#anothermarkiplierfan will remember this
lizzy-mayhem-179 · 7 years
George and the Family Party
Let me tell you a story of what George decided to do at a family party because he got fed up. It's a long but interesting story.
So, Joey and George have a homophobic grandfather. Obviously that's bad for Joey since he's gay. Now, the grandfather is conflicted on how he should feel towards Joey. See, he helped raise Joey and George (he likes to say that blood, sweat, tears, and a lot of beers went into raising the two. Don't even get me started on what he means by that phrase.) and so he loved the twins to death. So when Joey came out, he felt betrayed. He had kept telling everyone that "I raised them to be men and what do I get? A boy and a pile of shit!" every time he saw them. Everyone was sick of hearing it and every time Eric and Catherine heard this, their guilt built up because they know Joey hasn't done anything wrong and yet he is being subjected to hate in his own family.
Eventually, after about three months of this, the grandfather gives up saying that and he just stops talking to the family altogether (which is better for everyone, really). So obviously, Joey ends up becoming a great student and ends up graduating two years earlier than his grade. This impresses his grandfather (who's still talking to one of the other family members) and he says that Joey "didn't turn out to be complete shit" and so his hatred lessened slightly. He starts talking to the family again and although he's talking to them, he refuses to talk to Joey (which is fine with Joey). And so the hate speech starts again, but this time it isn't as bad.
Eventually, Christmas rolls around and Rick and Carol have invited everyone to celebrate at their place. Not wanting to be rude, the family goes to the party. Everyone wears their casual clothing (it's a family Christmas party so it's not like they NEED to dress up for it) and they look pretty decent. And then there's George. Like I said before, he had gotten fed up. He got fed up with the grandfather and he was tired of hearing the same thing from him about Joey (and we all know how much George loves Joey and how defensive and protective he can get). So George decides that he's gonna go to that party and make a statement (literally, as you'll hear in a moment).
He puts on a rainbow tye-dye shirt (which he made with Joey a while back), a pair of neon orange jeans, a pair of bright green sneakers, some bright blue sunglasses, and the most colorful SnapBack he owns (which just so happens to have a swirly rainbow pattern on it). Needless to say he looks like a mess and the family's like "you...you sure you wanna go like that?" And George is like "yeah I'm sure. I'm totally sure. I'm so sure. I am so sure of myself-" and then the family stops him there because yeah we get it okay you're gonna go looking like a mess there's no point in arguing with you. So, Joey (being the wonderful brother he is) packs some extra clothes for George because he knows his brother will not be able to stand being in those clothes for longer than three hours and he knew that they were expected to stay at the party for at least four. So he brings a backpack containing the clothes and the family leaves.
Keep in mind, no one knows why George is wearing those clothes. They are just assuming he wanted to wear those and since he is a stubborn little shit everyone's like "alright fine just don't start anything" (and by that they mean "don't fight with Paul" but we all know he'll end up arguing with him at least five times within the first hour of being there).
So they get to the party and they're happily greeted by everyone and of course people comment on George's outfit. Carol would say "that's an...interesting outfit" and George would just nod. Rick (always being blunt about things) would say "that's a weird outfit you put on" and George would say "yeah but it'll serve a purpose." And of course Paul would just go "wow, that's a shitty outfit. You look like a fucking disaster. As if someone was creating an outfit, couldn't decide what colors to choose and just decided to use all of them and vomit them all over the clothes." and George having absolutely no good comeback to that (since Joey's the one who can do the comebacks, as we all know) would just say "that's nice Paul."
An hour into the party, the grandfather comes. He's greeted by everyone and Joey and the family are just keeping to themselves in the corner. The grandfather walks over to them (the room goes kinda quiet as he does and Paul looks just about ready to kill the grandfather (and he probably will do it considering how much he loves Joey)). THIS is the moment George has been waiting for. He takes a sip from his cup (which is a red solo cup) and waits. The grandfather looks at the group and just goes "I don't know what I expected." Joey just shrugs and the grandfather goes "well you haven't changed have you?" (This comes off as a threat). George looks up and just goes "speak for yourself." The grandfather looks over at George and immediately frowns. "George Salmor what is that HORRIBLE outfit you have on?" And George just goes "don't talk to me, I'm gay." Everyone gasps and the grandfather now has a horrified expression on his face. the family stares at George, confused. All the grandfather can manage to say is "I'm disappointed in you" before walking away.
