#anti TG
daenysthedreamer101 · 5 months
I was listening to 'Bloodlines will burn' because it's so beautifuly haunting and sad and I like torturing myself and then, I came across these pictures while listening
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.......😭 my beautiful queen! You did not deserve that! They caused her to lose something she always wanted - a daughter.
Look at her eyes in the first pic... 🙃🙃I'm fine. I'm fine. Why would I not be fine?
Visenya could've lived. She could've grown up to be a beautiful woman just like her mother. And she would've been a fierce dragon rider like her mother and father.
Daemon could've taught her High Valyrian and how to wield a sword.
Nyra would've loved dressing her up and doing her hair in the style of Old Valyria.
I know Jace, Luke, Joff would've adored her. They would chase her around the Painted Table and tickled her.
Baela and Rhaena would've been overjoyed to have another sister and girl in the family.
Baela would take her on a ride above Dragonstone on Moondancer.
Rhaena would've picked out the dragon egg that would lay in the crib of her little sister. Or maybe Rhaena would've given Visenya her own egg in the hope of it hatching and bonding with her.
Visenya was robbed of her life before it even started. She was robbed of knowing her parents and siblings. She was robbed of their love. And they were robbed of hers.
I will forever hold a grudge against TG, just for causing Nyra's miscarriage, not including all the other horrible shit they did to Rhaenyra and how they've treated her for years.
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sihtryggr · 5 months
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martelldragon · 4 months
sara hess:
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crowns rhaenyra, hold her hand when she sees Alicent for the first time since she cut her, touching her tummy while she’s pregnant with visenya, holding laena’s hands when she’s pregnant with their son, deleted scene of him hugging Baela and Rhaena after laena’s death, deleted scene of him grieving visenya, him getting kiss on the cheek from Baela while she’s teaching her high valyrian, him helping Viserys to the throne and putting on his crown
also sara hess:
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oh and
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This is kind of a long rant against HotD and not structured at all so you might want to avoid it if you like TG or Alicent. Or even Daemon, sorry, I don't like him much either.
I was always skeptical of HotD even before it started but I had never expected that it would be so much worse than the source material which is, mind it, a very pro greens, biased, misogynistic spiral by some dead maester.
I don't enjoy F&B as a book and the Dance wasn't remotely my favorite part of it. Like the whole Dance of Dragons reads like a misogynistic spiral sometimes but HotD just took a biased source and dialled it to a 100.
You would think they would try to do the opposite bcoz the source is acknowledged to be biased but nope, they just had to make it worst. The Greens get to be whitewashed, they can literally not commit to any actions (Alicent committed treason by mistake, Aemond murdered a child by mistake, like wtf? Wtf are these fucking uwu passive characters and writing. Fucking commit to treason if you are gonna do it. Who half asses treason? Book Greens would gobble up Show Greens for breakfast. The Lannisters would have a laugh.) The Blacks are villainized and all the Velaryons are sidelined (which is worst with the show changing their race intentionally and then doing this).
Like the Greens have no redeeming qualities, just the narrative framing them as the good guys on their sides and I always hate how the narrative is trying to shove it down my throat. I can't stand it.
Like I don't even like Daemon but the show is stripping all the depth from him. I seriously don't like him but it's like the show can't stand anyone on the TB to have anything good or significant.
They literally showed Aegon to be a rapist onscreen and want me to root for him? Wtf are they smoking? The amount of cognitive dissonance you need to like TG is too high. Ik the show doesn't expect much from its viewers but it's like they expect the viewer to be stupid.
Show Alicent is so passive, they make me prefer the book Alicent and I hate the Evil Stepmother trope. The show acts as if Rhaenyra wasn't supposed to be the Good Mother and Good Stepmother counterpart to Alicent.
And F&B and George isn't subtle about who won the Dance. It's the Blacks. Rhaenyra might have died but her fraction won the war, her sons and descendants sat on the throne. Daenerys is her direct descendant and she brought the dragons back from death (especially given that the Dance was the main reason for their downfall and even the Targaryens' powers thanks to TG).
TG has the same fate as all the usurpers in the series- Maegor, Larys Strong, Robert Baratheon - the end of their line. Alicent 's line all dies before her eyes. The current Higtowers have nothing to do with Alicent and her line, they're not even worthy of remembrance and mention in the main series so far. Margaery is a half Hightower and despite the Tyrells' obvious efforts to make her queen and have one of their own on the throne, no one remotely mentions the only Hightower Queen ever. Imagine how embarrassing is that. You know if Alicent was a decent queen in any right, it would have been mentioned by now, the Tyrells aren't one to not use every advantage they have given that their Bannerman have more royal blood than them, which was again mentioned in the series.
