A/N: I did a depressing whoopsies. Have fun with the soliloquy that totally wasn’t written because I hate myself and living... I’m fine seriously.
Maybe I’m insane. Maybe I’m not, even so hear me out on this one.
Sometimes life feels like drowning.
I know it sounds a bit crazy but really when you think about it, it feels pretty accurate. When you first jump into the pool, everything is all fine and dandy right? You can walk just fine in the shallow end, then you get to the deeper parts and it starts slipping away from you. You go under a few times and things fail a bit but in the end you can still breath fine.
Then you get to the real deep parts and it slips away more and more, until you’re struggling to stay afloat. Until you’re just taking in so much that it gets to be too much.
Maybe someone jumps in and saves you. Takes some of that burden away and carries you back to the side of the pool, where they can pull you out, or where you can hold on until everything’s okay and you can try again.
Some people never jump back in again. Some people, it takes them awhile, they stick it out in the shallow end for a while. Others, the foolish ones don’t even stop before they get back in the deep end.
Then there’s the people who never get the chance. There’s the people who take in so much that they can’t take any more. Maybe, someone tries to save them. Maybe, they make it to the side, barely alive and don’t make it in the end, there’s just too much water in their lungs and they suffocate. Maybe, no one jumps in to save them in the first place.
Sometimes, I wonder if anyone would try to save me if I were the one drowning. The logical part of me tells me there is, that my friends would jump in the deep end to save me in an instant. The negative side of me tells me there isn’t. That my friends don’t care that much to try and save me. Why would they? Why, when their own burdens are enough? Why, when they’re having their own troubles staying afloat?
Maybe, I’m being self-deprecating. Maybe, I’m pessimistic. Or, maybe, I’m just a realist. I’m still not entirely sure which it is, but anyways, I digress.
My younger sister had a paper she had to write for swim, a prompt based off of a photo. In the end, I ended up writing it for her (voluntarily) since I am the more creative writer of the two of us. It was an altruistic act really, she had a ton of math work to complete and I love to write, so I was the one to offer up my assistance.
I ended up choosing to write based off a photo of a woman suspended in a room filled with water. In the story she decided to draw a bath, but whenever she tried to stop the water the handles wouldn’t turn. She tried and tried to cut off the water in every way possible, but she was doomed to fail and eventually the water filled the room around her.
Everything in the room remained untouched except for the woman who was suspended in the water, slowly suffocating.
This, in my opinion is what life feels like. We, as humans, are the only ones affected by the suffocation of life, meanwhile everything, everyone else around us remain stagnant, fixed in their own ways, while we suffocate by our lonesome selves.
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“You’re still as beautiful as ever to me, at the very least,” the woman replies, reaching up to brush the cracks along his face as he traces his back. “Still just as perfect as if you were just built.”
“I’m broken.” The statue mumbled as he traced the cracks along his back. “Tossed away and left to crumble.”
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Lawrence feels his heart crumble to his feet, shaking his head quickly, kneeling down next to the love of his life as she bleeds from her neck.
“No, no, Marie, I didn’t mean it like this... I never. I never thought that something like this would happen,” he shakes his head rapidly, clutching her to his chest.
It was an accident, really, a trick gone wrong. It wasn’t supposed to turn out like this. Lawrence never imagined he’d be the one to kill his love. But alas, here they were, tears falling down his cheeks as his love dies in his arms. Bleeding from a wound caused by a magician’s mistake.
Hey it’s short but it’s been awhile and this prompt really intrigued me so here y’all are... Hope you enjoy it~
“I knew you were going to be the death of me,” she touched the hollow of her collar bone, “but how could I have known it would be this painful?”
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Partners in Crime (Bakugo Katsuki x Eijirou Kirishima)
“You never took us alive. We swore that death would do us part, so now we haunt you in the dark.”
Summary: Katsuki and Eijirou are villains plotting their next heist. What happens if everything doesn't go according to plan?
Genre: ANGST
Warning(s): Major Character Death
Author’s Note: Uhm... OOf? Sorry I know its angsty but like I had this idea and I just had to write it. Sorry its kinda OOC but... yeah okay I'm gonna stop apologizing now. I hope you enjoy this, thanks for reading.
Word Count: 1,146
Eijirou fiddles with his fingers as Katsuki drives them down the road in the direction of their next heist location. Katsuki seems to notice his fidgeting and reaches over, pressing a hand into Kirishima’s. “Ei, relax we’ve go this it’ll be fine,” Katsuki says quietly squeezing his hand gently.
Eijirou glances over at him and nods quickly before tapping his toe slightly. “What if the same thing happens as last time?” He asks gulping, his lips pursing.
Katsuki screams in anger as he blasts an AP Shot at the store owner before she could hit the button to call emergency service. Eijirou can hardly do anything other than stare in horror as the owner’s shirt catches on fire, squeals of pain erupting from her lips and her hand hits the button before anything else can happen. “Kacchan! We have to get out of here!” A voice calls from behind them. Midoriya, Eijirou’s mind supplies, although he can hardly even think properly, his head spinning.
Only when Izuku lets out a screech and Eijirou looks back to see a hero pinning him down to the ground does he fully grasp the situation. ‘This is a set-up… They knew we were coming,’ he tells himself looking desperately around for Katsuki. Izuku just yells at them to go, but Eijirou can’t, he can’t move not until he finds Bakugo. He can’t leave without Bakugo, he won’t leave without him. There’s screaming, so much screaming. It drives him crazy.
He clocks out almost completely until Katsuki is yelling in his ear. They’d made it back home, how and when, Eijirou couldn’t say, he didn’t know. But Katsuki was there with him and that’s all he could ask for. It’s all he could ask for to be safe with Katsuki, wrapped up in his arms, holding him close.
Kirishima shakes his head, trying to clear his brain. Of course the same thing wouldn’t happen. He wouldn’t lose Katsuki. He couldn’t lose Katsuki. He wouldn’t be able to live if he lost Katsuki. Eijirou glances up, looking over at Katsuki, a slight frown on his features as he watches him driving. He squeezes his hand a bit tighter, not wanting him to let go.
“Ei, everything we’ll be fine, we’re prepared for this, stop stressing so much,” Bakugo brings Eijirou’s hand up to his lips, pressing a kiss to the back of his hand, still keeping his eyes on the road in front of them.
“We lost Deku last time, Katsuki,” he says quietly, frowning. “I can’t lose you too,” he adds, barely above a whisper. Katsuki’s face softens at his statement.
“You’re not going to lose me, Ei,” he responds softly, smiling gently at Eijirou before turning his gaze back to the road. “I don’t plan on letting them take me, or you, easily.” Kirishima only nods slightly in response, not saying anything else, pursing his lips slightly. He still was worried about what would happen, but he wouldn’t speak out about it again. Bakugo already knows that he was paranoid. Although he had good reason to be, even if he didn’t know that he should be.
Unbeknownst to either Kirishima or Bakugo, there were multiple pro-heros waiting for them, having expected their next heist location. They were blissfully unaware, but in the end it would ruin everything for them. All Might, Eraserhead, Present Mic, Midnight and Thirteen all laid in wait for the two villains, making their way towards them. Once the two reach their location they park a-ways down the street just as planned. They walk around the back of the bank, working their way into the building silently through the back employee entrance. They make their way in to the vaults relatively easily, finding one lone employee who stares at them appalled.
“Empty out the vault, and me and my doll will be on our way,” Katsuki smirks threateningly at them as Eijirou holds open a bag, a similar smirk on his lips. So far, the plan was running through rather smoothly as the employee begins passing the cash towards them, hardly even putting up a fight. That is until, the alarms start blaring in their ears when they only had the vault about a quarter of the way emptied. Eijirou’s eyes go wide at the sudden sound.
