#another music inspired smutty fanfic lol whats new
forlix · 8 months
👉🏻👈🏻 bestie I love hearing about the writer’s process, so fun facts and such are so welcome. give me info for my lil gremlin brain, please! I did enjoy the tidbit :) very much so, and I love that clip as well so it’s very cool that you got to use it for inspo.
LOL OMG 'Penetration Was Occurring’ SENT ME! I know some fic writers lately have been using ‘p in v’ but I think ‘Penetration Occurs’ has potential, for sure.
and ty for loving my music taste 🫶🏻 and enjoying all my recs. I’m so honoured ;w; hozier is so good and such an inspiration for so many of my fics. his ‘unreal unearth’ album destroyed me when it released, I love him and his songs so dearly 💔
pleeease fangirl over me, this degree has to be validated in some way I am in DEBT. lol jk but yeah, getting to talk lit was something I really loved about completing my degree, and I don’t really have any friends that enjoy it now. my coworkers all read a lot so I get to chat with them, but I decline to mention the copious amounts of smutty fanfic I consume lol but booo to that professor, I’m so sorry they ruined it for you 😔 I’m sure the same would’ve happened to me if my prof for my introductory course wasn’t cool. I would be soo happy if you read my fics, but also hella embarrassed 🙈
I def will reach out because I want friends so badly but idk what to say to people 🥹 but I love our essays 🫶🏻 also I’m SORRY!! IDK ANYTHING ABOUT EXO!! ;w; song recs are welcome, idk. I tend to gravitate to kpop groups with members around my age though (00 liner life) but idk, anything can happen!! I’m scarily open to indoctrination 
but thank you for being so sweet and loving my ramblings!! and I’m happy to keep supporting your works ^^ (your new theme is very cute btw, so aesthetically pleasing omgg) I adore you too, take care! kisses, mwah mwah uwu
-🪷 anonniiie
pls if your brain is a gremlin brain what does that make mine. perhaps that of a troll. an imp. a hobgoblin, even. we are in this together my baby lotus nonnie (also i SEE YOUR VISION. "Penetration Will Occur" will be making a comeback in the near future just you wait)
and YOU'RE honored that i enjoyed your music taste? have you seen your music taste? have you read back on your last ask and Processed what you did there? you literally carved my fic down to its very essence and transcribed the amorphous core into some of the most beautiful music i've ever heard. the honor is all mine, and i am NAWT arguing with you about this one, the fight is won, pack your bags.
and ABSOLUTELY YOU GOT IT, i am your biggest fan, you are so cool and your degree is so cool and never ever forget it. please come talk to me about literature whenever you want, i don't read as much as i used to but whenever i do i can ramble about it for as long as you'll let me lol. so just know you have another lit nerd in me. and i meant what i said about reading your fics! and i am very excited for it my star
by now you have reached out to me and i have continued to enjoy our conversations so incredibly much, so i would disagree with your self-evaluation that you never know what to say to people! i can feel your kindness and warmth through my screen and can confidently say you're my favorite type of person :') i also want to say once again how grateful i am that you trusted me with your identity. i love and appreciate you lots!!
thank you for the kind words as always, and for the support and for this ask and for liking my new theme!! absorbing and reflecting your kisses + thousands more in three...two...
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heavymetalover · 5 years
Heresy (Michael Langdon x fem reader)
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Summary: You’re a witch visiting the Hawthorne School for Exceptional Young Men, aiding to your fallen Supreme, Cordelia, when suddenly engaging in a spontaneous rendezvous with the Boy Wonder himself, Michael Langdon.
Warnings: smut, dirty talk, light choking, fingering, oral sex, vaginal sex, dom/sub, hickies, rough sex, daddy kink.
Word count: 4.1k
A/N: back with another one shot after a depressive episode hahaaaaa fuck
feel free to ask me stuff, i may get to a request if i have time. also i needa follow more ahs/cody blogs since im slowly morphing back into an ahs blog so ill try to follow everyone back! anyways 
 Ever since your arrival at Hawthorne, you’ve been enamored with the talk of the town. Mr. Bigshot Michael Langdon. You came with Cordelia, the plane ride made you nauseated. Not from the immoderate turbulence, but from the thought of your Supreme falling. You all had doubts, thought that Michael was just another powerful warlock, nothing too menacing; but when Michael brought back your sisters from the dead, something Cordelia couldn’t even do, you knew he was a threat.
Michael is one of the few people on this Earth you’ve met with unbreakable confidence. He holds his head high, a cunning smirk enduringly secured on his full pink lips. Yet something about him is also so child-like. His power excites him and he’s always quick to engage in conversation about himself; almost giddy with his effervescent wit, yet beautifully controlled.
You don’t know what made you want to engage with this man, the most you’ve ever done with him is shake his hand. There was a moment he brushed against you, you felt a hard bulge in his pants lightly brush against your ass, his big hand squeezing your shoulder as he wedged himself past you, lingering slightly and feeling as if he purposely was pushing his pelvis against you. You dismissed your suspicions of this minor interaction, explaining it away as a whimsical delusion plagued by your hormonal, juvenile brain. Although, you wanted more than anything to believe he was coming onto you, you were here to support the witches. Your sisters. Not the desperate, power-driven warlocks.
It’s late in the evening, Cordelia passed out on the couch in the common area while the other witches attempt to nurse her to health, a few of them nearly falling asleep next to her. For some odd reason, your eyes are resisting sleep tonight. You’re carelessly flipping through a book, eyes grazing over the tiny words. Your mind is preoccupied with something else, someone else. Constantly glancing around the room just in hopes you’d catch a glimpse of his golden curls reflecting the candlelight, or even his black cloak dramatically flowing behind him, something, anything to feed your hunger.
You presume a few hours have passed now; the whole school has gone silent except for a thumping bass in the distance. Once you fixate on the noise, your eyebrows knit in confusion. You thought you were the last person awake. You shut the book you’ve been neglecting and set it back on the shelf, prudently pursing the bass-y melody. Your heels echoing in the empty halls, stopping dead in your tracks when you come to the hall where the music originates. You walk through the arch into the rich, golden hallways lit up by flickering candles. Hard rock music blaring from a closed door, but it becomes obvious who’s room it is as you get closer. You can recognize his scent from a mile away. The music comes from Michael’s room.
You ball your fist, ready to pound his door and tell him to turn down his music, but pause before you can make contact with the door. You hear low groans over the music, momentarily mistaking them to be apart of the song, but soon realizing it’s Michael’s voice when he grunts out a loud “fuck!”
Your jaw drops, just hearing his moans on the other end of the door makes your heart sink. With little hesitation, you press your ear against the door, your earring hitting the polished wood and making a louder clink than you expected. Michael doesn’t seem to notice, continuing his low moans from inside the room.
You initially came with the intention of telling him off, giving him a much-needed reality check that the world doesn’t revolve around him. But you’re compelled to put all of that on hold and keep listening, laying your palm against his wooden door and resting on it, catching yourself pretending it’s Michael’s sturdy, defined body. You know you shouldn’t be so thirsty for him; he exudes arrogance out of his pores, exhausting and intoxicating you all at once. You’d never admit it, but buried deep down, you know you like that about him. You like his hubris, it makes you fantasize about how possessive he’d be when fucking you, how he’d humiliate you.
You run your hand down the door panel and press your cheek harder against the wood. Your other hand reaching underneath your short, lacey black dress. The scent of his cologne is strong enough to have tainted the door. You bask in the gritty, manly pheromones, starting to rub your aching clit in small circles. Your lips grazing the door as you quicken your pace, listening to his loud music and touching yourself to the rhythm. You can see why he listens to it; it’s even helping you get more into the mood.
You’re practically kissing the door when you almost fall flat onto the floor by somebody swinging it open. You regain your balance and collect yourself, feeling your face burning red with embarrassment. Michael’s icy blue eyes scope the situation for a moment, landing on you, then the door, then your hand on your crotch. You pull it away after Michael’s already found it. Shit. He clears his throat. “Y/n,” he talks to you slow, as if you were a toddler, “what the fuck?”
