Partners in Crime (Bakugo Katsuki x Eijirou Kirishima)
“You never took us alive. We swore that death would do us part, so now we haunt you in the dark.”
Summary: Katsuki and Eijirou are villains plotting their next heist. What happens if everything doesn't go according to plan?
Genre: ANGST
Warning(s): Major Character Death
Author’s Note: Uhm... OOf? Sorry I know its angsty but like I had this idea and I just had to write it. Sorry its kinda OOC but... yeah okay I'm gonna stop apologizing now. I hope you enjoy this, thanks for reading.
Word Count: 1,146
Eijirou fiddles with his fingers as Katsuki drives them down the road in the direction of their next heist location. Katsuki seems to notice his fidgeting and reaches over, pressing a hand into Kirishima’s. “Ei, relax we’ve go this it’ll be fine,” Katsuki says quietly squeezing his hand gently.
Eijirou glances over at him and nods quickly before tapping his toe slightly. “What if the same thing happens as last time?” He asks gulping, his lips pursing.
Katsuki screams in anger as he blasts an AP Shot at the store owner before she could hit the button to call emergency service. Eijirou can hardly do anything other than stare in horror as the owner’s shirt catches on fire, squeals of pain erupting from her lips and her hand hits the button before anything else can happen. “Kacchan! We have to get out of here!” A voice calls from behind them. Midoriya, Eijirou’s mind supplies, although he can hardly even think properly, his head spinning.
Only when Izuku lets out a screech and Eijirou looks back to see a hero pinning him down to the ground does he fully grasp the situation. ‘This is a set-up… They knew we were coming,’ he tells himself looking desperately around for Katsuki. Izuku just yells at them to go, but Eijirou can’t, he can’t move not until he finds Bakugo. He can’t leave without Bakugo, he won’t leave without him. There’s screaming, so much screaming. It drives him crazy.
He clocks out almost completely until Katsuki is yelling in his ear. They’d made it back home, how and when, Eijirou couldn’t say, he didn’t know. But Katsuki was there with him and that’s all he could ask for. It’s all he could ask for to be safe with Katsuki, wrapped up in his arms, holding him close.
Kirishima shakes his head, trying to clear his brain. Of course the same thing wouldn’t happen. He wouldn’t lose Katsuki. He couldn’t lose Katsuki. He wouldn’t be able to live if he lost Katsuki. Eijirou glances up, looking over at Katsuki, a slight frown on his features as he watches him driving. He squeezes his hand a bit tighter, not wanting him to let go.
“Ei, everything we’ll be fine, we’re prepared for this, stop stressing so much,” Bakugo brings Eijirou’s hand up to his lips, pressing a kiss to the back of his hand, still keeping his eyes on the road in front of them.
“We lost Deku last time, Katsuki,” he says quietly, frowning. “I can’t lose you too,” he adds, barely above a whisper. Katsuki’s face softens at his statement.
“You’re not going to lose me, Ei,” he responds softly, smiling gently at Eijirou before turning his gaze back to the road. “I don’t plan on letting them take me, or you, easily.” Kirishima only nods slightly in response, not saying anything else, pursing his lips slightly. He still was worried about what would happen, but he wouldn’t speak out about it again. Bakugo already knows that he was paranoid. Although he had good reason to be, even if he didn’t know that he should be.
Unbeknownst to either Kirishima or Bakugo, there were multiple pro-heros waiting for them, having expected their next heist location. They were blissfully unaware, but in the end it would ruin everything for them. All Might, Eraserhead, Present Mic, Midnight and Thirteen all laid in wait for the two villains, making their way towards them. Once the two reach their location they park a-ways down the street just as planned. They walk around the back of the bank, working their way into the building silently through the back employee entrance. They make their way in to the vaults relatively easily, finding one lone employee who stares at them appalled.
“Empty out the vault, and me and my doll will be on our way,” Katsuki smirks threateningly at them as Eijirou holds open a bag, a similar smirk on his lips. So far, the plan was running through rather smoothly as the employee begins passing the cash towards them, hardly even putting up a fight. That is until, the alarms start blaring in their ears when they only had the vault about a quarter of the way emptied. Eijirou’s eyes go wide at the sudden sound.