The party goes on as if nothing happened but now every time the grandfather tried insulting Joey or the family he'd shout something like "shut up, I'm gay!", "don't talk to me, I'm gay!", and/or just "IM GAY" (and other things but those seemed to be his favorite phrases). For two hours straight it went on like this (can you imagine the torture that the rest of the family went through? Meanwhile Joey, Catherine and Eric are just sitting there laughing. Joey catches on to what he's doing though.)
Then it's time to eat dinner (because that's a thing they do) so they all sit around the table (George makes sure that the grandfather sits away from them). George continues his antics until the grandfather, now fed up, confronts George. He goes "what is the matter with you?! I didn't raise you like this!"
And all George says is "wow, what a shame. I like being like this. It's like I'm just too gay to function."
Joey starts laughing and the grandfather just loses it. He goes off on a rant on how he's put up with them for years and how he cannot believe this fate could befall on him and blah blah blah. George cuts him off halfway through and goes "you done yet? You're not the only that's fed up here."
And the grandfather stares at him all offended because of course he does and goes "what, you wanna say something?"
And George goes "oh my god I thought you'd never ask!"
And Paul goes "I swear to GOD if you just yell out something about being gay-" everyone starts laughing and George grins. 
"Nah, I've run that to the ground by now." George motions for the bag and Joey hands it to him. "But first, I'll be right back." He leaves for a few minutes (and there's an uncomfortable silence in the room), George returns dressed in the clothes Joey packed for him and everyone's surprised (Paul reminds himself to thank Joey later). George turns to the grandfather, now straight faced (literally) and goes "I'm not actually gay. The only gay person is Joey. But, if I were gay, I would probably be like this all the time which would get everyone annoyed VERY quickly." Everyone nodded.
The grandfather goes "so why did you do this?" "To prove a point." "What the hell is your point?" "A person who does the same shit over and over again is gonna annoy everyone at some point, yeah?" Everyone nods. "And the person who's doing it doesn't always notice that they're annoying everyone. unless if you're me, of course." George motions over to the grandfather. "You are that person." The grandfather stares at him. "You have annoyed us to no end with you constantly hating on Joey. And let me tell you I have had it up to HERE (he slams his hand on the table as he says that and everyone flinches) with that shit. Joey doesn't deserve that shit. He isn't a piece of shit like you keep telling everyone he is! He's my brother, he's a fucking human and he deserves to be treated with respect dammit!" George glares at the grandfather. "What point are YOU trying to make to us when you go off on a rant on how terrible Joey is?! Huh?! What is it?!" Everyone turns to the grandfather who is too stunned to even speak. "Yeah exactly. You don't have one. You act like my brother's sexuality is the most horrible thing that could have happened to the family! We could be drug addicts! We could be involved with the mafia! We could be psychopaths, murderers, REPUBLICANS (some people chuckle at this), and the thing that you think is the worst is that your grandson's gay?! News flash, it's not! And you're just an asshole!" George takes a sip from his cup before continuing. "I don't know how you can't see my brother for who he is. He's not just gay, you know. He's smart and creative and cool and awesome and insert a lot more words that have a positive meaning to them here (Joey laughs at that). He's a person who's gonna do great things someday and I'm gonna be there with him through it all, that's for sure. I don't know about the rest of you but I'm assuming you will be too." He looks around at everyone else. They nod. He turns back to the grandfather. "If you can stand looking at me in that horrible outfit for more than three hours yet cannot stand to look at my brother for more than a minute without acting repulsed then I might as well reciprocate those actions towards you since we now have a problem."
An uneasy silence follows. The grandfather just stares at George. What the hell could he be thinking about? They never found out. The grandfather stands up and walks out. They hear him drive off and George sits down. He then puts the clothes in the bag and leans against Joey, who hands him the bowl of mashed potatoes since he knows it's what he needs right now. George eats the mashed potatoes and everyone just goes back to eating as if nothing happened.
And that's the story of how George managed to annoy everyone (except Joey) and yet not get kicked out.
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lucimorningstar812 · 6 years
Hello it’s half 11 at night and I almost forgot about my own damn event I was supposed to post today and I’m also very anxious about this so haha here goes nothing
Many of us have seen, or even joined in with 'community fics'. These are the posts that start as something stand alone and people are inspired to add onto the story. The only issue is that sometimes people add some amazing additions, but their story never gets continued...
