#another piece of Matatabi
nsuyeula · 2 years
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“Cast away unto the tide” 🫧
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animeyanderelover · 4 years
How would Gaara,Yugito, Yagura, Utakata, Fuu and Naruto react if their crush tried to cut contact with them after learning they are a Jinchuriki?
A interesting scenario to think about, as always.
Tw: Yandere themes, unhealthy mindset, unhealthy relationship, possessiveness, obsessiveness, angsty stuff, paranoia, delusional thinking, mentioning of kidnapping
s/o trying to leave after finding out they’re Jinchurikis
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🐼It’s nothing new for him to see that people avoid him because he’s the Jinchuriki of a tailed beast. And when he was younger he didn’t care. But now he does. He worked so hard to be accepted and even became the Kazekage. He ie heartbroken when he sees how hesitant his darling suddenly gets around him, trying to avoid him. It reminds him of how everyone hated him when he was younger.
🐼Gaara would try to talk to you, wanting to know why you’re scared and what exactly unsettles you. If you refuse to talk to him he might ask his siblings to talk to you since you might be more open to them. There’s a good change that his darling might have heard about how he was when he had been younger and how he had always killed people, making them scared of him.
🐼Gaara is very shy around you, but it’s still very obvious for everyone around him that he likes you. And most of the villagers love him and want him happy so I can imagine that they and his siblings will try to convince you otherwise, telling you how great Gaara is and that all what you’ve had heard is now in the past.
🐼If his darling should ever call him a monster or just stare at him with horror written all over their face he swears he can hear his heart shattering in million pieces. He would get very insecure about himself after this and might start seeing himself as a monster as well.
🐼Gaara will in such a situation be heartbroken that his darling from all persons is afraid of him. But to some degree he can also understand where that fear is coming from. He’ll try his hardest with the help of his siblings and the whole village to convince you that he isn’t dangerous.
🐼Kidnapping depends on how desperate he gets because even though he is willing to spend time and effort into persuading you that he isn’t a monster, if he’s triggered enough he’ll do it. This would ever happen if you’re really badly scared of him and call him a monster or just stare with fear at him or if you try to not only cut contact with him, because as long as you’re in the village you’re still in reach, but try to move away. It it’s the first scenario he will stop thinking rationally, getting emotional and desperate, and will just kidnap you without a solid plan. It will be rush and hasty. If it’s the second scenario he might at first use his status as the Kazekage and his influence. It that won’t work he’ll resort to kidnapping as well, but in this case he’ll plan more carefully. But I guess at some point his darling will accept and start loving him because he’s a really gentle and patient soul for them.
Yugito Nii
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🐅Another one who used to be avoided and hated since she was a Jinchuriki. But she worked hard and has Matatabi even under her control. She was quick to notice how her darling suddenly turned away from her after finding out the truth about her. Up until that point she had most likely a very good relationship with you and felt kind of disappointed and sad since she viewed the both of you as close.
🐅Yugito will try to reason with you, but if she notices that you’re uncomfortable she’ll back off. If she can’t get in contact personally with you she’ll try it with letters or through another shinobi.
🐅It’s a bit harder to pick up the signs that Yugito has a crush on her darling so most people won’t notice it. However, they know that the both of you are close and Yugito has worked hard to be respected by everyone. So other shinobi may ask her darling for a talk from time to time and would tell them about how capable Yugito is and how much she has herself under control. It’s a sign out of respect.
🐅Yugito is on the stricter side and if her darling should ever call her a monster she’ll overplay how hurt she is and will scold them for calling her this. If her s/o just stares fearfully at her she’ll just leave them alone, not wanting to scare them even more than they already are.
🐅Disappointed, sad, frustrated. These are the emotions she feels. She had such a good relationship with you, only as good or even best friends for now, and feels almost a bit betrayed that you fear her despite knowing her for so long. But she has patience and understanding and will wait until you ease up to her again. She might not have the help of the whole village, but there are many high respected shinobi and probably even Killer B and the Raikage who will help her out of respect.
🐅Yugito would never think about kidnapping her darling in such a situation. Even if they would yell and scream at her she would never. She knows that this would only worsen the situation. If you should try to move away she’ll get a bit more forceful and use manipulations, but that’s it. She will be able to make her darling accept her. She has patience and is very determined.
Yagura Karatachi
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🐢Here again, his way of acting depends on whether he’s controlled by Tobi or not. If not he’ll be hurt, but also understanding. After all the three-tailed is something to be feared. If he was being controlled at that time then he would be mad, but wouldn’t worry too much over it. In such a scenario the tailed beast wouldn’t be the worst monster you’d ever met...
