to spoil him.
You got dressed and went into the kitchen. You knew you couldn’t make food that was too greasy because of the condition J’s stomach was in. The poor thing could only handle so much.
So you decided on making him a bowl of fruit loops (his favorite cereal), toast with strawberry jelly, and a glass of orange juice. You put everything on a tray and brought it to the bedroom.
Joker was still asleep when you came in. You sat the tray down on the nightstand and nudged his shoulder. He jumped a little, a common thing he did when startled awake, and opened his eyes.
“Oh hey, y/n.” He said with a yawn.
“Hey sleepyhead. Feeling any better?” 
“Eh. A little. My head still hurts.”
You put your hand to his forehead.
“Well, your fever’s gone down. Do you think you can handle food right now?”
J nodded. He sat up against the headboard and you carefully handed him the tray. You turned on the TV while he ate, keeping the volume low. Munching on those fruit loops, he looked like a kid watching Saturday morning cartoons. It made you smile. 
Then the worry came circling back.
“J, what did they do to you?” You asked, rubbing circles into his palm with your thumb.
“Nothing they haven’t done before. Like I said, this time around they had me sedated for the majority of the day and kept me tied to the bed. I just laid around the whole time I was there.”
“You didn’t do anything else? You just laid in bed all day?”
“Yeah. I mean, I got up to use the bathroom and sat up to eat but that’s it.”
“You didn’t leave your room or go outside…”
Joker wheezed out a laugh. “It isn’t preschool, y/n. My cell’s in a high security ward. There is no leaving. Unless I need medical attention or the doctor decides for some odd reason that I need to have therapy in their office instead of my cell. I hate when that happens.” 
“I’m sorry, honey.” You mumbled and you buried your head in his chest.
Joker ruffled your hair. “S’okay, bunny. I’m fine. Now get off of me before you get sick.” 
You just smiled and held him tighter. 
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Everything Burns - Chapter One
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Story Description: Inside of Scarlett a monster lurked, only once has she let it breath, but that was long time ago. Now she was normal just like anyone else, that is until The Joker smashes his way into her life. She must choose go with the Joker and live a life of anarchy and exhilaration or stay where she is living the life of everyone else, the choice seems simple to her.
This story will include slightly OCC joker as I am writing to him as an evil lunatic but for one girl he is kinder and protective.  If you do not like this kind of Joker do not read any further. 
Also as many DC Fan knows The Jester is already a character, I am aware of this, and I also am aware that he is a vigilante. However, as he is a relatively unknown character I am going to be using his alias in my story as an unconnected person. 
Word count: 2,047
Pairing: Heath Joker X OC
Warnings: Suggestive language, mild violence
Chapter One: The Jester
Her head hung forward as though she were dead. Her body held no tension whatsoever apart from the Cheshire smile plastered across her face. Her long legs stretched out in front of her, resting on the heels of the PVC platform boots she wore. Her arms hung by the handcuffs tethering her to the chair, she was sat in. They were biting into her skin as her body hung forward forcing her arms back, though she didn't seem to notice or even care. The interrogation room was cold and damp, the paint was new and left an unsavoury flavour to the air. Gotham Police Station was recently rebuilt after the explosion just over a year ago.
She had not moved at all since she was placed in that room, nor did she make a sound. She wore make-up not dissimilar to his, but it was smudged and running in places leaving patches of skin bare. The bangs of her midnight black hair hung in front of her face, hiding her eyes from view.
The bells on the ribbons in her hair jingled as the door to the interrogation room was opened.
She did not even attempt to look up as he entered the room, her pose set like a statue.
He was of average height, aged 40 to 50, his dark hair showing signs of grey. He wore a simple suit and pair of glasses. His face was aged beyond his years with a deep heaviness that told of his long work hours and hardships. He was a seemingly unremarkable-looking man, yet to so many, he was an icon of strength and righteousness. His face was grim as he stared at the young woman in front of him.
Behind him hovering in the doorway was a young officer in uniform. He was tall and strong-looking, he looked around uneasily his eyes lingering too long on the girl in the clown getup. He clearly knew exactly who she was.
"Go on," said the older man to him and with a nod the young officer left locking the door behind him.
Finally, the girl looked up at him her smile never ceasing. It was the kind of smile that young children do for a camera, wide and cartoon-like. He dropped a file in front of her, her eyes fell on it and she began to laugh. The sound grew louder and louder until she was bent over in hysteria. It was the kind of laughter people fear, full of desperation and bitterness but most of all insanity.
He sat across from her his eyebrows knitting together in sadness and confusion as to how she had fallen this far, but maybe she hadn't fallen at all maybe she had been in this place all along and was simply hiding all this time.
"Scarlett?" he said softly the laughing instantly stopped and the room echoed with her last laugh. Her gaze went black and the smile fell, this face was far more terrifying than the last.
"YOU DARE CALL ME THAT!" she screamed her voice going unfathomably deep and dark.
"What should I call you then," he asked calmly, trying not to allow his shock to be known.
"Jester," she said simply her face lighting up with that strange smile again and her voice returns to that of a high childlike sing-song manner.
"Is that what he calls you?" he asked his eyes motioning to the holding cell through the door where she had come from, where she knew he still sat, waiting for the right moment, she had no doubts in him, he had never let her down before. Not now, not every. He had broken them out of Arkham, he could get them out of here.
"Yes, sometimes," she said her voice high and happy, her eyes glazed over for a second and a new smile filled her face, it was the first real emotion he had seen in her since she had been taken here. But it faded fast replaced by the skin splitting grin that she was now known for.
"Shall we have a look at your file then, Jester?" he asked but he had already begun to open the file.
"If you wish, Commissioner" she sang his title happily, her eyes never leaving his, internally he shivered.
It had been 23 years ago that Jim Gordon had first met Scarlett Jesterson.
She was only four years old and yet had gone through a lifetime of suffering.
He was a newbie cop when they found her, he was not yet tarnished by the scum of Gotham city. The call had rung in, screams and cries had been heard late last night coming from a shipping container at Gotham Docks.
No one was prepared for what they found inside, but they could hear the child screaming, her voice hoarse. It was early morning, the light was dim, so as the doors opened they pointed their torches inside, the screaming of the child louder than ever.
That moment as he looked inside that container, he realised the true evil of the city he called home, he realised the true evil of humankind.
He doubted that he would ever get over seeing something so hideous and evil, but even worse he worried about that little girl, he knew she would never truly recover from what her young eyes had witnessed.
The doors were pulled fully open and a joint gasp left the lips of all who looked on, a few lost their lunch and others stared unable to look away from the horror inside.
There, in the shipping container was a little girl of maybe 3 or 4 years old, stood in the middle screaming for all she had lost. She was dressed in a pretty light blue frilly dress, but it was stained with blood. From head to toe, she was drenched in thick red claret. She wailed her voice cracking as she held on tightly to a severed head and stared desperately at an empty blood-stained chair in the corner.
The container pooled with blood, the girl soaked through as she stood in the depths of it all. Her face was red from the body that had been slaughtered before her young eyes. Later when the police would identify the that there were in fact 2 victims, the child's mother and another woman. A chainsaw would later be discovered as the murder weapon used to not only kill but completely dismember the bodies.
Gordon had been the only one to tear himself back to reality and rush forward to snatch up the child cradling her in his arms, as the head fell from her grasp and she screamed, he wondered if she would ever truly stop screaming.
The child was cared for at first by a foster parent who though had cared for children with troubling pasts, had never quite had anything as bad as what this little girl had witnessed.
The police would later try to interview the child but she would become hysterical and proved to be far too traumatised to give evidence. After a year of foster care, the child was given to her father, who had been in prison during the murder, for fraud. Gordon was wary of handing the child over as he had become slightly attached to the young girl, as well as her father was a well known English con artist, though it had never been proved with evidence that he was dangerous, Mick Jesterson was well known and feared in the streets of Gotham.
Less than a week later, unable to find any reason to have the child taken away from his care, Mick and his daughter Scarlett returned to England a strange smile on the toddlers face. The murderer with the chainsaw was never found.
To be honest Jim never thought he would see Scarlett again and then just over 11 years later he met a happy well adjusted intelligent 15-year-old girl. She had gained an English accent and showed no signs of her horror-filled childhood. Jim wondered if she didn't remember it, he hoped she didn't remember it.
She had returned to Gotham with her father and his new bride to be, Jackie who had been born and breed in Gotham itself, but Jim suspected other reasons for the Jesterson's return.
Though she seemed happy and as though her past was but a forgotten drop in the ocean, alas it was not. She remembered it, she remembered how the chainsaw sounded as it ripped through her mother's spine, she remembered how her mothers leg still kicked when they were no longer attached to her body, she remembered how her mother had begged for Scarlett to be let go, as her arms were removed. She remembered it all and it tainted her very existence. Gordon wondered sometimes if she had had a normal life would she still become one of Gotham's most wanted criminals and one of Arkham's most notorious patients.