“Musutafu Police Department! Come out with your hands up, we have the place surrounded,” Hizashi’s booming voice fills the building causing a groan to escape Eijirou’s lips at the frequency, holding his head.
“Fuck, fuck, fuck!” Katsuki swears, quickly tying up the bag with what they’ve got. “We need to get out of here, we’ve got more than enough, there’s got to be at least 12 million yen in here,” he says, reaching over to grab Kirishima’s hand, yanking him back in the direction them came but when they open the door All Might is standing there in front of them.
“You’ll never take us alive!” Eijirou screams at him slamming the door, dragging Katsuki along with him this time. “Katsuki, we need to get out of here,” he says worriedly. He could practically hear every footstep as the pro hero’s zero them in at the center of the building. “We need to get out. We can’t get caught. We can’t let them catch us.”
“I swear… only death will do us part, Eijirou,” Katsuki whispers, hardly paying attention to the surroundings and the nearing heros as he pulls Eijirou in for a searing kiss. Kirishima feels his knees go weak as he practically melts into Bakugo’s kiss, arms wrapping tight around his neck.
“Come out with your hands up!” Hizashi’s voice supplies even louder and closer than before, causing the two to break apart to cover their ears, the shrillness of his voice causing them to bleed. Eijirou looks up to meet Katsuki’s gaze, eyes widened in fear. It was a matter of moments before they were surrounded. There were the five pro-heros as well as multiple soldiers with them. There was no way that the two of them could escape, it was impossible. They were stuck in a very very bad situation and they both knew that would be no way to get out.
“You are surrounded. There is no escaping this, villains. You’re trapped,” Toshinori states with confidence, a smile plastered over his face. “Why? Because I am here.” Bakugo looks into Kirishima’s eyes.
“I’ll repeat… You’ll never take us alive,” Katsuki says, not moving his gaze from Eijirou’s as he leans into Eijirou.
“I love you,” Kirishima whispers, already knowing what Bakugo was planning. While he was scared, he would accept what was to come. He couldn’t let them seperate them. It just couldn’t happen.
“I love you, too,” Katsuki whispers before pressing their lips together, a short moment before the explosion happens and the two villainous lovers fall under the rubble, caught at the center.
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givethispromptatry · 6 years
OC Interview Ask Meme!
I was tagged by the awesome @thewriterandthestoryteller to do this interview with my oc of choice! I picked two! Odette and her older brother Hue!
I’ll tag people up here too! @hads4life, @galaxy-mermaid-musi, @livingdarwinaward, @another-insanewriter, and @hugo-vinther! Have fun guys!
Under a read more because it’s long!
1. How are you doing today?
O: Alright, I guess. I can’t complain.
H: Exhausted. Training to take over a pack takes a lot of focus, especially when it’s all day every day.
2. You ready to answer some questions?
O: I mean... I guess?
H: Sure.
3. How do you feel about your last name?
O: That’s kind of an odd opener. I’m alright with it. It means red and that’s my favorite color. Or it could be the mouth-bit in a brass or woodwind instrument, which is pretty neat.
H: I’m proud of it. The surrounding packs that we meet with every month often defer to us because we’ve been around so long and are so well established. We may not be big but we carry a lot of sway.
4. Is there anything you would like to thank your author for?
O: Meeting Tamsin. Gods, that kickstarted so many positive things in my life. Being given the potential for magic let me meet Deryn and Linnea. It gave me a greater purpose than the one I had before. Also, thanks for having my girlfriends give me the time of day even though they were already in a relationship. I just feel so loved now!
H: I... um... My friends, I guess. I know (due to fourth wall breakage) I didn’t really have a lot of them when you thought of me but I have some good ones now. We support each other in ways that family cannot.
5. You can only eat three foods for the rest of your life, what are they?
O: We both know the first one!
H: Nana’s tamales. Best thing in the world, hands down.
O: And after that mine would be crunchy, crusty bread and sushi!
H: Mine would be cookie dough ice cream and-
O: No! Hue!
H: What?
O: You have to be vague! Then you can have different flavors!
H: ... You do know that they aren’t going to actually curse us or anything, right?
O: It’s the principle of the thing!
H: ... Fine. Ice cream and fruit.
O: ... Sweet-tooth-McGee over here...
6. Have you ever done or said anything that surprised your author?
O: The very fact that I became one of her main characters was pretty surprising. I’m just so lovable!