Anyway, Alicent 's line dying and going to oblivion for all purposes is their ultimate defeat. I can't stand the TG stand trying to make it anything else.
And yes Rhaenicent is just queerbaiting and terribly at that. As a queer woman, I don't want them as any sort of a representation. An evil step mother aged down for a pairing where she plots treason and murder for Nyra and her sons? No, God, Daemon is a better option than that and I can't believe they made me say it.
Also, Laena was right there if they wanted to have a sapphic pairing.
When I said I wanted more morally gray female characters, I didn't mean totally irredeemable ones. There is a fine line in what characters, or crimes, you can redeem, starting a civil war out of personal greed and misogyny is not one of them. And yes, TG are all misogyny even if Alicent plays the uwu victim of patriarchy all the time. And funny how she never does anything to help any woman, not even her daughter Helena; does nothing against the man who actually harmed her and actively wants to put her rapist son on the throne instead of the rightful heir but her stans act as they or she is some kind of feminist when Alicent is no woman's friend.
And canonically, which are the books btw, not the badly written fanfictions (I am so sorry, this is an insult to fanfiction tbh) of the producers: GoT and HotD, Nyra had her mother's sigil on her flag, not Aegon the Rapist+Usurper.
(Can't believe the show tried to make some kind of gotcha moment with Alicent in that green dress. Idk why the characters even stood up. They only do that for the ruling monarch, not the consort and Alicent literally did nothing to deserve that kind of reaction. She just wore a green dress so what? Once again, the show is giving TG credit for doing nothing.)
On the last notes:
Cole is an incel.
I can't believe people ship Aemond and Luke. The former is his murderer and a war criminal while Luke was just a child. Leave my baby boi alone.
Otto is a cunt. Idk why Alicent stans don't crucify the man who arranged her marriage (and the bane of her existence) more.
Daemon is somehow better than all the men in TG which is an accomplishment especially since I dislike his character.
Once again, Aegon is a drunkard rapist.
Helena deserves better than her family.
I never liked Jaehaerys I and this is all kinda his fault. For the best king ever, he singlehandedly roped his daughters and all the Targaryen women of all their rights. Rhaena I should really have been the queen.
Viserys I, you tried but you should have done better. Aemma would have been so disappointed.
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unserenedreaming · 4 months
Saw a post that compared Alicent to Lady Jessica and Aegon the Usurper to Paul Muad'dib Atreides...
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Like what?
You're comparing the one and only Kwisatz Haderach, father of the God Emperor to a man whose entire lineage was wiped out, who was poisoned by his own men and succeeded by the eldest child of the woman he murdered?
Nah man. Don't put that dirt on Paul's name, and DEFINITELY don't put that dirt on Lady Jessica's name. She convinced the people that her son was the chosen one. Alicent died alone in a tower, despising the color green and despairing to herself. They are NOT the same.
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queenvhagar · 3 months
People like "Helaena deserved a better family" yeah a better uncle, sister, and father first of all
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daeneryseastar · 6 months
it’s always ‘rhaenyra did nothing to secure her ascension, she just relied on her daddy to uphold her claim’ and never ‘aegon did nothing to prove he was worthy of being named heir, let alone being king, and solely relied on his mommy and grandpa to cover for his less than stellar hobbies like his drinking issues and his raping of serving girls’ in this essay i will-
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lunamond · 2 months
Love it when a modern "progressive" show makes all the evildoers physically disabled.
Larys has a Clubfoot, Aemond gets his eye cut out, and now Aegon is burnt and missing appendages.
Isn't it convenient that we can immediately tell a person is bad because their body looks different?
And of course, we don't explore any discrimination against these characters because they're horrible, and we shouldn't feel bad for horrible people.
People were mean to Larys because of his Clubfoot? But don't you know he has a gross foot fetish?
Aemond has impaired vision? But his eyepatch looks cool, and he is still a good fighter, so what is he even complaining about?
Aegon has been severely burnt? But he is a rapist and so let's make jokes about his dick burning off, lol.
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bietrofastimoff23 · 2 months
you're calling your mummy, no, boy, she's your executioner. she is your favorite daughter, but you are not even an afterthought for her. you see in her your beacon, she beckons you with light, like a moth, towards death. you defend your sister's honor, in vain, my friend, she voluntarily tramples it under her own foot to the delight of the enemy. you are her kind son, i am very sorry, your only fault is that you are breathing. she's your kryptonite, and you know she's leading you all to death.
your love and devotion are nothing to her. she'll trade you for her any day. your lives are nothing more than a bargaining chip for the sake of a grain of illusory freedom that she will never find.