He looked up at the grinning woman in front of him the jagged scar from her bottom lid of her right eye running down to the top of her cheek, looked like the streak of a tear in this light. It led from her right eye which was completely white, as though frosted over. It was a haunting look. He wished that the horrors she had seen had been forgotten just like he thought they had not so long ago. He sighed and she giggled a high squeaky sound.
There was a loud booming sound outside the interrogation room, but Gordon ignored it. The woman in front of him right now was far more important.
"Did he give you that?" Gordon asked motioning to the scar trying not to stare at her haunting eye. He wondered if she could see out of it at all. She seemed to be thinking for a second then she laughed again.
"Yes and no," she said and the grin spread across her face again.
"Does he often hurt you?" asked Gordon as he shut her file.
"When I ask him to" she replied still smiling. "Sometimes I like it rough," she said winking at him.
A laugh was heard over the intercom, it was him, there was no way you wouldn't recognise that manic laugh. The one-way mirror exploded as the bullet hit it. As the dust settled the Joker stepped over the small wall and into the interrogation room. He hit Gordon hard with the butt of his gun as the police officer tried to attack. The older man's body falling to the ground in a heap.
Joker pulled a string of keys out his pocket and approached the girl on the chair.
"Your knight has arrived," he said winking at her and she blushed under her white make-up.
Gordon tried to move as he watched The Joker un-cuff The Jester and help her to her feet. If they hadn't been wanted murderous psychopaths the scene would have been almost cute as she pecked The Joker on the cheek and thanked him. Jim's head was swimming and he couldn't focus as he tried to stop them.
"Come on gorgeous, our ride is waiting," said the Joker to his girlfriend who simply nodded and held onto his hand.
"This has been fun Jim, we should do it again sometime," said The Jester as she and The Joker made their way back over the small wall and out of the interrogation room.
The police station was filled with dust from the explosion the Joker had used to free himself and Jester. They ran out of the station and into the van that was waiting outside, the driver did not need to be told as he floored the accelerator and the van took off down the street.
Scarlett looked over at the painted face next to her and grinned he looked back and mirrored her expression.
"I do love, that smile," he said to her as he pulled her onto his lap, and slipped his arm around her waist.
"Same here!" she said happily before the pair kissed his red lipstick mixing with her purple.
The Joker pulled away and rested his head on Jester's forehead and grinned madly at her and she laughed.
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rosesloveletters · 3 years
pairing: Heath Ledger Joker x Reader
word count: 770
warnings: descriptions of mental health issues / high functioning autism
summary: J with a reader diagnosed with high-functioning autism.
notes: I had a request for a reader with high-functioning autism and I gave it my best shot! I hope none of this is perceived as offensive or anything because that is not my intention at all. I used the information I was given by the requestor so that this is more tailored to them<3 please enjoy!
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Your diagnosis never put tension on the relationship you shared with J; he had his own set of mental health issues that he had struggled with for many years.
This had eased him into understanding your own needs and how your personality complimented his. J was a man of simple taste; he was never bothered by or disgusted with anyone over who they were, especially if it was beyond their control to change the outcome.
You have high-functioning autism and you have been embarrassed by it for some time. You did not believe that society would have a place for you, though J had made it clear to you from the start how he felt.
J wanted you to always know that nothing about you would make him leave. J left of his own accord to take care of things or wreak havoc in the city, but never to abandon you.
“I, uh…don’t know why you’re all worked up over me leavin’. I ain’t goin’ anywhere, sweets. You’re, uh, stuck with me.”
J quickly picked up on your social anxiety; you did not wish to surround yourself with large groups of people or friends and J appreciated that. He understood that it was not easy for you to function in that kind of environment and he could say the same.
Being around a lot of people makes you extremely uncomfortable; you live in a constant fear of being judged or made fun of and you’re terrified you will do something embarrassing. You feel like most of your interactions are generally awkward and even if the other person does not notice, you notice.
You’re afraid that your clumsiness with make you an easy target of the punchline of a joke and have instead learned it’s best to keep to yourself.
There is nothing J loves more than a good joke (and he appreciates dark humor) but he will never laugh at you. J prefers to laugh with you and will find jokes to tell you that fit your sense of humor, even if he doesn’t think it’s funny.
It amuses him to watch you bursting into fits of giggles over a joke he’s told; you can’t stop laughing when he doesn’t get the joke and it takes several minutes for you to calm down.
You also have hyperfixations. This has been a great point of interest for J, because you can teach him things he has never heard of or known about before. Depending on where your interests lie, J can learn a lot and he always asks to hear about it.
He lets you talk to him about anything and he always listens, even if he appears to be busy with something or his focus is elsewhere; he is always taking in every word you say. J is a very good listener and he keeps his mind open whenever you talk in case he finds something to add to the conversation or a question arises.
Knowing J, sometimes he might ask a question just to get under your skin. For example, he might ask something that you answered just moments prior, just to see what kind of a reaction you’d have. J never does anything to upset you; he likes to listen to you and he always lets you know (if he takes things too far) that he’s only joking.
J’s favorite thing about you is how well you’ve come to understand music and can interpret songs. He enjoys listening to your theories and ideas; music had been a large part of his life growing up and he used it as an escape. He holds onto that memory because of you and you keep his love of music alive.
You always tap along to the beat of the songs you like and J finds himself idly doing the same, especially when you’re not around. At first, it angered him that he had let someone grow close to him, but now it is almost like a comfort to him and he welcomes the thought of you.
J also likes how you seem to be in a constant state of motion; he finds difficulty in sitting still sometimes and he feels comfortable that you and he can relate to the feeling. You are always so full of energy and it keeps him busy a lot of the time. He loves that you embrace life the way that you do, even if his view on the world might be different.
You are a unique soul and J values that quality in any individual, especially the one which he gets to call his own.
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jacks-jester · 3 years
 [Ledger!Joker x Reader]
Words: 3,123
Warnings: None?
Requested: Yes / No
Summary: You’re given the opportunity to reunite with your childhood sweetheart Jack, who now goes by the Joker. Is he the same mischievous boy you left behind, or is he the sadistic mass murderer the media portrays him as.
A/N~ This is sort of a sequel to my fic Longing? I will try getting to all my amazing requests soon, however I can’t promise anything. I’ve had some health complications due to my mental health and am trying to become healthy again. I’m getting back to where I need to be but some outside occurrence's are hindering that. I apologize to anyone I may have let down.
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Your life had been fairly mellow since the last time you’d seen Jack on the television, though the shock was still just as present. Jack was the person you had always considered to be the love of your life, he was always sweet and thoughtful when you two were together. He never raised his voice, never raised a hand, and never made you feel unloved. The person you had seen on that television was not the same person you had left in Gotham, Jack seemed somewhat deranged now, wreaking havoc on the entire city. Part of you understood his grievance, his actions mostly costing those in wealthy position, it was clear what he wanted - tear down the corrupt city and take down those in power. He risked innocent lives in the process however, and that was enough to scare you of the man you had once loved with your whole heart. You doubted he cared, doubted he even knew you were here in Gotham, why would he? You left him years ago- but that made you ask yourself, what if you got caught in one his schemes? What if you were in one of the ferries last week when he decided to have his own social experiment play out just to prove his point.
You were conflicted and confused to say the absolute least after you caught the last glimpse of the man you loved so much. From the brief snippets of gossip you’d overheard at work, he was now back in Arkham Asylum- though your coworkers argued that he most likely would be broken out before the week is out. Hearing about where he was had sparked something in you, the need to see Jack. You had hoped you’d bump into him after moving back, but seeing as he was the most wanted criminal in Gotham, it seemed beyond unlikely. With him being locked up, you had the chance to possibly see him again, get the urge out of your system before it consumed you entirely. You were unsure whether or not Arkham would let you see him, but you knew internally how upset you’d be if you didn’t at least try.
You had finished your typical 9 hour shift at The Gotham Zoo, working as the head of the exotic mammals department- the last being killed in an apparent incident with Killer Croc. You let out a shaky sigh as you took in the large gates standing in front of you, the words Arkham Asylum written atop in meticulous metalwork. Your head swiveled to the side when a buzzing sounded through the air, a voice emitting from a small intercom to the left of the large doors. “What can I help you with ma’am?” You turned to face the small camera and speaker, a soft yet nervous smile appearing across your lips as you responded, “I’m here to visit a patient. Are visiting hours still open?” You knew for certain hours of the day the asylum was on lower security, allowing visitors to certain inmates though deep down you knew the chances of seeing Jack were slim considering how high-class of a criminal he was.
“One hour left before visiting ours are over. I’ll open the gate now, enter to the first building on your left and they’ll sort out your visitation at the desk. If you have any weapons or contraband on your person, security will take the force needed to remove you from the premises, am I clear?”