H: Me becoming a mom friend. Enough said.
7. You have limitless funds, what kind of party are you going to have?
O: I’m going to tip so many waitresses! Catering from a nice place, live music, dancing, gift bags! The best thing you’ve ever been to!!!
H: I... I’m going on kickstarter or something and funding so many things. And then-! Build-your-own-sundae bar, mega style.
8. Pick one of your fellow characters, what would they say about you?
H: Our mother says that I’m a good Alpha candidate. I’m resourceful, strong, and thoughtful. Also, Tamsin says I have a cute butt.
O: Deryn says I’m an attractive mess, mostly because I’m clumsy but well put together. Linnea often calls me her “favorite agent of chaos.” Jokes on them though! They confessed to me first!
9. Tell us a quick story about something that’s happened to you that not even your author knows about... yet.
O: Hue’s friends once convinced him to dress up in one of those ‘sexy’ versions of a normal costume. He and his two guys friends as sexy traffic cones and played truth or dare all night long on Halloween!
H: I was the sexiest traffic cone.
O: And other things you never want to hear from your brother.
H: Odette used to eat house plants. 
O: I only ate one!
H: No, you destroyed one. You nibbled on everything else. Even the grass that we had for the cat.
O: ...
10. Do you have a favorite hero?
O: Like, fictional?
H: Probably.
O: Wonder Woman and All Might.
H: Spiderman and All Might.
11. What do you plan to do after this?
H: Sleep for a thousand years.
O: Your alarm wakes you up at 7am.
H: A. Thousand. Years.
O: ... I’m going to listen to music and study. Tamsin gave me an old grimoire she found and I have to read it and tell her what’s in it. Also, I have college work to do...
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criesin-gay · 6 years
About the Admin
Hello, my dearest followers. I see you’ve stumbled upon my little blog.
More about me as a person, my name is Solis, though my friends call me a multitude of things so basically you can call me whatever you want. I am a 17-year-old pansexual demigirl. I go by any pronouns, but most typically people refer to me as she/her. My MBTI type is INTP.  For the most part, I will be reposting stuff and roleplaying with people on this account. I will also do both ask roleplays and private roleplays so, if you want to PM me, feel free to do that.
As far as types of roleplays, I will do most any type of roleplay, with the exception of incest and pedophilia. I do both OC roleplays and band roleplays (kpop or not). As far as bands that I will rp, there's basically no limit to what band because I listen to a lot of music. If you are unsure of whether I listen to a band or not feel free to ask and I’ll let you know, chances are I listen to them, and if I don’t I’ll probably check them out. Just to list a few bands that I’d be most comfortable rping: BTS, EXO, Monsta X, VIXX, SEVENTEEN, ToppDogg, Blackpink, Red Velvet, 2NE1, Pierce the Veil, Sleeping with Sirens, Of Mice and Men, Paramore, and Imagine Dragons. Additionally, I will also do anime rps, but I will probably be less open to those because I don’t really watch much anime anymore. Animes that I will be comfortable rping include Yuri!!!on Ice, Attack on Titan, Black Butler, Another, Tokyo Ghoul and Soul Eater.
When requesting an rp, please give me your character(member/character/your OC), who you’d like me to be(character/band member/my OC), genre(fluff, smut, etc), if it’s not a smut based roleplay specify how far you’d be comfortable with taking relationships, any ideas you have for plot and your typical length of responses. I know I seem like I’d probably be a novella roleplayer, but I typically do single paragraph roleplays. I am okay with doing one-liners.
If you want to do any type of rp with triggering content(ie self-harm), I am okay with it to an extent, but I ask that all those rps are private, I don’t want to trigger any of my other followers. Another thing with that though is that we will have to set boundaries for how descriptive I am okay with that getting before we start the rp.
I believe that that is all for now! I will talk to you all later my lovely followers~ My Other Accounts: Writing Blog: @another-insanewriter D&D Quotes: @just-dnd-stuff
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When he spoke gold and gems fell from his lips, solid and glittering. As people demanded he speak more and more, he became more and more silent.
Harley never spoke much to start with, knowing that each time strings of gold and gems would leave his lips. As a young child he never understood why all the other kids would crowd him, picking up the shiny objects as they fell every time he spoke to them, but as he grew older he realized it was for the riches. No one truly cared about Harley’s feelings or the stories that he told. Everyone only spoke to him because of the expensive items that they would get from his talking. 
