#anon if u see this just block me i don’t have the patience to argue w u lmao or anyone else for that matter!
bisexualrapline · 2 years
jimin can literally put a song on his album called “set me free pt 2” when he’s never done anything called anything close to “set me free” before and we only know one (1) person in his proximity who HAS (yoongi min suga agust d) and still weird ass solos will come into my inbox saying that by pointing out this very obvious fact i am “making shipping theories” and “don’t i realize this is jimin’s solo work” like yeah. i’m not an idiot. but also i don’t turn my brain off and look at things without history or context for the sake of promoting my solo stan agenda (hint bc i don’t have one of those). anyway tony montana pt 2 the one where they make us all cry is coming
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mrs-n-uzumaki · 5 years
Hello! I’m sorry to hear about ur parents circumstances & ur childhood. I don’t wish it on anyone. I’ll always believe victims. I do believe Tony felt unloved but I don’t think Howard didn’t love Tony. Howard was also old when he had Tony. My parents r too old & lost their patience altho they were patient parents before &we are all adults, imagine having kids when u r too old. Howard wasn’t a gr8 father bt I think he loved Tony. Maria too she was neglectful, she allowed “abuse” to go unchecked.
[Anon cont’d] Oh btw! I do like the character :D and I was mostly referring his comic counterpart than MCU. Tony in 616 has been so unreliable when it comes to Howard. Unlike MCU Tony where he has stayed consistent with his criticism of Howard. But 616, not really. Sometimes Howard is “honourable”  and sometimes “he didn’t love”. Sometimes “I miss him” and sometimes “He never cared”. So yea, pretty inconsistent. Oh I stay anonymous cuz Tony Defense square will tear me down xD            
Thank you for your comment about my upbringing. I don’t wish it on anyone either.
Again, Howard did love Tony, I’m not disputing that. In fact, no one is. The focus here is the way he raised Tony. That’s it.
I can’t speak much about the comic!Howard because, a) I haven’t binged on the comics as much as I did the MCU, and b) everything that I have come across about Howard was in no way portrayed in a good light.
Regarding the “inconsistencies” of Tony’s feelings, I disagree entirely. I actually think it’s a very accurate portrayal of a kid who grew up abused but still felt the love for their parents. You can love your parents, but you don’t have to like them.
I have a friend who still goes through PTSD because of the domestic violence she had endured, to the point where I begged her to see counselling because she was becoming suicidal. But she still doesn’t inherently hate her parents. She decided that they’re the type to love from a distance.
And I have more friends who have come to the same realisation with their toxic parents. Their words mirror Tony’s feelings for his father, “[they] didn’t love me”// “[they] tried the best [they] could” // “I hated [them]” // “I loved [them]” // “I miss [them]” // “I’m glad [they’re] gone.” It’s unfortunately a vicious rollercoaster that would take years of therapy to help get off of.
I can’t speak on behalf of comic!Maria because I know absolutely nothing about her. As for MCU!Maria, we have so little screentime of her that we can’t determine what sort of mother she was or if she left the abuse “unchecked”. There’s not enough evidence. We only know that Tony loved her with all his heart and was more devastated over her death. Based on that, you can tell which was the better parent.
I can enjoy the character of young!Howard to an extent in the MCU, but I can’t bring myself to enjoy him at all in the comics. He was a horrid father. It doesn’t matter if he was brought up like that, or that he was “old”? It seems like to me  that at this point you’re just trying to justify why you like the character? There’s no need. If you want to enjoy a character, no one is stopping you. Trust me, I’ve been there. I’ve enjoyed my fair share of problematic characters, and at the same time, I acknowledge that they can be horrid people and we can’t make room for excuses where there is none. (My biggest example is Damon Salvatore and how I found some of his actions inexcusable, whilst at the same time, enjoy shipping him with my favourite character Bonnie. But that’s only when he becomes redeemable.)
P.S. On the contrary, debating as anon does not help anyone’s cause. It’s far more respectable to argue face-to-face. Or, you know, blog-to-blog. If anyone bullies you about your opinion, just block ‘em.
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evieshook · 7 years
green-eyed monster
pairing: harry/evie, some jay/evie rating: pg-13 words: ~2000 a/n: i had way too much fun writing this anon! i absolutely adore the jealous trope haha. hope you enjoy reading this as much as i enjoyed writing it ;) prompt: Can u do a evie x harry fic with jealous harry when jay starts to flirt a lot with evie?!! read on: [ao3] [ffn.net]
The signs were all there.
The subtle lowered pitch of his voice. The lingering touches that were far too frequent to be considered friendly. The little raise of his eyebrow as he flashed her that infuriating little smirk. And not to mention, the ever present cocky attitude that made him wonder how anyone found that the least bit charming.
Jay was flirting.