Your eyes widened at the idea of sneaking in anything dangerous and you nodded in respond, “Yes sir. Thank you.” You turned away from the camera, instead focusing on the large metal gates that were now opening before you, giving you a clear view of the entire asylum. You walked nervously through the gates, several armed guards lining the courtyard as you headed towards the visitation desk. Once in the building you relaxed slightly, the security having frisked and questioned you at the door, all that was left was to attempt to get a visitation in for Jack. A kind looking elderly woman sat behind the bulky and outdated white computer that sat upon her desk, her acrylics tapping quickly upon the keys of her keyboard. It wasn’t until you cleared your throat to gain her attention that she finally looked up to you, readjusting her glasses before speaking up. 
“Good afternoon, what can I do for you?”
You smiled softly at her before forcing you words out, “I was hoping to visit an inmate today if possible? I’m not sure how your visitations work here so I’m kind of unprepared.”
She looked at you as if this was a regular occurrence for her, simply nodding with a smile, “Of course, is your inmate new? Seems like we get more and more everyday.”
“Um, no. From my understanding he’s been in here quite a few times, at least that's what I’ve heard.” 
“Alright dearie, and what’s the patients name?”
You in all honesty weren’t sure what name he was under in their systems, so you went with the one you’d been hearing the most recently. “The Joker?”
The woman stopped everything she was doing and looked at you with a perplexed expression. “The Joker?” She took a moment to recollect herself before shaking her head, “We can’t let anyone in unless they are someone personal to the Joker, family only I’m afraid. He’s too high risk to let anyone but family see him.” You looked at her with confusion for a moment before replying with an unwavering voice, “I’m his fiancé, please.” She looked you up and down for a second before flicking her eyes to her computer screen. She knew nobody but someone truly close to the Joker would know his name, even his closest henchman didn’t know his name from what the GCPD had said. The hospital however, had his blood work and files from his youth at Gotham general, his name was in their files. “What’s the patients name?” 
You looked at her with a soft smile and replied quickly and short, “Jack. Jack Napier. Please, I just recently moved back here and just learned of this whole Joker business. I need to see him.” She let out a sigh and nodded, “You pass the routine check for relatives and associates, I have to give you a warning though. You’ll have to sign this contract, it means no matter what happens between you and the patient during visitation, Arkham Asylum is not responsible for what happens. This includes bodily harm, serious injuries, trauma, and death.” You only nodded and signed the form, “Can I see him now?”
Your heart was racing at the thought of seeing him again, though you couldn’t deny the dread that bubbled up inside of you at the prospect of coming face to face with someone unrecognizable. You wanted to maintain your positive image of Jack, the image of that charming school boy who never failed to sweep you off your feet, the boy who got into fights when he saw someone even look at you off, who never failed to make you fall deeper into love with him every time his lips met yours. The daunting reality that the boy you had fallen in love with all those years ago could be a thing of the past, a new darkness enveloping the person you cherished so deeply.
After the woman had made a phone call notifying guards of the visitation, you were escorted by two security men to one of the higher levels in the institution. The higher you rose, the more loud and prominent the screams of patients became- it was as though you were ascending into the madness itself as the elevator rose higher and higher. You ended up getting off at level 5 of the large building, the security taking you to a large metal door with a closed peep slot. The larger of the two guards turns to you while the other works on unlocked the door, “You have 30 minutes before we come in to get you. The door will remain locked for the entirety of those thirty minutes. Do you understand?” You nodded shakily in response before turning to enter the room as the door was swung open, creaking eerily as it shut behind you.
You remained silent as you took in the sight in front of you, it was him, no doubt about it. His head was bowed, looking down at his cuffed hands, completely ignoring your presence in the room. He was exactly the same as when you had left, well almost with a few exceptions. His hair was wavy and shoulder length, freshly washed, and the almond brown color you remembered so distinctly, though a few blotchy patches of green remained- long nights spent in each others arms as your fingers combed through that exact head of hair. You couldn’t see his eyes due to his gaze facing downwards but you could only guess they were the same honey color as before, green specks littering the dark brown ring on the outside of his iris, though you had to wonder if they held the same kindness, love, and mischief as before. He occupied one of the two chairs inside the room, a table dividing the two seats, and his body was in the typical white uniform you had seen the other patients wearing around the hospital.
You were taken out of your own mind when you heard a breathy laugh escape the man sitting before you, his head still bowed. “I have to give it to you, a lot of people have tried to get past security to see me and so far you’re the only one to have done it without shooting a few people along the way. So what do you want? Money? Power? Everything comes with a price, nothing comes for free.” You made your way slowly towards him, pulling out the chair and taking a seat opposite of his larger figure. “I was just hoping to see you.” You could hear the almost silent intake of breath he made before raising his head, those all too familiar brown eyes meeting you e/c ones. He silently stared at you, and as much as you hated to admit it, for the first time ever you couldn’t tell what he was thinking. “Long time no see Jack.”
You watched as his eyes darkened ever so slightly, his lips twisting into a deep-set frown as he took in your words. “What are you doing here?” His words surprised you, they were laced with what seemed to frustration and disbelief. You weren’t expecting a warm reception after learning of his new career, but you expected him to at least show some sliver of recognition. “I’m sorry?” His voice growled out his words again, his words a low tone as if biting back anger. “What are you doing here?”
“I wanted to see you. I missed you Jack. I heard you were in Arkham while at work and figured I was most likely to see you if I came in for visitation, it didn’t seem likely for me to just bump into you like I’d hoped I would.” Joker looked you up and down and clicked his tongue in annoyance, “You shouldn’t have come bac to Gotham doll, it’s not safe anymore. I told you not to come back after you moved away.” You rolled your eyes at his words, he was talking to you like you were a child. “Yeah, well you also said you would get out of here soon after me. Looks that means we both didn’t hold up to each others expectations.” Your gaze flicked from looking at him to your hands which were fiddling nervously in your lap. “What are you doing Jack?” 
The man sitting before you let out one of his signature cackles at your question, “What do you mean?” You let out a sigh, your eyebrows knitting together in frustration. “You’re killing people, destroying the city, wreaking havoc. What is it all for? What do you gain?” Jack shrugged his shoulder lightly, his gaze meeting yours silently. “Because it’s not boring, and those I despise are being taken down like flies.” Your hand subconsciously reached across the table, interlocking tightly with Jacks own handcuffed one. “Why not leave? You clearly have the opportunity and funds to, why not build a life away from here. I know you probably already have a plan to escape from here given your history. Why not start a new life away from all this devastation and death? Like we had planned? Away from the violence and corruption.”
Jacks thumb had subconsciously began running soothingly across the top of your hand, an old habit he had when you two were together in your youth. “I have mission here doll, the chaos is fair and that's what Gotham deserves.” You let out a sigh and gazed into the honey pools that were his eyes. “Gotham deserves to burn, but you don’t need to be a part of it. I came back here hoping to find you, start where we left off, get back the years I lost when I moved. Run away, please Jack.”
Jacks hand released from your and beckoned you over to where he was sitting, and without a second thought you complied, standing to walk over to him. He raised his cuffs into the air, allowing you to take a seat on top of his lap, the cuffs lowering, trapping your body near his. You instinctively leant against his strong form, your head hidden in the crook of his neck while his arms held you tightly against him. He smelt the same as odd as that was: vanilla, greasepaint, fir, and the slightest scent of cigarettes and gunpowder. “I can’t leave, I have a lot of big plans and unfinished business to attend to doll.” You could feel a small piece of you shatter at his words. You were so close to him, so close to the future you’d be dreaming of, a one where you and Jack could go back to the way things were all those years ago. 
“Please don’t hurt me like this- not again. Please Jack. I’ve missed you, more than you could even begin to comprehend. I need you in my life.” You felt a hum pass through his throat as he soaked in your words. This was the side of him you knew, the side you remembered so fondly. He was caring, a bit rough around the edges, and loyal beyond measure- this was the side of him most people wouldn’t believe existed due to his public history of violence and insanity. But to you, this wasn’t the Joker. This was Jack Napier, the boy you grew up with, your first relationship, your first, your first heartbreak, your first everything. To you, Jack had always been everything. He was your past, present, and future. The idea of having a future without him absolutely devastated you, you wanting nothing more than love him completely. 
You felt a rumbling groan escape from Jacks throat as he soaked in your words. “The things you do to me doll.” He licked his lips quickly, his teeth chewing on the inside of his scars afterwards as if thinking through what he was going to say. You pulled back from his neck and instead rested your hand on his shoulder, your eyes looking deeply into his. “Please Jack, don’t leave me alone again.” His eyes seemed stoic as he looked to you, “Doll, I’m not the Jack you knew anymore you have to realize that.” You nodded in response, your eyes not leaving his, “But you are, your actions and words are proving that to me. If you were cold, sadistic, and blood thirsty like the news makes you out to be, then why did you welcome me into your arms so easily. Why haven’t you attacked me? Yelled at me? Why haven’t you pushed me away? Why do I see the same spark mischief in your eyes that I did when we first met in third grade. Why do you still show the same compassion and care you’ve always showed me. You held my hand the way you always did late nights when we’d stargaze on your apartment roof. You’re changed but you’re still my Jack, even if nobody else sees it. Sure you have a few more scars than when I left, and your eyes hold a new darkness to them, but that hasn’t changed you, not where it counts.” Your hand made its way up to his cheeks, your fingers carefully brushing against his mangled cheeks, your eyes holding all the love in the world as you gazed upon the all to familiar man who sat in front of you.