Your mind sets aside his condescending tone for a moment to revel in the fact that he knows your name; though you mentally beat yourself up right after for being so desperate and putting your dignity on the backburner. It takes you a split second to spew out your reply, “I-I could ask you the same.” You bite your tongue in hopes he didn’t linger too much on your stumble. “I could hear your music all the way from the common room, people are trying to sleep.”
“And why aren’t you?” he leans both his arms against the doorframe, looking so lackadaisical and impossibly sexy. You hate him for it.
“I was watching over Cordelia,” you lie, although you wish it was true. You know the only reason is because of him, because your thoughts always come back to his beautiful, smug face.
“I don’t believe you,” he says with a slight shake to his head, his lively curls bobbing with each movement.
You know you should just leave the situation now and give him one last nudge to turn down his music, but something inside you urges you to entertain his question. “Why don’t you believe me?” you ask, bouncing back and forth on the tiny heels of your stilettos. “What else would I be doing?” you wish you could swallow the words back up as soon as they leave your mouth.
He squints his eyes at you as if you had just asked the dumbest question on the planet. “Listening to me,” he shoots back, “and…” His eyes trail down to your crotch and he raises a brow. He doesn’t audibly declare your actions, as if saying the words aloud will frame the situation to be even more perverted than it already is.
“And touching myself,” you finish his sentence, taking a step closer to him.
There’s a certain energy to him, a sinister overtone even when a stupid grin spreads across his face. “You’re a nasty little witch, aren’t you?” he asks, keeping his voice low.
The tension becomes thicker with each pause, you feel your breathing getting uneven, mouth watering, a numbness to your fingertips. Michael looks completely unphased, still holding himself with the utmost confidence. “Maybe that’s for you to decide,” you reply gingerly, “sir.”
He inches himself closer to you until his nose barely brushes the tip of yours. “I think you are,” he whispers. You gulp down all the excess water in your mouth, just looking at him makes you hungry for more. He aggressively takes a chunk of your hair and pulls your head back, the candles in the hallway burn out. Did you do that?
He gives a measly scoff at your powers before turning back to you. Michael leans closer, his lips shave yours ever so slightly. Hooded eyes surveying every inch of your face, pulling tighter and smiling at your wince in pain. “You want me?” he asks, lips lugging against yours, but rejecting the satisfaction of a kiss.
“Yes,” you let out a breathy whisper. “I do, sir.” An attempt to kiss him results in your hair being mercilessly tugged again. It hurt to the point you felt a burning behind your eyes, tears threatening to appear, but you wouldn’t dare tell him to stop. At this point, you’d do anything Michael wanted you to do, be anything he wanted you to be.
He drags the back of his moist tongue down your neck and stops at the base, laying his lips down and lightly sinking his teeth into you, sucking up the salty sweat on your skin. You unexpectedly moan at his ardor, eyes darting around the hall for witnesses. He sucks vigorously, eliciting a surprised gasp from you each time he sucks harder. Deciding he’s done when your neck feels on fire, his mouth parts from your flesh with a delicious smack.
He releases his tight grasp from your hair, now clutching the back of your neck with a death grip, squeezing like he owns your body. A light groan dies on his lips as he comes back to your face, lips touching again. “I smelt you as soon as you came to my door, I know the smell of a witch well.” Neither of you make an effort to pull away, he uses one of his slender arms to caress the side of your body, moving along your curves. “I know the smell of a drenched cunt, too.” His hand finds your pussy and to his avail, he’s correct.
Sliding your panties to the slide, he thumbs your core. You grab his toned arm for balance as he touches your sensitive clit, rubbing it slowly with ease. “You eavesdropped on me fucking myself, huh?” his tone turns rough. “Invading my privacy…” he continues through gritted teeth as if he was holding back on cussing you out completely. He rubs you harder and faster, your face contorting as you grab onto him tighter. You bite your tongue to hold back screams, almost forgetting that you were standing outside of his room, but the thrill of getting caught turns you on even more. You can feel the wetness dripping down your thighs. “You like invading my privacy,” he starts again, rubbing harder than ever. You feel yourself getting pushed to the edge, biting your tongue so hard you draw blood. “Say it,” he demands.
“I like invading your… f-fuck! Y-your privacy,” it takes all your power to form a coherent sentence. Your pussy convulses under his fingers and he takes them away, leaving an agonizing throbbing in your clit.
He pulls you by your wrist into his room, shutting the door behind him. His lips automatically connect to yours, aggressively tongue-fucking your face, barely stopping to take a breath. “Is this what you wanted?” he asks breathlessly. “You want to be used like a whore?”
You smile at his crudeness; his dirty talk sends chills throughout your core. “Yes, daddy,” you respond softly, returning to his kisses. He grins against your kiss at this little nickname. A childish whimper escaping your lips when his pants rub against your unfinished cunt.
He pulls away to tug his black shirt over his head, you take the moment apart to slip off your tight dress. “I was hoping you’d stop by after I pushed myself into you,” he grins. A wave of relief passes through you when you realize that moment you shared with him wasn’t a product fabricated by being overly imaginative. “I knew your body would be mine the moment I saw you in that tight little dress.”
“I wore it just for you,” you speak your words with a sugary sweetness to match your frenzied desperation for him to fill you up. “My body is all yours.”
“I know,” he sneers. He pushes you onto the bed, towering over you as he claws off your panties. His skin slightly glistened in sweat, intimately lit by the dim lighting in his room. You’ve never seen someone look so goddamn sexy. He runs a hand through his perfect golden waved hair before settling himself between your legs. The first contact he makes is licking up your hot cunt before reintroducing his fingers. It won’t take much more to make you come since he started you off in the hall.
Now that you’re in the comfort of his room, you let all your moans escape as loud as you want. “Fuck, Michael!” you yell, hoping the music is loud enough to mask your screams. His tongue pulses against your dripping pussy as his slim fingers work your clit again. You shut your eyes as tight as you can and pull at the sheets of his bed, feeling the vibration of his moans against your cunt and the cadence of the song, everything turns you on.
Just not enough.
I need more.
Nothing seems to satisfy.
I said, I don’t want it.
I just need it.
To breathe, to feel, to know I’m alive.
Michael’s finger slides inside your pussy, pulsing to his own rhythm, speeding up before you can adjust to his intensity. He adds another finger flicking up inside your pussy, tickling your g-spot with each tap. “Fu-” you can’t even release your cursing. “Right there, right there,” you breathe, not sure your words are even audible. Michael begins pacing his tongue over your ripened clit, continuing to fuck you with his long fingers and rub your slit with his thumb, making sure every nerve is stimulated.
You yank his sheets, trying to sit up and watch him devour you, but dropping back onto the bed in defeat. “S-so good,” you cry. He speeds up even more and you yelp. He snickers at your titillation, sending a flood of heat against your cunt. “I’m,” is the only word you can get out before fauceting a stream of clear liquid from your hole.
Michael leans back, letting your pussy release all of the built-up tension. His face scrunches up inquisitively as you come all over his bed. Once you’re done leaking and completely out of breath, Michael glances at you in disbelief. “Wow,” is the only word that can cross his lips before licking up the excess filth that splashed onto your thighs. He climbs on top of you to plant a kiss on your begging lips, you taste your salty juices in his mouth. He parts from the kiss and you lick yourself off of your lips. “That’s my dirty girl,” he praises.
He takes both of your arms and pulls you to sit up on his bed. You’re so lost in ecstasy that you can’t even process Michael slipping his pants down in front of you and the enormous protrusion occupying his boxers. You get thrown back into the fire when his lengthy erection springs out and slaps your cheek. Your brain reacts as if programmed to be his little sex toy. You grab his cock in your hands and shove it down your throat. “Show me how grateful you are that I let you come,” he rocks his hips into your face. You grab his hips to push his dick even further into your mouth, working past your gags and pushing as deep as you can. Every time he thrusts you feel yourself choke on his length, “You like the way I fuck your face, huh? You like how I treat you like a dirty hole?”
