#anthe is a twilight cleric
i’m doin some prep for tonight’s WM session and i’m suddenly very caught up in the concern re: ASI/feat next level for both of my main kids. ori i thought was pretty easy--+1 dex and wis for 20dex, 18 wis--but i’ve made a lot more int rolls with her lately, and even given the advantage to most int that the class grants, the modifier of 0 is. rough. meanwhile anthe’s only odd stat is cha, which is funniest if it stays the same? so i’m torn between which non-wis other stat to boost for her if i take an asi (most likely: con or int) OR if i should take a feat. (bountiful luck, war caster, or mobile)
anyway. suggestions welcome.
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quillith · 4 years
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A really sweet moment my paladin Nev had with our twilight cleric Anthe (played by @yahooanswer) in our Wildemount campaign!!
Anthe likes to use dream for Therapy Purposes (because we are So Good at sharing our troubles ☺️) and Nev got to experience it that night. After that though, Anthe mentioned how she can change the dreamscape to whatever Nev wants.. so she helped Nev experience the ocean for the first time because she’s always wanted to visit the coast 🥺
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wordofrecall · 4 years
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a few of the custom emotes i made for my dnd servers today! i’m having a good time. top to bottom, left to right...
anthe, halfling twilight cleric
juniper, human wild magic sorcerer
agni, human alchemist artifcer
penance, human undying warlock
dendygar, kobold champion fighter
nev, firbolg restoration paladin
amadeus, half-orc/half-elf glamour bard
viconis, half-orc echo knight fighter
ori, human profane soul blood hunter
they’re sweet is all.
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dreamteam emojis… what a group.
[id: simple, emoji-style drawings of d&d characters. ziggy is a triton with blue skin and an eyepatch. he has blue jellyfish tendrils that make up his hair and beard. he looks like he wants to cause problems on purpose. nev is a pale firbolg with white hair and a slight blush. she smiles pleasantly. jhe is a goblin with long dark hair kept in a braid. they are in a rage, a shadow of anger obscuring their face. krag is a blue-grey half-orc with dark hair, stubble, and several scars. he is looking away from the viewer, embarrassed. anthe is a halfling with warm tan skin, freckles, and messy dark hair with flowers weaved in. she is asleep and snoring. nol is an aasimar with light brown skin, a halo covered in eyes, and cropped brown hair. she is visibly terrified of something happening nearby.]
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dream a little dream of me, or whatever, aka sad hippie bastard content [id: a drawing of a young halfling woman on a purple background. the halfling has short, brown hair, tan skin with lots of freckles, and is wearing plain clothing in sunset tones. behind her, lights of various colors float around.]
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i’m playing in a wildemount campaign! yay! here is anthe, she’s a lotusden halfling and a twilight domain cleric of avandra, originally from the coast of xhorhas! :-) she’s very strong and full of love even if she’s not very good at understanding social cues. she changes up the flowers in her hair every day with druidcraft. i love her.
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2 4 11 29 49 for anthe!
oc asks!
do they have any titles? how did they get them?
well. she was the high priestess of the court, by default, but not anymore probably? alas, alack. (ori is my only dnd guy with an actual Proper title, which is endlessly funny to me. this absolute trashfire of a cowboy.)
what is their relationship with their parents? what’s a good and bad memory with them? did they know both parents?
anthe had. as i’ve said. a lot of parents. she had the closest relationship with a grave cleric named malena, who taught her how to use her magic and who was genuinely, like, the one person who actually, like... helped her in a hands-on way, you know? so she remembers helping malena with spell components and potion making and what have you a lot! that’s really warm in her heart. bad memories... i mean, she’s a perceptive lass; she heard some of them saying that they didn’t know what to do with her, that it would be healthiest if she just... went out on her own. maybe they were right, she thinks? but it still hurt.
do they have any special diet requirements? are they a vegetarian? vegan? have any allergies?
she eats meat for ceremonial reasons, like. on holidays and stuff, but otherwise she doesn’t eat much of it just because she’s spent a lot of time in the temples of 2 nature domain goddesses and therefore is just. friends with a lot of vegans and vegetarians. you know?
what do they do when they find out someone else’s fear? do they tease them? or get very over protective?
so the twilight domain is very much about protection from fear, you know? mechanically speaking, so much of their stuff is based around persevering through frightening situations, and helping others no longer be afraid, if only for a moment. and i really, really like that for anthe. she’s not a great talker, but she understands what makes people tick, so she likes to help people through moments of fear with her actions, and by accommodating for those fears in the future. she hasn’t cast darkness in battle since she found out vic was afraid; she absolutely will never cast sleep on nol, and if there’s a fall, she’s going to be at nev’s side. and so on.
what is their most valued object? are they sentimental? is there something they have to take everywhere with them?
the haversack is a copout, but, uh, it’s the truth. and she’s extremely sentimental. look at her. she’s made of sentiment alone.
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8 14 29 68 and 70 for anthe if you're still doing them?
oc questions!
what are their good and bad traits?
i mean. anthe’s... very insightful. she’s pretty clever, she knows her opinions and isn’t afraid of speaking her mind at all. she’s tough, she’s gentle when she needs to be, and she’s very loyal 2 those she considers friends
but also she is... in spite of her strong opinions, a huge fucking doormat. she succumbs to peer pressure quickly and easily, and when she realizes that she’s fucking up a social situation, she’ll withdraw from it completely and pretend that she’s 100% good and fine right now! she also has a big martyr complex but let’s not talk abt that
what is a pet peeve of theirs?
people talking about themselves all the time w/o regard for others
do they wants kids? if they already have kids, do they want more?
anthe would be cool with kids! she grew up on a commune and she was definitely like, down to help with little kids from a very young age; she’d want to adopt a bunch if her partner was down!
are they a day or night person?
night--she’s a dang twilight cleric!
what do you, the creator of this OC, like most about them?
i like the way her arc’s developed a LOT; it’s gone places i didn’t expect at all when i built her. she’s so dynamic and her relationship with faith is so different than other religious characters i’ve played; she’s just. very good.