“When you break out, please find me. I live on South 102nd street in the old Bowers building, third floor, fourth window to right from the street, right near the fire escape. Please just come home, even if it’s just for a little. I need you Jack.” He didn’t respond, only leaned forward and captured your lips with his own, your eyes immediately closing instinctually as your body pressed flush against his. He never had been one to profess his love, even when he was younger. You’d come to learn his love language was that of physical reaffirmation, showing you rather than telling. Jack always did feel that actions spoke louder than words, the physical aspect reaffirming his feelings more than words ever could. You knew this was his way of agreeing, of reciprocating your words. He needed you, he missed you, he loved you. You didn’t need him to say those words aloud for you to know- the kiss told you everything you needed to know. 
The two of you parted just as the door creaked open signaling that your visitation was over. A voice boomed from across the room, the voice of one of the security guards from earlier. “Times up, come on.” You laid a quick kiss to Jacks lips before whispering quickly in his ear, “I’ll see you soon love.” He hummed in response, showing you he heard you and acknowledged your parting words. You cast one final glance at him as you were lead out of the room by the guard. For the first time since moving to Gotham, you felt some hope for the future, your future with Jack. It wasn’t going to be the one you’d imagined, but any future with him in it was worth it in your eyes. He was yours, and you were his. That's all you need to feel secure.
Time: 2 hours 2 minutes 26
This was not grammar checked or proof read before posting.
Final Note: I’m not very happy with how I portrayed Jack in this or how it turned out. But hey, at least I wrote something down. Maybe I’ll rewrite it at some point, maybe not.
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90sheathlover · 3 years
Joker x Reader
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Listen while reading: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ebySCofQeRs
Warnings: violence, kissing TW: mental hospital, mental health, mentions of self harm and suicide.
Six months before: You had done it again, you had gotten caught and were now on your way to Arkham Asylum for now the fifth time. When you got there you did the regular check up and inventory of the body marks, scars, piercings, ect. Then they had to ask you the medical and mental heath history questions. The doctor finally finished the rest of your sign ins and you were shoved in a cell, not to you surprise, in the maximum security block. But that wasn’t an issue you had people on the inside coming to get you out right now.
Back to now: You had been here for six months your “men on the inside” were compromised and shoved cells of their own. Today was a normal day at least you thought it was. You were escorted into the lunchroom and you went to get a plate of food for yourself it was one of the first times you had eaten with people in awhile because of the last time you had killed three guards and five inmates. There was a reason you were in maximum security. But today was different there were murmurs all around you as you got your food but you just ignored them until someone said quite loudly, “How does she not even notice?” And you had finally had enough you said loudly, “WHAT. What do I not notice? What big thing am I missing huh?” You looked around at all the shocked faces and you whipped around and you were met with a smiling face. The Joker. You were shocked that your paths had finally crossed but your face didn’t show any emotion or reaction. You simply said, “Do you need something or do you just intend on standing there?” Now it was his turn to be shocked he almost looked offended but replied quickly with, “Just want to ah ge-” But you cut him off saying, “Get by?” His eyes turned dark and he replied coldly with, “Yes.” With that you stepped back and let him walk through past the whole lunchroom whose jaws were still on the floor.
Later back in your cell you were laying on your mattress looking aimlessly at the ceiling. It was very quiet, it was nice you had become friends with one of the guards who checked on your cell every other hour or so and he had turned your cell lights off because you always enjoy the darkness. But this time he wasn’t able to and the silence was broken with the sound of chains and footsteps. The cell next to you was empty and you just assumed there was a new inmate filling it what you did not expect was the Joker to be shoved in the cell next to yours. 
He walked up to the bars that separated your cells and said in a taunting voice, “Well hello beautiful.” You just turned the other way and ignored him. But he kept on speaking, “You’re an interesting one I like you.” This time you replied, “Oh of course I’m sure that’s what you tell every other sex toy you use then throw away.” He replied still surprisingly calmly, “No you’re different because you’re strong no one stands up to me like that and lives but you’re different. You’re scars are beautiful the-” You cut him off angrily saying, “Don’t you bring those up. Ever.” He replies still calm, “Never be ashamed of your scars it just means that you were stronger than whatever tried to hurt you.” You shouted angrily, “STRONGER THAN MYSELF!? REALLY!? YOU HAVE NO IDEA WHAT I’VE GONE THROUGH AND YOU HAVE NO IDEA WHAT I’VE DONE TO MYSELF JUST LEAVE ME ALONE!!” He just started laughing, laughing so hard he fell to the floor and then finally died down enough to get onto his own bed and lay down. You were shocked but you went to sleep far away from the bars and out of his reach. But somewhere inside of you told you to scoot closer to his reach. You looked over and saw he had scooted his bed right up to the bars closer to you and he was fast asleep with little snores coming out every once and awhile. It gave you butterflies and it made you scoot right up to the bars and hold his hand. You drifted off the sleep like that.
In the morning you woke up to someone holding your hand and you looked over to see the Joker and did a double take as all the memories flooded back into your mind. He was awake lying quietly, waiting for you to wake up. You turned towards him again and looked into his soft brown eyes and he said, “good-ah-morning toots, how’d you sleep?” You got butterflies again at the name and you tried to hide the blush that was creeping into your cheeks. He noticed and laughed and replied, “You got something on your ah face come here.” He motions for you to come closer to the bars. You come face to face with him and he reaches into your cell and puts his hand on your cheek and pulls your face closer to his. He leans in and kisses you softly at first but then you pushed into it deepening the kiss. You finally broke apart for air and he says, “You’re ah mine now doll.” You reply, “I see no problem with that.” He kisses you again and puts your forehead’s together. You whisper into his lips, “No problem at all.”
A/N: Hey this was a longer one i’ve been working on for awhile now I hope you like it PLEASE REQUEST THINGS ANY HEATH LEDGER CHARACTER OR HEATH HIMSELF PLEASE!!! again thank you to @ajokeformur-ray​ for inspiration to write love you erika
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anna-pixie · 4 years
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Summary: The Joker saves your life during his heist of Gotham Bank. Now you owe him one. This marks the start of a deadly obsession.
Pairings: Ledger!Joker x Reader
Warnings: Violence
Anxiety is a funny thing, isn’t it. Here I am, standing in a line in Gotham bank, in the midst of 100s of people who couldn’t care less what I’m doing. Yet, my brain is telling me that every single one of these people is judging me. For what? Could be anything, how loud I’m breathing, what I’m wearing, the way I styled my hair this morning. My hands shake slightly by my sides and I dart my eyes from side to side to see if people are really looking at me like I think they are.
 It has been worse lately, I haven’t been on my medication for the last few months because I simply can’t afford it anymore. It was a vicious cycle. I got a pay cut at work, so I had to sacrifice my meds, then as my mental health started slipping, I was too anxious to work and ended up quitting.
So here I am, about to withdraw the last of my money from my bank account so I can pay my shady new landlord 6 months rent in cash. I’ll have about $200 left for groceries and other things and then I’m fucked.
 I prepare what I’m going to say to the bank teller for the 100th time in my head, but just before I step forward to the desk, gunshots rain through the air. I squeal, dropping my bag on the floor as I duck down, shuffling towards the far wall of the bank to try and evade the gun shots. I only realise my mistake when I take a moment to look around and realise literally every other person is hiding behind a desk or some form of protection, yet here I am completely out in the open.
I pull my legs up to my chest, thankful I didn’t decide to wear a skirt today as I look over my knees, trying to decipher what on earth is going on. I’m used to hearing about things like this, I made the mistake of coming to Gotham to study last year, and now I’ve used up all of my funds and am stuck here. I’m lucky I’ve never been caught up in any of the serious crime in the city. I was mugged once but compared to some of the things that happen here I was lucky.
My eyes follow the men who are clad in clown masks, as they disperse around the bank, probably going to the vaults to find money. Two clowns remain in the main hall with us and there is a moment of calm before more gun shots ring out and I whimper once more. My brows furrow as I survey the scene and realise that neither of the clowns, who have now shielded themselves behind a desk, are shooting.