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(And introducing my crappy MS Paint text addition because I wanted to make the post look a bit more exciting)
What I would love to do is exactly what we’ve done before, where a story starts with one person and people add on in reblogs, but this time including everyone, so here’s the idea
1) Everyone who wants to take part in the project will fill out this Google Form
https:// goo.gl/ forms/ z6yD3htCKSwae87t1 Without the spaces (since links don’t go into the tag) or alternatively, I’ll reblog this with a direct link
There’s only 5 simple questions, one of which is more of a poll to see if people want the story to branch off at certain points or be linear, and there’s also a sneak peak at the start of the story
2) The deadline is January 15th, which is in 2 weeks time, and the event itself will start on January 18th (leaving a couple of days in between for me to organise everything)
This gives you plenty of time for the word to get around and for you to put your name down
3) I will then arrange an order of people based on where they preferred to be placed and post the list on Tumblr
This will be posted on the evening of January 17th and the start of the story will be posted on the morning of January 18th (UK time). It can continue at your own pace after that. There’s no rush, so don’t worry if you’re a slow writer or need some time to process your ideas
4) Remember, you don't have to write paragraphs and paragraphs. Every addition is important
Don’t look at this and think ‘oh I’m not a good writer’ or ‘I won’t write enough’. This is about a collaborative effort to make a story. Your addition will subsequently change where the story will go because the next writer will be continuing from your ideas. ALSO, if you are an artist or a gif/photo editor, feel free to also add something extra to your part of the story
That’s it really until the deadline is hit. More information will be given when this mini community event begins. After this is over, I urge others to definitely take inspiration from this and plan their own writing events since my anxiety will probably get the better of me soon
Tagging the people who reblogged/showed an interest in the post I made in November (Sorry if I missed anyone. The post broke and I couldn’t see the other reblogs)
@theshapeshifter100 @huffletrax @turquoisemagpie @anothermarkiplierfan @dumbasticart @lppchan @randomuser12 @aqua-sound @hotcocoachia @mijako98 @chronically-illustrated @darcywillfindyou @seany-boy @indigorox @imallwaysconfused @iris-the-asparagus @th3wolffang @insaneangel18-blog @stardustnightfall @evetheemerald @anqshusxx @jaysflight @epicfangirl101 @kisstheashes @brynnicle @egopocalypse @flameheart2013 @anxiouscoffeegoblin @whydoilovesomanyvillians @lulu-the-bugaboo @chaotic-cheshire @eonthewingedwolf @superbanananinja234 @peacebear16 @rorald-spooks @mmmirkabat @ellenthejsefan @asailboatinthewindow @hellaacefromouterspace​ @flish-looks-at-stuff​ @fruitycasket​ @boopymooplier​ @j-u-s-t-sam​ @magical-duck-from-hell @constantly-cloud
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plutoandpolaris · 6 years
If You're Reading This, I'm Already Dead.
Summary: Chelsea Montona has worked for the royal family her whole life, but she's seen something she was not supposed to see. Fearing death, she writes a letter to whoever might survive her, hoping to preserve the truth.
Warnings: Blood, violence, disease mentions.
Hello. I can only hope this letter reaches you well. If you’re reading this, I have died.
I'm writing this down so it does not die with me, so that one day the world may know the horrors of which I’ve witnessed. This is the story of the Royal Family, and how they really died.
King Maithus was a kind man with a bleeding heart, and his Queen a strict but fair razor’s edge. They only ever had one son, Prince Ayrin Maithius. With his mother's face and his father’s skills in diplomacy, he would've made a fine king.
I had worked under the royal family for many years, and had just reached my thirty second year of age when a child was delivered to the castle gates. The letter told us he was the orphaned son of one of the King’s late relatives, and that he had nowhere else to go. He had the king’s features to be sure, so at the time I didn't question it.
It wasn't until I began caring for him that I started noticing more and more strange occurrences.
Demons are well known for being very loud and demanding as young children, which I know quite personally from Ayrin’s youth, but this new prince was no such thing. He never cried. Ever. He never seemed to sleep either.
He just sat and watched me with those bright, unnatural green eyes. A color that, mind you, none of the King’s family or their consorts have ever had.
He began talking very early, and walking even earlier. The boy was extremely bright and curious, always wandering, always asking me a million questions about everything he saw and never seeming satisfied with the answers.
Ayrin took to having a brother very quickly and delighted in showing him all of the intricacies of princehood. Like seemingly everything else, the boy soaked it in supernaturally quickly.
It wasn't until he turned ten that his other strange abilities started to come to light.
He started teleporting, seemingly materializing out of thin air and dissipating just as quickly. People began to fall ill every time he was angry, most times impossibly quickly. He gave his tutor horrible polio after getting frustrated with a math lesson without ever having the disease himself.
We thought it was a coincidence until it happened three more times. He seemingly had the power to give people a myriad of horrible diseases, but that wasn't even close to the end of it. He could wilt entire acres of the garden in seconds, much to the groundskeeper’s dismay. The boy was a walking plague, displaying powers that only the ancient gods of legend were supposed to have.