“Musutafu Police Department! Come out with your hands up, we have the place surrounded,” Hizashi’s booming voice fills the building causing a groan to escape Eijirou’s lips at the frequency, holding his head.
“Fuck, fuck, fuck!” Katsuki swears, quickly tying up the bag with what they’ve got. “We need to get out of here, we’ve got more than enough, there’s got to be at least 12 million yen in here,” he says, reaching over to grab Kirishima’s hand, yanking him back in the direction them came but when they open the door All Might is standing there in front of them.
“You’ll never take us alive!” Eijirou screams at him slamming the door, dragging Katsuki along with him this time. “Katsuki, we need to get out of here,” he says worriedly. He could practically hear every footstep as the pro hero’s zero them in at the center of the building. “We need to get out. We can’t get caught. We can’t let them catch us.”
“I swear… only death will do us part, Eijirou,” Katsuki whispers, hardly paying attention to the surroundings and the nearing heros as he pulls Eijirou in for a searing kiss. Kirishima feels his knees go weak as he practically melts into Bakugo’s kiss, arms wrapping tight around his neck.
“Come out with your hands up!” Hizashi’s voice supplies even louder and closer than before, causing the two to break apart to cover their ears, the shrillness of his voice causing them to bleed. Eijirou looks up to meet Katsuki’s gaze, eyes widened in fear. It was a matter of moments before they were surrounded. There were the five pro-heros as well as multiple soldiers with them. There was no way that the two of them could escape, it was impossible. They were stuck in a very very bad situation and they both knew that would be no way to get out.
“You are surrounded. There is no escaping this, villains. You’re trapped,” Toshinori states with confidence, a smile plastered over his face. “Why? Because I am here.” Bakugo looks into Kirishima’s eyes.
“I’ll repeat… You’ll never take us alive,” Katsuki says, not moving his gaze from Eijirou’s as he leans into Eijirou.
“I love you,” Kirishima whispers, already knowing what Bakugo was planning. While he was scared, he would accept what was to come. He couldn’t let them seperate them. It just couldn’t happen.
“I love you, too,” Katsuki whispers before pressing their lips together, a short moment before the explosion happens and the two villainous lovers fall under the rubble, caught at the center.
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Hey all… it’d be much appreciated if you could go fill out this survey for me
It’ll be a great help to me as it’s for my senior year graduation project.
Thank you for your help~!
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Writer Ask Meme
1. Tell us about your WIP!
2. Where is your favorite place to write?
3. What is your favorite/least favorite part about writing?
4. Do you have any writing habits/rituals?
5. Top five formative books?
6. Favorite character you’ve written?
7. Favorite/most inspirational book?
8. Do you have any writing buddies or critique partners?
9. Favorite/least favorite tropes?
10. Pick an author (or writing friend) to co-write a book with
11. What are you planning to work on next?
12. Which story of yours do you like best? why?
13. Describe your writing process
14. What does it take for you to be ready to write a book? (i.e. do you research? outline? make a playlist or pinterest board? wing it?)
15. How do you deal with self-doubt when writing?
16. Cover love/dream covers?
17. What things (scenes/topics/character types) are you most comfortable writing?
18. Tell us about that one book you’ll never let anyone read
19. How do you cope with writer’s block?
20. Any advice for young writers/advice you wish someone would have given you early on?
21. What aspect of your writing are you most proud of?
22. Tell us about the books on your “to write” list
23. Most anticipated upcoming books?
24. Do you remember the moment you decided to become a writer/author?
25. What’s your worldbuilding process like?
26. What’s the most research you’ve ever put into a book?
27. Every writer’s least favorite question - where does your inspiration come from? Do you do certain things to make yourself more inspired? Is it easy for you to come up with story ideas?
28. How do you stay focused on your own work and how do you deal with comparison?
29. Is writing more of a hobby or do you write with the intention of getting published?
30. Do you like to read books similar to your project while you’re drafting or do you stick to non-fiction/un-similar works?
31. Top five favorite books in your genre?
32. On average how much do you write in a day? do you have trouble staying focused/getting the word count in?
33. What’s your revision/rewriting process like?
34. Unpopular writing thoughts/opinions?
35. Post the last sentence you wrote
36. Post a snippet
37. Do you ever write long handed or do you prefer to type everything?
38. How do you nail voice in your books?
39. Do you spend a lot of time analyzing and studying the work of authors you admire?
40. Do you look up to any of your writer buddies?
41. Are there any books you feel have shaped you as a writer?
42. How many drafts do you usually write before you feel satisfied?
43. How do you deal with rejection?
44. Why (and when) did you decide to become a writer?
45. First or third person?
46. Past or present tense?
47. Single or dual/multi POV?
48. Do you prefer to write skimpy drafts and flesh them out later, or write too much and cut it back?
49. Favorite fictional world?
50. Do you share your rough drafts or do you wait until everything is all polished?
51. Are you a secretive writer or do you talk with your friends about your books?
52. Who do you write for?
53. What is the first line of your WIP?
54. Favorite first line/opening you’ve written?
55. How do you manage your time/make time for writing? (do you set aside time to write every day or do you only write when you have a lot of free time?)
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“You! You damn fool! You pulled me out of my Time! I died early because of you!” “To be fair, so did I.”
When Teagan comes to, she knows she’s not alive anymore. Her body feels light, her hair too perfect, clothes too pressed. This couldn’t be real. She huffs to herself as her memories slowly come back to her.
Everything was a blur. Except for one thing.
Jiyong was the one to kill her.
It may have been unintentional but it still angered Teagan. So much so she didn’t hesitate to burst out of her quarters, stamping down the hall until she finds the room with Jiyong’s name written clearly on the door.
“You! You damn fool!” Teagan snaps the second the door is opened to reveal the other female. Teagan pushes past, moving into the room. “You pulled me out of my Time! I died early because of you!” She accuses, waving her finger at Jiyong before crossing her arms over her chest. Jiyong raises an eyebrow slightly amused.
“To be fair, so did I.”
Teagan rolls her eyes dramatically. “You knew the rules. You knew they would’ve found out. It’s your fault we’re here!” Jiyong hums softly shrugging as she moves a bit closer to Teagan.
“You didn’t seem to mind at the time,” Jiyong says tone teasing as she moves her face mere inches away from Teagan’s, breath fanning over her face. Teagan could feel her knees going weak already, she pushes away Jiyong before she could get to her too much.
“No! Stop it. I’m angry at you! You’re the one who got us into this mess,” Teagan says stamping her foot. “You knew that they were going to find out Jiyong. You knew they were going to kill us when they found out. It’s part of the rules. Part of the oath you took.”
Jiyong shrugs again. “But it’s better to be here with you rather than there without you,” she says, voice sweet, full of passion and truth. Teagan could feel her confidence slipping, her anger fading.
She did it for us, Teagan tells herself, a small smile forming on her lips before she shakes her head, as if remembering why she was here in the first place.
“No. Stop you’re distracting me. I’m not here to be wooed by you… again,” Teagan says, backing away from Jiyong more. “It’s illegal, you knew that. Yet you still kissed me. Still… Still made me fall for you.”
Jiyong sighs softly, moving even closer to Teagan, backing her into the wall. “Teagan,” she says carefully, raising a hand to rest it on her cheek. “I did it because I loved you. I still love you. I did it because I didn’t care about the rules, I only care about you. Being with you.”
