#anti Luther x Allison
hm i never thought i’d see a relationship make me more uncomfy and awkward than luther and allison. but uh. here we are.
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brionysea · 2 months
You have only good opinions so I have a query for you: I watched the first season of The Umbrella Academy forever ago when it first came out and really loved it! But I never ended up watching the rest of the seasons. I haven’t heard like literally anything about them either. I was wondering if however they handle the Allison x Luther thing is like, at least bearable? And also whether you think the other season are worth a watch in the first place? Thank you for your time and for always being correct 🙏
First of all, I'm honoured. Thank you for your kind words. I actually rewatched the newer seasons of The Umbrella Academy recently so they're fresh in my mind.
Short answer: Allison and Luther aren't too egregious, season 2 is fine, season 3 is not
Long answer:
Allison x Luther is a thing from the comics, and because the show's sort of subversive, "anti-comic book clichés" approach is what makes it work so well, their romance is quite morally dissonant from the more grounded and likable versions of the characters in the show. They're not Game of Thrones levels, but they're there, and they're weird and annoying and very jarring in a show that otherwise goes so hard on the family angle. But it's *probably* being framed as an intentional negative at this point. They went too extreme for that to not be the case. And both characters keep getting assigned other, non-sibling love interests. Sort of. Timelines are weird.
It feels like the show is *trying* to say something with their relationship, probably about how unhealthy and isolated their childhood was that they felt the need to latch onto each other like that to get *any* kind of attention, but it's not. Trying very hard. And they don't say it nearly well enough that you'd lose anything worth keeping by omitting that part of the source material like they did Diego x Viktor/Vanya (yes, really). It doesn't come across as groundbreaking psychological analysis of abused and isolated children going into adulthood without doing the work to heal from their pasts so they get stuck in this weird cycle, it comes across as the show wanting to remind you of the pseudo-incest every so often just to be edgy.
Season 2 is worth the watch if you meet it where it's at. It handles the part of time travel that nobody talks about through 3 different characters; the big one being Allison, a black woman from the 21st century, fighting back against segregation and clinging onto her temper by her fingernails - and I think they do it decently (but I'm white, so take this with a grain of salt). A quite small moment with Elliot Page's character made me surprisingly emotional. TUA2 absolutely fumbles the thematic core of the first season - the apocalypse as an allegory for their *collective* childhood trauma which they haven't healed from into adulthood, and from there, everything crashes and burns - but if you manage your expectations to what this season is *trying* to be, which is "fun", it's okay. It's even successful - it IS fun! Some of the more juvenile humour doesn't land with me but humour is subjective. Very bright, very colourful, very silly. All the goofy parts of season 1 dialled up to eleven with the dark parts turned way down, which... there's something to be said about the power of contrast, but it is what it is.
Season 3 is... less good. If Allison was my personal highlight of TUA2, then Klaus is my highlight of TUA3, but this season simply doesn't measure up. There's a lot of big empty spaces with only the main characters in them, as if COVID filming restrictions wouldn't let them bring in any more actors/characters to flesh out the world. It's not their fault, but it's very noticeable. I've *seen* shows working under identical circumstances (and with less money!) do better than this. The plot's setup was interesting but managed to lose me with multiple payoffs that felt underwhelming and lacking in vision. They did that two, maybe three times? I didn't like any of them. The writing isn't very tight - you can *feel* how little consideration the writers were given by Netflix. Most of the side characters feel pointless. Some of the core characters feel like different people (Diego particularly bugged me, and I don't even like Diego that much). TUA3 tried to follow 2's lead of being fun, but its flaws are too big to successfully hide them behind the fun. There are a few standout scenes, but overall... Eh.
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getmeoutofthesun · 2 months
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Vic. he/they. 30-ish.
transmasc nb. pansexual.
fictive of Viktor Hargreeves from The Umbrella Academy. factive influences of Elliot Page (pre and post-transition; they've been a comfort actor for our system since like '05 and we're still attached to many of his younger roles). fableing of Roman Bridger from Scream.