🐢A free willed Yagura would like many others here try to reason with you. He has his tailed beast under control and will try to convince you that nothing will happen. Before he was being controlled he was also greatly admired by his village so the shinobi and normal citizens will surely help him. A manipulated Yagura will be so much forceful and threaten you to just accept him with the result that he pushes you even further away from him, leading him to punish you and kill those you love. It’s a terrifying never ending circle where you keep slipping further and further away from him.
🐢Yagura isn’t that obvious with his crush, but if people look carefully they might be able to pick up the subtle signs he shows here and there. And since he was a good Mizukage before Tobi ruined him the village would be very supportive with helping him, always telling you what a great guy and strong shinobi he is. But that only counts if Tobi doesn’t pull the strings in the shadows. Because if he does Yagura will most likely kidnap you as soon as his obsession has manifested. He’ll force you to love him, no matter what he has to do.
🐢If he’s ever being called a monster or sees that you’re frozen in shock Yagura feels a stinging pain in his heart, but will leave you alone until you’ve calmed down to try to talk to you later again. But if he’s being controlled? Haha...You doomed yourself, especially if you called him a monster. Then he’ll lose it and someone will die after this, probably even more. And you won’t get away that easily either...
🐢Yagura would be frustrated and sad with this situation. But he’s also determined to get you to accept him and is willing to wait. For now. If he’s being manipulated than he’ll be frustrated and enraged. He wants you to submit him and since you keep trying to avoid him you basically reject his “love”. If that’s the scenario Yagura won’t be patient in the least bit.
🐢Normally Yagura wouldn’t kidnap you, not even if you would try to move away out of fear. He would just use his power. If it’s the worse situation, as mentioned before, he already kidnapped you the moment he realized his feelings. If he isn’t controlled he’ll be able to get his darling accept him. But if it’s the worse case then they’ll never accept him. Much more on the contrary, they’ll fear him even more. The only reason they will at least act like they accept and love him is to prevent their family and friends from getting killed and to make him happy so he’ll stop hurting them.
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◾️This scenario has to happen after he’s already kidnapped his s/o, meaning they’re already stuck with him. For Utakata himself it’s a new situation as well and he understands that the current situation is indeed very much to take for his darling. But that still doesn’t help the fact that he’s hurt and feels once again betrayed, especially after his master tried to remove his tailed beast.
◾️You two are always alone and always together and he gives you space to adjust to the new situation. But he needs someone to talk to, and you too even though you don’t admit it. So he sometimes just talks to you even if you don’t answer him. And I can even see that he might be able to get his s/o talk back to him because he’s literally the only one they can talk to. You have nobody else and at some point you’ll need to talk with someone about what’s going on in your head.
◾️He made it clear from the beginning why he kidnapped you. He owed you that much. But different from all the others he doesn’t have other people who would have a talk with you. He’s on his own. But that’s at the same time that’s an advantage. He’s the only one you have to turn to.
◾️He can be a harsh one if angered enough. That’s the case when you call him a monster. His rage will in that moment come from the fact that he just really wants you to finally warm up to him and the built up frustration inside of him. He’ll become harsh in such moments before snapping out of it and mumbling an apology before giving you space so he can calm down and give you a proper apology later. But if you’re that terrified of him to the point that you’re shaking? He’ll feel the guilt and shame pouring over him for even dragging you into this situation. But there’s no turning back now.
◾️It’s a very complicated situation which is why Utakata is so understanding. But he is a desperate type so there might be moments where he’ll get highly frustrated if you act like this to him. He just really wants to have one person he can trust and who won’t turn their back on him, especially after everything that’s happened to him.
◾️He already kidnapped you. But that doesn’t mean that his darling might try to escape him during the earlier period of time. That’s one way to get him mad. He wants to trust you, he really wants and needs to, but how can he if you keep trying to run away? I guess during the first few weeks and months he’ll be more harsh to his darling because they just want to get away from him and keep trying to escape. But after they warm up to him he’ll become more softer.
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🐛Fuu is on the delusional side and grew up being protected from the leader of the village so she never really experienced how much Jinchurikis are hated. So she won’t even be able to understand why her darling suddenly starts avoiding her because she has the seven tailed sealed inside of her. She doesn’t get why that is a problem.