Teagan can’t help but lean into Jiyong’s touch. “Princess,” she breathes out, shaking her head a bit. “You… I. Why would you trade your life for a chance with me?” Teagan says, her resolve slowly crumbling. She was melting into Jiyong, leaning forward and wrapping her arms around her, tears slipping from her eyes. “I’m hardly important en-“
“Don’t. Don’t you dare say that. You are the most important,” Jiyong says, reaching up and running her fingers through her long hair. “You are way more important than anything else,” she whispers, pressing a kiss to the top of her head. “Yeah, I took an oath. Yeah, I said I wouldn’t fall in love with anyone. Yeah, I said kill me and them if I did so. But that was before. That was before you. Before I fell in love with my enemy. Before I fell so hard for the most beautiful, perfect girl in the world.” Teagan cries harder, face buried in Jiyong’s neck.
“You’re insane,” Teagan hiccups, shaking her head a bit. “Absolutely crazy.”
“Crazy for you,” Jiyong responds, cheekily, grinning a bit when Teagan’s melodic laughter fills the room.
“I love you,” Teagan whispers softly, leaning forward to press their lips together in a gentle yet passionate kiss.
“I love you too.”
(A/N) Whoopsies I got bored again and wrote this little thing. It turned out way angstier than originally intended. Once again thanks to @givethispromptatry for the prompt idea.
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Success is laying in a field
Without a care in the world
Holding hands with a lover
Success is a dream house
Pool, yard, animals
Full of love
Success is a dream job
Surrounded by books
Reading the days away
(A/N) Just a little poem I wrote for English ^^
0 notes
“I used to be a princess.”
“A princess? What happened?”
“Turns out I was too inappropriate and ‘going along with the rebellion is not good for publicity’,” says Adina, grinning a bit as she mocks the Queen’s voice. “They kept me under tabs for years, hiding me from the public, until I managed to run away that is. They practically erased me from existence, no one remembers the long lost princess.”
Xahlia laughs out loud, clenching her stomach at the imitation. “Princess Adina, hmm?” she shakes her head. “Hard to believe considering you have absolutely no manners,” Xahlia teases causing Adina to roll her eyes back into her head. “Case in point.”
“Oh shut up, I can be polite if I wanted to. I just don’t want to,” Adina huffs, crossing her arms over her chest and glaring at Xahlia. The younger female just laughs, shaking her head a bit more as she wraps an arm around Adina’s shoulder.
“A lesbian Princess turned rebellion leader, wow,” Xahlia grins a bit at Adina who leans in to kiss her cheek gently.
“Oh hush, you know you love me.”
“You’re right, I do.”
(A/N) Once again, thanks to @givethispromptatry for the inspiration ^^
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OC Interview Ask Meme
Oof no one knows these characters yet because they’re still in the making but here we go! I was tagged by @givethispromptatry
HS- Han Seoyeon
KH- Kwon Hwiyong
1. How are you doing today?
* HS- “What’s it to you? Why should it matter?”
* KH- “She’s cranky... She’s always cranky. Don’t mind her. I’m good though, how’re you?”
2. You ready to answer some questions?
* HS- “I don’t give a f*ck”
* KH- “Seoyeon could you watch your language please this is an interview try to be nice. We are ready!”
3. How do you feel about your last name?
* HS- “It’d be better if it were Kwon”
* KH- *sputtering* “Wh-What Seo... Th-the wh-why? Why would you say that?”
* HS- “What? It’s true!”
4. Is there anything you’d like to thank your author for?
* HS- “That bitch? No way. She wrote me as a rude hoe.”
* KH- “Babe, you know she wrote us together right? If it weren’t for her we wouldn’t be together.”
* HS- “Ugh, I hate it when you’re right.”
5. You can only eat three foods for the rest of your life, what are they?
* HS- “Kimchi, pork and kimbap, easy.”
* KH- “Its so not that easy. I’m not giving up any food. If I can only eat three foods I’m not eating!”
6. Have you ever done anything or said anything that has surprised your author?
* HS- “I once told Hwiyoung that I would *giant sensor because Seoyeon is a pervert and I’m not writing out what she actually said*”
7. You have limitless funds, what kind of party are you going to have?
* HS- “The kind that can’t be said on a public interview.” *wink*
* KH- “Han Seoyeon!”
8. Pick one of your fellow characters, what would they say about you?
* HS- “Yukhei would probably say ‘F*ck that b*tch’”
* KH- *facepalm* “There’s nothing I could do to get her to calm down. Nothing!”
9. Tell us a quick story about something that happened to you that not even your author knows about.
* HS- “There was this one time when I tied Hwi-“
* HS- “What? It’s true!”
10. Do you have a favorite hero?
* HS- “Myself. I am my favorite hero.”
* KH- “I’m not even going to try with her any more. Deadpool is hers, Flash for me.”
11. What do you plan to do after this?
* KH- “Don’t you dare even s-“
* HS- “F*ck Hwiyoung.”
* KH- “The thing is she’s not even wrong...”
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Ahh that is amazing! I could totally see them doing that though so cute!! 💕😊
When he spoke gold and gems fell from his lips, solid and glittering. As people demanded he speak more and more, he became more and more silent.
Harley never spoke much to start with, knowing that each time strings of gold and gems would leave his lips. As a young child he never understood why all the other kids would crowd him, picking up the shiny objects as they fell every time he spoke to them, but as he grew older he realized it was for the riches. No one truly cared about Harley’s feelings or the stories that he told. Everyone only spoke to him because of the expensive items that they would get from his talking. 
And so he stopped. Harley hadn’t spoken in three years by now, instead communicating through sign language and body gestures, sometimes even writing out the words. People who knew about his curse still tried to get him to talk but he adamantly refused, shaking his head and waving his hands. Not once had one person managed to convince him to speak. Not until Ashton came along. Long, wispy platinum hair, silver-blue eyes, gummy smile.
Harley found himself falling before he even realized. She spoke animatedly, always excited and passionate. She never forced him to say anything, though she certainly knew about his curse. Everyone knew about his curse. Instead, she spoke for the both of them, leading him around to where they two wanted to go. Anytime someone came up to Harley in attempt to get him to speak, she would kindly shoo them away from him. She learned sign language for him just so they could properly speak with each other.
Every day that passed Harley found himself falling for Ashton more and more. They went on cute, cliché dates together. They kissed, sweet and passionate, never going too far. Things were perfect for the two of them.
It was their year anniversary when Harley spoke again. Four years since the last time he’d spoken a word. The first four words to escape his lips after four years of not speaking at all.
“I love you, Ashton.”
(A/N) Just a little thing that I wanted to write. Thanks to @givethispromptatry for the prompt idea 😊
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When he spoke gold and gems fell from his lips, solid and glittering. As people demanded he speak more and more, he became more and more silent.
Harley never spoke much to start with, knowing that each time strings of gold and gems would leave his lips. As a young child he never understood why all the other kids would crowd him, picking up the shiny objects as they fell every time he spoke to them, but as he grew older he realized it was for the riches. No one truly cared about Harley’s feelings or the stories that he told. Everyone only spoke to him because of the expensive items that they would get from his talking. 
And so he stopped. Harley hadn’t spoken in three years by now, instead communicating through sign language and body gestures, sometimes even writing out the words. People who knew about his curse still tried to get him to talk but he adamantly refused, shaking his head and waving his hands. Not once had one person managed to convince him to speak. Not until Ashton came along. Long, wispy platinum hair, silver-blue eyes, gummy smile.
Harley found himself falling before he even realized. She spoke animatedly, always excited and passionate. She never forced him to say anything, though she certainly knew about his curse. Everyone knew about his curse. Instead, she spoke for the both of them, leading him around to where they two wanted to go. Anytime someone came up to Harley in attempt to get him to speak, she would kindly shoo them away from him. She learned sign language for him just so they could properly speak with each other.