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Viktor & Elliot tags:
Viktor Hargreeves (all content)
season 1 || season 2 || season 3 || season 4
teen Viktor (T.J. McGibbons) || child Viktor (Alyssa Gervasi)
powers and abilities
Viktor & Luther
Viktor & Allison
Viktor & Diego
Viktor & Klaus
Viktor & Five
Viktor & Ben || Viktor & Sparrow Ben
Viktor & Lila
Elliot Page || Elliot 2 (pre-transition)
Roman tags:
Roman Bridger
Roman & Sidney
other nostalgic Elliot roles:
Kitty Pryde (X-Men)
Jodie Holmes (Beyond: Two Souls)
other tags:
Vic Mignogna ( music nostalgia, anti-Vic as a person )
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in a relationship with sysmate @screamabovethenoise 💘
member of a multigenic OSDD-1b system that is bodily 30+.
this blog is a sideblog to our system hub blog @althaino .
this is not an RP blog but I do RP muse versions of the characters that are closer to canon that I personally identify. ( I'll add proper bios for them later. )
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url is lyrics from The Pretty Reckless' song Kill Me.
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Why did the Umbrella Academy have to give one, (if not) _the_ most romantic and well choreographed moment to the sibling couple? Huh? Why!?
That could’ve been Patch and Diego!!
That could’ve been Klaus and Dave! That could’ve been Five and Dolores.
Obviously it would have to be tweaked a bit, but still.
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internetaddict104 · 4 years
Can someone please tell me why the majority of people are not ok with Luther/Allison but are perfectly fine with W*stAllen????
It’s literally the exact same scenario I don’t understand the love for W*stAllen
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raviposting · 4 years
Okay so...I saw this earlier and I just gotta say, I hate, hate seeing comments trying to defend Luther/Allison or shipping some of the other siblings together because it always amounts to comments that say, “Well, they’re not really siblings”, “they don’t even see each other as siblings. Reginald raised them as an academy, not as siblings,” and/or “they’ve suffered enough, I think they deserve love with someone who understands them (ie their siblings).” 
Yeah full stop? These comments suck because they ignore canon, invalidate adoption/the trauma the Hargreeves went through, and view the Hargreeves by agreeing with Reginald’s mentality/defining them by his abuse. And I’m just going to break it down and if you’re one of the people who say them please just take a look before blocking: 
1. It ignores canon. I constantly see a...tone from people who go, “No, Grace wasn’t their mother, she’s a robot. Reginald wasn’t their father. He raised them like an academy. They were more like classmates than they were siblings.” And honestly...I do not understand how you watch the show, hear them refer to Reginald & Grace as mom and dad, and hear them call each other brothers and sisters and still walk away from that with the thought of: “Well, they don’t see each other as family.” They do. They are. This is one of the points, that they were never an academy or an army of well-trained soldiers, they were kids who were failed by their father because he didn’t know how to be a good parent. I don’t know if people just - don’t think about it with the superhero element but yes, a huge part of the show is the absurdity with time travel, stopping the apocalypse, etc. but one of the core things is that this is a story of siblings who are dealing with the fallout of child abuse (and any other traumas because they all have different experiences!) and are learning how to become a family again, and that cannot be ignored.   
2. The invalidation of adoption. I argued with someone on Reddit about this to no avail, but imagine, just for a second, that everything about the Hargreeves’ life was the same, except that they’re all biologically related to each other. Luther/Allison, or shipping the other siblings is incest, right? So why is it that these siblings, who were literally adopted and raised by Reginald (and Grace, and Pogo of course) do not get that same courtesy of being called family? Because you want to ship two of them together without feeling gross about it because you don’t want to acknowledge what adoption is? No, it’s not biological incest, but it still is incest. I’m not adopted, but I saw the same shit in the GOT fandom, where adopted fans called out the fact that people were constantly saying that two characters “weren’t actually” siblings, and how uncomfortable and hurt it made those fans feel. Stop invalidating adoption. I used to try to be nice about this but I genuinely cannot figure out how to make this any simpler. Adopted siblings are siblings. 
