#another day another tedbecca lament
ted/rebecca season three things that i will simply never recover from -- dare i say, never forgive:
sassy saying ted's puns are terrible and that he's a mess and then later in the same episode rebecca saying she and ted get along because they're both messes and smiling at his terrible pun
ted wanting to hang out with rebecca in amsterdam and then her phone falling into the water and her meeting another man in what was clearly a classic romcom narrative move designed to make us go "nooooo, now rebecca will never know that ted wants to hang out with her in amsterdam!" (wherein boat guy is poised as the temporary obstacle love interest and ted is the endgame love)
rebecca looking at the green soldier from ted and the matchbook together (sidenote: did i hallucinate this or did this actually happen? maybe i hallucinated this. was this fake?)
the biscuit box open behind the matchbook!!!
ted having the green matchbook
"remember to let her into your heart" playing in "hey jude" when rebecca called ted
both of them wearing red in the red string of fate episode
the hallway conversation wherein they both said what the other was thinking and then were both like ?????
rebecca saying "oklahoma." TWICE!
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