Every day that passed Harley found himself falling for Ashton more and more. They went on cute, cliché dates together. They kissed, sweet and passionate, never going too far. Things were perfect for the two of them.
It was their year anniversary when Harley spoke again. Four years since the last time he’d spoken a word. The first four words to escape his lips after four years of not speaking at all.
“I love you, Ashton.”
(A/N) Just a little thing that I wanted to write. Thanks to @givethispromptatry for the prompt idea 😊
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MY I(JunHao)(M)
Written by: @another-insanewriter
Genre: Smut with a little bit of fluffy after-care
Warning(s): Oppa kink, BDSM(come on I’m basing it off of MY I how could I not include this), Overstimulation, Size kink, asphyxiation, toys ;)
Member(s): Wen Junhui x Xu Minghao
Summary: Junhui and Minghao are left alone in the dorm and need to relieve some built up tension. 
Author’s Note: Well... This turned out a lot longer and a lot more kinky than originally intended... Whopsies. Anyways, quick note, always make sure you have safe sex if you’re being kinky, use your safeword if you need to, that’s why you have it. And if you are into asphyxiation make sure you’re safe loves. Also thanks to @daegugame for inspiring me to actually write this. Okay... that is all. I bid you adeui~ Happy readings!
Word Count: 2,723
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There was no way being left alone in the dorm room was going to lead to anything less. Minghao was tense, to say the least, so when Junhui offered to help him “loosen up” he should’ve suspected that it would lead to something like this. It started off innocent, Jun gently rubbing his shoulders, getting rid of the knots in his back, but before long, Jun had gotten a bit... Handsy. Not that Minghao minded, of course. By this point, the two had both already been stripped of all clothes except for their boxers, sensually making out, hands running all over each other’s body. Minghao moans loudly into Jun’s mouth, having no filter since he knew that they were alone.
Jun smirks widely against Minghao’s lips, pulling from them to trail kisses down his neck, biting a hickey on his neck before pushing him back against the bed. Minghao looks up at him, eyes darkened with lust.
“What are you gonna do to me, Oppa?” Minghao asks, voice a bit timid, testing out the name and waiting for Junhui’s reaction. Jun grins down at him, slightly shocked, but not at all disappointed. His fingers travel over Minghao’s exposed chest.
“Oppa, hmm?” He hums softly, grinning, causing Minghao to blush bright red and turn away from him. “Baby… come on look at Oppa,” Jun whispers, reaching his hand up to turn Minghao’s face to look at him again.  Minghao’s cheeks are still bright red and he bites his lower lip.
“Tell me, baby… What do you want Oppa to do to you?” Junhui smirks widely down at him. Minghao’s breathing hitches as he looks up at Junhui, biting his lower lip harder. Jun reaches his hand up, running a finger over Minghao’s lip, causing him to release it from between his teeth. “Don’t do that… You’ll make your lip bleed,” He whispers softly, lips turned up in a wide smirk as he leans down and presses their lips together in another passionate kiss. Minghao responds almost immediately, releasing a small moan of surprise against Junhui’s lips, rolling his hips upwards against him.
“Oppa, please… No teasing,” Minghao pouts at him slightly, causing Junhui to smirk wider. He runs his hands all over Minghao’s body, traveling further and further down until his hands grazed over his hard-on over his boxers, eliciting a pleasured moan from Minghao. “Oppa~ Please,” Minghao whines, rolling his hips upwards into Junhui’s hand. As if reading Minghao’s mind, Junhui lowers himself down his body until his face was hovering just above his clothed erection.
“Is this what you want me to do, baby?” Junhui says voice low as his fingers pull at the hem of his boxers. Minghao nods in response, Junhui finally pulling the article down his legs letting his fully hard member to spring loose. Junhui leans forwards to lick up his length, looking up at him through half-lidded eyes. Minghao releases a low moan, his hands coming forward and tangling in Junhui’s hair, holding him there as he slowly circles his tongue over his tip.
“O-Oppa~” Minghao whimpers, worrying his lower lip with his teeth. Junhui smirks a bit to himself as he finally takes Minghao into his mouth, sucking lightly on his tip before taking him fully in, letting his tip hit the back of his throat. Minghao lets out a choked moan, tugging on Junhui’s hair. Junhui repeats this action a few more times before pulling off smirking up at him. Minghao whines in disapproval trying to push Junhui’s head back down on him, however, Junhui’s not having it. Junhui reaches up and grasps Minghao’s wrists, pushing him back and pinning him to the bed.
“Ah, ah, ah, baby boy… You do what Oppa tells you to,” Junhui tuts softly, holding Minghao where he was despite the youngers weak struggling. “Does Oppa have to tie you up baby? You’re being very bad right now,” he whispers into Minghao’s ear, kissing down his jawline. Minghao continues to try and fight the elder’s grip, though not very hard, judging by how he doesn’t get anywhere, so Junhui, having already warned him, lets him go, reaching over to the bedside table and pulling out a white ribbon. The same white ribbon that the two had used in the MY I music video. “Hmm this should do,” Junhui says, content with the material, reaching forward and taking Minghao’s hands, wrapping the ribbon around them successfully tying them together despite Minghao trying to prevent him from doing that.
“O-Oppa, why?” Minghao whines in complaint, trying his best to undo the material, pouting at Junhui.
“You’re being a bad boy, baby… Oppa has to punish bad boys,” Junhui says, trailing his fingers down his chest. “Look at you… So beautiful,” he adds, softly, twirling the remaining ribbon on his free hand that wasn’t running over Minghao’s body. “I wonder…” He hums slowly winding it around his neck. “Is this okay baby boy?” He asks, licking his lips.
Minghao’s breath hitches slightly, nodding his head in response. He twists his hands, grabbing at the restraints on his hands. Junhui smirks widely, leaning down and kissing his cheek. “Safe word?” he asks softly just in case.
“Pineapples,” Minghao mumbles in response, biting his lower lip blinking at him as he slowly tightens the ribbon around his neck. Junhui looks down at him, widely smirking. He ties the ribbon so that it was just loose enough to let Minghao breath, but only in short shallow breaths.
“How’s that feel baby?” Junhui smirks even wider when the only response he gets is a whimper from Minghao. He lets his hand trail down his body, slowly wrapping around his length, pumping his dick slowly. Minghao lets out a strangled moan in pleasure, bucking his hips upwards into Junhui’s hand. “Ah, ah, ah, babe… Did Oppa tell you that you could do that?” He whispers, tightening his grip a bit more on him, flicking his wrist, eliciting a whimper from Minghao.
“F-Fuck… Oppa please~” Minghao whines trying his best to breath despite the restraint on his throat. Junhui tuts at him reaching up and wrapping his free hand around Minghao’s throat, gripping it forcefully, cutting off his airways completely.
“Watch your language baby boy… Good boys don’t swear,” Junhui warns, flicking his wrist again before releasing his throat, causing Minghao to gasp in a deep breath.
“Oppa, please~ I w-want you~” Minghao whimpers after he’d caught his breath.
“Is that so baby? How badly do you want me?” Junhui whispers, flicking his wrist yet again coaxing another moan out of Minghao’s lips. “Bad enough to beg your Oppa? Are you going to beg me for my cock baby? Is that how badly you want it?” Minghao nods eagerly in response.
“Y-Yes Oppa, I’ll beg you i-if that’s what you want… I’ll do anything for your cock, Oppa~” Minghao says, wiggling a bit in his position, trying to loosen his hand restraints even a little. Junhui smirks widely, pumping his hand in a steady rhythm.