You pull him out of your mouth, inhaling the smell of his cologne and spitting on the pink tip of his hard cock. You haven’t seen a dick this big outside of porn, maybe not even in porn. You stroke his length, giving yourself time to recover before shoving him back down your throat. You lick up his balls and he groans, beginning to reposition your head for sucking.
You open your mouth and he shoves himself back in, plunging to the back of your throat. You feel your mouth coat his dick with saliva, choking back on his precum and slurping back all of the juices. You run your hand up and down his shaft, feeling like you’re only able to guzzle down half of his dick. You pull it out of your mouth to spit on his glazed cock, continuing to jerk his shaft. You go back to sucking, bobbing your head up and down as fast as you can and releasing his cock to spit on it. He throws his head back as you continue mouth fucking him. “Goddamn!” he shouts, rocking himself into you even harder. You gag on his cock, tears streaming down your cheeks, he loves this. “Let me see your eyes,” he requests. You look up at him, blinking out your tears. “Fuck me,” he sighs before pulling himself out of your mouth, a white substance oozing from his hole.
You fight to catch your breath as he’s already repositioning you. Pushing you onto all fours and spitting on your cunt before entering. “I can’t wait to stretch out those tight little walls,” he says, teasing his cock up and down your folds. “Say it’s okay,” he begs, his cock pressed against your hole. Your heart skips when he says this. You nod your head, too in shock to conjure an answer. “I want to hear you say it,” he presses.
You gulp down your nervousness, trying not to appear stunned by his need for approval. “I want you to stretch out my walls, daddy,” you finally answer, using your hands to spread your pussy wide for him. “Fuck me until I can’t walk,” you plead, wiggling your tailbone and pushing his erection into your cunt.
This is admission enough for him, he inserts the head and you feel your whole-body tremble. His cock is so thick, you can really feel your pussy stretching for him. He grabs your hips and slowly starts adding some of his length. You tense up and grab his arm, he stops immediately. “Just relax, relax baby,” he reassures you.
You take a deep breath in and he pushes himself into you on exhale, placing a hand on the small of your back as he goes deeper… and deeper and deeper, as if his dick is bottomless. You find yourself pulling at his sheets again, more tears forming in your eyes. He starts rocking his hips, cramming his large cock into your tight pussy. Each push begins loosening you up, your pain turning into pleasure as he inserts more of himself into you. “Good girl,” he flatters, giving a small smack to your ass and making you jump.
Both of you moaning in pleasure, fucking to the rhythm of the song playing. The instruments enveloping you and you push yourself even more against his dick, wanting to feel all of him inside you. “Give it all to me,” you demand, pushing him deeper inside of you. You both sigh with how deep he’s getting. “Fuck me, daddy,” you hear yourself wailing like a child.
“M’yeah?” he breathes, taking it as a challenge. In an instant, he executes your request, shoving himself balls deep, filling your guts with his thick length. Taken aback, you accidentally knock out all the lights in his room with a squeal, leaving behind a single candle on the opposite side of his room. The wind gets knocked out of you; breath unsteady. You can’t summon any words to your lips, just incessant choked sobs that wither away at the back of your throat.
He keeps pounding himself into you, his balls slapping your clit and sending goosebumps throughout your body. “You like being your coven’s dirty slut?” he spits, giving another hard slap to your ass. You can’t bring yourself to answer him. He drills so deep into you that you can feel him hammering your cervix. You can’t take him anymore and autonomously shift yourself away from him with a raucous scream, crawling away from his thick cock, but Michael chases. He clicks his tongue. “Don’t run away from it, baby,” he teases as you keep shifting.
You stop crawling away once you reach the edge of his bed, his cock sitting idly inside your tight pussy as he catches up. He breaks the lull and starts pumping into you quickly again, this time pinning your arms behind your back. “No more running away,” he taunts. You feel your pussy spasming with each plunge, your muscles adjusting to his fat cock, but they never seem to process it. You can’t stop moaning, screaming for more. You roll your eyes back and drop your head in defeat, taking the hard pounding to your cunt. “That’s it, baby,” he sighs. “Take all of daddy’s cock like a good slut.”
He guides himself into you, salaciously smacking into your round ass with each thrust. You feel like your whole body is crumbling under his touch, one more move and you’d be pure dust. Your heartbeat quickened, body shaking, numbness in your legs, you know you’re close to coming. You close your eyes shut, clenching your jaw, stifled moans escaping animalistically from the back of your throat. You squeeze one of Michael’s arms as he continues holding your hands behind your back. Papers fly off his desk, the music volume fluctuates, you can’t believe how strong your powers are becoming under him.
“C’mon, baby,” he continues assaulting your cunt with hard thrusts, “come for me. Come for daddy.” He wraps a large hand around your throat, hitching your breath, and directs your body to be flush against his. Your back against his chest, creating friction as he keeps with the same fervor. His lips against your ear, “Who’s your Supreme now, baby?”
The thought of Cordelia decaying on the couch in the common space right now crosses your mind, but being under Michael’s influence sends dark thoughts rushing in your head. Who cares? “You, Michael. You’re my new Supreme,” you answer with a strangled sob.
He pushes you back onto the bed, burying your head into his mattress. You suck up his scent through the fabric; drooling onto his sheets while being fucked senseless, you love the way he uses you. “That’s right, baby,” he affirms, “I’m the fucking Supreme.”
He gives another smack, and with that, a trembling throughout your entire body. “Michael, I’m coming!” you scream, trying to lift yourself up, but he keeps pushing you down. “Michael, I’m-!” you get cut off by the unyielding orgasm overtaking your body. Your mouth hangs open, eyes rolled back, fingers digging into his sheets. The lower half of your body surrenders to the orgasm gushing juices from your already-soaking cunt.
Michael sneers over you coming before him, but he’s close to release too. You flip onto your back and he fondles your breasts, throwing his head back and letting out a deep sigh. His skin turns a sickeningly pale white, his eyes meet yours, completely blacked out. He leans down to give you a quick kiss on the lips, his skin burning hot. Why aren’t you scared?
Although you were certain you had lost feeling between your legs from orgasm, when he thrusts himself into you, the hardest he has yet, you can’t help but let out a little yelp. You feel his hot seed spilling into your cunt, he takes himself out of you, smearing his come into your folds with the tip of his cock. You don’t even give yourself the opportunity to dwell on what happened to Michael during orgasm, why he looked so evil. You write it off as maybe-it’s-a-warlock-thing.
He collapses next to you, skin returning to it’s usual light tan and eyes reverting to a deep blue. So blue that you can fall right into them. Oh, your mind wanders, how will you ever hide this from Cordelia? Or worse, how could you explain yourself to her? Face her at this time?
Michael rests his palm on your cheek, swaying your gaze towards him and snapping you out of your daze. “Don’t you worry your pretty little head about Cordelia,” he assures you. Fuck, he was listening.
He plants a soft kiss on your lips, much more loving than anything else he’s done with you tonight. “Cordelia is falling. Remember, I’m your Supreme now… and you don’t have to worry about a thing.”
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Hidden In Plain Site (2)- Tom Holland x Reader
Word Count:  2348
A/N: This was inspired by this wonderful post by @starsholland. Without it this would not be happening. This will be a multi part fic, but I don’t know how many chapters or when it will be posted so if you’d like to be tagged let me know:)  Welcome to Tom being undercover on Tumblr. Quick notes- Y/T/B = Your Tumblr Blog
Chapter One || Master List
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The edit turned out better than you thought it would. You had decided to use blue and red, since they’re Spider-Man colors and it honestly suits Tom and Haz so well. You still are wondering when the picture is from since you scoured the depths of Google and Tumblr to no avail. It’s either really old, or not really posted. Either way it made an adorable edit and will look great in your edit’s tag. It’s also sparked some ideas for a friendship imagine. It’s been so long since you wrote anything, with work and family stuff weighing you down, but you can picture the outline in your head so as soon as you finish the last touches on your outline, you click open a new document and drop a few lines down to get going. 
“What you working on?” Your brother calls to you from across the living room. He knows that once you’re home for the afternoon, it’s not normally work stuff, but sometimes your graphic design projects run into your post work day.
“Just some edits. Nothing too big.”
“Bringing work home?”