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drakaripykiros130ac · 5 months
One thing that genuinely astounds me is how certain people are under the impression that Aemma Arryn and Alicent Hightower are equal victims, who would comfort each other in the afterlife for what “big, bad” Viserys did to them.
As if Queen Aemma wouldn’t pull Alicent’s hair by its dark roots for what she did to her only daughter, Rhaenyra.
But seeing as how Alicent is in the Seven Hells, Aemma likely wouldn’t get her chance.
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mailka · 2 months
Ooooh, Aemond is so smart, he put Tyland (the biggest ally of the greens, twin brother of the Lord Paramount who so far has been the only one to amass the army in Aegon's name pretty much for free and who holds the quarter of the crown treasury), Larys (the Master of Whisperers, who not only gathers Intel of the enemy but also has pretty much the full control of the castle's household) and Alicent (his mother who genuinely wants him alive actually and is probably the only one of like 3 people in the world to want that) in their places! He knows how to wage war, he read so many books! (the plan he created relies on his opponent being dumb, deaf and blind to not notice the biggest dragon in the world from above and not having enough skill to damage/kill Vhagar, he sends Cole, one of the very few people who knows battle and can command people, to Harrenhall where Daemon and Caraxes have been chilling for weeks along with some sort of an army) He's gonna be sooooo successful, no way anything will go wrong (his elder brother who is the rightful king (and who Aemond tried to kill) is still alive and kicking and remembers what happened and now has the support of the aformentioned Master of Whisperers, Rhaenyra training the dragonseeds, his own obsession with Daemon). Such an alpha-male 1000/10.
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daenysthedreamer101 · 4 months
HOTD S1 Rewatch
Ep 8 - The Lord of the Tides
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Jace's determination to learn Valyrian is so cute.
But also, how did they not learn it before? You're telling me Rhaenyra waited 16 years for him to start learning? 😭
Otto was sooo petty for that cold welcome
Lord Beesbury is a real one. Supporting Nyra and Luke till the end
Nyra's face when she enters her father's room... Sickening, Emma did such an amazing job
I can barely look at Viserys man. I just wanna cry whenever I see him😭
The way Daemon can barely look at Viserys ughhhhh my heart!
Dyana sweetie I am so sorry.
Instead od actually doing something about Aegon's vile behavior Alicent just yells at him and bribes the girl to be quiet, smh
Why is she so violent with him, God? 😭😭 she's always yelling and him and slapping him, wtf
'It was just harmless fun'..... This is your King? Right..
Helaena ughh poor thing 😭😭
Looove the convo between Nyra, Daemon and Alicent.
Luke my little baby!!!
Emma's acting in that scene with Viserys while there's a storm outside, ughhh they're sooo good!
Alicent's kids look sooo disinterested during the petition. Maybe Aemond. But Helaena and Aegon don't look like they wanna be there
Viserys walking down to the throne... God Paddy did such an amazing job. It's a shame he won't be there for the future seasons
I feel so bad for Luke. When Vaemond started yelling at him in open court like omg, he's just a boy, leave him alone 😭
Daemon is sooo ughhh, he's a menace for sure but every thing this man does is iconic
Aegon is so annoying!
Viserys's speech kills me every time I hear it
Not at Daemon laughing at what Helaena said lmao
The way Nyra looks at Aemond when he bangs the table I can't-
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sihtryggr · 5 months
The more I think about it the more insane I find the Driftmark confrontation. Rhaenyra was at eye level and tending to Luke with her back turned toward Alicent (her back!! She was not facing Alicent! She had no idea Alicent was coming at them with a dagger until the last moment when Alicent had already crossed the room!!) when Alicent went after Luke with the catspaw dagger AND during that entire confrontation NOT ONCE does Alicent loosen her grip on the blade but instead continues to push against Rhaneyra with it in her hand. At one point the blades point is quite literally inches from Rhaneyra’s face and then she proceeds to slice Rhaenyra’s wrist open!! and zero punishment. Just nothing. Insane.
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martelldragon · 2 months
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JESUS FUCKING CHRIST. Team greens don’t even try to hide the fact that they hate women. DYANA IS HIS CHILD RAPE VICTIM!!!! I feel so bad for Maddie Evans being constantly sexualized and her character’s SA being joked about by these “people” whether you’re team black or team green, you should call this out!
