#anon my friend this made me smile and go fluffed up like a baby penguin
corrodedcoughin · 1 year
i just think that steddie is the furthest from those couples who joke about hating each other. they've both been through too much and had been given too little love for what they need (and deserve). someone talks like marriage, huh? end of your freedom and life? and steddie just go straight faced, no. no i love my husband why would you say that.
they're one of those couples where you think they must be faking it, because you can't possibly wake up every day this happy and love your husband more? but they're really that. waking up earlier just so they can spend time together before work. getting each other flowers and gifts for no reason other than "i just thought about you" or "just wanted to make you smile". when one of them is out and he's like. i have to go home because i miss my husband too much now. just genuinely wanting to be around each other all the time. even during the worst arguments, there's never a doubt they're not still completely head over heels. they're It. and they can't even bring themselves to joke about ever feeling anything different. they sure tease each other a lot about everything but this? this is the one thing they're too scared to joke about
Logging on to see this and I am nodding aggressively. They are BESOTTED with each other. They are DISGUSTINGLY in love. They make other people YEARN for silly love songs they make come true. I, for one, am furious
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