And so he stopped. Harley hadn’t spoken in three years by now, instead communicating through sign language and body gestures, sometimes even writing out the words. People who knew about his curse still tried to get him to talk but he adamantly refused, shaking his head and waving his hands. Not once had one person managed to convince him to speak. Not until Ashton came along. Long, wispy platinum hair, silver-blue eyes, gummy smile.
Harley found himself falling before he even realized. She spoke animatedly, always excited and passionate. She never forced him to say anything, though she certainly knew about his curse. Everyone knew about his curse. Instead, she spoke for the both of them, leading him around to where they two wanted to go. Anytime someone came up to Harley in attempt to get him to speak, she would kindly shoo them away from him. She learned sign language for him just so they could properly speak with each other.
Every day that passed Harley found himself falling for Ashton more and more. They went on cute, cliché dates together. They kissed, sweet and passionate, never going too far. Things were perfect for the two of them.
It was their year anniversary when Harley spoke again. Four years since the last time he’d spoken a word. The first four words to escape his lips after four years of not speaking at all.
“I love you, Ashton.”
(A/N) Just a little thing that I wanted to write. Thanks to @givethispromptatry for the prompt idea 😊
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“I used to be a princess.”
“A princess? What happened?”
“Turns out I was too inappropriate and ‘going along with the rebellion is not good for publicity’,” says Adina, grinning a bit as she mocks the Queen’s voice. “They kept me under tabs for years, hiding me from the public, until I managed to run away that is. They practically erased me from existence, no one remembers the long lost princess.”
Xahlia laughs out loud, clenching her stomach at the imitation. “Princess Adina, hmm?” she shakes her head. “Hard to believe considering you have absolutely no manners,” Xahlia teases causing Adina to roll her eyes back into her head. “Case in point.”
“Oh shut up, I can be polite if I wanted to. I just don’t want to,” Adina huffs, crossing her arms over her chest and glaring at Xahlia. The younger female just laughs, shaking her head a bit more as she wraps an arm around Adina’s shoulder.
“A lesbian Princess turned rebellion leader, wow,” Xahlia grins a bit at Adina who leans in to kiss her cheek gently.
“Oh hush, you know you love me.”
“You’re right, I do.”
(A/N) Once again, thanks to @givethispromptatry for the inspiration ^^
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“You! You damn fool! You pulled me out of my Time! I died early because of you!” “To be fair, so did I.”
When Teagan comes to, she knows she’s not alive anymore. Her body feels light, her hair too perfect, clothes too pressed. This couldn’t be real. She huffs to herself as her memories slowly come back to her.
Everything was a blur. Except for one thing.
Jiyong was the one to kill her.
It may have been unintentional but it still angered Teagan. So much so she didn’t hesitate to burst out of her quarters, stamping down the hall until she finds the room with Jiyong’s name written clearly on the door.
“You! You damn fool!” Teagan snaps the second the door is opened to reveal the other female. Teagan pushes past, moving into the room. “You pulled me out of my Time! I died early because of you!” She accuses, waving her finger at Jiyong before crossing her arms over her chest. Jiyong raises an eyebrow slightly amused.
“To be fair, so did I.”
Teagan rolls her eyes dramatically. “You knew the rules. You knew they would’ve found out. It’s your fault we’re here!” Jiyong hums softly shrugging as she moves a bit closer to Teagan.
“You didn’t seem to mind at the time,” Jiyong says tone teasing as she moves her face mere inches away from Teagan’s, breath fanning over her face. Teagan could feel her knees going weak already, she pushes away Jiyong before she could get to her too much.
“No! Stop it. I’m angry at you! You’re the one who got us into this mess,” Teagan says stamping her foot. “You knew that they were going to find out Jiyong. You knew they were going to kill us when they found out. It’s part of the rules. Part of the oath you took.”
Jiyong shrugs again. “But it’s better to be here with you rather than there without you,” she says, voice sweet, full of passion and truth. Teagan could feel her confidence slipping, her anger fading.
She did it for us, Teagan tells herself, a small smile forming on her lips before she shakes her head, as if remembering why she was here in the first place.
