witheringstone · 1 year
So I forced my ED down and my weight went to 121.5 lb, idk how to feel about that and now want to lower it
Gonna ask roommate if I can fast, just for a day I swear, and then try to do intermittent fasting. Thinking of doing that 16:8 diet and see how it goes.. I think my preferred eating window is 10 - 6.
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geordie-pilskog · 3 years
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witheringstone · 1 year
Relapse time..... wooo....
I'm trying really hard to find ways to "healthily" fast, I'm gonna try buying plain yogurt, lean protein and other things, maybe safe food as well in case I break??? I also found out that I may most likely have Body Dysmorphia which is one of the biggest things that affect my ED. My belly looked "bigger" today and it made me break down.... fucking great.
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witheringstone · 2 years
My ED is spiraling, I don't want to relapse... I DON'T WANT TO RELAPSE.
The stress alone is what caused me to lose so much weight, I don't want to go lower.... but that darkness is screaming at me to relapse all over again
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witheringstone · 2 years
Hello, I am kind of back after so long. Life has just been a wreck overall. I've been learning more about myself and learning how much more mentally ill and broken I am.
Luckily, I've been recovering from my ED for a year now. But for the past couple of months, it has been nothing but PURE STRESS.
And I checked my weight out of genuine curiosity, and guess what? I was 115.4 lb.
Not from ED, restricting, no food etc. but from stress alone. Seeing that triggered me and scared me, I do not want to go lower. I do not want my ED to come at me and relapse... but now I hear those thoughts again; of wanting to lose weight..... life is not great rn
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witheringstone · 3 years
My partner is ordering Pizza Hut even though I don't want pizza aaaaa what do I doooo
They are literally going to force me to eat or get sad if I don't eat ughhhhh
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witheringstone · 3 years
Hey all, I'm back after so long lmao
I moved out without telling my parents because screw them
I have been in my new place for 2 weeks now woo
But what sucks is that my partner is not letting me start my diet until I have "PrOpEr pRePaRaTiOnS" for it... ughh..... it's literally starting to get to me. Luckily they own a weight scale because I didn't pack mine when I moved.
I haven't worked out in a while and I've only been eating spicy Ramen and home-cooked food. It's slowly starting to get to me.
I'm scared that I'm gonna go back to 120 lb which was my old goal weight before, I refuse to let that happen. I'm gonna try and secretly fast today and see how that goes
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geordie-pilskog · 3 years
My friend stopped texting me after I told her I might suffer from anorexia. It always happens, but I didn't expect it from her. I was so caring, so understanding with her.
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geordie-pilskog · 3 years
So nice I don't have instagram anymore. So I can't go and check his page. Tonight I dreamt about my ex, it was a very warmful dream and I wonder why it was actually him, that hurt me so much in the end, to warm up that sad night. I feel like I miss him, I miss who we were, who we could have become, but he changed. So, it's a good thing I can't check on him because all of a sudden I miss him so much.
Today I didn't weight myself. I told my brother about my ed and my therapist too. I hope I'll soon see a nutritionist that will help me out of this. I'm sorry everyone, I want to recover. I want to feel warm and not cold all the time. It's time to stop hating myself and accept my problems, solve them and maybe maybe start a new life. I'll still be here tho, with some thinspo, my diaries, my body checks and I'll be checking on you. Even to those I didn't speak to, I swear i love you so much. It's spring, it's time to heal for me, it will be difficult, and for us all it's time to forgive ourselves from things that we didn't even do, from tose things that were out of our control. Feel free to interact with this post and most importantly stay safe you all! Love you lots. 💖
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geordie-pilskog · 3 years
I was happy till I ate a muffin and my brother bodyshamed me.
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geordie-pilskog · 3 years
Spring came and I lost only 3 kgs lol. Might go clothes shopping because the weather is really hot but the cutest clothes are for skinny girls ;o;
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geordie-pilskog · 3 years
Blurry pics of my graphic novel. She is Dalida and she's been struggling with anorexia. Around the sketch, there are the lyrics of a song that fitted the thematic so well "my body is a cage" by Arcade Fire.
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My body is a cage
That keeps me
From dancing
With the one I love
But my mind holds the key...
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geordie-pilskog · 3 years
So today I have an appointment with my therapist and I wonder if i should talk to her abt my relapse. I just ate two rice cakes with ham and cheese and I was like "am i recover now?!" No i'm not I just craved those all day long. Returning to the therapist topic, what should I do? I don't really want to be forced to eat...
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witheringstone · 3 years
I am on a 24-hour fast but I kinda want to eat something small, but I fear I'll gain weight and just lose everything, even if it is small amount of food
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