🐛When finding that out you and her were most likely already a thing, making all of this a bit complicated. She would be so clueless why you suddenly want to avoid her and since she’s also the clingy type she’ll chase after you, not getting what the problem is. It’s Shibuki’s job to tell her and even after that she won’t get what the problem is. Shibuki will also have to talk with her s/o, pleading them to not hurt her.
🐛Fuu is more than obvious since she’s always with her darling and Shibuki, leader of the village she lives in, tries his hardest to keep the both of you together.
🐛You would regret calling her a monster the moment the word left your lips. She would have such a hurt and confused expression on her face. Why would you call her this? She isn’t a monster. If you would just stand there and trembling with fear she would most likely not even understand that you do that because of her and would just rush over to you and try to calm you down. But it’s very unlikely that you would fear her that greatly.
🐛Fuu doesn’t get what’s the big deal and will continue to stubbornly stay with her darling, no matter how much they try to push her away. You were so happy before so why should that change just because you found out that she’s a Jinchuriki? I guess Fuu was even the one who told you since she believes the both of shouldn’t keep any secrets from each other.
🐛Fuu would never kidnap her darling. Every time they call her a monster or push her away she would only get more determined. If you should try to move away I can see her as the “You want to move? Then let’s do it together!” type. Not like Shibuki would let that happen. But she’s such a sweetheart and it won’t take long for her darling to accept her for who she is.
Naruto Uzumaki
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🍜This boy suffered from his earliest childhood from being a Jinchuriki without even knowing it back then. He is also a delusional Yandere, but different from Fuu he experienced the hate a Jinchuriki can receive so he would feel panicked when finding out that his darling tried to avoid him because he has Kurama inside of him. But he also believes that his darling still loves him even though they know now the truth.
🍜Naruto will try to get in contact with his darling since I believe he was already a friend of theirs. If that isn’t possible because they avoid him he has a whole bunch of friends and basically all the villagers supporting his back. Especially Sakura would spend much times with you and talk about what a great idiot he is. Sai tries to help in his own questionable way. And everybody else will help too.
🍜Naruto is bad at hiding his crush he has on you and many of his friends will tease him about this. But it will also fuel their desires to get the two of you to sort things out.
🍜He really believes that you still love him, but calling him a monster brings back memories. Especially since it already happened a few times that he lost control. But hearing it from you will be a very hard blow for him and he’ll feel so incredibly guilty and might even start thinking that he really is a monster. The same goes for if he sees the fear in your eyes when you look at him. He knows that look. He has received it many times before. He’ll be devastated if you do that.
🍜Naruto never gives up and is driven by the belief that you love him and just have troubles to digest this idea. But he’ll get really discouraged if his darling should ever call him monster or show him that they’re scared of him.
🍜He’s very similar to Gaara. If you keep shouting at him that he’s a monster or just continue to avoid him his desperation and fear of you leaving him and he’ll act spontaneously and will kidnap you. I don’t think you would be able to leave the village since Naruto is close to Tsunade and Tsunade cares for Naruto. But it you try to sneak out he’ll kidnap you. His darling will at some point start accepting him again because it’s a really heartbreaking view to see his hurt face whenever they ignore him. He also treats them so good. How can you not accept him?
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blackkatmagic · 7 years
Hey Kat, what do you think of a Reverse x One Piece crossover? Like during the battle where the Akatsuki ambushed the Jinchūriki fam while they were on the way to Konoha something wonky happened, (like kamui reacting odd with seals or something) and everyone there is hurled randomly into the One Piece world, with the last thing Kurama sees being the foxes latching onto Naruto and Gaara (because I think he would literally destroy the planet if he thought they didn’t have protection of some sort).
Then Kurama wakes up and he’s alone again but he contacts his siblings and they’re ok but nowhere nearby, so they make tentative plans to lay low and figure out what happened and how to get back to each other. Only, that doesn’t quite work out for Kurama, as he’s landed in the middle of Sabaody and one of the first things he witnesses is a Tenryūbito harshly beating a group of child slaves, and well, there’s only one way Kurama would respond to that (The bastard’s lucky, had he known the kids were slaves he would have made the asshole’s death so much slower). Now he’s got new kids in the form of Koala and the Boa sisters, an absurdly large bounty, and he can positively feel everyone he knows rolling their eyes from half a world away. So now he’s on a mission to reunite his family, punch every Tenryūbito in the face with a bijūdama, probably punch a good number of marines too, and collect all the abused children he can find.