While Harry normally didn’t give a rat’s arse as to whatever poor soul the boy had found himself preying on, this was certainly going to be the only exception. If it hadn’t been for the sight of those familiar blue locks, and the sound of her melodious laughter, Harry wouldn’t have given a second look as to whichever bimbo was hanging off the thief’s arm. But just one glance, and one sound had him pausing as he stared at the sight before him in shock and unbridled anger.
Not only was Jay flirting, but he was flirting with Evie nonetheless. His Princess.
The pirate felt himself shake in anger as his hands curled into fists, knuckles growing white at the sudden pressure. He let out a low growl as he continued observing them from afar, those around him suddenly fearful of his current state of rage. Even without his hook, the boy was still someone to be feared and was not to be taken lightly, especially when angered.
His eyes followed them as they walked across the courtyard, seemingly oblivious to his pointed glares. Even though Jay was not touching her in anyway, he could see they were still standing too close together for comfort. The male’s eyes seemed to be solely focused on her as he spoke, Evie letting out a small giggle at something he said.
Harry could feel yet another primal growl ready to release itself, only to be interrupted by one intrigued Gil.
“What’s wrong with you? You seem grouchier than usual,” he observed, obliviously stepping right in front of his irate friend, blocking his view. Harry didn’t know whether to be annoyed or relieved as he glared at him, not having the patience to deal with the likes of Gil right now.
“Shut up Gil. It’s none of yer business,” he snapped, eyes drifting behind him to check if they hadn’t left. Fortunately they were still there, but unfortunately Jay, that damned bastard, was still unashamedly flirting with her.
Gil, despite his inability to read social cues sometimes, was actually quite observant. Harry hadn’t been as subtle as he had thought, and he knew instantly that whatever he was staring at behind him was the source of all his anger. He turned around, eyes scanning the area for what could possibly be angering him before honing in on a particular couple in the distance. Oh.
His eyes flashed as he turned to look back at Harry, strangely triumphant. “Ohhh, I get it now.”
Harry, who had been distracted, finally diverted his attention back to Gil, who was looking at him like the cat that ate the canary. “Get what?”
“You’re jealous.”
His eyes narrowed at the accusation. “Excuse me? What sorta bullshit are ya spewing now Gil?
Gil only grinned, not minding the profanity that had escaped his mouth. “That’s why you’re growling so much, and why you have that look on your face when you want to kill someone. No wonder you’ve been angry this past week. You’re jealous of Jay and Evie!”
Harry’s pupils dilated at the male’s loud declaration, frantically looking around to see if anyone had heard anything, because if they had he’d hook them in a second, before grabbing him roughly by the collar. He glowered at him, and if he had had his hook, would’ve strung him by the neck when he had the chance. “Shut it! The whole world doesn’t need to know.”
Gil’s eyes widened in surprise. “So you’re not denying it.”
Unable to take the smug look on the bastards face any longer, Harry let him go, roughly shoving him to the ground. “Either ye shut up and let it go, or ye can keep talking and I’ll hook ya.”
He raised a brow. “They confiscated your hook.”
Harry took a step forward, expression murderous as his lips curved into a dangerous grin, one that spoke of cold bloodshed. “Who says I only had one hook?”
The boy paled, words dying on his lips before he reluctantly nodded. He lifted his fingers to the sides of his lips, proceeding to zip them up and throwing the imaginary keys away. Harry only nodded in satisfaction.
“Good. Now if ye mention this to anyone, I’ll hook ye for real.”
Gil gulped. He didn’t doubt that.
“So? What’d he do?”
He shook his head vehemently. “I’m not supposed to say.”
She bristled, clearly unimpressed by his answer, or lack thereof. “And why not?”
The male thought back to the earlier threat with a wince, hand coming to his throat as he imagined all the ways he would be brutally murdered if he had let something slip. “He said he’ll hook me. For real this time.”
She rolled her eyes with a huff. So dramatic, she thought.
“Fine. If he wants to play it that way, we’ll play.”
Gil almost shuddered at the devious look on her face. It spoke of payback, best served cold and in hypothermic temperatures. Her mother had truly taught her well.
“Lay it on thick okay? I don’t care what you do, just pull out all the stops,” she demanded, looking him straight in the eye.
Jay raised a brow in skepticism. “Are you sure about this?”
Evie nodded, eyes flashing in determination. Sometimes desperate times had called for desperate measures, and it was time her mother’s teachings were put to a test. “Positive.”
He held her gaze for a little while longer, and seeing that she wasn’t letting up anytime soon, let out a resigned sigh. Jay’s eyes did a quick sweep of the area before proceeding to wrap an arm around her waist. While this was most certainly awkward for the both of them, it had to be done.