“Nope, just working on some extra stuff.” You type some more into the document, wanting to make sure that everything is hitting the moment right. In your browser, you pull up your tumblr and make a new post.
Ask me stuff while I work on my latest imagine. Give me a number 1-100 and I’ll give you a song from my writing playlist and a memory attached to it.
Across the ocean, Tom can’t sleep. It’s nearly 3am, but something is keeping his mind from sleeping. He should be able to sleep just fine. He isn’t working on any movies that have him worried, he doesn’t have any auditions coming up, and he doesn’t have press for a few weeks. So why can’t he get to sleep?
Lifting his phone in his hand he sees a notification from Tumblr saying that Y/T/B has posted. He swipes across and waits for the post to load. You want questions? Well, he can help with that. Plus, he’s interested in learning about what kind of music you’re interested in.
Anonymous Asked:
Anonymous Asked:
Anonymous Asked: 
Three Anons come in right after another. You weren’t expecting that quick of a reaction. Sure you had a couple hundred followers, but you didn’t tend to get that many reactions to your posts. At least not back to back. But you’ll take it, and reply. As soon as you send the edit to that blog that asked for it.
You pull up the thread between you and tomholland2013. You click the camera button and upload the edit you had done. 
Hey, here’s that edit. Hope this works for you! 
Surprisingly, whoever is behind the account messages back immediately.
That looks awesome! Thanks so muchX
Hows your night going?X
More like afternoon here lol. I’m just getting some work done after getting home earlier.
How about you? Is it night there?
It’s like the middle of the night here and I can’t sleepX
If it’s middle of the night there, did you see the news? 
What news?X
That Tom saved Spider-Man?! It’s been all over Tumblr since I got home from work.
It’s kind of the reason I made your edit in red and blue tbh.
I hadn’t had time to look at my dashboard to be honest. I’ve been busy with work stuff most of the afternoon.X
It wasn’t a lie. Over the past few days having talks between him, Bob and Tom trying to smooth everything over, there wasn’t much time to glance over the explosion that had happened since the original news had been released. But after clicking send on his message to Y/N, he clicks over to your main blog to see the reaction to the news. There are some general reblogs of the news announcing Spider-Man returning to the MCU but then there were also some general posts about Spider-Man and Peter Parker. Your tags are what really get to him. Some like hashtag my-baby-is-back-where-he-belongs and hashtag get-tom-drunk-more-often-if-it-saves-my-baby. He can’t help but laugh at the last one. True he hadn’t exactly been sober when he and Bob had first talked about getting Spider-Man back in the MCU, but he didn’t think that story would take the world by storm.
Going into his settings, Tom quickly updates his picture with the edit you had done for him. Honestly, it looked better than he had hoped for. You had done Spider-Man colors and if he wasn't trying to keep this blog on the down low, he would share it on his Instagram so his fans could see how talented Y/N was. As he hits save, another message comes through from you.
Do you mind if I use the edit I sent you as inspiration for an imagine?
A what?X
An imagine. It’s a specific type of fanfic. I had a great idea of one while I was working on the edit for you, but if you’re not cool with it, I’ll find a different picture.
You did all the work on it. Feel free to use it. What kind of story?X
Basically like a Tom x Reader with hints of Harrison friendship notes in it. It’s hard to explain lol
Have you written other stuff?X
I think everyone on this site dabbles in it from time to time, but yeah I’ve written a few pieces over the past few years.
Do you have a list of them?X
Sure, it’s here.
You had linked a page in your message. Apparently dabbling meant one.. Two.. three… his finger drags down the page as he counts the stories. Holy hell, you’ve written fifty stories about him, Peter Parker and even some of the other Avengers. But most of them revolve around him and x Reader, whatever that means. You had mentioned it in your message, but he wasn’t sure what it meant.
Ok, I’m new to the whole fanfic thing, so pardon my stupidity but what does x reader mean?X
It’s a self insert fic. Basically anywhere that it says Y/N or you, you put yourself into the fic. They’re one of the most popular types of fics.
Before he can reply to your message, a notification comes up saying that Y/T/B has posted a new post.
Anonymous Asked:
Y/T/B/ Answered: Heather by Conan Gray. So I love this song and totally have screamed along with the chorus of this song when I’m alone at home and writing or in my car driving places (otherwise I would freak my family out). When I wrote a fic called The Smell of Your Sweater, on my master list here, I listened to this song on repeat for three days straight to be in the right mind set. Honestly I could probably listen to this song until the end of time and never get sick of it. 
Tom reads over the answer and can picture someone jamming out to a song so much that they love it. He pulls open his Spotify app and pulls up the song, because he wants to feel closer to you, even though you’re time zones apart from each other. The fact that it’s afternoon where you are and nighttime where he is makes him think that you’re in the United States.
So reader insert are some of the most popular type of fics, but what are your favorite to read?X
That’s not even something that I would share on a first date lol you’ll be waiting a bit to find out. 
Is sharing that you write fanfic something that you don’t talk about on a date?X
Not normally. Talking about it with tumblr friends is one thing because I link it on my blog, but what I read is a whole nother thing. It literally says so much about you with who you read, what ships you ship, and especially what kinks you look for.
You haven’t read much yet have you?
Literally no. I’ve only been on tumblr since I messaged you the first time. That was the day I made my blogX
So you’ve been on for a month? And you’re deciding to get into fanfics?
No I’m thinking I should stay away from it still. It seems like virtual porn.X
It doesn’t have to have anything smutty in it. Just click on ones that say fluff or don’t say smut next to them. You can also block certain tags so they don’t come up on your dashboard. Like Starker is a popular one to be blocked for a lot of people.
I don’t think I even want to know what that is if people are blocking it who are into this porn esque writing. X
It’s not porn lol You seem to have only found smut so far. We need to find you some fluff. Maybe some Tom x Reader?
Maybe I’m just not ready for it after all.X
Does he want to read about himself? Not at all. That seems creepy. But other people write about him too. It’s not just Y/N. He decides to research this further. In the search bar he types in Tom Holland Fanfic. The first four post all say smut or NSFW so he’s not going to bother reading them, but the thing that catches his eye is the fact that they all have over 2,000 notes on them. Two thousand people have liked or reblogged about him in a sexual way? What the actual flipping hell?
Before he has the chance to flip out even more, another notification from your blog pops up.
Anonymous Asked:
Y/T/B answered: Praying by Kesha. THIS WOMAN COULD MURDER ME AND I WOULD THANK HER FOR IT. Plus that chorus makes me want to write some epic breakup scene and have one of the people begging the other to feel the same as they are feeling. Oooooo maybe I feel a one shot coming up. Anyway, a memory of this song- my best friend and I blasted this song while we drove from California to Philly to visit a school. It literally got us through so many hours of that drive. Kesha is bae lets be real. Or is that not what the cool kids say? 
When he sent you these asks, he thought he would get one or two sentences in response, but he’s learning so much about you from all of these asks. Maybe he would send you some non song related ones, maybe some To- Peter Parker ones to see what else you liked. Purely science based research. 
If you’re not ready for it, don’t push yourself. Fanfics can be a weird mindset to put yourself in. I used them at first to distract myself from some shitty family stuff that was going on, but now I read and write them for fun too. I think I mainly read Avenger ones at first as well as some TV shows too. Plus would I be a teenage girl if I didn’t read a few Twilight fanfics back in my day? 
Twilight? Like Rob-Tom makes himself type out Rob and Kristen’s full names like a fan would-ert Pattinson and Kristen Stewert Twilight?X
That one exactly. I was the generation it was aimed for and so fanfics galore were my teen years. But I’m proud to say I’m a recovered Twihard.
Glad to hear it darlingX
What about you? What were you into as a kid?
I’ve always been a fan of Spider-Man, ever since I was a kid.X
Comics or movies?
Comics. They’re the originalsX
Which Spider-Man is the best? 
Is that a trick question? Obviously HollandX
Was that conceited? Maybe. But hopefully, Y/N doesn’t think so. Oh wait she has no idea-
It was a trick question. A trick question that you clearly got right. 
Another notification pops up and you suddenly remember the last number that you sent Y/N. Well hopefully the number doesn’t seem like you.