One Goddess in particular. Then everything began to make sense. The green eyes, the unnatural growth, the sicknesses, even his strange obsession with sharp objects.
The King confirmed my suspicions the next night, saying that I deserved the right to know as his caretaker, especially now that his unnatural powers were beginning to develop.
He told me how his wife had rushed to him, telling him that her barrenness had been cured, and that they could finally have the second child they had always wanted.
But this was not his Queen. This was the infernal Goddess Proelia, eldest daughter of Death, patron of war and disease. She had tricked him, disguising herself as his wife to create a demigod prince fated to take the throne by any means necessary.
The king told me he knew he didn't have much time left, and that the prince would certainly kill him once he became strong enough.
“No one can know.” He'd told me.
He gave me an option to leave, to escape before doom overtook us all, but I didn't take the offer. My family had served the royals for hundreds of years, I didn't have anywhere else to go.
But now, writing this, I wish I would've run as far away as possible the first chance I got.
Two more years passed, the young prince’s powers only strengthening as time went on. The Queen tried to hide him away to protect the castle staff, meaning I was the only servant permitted to see him.
There was a new fire in his eyes, anger. Anger at being hidden away, anger at the world. He had always been hotheaded, but this new anger was cold and calculating. I’d come in to change his sheets and refill his water pitcher and he'd be there, sat at his desk, watching me like he was planning out all the possible ways to dismember me limb from limb.
Turns out, I was one of the only ones he spared.
It was October 10th, the day of the prince’s seventeenth birthday. I had woken up late for the first time I could remember, and it took me a few minutes to figure out why.
The prince hadn't summoned me. He always summoned me at 6:45 am sharp every single day to bring him his breakfast. It was 8:30. Nothing.
I rose from bed, curious, making my way up to my the prince’s chamber in the uppermost tower. Empty. I searched the dining room, both studies, the ballroom, all empty. Strangely enough, I couldn't find any of the rest of the royals either.
Then, finally, I checked the garden.
Both princes were present, but that was the most normal thing about the altercation. Ayrin looked incredibly haggard, clutching his sword for dear life, backed up against the castle wall, the wild look of a cornered animal in his eyes as his brother advanced on him.
Covered in blood.
The younger prince’s tunic was stained black with blood, the dagger in his hand wet with it. The entire clearing was dead and wilted, stained with even more carnage. It was only then that I noticed the deep gash in Ayrin’s chest.
“Please, brother-”
"I ͞am͜ ̕n̡ot̡hing o͜f̷ t͜he ͜sort͘!"̛ ̧
A black mist surrounded them both, emanating from the prince’s black eyes, clutching at Ayrin’s heaving chest.
Several other bodies littered the clearing. I recognized the groundskeeper and three of his attendants, all left to rot in the wilted black rose bushes.
Ayrin lunged with his sword, a last ditch effort, only for his brother to deftly sidestep, plunging his own dagger deep into the curve of Ayrin’s throat until the tip poked out from the other side.
I stood, paralyzed with fear just out of sight as the blade slid back out, leaving the eldest prince to fall in a heap at his brother's feet.
Then he turned and looked me straight in the eyes.
He Knew. He knew what I had just seen.
That shook me out of my stupor and I ran as fast as I could, back inside, down to the servant’s quarters, bolt locking and barricading the door behind me.
It is here that I write this letter. I know that I’m next, that he will not let me live because of what I know.
Please don't let my death be in vain.
-Chelsea Montona
@egopocalypse @shadowstakeall @epicfangirl01 @kitnkas @mijako98 @anothermarkiplierfan @iris-the-asparagus @awkward-bullshit @spicydanhowell
Please let me know if you want to be added or taken off, and wether you want to be on my general taglist or just the Fantasy AU one. Thanks!
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apileofgarbo · 5 years
@anothermarkiplierfan replied to your post: So y’all remember the dark gifset i made for his...
Awesome! Do you have a taglist perchance so that when it’s done I can get notified?
i don’t have an actual taglist (since i usually don’t tag people in my posts), but if you would like me to tag you in it, then i can do that no problem!
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crowned-ladybug · 7 years
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“Those pesky time demons, always skipping around seconds and hours and making ya loose time” - @anothermarkiplierfan
Late night conversations inspire to me to draw a lot of stuff
I wish I could remember more of the ideas I had right then and there bc I swear they were cooler (top right one was the very first idea, the rest just happened as i went)
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stachesandsuits · 7 years
Answer 20 questions and tag 20 followers you would like to get to know better!