“I want you to cum for me then baby… You’re going to cum until you are screaming my name and only then I’ll give you my cock… Does that sound good to you baby?” Junhui whispers, his voice low and seductive. Minghao nods in response, a moan making its way past his open lips. Junhui’s other hand reaches to grab some lube from the nightstand next to the bed. His hand moves away from his dick to open the bottle of lube causing a whimper of complaint from Minghao.
“Hush, baby boy…unless you want Oppa to punish you even more,” Junhui hums, spreading the lube all over his fingers before discarding it off to the side. His hand returns to wrap around Minghao’s length, pumping him slowly as he prods a lubed finger at the younger’s entrance. He smirks widely as he looks up to Minghao, watching his eyes roll back into his head as Junhui pushes his finger past his entrance.
“O-Oppa~” Minghao moans, tugging at his arm restraints again, bucking his hips upwards into Junhui’s hands. They had barely just started and already Minghao could feel that familiar pit forming in his stomach. It had been awhile since he’d been pleasured like this… Not that he was complaining at all. Junhui leans down, kitten licking his tip as he continued to pump at the base of his dick with his hand and finger him. Minghao releases without warning, cumming all over Junhui’s face. “Oh my God~” He whimpers, bucking his hips up as Junhui doesn’t cease his assault, instead just adding another finger.
“Baby… Did you ask me to cum?” Junhui raises an eyebrow, quickening the pace of his fingers pumping in and out of him.
“N-No, I-I’m s-sorry Oppa,” he whines, rolling his hips, pushing Junhui’s fingers even deeper into him. “Fuck~ O-Oppa please~” Junhui continues to pump his fingers quickly, bringing his other hand up to smack his ass.
“Next time you better ask me to cum first,” Junhui scolds, smacking him again a bit harder. “And you watch your language… Remember good boys don’t swear~” Junhui hums a bit mockingly, slipping in a third finger as he wipes Minghao’s cum off of his face with his free hand, slipping his fingers into his mouth afterward. Minghao’s mouth falls open in a silent scream, his back arching against the bed.
“O-Oppa~ Oh G-God~” Minghao gyrates his hips towards Junhui, once again moving his three fingers into him deeper. He lets out a high pitched gasp as Junhui’s fingers find the bundle of nerves that make him scream out in pleasure.
“I think I found something,” Junhui smirks widely as he begins to pull his fingers out and ram them back into Minghao in that exact spot, eliciting a scream of pleasure each time.
“Oppa~ Oh my f- P-Please, Oppa, I n-need to cum again p-please~” Minghao whimpers, legs twitching. Junhui reaches a hand up wrapping his hand around Minghao’s neck again squeezing.
“Cum, baby,” and Minghao does, another violent orgasm wracking his whole bed as he struggles to breathe, rolling his hips against Junhui’s fingers. If Minghao had any breath to make a sound with surely he’d be screaming, but since Junhui was blocking his airways the only sound to escape his lips is a hoarse ‘fuck’. Junhui releases his neck after another moment, Minghao gasping for breath again. Junhui pulls his fingers out of Minghao after a moment, leaning down and lapping up the cum that spilled over his chest. “How about some toys, hmm baby?”
Junhui doesn’t wait for an answer as he reaches into a bedside drawer, pulling out a vibrator and a dildo. “Hmm these should do,” He smirks wider, before closing the drawer. “What do you think baby?” He asks as he flips the switch on the remote to the vibrator, pressing it against Minghao’s dick.
“O-Oppa please~ I want you already,” Minghao whimpers, hips bucking upwards at the feeling of the vibrator pressing against him. Junhui tuts in response, only flicking the switch up another setting.
“Remember our agreement baby… I want you screaming my name first,” Junhui smirks, leaning forward pressing open-mouthed kisses over his collarbone and chest. Minghao whimpers, as Junhui pulls both his mouth and the vibrator away after a few moments. He lathers the dildo in lube before lining it up with Minghao’s hole. “I have a decent replacement… Though it’s not quite as big,” He whispers a bit seductively into Minghao’s ear before slipping the dildo into him slowly, moving the vibrator back to its previous position pressed against Minghao’s length. This time though, Junhui has it on the highest possible setting, pulling high pitched whimpers and moans from Minghao’s lips.
“Oh God~ O-Oppa~” Minghao whines, his hips bucking involuntarily. Junhui hums, almost innocently as he pulls the dildo back out of him before shoving it in again roughly, watching as the movement jolted Minghao. The younger moans out, the pleasure amplified from the fact that he’d already came twice. “P-Please O-Oppa! Please!”
Junhui somehow manages to smirk even wider than before, hearing Minghao moaning so loudly for him sent a rush through him, pushing him almost to the point where he was ready to pull away the vibrator and dildo and just fuck Minghao into the mattress, however, he couldn’t go back on his agreement. Minghao still wasn’t screaming for him enough, though with one more orgasm he surely would be. So Junhui continues to thrust the dildo in and out of Minghao forcefully, holding the vibrator against him and pushing him towards the edge, yet again.
“F-Fuc- Oh my-” Minghao hardly is able to make a coherent word in between his moans and whimpers and screams. “Can I cum? Oh my fuck can I please cum? Oppa please~” Minghao begs between labored breaths. Junhui smirks a bit.
“Already baby? But you just came not that long ago,” he teases, quickening the pace which he thrusts the dildo in and out of him. Minghao whimpers, nodding.
“Please, I’ll do anything Oppa, please~” Minghao whines trying his best to hold back his orgasm until he was given permission. “Fuck, Junhui, please,” He’s practically screaming at this point rolling his hips.
Junhui smirks a bit at the desperation in his voice. “Cum for me baby,” he whispers lowly into his ear, watching as the orgasm takes over him, his entire body shuddering as he releases, eyes rolling back into his head from the sheer amount of pleasure. Junhui turns off the vibrator and pulls the dildo after he was certain that Minghao had finished completely. The younger looked completely fucked out already, however, the desperation in his eyes when he looked at Junhui stated otherwise.
“Please, Oppa, I want you now… S-So badly, please~” Minghao whimpers, pouting at him. Junhui could never say no to such a face. Before he even realized he was moving his boxers were already discarded and he was lathering his fully-hardened member with lube.
“I’m going to fuck you so well, baby,” Junhui whispers, reaching up and slowly undoing Minghao’s restraints, deciding it would likely be in both of their best interests if he weren’t bound. Minghao almost immediately wraps his arms around Junhui’s neck pulling him in for a passionate kiss as the older lined his lubed self-up with his hole. They’re both a mess of moans and whimpers against each other’s lips as Junhui slowly slides into him until he was buried as far into him as possible. Minghao takes a moment to adjust before rolling his hips against Junhui eagerly.
“Oppa, please~” Minghao whimpers licking his lips slightly as he looks up at him. Junhui just smirks, complying by pulling out and ramming back in, almost immediately finding Minghao’s prostate, eliciting a scream of pleasure from the younger.
“Is that good baby?” Junhui asks, cockily as he repeats the action, even harder this time. Minghao screams out again, nodding frantically.
“Y-Yes, O-Oppa~ M-More please!” Minghao whimpers in response, rolling his hips against Junhui, arms reaching up and wrapping tighter around Junhui’s neck, pulling him back down. Their lips lock in another passionate kiss as Junhui thrusts into him yet again, beginning to keep a steady pace. Minghao moans loudly against his lips as their tongues dance together and Junhui thrusts in and out of him. It wasn’t long before the two of them are both reaching their climaxes. Junhui releases inside of Minghao just as the younger releases onto his stomach, both of them moaning loudly against each other’s lips.
“Th-Thank you, Oppa~” Minghao hums in appreciation after his breathing evens out though his voice is raspy from screaming so much. Junhui smiles softly, leaning to connect their lips in another gentle kiss as he pulls out of him.
