#another report of the kdrama I'm watching with my mother
izartn · 1 year
Mm. Ep 12 of Itaewon and I'm feeling like Yiseo is more likely to end with Saeroyi??!?! Which is great bc I can't stand the bitch of So'ah and her "oh poor little me" act. Every time they try to make her sympathetic I go eugh. As if she doesn't have control over her actions and it's all the fault of her boss and Saeroyi. When Yiseo is there trusting Saeroyi and doing her utmost so Danbam grows it's no wonder So'ah comes across as stupid besides agoist.
Geun-soo is interesting, but he won't end up with Yiseo now he's left Danbam and the narrative didn't pivot from Yiseo confession to a resounding "no hope of it ever" from Saeroyi, bc this ep really contrasted Yiseo favorably against So'ah for him.
Mmm. I still like Geun-soo but he's being very stupid and I have a limit for traitors. Still he's more consistent than So'ah and not making excuses. He's in Jangga so he's behaving Jangga, that is, like an asshole. Very funny the way he showed his ruthlessness, you can totally see why he loves Yiseo even when she's being awful at him or the world, he totally admires her ability to go for what she wants without giving a fuck and took to heart the way she was disappointed by his lack of aim in life. He's going about it very self-destruction bc he burnt those bridges to his friends in Danbam but I have hope for him at the end.
(also Geun-soo, I understand you seeing parallels with your father and Saeroyi but don't say Saeroyi would do as your father again please, that's like. A major misunderstanding of Saeroyi character.)
Very interested in how the story goes!
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