And also, think about the implications of that - one of the things that’s important with the Hargreeves is that they specifically went through parental abuse. What does it mean, then, to say that they weren’t actually a family? That they’re not “really” siblings - it takes away the very specific type of abuse they went through. Yes, no matter what they went through child abuse, but to say that they’re not a family because they were adopted also means that whether you mean it directly or not, you’re invalidating that as awful as he was and how much he doesn’t deserve to be a father, Reginald was their father and he did abuse them, as their parent. That is a very specific type of trauma and I don’t think people realize that by saying the Hargreeves “aren’t really” family that they’re also invalidating and disregarding the specific trauma they went through as well. 
3. It defines the Hargreeves by Reginald’s abuse. Look, Reginald hates kids and tried raising them like an “academy”. We know this. However, he had also literally adopted them and despite people clamoring to defend this abuse because they want to ship siblings, even if you don’t think the adoption part is enough, which it should be, he still allowed them to call him dad, built Grace and had her refer to the children as hers and respond to mom, allowed them to all call each other siblings. Sure, maybe he wanted to raise them as a school but he very clearly failed in that, and to say that they don’t see each other as siblings is both to excuse Reginald’s very specific abusive parenting to also agreeing with Reginald’s viewpoint - because when you get down to it the only person in the Hargreeves family who would actually agree that they’re not really a family would be Reginald Hargreeves and him only. The only time the other siblings agree is when they’re having a hard time coping and/or are lashing out at one another (Diego saying he’s Number Two at Reginald’s funeral, Allison saying “technically” when she’s talking about Luther, and that relationship is born out of trauma). 
And that brings me to Luther and Allison, and the bad take I see - that these two will understand each other in a way that nobody else will and that they’re traumatized so, why not right? Let them just be happy together! And to that I just want to say this: incest is not a reward or consolation prize for child abuse. There’s no, “you know what? Normally I’d say this is fucked up, but you were traumatized, so this is morally okay now.” Luther & Allison’s relationship is a trauma relationship, these were two siblings who were struggling to find a sense of normalcy and love and could not find a healthy example of it in their household. If we want the best for Luther and Allison we want them to find a relationship outside of each other, healthy, good relationships. To define their bond as something that means that only they can be with each other keeps them in their trauma. Allison found a husband after leaving her house. Yes, her first marriage crumbled, but she still found something. With Raymond? She found an incredibly healthy, supportive, and loving marriage. Luther is still learning and coming to terms in his own life and in his own time, but time away allows him to learn how to respect boundaries. These two are coping and growing with their childhood trauma, and to just ignore that growth and how they’re adjusting by saying, “Nah, they’ll never find love in the way that they do with each other”? It ignores the growth and progress that they’ve made while again, defining them by their abuse rather than who they are as survivors. 
You may think you’re being kind and helpful, but speaking as a trauma survivor, you are absolutely not, and it is infuriating to read those comments where people - even unintentionally - are erasing the trauma and progress made by these characters, their adoption, and them being family in the name of shipping them without feeling gross about it. 
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iamthecutestofborg · 4 years
Okay so I don't know enough about childhood trauma or incest to say this for sure, but I suspect Luther and Allison's attraction is a symptom of their toxic upbringing. They were so isolated from the world, they went through puberty without anyone else to direct their budding adult feelings towards. The whole thing just strikes me more as a symptom of abuse and neglect then a real romance.
(Feel free to call me out if you know something about psychology and believe this theory is all bullshit)
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sinnbaddie · 4 years
Literally fuck everyone who ships Allison Hargreaves and Luther Hargreaves together from the Umbrella Academy.