Anonymous Asked: 
Y/T/B Answered: Noice. 
But the actual answer is Bad Religion by Frank Ocean. This song got me through my last bout of depression lol. I remember sitting on the floor of my bedroom with the lights off and just playing this song on repeat. Always open about that here. It also gets me to channel some deep emotions into some pieces that I’m working on because it reminds me of being in that dark place. I also really like the beat of this though, like how it sounds like a mix of an electric piano and an organ. So if I ever name a one shot Bad Religion, it’s probably named after this song.
Tom feels like a weight is sinking in his gut. Almost like someone slammed an anchor into the lower part of his bowl. He didn’t mean to bring up something so dark with that number. He was hoping it would actually make her laugh. So guess he will send her one more number, but this one won’t be on anonymous.
Tomholland2013 asked: 36
Huh, he must have seen all the responses you posted. Between posting and replying to him, you hadn’t gotten much work on your imagine done, but you could post once more before jumping back to your word document. 
Tomholland2013 asked: 36
Y/B/N answered: The Night We Met by Lord Huron. I literally saw them in concert with my friends last month so a lot of the memories I have of them are about this. But I have a great fanfic idea for this song specifically. To not spoil it completely I’ll just leave you with three spoilers- first date, first dance, secrets spilled. It’s a work in progress.
Now it’s time to get off the internet and back to writing, or else you’re going to Tumblr your day away.
Taglist: @ serendipitous-amor @im-still-tryin-to-find-it​
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Author Spotlight: AlexxAplin
Every week we interview a writer from The Magicians fandom. If you would like to be interviewed or you want to nominate a writer, get in touch via our ask box.
First things first, tell us a little about yourself.
I am a gay, 25 year old who loves most things entertainment related, from gaming, to TV and Film. I'm an Entertainment Journalist by trade, and I write (and roleplay) in my spare time as well, mostly because my creative energy can't be contained by just articles alone.
How long have you been writing for?
That is quite a hard question. Technically I've been writing various things since I was 13, but I didn't really get into Roleplaying or Fandom writing until I was about 16, so...almost 10 years?
What inspired you to start writing for The Magicians?
That is a tough question, but I think I can answer it fairly concisely by saying that Prior to 4x13, I had written mostly with a few people that weren't REALLY fans, but were humoring me lol. After the finale, I was very upset and aimless, until I met a group of like-minded people on Discord, who not only encouraged me and supported my ideas, but also decided to write with me too (a few of them anyhow :) )
Who is/are your favourite character(s) to write? What it is about them that makes them your favourite?
I absolutely LOVE writing Q. I identify him pretty well, and I enjoy playing him a little more...sensual than he is allowed to be in the show or in the books. I think my second favorite (not counting a character i've created and haven't ACTUALLY shared yet) would have to be Eliot, because he is just so much fun in general.
Do you have a preference for a particular season/point in time to write about?
It really depends on my mood honestly. I love doing Fix-its, Canon-Divergent AUs, and anything involving reworking things, or adding new ideas to make things even crazier. My favorite season is Season 3 though, so I need to write more in that timeline context.
Are you working on anything right now? Care to give us an idea about it?
Oh boy, do you have all week? Lol. Uh, right now i'm in the process of editing a fic I wrote with a friend of mine, and I have another collaborative fic (that I worked on with the same Author) that i've got to find time to post.
I also have a fic for the MHHE (Magicians Hallmark Holiday Extravaganza) I'm working on with a friend, and a DOZEN and one other projects that are in progress.
How long is your “to do list”?
Too long to name to be honest, and it keeps growing! I swear my brain is housing these ideas in some flubbery substance.
What is your favourite fic that you’ve written for The Magicians? Why?
I only have two fics up right now, but my favorite fic is one I hope to actually put up on Ao3 either today or tomorrow, called Eau De Spicy Nerd. It is a cheeky little play on a few things, and I can't wait for people to see it.
Many writers have a fic that they are passionate about that doesn’t get the reception from the fandom that they hoped for. Do you have a fic you would like more people to read and appreciate?
I'll be honest, most of my favorite fics are from other people. However, I think of my fics, my "Is that Alright?" Fic (which is currently two standalone chapters but will be expanded soon for a full cohesive story) is an emotional feelings train that I hope more people see and resonate with. Fair warning I have been told it will make you cry.
What is your writing process like? Do you have any traditions or superstitions that you like to stick to when you’re writing?
My writing process is very instinctual. I'm terrible at writing by myself in most cases, because I thrive on interaction, bouncing ideas back and forth, and then just letting things go where they go. As stupid as it may sound, sometimes I feel like the characters are more in control of what lands on the page than I am. I just...feel it. Sometimes I lay awake with scenes playing in my head, that i have to write down or I just can't sleep at all.
I usually write a fic (with a friend usually, minus Is That Alright? and its first two chapters) and then afterward I compile it all in a doc (usually pasted from Discord) and work my way through, adding things that come to mind. I pass it off to any other authors collaborating, then once it is polished it goes on to a Beta.
Do you write while the seasons are airing or do you prefer to wait for hiatus? How does the ongoing development of the canon influence and inspire your writing process?
I am quite literally ALWAYS writing. It keeps me sane, especially when work is hectic. Unless work is taking too much of my focus, i'm always working on things. Canon ACTUALLY has helped me finish things before, or has given me ideas to start new things. Sometimes even the smallest plot thread will spark a full idea for me, for example I had the idea for a full AU verse I haven't started yet, just from a conversation about Fillorian marriage and Polyamory.
What has been the most challenging fic for you to write?
Well, I can't REALLY talk too heavily about it because it is my MHHE fic, but the hardest part for me has been sticking to the prompt and not deviating. Sometimes I have ideas for things that stray too far, and i'm having to learn to NOT do that, since it is for a challenge and not my own enjoyment.
Are there any themes or tropes that you like particularly like to explore in your writing?
I love writing smutty things. I think our society should be more sex positive, and so I often try to make my fics the "NC17" version if possible. Some plots aren't conducive for that, which is fine, but anything with smut, or fluff, is A++ in my book. I also love soulmate AU's, Soul bonding, and lots and lots of cheesy things.
Are there any writers that inspire your work? Fanfiction or otherwise?
Oh goodness, I'm not sure I should call out individual folks here, but I am totally inspired by SO MANY Fanfic writers. I also love Neil Gaiman and Lev Grossman as artists and people. To be honest though I am most inspired by fanfic writers these days, because the world is a scary place and fanfic gives me a break. I've learned so many great techniques from fanfic writers too.
What are you currently reading? Fanfiction or otherwise?
I gobble up as much Magicians fic as I can, usually the fluffy or smutty stuff unless i'm in the mood for tears lol. I also keep up with a few different authors, but these days I don't have as much time to read novels as i'd like.
What is the most valuable piece of writing advice you’ve ever been given?
The best advice I've ever been given is actually two pieces of advice. 1. Never force yourself to finish something your heart isn't in. If you do, you won't be satisfied with the end result. 2. Do not set out to tell the story you planned. Set out to tell a GOOD story you and your readers will love. If you love it, other people will too.
Are there any words or phrases you worry about over using in your work?
Oh there are plenty, most are descriptors for facial expressions. I sometimes find it hard to balance too much detail with not enough detail.
What was the first fanfic that you wrote? Do you still have access to it?
I actually don't remember what my first Fanfic was. I don't think I've posted most of my beginning work. I think the first one was a Queer as Folk fanfic that got lost on an old, dead hard-drive lol.
Rapidfire Round!
Self-edit or Beta?
Both, a good author knows their flaws and also seeks critique.
Comments or Kudos/Reblogs or Likes?
Give it all to me, or whatever makes you feel most comfortable. I'm not fussy, I just want people to enjoy what I write.
Smut, Fluff or Angst?
Smut or Fluff. Angst is reserved for if i'm in the right headspace, i've had...bad experiences.
Quick & Dirty or Slow Burn?
Depends on my mood, some days I don't have the attention span for a slow burn fic, especially if it is incomplete.
Favourite Season?
Season Three
Favourite Episode?