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queenvhagar · 6 months
Daemon taught Rhaenyra that they're dragons who take what they want, who they want, when they want and that they're justified because they're better than everyone else because of their heritage. Then we see Rhaenyra embody this ideal: taking sex from a reluctant Criston to satisfy her needs and then tossing him aside, coming up with the "dine as we please" proposal that resulted in obvious bastards, sleeping with Daemon the same night as his wife's funeral, using her illegitimate children to unlawfully take Driftmark from the Velaryons, in the books feeding Vaemond to her dragon because he questioned her. Targaryen superiority is imbedded into Team Black's MO and for the most part the show and general audience uncritically lap it up. But are we really supposed to root for and justify the idea that a group of people is superior because of their racial makeup, and therefore the pursuit of their goals and desires is justified above all else, even if others are hurt in the process? Even if they have to use fear and violence to maintain their power over others?
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daeneryseastar · 5 months
deep diving into the episode three line from rhaenyra, “no one is here for me,” and how if the takeaway from that scene is that rhaenyra is a selfish brat you aren’t proficient enough to do anything past surface-level reading.
in episode one rhaenyra expresses to alicent that she hopes her father gets his son, “for as long as i can recall it’s all he’s wanted.” which leads us (the audience) to understand that while rhaenyra loves both of her parents she feels ostracized from her father (and mayhaps even her mother, to some extent, because of her constant pregnancies) due to his ‘need’ for a son to continue the targaryen dynasty. she is a daughter, only seen as valuable for her womb, which is evidenced that she knows about when talking to her mother. rhaenyra wishes to be a knight and ride off to battle and glory, with aemma giving her a gentle reality check on her lot in life. she does not want to serve the same purpose as her mother.
aemma dies near the end of the episode, with viserys ordering her butchered for the chance that his long-awaited male heir might live. this is a violent and gruesome scene, followed by rhaenyra not even being given the privilege of hearing her mother’s death first. she is instead relegated to members of the small council being alerted, even corlys and rhaenys learning about this before her, she is a silent member on the sidelines. she does not know the extent of what has happened, but she knows that something is wrong.
we have to think about how she learns of her mother’s fate. did otto tell her? did rhaenys? did viserys? did she see her mother’s body ripped open? did she see the bloody sheets left at the scene? was she allowed to hold baby baelon, considering he didn’t die immediately? was she there when he took his last breath? maybe it would bring her some comfort, she didn’t get to say goodbye to her mom. maybe she held him until he passed. did her father offer any explanation? we’ll never know, but these are all such heavy questions in regards to what she experienced that day. she’s fourteen, has spent her entire life watching her mother grieve dead baby after dead baby, losing little bits of herself in the process. it’s no wonder this was a traumatizing period for her, fueling her want (her need) to not be shackled down by marriage and childbirth.
even at her mother and brother’s funeral she isn’t allowed to just grieve, to just be. she has to hold her head high, she has to comfort her father, she has to order their corpses burned. was her father happy for the few hours he had a son? she wouldn’t know, she never will be that for him. how long does he spend wallowing is his self pity? he reprimands daemon for not being there for his niece, but where was he, her father? he banishes daemon, takes comfort from his daughter’s best friend. he finally comes to her, tells her of a great danger rising from the north; from my blood comes the prince that was promised, his will be the song of ice and fire. she hasn’t heard from him in days, a targaryen must be seated on the iron throne to unite the realm against the cold and the dark. her mother is dead, and he has wasted the years since she was born wanting a son. she is now enough, her mother never was.
it has now been six months since her mother's death (murder), and she has been heir the *entire* time. her father won't talk to her, she is still the cupbearer for the small council. lord corlys is angry about a war he says has cost him, the crown will not help. she suggests they use dragons, a show of force against their enemies. her father admonishes her, "it isn't that simple, rhaenyra." he allows the lords at the table to belittle her efforts. the only one appreciative is corlys, "at least the princess has a plan." otto says there are better uses for her talents, she has been heir to the iron throne for six months. she's been given the chance to choose a future kingsguard, she wants one with actual combat experience. the hand is exacerbated, she is firm in her decision. ser criston cole will be the replacement for ser ryam redwyne.
alicent has been visiting her father in his private chambers secretly, corlys wants his daughter to be the next queen. viserys begins openly courting lady laena of house velaryon. rhaenyra and alicent visit the sept, she expresses her worry, her mother has only dead for half a year. the lords seek to replace her, alicent convinces her that she cannot worry about the plots of lords and men, she is the heir, however. why shouldn't she worry? she misses her mother.