I realise with a chill shooting down my spine that one of the clowns is staring right at me, gaze unwavering, since the way they have shielded themselves leaves them facing me. The mask this particular clown wears is kind of grimy, a permanent frown painted on. His head tilts to the side ever so slightly as he gazes at me, I don’t even want to imagine who lurks underneath the mask. I’m relieved from his gaze when his partner speaks to him, the two of them attacking the man who is shooting at them.
 I close my eyes, rocking back and forth slightly as I try to block out this situation. They’re clearly here for the money, so if I don’t bother them then they won’t hurt me, right? I ignore the confrontation occuring, only opening my eyes again when a shadow falls in front of me.
The other clown stands in front of me, his back to me as he points his gun at the frowning clown. Huh, I thought they were working together? The frowning clown doesn’t seem too concerned by the gun pointed at his head, and he lowers his gaze to meet me once more. My eyes widen and I can’t drag them away from his. He raises his hand suddenly and I flinch, thinking he is going to pull out a gun but instead he gestures to the side with his thumb, eyes still fixed on me. I quickly realise he’s telling me to move to the side, I pause for a second and he gestures more aggressively.
I don’t know why but something deep inside me tells me to listen to him, and I quickly crawl as far away as I can. “Oh, no, no, no. I killed the bus driver.” I shiver at the sound of his voice. It’s light and dark at the same time, menacing yet childish. Why do I like it?
Another scream rips through me as the wall I was previously sitting in front of is obliterated as a bright yellow school bus crashes through it. Oh my God… this is why he told me to move. Did he just save my life? The man pointing a gun at him is unconscious, dead from the impact I assume and the frowning clown ruthlessly shoots the man who crashed the bus into the bank. No sounds escape me this time, I think I’ve gone numb to what is happening. I vaguely note the clown talking to the gunned down bank manager and as he stands up, I’m not prepared for the sight that greets me.
He’s removed his mask, yet he’s wearing another one underneath in the form of bright, messy face paint. The majority of his face is painted a harsh white, the black circles around his eyes contrasting sharply and making his eyes seem like neverending pits. His lips are painted a deep red, but it extends further than that and I quickly realise he is covering up some mangled scars. I can’t tear my eyes away from him as he walks back towards the bus. He has a strange walk, he’s skipping slightly, but he looks as if he is trying to run away from something without it looking obvious that he is running.
As if feeling my eyes on him, his snap over in my direction and he pauses mid step. He changes course and to my horror, walks over until he is standing directly in front of me, towering over me as I gulp. He grins, baring his yellow teeth at me and reaches forward. I squeal, quickly becoming confused when he grabs my chin, tilting my head back so I’m staring right at him.
“I, ah, saved your life, toots,” His gloved thumb rubs over my chin, brushing against my lip slightly, “You owe me one.” He winks, and then as quickly as he came, he is gone. Leaving nothing but destruction in his wake, I can’t help but wonder why a part of me wanted to climb into that bus with him.
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magics-protector · 4 years
Sands of Time
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Pairing: Ledger!Joker x Reader
Warnings:Language, Mentions of mental health problems
Summary: The Reader watches as the man they love slowly falls deeper and deeper into his own madness and slowly watches as they fall into their own.
notes: i gave the joker the name jack napier cause i’ve seen that one used a lot for mr. j and i remember seeing something about ledger’s joker having a record of time in the military (i could be wrong) so that’s where this idea came from.
They met a bar in Washington. 
Y/N L/N was there with some of their friends, enjoying the wonders of the single life after leaving their shitty boyfriend of two years. 
Jack Napier was there to drown his sorrows. Memories of his past haunted his days and nights and he wanted to drown them out. He was set to be deployed overseas in the next two months and he wanted to die there. 
Until, he caught the eyes of Y/N. 
Y/N had looked across the bar, directing their gaze away from their friends who were getting insanely out of it, and noticed him sitting alone.
He was one of the most attractive people Y/N had ever seen, despite the two scars that dragged up the sides of his face from the corners of his lips. He had golden shaggy blonde hair that shined under the dim lights of the bar and piercing hazel eyes. 
When he first saw Y/N, he thought it must have been a drunk trick. There was no way a person that beautiful, that perfect, could be looking at him like that. But apparently it was true as Y/N rose from their seat and walked to him. 
They spoke for hours and eventually, Jack walked Y/N home. And he had gotten their number.
They met again three days later, at coffee shop down the street from Y/N’s apartment and they spent the entire day together. Y/N made him laugh for the first time in years. Jack taught Y/N their self worth. 
Y/N spent most of their free time with Jack, up until Jack had to be deployed. 
They waited two years for Jack to come home and just when they were about to break, he came back. But he wasn’t the same Jack as before. 
There was a distant look in his eyes - a look that scared Y/N to their core. He invested more in cheap weapons and gasoline. Soon, their apartment was full of his stuff. Y/N wanted to say something - but it made Jack happy, and if he was happy, then they were happy. 
One night, under the dim lights of the bar they met in, to sound of “Where Evil Grows” playing, Jack and Y/N decided to move to Gotham as they danced slowly to the song. 
Y/N could sense something was up when Jack suggested moving to Gotham. The way he said they needed a new life together, away from all the “toxicity” of the people around them. 
They knew it was wrong, but Jack had given them something. He had seen something they never saw in themselves and so, within days, they moved to Gotham. Within a week, they were married. 
It all spiralled downhill when he had started to put on the clown makeup. 
That look in his eye grew - it spiralled deeper into a madness that Y/N feared Jack would never leave. 
Then came the suit. 
Then Jack would disappear for hours on end. 
It was all fine with Y/N - he was allowed to do whatever he wanted, they trusted him to make the right choices. 
That was until Jack came home covered in blood. 
He told them not to worry - to wasn’t his. And he laughed. 
Laughed like killing someone was some sick joke. 
It kept getting worse and worse - but Y/N never left. 
Sure, Jack went on killing sprees and he had no shame in killing for fun. He had no rules or guidelines, save for one - never, under any circumstances, was he ever to think about hurting Y/N. That was his one rule, his one grasp on sanity. 
Eventually, Y/N got used to the blood. The bombs. The endless murder sprees. 
It got them thinking; is it wrong to not care that their husband was a deranged psychopath dressed like a clown? Is it really that wrong to harm those who would harm others? 
And shortly, Y/N started to go out when her Jack, or as he started calling himself, The Joker wasn’t home. They’d walk the streets under the shadow of the night until they found trouble. Good or bad, they didn't care. 
Soon, Y/N became Apollo - the anti-hero. 
And The Joker never knew and was never going to find out. 
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For Heath Ledger, I'll write for: - Joker - Patrick Verona - William Thatcher If you have a request, please try to stick to these, but if you want something else, just message me or ask, I'll see what I can do :p
Bunny Joker x Fem!Reader (Part one) (Part two) Joker x Reader with anxiety  Summary: !!Request!! All Y/n wanted was to deposit money into her bank account, but what happens when the bank she arrives at gets robbed by the Joker? And what happens when she catches his eye?
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j0kers-light · 2 months
His Angel (series masterlist)
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Y/n is secretly a guardian angel with a home base in Gotham City. All of your previous assignments have passed on peacefully and you fail to take on another; much to your counsel's growing concern. You spend your days blending in with the citizens of Gotham until an unexpected encounter throws your entire existence upside down.
story tags: stranger to lovers, star crossed lovers, slow burn, 18+ smut, some religious lore, canon Joker, dc comic/batman references, fluff and smut, guardian angel!Reader, reader insert but written with a black!reader in mind
His Angel Chapters
His Angel Oneshots
His Angel Head Canons
Story status is to be determined!
Future Taglist:
@alittlesmartcookie @reneisance @cheetahspy @darthjokerisyourfather @xxrougefangxx
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hybristoo · 4 years
Blood Will Tell
Request: “Can I request something for Joker x Reader where reader has a blood kink? Could be either Ledger or Phoenix version, I'm not picky.”
Warnings: Sexual content, knife play, sadomasochism
Words: 2′270
Thank you to @seeyouonadarkknight​ for editing it!
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Love, Sex and War. Such is the title of John Costello’s book on history - a factual look on the fluctuations in sexual mores and its connections to war. Of course, it’s a 384-page piece on the second world war and its primarily American soldiers - a completely different view of the title than you, who had simply stared at the cover for months, had built up in your mind. 
Love, Sex and War - where sex and war were hastily highlighted in bright orange. A comment written on the side of the page; The mundane connection to a kibitzer (me) is _____. To attempt to articulate the bridge between the pillars was to speak nothing but poppycock to the unenthusiastic. Yet for years you had tried to articulate - to justify the connection your body had created. The bawdy stir which it aroused. 
But the bluntest, and thus simplest, way you had come to put it when you were sure your partners were the perfect blend of drunk and tired enough to receive shocking information was: To me, there’s nothing more erotic than your blood all over my sheets. 
The problem with such a blunt assertion was that it scared most people. And those who weren’t frightened didn’t want anything to do with it anyways. And thus it was back to the drawing board, trying to find the wording that could land you the satisfaction you craved. 