Got tagged by @anothermarkiplierfan Name: Gabe Nickname: Grape, Gab, Dad, Father Zodiac Sign: cancer Height: 5′2″ Ethnicity: Caucasian Orientation: Homosexual Favorite Fruit(s): Strawberries Favorite Season: Autumn Favorite Book(s): The Fault In Our Stars by John Green or Wonder (can’t remember the author) Favorite Flower(s): tiger lillies Favorite Animal(s): Otters Favorite Beverage: Don’t have one Average Hours of Sleep: About… four to six on a good night Favorite Fictional Characters: Dean Winchester, Sam Winchester, Castiel, Lucifer (from SPN), The Tenth Doctor, Hazel Grace Lancaster, Augustus Waters, Olivia Moore (I-Zombie), and uh… Flynn Ryder from Rapunzel Number of Blankets You Sleep With: Three Dream Trip: London would be wonderful Blog Created: This blog went through a bunch of different phases but I can't remember when I made it Number of Followers: 110 love you all
Tagging: @suggienova @darkangel1423
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lizzy-mayhem-179 · 5 years
10 for risky and 1 for really risky
10) If you draw or write, show some of your really old work
So, I do both, but all of my old writing is on my computer so I can’t really share that since I’m on mobile. I CAN share an old drawing I have, tho.
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I drew this when I was maybe 10 years old???? (Im trying to remember when adventure time premiered w/o having to look it up but I can’t remember). I’d been drawing for 2 years up to this point and I remember being so proud of it at the time. I recently did an updated redraw of it:
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Needless to say I’ve improved a lot and I’m pretty proud of myself now.
1) If you had to hug anyone, who would you hug?
I mean, @i-am-avacado @anothermarkiplierfan @planet-kayde for sure (if they were alright with it, of course)
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lizzy-mayhem-179 · 6 years
Appreciation post for @anothermarkiplierfan
Where to begin, where to begin????
Let’s start with how we became friends. I for some reason can never forget how me started talking but then again it was just funny and random to me that it’s more of a “how could I forget????” type of thing. But then again my memory might not be the best so this might all be WRONG BUT I remember it (at best) as me telling you something on anon (because I think we were telling secrets on anon???? Yeah, no, can’t remember OOOOOPS) and then you were like “pls be my friend” and I was like “FUCK YEAH!!!!” And then “You requested a friend???” I dunno, that always made me laugh so I never forgot.
Anyway, I love this person very much. They’re such a great friend. We don’t talk as much as we used to but that’s okay!!! Because they’re still great!!!! They have great art (although they don’t think it’s good but I think it’s awesome!!!!)!!!!! And they remind me every now and then of how much they appreciate me and our friendship and it’s???? So???? Nice???? And??? Wholesome???
This dork is great and amazing and awesome and a wonderful human being and I appreciate and love them so much. YOURE A GREAT FRIEND DORK HOPE YOU KNOW THAT!!!!!!
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lizzy-mayhem-179 · 7 years
Can i ask questions 4, 7, 10, 18, 26, 29, 33, 89, 96? Haha i'd ask more but that will probably be hard work enough figuring out what numbers are what questions haha :)
Yeah it took me a while to figure out what numbers went to what questions. Sorry it took me so long though! Regardless, here they are:4. Last song you listened to - The Kids Aren't Alright by The Offspring7. What is the temperature right now? - 72 degrees (22 degrees for anyone that uses Celsius)10. Zodiac sign - Libra18. Do you collect anything? - I mean, I technically don't. Although, if picking up lost pencils and markers and keeping them count then I guess I do.26. Favorite Tumblr blog - I don't really have a favorite. Although, the blogs I really like @anothermarkiplierfan ,@antisepticdie , @fluffy-jack@i-am-avacado , and @maixlen to name a few (there's more but I can't remember them right now)29. Post a gif of what you're currently feeling right now. - (Can't do it right now, sorry. I swear I'm gonna edit this later and add one in)33. PlayStation or Xbox? - Is it odd I don't prefer one over the other?89. Tell me about a dream that you had and when it happened - Had a dream last night that I remember (not all of it though). It was kinda weird and it involved Markiplier, Jacksepticeye (no surprise there really), pewdiepie, marzia, Amy (peebles) and signe (wiishu). It was basically all of them hanging out and having dinner somewhere and stuff (don't know why I was there since I didn't do anything but yeah). It isn't the most exciting dream but it was the most recent one (the most exciting ones are The Masks and The Hospital but those were a while back)96. Favorite youtuber - it's a tie between Mark and Jack(Okay I need to edit this later because I'm on mobile and it's really glitchy. Thanks for asking though! It is appreciated.)
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