she meets with her father, he reassures her, "i loved your mother very much." she apologizes for speaking out of turn at the small council meeting, he tells her she will learn (will he be the one to teach her, though?) daemon has taken a dragon's egg and seized dragonstone, bringing news of his future marriage to lady mysaria. the king means to go himself to stop him, otto will not let him. daemon took baelon's egg. rhaenyra is angry. she reaches dragonstone just after otto's party, she knows they were about to come to blows. she confronts daemon, she is the reason he was disinherited. if he kills her, he'd be done with all this bother. daemon scoffs, walking away from her. he throws the egg whilst still retreating. rhaenyra smiles and leaves. her father is mad once he learns what she's done. she left without his permission, but she retrieved the egg and prevented bloodshed, he should be pleased with her efforts. otto would never have been able to accomplish what she did, he relents.
rhaenys lectures her about the order of things. the realm will never accept a woman ascending the iron throne, but it's different for her. her father is the king, rhaenys' father dies as a prince. her father made the lords of the realm swear obeisance to her, rhaenys never had such a thing. the lords chose viserys over rhaenys at the great council, viserys has not given them a choice. rhaenys is the the queen who never was, rhaenyra is the queen to be. when she is queen she will create a new order, rhaenys warns there will be war (unfortunately she is right).
another meeting takes place between father and daughter. he must take a new wife, someone to help propagate the targaryen line. they are vulerable, to easily ended. rhaenyra understands, it is his duty as king. obviously he will marry laena, the daughter of one of the most powerful houses in the realm and of pure valyrian stock, it is a fine match. alicent is still visiting her father in secret.
her father calls a small council meeting, he means to announce his next wife. rhaenyra is ready, she gave him her blessing (why is alicent here? she never has been before.) her father starts speaking, "i intend to marry... the lady alicent hightower." corlys is enraged, otto is pleased, alicent is anxious. rhaenyra was ready, it has all fallen apart. alicent is her best friend, that friendship dies before her very eyes. she runs from the room.
it has been two years. viserys and alicent are married, and they have a son, with one more baby on the way. the boy's name is aegon, it is his second birthday. he has past his infancy, the lords believe it is only a matter of time until the king names him heir, rhaenyra is well aware of this. the queen visits the godswood where rhaenyra sits. she overrides rhaenyra's authority, commanding the singer to leave. she states the king wishes for her to join them, he wants them to have fun as a family. they do not need her to celebrate his long-awaited son. it is the king's command, she leaves unhappily. alicent wishes for things to be different, rhaenyra knows they never can be.
together they all sit, traveling towards the kingswood. rhaenyra asks after alicent's well-being, viserys reminds her that she will be in this position sooner than late (the same position that killed her mother). "it isn't so bad, the days are long but aegon came quickly and without fuss." the queen states. rhaenyra is hurt, she tries not to show it. the king reminds her she has duties, rhaenyra retorts sarcastically. how long will these duties last, once her father names alicent's son as heir over her? her life will be forfeit before long. no one is here for her.
"no one is here for me." translates to "no one has been here for me. i’ve been alone and angry and terrified for years. i am my father’s heir, but what does that mean? what will it cost? you put me here. daemon put me here. alicent put me here. you have a son now, he outlived baelon and my other siblings. how long until i am cast aside again? made to be some petty lord's wife, made to be a broodmare until it kills me? i don't want to end up like my mother. this heirship is all i have. it will soon no longer be mine. i'm only seventeen. no one is here for me."
rhaenyra is never shown the same amount of grace as alicent for her strifes and anguish in life, for the fact that she too was a child from episodes one through five. rhaenyra might not have been a child bride, but she still spent her life being told she was never enough. she was not a boy, she could not be the heir, her father needed an heir. he kills her mother for it, he ignores her unless she can benefit him. he makes her believe that he will marry laena, only to blindside her by marrying alicent. she realizes alicent has been lying to her for months. her father continues to undermine her throughout the years. he names her heir to spite daemon, which she admits she knows about in episode two. he allows the lords to ignore her. it takes him two years to reassure her he won't replace her. rhaenyra is an angsty teen who has seemingly lost everything and has no support to counter that. she is not upset that no one showed up to a two-year-olds birthday party with her in mind, she is upset that her father continuously overlooks her, that he takes and takes and takes everything from her. he took her mother, he took daemon, he took alicent, he had a son. she has not been able to catch a break due to her father's selfishness. in all honesty, she should have acted out worse, maybe burn everything to the ground. viserys would deserve it, she was far too lenient with him.
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