Evie shuffled closer to him, letting herself relax into his hold. While Jay was definitely better built than Harry, and had larger muscles, she had still preferred the firm yet warm grip of the pirate’s by a long shot. Not to mention that she missed the scent of the crisp sea air he brought with him, now submerged by the woodsy aftershave of Jay. As she let him guide her around the courtyard, her eyes darted across the fields until her target was in sight. When she finally caught sight of him, she looked up at Jay, who had also noticed.
“I really don’t know what you see in that guy,” Jay said, intentionally lowering his voice as he put on his most charming smile.
Evie held a hand to her mouth as she pretended to giggle, lightly slapping him on the chest. “You wouldn’t understand.”
Jay raised a brow, tucking a few strands of hair behind his ear. “Explain it to me then.”
She flashed him her flirtiest smile. “I know you guys still have this bitter rivalry going on, and after all this time are still not on the best of terms, but trust me when I say he’s changed for the better.”
“He’s still a major douchebag, you know that right?”
She shrugged, before pushing up on the balls of her feet to whisper in his ear. “I know.”
Evie pulled back, Jay looking down at her before starting to lean in, ready to give her a chaste kiss on her cheek. Yet before his lips could make contact with her skin, he felt himself being roughly pulled by the back of his collar and shoved onto the ground. He heard Evie let out a small squeak in surprise as Jay looked up, only to be met with the murderous glare of one irate Harry Hook.
“Get away from her Jay,” he spat, clenched fists at his sides.
Jay quickly glanced to the side at Evie, who seemed shocked yet pleased, before glaring up at Harry.
“And why would I want to do that?”
The pirate let out a predatory growl. “If ye want me to hook you, I suggest ye bugger off.”
He only raised a challenging brow as he lifted himself off the ground, staring at him levelly. “How are you gonna hook me without a hook? Last time I heard, your hook was collecting dust at the museum.”
The infuriating smirk on his face made Harry snap as he almost pounced forward to tackle him to the ground, only to be stopped by Evie, who had caught him by the arm. She pulled him back, forcing him to look down at her. Harry said nothing, only eyeing her with a strange look, before turning back to Jay who still had yet to wipe that smug smirk off his face.
“Ye know I’m the one datin’ her, and that the princess is off limits so get lost and find yer own!”
Jay’s eyes narrowed. “Really? If you’re dating her, then why have you been avoiding her?”
It was Harry’s turn to narrow his eyes as he cocked his head to the side. “Excuse me? Avoiding her?”
“Yeah. You—“
He was interrupted by Evie giving him a shake of the head, tightening the grip around Harry’s arm. Jay sighed, understanding what she meant as Harry let himself be dragged by Evie, strangely contemplative.
Just before they left, Evie managed to mouth a silent ‘thank you’ to Jay, who only nodded. Oh the things he did for his friends.
“Explain Princess,” he blurted, as soon as they were alone.
Evie sighed, slightly irritated he was so forward about it. But she supposed this was the right time more than anything. “You were avoiding me,” she began, to which she received a questioning frown in response.
Harry shook his head. “No I wasn’t. You were avoiding me.”
She glared at him. “Don’t argue with me Harry Hook. After you stormed out on me last week, I’m pretty sure it’s safe to say that you’ve been avoiding me! Every time I was near you or when I tried looking for you, you turned a blind eye. You even had Gil alert you when I was near!”
Evie rarely got angry, but when she did, whoever was on the other side was in for a whole lot of trouble as a single glare would send chills up their spine. Harry had the decency to look a bit guilty at the accusation but was still in disagreement. “I only had him alert me so I knew where ye were ‘cause I’d been looking for ye! Everywhere I thought ye’d be, and ye weren’t there! I thought ye were avoiding me.”
She eyed him skeptically, but from the way his eyes looked at her so earnestly she knew he wasn’t lying. She could read him like a book, and whenever he lied he was a little more callous about it. And yet, he was still adamant in his truth.
“Fine, so we couldn't find each other,” she summed up, running a hand through her hair. “But after last week, and under the impression that you had been avoiding me, I just got so angry that—“
“Ye had to bring Jay into this and start flirtin’ with ye,” he finished, Evie wincing at his accurate guess. It certainly wasn't one of her most finest moments, despite how logical it had seemed at the time.
“It was only to get your attention, I promise. After everything that happened, and your refusal to get close to me, I got desperate.”
Harry raised an eyebrow in what almost appeared to be a flicker of amusement. “And ye decided getting me jealous would do the trick?”
Evie looked at him helplessly. “Dizzy suggested it?”
He almost snorted. “Ye got dating advice from that little runt?” he asked in disbelief, Evie scowling in offence.
“Two things Harry. One, Dizzy is not a ‘runt’, and two, it worked anyway.”
“Yer damn right it did,” he declared, pulling her into his chest. He lifted a hand beneath her chin to gently tilt her lips toward him. “At least he didn’t get to taste these lips.”
She rolled her eyes. “I prefer pirates over thieves anyway,” she replied, before closing the gap between them.
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