As someone who’s adopted myself, I fucking hate you and your rights are revoked until you take that shit stain of a view on adoption and shove it up your ass :)
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crybabycola · 4 years
as much as i would love to interact w the umbrella academy fanbase there’s too much incest shipping for my tastes 🤢
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tehmoonofficial · 5 years
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painfullyconfused · 5 years
Umbrella Academy characters as stupid shit I’ve done
Degio: Throws a boomarang screams ‘RUN MOTHER FUCKER’ only to have it come back and hit my face
Klaus: slips on the same pach of ice in my driveway four times in a row before just laying down on it and missing my bus
Allison: learns how to swear in sign language just so my family can’t tell me to watch my mouth
Ben: struggles to hold five pool noodles to my chest in a pool while screaming ‘I AM THE STRONGEST DANGER NOODLE”
Luther: drops shirt in the sink and when questioned why my short is wet says I had been at the gym to seen productive when in all actuality it had been watching netflix for 6 hours straight
Vayna: texts my friend who is standing right next to me because i don’t wanna be rude to anyone by talking while they are talking
Five: drops a whole water bottle filled with coffee screams fuck and picks it up happy to find it unharmed walks to the car and spills it on myself
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maevelin · 6 years
Episode 1x06 
1. Such an opening scene! 
And Klaus remembering Dave and throwing away the drugs in the toilet. OMG!
And the reason for Klaus wanting to get sober! MY HEART!
“His name was Dave...”
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And my baby loved so much and so hard that fought to the first line only to lose the one he loved...he is a war hero that lost his love...Dave died in his hands...and for him it must be so raw and so soon...and now the world is ending and all he wants is to see Dave again...only that...I JUST FEEL THINKS OKAY?
Klaus’ story with Dave was so pure and beautiful. And tragic. Why? Why did it have to be tragic? I can’t take this anymore. This type of storytelling always seems to end in one endgame and it is always death and pain and I am sick of it. And especially in Klaus’ case it just...I can’t! Okay? I CANNOT!
And I know I am generally allergic to fluff but in this case...why couldn’t we get the rainbows and the unicorns and the puppies? WHY?
And then Klaus finally saw Dave again...and the timeline was erased...I just...
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2. I just love Diego’s and Klaus’ scenes! Seriously and I am soaking them up like a sponge! And the fact that Klaus turned to Diego for help!
They can be funny and sad at the same time. 
It was so sad that only Ben could see him struggling with his withdrawal symptoms. 
But then Diego stepped up...out of all his siblings he is the one that is there for Klaus. He makes it seem as if he is annoyed but it is such a brotherly thing to do. And truly Diego feels that he has let his mom and Eudora down but he is not letting Klaus down too and that gets me! He truly cares. It just gets me! Precious baby!
And in return...Klaus needs to ...pee LMFAO! 
I also love Diego’s scenes with his mom. She is definitely feeling things. I would like to see more of that.
Pogo is annoying me to be honest. Supposedly he cares and is wise and is there for the siblings and is a better father figure but no...he is just as problematic as Reginald was in my eyes. He supported this toxicity, he still does and apocalypse or not that is a shitty thing to do to children.
3. Hazel was right. Boy he was right. Five is a legend! My deadly little thing! 
Five’s scenes are electric! And his showdown with the Handler...AWESOME!
At this point I can’t choose between who I like more, Five or Klaus? I am more sentimental for Klaus for sure and I love him all the way but Five...Five is my iconic kind of character! Badass to the bone and legendary! Not to mention a cynic with a heart and a sarcastic disposition! My bitter cinnamon roll of an assassin! My precious little hit man! Brilliant, manipulative, kicking ass taking names, lethal, a killer, so done with life but still a survivor! A pragmatist and a dreamer.,,with an unhealthy obsession for coffee, alcohol and...Dolores...WHAT IS NOT TO LIKE?
Boy oh boy it is always the same characters! 
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4. Vanya’s guy is such a creeper. Every time he is in a scene I cringe. And you can see how creepy he is. It is just so sad that Vanya is unable to see it because she was treated so horribly in her life that even a shred of kindness can blind her so because she is starving for it. Her father did a number on her. If we are honest all her family did.
That book though...to keep her sedated...Vanya finding that book will definitely push her off the edge.
And her powers...with the apocalypse coming...it’s her powers that lead to it right? 