The Musical Episode with Under Pressure. So much of that was AMAZINGLY done.
Favourite Book?
Haven’t read them.
Three favourite words?
Love, Fuck (it fits so many purposes) and Symphony
Want to be interviewed for our author spotlight? Get in touch here.
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nalufever · 6 years
1,2,5,6,7,13,20,23,30,33,40,50,53 and 54 for the game for writers please! (Happy Holidays as well
Bless you, for sending an ask!
1. Favorite place to write.  I almost always plop myself on the desktop computer for writing. At odd times I make notes on paper or my phone - but for actual flowing words - I need the comfort of a full-size keyboard!
2. Favorite part of writing. LOL Um, reviews. Like a spoiled child, I NEED validation. Not even kidding. Feedback is my lifeblood. ;)
5. 📚 or authors that influenced your style the most.  MMM! I want to wield words like Terry Pratchett,  Douglas Adams, Isaac  Asimov, Piers Anthony, Anne McCaffery!  The mastery of humour, wit, dialogue, and characterization; to this and more I aspire!
6. Favorite character you ever created.  A minor character who grew to have QUITE the impact on the story~ Mary the maid (from Into My Debt). She's got a lot going on. The more I used her to move the story along, the more her personality grew and developed. 
7. Favorite author.  From published works? So hard to choose! I've already mentioned the style influencers - they're my faves to read as well. Gonna add a few fanfic authors here! @impracticaldemon (she’s a good friend and frigging talented) @brokenbookaddict (from the Flash fandom ~ I love her content and masterful storytelling) @soprana-snap (always fab content) @snogfairy (polished and smart) @hidetheremote (smutty and passionate about writing) @petri808 (smutty and fun ^^) @caffeinewitchcraft (incredibly talented and awe-inspiring ~ it’s a good thing I’m a bit buzzed or I’d be too shy to add her to the list) Okay ~ that’s sufficient. Just know that there’s more I could add but for the constraints of time and space.
13. How do you deal with writers block?  Sometimes I switch to another project and sometimes I spend time with a new/old fandom! And lots of times, I give myself permission to come back to a WIP after watching some TV or reading or whatever real life wants me to deal with ~ ;)
20. Post a snippet of a WIP you’re working on.  Fairy Tail (Natsu's Stars in Lucy's Sky):
"What about what I want?" Lucy couldn't stop her petulant words. "Desire like this is a two-way street." Her legs shifted to try to ease the ache newly awakened. "I have wants just like you do."
"I have every intention of giving you what you need--" Natsu rolled onto his side and threw a leg over Lucy's hip, panting his words, "It's up to you when and where. Keep on pushing and I'll claim you now. I can't resist."
23. Single or multi POV, and why?  Here's where I expose my ignorance. Lots of time I'm just writing and the POV shifts on its own. Most of the time I try to keep it single - but - there are times I fail!! Why? I'm trying to keep it clean/clear so the readers can follow easier.
30. Favorite line you’ve ever written.  Goodness! Usually something in whatever I posted last! Or if it was from real life ~ or just SPEAKS to me. Okay, that jobs my memory! I'll have to hunt for it. From something ever so old, but, it fits the criteria!! Here we go! 
When Lucy was honest with herself, she knew Natsu was her choice; whether or not he would choose the same, was immaterial. He was the person she wanted and needed to become the happiest person she could be. She would pick him time and time again, no hesitation. Lucy dated less and less the more she understood her feelings for her team mate. It didn't matter to her how well a potential boyfriend seemed suited for her, Lucy was willing to wait - not settle for second best.
Natsu held his own understanding of his needs and wants. He didn't put it into something so pedestrian as words, he had gut feelings that guided his actions. When the slayer needed a snack, he'd head over to Lucy's place. If Natsu wanted someone to play a game, why, Lucy was always first choice. Play a prank? Lucy. Bath? Lucy's tub. Sleep? Lucy's bed. Relax? Lucy's bed with Lucy in it.
Natsu was content to live his life without vocalizing his goals. Lucy didn't need for Natsu to declare her importance to himself; it was enough the truths in their hearts could speak to each other. Days and weeks and months snowballed. The nightmares faded, new memories forged stronger bonds. Waking up limbs entangled, face to face, breaths mingling, it was effortless to close the gap to each other's lips and greet the day smiling.
All right - more than one line - but this, to me, felt like I was summing up their relationship in the best possible way.
33. Do you listen to 🎶 when you’re writing? Often music, anime ops and ends or instrumentals ~ never TV (because I'll stop writing)
40. Original Fiction or Fanfiction, and why?  More fanfic ~ I have a few ideas for original stories - but I'm still 'honing my craft' in the fanfic arena. *shrugs*
50. Weirdest story 💡 you’ve ever had.  I've had a few WEIRD prompts suggested to me (Wendy's ass growing gigantic and making Romeo lose his mind for one) ~ but, the oddest story I've written from my own brain would have to be a very short RWBY fic. I'm confident that It's the weirdest on account I received this comment: 'An interesting concept. Would be fun to watch develop. What sparked this particular crack to form in your mind?'
It's short, so here it is: (A Dance With Fists)
Mercury wiped the trickle of blood from the corner of his mouth and grinned. "That all you got, little girl?"
Batting her eyelashes, Yang tilted her head as she rubbed her knuckles on the neckline of her shirt. "Funny, I was just about to ask you the same question." Smirking, she raised both hands to inspect her nails. One hand was flesh and the other a cybernetic copy. "Without your little friend to mess with my mind you're gonna have to STEP up your game." Shifting her feet, the blonde added a sly dig, "That's if I didn't damage your fake leg too much already."
"Oi, and here I thought you weren't into manly men." Mercury sniggered, gave Yang a broad wink and a suggestive twist of his lips. "My third leg isn't fake, darling."
"Did you want the truth or something that will make you feel better?"
Mercury rushed Yang, they struggled. Each punch Yang landed was a solid blow, making him smile wider. Mercury savoured the pain; half mesmerized by her golden hair and the fire in her eyes. He was a sick man, he knew that. He couldn't think beyond this moment, grappling with this girl who hated him. Pain was pleasure and he wanted everything Yang could give him.
53. What does writing mean to you?  Writing is a chance for me to reach out and share some of my excitement in a fandom. Validation from reviews - appreciation from favs, follows - it means I get to leave an indelible mark on this world. Something I MADE touched people and can be discovered however later by fans when they search, looking to read about their OTP or fandom. It's immortality.
54. Any writing advice you want to share?  Write! Self-indulgent fics! Clichés! Original works! Talk to your internet friends and support them and they'll return the favour. Read books. Live life and when inspiration strikes - take that idea in a choke-hold and spew word vomit on your page. Take a few days and then edit with a vengeance. Ask your beta for help and listen. Whatever they have an issue with needs adjustment. Maybe the direction they think you ought to move, you don't have to agree with - but the base 'wrongness' is right. Keep working!
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vivypotter · 6 years
Tagged by @dontneedanothertomarryblog
1: Do you/would you like to write professionally? well, I want to go into directing in theatre, so I’ll probably end up writing plays ‘n’ shit. Not a book though. Maybe. I’m 17, anything could happen.
2: Which author has influenced you the most? Probably Derek Landy? The emotional and yet irreverent shit-talking style is pretty inspirational. Skulduggery Pleasant was one of my favourite series growing up.
3: Any guilty pleasures (books/fics)? mmmm fic in general is my guilty pleasure. I read fic knowing I should be reading classic literature to try and help uni applications xD
4: What’s better (or the least bad): character over plot or plot over character? Character over plot every time. I can’t read anything badly characterised, but I’ll tolerate a shitty plot.
5: Do you think stories can change lives? Is there a story that has changed yours? Absolutely. But I can’t think of one right now.
6: What’s your biggest pet peeve when it comes to writing? I hate when female characters are demonised or vanished. I think that’s one of the worst things about a lot of fandom. Gimme my strong female characters. 
7: Do you listen to music while you write/read? Yeah, I have a weirdly specific habit where I put on a repetitive acoustic song (dodie’s ‘Secret For The Mad’ or ‘6/10′ quite often) and put it on repeat. I get to the point where I’m not actually listening to the music, but it’s just distracting my brain. I think too loudly.