“Of course… I’ll go get you a water, baby,” Junhui says, pulling on his boxers and pants, remaining shirtless. He steps out of their room, after grinning back at Minghao and waving, heading towards the kitchen.
Junhui’s face pales a bit as he notices Jihoon sitting at the counter, sipping a coffee on his laptop. “Could you be a bit quieter next time, hyung? I’d prefer not to hear Minghao screaming out ‘Oppa’, thanks,” the younger says without even looking up from his computer.
So much for being “alone” the whole time.
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The Misunderstood: Custody
Part 2
Written by: @another-insanewriter
Genre: Slice of Life
Warning(s): None
Word Count: 310
(Part 1)
Everything is getting out of hand. There’s nothing I can do now. It’s just like a grudge, you can keep it for a while but eventually, everything will blow up in your face. The court agreement was made in 2002. Almost 15 years ago. Why couldn’t it just hold? Everything came crashing down all at once. Of course, it had started weeks ago, but then I just tried to pretend like nothing was happening. It was only when my dad showed up that everything went downhill. Screaming ensued. It started off with my dad pulling into our driveway. Then the phone call. He had harmless intentions of course. He just wanted to be able to see me. It had been over a month at that point. We had it all worked out. I was going to see him that Friday. He was going to come and pick me up. Of course, from there everything started becoming as sour as Lemonheads. My mom asked me for the phone, and being too afraid of her to refuse, I handed it over. She started asking for money from him. Money that he doesn’t have. My mom doesn’t need the money, but she feels as though he should contribute something to the band trip I had gone on the weekend previous. He started telling her how he would get the courts involved in everything. She returned by screaming at him and threatening to call the police because he was on her property. She went outside. There was a lot of screaming. What about I can’t tell, I stayed inside. I just wish it could’ve been avoided. But it’s no different than trying to change the outcome of The Titanic. No matter what you try to do to forget or change it, the Titanic sinks and my parents remain in a custody battle for me.
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The Misunderstood: Who We Are
Part 1
Written by: @another-insanewriter
Genre: Slice of Life
Warning(s): None
Word Count: 323
Who are we? Who is he? Who is she? Who am I? I am a boy. I am a girl. I am neither. Who we are. It is a rather simple thing to grasp, yet no one really knows the correct answer to the question “Who are you?”. Everyone is different. Whether they are large or thin, boy or girl, brown-eyed or blue-eyed, straight or gay. There are some who fit into none of these categories though. There are people who are not too thin but they aren’t considered “fat”. There are people who identify as non-binary. There are those who have green eyes. And there are those who are every other sexuality but gay or straight. I fit into these categories. As a genderfluid individual. As a pansexual individual. As someone in between thin and fat. Some people understand. Others do not. I just want those around me to understand that I don’t choose to be this way, I just am. And there is no fighting that or changing it no matter how hard one might try and try. My friends laugh and joke about it sometimes, and I pretend it does not hurt. “Is it a boy or girl day?” they will ask me, laughing. I know that they are trying, but it still hurts. “Oh, she’s wearing a dress! She must be feeling feminine.” No. I have a presentation and have nothing else to wear. “Sports bra today! He must be feeling masculine.” No. I was just too lazy. “She’s wearing a floral outfit! Must be a feminine day.” No. There’s more than just male and female. I get that they are trying. I really do. But the gender game that they play sometimes hurts. I guess that’s life though. I am bound to get hurt. Maybe one day though… I won’t. Maybe one day everyone will understand. Oh, how I long for that day. Please let it come soon.
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Written by: @another-insanewriter
Genre: Horror
Warning(s): Blood, really not much other than that
Author’s Note: This is just a short story that I wrote for an English project around Halloween that I am actually pretty proud of.
Word Count: 596
Fearful eyes glance around the room. A stout female curled in the corner, lips quivering as her gaze sweeps the barren room. The lights are turned off leaving it almost pitch dark, save for a faint red light peeking in through the slightly opened door. Another crack of the floorboard and the female jumps in fear, backing into the corner further.
She grips tightly onto the useless weapon she’d grabbed before retreating in fear. “St-stay back!” She yells out, her voice wavering.
A menacing cackle fills the room, the source unidentifiable. The female glances every which way, trying to discover where the sound had come from, but to no avail. She was alone in the room. The temperature drops almost immediately. It was cool enough for the woman to see the puffs of breath caused by her breathing. She was covered in goosebumps and the hair on her arms sticks straight up.
“I-I have a weapon! And… And I’m not a-afraid to use it!” She states loudly, gripping onto a child’s foam baseball bat.
“That little thing can do nothing to me,” a voice fills the room, low and brooding, cackling once more. The woman lets out a squeak of fear, jumping up and scampering to the opposite side of the room as something brushes against her leg. In her fear she drops the bat, leaving it across the room, bathed in a red glow.
“What do you want from me?” The woman cries out, shaking violently in fear. The voice doesn’t respond to her query, causing her to peek out from her knees. The baseball bat still lay across the room. She continues to shake as she runs across the room, gripping the bat tightly, though dropping it shortly after, fingers covered in a sticky substance. The woman glances down to her hands, letting out a terrified shriek. Thick blood covered her bare hands. Her screaming doesn’t subside as she rubs her hands on her clothes, trying to rid her hands of the substance.
“Oh my God, oh my God,” She chants, tears pouring out of her eyes as she quakes in fear. “I’m going to die aren’t I?” She calls out, though mainly speaking to herself. The cackle fills the room again, louder and more menacing this time. The difference this time was that now a shadowy figure had appeared in the doorway. The red light still streaming into the room flickers and when the woman can see again the figure was standing right in front of her, only inches away. Seeing the figure only scared the woman more for now she knew she wasn’t dealing with any human. Instead, she was dealing with something of the supernatural sort.
The figure stood tall, almost seven feet tall, had no facial features other than blood red glowing eyes and didn’t even appear to be a physical being. The figures image wavers slightly as the woman reaches out, attempting to punch him, but instead fazing right though. His deep cackle fills the room again, and the woman crashes to the floor after a matter of seconds, high-pitched screeches escaping her lips. The figure shows one more facial feature, his pearly white teeth stretched into a wide grin before he disappears completely. No sign of him remaining. The lights turn back to the dim yellow they usually display. The baseball bat no longer appeared to have any blood on it.
The woman has ceased her screaming, now sitting up. The only thing that showed that anything had even happened, her eyes were blood red instead of blue-green.
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Coffee(Jeon Jungkook x Reader)(F)
Written by: @another-insanewriter​
Genre: Fluff
Warning(s): Fluffffff and a bit of jealousy
Member(s): Jeon Jungkook(BTS)
Summary: When you run into an old friend in a coffee shop, you two reminisce about the past and old feelings re-emerge. You and Jungkook catch up by going on a date.
Author’s Note: Just a short little fluff that I wrote for a friend, who is obsessed with Jungkook. Enjoy!