“No. Stop you’re distracting me. I’m not here to be wooed by you… again,” Teagan says, backing away from Jiyong more. “It’s illegal, you knew that. Yet you still kissed me. Still… Still made me fall for you.”
Jiyong sighs softly, moving even closer to Teagan, backing her into the wall. “Teagan,” she says carefully, raising a hand to rest it on her cheek. “I did it because I loved you. I still love you. I did it because I didn’t care about the rules, I only care about you. Being with you.”
Teagan can’t help but lean into Jiyong’s touch. “Princess,” she breathes out, shaking her head a bit. “You… I. Why would you trade your life for a chance with me?” Teagan says, her resolve slowly crumbling. She was melting into Jiyong, leaning forward and wrapping her arms around her, tears slipping from her eyes. “I’m hardly important en-“
“Don’t. Don’t you dare say that. You are the most important,” Jiyong says, reaching up and running her fingers through her long hair. “You are way more important than anything else,” she whispers, pressing a kiss to the top of her head. “Yeah, I took an oath. Yeah, I said I wouldn’t fall in love with anyone. Yeah, I said kill me and them if I did so. But that was before. That was before you. Before I fell in love with my enemy. Before I fell so hard for the most beautiful, perfect girl in the world.” Teagan cries harder, face buried in Jiyong’s neck.
“You’re insane,” Teagan hiccups, shaking her head a bit. “Absolutely crazy.”
“Crazy for you,” Jiyong responds, cheekily, grinning a bit when Teagan’s melodic laughter fills the room.
“I love you,” Teagan whispers softly, leaning forward to press their lips together in a gentle yet passionate kiss.
“I love you too.”
(A/N) Whoopsies I got bored again and wrote this little thing. It turned out way angstier than originally intended. Once again thanks to @givethispromptatry for the prompt idea.
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Success is laying in a field
Without a care in the world
Holding hands with a lover
Success is a dream house
Pool, yard, animals
Full of love
Success is a dream job
Surrounded by books
Reading the days away
(A/N) Just a little poem I wrote for English ^^
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OC Interview Ask Meme
Oof no one knows these characters yet because they’re still in the making but here we go! I was tagged by @givethispromptatry
HS- Han Seoyeon
KH- Kwon Hwiyong
1. How are you doing today?
* HS- “What’s it to you? Why should it matter?”
* KH- “She’s cranky... She’s always cranky. Don’t mind her. I’m good though, how’re you?”
2. You ready to answer some questions?
* HS- “I don’t give a f*ck”
* KH- “Seoyeon could you watch your language please this is an interview try to be nice. We are ready!”
3. How do you feel about your last name?
* HS- “It’d be better if it were Kwon”
* KH- *sputtering* “Wh-What Seo... Th-the wh-why? Why would you say that?”
* HS- “What? It’s true!”
4. Is there anything you’d like to thank your author for?
* HS- “That bitch? No way. She wrote me as a rude hoe.”
* KH- “Babe, you know she wrote us together right? If it weren’t for her we wouldn’t be together.”
* HS- “Ugh, I hate it when you’re right.”
5. You can only eat three foods for the rest of your life, what are they?
* HS- “Kimchi, pork and kimbap, easy.”
* KH- “Its so not that easy. I’m not giving up any food. If I can only eat three foods I’m not eating!”
6. Have you ever done anything or said anything that has surprised your author?
* HS- “I once told Hwiyoung that I would *giant sensor because Seoyeon is a pervert and I’m not writing out what she actually said*”
7. You have limitless funds, what kind of party are you going to have?
* HS- “The kind that can’t be said on a public interview.” *wink*
* KH- “Han Seoyeon!”
8. Pick one of your fellow characters, what would they say about you?
* HS- “Yukhei would probably say ‘F*ck that b*tch’”
* KH- *facepalm* “There’s nothing I could do to get her to calm down. Nothing!”
9. Tell us a quick story about something that happened to you that not even your author knows about.
* HS- “There was this one time when I tied Hwi-“
* HS- “What? It’s true!”
10. Do you have a favorite hero?
* HS- “Myself. I am my favorite hero.”
* KH- “I’m not even going to try with her any more. Deadpool is hers, Flash for me.”
11. What do you plan to do after this?
* KH- “Don’t you dare even s-“
* HS- “F*ck Hwiyoung.”
* KH- “The thing is she’s not even wrong...”
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