8: Favourite quotes?  Well, I just read Jeanette Winterson’s ‘Sexing the Cherry’ so I’m full of quotes from that. Some of my faves: “Language always betrays us, tells the truth when we want to lie, and dissolves into formlessness when we would most like to be precise.” and “As your lover describes you, so you are.”
9: If you could wish for a new book update from any [fanfic] author, who would it be? Floater1010. They’re writing a Victuuri fic at the moment that I’m loving.
10: What’s your favorite trope? AU? I love a good AU. Specifically, Time Travel (you might have guessed). 
11: What’s your (least) favorite overused trope? a/b/o. I wouldn’t completely abolish it, because there are a very small number (like, 2) that I enjoy, but I have really numerous reasons for disliking it.
12: Which trope would you absolutely abolish? mpreg. I’ve never enjoyed an mpreg fic.
13: Are there any tropes you’re embarrassed for enjoying? hmmm. I’m not really embarrassed about anything? I suppose I wouldn’t admit to reading anything smutty to people irl?
14: Do you have a go-to AU? Time Travel, as I said.
15: What kind of character do you wish you saw portrayed more often? Women! Women! Or perhaps bisexual characters who specify that they’re bi rather than identifying as gay once they date someone of the same sex.
16: What’s more frustrating: plotholes or OOC characters? OOC characters all the way.
17: What’s more draining: writing smut, fluff, or angst? Well, I never write smut, so I don’t know about that. I’d say fluff, ‘cause it’s difficult to write happiness without it getting boring, so you have to come up with witty and exciting shit. Angst means you can just cry over a keyboard.
18: Are you a ‘neatly designed outline’ writer or a ‘fuck it i’ll figure it out as i go’ writer? I have a rather detailed bulletpoint list of plot moments, but however I connect those is very improvised, and sometimes key moments get changed, moved or cut. When I actually write, I tend to go with the flow.
19: Do you think major character deaths are ever necessary? Yeah. I mean, I’ve got something coming up that means I’d be a bit hypocritical to say no. I can be merciless sometimes xD
20: If you could ‘unkill’ any character from any story, who would it be? (ORIGINALS SPOILER ALERT)
Klaus Michaelson, now the Originals finale happened. Klaroline will live on.
21: Would you like to write an alternative ending for any of your favorite shows/books/etc? Hmmm. Well, I’d quite like to just write another season for Dirk Gently, so I’d go with that. Tbh, I tend to abandon shows before the end. 
Edit: I forgot Hannibal! I want my boys to be happy together <3
22: Are you more likely to be the person who starts reading a 100k slow burn fic at midnight or the person who starts writing a drabble at 4 a.m.? Reading. I don’t ever write drabbles. 
pick just one:
23: fluff or angst? Angst, though I always prefer a combination of the two.
24: fantasy or sci-fi? Fantasy
25: fake dating AU or inpromptu babysitting AU? Fake dating. I don’t think I’ve ever read an impromptu babysitting fic?
26: road trip AU or high school AU? Theoretically, high school, though I find they’re rarely well done.
27: coffee shop AU or florist AU? Florist AU ftw. I mean, I’ve written one, lol.
28: stuck in an elevator AU or camping gone bad AU? Stuck in an elevator! Gimme that witty and flirty dialogue.
29: 20s AU or 50s AU? 20s gangsters and prohibition boop. 
30: high school AU from a fantasy/sci-fi story or fantasy/sci fi AU from a realistic story? Fantasy/sci fi from a realistic story. There are some great space-based Victuuri fics.
31: mythological creature AU or superhero AU? Mythological creature. Ngl, superheroes bore me.
32: meet cute or meet ugly? Meet cute? What is a meet ugly? Also, the word ‘meet’ no longer looks right.
Everyone I know has been tagged :( I don’t have enough friends for this. How about, if you see this, take it as an invitation.
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Windy’s Fanfiction Master Post 2018
So, I have gained some new followers lately (thank you all for following!). I am sure that you are all here to see pics of this guy:
Tumblr media
And yes, I reblog a lot of Cullen pics. I am in Cullen-hell, as you can see. But, in case you didn’t know, I also write Cullen-fanfic. You can find all of my works on AO3, but I thought I might make a sort-of fic master post on Tumblr for my new followers who may not have read any of my pieces.
Updated with latest fics – 5/7/2018
Call Me Home – a Collection of Drabbles – A collection of drabbles based on Tumblr prompts. This fic will be updated with prompts as I write them. Currently ongoing.
Bound to Burn – Written with Laraslandlockedblues. A trip to Redcliffe to make reparations for the Mage Rebellion brings more complications than expected when rooms run short and the naive Inquisitor finds herself in close quarters with the man she can't possibly ever have - her smirking Commander. Currently ongoing,
Look What You’ve Done to Me -  Inquisitor Brittany loves the sound of her Commander's voice. It's too bad that she doesn't always pay attention to his actual words. He takes exception to her inattention and leaves the War Room in a huff, but she can't leave well enough alone. She visits him in his tower and gets more than she bargained for, and everything she wanted at the same time.
The Strength That Keeps Me Walking –  (Formerly Lavender, Peppermint, Verbena, & Fennel) A retelling of Parsley, Sage, Rosemary, and Thyme from Cullen’s POV. Currently ongoing.
Sin in Heaven – Cullen is a recovering lyrium addict in this modern AU set in modern Thedas. He moves into an affordable apartment, but his roommate turns out to be a drop-dead gorgeous young college student. Can he resist her while he tries to pull his life together, or will he surrender to sin in heaven? Currently ongoing,
 The Intimidating Commander and the Reluctant Messenger: Featuring a female Trevelyan who is a little scared of the stern Commander because she is a Mage and knows he used to be a Templar. This is my first DA fanfic and is quite rough around the edges. I might revisit it someday to expand it into a proper story. Fun fact: this idea came about because when I first played DA-I, I was a little intimidated by Cullen. Lol
Cullen’s Treat: A Trevelyan Mage Inquisitor treats Cullen to a special massage after he’s had a particularly rough week. This came from a Kink-meme prompt, one of the first I did. If you read enough of my stories, then you’ll quickly find out that I enjoy writing about taking care of Cullen, because he deserves it.
It Happened on a Night at Halamshiral: This one-shot came out of a kink-meme prompt about Cullen’s Orlesian admirers getting a bit more forceful with their desires than they do in canon. This story does include non-con sex, so if that triggers you in any way, please do not read this. It was very tough to write, but I am quite proud of this story and feel that it expanded my depth as a writer.
Fall Into Your Sunlight Featuring Cullen and a Female Trevelyan enjoying life after Trespasser. This came about because I was inspired by a Cullen romance video that someone made, and this just spilled out of me. It’s a smutty, fluffy, feel-good fic if you’re into that.
Trying Not To Love You: This is my first attempt at a proper long-ish fic and features a female Mage Trevelyan Inquisitor, and of course, the Commander.Told from the first person perspective of Cullen himself, it tells the story of how he falls in love with his young and beautiful. Inquisitor, even though he knows he shouldn’t. I had fun writing this, so I hope that if you haven’t read it already, you’ll give it a try.
Learning to Please Him: Featuring the same Evelyn and her Commander from Trying Not To Love You, young Evelyn wants to learn how to please Cullen orally. Yes, it’s a blowjob fic. Lol
One Good Turn Deserves Another (Or Cullen Repays the Inquisitor): Again featuring the lovebirds from Trying Not To Love You and Learning to Please Him, this fic is about Cullenlingus, and that’s all I’ll say.
Oil and Fantasy: Cullen takes himself in hand. Enough said.
Oakmoss and Elderflower and The Girl Can’t Help It are related to the headcanon about Cullen using oakmoss and elderflower as a remedy for his aches and pains due to his lyrium withdrawal. This headcanon came out as a result of a snippet of dialogue from an NPC in DA-I multiplayer about how the Commander smells of oakmoss and elderflower. See? I really do love writing about caring for Cullen. His pain makes my heart hurt!