With Joker, however, there was no explaining, and maybe that was one of the reasons you stayed despite axiom challenges. Really, you’d go as far as to say that explanations and talk were discouraged. He wanted to figure people out himself. That was the extent of his fun with people. 
You, on the other hand, unlike the media, mental health experts and police, had no particular interest in the man behind the makeup. You never asked about his real name, his past or his motivations. 
Your stance on him, which was previously petulance, became interest only when he came in one day without the green suit jacket, bloodied shimmy on full display and a leaking wound in his arm. Upon reflection, it would have been the courteous thing to do to give him the medical attention he was most likely seeking, but instead, you started the most illicit affair of your life. 
As it turns out, in between bank robberies, kidnapping and murder, the Joker found time to dip between your legs. And at what price?
You could tell the first time he whipped out his dagger mid-session, he expected you to be afraid. And had he been a robber in an alleyway, you would have been, but he was a robber in your sheets and so it just sent a shiver up your spine. That kept him around longer. 
You sensed this would be the last when his eyes were trained solely on you. Lovely as it were, you knew him to have eyes which were constantly swerving. Constantly trying to answer whatever questions appeared in his mind. Constantly finding things that would give him the upper hand. 
They didn’t this time. There were no questions left.
You were going to offer him tea. Extend the night. Maybe ask all those questions which you frankly deserved to know. However, when he pressed against you so hard you lost your balance, you knew even the last wouldn’t be anywhere close to romantic. 
You reciprocated his kiss with hesitance. There was something different about the way his serpent tongue dove into your mouth. A lack of curiosity. An abundance of hunger. You took his hands and put them on your waist, unbuttoning his vest. The tact to your collective moments had been corrected with time, like a choreographed dance. You moved to his neck, leaving gentle kisses.
“I saw you on the news today,” you commented as you travelled down his neck. 
“And how’d I look?” He tore you away from him, allowing you a look at his tilted face. “Hm? Handsome? Dashing?” His yellow smile appeared as he flicked his hair out of his face. 
You pecked his cheek. “Sexy.” Your hands trailed his bodice, gripping his hands and tugging him into the bedroom. Once inside, you wrapped your arms around his neck, engulfing him in another deep kiss, which he responded to in kind. As he lifted you up, you locked your legs around his waist. Your eyes had a teasing twinkle to them. He left a tiny lovebite at the edge of your jawline before dropping you into bed.
You stared up at him, breathlessly panting. He stared right back, his bottomless eyes exuding menace.
He moved to remove your shirt and then subsequently your pants. Your fingers twitched into a motion to do the same when the Joker’s words stopped you. “For tonight, I have a special little treat,” he hummed as he yanked off your pants, throwing them aside. He leaned in, letting you take a whiff of the aroma he emanated. A distinct mix of almonds, smoke and sulphur, like plastic explosives. “A game if you will.” Finally, the last of your clothing slipped off, leaving you only in your undergarments. “Inspired by a... friend of mine.”
You held your breath as his hand slipped into his pocket - never knowing what he’d reveal. He toyed with your expression, pretending to root around for the object and pricking himself on it, a quirk to his lips. However, when he did remove his hand from his pocket, there was a quarter between his gloved fingers, gleaming in the dim light. 
“Heads, I get to control the knife.” He stabbed a blade into the mattress beside your head. “Tails, it’ll be your turn, doll.” He tucked the quarter into your bra before starting to strip himself. It struck you as you wordlessly watched him that you’d never seen him fully in the nude. 
It was hard to deduce if he was being serious at all; you had come to know him as a man who prized control in all things; even if he tried to disguise it with nonchalance. For him to leave this to chance - something entirely uncontrollable, something had to be amiss. You hesitantly reached into your bra, taking out the quarter. You hoisted yourself into a sitting position before flipping the coin and letting it land. 
In a strange twist of fate and some infirmity on your part, you were relieved at this, swallowing thickly as you laid back down. Joker’s head twitched to the side, a grin spreading across his face. “Mine it is.” 
He plucked the blade from the mattress, moving it to your torso. Starting at the xiphoid process and travelling down to the groin, he applied increasing pressure. Although not a motion unfamiliar to you at this point, you held your breath, wondering if maybe this time he’d split you open. Then, he tucked his knife underneath your panties, cutting its seams, allowing it to be slipped off easily. 
He watched your eyes as he moved the knife to your thigh and applied pressure. An icy pain shot up your leg but you made no sound - biting your lip and watching as droplets of red started escaping you. The cut was small and shallow, but big enough for the wound to ooze slightly. 
Seeing the liquid, an electrifying pulse shot throughout your body and your cunt clamped, your head rolling back onto the sheets. You let out a shaky sigh - a mix of pleasure and pain exuding from your lips. You felt a tongue drag across your wound, creating a moan in your throat. The sandpaper-Esque texture of his tongue tickled you, making your toes curl. 
Finally, he leaned back up, his now-naked thumb barely grazing your clit. “Again.” He tossed the coin your way. You eagerly tossed the coin once more, it landing on your chest. 
You looked up at him. He jerked his shoulders as if to communicate, what can I say? He rattled his body, trying to wake his limbs, before moving atop of you. Perched on your legs, he studied your body, deducing wherever next he might cut you.
After mumbling something about symmetry, he moved the knife to the other thigh, positioning it parallel to the other cut. Right before he made the incision, he slid his thumb over your clit, circling it twice before pressing the blade into your flesh. He created a deeper cut than before. As it sunk further into your thigh, his thumb hinted onto your clit, before returning to its circular motions. An amalgam of moans and screams escaped you at once, creating a soft bubbling. You cocked your head to look at your virgin wound.
There was a considerably stronger stream of blood in this wound. It wasn’t enough to be severely damaging or even dangerous, but enough to create a tiny river which flowed onto the sheets and into the crevices of your thighs. You felt its warmth against your vulva, the wetness of your folds mixing with its thickness. Your leg started shaking and a chill ran through your body.
Joker’s eyes stalked yours. He slowed down his movements before dipping his fingers into the blood which seeped out of you, staining them red. You panted underneath him, squirming, wishing for him to continue, but instead, he stuck his fingers into your mouth. 
“Suck,” he ordered. You hungrily obeyed him, lapping up the mixture of precum, blood, and grime like a dog. He removed his fingers and chucked the coin at you once more. “Last chance.” He continued stimulating your clit as your shaking hands grabbed the coin and tossed. The pain emanating from your thigh made you wince every time your body twitched in response to the increasing pace of the Joker’s fingers. You almost didn’t look at the coin when it landed.
Your eyebrows shot up and a wistful gasp escaped your lips. You had figured the game had been rigged - and you hadn’t minded it. You’d never had such an opportunity before. You looked at Joker. He had an amused look in his eyes. While his right hand kept itself busy with your cunt, the other handed you the knife, which you shakily accepted. 
Your eyes travelled between the blade and the Joker. You had never actually handled a knife before. Sure you’d thought about this scenario, but you never thought it would go down like this. It felt heavy in your hand. 
“Do it, do it,” he hissed, grabbing your wrist and pulling you closer to him. You let out a whine, arching your back. You moved the knife around clumsily, observing his already-scarred body as you did. A couple of times you almost nicked him, but you jerked back last minute. You heaved, the blend of signals overwhelming you. Your mind blanked.
“Come on!”
In a moment of animalistic fury, you sliced at the joker before tossing the knife aside. It wasn’t until you looked that you realized the slice graced his upper arm and it was no shallow wound. The Joker laughed; a loud, shrill sound which bounced off the walls. He grabbed you by the hips and slammed into you.
You wheezed, a hiss of a sound escaping you. You grabbed onto his wounded arm, feeling his blood seep onto your hand. You crashed your lips against his while moving your hips nimbly against his. You mirrored his earlier motions, licking at his wound before returning to his lips. 
As the speed of his thrusts increased, it became increasingly harder to keep track of your directions. A pang of sensations assaulting your body. The Joker was releasing groans of his own, steady vibrations in the air. You removed your hand from his arm and smeared his blood over your torso and tasting it on your tongue. It was funny how a man so inhumane tasted no different from any other. 
You threw back your head as your vision paled - a bright light swamping you. He thumped deeply inside of you and it started to dull out everything else. The pain in your thigh, the coppery taste in your mouth, the ashy smell - it was all gone and all your eyes would see were the bright reds against the white sheets as you came. 
It was, in many senses, the orgasm you had dreamed of when you’d conjured those stupid explanations for years. And who did you owe all that to? Nobody. 
All of it was made very tragic by the returning realization that this would be their last. 
You were jolted back to life by this realization, the Joker’s continuing pumps registering in your mind once more. You looked at him. For once, he wasn’t looking back, his face contorted in a smile and eyes staring up at the ceiling. 
Your eyes shot towards the knife, dangling at the edge of the bed. 