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wordofrecall · 4 years
max damage calculating, for fun and profit:
going by critrole stat rules: only look at single-target damage, ignore all resistances and vulnerabilities, assume all attack rolls crit, assume all targets fail their saving throws, only count actions taken on a pc’s turn (i.e., no reactions or summoned creature actions), bonus actions can be used only before or after the action, not in the middle of an action, buffs and debuffs from the player only that require set up were taken in previous rounds, no bonuses from others
anthe (level 12 twilight cleric)
lvl 3 bestow curse in a previous round (add 1d8 to all damage rolls)
lvl 6 inflict wounds (176)
lvl 4 spiritual weapon (53)
contagion (flesh rot) in a previous round: vulnerability to all damage
total: 405
ori (level 4 profane soul blood hunter)
spellscar active (4)
crimson rite active (8)
lvl 1 hex active (12)
rapier (23)
total: 47
des (level 4 redemption paladin)
necrotic shroud active (4)
branding smite (bonus action, thru amulet) (24)
2 handed knightly sword (24)
lvl 1 divine smite (32)
total: 84 (caveat: 100 total if fiend or undead)
johnny (level 3 blood cleric)
lvl 2 inflict wounds (+ bloodletting focus) (84)
lvl 2 spiritual weapon (+ bloodletting focus) (24)
total: 112
tldr: clerics are broken.
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Anything fun happen in a dnd game recently, or otherwise tell us about a character you're playing/want to play?
i posted about this already but i keep getting emotional about it, so. the other night in ori’s game, there was an argument going on in the party that ori got involved in (weird for her in the first place, bc she hates interpersonal conflict that isn’t, like. physically violent). and someone was like, “i don’t know when all of you started giving a shit about morals--ori, it makes sense, she’s all noble and moral compassy and shit, but the rest of you?” and ori just kinda said, “you think i’m noble and moral compassy?” very quietly, and then i started tearing up? physically? what the fuck.
also she parkoured a lot in that session so.
and then. new characters. i’m getting very attached to my wildemount character ideas (i want. to play them.) so i will talk about anthe because she is my dumb wish fulfillment baby who i would die for. she’s a lotusden halfling--the xhorhassian druidic subrace that’s in egtw! and she’s a twilight domain cleric of avandra the changebringer, 
and she went on a pilgrimage with some other Youths from her community like ten years back (lol), just to the coast, with the promise that they’ll receive messages and stuff about where to meet up and circle back so that someone can bring them home after their individual work (studying animals, visiting temples, Seeing The Outside World)  was done. and for some reason, nobody ever really messaged her? so she’s just like, oops, guess i should just. wait? so she’s just been wandering the coast because she has No Fucking Clue how to get back home lol.
anyway. she’s 3′1″ and ready to roll with anything with PASSION and SEVEN CHARISMA.
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bee if ur still doing it.... 26 for both anthe and ori... nd 40 and 56 just for anthe
What would your character say their best trait would be?
--ori: i think i said it in game. she believes her skill set is "murder, arson, and telling whether or not people are lying or whatever." the last one is something she genuinely likes about herself!
--anthe: Good At Helping People! A Good Cleric!
Where does your character feel the most at home?
--i think she would say her actual home, but it's been... 10 or 11 years since she left and she's very much idealized it conceptually. generally, i think she finds coastal areas very comforting, and if she was forced to settle down in a city she's spent time in, it would be nicodranas.
When they were a child, what did your character want to be, or think they were going to be, when they grew up?
--she wanted to be a grave cleric--the woman who taught her healing was a grave cleric. but the way she connected with avandra wasn't thru death, ultimately, it was thru her dreams and her love of the unfamiliar and unknown. so. twilight domain. she loves being a cleric a lot, and also, grave clerics can't fly, sooooo. she's pretty satisfied with where she ended up.
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for emoji ask game! shooting star, glowing star, green heart, johnny nobody and anthe!
thank u jorts!!
🌠 SHOOTING STAR - if they could make any wish with no repercussions, what wish would they make?
johnny would wish for more magic,
more power. or maybe a fresh start? it depends on her mood.
nobody wants her fucking name back. also rhubarb's stuff. they're a package deal.
anthe wants to free the archon but also this is a universe where the archon forgives both nol and anthe and can be a friend.
🌟 GLOWING STAR - what do they think about when they look at the night sky? is there someone they want to star gaze with?
johnny is comforted by its largeness, she is always a bit mesmerized by the vastness of the world. i don't think stargazing with another person has occurred to her, she'd see it as a very solitary event.
nobody usually watches the sky with rhubarb. she finds it strange but interesting. it's something she rather likes about this plane--she likes the constellations and the weather patterns here. i think she'd want to stargaze with the party... she wouldn't admit it of course.
anthe loves the night sky. it makes her feel safe! she was a twilight cleric originally for a reason--even as her faith and philosophy has changed, she still finds comfort in nature's consistency. she misses it. she misses stargazing with her mentor, i think.
💚 GREEN HEART - what things make your oc feel comforted? hugs, kisses, food?
johnny is comforted by the presence of her spirit friends, as well as the presence of her magic. also if someone gave her a hug she might cry.
nobody is comforted by knowing things For Sure. like one of her little quirks is her asking for confirmation of things pretty often but like. kid's got memory issues. she wants to Know things. also, again, it someone gave her a hug she would cry.
anthe is comforted by things she can touch. she's very into physical grounding--she collects little things she can touch!!! also of course pocket and nev.
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