Parsley, Sage, Rosemary, and Thyme: Featuring the OC I created in The Girl Can’t Help It, a healer is assigned to take care of the Commander, and ends up falling in love with him. The problem is, he’s in love with someone else. Is there any hope for healer Eala, or is she doomed to heartbreak? And yes, this fic features copious caring for Cullen. It’s my kink, okay?
And the Stars Belong to Us: This fic is an add-on to Parsley and features Eala and Cullen enjoying some alone time. I wrote it in response to a question I received in the comments of the main fic.
One Night in Skyhold: Another kink-meme related fic, this one features a frustrated Cullen taking what he wants from his beautiful female Trevelyan Inquisitor. She loves it.
In the Heat of Summer: A vague female Inquisitor watches her Commander sparring with the Iron Bull on a hot summer’s day. Cullen is not wearing his shirt. This is a shameless excuse for describing Cullen shirtless. I admit it. I am trash.
A Soft Place to Fall: Umm, this one-shot is set vaguely in modern Thedas and features Cullen and a female Trevelyan letting off some steam together. Cullen is kind of dark in this — IDK — I was listening to a lot of angsty music when I came up with this.
Right Here: This angsty one-shot examines the question of how Cullen would react if Lavellan becomes involved with him after Solas leaves and subsequently marries him in Trespasser only to ultimately abandon him for Solas. This fic features suicide, so if you are sensitive to that subject, please do not read this.
Shiver: The first and only second-person pov fic I have ever written. You and Cullen have some special time alone together. That’s all. ;)
The Commander and His Hand  The Commander releasing a little tension told from his first-person perspective. Yeah, I really am trash.
The Voyeur: This little two-chapter fic started out as a one-shot featuring a young Trevelyan Inquisitor who gets tricked by Sera into entering the Commander’s quarters when he’s not there and winds up seeing him taking care of business. It turned into more when some commenters requested a follow-up chapter. I am so much Cullen-trash, at this point, there is no hope for me.
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pastelbatfandoms · 5 years
Fanfic Asks
1. What was your first fic and could you stand to reread it today? It was a Sailor Moon one titled Save Our World I wrote it on a bunch of loose leaf paper and I mean I wish I could still reread it but the Binder it was in disappeared after I moved out of My Dad’s years ago. along with all My other Sailor Moon Fics and Drawings....Still abit Bitter over that anyway...It was about Sailor Saturn saving The World because Moon couldn’t,it was ok but I don’t think I needed to describe each and every Sailor Scout that showed up lol The ending Battle was cool though. 
2. What’s your most recent fic and how far do you think you’ve come? That I’ve published on here My AHS Apocalypse Story ‘Half God/Half Devil’,That I haven’t Published on here yet,My Freddy Krueger Story ‘The Dream Lovers.’ I think I’ve come far in certain aspects but I still think I was a pretty good writer at 13 yrs. My Stories are more Mature now but they do at times lack the imagination My older one’s had. 
3. In your opinion, what’s your best fic? My ‘Wells of Hearts’ one from The Flash
4. In your opinion and without looking at any numbers, what’s your most popular fic? My WWE ‘Cat and Mouse’ Fic.
5. Is there any fic that makes you super happy to reread and remember you wrote that? Besides Wells of Hearts, My TWD One ‘Kings and Queen of Disaster.’
6. Is there any fic that makes you super embarrassed to reread and remember you wrote that? Nope
7. What’s the fic you most want to continue (unfinished or no)? ALL OF THEM lol They’re are Two I will probably not finish though because of Lack of interest and lack of Music Videos. My Teen Wolf one and My Gotham one.
8. What’s the oldest (longest since last update) fic you most want to continue (unfinished or no)? Wells of Hearts
9. Have you ever written for a fandom without watching/reading/playing the source material? No,I have to have inspiration. and watching or reading the source material is the best way to get inspiration and reading Fanfics!
10. Have you ever written for a fandom without reading other fanfic for it? No
11. Have you ever written a fic for a concept you know someone else has done before? How did it impact your writing process or feelings after posting? No that’s almost plagiarism...maybe when I was younger and didn’t know better.
12. Have you ever written a fic and decided never to publish it? Why? My Sailor Moon Fics and Older WWE/WWF Stories just because I never typed them up or posted them to anything until now.
13. What’s the biggest change between your style when you started in fandom and today? I’m WAY more of a Smutty Fan Girl lol
14. What’s the biggest change in your taste between when you started in fandom and today? ^^ That
15. Have you ever purposefully written one fandom/fic idea over another because you knew it’d be more popular? Maybe idr
16. Have you ever stopped writing a fic/for a fandom because it wasn’t receiving enough attention? Yes
17. In your opinion, what’s your most overrated fic? My Shane Mcmahon one’s...lol
18. What’s your most underrated fic? Everything else! lol jk My Wells of Hearts Story and My Dean Ambrose one.
19. If you had to pick one fic/scene/chapter of your work to describe your entire portfolio to a stranger, which would you pick? 
20. Have/Would you ever rewrite a fic? If yes, would you take the original down? Nah
21. If someone starts kudosing and commenting your fics in a spree and has a few works of their own, would you go look through theirs? Yeah if by some Miracle that actually happened!
22. Has there ever been anyone who’s made you freak out because they read your work and followed/favorited/reviewed? Nope
23. What’s the nicest review you’ve ever gotten? On My unfortunately now Dead Gotham Story ‘One Hell of a Butler.’
24. What’s the meanest review you’ve ever gotten? Do you think the reviewer intended it? None
25. What constructive criticism, however well-meaning, always makes you feel bad when you see it in a review?
26. What aspect of your writing do you most enjoy to see praised?
27. If you could only ever write crossovers or single-fandom fics ever again, which would you pick? Single Fandom.
28. if you could only ever write for a single crossover or a single fandom again, which would you pick? Um yeah not happening. Maybe WWE...
29. Does the division of your writing across fandoms line up with your reading? What’s the biggest discrepancy? 
30. Do you continue to write for a fandom after you’ve moved on or do you focus solely on the new one?
31. Who’s the one character you’ve just never managed to get perfectly right?  Robert Englund’s not the easiest but he IS a real person lol 
32. Who’s the one character who shines without you even trying? Eobard Thawne
33. Is there any particular character whose scenes always wind up being longer/more frequent than you expected? Does the quality hold up? Yes with Eobard and yes I like to think so.
34. Was there any fic that you wrote that really surprised you in the fandom reaction? Was it just by the numbers or did they take it an entirely different way?
35. Have you ever written a ship into a fic without meaning to? No
36. Have you ever sincerely written a ship you do not support into a fic? No
37. Have you ever purposefully bashed a character/ship in a fic? No
38. Have you ever purposefully written something you know your readers would find uncomfortable/would not enjoy? If yes, why? um No idk
39. Do you consider yourself to have a readership? 
40. Do you feel like you put out enough content? lol No
41. If you cross-post your fics on multiple sites, do you have a favorite? Are there certain fics you would only post on certain site?
42. How many views has your most popular fic gotten? Cat and Mouse. Pt 1 has 60 notes,pt 2 has 88 Notes and pt 3 has 56 notes!
43. Your least popular?  Surprisingly My Harry Potter one ‘A Perfect Distraction,’ It only has 1 Note! C’mon guys I KNOW they’re are Lucius Malfoy Fangirls!!
44. Do you follow/favorite/kudos/comment/review more stories than you have received? No
45. If you had to call yourself an author of a single genre (besides fanfic) what label would you give yourself? Smut lol
46. Do you consider yourself a diverse author? um sure
47. If someone you know in real life who isn’t involved in fandoms asked to read your work, would you let them? If yes, what would you recommend they read first? Yes. depends on what they like. but probably My Riverdale one ‘Mughead.” It’s the most pg.
48. Does anyone you know from outside of fandom know you write fanfic? Are they involved in the same fandom too? Yep and some
49. Has anyone in your life ever read your fanfic just because you wrote it? Yes My Mom
50. Has writing fanfic had a significant impact on your life? Would you say it’s entirely positive? I think so.
Also here’s My Masterlist
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