When you looked back at him, he had an intense stare. His lips were quirked into a tiny grin, and right before cumming, you saw him mouth do it. 
Your body fell limply against the bed as his seed filled you. You grabbed the knife, holding it against your chest. The Joker fell next to you, his eyebrows dipping into his face. His eyes were looking all around, spinning about looking for answers.
“I have something to tell you,” you breathed, your grip tightening around the knife. Even then his eyes barely stayed still. You rolled over, laying on your tummy, rising above him. 
“To me, there would be nothing more erotic than your blood all over my sheets.”
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lilcatdraws · 6 months
Just The Way You Are
Ledger!Joker x Reader
Warnings: None
Summary: Ledger Joker paired with a reader self conscious about their weight/body
Author’s Note: My first self shipping fic! I’ve never written anything like this before so I hope I did a good job. This subject is something I’ve struggled with for years and I’ve never seen it written about with J before so I thought I’d give it a go for all those struggling with the same thing. You are loved and you are beautiful. Enjoy! <3
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As you got out of the shower, you inevitably saw yourself in the mirror and sighed. You hated your wide protruding body. The words fat and ugly echoed through your head. You hated yourself for allowing yourself to get so big. At least, in your mind, you were big. None of your friends saw you that way. You always thought they were lying.
You tried everything to change your eating habits and exercise but nothing worked. Eventually you just gave up. It was an endless cycle of self hate and disappointment.
You never talked to J about this. He knew you were self conscious about your body but he didn’t know its extent. He would flip out if he ever knew. You didn’t want him to worry so you kept it a secret. 
You weren’t expecting J to come home for another few days so you felt in the clear to sit on the bathroom floor, wrapped in a towel, and cry. You had been doing this for years. Anytime you caught sight of yourself and the negative thoughts became too overwhelming, you fell apart and sobbed for what seemed like hours.
You were so deep into your thoughts that you didn’t hear the sound of your apartment window open and close. 
J walked into the bedroom and took off his purple coat and his shoes. His plans had gone extremely well so he was able to come home early. He’d been craving some alone time with his bunny.
“Y/n? Ya here?” 
J saw the bathroom light stream into the dark bedroom from under the door. He guessed you must’ve been in there. He was about to turn the doorknob but stopped when he heard crying. He hated to hear his bunny cry but he didn’t want to rush in because that might make it worse. 
He waited a few moments and then turned the doorknob, opening the door slowly. 
“Y/n, I’m home.” He said softly.
You jumped a mile. 
“J! I wasn’t expecting you back so early.” You said cheerfully as you quickly wiped your eyes and threw on a shirt.
“Don’t try and play it off, doll. What’s wrong?” 
“Nothing, J. I’m fine.”
“I know when you’re lying. Why won’t ya tell me? I’m not gonna get upset.” 
You buried your face in your arms. You wanted to tell him but you didn’t want to burden him.
J sat down beside you and waited patiently for you to answer.
You broke down. 
“I just…I hate how fat I am!” You shouted.
J looked shocked.
“You’re not fat, y/n. You’re perfect.” 
“Oh come on, J. You don’t have to lie to me. I can take it. I’ve been fat my whole life.”
“But you’re not. You’re stunning.” 
You sniffled. “No. I’m fat and ugly. I’m overweight and unhealthy. I’m a troll.”
“No. You listen here, y/n, you’re not a troll. You are beautiful. How can you not see what I see?”
“I’ve had people tell me otherwise since I was a kid. It’s not like you would understand. I mean look at you. You’re gorgeous.” 
J shook his head.
“Look at my face, bunny. People don’t like my looks either. That’s cause most people are quick to judge. Don’t listen to them. They’re stupid. Society has unrealistic beauty standards anyway. You are beautiful just the way you are. If you’re that concerned about your health, then I’ll help. We can diet and workout together. All ya had to do was ask.”
You were speechless. Nobody had ever been this understanding about your weight. Nobody had ever offered to help you either. Your sniffles quickly turned into happy tears. 
“Aw, bunny. Don’t cry. C’mere.” 
J wrapped his arms around you and you clung to his chest. He kissed the top of your head and you smiled brightly. You had missed his kisses. J scooped you up and carried you over to the bed. You nestled into the blankets. J soon followed you into bed and rested his head on your shoulder. 
“You’re gorgeous. Don’t forget that.” He whispered softly.
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Everything Burns - Chapter 2
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Pairing: Ledger Joker X OC
Warnings: Mild violence, blood. 
Word count: 3,190
Previous Chapters: 
Chapter 1|
Chapter 2:  The Birth of The Jester
~1 year earlier~
Scarlett pulled on her helmet and started up her bike and headed to work. The roads were quite this early in the morning most people weren't even up yet, but this month Scarlett was working the early shift 4 am – 4 pm. At Gotham General hospital, she was a nurse on the wards there and worked with a variety of patients. She loved her job she loved to feel she had a propose and made an impact on the world in some way, she would hate to be forgotten when she was dead. Since the fire Scarlett's life had been completely normal almost boring and although she was offered counselling, which she attended she was given a clean bill of mental health very quickly after. She grieved and she moved on.
Her hideous childhood was never spoken about after her father had taken her back to England and she felt she had a happy, standard childhood. She didn't remember the events of the container, but she was aware of what had taken place. She knew her mother had died there.
"Morning" she called happily to another nurse as she checked in at the nurse's station and picked up her mornings patient files. Her days had become routine and somewhat irksome.
"Morning" the head nurse Lydia said and smiled happily at Scarlett.
She made her way around to the patients she had been given and completed her tasks with ease and a cheerful manner. Patients always seemed to like her as she was always so happy.
Around 9 her mobile buzzed and she pulled it from her pocket.
It's your birthday tomorrow, fancy dinner?
She smiled at the text, she had met Bruce Wayne when she was at school he was two years above her at the expensive private school her father had sent her too when they had moved here from England. She replied a yes and pushed her phone back in her pocket. Tomorrow was Thursday it was her one day off a week and dinner with Bruce sounded like a brilliant way to spend it.
Her phone buzzed again but she left it alone and continued with her rounds.
Her lunch hour came quickly and she headed out to the Café she always went to, it was small and placed on a busy road opposite Gotham National Bank. In this part of the city no one stopped and talked to anyone, everyone was in such a rush. Scarlett like it, this way no one would talk to her, as she could relax and eat her food.
She ordered the same toasted panini she always had and a pot of earl grey tea. The weather was sunny and summer was coming in so she sat out the front and watched the world rush by, she loved to watch the uniformity of it all and sometimes wondered what would happened if one of the many people rushing by texting on there phones were to step out in front of the car, she wondered about the reactions of all the other people around, what they would do if a little chaos was introduced into their measured little worlds. She shook the disturbing thought from her head and sipped her tea. After all she was a victim of the rat race just like the rest of them.
Her sandwich was brought out and she thanked the server, she looked up as a string of police cars raced past and towards the entrance side to Gotham's National Bank. She hadn't even taken her first bite as the windows to the Café were blown in by the shock wave of the explosion inside the bank. Scarlett had been knocked off her chair and there was glass in her hair, her head spun as she tried to look up, but she had a head injury and the blood was running into her eyes. She struggled to her feet as the sound finally reached her.
Across the road she could hear the screams of the survivors of the explosion inside the bank. There was a hole that had been blown into the wall of the bank opposite the Café, she knew she needed to go and help any casualties but she couldn't focus and she lost her balance again. Crawling on her hands and knees she looked back into the Café. In the future, Scarlett would look back at this moment as the birth of Jester.
There was so much blood, the girl who had just served her had a large piece of glass protruding from her leg, Scarlett watched for a second as the exposed artery spurted blood like a fountain. Pulling herself together she rushed over to the girl and applied pressure to the wound, but the artery was still pumping through her hands and she looked around for something better, she knew help would be coming, it had to be coming.
She grabbed a nearby tea towel and applied it to the wound, before looking for something she could turn into a tourniquet. But there was nothing and blood was draining from the girl fast, she looked down at her and told her to hold on, the owner to the Café was unconscious and so of little help. Scarlett had had patients die on her before but something about today broke her more than usual. She kept the pressure on but there was no sign of help and her head was spinning again, she willed herself not to let go. She checked the girls pulse it was weak, she was maybe 17 years old, and she was going to die. Finally, the artery stopped pumping and Scarlett screamed at the unconscious owner. She released the pressure, the girl was dead and there was little she could do, CPR was futile when the body had no blood left.
She stood and spotted her face in the mirror and that is when Jester was born again. Her face looked back at her covered in her own blood, her hands covered in the girls and somewhere in the back of her mind she could hear a woman screaming and chainsaws motor revving, and she laughed.
She laughed as tears rolled down her face. The Cheshire style grin spread further as she made her way back out the front of the broken Café, she wiped her face with her bloody hands and laughed again.
Her head played images she had not seen in years and her eyes hazed over as tears filled them. But all the while she giggled like a mad woman.