Meanwhile, Naruto and Fuji make friends with a trio of brothers, Gaara and Momiji meet a desert princess, Kushina meets a man with hair as red as hers, Fū ends up on an island floating in the clouds, Roshi runs into a ship load of fishmen about to execute a woman protecting her daughters (the villagers aren’t sure if all the lava is an improvement), Bee finds a dojo with a pair of kids who are positively brimming with potential, Yagura is used to feeling short compared to others but the man with the white mustache is more than slightly absurd, Tsunade encounters a young boy with an ‘incurable’ disease and decides to help him and his walking hazard of a father, Yugito runs into some cat themed pirates and is amused deeply offended (okay, okay, I’m suitably offended, you can stop yelling Matatabi), Shizune meets a young boy who tells tall tales and does her best to save his mother, Tenzō accidentally gets hired by a ship builder to provide the wood for a train that crosses the water, Mei encounters another lava user (he’s not nearly as charming as Roshi), Zabuza and Haku have a run in with a man with hawk like eyes (like hell was he losing Haku, he grabbed him as soon as the seal imploded), Shisui winds up on an island full of dinosaurs and two very large people (why does everything always want to eat me, at least the giants were kind enough to help me salvage a boat and weird compass thing), Itachi winds up on a ship and helps a young blond in the kitchen, Sakumo and Orochimaru encounter a talking reindeer that helps them get medical aid, Jiraiya lands on an island filled with hot springs and is deeply conflicted (on the one hand research, all the research, on the other Naruto, decisions decisions), Kakashi encounters a clown themed pirate and wonders why is this even his life, Han meets a young girl on the run for a crime she didn’t commit, Utakata meets a white haired marine private made of smoke and wonders if he’s somehow related to the Hōzuki clan, Kisame is surrounded by people that look vaguely like him but are clearly not of the Hoshigaki clan and he is confused, Sasori is deeply offended by the walking flamingo that dares to make light of his art, Kakuzu doesn’t care where he is (he’s too busy staring at the number of zeros on the wanted posters he found), Konan and Nagato find themselves in the middle of a Revolution and it brings back memories (now if only the paths hadn’t been thrown out of range), Obito winds up in a gilded palace filled with slaves and is abruptly reminded of why he’s doing what he’s doing.
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promussecreta · 6 years
[The below is absolutely me stanning (unpaid, obviously) for a product, so if you don’t care about that, feel free to give this a pass.]
Whassup my cat-having associates?
Is your kitteh bored? Are you bored? Do you have some money to spare to alleviate either of these issues?
I recently learned about this neat stuff called silver vine (or matatabi), and it’s like. Catnip on steroids, y’all.
I know, I was skeptical at first. If this is an herb that exists, why aren’t more people doping up their cats with it? The answer is simple, and possibly apparent to those of you who read certain manga: They totally ARE, but it’s almost entirely in Asia, and hasn’t really caught on yet in the western world. But there, it’s super popular, possibly even the most popular cat treat.
Silver vine for cats comes in a couple of forms. There are actual pieces of vine that your cat can chew on, and this is the most economical option. However, the most potent form of silver vine is a powder made of crushed fruit galls. This is the kind I was lucky enough to be able to purchase recently. (Mom gave me a gift card! Yay!)
Only a tiny pinch of this powder is enough to send kitty to blissville for up to half an hour, with reactions resembling those to catnip, but much more intense. While not all cats react to silver vine, more cats react to it than do to catnip, including many who just don’t react to catnip at all!
My Thor loves catnip, but his reaction to it pales in comparison to how intensely he reacted to the silvervine I gave him for the first time today. He was rubbing his face on the tin before the package of powder was even opened! Once I rubbed a pinch onto a wool toy, he wasn’t sure whether it was his new best friend or his next meal! Thor is easily bored, and it can be hard to get him to play for an extended period, but with the silver vine, we had a nice, long, energetic play session.
The brand I purchased is called KittiKrack, and it’s available on Amazon and other sites! (So don’t go rushing over there, at least until the boycott is complete, please!) The sellers seem to be quite responsive, and have been known to send replacement products along with refunds in the case that a cat doesn’t respond to the herb. The product package I ordered came with three handmade wool felt snails that were much larger than I expected them to be, very sturdy when a frenzied Thor bit and tore at them. I haven’t tried any other brands, but I can definitely recommend this one.
The downside to all of the above is the expense. It’s definitely more pricey than catnip, at about one USD per gram. But, as I said before, you only need a tiny pinch, so a fifteen gram package should last a while.
Anyway, that’s what I have to say on the matter. I might get some video of a doped-up Thor on here another time, when and if I record some. (Earlier, he was licking the back of the sofa. What a goofball, lol.)
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