Word Count: 3,213
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You sit in a coffee shop taking a long sip of your f/d. Though it’s your day off, you’ve been working on an assignment that was due to your boss in a few days. Despite it not being due yet, you’ve been wanting to get it over with so that you could have more time to yourself. As you continue to type furiously away on your laptop, an employee begins to make his way across the shop to the booth where you sat. He slides in the seat across from you. “Hello?” The employee asks you, causing you to hum in response, not looking up from your laptop. When he doesn’t respond after a few minutes, you finally look up at him. Your sparkling y/e/c eyes meet with the familiar brown orbs of your best friend, whom you haven’t seen in years because his family moved out of Busan to move to Seoul. “J-Jungkookie?” You ask cautiously, examining the boy as if he’d disappear at any second, only having been a figment of your imagination. “Y/n,” he says, a soft smile appearing on his features. You send him a wide smile back, reaching across the table to pull him into a tight hug. “It’s been so long, Kookie,” You say, pressing your face against his neck. “I know, y/n/n,” he responds wrapping his arms around you. “How have you been doing lately? Did you finish high school? Are you going to University? Are you still in that band? What did you call yourselves again…. Bangtan Sonyeondan? Is that right? Oh my gosh-” “Y/n,” Jungkook cuts you off before you could ask him more questions. “You’re rambling.” He laughs softly. “Oh… I’m sorry,” You say bashfully. “I have a tendency to do that don’t I?” Jungkook nods slightly, laughing with you. “That you do… But to answer your questions… I’ve been doing well… Yes, I did finish high school, but I am not attending Uni, yet… Yes, I am still in the band with the boys. And yes you are right, we do call ourselves Bangtan Sonyeondan… or BTS for short.” You smile softly at him. “I missed you so much, Kookie,” You say, leaning across the table again to pull him into another hug. “I missed you too, y/n/n,” he whispers in your ear. “So so much…” Jungkook adds, pulling back, and smiling widely at you. You smile back at him. “When do you get off work?” You ask him, smiling widely. “Well… I’m on break right now… I probably have to go back soon though,” He says frowning slightly. “I get off at 7 though…” You nod, looking over at the clock, which currently read 5:38. “I’ll probably still be here… I’ve been working on well… work,” you laugh softly. “I have an assignment due to my boss on Friday and I’ve been here since 3 working on it…” You shrug. “Maybe we could go to dinner after you get off?” You suggest and Jungkook nods enthusiastically in response, causing you to smile wider. “On one condition…” he says and you raise an eyebrow in response. “It’s a date… Like a proper date… You go home and get all fancy and I’ll take you to a fancy restaurant… y’know cliche kind of date…” “Deal,” You say, internally squealing to yourself. You have had a crush on him for the longest time… but those feelings sort of disappeared when he moved, but now that he was back you could feel the fluttering in your stomach as you talk to him. “I’ll pick you up at 8. Do you still live in the same apartment?” You nod slightly, smiling widely. “Jungkook! Your break is over,” Yells a voice from across the store. “Coming, Jin-hyung,” Jungkook yells back, frowning slightly. “I’ll see you at 8 I guess…” He says, glancing at you before standing up. “See you at 8, Jungkookie,” You say smiling, leaning over and kissing his cheek sweetly, causing his frown to turn back into a smile. He nods, returning to the front counter, glancing back at you every so often with a smile. You return to your work, finishing up your assignment. By the time the clock hits 6:17 you had finished the entire assignment and faxed it to your boss. You lean back in the booth and stretch your arms. You look towards the counter, catching Jungkook staring at you and smile to yourself. You place your laptop back into its bag and stand up, making your way towards the door. Before you leave, you glance back at the counter and wave to Jungkook who waves back with a small smile.
It was currently 7:38 and you were freaking out. You’ve been fretting about what to wear on your date and Jungkook was going to be here in 22 minutes. “Ahhh, what do I wear?” You ask yourself. “Oh! F/n will know!” You say, running towards your nightstand and grabbing your phone. You click the FaceTime call button to call F/N. “Y/n, what’s up?” F/n asks when she picks up. “Jungkook and I are going on a date and I don’t know what to wear!” You yell, freaking out inside. “Okay okay… Calm down number one… Number two Jungkook as in Jeon Jungkook as in the boy you used to have the biggest crush on that moved to Seoul?” “Yes, yes that Jungkook! Now is not the time, I really need your help. He’s going to be here in like ten minutes!” You yell at her. “Oh my god! You’re in trouble, y/n. What have you got picked out?” F/n asks you, shaking her head slightly. “Well, there are three possible outfits that I found…” You say, grabbing the three of them to show her. The first outfit was a short, flowery, navy colored dress that you had matched with a pair of black leggings, combat boots, and a denim jacket. The second was a form-fitting black knee length dress with a cream colored jacket and black heels. The third was a dress with a burgundy, white and black colored pattern on the bottom and a white top that you had paired with a black overcoat, a fedora, knee-high burgundy socks and black combat boots. “Ooooh all are pretty, but I think that you should wear the third one… It’s the best in my opinion,” F/n states which you nod along to. You had been leaning towards that outfit anyways. “Now go get changed! Your date could be there any minute.” “Thanks, F/n!” You say before ending your call and quickly changing into your outfit (see picture ignore the model and the hair)
Almost the minute that you finish getting ready, the front doorbell rings. You jump slightly, running to the door. You open it up, revealing Jungkook wearing his signature white t-shirt, black skinny jeans, and Timberlands. You smile softly. “I see that you haven’t changed your clothing style a bit in these past two years,” You giggle, taking in his appearance. His shirt seemed to fit him perfectly, accentuating his abs. He smiles softly at you and shakes his head. “Yeah but I look so much better now that I’ve been working out… don’t you agree?” He smirked slightly at you with a raised eyebrow. “Well, I don’t disagree,” You say giggling again. “Shall we?” He asks, smiling at you softly, holding his hand out to you. You nod in response and take his hand, intertwining your fingers. “We shall,” You say, stepping out of the apartment and closing the door behind you. Jungkook smiles softly at you as you walked down the hallway of the complex and out the front door towards his car. “Wait… You can drive? Since when?” You ask him, raising an eyebrow skeptically. “I got my license last year y/n, I can drive I swear,” He says laughing softly as you continued to look at him skeptically. “I don’t know if I trust you... “ You say, laughing softly as he opens the passenger door for you. “Come on, y/n, I’m a safe driver,” Jungkook says, trying to push you into the car jokingly. “Okay, okay, but if we get into an accident I will sue you,” You joke, sitting down in the seat properly and buckling your seat belt. “I’m sure you will,” Jungkook responds sarcastically as he walks around the car to sit in the driver’s seat. You giggle softly as he fails to start the car the first time. “Hey don’t laugh at me… It’s an old car and sometimes it doesn’t like to start…” He mumbles, rolling his eyes slightly. “Sure, babe, whatever you say,” You respond, still laughing to yourself. “Wait… what did you call me?” He looks over at you, eyebrow raised. You flush a bit red. “Nothing,” you mumble, cheeks becoming redder. “I thought I heard you call me… babe,” he pauses for dramatic effect, only causing you to become even redder than before. “Don’t worry… You can call me babe all you want… If I can call you noona,” He smirked slightly at you. “Kookie,” you groan slightly, cheeks extremely flushed. “I’m joking… I’m joking… I’m your oppa anyways,” he says smirking still. You roll your eyes at him. “Shut up, Kookie,” you mumble. “Let’s just go…” Jungkook nods slightly, turning the key again to start the ignition. “Yes,” Jungkook cheers, pumping a fist in the air dramatically when the car actually starts. You giggle at his reaction, shaking your head lightly. “Doooork,” you mumble under your breath. “I’ll have you know that that is the first time this car actually started on only the second try… usually, it takes like 5 tries to get it to start,” Jungkook says, pushing your shoulder playfully.  “So stop calling me a dork.” You roll your eyes at him again and shrug as he pulls out of the apartment complex’s parking lot. “Where are we going on our date, Kookie?” You ask him smiling softly. He glances over at you. “It’s a surprise,” Jungkook says, smirking slightly as he returns his gaze back to the road, continuing to drive. You pout slightly and cross your arms. “Coommmeee on, Kookie, just tell me,” You beg him, using a puppy face to attempt to get an answer from him. “Nope, not gonna happen, sorry sweetheart,” He says, still smirking as he reaches his arm across the center console and sets it on your thigh. “You’ll see when we get there.” You groan softly and roll your eyes, staring out the window. “Are we there yet?” You ask, not even a minute later. “No… babe, be patient,” Jungkook says, laughing softly at you. “What about now?” You ask after about five minutes. “Babe… It’s been five minutes and we are clearly on the highway now. So no, we are not there yet,” Jungkook shakes his head, glancing at you before looking back at the road. You groan and reach over to turn on the radio. Jungkook sings along to the song on the radio, but you didn’t recognize it. “What song is this?” You ask softly right before the song ends and the broadcaster begins to speak. “And that was No More Dream by Big Hit’s new band, Bangtan Sonyeondan,” says the announcer, causing your mouth to drop. “Kookie! Why didn’t you tell me that you got signed to Big Hit!?!” You yell, hitting him on the shoulder. “You’re going to be famous. Oh my god! How did I not recognize the song? I should’ve recognized it, or at least recognized your voice! Oh, I’m such a terri-” “Y/n, you’re rambling again…” Jungkook cuts you off before you could continue to speak your mind. You blush a bit red. “Sorry…” You mumble. “But seriously… Why didn’t you say anything?” “I didn’t think it was all that important I guess… I mean I’m still the same person…” He mumbles and shrugs. “This is huge Kookie! You’re going to be famous!” “There’s no guarantee of that… We only just debuted… Anything could happen,” Jungkook says, switching lanes and taking the highway exit. “Whatever… I think you’re gonna end up famous,” You respond, shrugging. “Are we almost there?” Jungkook nods slightly to your question. “Almost…” He responds, taking a turn onto a back road. You look over at him curiously. “Are you gonna tell me where we are going yet?” You ask, raising an eyebrow. “Nope, you can guess though,” He responds, laughing softly. You groan, rolling your eyes at him. “But I don’t know, that’s why I am asking,” You mumble. “You’ll find out in… about five minutes,” Jungkook states, grinning and shaking his head slightly at your impatience. “You know, y/n, patience is a virtue.” “Yeah, whatever,” You grumble, crossing your arms and looking out of the window.  After a few minutes of silence, Jungkook pulls into the parking lot of a small family restaurant. He opens the door to the restaurant and holds it for you. “My lady.” You giggle softly, stepping in. “Thank you, kind sir,” You joke, giggling. “Anything for a pretty girl such as yourself,” Jungkook says, smoothly wrapping his arm around your shoulder. You smile softly leaning into him as you walked up to the hostess’ desk to ask for a table. “Hello, Jungkook. Table for two?” The hostess asked smiling at us. Jungkook nods and the hostess takes you to a table in the back of the restaurant. Your table was tucked away from the rest of the tables. It had a small candle on the table right next to a vase of roses. “Thanks, Irene,” Jungkook responds as you and he sit down at the table and the hostess, Irene, walks away from the table after leaving the menus. “You know her?” You ask, trying to keep the jealousy out of your voice. “Yeah… She was one of my only friends when I moved to Seoul,” Jungkook shrugs slightly. “Why? Are you jealous?” He asks raising an eyebrow and smirking. “No!” You say defensively, crossing your arms and looking away from him. He laughs softly leaning toward you. “Yes you are,” He says, smirking more. “No… No, I am not,” You respond leaning back, still not looking him in the eye. “Then look me in the eye and say that you aren’t jealous of Irene,” Jungkook says, leaning even closer.  You look over at him, meeting his eyes. “I… am… not… jealous… “ You mumble, not so convincingly as you tried to keep your eyes on him. “Okay, whatever you say…” Jungkook says, rolling his eyes and leaning back in his seat. “But you’ve no reason to be jealous of her… After all, she’s not the one I’m in love with.” Jungkook shrugs, and your eyes widen as you look back up at him. “W-what?” Yous stutter, blushing bright red. “I’m in love with someone other than Irene,” Jungkook states shrugging slightly and your eyes widen more. “Who?” You ask, unable to help the jealousy from your voice. “Aha! You are totally jealous now,” Jungkook smirked at you causing you to roll your eyes at him. “Who?” You ask again, crossing your arms. “You still have no reason to be jealous…”Jungkook says leaning over the table to get closer towards you. “Kooookiieeee, who is it?” You groan, pouting. “It’s you, Y/n,” Jungkook whispers, making you blush brightly as his breath hits your face as he continues to lean into you. “M-me?” You ask cautiously as his hand reaches up and caresses your cheek. “I love you, y/n, I have loved you since before I left for Seoul,” he whispers leaning in impossibly closer until his lips brushed yours. Your breath catches in your throat as he finally closes the space between you two completely, kissing you softly. You respond after a few moments of you remaining still in shock. He pulls back slightly, your noses still brushing against each other. “I-i love you, too, Jungkook,” You whisper back, biting your lip. Jungkook smiles softly at you, closing the space between you again and kissing you sweetly. This time you respond right away, kissing him back softly. “Ahem… Should I- uh… come back later?” asks your waiter, looking between you and Jungkook as you break away from each other quickly. Your cheeks flush bright red, and Jungkook’s do as well. “N-no… No. Y-you’re fine,” You stutter nervously, biting your lip and letting out a bit of nervous laughter. You look over at Jungkook, who was also still blushing red. “So… What can I get you two to drink?” The waiter asks, standing there slightly awkwardly. “Uhm… I’ll have a water,” Jungkook says. “I-uhm… I’ll have a f/d,” You respond, looking down at the table. The waiter nods slightly, not bothering to write down the order and walking back towards the kitchen. You and Jungkook look at each other from across the table and burst into laughter. “That was so… awkward,” You giggle, and Jungkook agrees, laughing along with you. “Ah, he can deal with it… I should be able to kiss the girl that I love,” Jungkook grins, leaning back across the table once more to kiss you again. You respond to the kiss, smiling widely into it, bringing your arms up to wrap around his neck. “Aish, not again!” The waiter yells, putting the drinks down on the table, careful not to spill them, before storming out again. You giggle against Jungkook’s lips, this time not pulling back upon hearing the waiter’s voice. Jungkook does pull back though, smiling widely. “Hobi probably hates us now,” Jungkook laughs softly. “And he’s probably jealous of me for somehow getting such a beautiful girlfriend,” Jungkook grins widely. “Yah! You never asked me to be your girlfriend, you pabo,” You say, crossing your arms and leaning back in your seat. Jungkook frowns slightly. “Fine… Y/n, will you be my girlfriend?” Jungkook asks, leaning across the table towards you. You roll your eyes slightly. You open your mouth to speak causing Jungkook’s eyes to light up. “No,” You say smirking as his face falls. “What? Why not?” Jungshook asks, his jaw dropped slightly.  You just shrug slightly, leaning back. “You have to try a bit harder than that,” You say, smirking widely. “But y/n… I already confessed my love to you… I confessed my undying love to you. Why won’t you be my girlfriend?” Jungkook asks, pouting cutely. You almost cave at his face, but you look away shaking your head. “Nope, you’re not being romantic enough,” You say giggling softly, as he pokes at your side, attempting to get you to look at him. “Awe come on, y/n,” Jungkook continues to pout at you and prod your side, causing you to laugh a bit. “Nope,” You shake your head, looking in the opposite direction of him. He reaches his hand around and rests it on your cheek, forcing you to turn and look at him. “I love you, y/n,” Jungkook whispers pressing your lips together. You can’t help but cave and kiss him back sweetly. When he pulls back he asks, “Please be my girlfriend.” You sigh, finally caving to him as you always will. “Fine, I’ll be your girlfriend,” you mumbled, glancing at your new boyfriend. “I love you, too.” You add, smiling softly.
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