Scarlett scrambled over the broken glass, onto the pavement outside, she could hear sirens but it was far too late and again she laughed.
"What a beautiful laugh you have," said a voice and Scarlett turned to find the source, he stood in the alleyway between the Café and its neighbour, his face hidden in shadow.
"I shouldn't have come back really, just sometimes it hard to resist, I do love watching the madness unfold" he laughed motioning to the bank across the street where the police buzzed around in panic.
"You know it was just thinking this day could use a little chaos" Scarlett admitted she wasn't sure if she had passed out and this was all a figment of a head injury-induced coma.
"Really? Well, I'm an agent of chaos" the man said and she laughed.
"Now that sounds like a fun job" she laughed and so did he, it was high and manic, but something about it made her smile even more. Her head spun again and she stumbled.
"Careful" he laughed as he finally stepped out of the shadows. He was spectacular to behold. He was at least a head taller than Scarlett, he wore a creased slate blue suit and light blue pattern shirt. But Scarlett wasn't looking at his clothes his handsome face was what had her attention.
His skin was painted a bright white with smudged black around his eyes and a Glasgow smile was painted in red across his lips, his cheeks were badly scarred into curves from the corners of his mouth creating the image of a violent smile and something inside of Scarlett purred at it. His dark blonde hair hung lankly around his shoulders with a tint of green to it.
He smiled at her widely showing her a set of yellow stained teeth.
"Hi," he said still smiling and maybe it was her head injury but Scarlett blushed.
"Hi," said Scarlett in returned her words coming out as barely more than a whisper.
"What's your name," he asked and Scarlett's head spun again and she collapsed to the floor. The clown erupted into to hysterical laughter and looked down at her, he bent over her and she tried to focus, he reached down to her chest and pulled her name tag from her scrubs.
"Nurse Scarlett Jesterson," said the man trying her name out in his mouth.
"I like it," he said grinning again and she smiled weakly as her vision blurred.
"Well, Nurse Jester it was a pleasure to meet such a beauty. I leave you my card, in case you wanna see some more chaos" he said and he pushed a card into her top pocket but she could no longer make out details so could not see what was written nor what it was.
"I'm sorry if my fun ruined your day," he said nodding his head towards the smoking bank across the street and Scarlett only nodded. There was a shout from somewhere and the man looked up before he stood to his feet again.
"Well I gotta run, but I hope to see you soon gorgeous," said the man before he was gone from her sight, her head swam again and finally she blacked out.
When she woke up she was back in the hospital, but this time she was a patient. She blinked the crust out of her eyes and looked over at the man sitting by her bed, Bruce stood and called a nurse in.
"Oh god I'm so glad you are okay," he said reaching over to Scarlett and holding her hand, she pulled it away in disgust but then her brain scolded her and she smiled an apology.
"Sorry I'm a little confused," she said looking at Bruce who simply nodded and took her hand in his again.
The nurse entered and smiled at the pair. "Now Scarlett, you have a cracked skull and a concussion, as you probably know we will be keeping you for a while for observation but your fractured skull has been scanned and does not need surgery to correct and your scalp has been stapled. You will, however, need antibiotics for the next week to prevent any infection" said Natalie a nurse Scarlett had worked with for a year now.
"What kind of fracture do I have?" Scarlett asked and Natalie smiled.
"A compound fracture," she said "But it is linear"
Scarlett simply nodded as Natalie began to take ob’s and Scarlett turned to Bruce.
"How did you know I was hurt?" she asked him.
"When you didn't text back the second time, I called to asked what time you wanted to be picked up tomorrow and a nurse in the emergency department picked up and told me what had happened so I came down," he explained.
"Well thanks for coming," she said honestly and Bruce smiled, though she and Bruce were not exactly close, he was her friend and had been for a long time, and now that Scarlett had no family left, if Bruce had not come, she would have been alone right now.
"I still want to go out tomorrow night," she said after a moment of silence and Bruce laughed.
"I think you should wait to see what the doctor says" he smiled.
"Bruce I've been a qualified nurse for just under 5 years now, I know a linear fracture like this, open or not, I'll be released by 9oClock tonight. And it's my birthday I only have one every year, so I don't wanna miss it" she said lacing her words with mock misery and Bruce chuckled.
"Okay if you are out by tomorrow morning we can go," he said with a smile and she grinned and for a second his smile faded, she laughed and he joined in nervously. He had never seen her smile like that before.
After an hour Bruce left and Scarlett was on observation, as she was now awake she was not allowed to fall asleep again.
When Natalie came back for her second round of ob’s, Scarlett asked about the girl in the Café and Natalie had explained that they understood Scarlett had done everything she could, but as Scarlett suspected the girl had died. Her parents had been informed and a post-mortem would be done at Gotham General. For some reason that girls death was stuck in her mind more than any patient death before, but when she thought back to it the feelings she felt were confusing.
Scarlett was given a magazine to read, to keep her mind busy and she flipped through the pages lazily. She stood to stretch her legs and pulled on the new scrubs she had requested she really hated hospital gowns. Underneath where her old bloodstained scrubs, the top had a tear in it where the named tag's pin had ripped through the fabric when it was removed, she lifted it up to look at and then she stopped. There was something in the pocket, she pulled it out and held it in her fingers, the Joker card was taken from a set of playing cards but printed along the side was a string of numbers. Was that really his phone number? She wondered.
"Thought I'd come and check on you Jester," said a voice in the doorway and Scarlett's head shot up. The joker card slipping from her fingers. There he stood bold as anything his make-up was running but he didn't seem to mind. She rushed to him and pulled him into the room and shut the door behind them.
"Really Jester if you wanted me alone, you only had to ask" he cackled and she looked at him wide-eyed. She had no idea why she had just pulled this man into her room and shut the door, for all she knew he was a murderer, as well as a thief.
"I don't want you to get caught," she said out loud but the thought hadn't even processed in her brain before it was out of her mouth and she was almost shocked by what she was saying. It was as though she no longer controlled her mouth. But then she realised it was the truth for whatever insane reason she didn't want this man in front of her to be caught.
"I wouldn't worry gorgeous, I'm not planning on getting caught, not that I have a plan" he laughed again and she finally cracked a smile.
"Ahh there's that beautiful smile," he said and she felt herself blush again and he shot her another yellow grin.
"So how you feeling, did you break your head?" he asked sitting on the bed and pointing to the bandage on her head.
"Yeah but it's not too bad," she said looking at the stranger in front of her and knowing she should not be smiling and yet she couldn't seem to wipe it from her face.
"So did some of your brains come out, can I look?" he asked, though it wasn't really a question as he reached over to pulled the bandage from her head. She stepped back away from him her smile failing.
So did his and dark look came over his face, and immediately she regretted letting him into the room, she looked at the door but was frozen to the spot.
And then he laughed.
She looked at him confused and he continued to cackle.
"Don't worry Jester, I wouldn't hurt something as beautiful as you, not yet anyway." He said shaking his head slightly and she smiled wearily.
"No, really I came because introductions got cut a bit short last time we met so I thought we could try again," he said before he held his dirty hand out to her.
"Joker," he said simply, nearly every part of her brain was screaming for her to not trust this lunatic but, there in the back was the part she had forgotten about a long time ago. That part was giggling like a school girl, and it was that part that made her take his hand.
"Scarlett," she said shaking his hand, it was hot and rough, his fingers calloused and scarred. She couldn't help the smile that came to her face as he lifted her hand and placed a kiss on the back of it. It left a red stain on her the skin of her hand and she looked at him and giggled.
"Right Jester doesn't let me down, I don't give my number to every girl I meet. So keep it safe, and know that if you call the police and tell them anything. I will find you and I will gut you" he said with a smile, and she knew he meant every word.
"I won't I promise," she said swallowing hard, his face lit up again and he stood from the bed.
"Okay ah well I'll be off, gimme a call sometime your bored gorgeous, and I'll see you around," he said before he headed off towards the window and pushed it open and jumped out before hurrying away from his arms hanging by his sides oddly as he ran.
Scarlett dropped to her hands and knees as her heart felt like it was about to pound out of her chest, she tried to make herself think that she would hand the card to the police and that her heart was pounding out of fear but she was lying to herself.
As her fingers found the card she pulled it to her chest and sat on the floor breathing heavily. She was lying, her heart was pounding out of pure exhaustion and it was intoxicating, she wanted to feel like this all the time, and now she had tasted it again, she wanted more. The last time she had felt like this was at the fire and then it had been such a lot of work for such a small payment. But this time he had simply touched her and she was on fire, this was so much more intense than after the fire. She needed to feel like this again.
As she peered down at the card held tightly in her grasp she knew she was going to call that number, and very soon. The police weren't going to know a thing and not because Joker had threatened her, no, she would be damned if she was going to share. He was her high now, and she wasn't going to give him up for anything.
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