She will go out like a bomb of something? It would make sense because if the drugs were the cause of keeping her emotions on a leash and repressing them along with her powers now that the leash is gone and after all this time of repressing her powers and feeling worthless she is like a ticking bomb ready to go off. Who thought it would be a good idea to do that to her? That fucked up excuse of a father she had for sure (what an asshole indeed!) but no matter how destructive her powers can be it does not take a genius to understand that bottling up emotions and suppressing them along with powers of such scale is like just delaying the inevitable and creating the right circumstances for a freaking big bang. Those powers laying dormant for so long and Vanya building up all those negative emotions inside her that she can now feel...well shit...Why not train Vanya like her siblings? Maybe her powers were uncontrollable but this alternative does not seem much better.
5.  LOL at Luther’s revelation...we died...I said...WE DIED...LMAO
But all jokes aside...
My heart broke for him in this episode. Poor baby. To be sent to the moon. To exile. All alone. A monster hidden from the world. With no love, no support, no humanity. It is dreadful. 
I honestly don’t understand how a person can fuck up their children in so many ways each one of them individually but also collectively. 
And Luther that always looked up to his father and in the end all he wanted was for his dad to be proud of him. Despite all the abuse he trusted him. Truth is though that if he was leader material and if he wanted to be the leader of his team, a team created by his family, then he should have responded to that abuse and tried to make it stop. For him and for his siblings. He just averted his eyes and found excuses for what his father was doing both to him and his siblings and I don’t blame him because he was also an abused victim but in the end it was all coming to this. In the same way it happened with the rest of his siblings. 
“I was never good to be number one.”
That’s the thing though. I don’t think that his number means what he thought it meant. Best case scenario it was a lucky pick by a negligent asshole, or the babies were born the same day but not in the exact time so their numbers just showcase which one is the oldest....however worst case scenario for Luther anyway is that his father probably labeled the children based on the potential of their powers starting from the most basic level one in the power scale leading up to the strongest while is probably Vanya that reaches the highest and most dangerous level of power. In that case Luther was probably the weakest link.
Also let us face it. When Tom cries...boy that shit hurts. He has very expressive eyes. He is like a big sad bear that you want to hug when he gets like that.
6. Allison’s and Luther’s romance story on the other hand...Yikes...thanks NO THANKS.
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That was probably the only normal fatherly reaction their dad had when he caught them....
.....and then it was because they played out of schedule..moron...
And when I said I wanted more from Allison’s storyline...this is not what I meant...and yeah it was always brewing but YUCK!
- “What are we? Chopped Liver?” Well Cha Cha one can hope! For you anyway! Hazel, the work bee can drive away in the sunset with the bird waitress LOL
- I loved how one of Hazel’s motivations to stop the apocalypse is to have the freedom to kill whomever he wants and not those the Commission wants LOL
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- The Commission has to go!
- Side note: As much as I despise that incest thing between Allison and Luther...admittedly in their dance scene I’d be blind not to notice that Tom Hopper is hella fine! I mean...damn! 
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bootdork · 6 years
The Best Hargreeves Siblings, in order
9. You
8. Can’t
7. Just
6. Rank
5. Them
4. But
3. Definitely
2. Not
1. Luther
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mazzystargirl · 6 years
luther hargreeves b like “i love you allison but i dont respect your thoughts or wishes”
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raviposting · 4 years
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Every day I yearn for death 
Also this is my response that I’m honestly expecting to get downvoted and responded with a “k” with bc people on that sub get really into the “thEYRE NOT SIBLINGS” mentality 
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iamthecutestofborg · 4 years
It's actually incredibly sweet that Luther and Allison are so close and are able to find comfort in each other. I think it would be so nice if they could move on from their romantic feelings and actually develop a loving, supportive *sibling* relationship.
I know some of you ship them and that's your perogetive, but I think their incestuous feelings are very unhealthy and come from a place of deep trauma. Growing up they were close because they just happened to be on the same wavelength. In a chaotic, toxic environment with an incredibly abusive and neglectful parent, they were able to make each other feel safe and loved. That's a wonderful thing, but their impeded social and emotional development caused them to confuse their closeness with infatuation.
I'd really like to see them be close and loving, but this time in a healthy brother/sister way.
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