#anti ccity?
aho-dapa · 7 months
Not sjm having Hunt (another of sjm’s ambiguous collection of moc) think that Isaiah (a black man) bowing of all things to Micah (their mutual angel enslaver) and it triggering a whole ass dialogue about how Isaiah’s good behavior is what will likely have Micah set him free early while Hunt has had to take on the whole blood debt of his legion’s killings during the Fall (which means being Micah’s personal assassin), AND HAVE HUNT IMPLY THAT ISAIAH HAS IT EASIER (AND HAVING HUNT BE JEALOUS) BECAUSE WHY??? BECAUSE HUNT WOULDN’T LOWER HIMSELF LIKE THAT?? SJM, TELL ME, WHAT DO YOU THINK YOU’RE WRITING HERE????
listen, this could actually lead into a cool character building moment later on, but I have no faith in this woman
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ae-neon · 5 months
Literally only 4 chapters in and Bryce Quinlan might be the worst? Like morally speaking, she might be sjm's worst protag and that's saying something
She says again and again that compared to the rest of midgard humans are treated best in Crescent City, as they don't have to endure menial labour until death.
The treatment in ccity being that best case scenario: you can become rich but will always be a second class. Worst case scenario: you're eaten. Even the average life of even a half-human is selling sex at the Meat Market.
She still thinks the Asteri shouldn't let the human resistance get to ccity. Implying they should be put down, permanently, rather than have them disrupt her peace.
Bryce sees a Fae woman with a barely adult human man, notes the man is clearly drugged up BUT her real issue is that the woman is cheap when she offers Bryce money to sleep with the DRUGGED UP 20 YEAR OLD.
She says she keeps her nails long and body fit to fight for her life in case some random Vanir tries to rape, kill or eat her. But looks down on her human date for not causing a scene when she thinks that the Vanir in the restaurant are thinking "half-blood" when they look at her. Knowing her Vanir friends would definitely fight for her.
Let's think about that
She knows humans can't do much to Vanir without guns and bombs but she thinks humans are disgusting terrorists when they do use them to fight oppression
She, a half Vanir, is always ready to physically fight for her life but is expecting her HUMAN date to fight a Vanir because she THINKS that random Vanir at the restaurant are THINKING bad things about her
So the man must die because Bryce has perceived thought crimes against her
God help me
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moonssalad · 9 months
Im amazed at how SJM is so good at writing such immature characters.
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wingsdippedingold · 26 days
SJM majoring in creative writing and being the laziest writer on earth who constantly plagiarizes her own and other people's works its comically hilarious
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spaceshipkat · 1 year
Bloomsbury’s cover has exacerbated human artists’ concerns that publishers could replace them with text-to-image generators like Midjourney and Stable Diffusion. “Bloomsbury is one of the major publishing houses,” said freelance artist Kala Elizabeth on Twitter. “They CAN afford to hire real illustrators instead of purchasing Adobe stock, which is where this AI content is from.” Other publishers have attracted similar scrutiny for using AI-generated artwork on covers. Tor Books issued an apology in December last year, claiming it was unaware that the cover image selected for Christopher Paolini’s Fractal Noise novel was created by AI. While Maas hasn’t acknowledged the image’s provenance, and it’s not clear what — if any — involvement she had in the process, she’s praised the design of the cover on her Instagram page.
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paragon-of-anxiety · 2 years
every post i see that brings up how "better" sjm's representation has gotten always includes how "hot" those characters are and how they are the same level of attractive as her main white characters...
...is that your fucking requirement? how attractive you find them? is that how you judge the representation in a book????
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bythenineshards · 2 years
The worst crime you could ever commit in a novel by Sjm is having a vag and disliking the Main Character.
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belle-keys · 2 years
I genuinely have no idea if sjm is actually serious about having readers buy into Lidia and Ruhn as a couple or if it's all part of the social experiment she's running
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aho-dapa · 6 months
Rant about ccity. Warning, I am not being nice about it
I'm not lying when I say all my lingering sympathy for Bryce went up in smoke when she thought that Hunt deserved his punishment of being Sandriel's property again
Boo fucking hoo, Bryce, that your boytoy of a slave wanted his fucking freedom and didn't tell you shit about it. Fuck off
Don't even get started on how Hunt's suspicion of Danika is actually pretty logical considering the nonsense world sjm shat out of her ass this time, but whatever
And sjm literally writes that aside from lying about all of it and accusing Danika, what bothers Bryce the most is that Hunt choose them over her
Let me rephrase that. Hunt, a slave actively being physiologically tortured by Micah, wanted a chance of freedom over Bryce (and her feelings but whatever, she has the right to be hurt blah blah blah). Be fucking serious sjm and shut up, actual acid in my chest because of stupid ass plot line
sjm thinks she's making nuanced characters with actual flaws. No, she's making assholes that don't have two thoughts about slavery other than how tragic it is. And to be honest? That says more about sjm than anything else will, especially since it's an actual fucking theme she has in every single fucking book of her's
Edit: I know that sjm acknowledges Bryce's behavior in a way with Einar saying that the part of Bryce that's like him isn't good, but fuck off with that. Bryce thinking that Hunt deserved Sandriel for hurting her is actually disgusting and fucking nasty
The idea that she even thought that and that sjm thought it wasn't disgusting enough to ruin her character is telling
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ae-neon · 4 months
sjm trying to tell us a character is Asian:
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moonssalad · 9 months
Honestly why does almost every SJM written relationship start off with one of them abusing or belittling the other? Is SJM incapable of writing healthy relationships?
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1was2bored · 2 years
When I’m in a writing terrible female relationship competition and my opponent is sjm
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saccharinerose · 2 years
Believe it or not , crescent city is worse than acotar! By a lot actually!
Oh, I believe it!
I've seen excerpts of it on other blogs and it looks horrid.
Not only in the sense that every paragraph I've seen reads like the city's water supply is contaminated with a/b/o heat pheromones but also bc it has my FAVOURITE trope of Rebellious Group Of Oppressed Minority Are Evil Bc They Are Not Nice Enough About Asking For Rights
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spaceshipkat · 10 months
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pfft okay sure why not
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bythenineshards · 2 years
I'm excited to see how Nesta Antis talk about her now. I doubt it'll change but they were out here calling people who saw themselves in Nesta "Abusers". Come on now. I want you to call Maas an abuser with the same gusto.
Also I'd like to point out that Maas claims to love Nesta. Y'all wave your flag of "Rhys was forgiven by Feyre for his abuse" now do that same for Nesta. The author loves her. Why can't you?
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