#anti gw*ynriel
Why don’t the gwynriels and eluciens understand that Az didn’t care who that necklace went to and that gwyn more than likely does not have it??
He literally did not care who Clotho, CLOTHO NOT HIM, gave it to. He just wanted to get rid of it because now it reminded him of a bad night.
AND THERE’S NO PROOF THAT CLOTHO GAVE IT TO GWYN! Absolutely none. I can almost guarantee you that either we will never see that necklace again or Clotho still has it in a desk drawer waiting to give back to Az for Elain to finally have.
Like this is what a red herring is. A distraction from the real thing.
It drives me crazy when I see them say “what would Elain do when she finds out that her endgame gave her necklace to another woman and it made his chest spark”. 🙄 like stop assuming she has it or is ever going to get it. Until it’s written by Sarah, it’s not canon. Right now, it’s canonically with Clotho.
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thinkinthoughtsalot · 22 days
Every time a new article comes out speculating that Elriel is next, that they are the place the narrative is logically taking us, that SJM has been setting up to subvert her own favorite trope - and the antis stick their fingers in their ears and stomp their feet and shriek "It's not real! That's not a reliable source! It's gossip!" - I just sit back, content in the knowledge that no amount of bitching and moaning will change the inevitable.
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kopfkino-o · 1 year
Could the next book be Elriel? YES! Could the next book be Elucien? I don’t lean towards this theory, but I will not deny the reasons why people might think otherwise.
Will the next book be Gwynriel? No. 
There’s not going to be a Gwynriel book. There never was. The Gwynriel book makes no sense within the narrative, deviates heavily from the clear structure of the ACOTAR series, and has no real ties to the main plot. Gwyn and Az going to the Autumn Court because Rhys, who has never met Gwyn and has no reason to trust her as Nesta’s friend given the fact he hardly trusts Nesta herself, is a stretch. The Autumn Court is a subplot clearly intended for Eris or Lucien to handle. 
Reforming Illyria? That’s for Emorie. And no, I will not take any other opinions on this. She is the ONLY character suited for this plot. And if SJM decides to write otherwise... well, I won’t be reading that. 
The next book is very clearly going to either be Elucuien or Elriel. Period.
SJM isn’t GRRM. And ACOTAR isn’t a complex story filled with subversions. It’s a romantasy. The romantic pairing isn’t meant to surprise us or subvert our expectations. It’s literally, as the author said, meant to be obvious. 
And it is. 
Elain will be choosing her fate, her love interest, her path forward. If she chooses Azriel then we will get Lucien’s story afterwards. If Elain chooses Lucien? Then we get Vassa’s story with her love interest for the last book. The decision and choice lies within the women. SJM has never pitted two women against one another for a man and I do not expect her to do so now.  
“Oh, but TOD!” 
Yes, Tower of Dawn is from Chaol’s POV... but it’s also from Nesryn’s and Yrene’s and Sartaq’s POVs. Does SJM write male POVs? Yes! Is that formula the same for ACOTAR? No. It’s one couple per book, and an entirely different series besides. The men get a POV, but only as a secondary character.  
Does this mean Gwyn and Az wont get together? 
No, not necessarily. Gwyn and Az could totally get together but, due to their limited connection to Koschei and the 4th dread trove, it’d be a relationship that happens off stage. In the background of another couple. With no Az or Gwyn POV.
Gywn is a lovely, amazing, and strong character who had a very fulfilling arc in ACOSF. Does she have a few unanswered plot points? Sure! But her heritage is not connected to Koschei. Her (potential) powers are not connected to Koschei. She does not know the members of the IC outside of Nesta. She has no established relationship with Feysand. She has not (yet) left the Library. And, outside of the theories generated by members of this fandom based on their own literary interpretation of the Bonus Chapter, doesn’t have a formally established connection to Azriel (yet.)
Could she? Of course. 
But I trust SJM enough to think she’d never write Gwyn’s story leaving the Library solely for a man. If Gwyn leaves the Library, it should be for herself. No one else. Never for anyone else. Gwyn is powerful within her own right and I want to see her make the decision to leave the Library FOR HERSELF. 
Could SJM decide to go this route? Sure! I’m not the author and it’s her story at the end of the day. 
But if she does choose to pursue this route.... is this not exact same plot we just had in ACOSF?
FMC feeling unworthy and dealing with trauma, MMC dealing with potential rejection and an undressed connection, training with sword and shield to overcome self doubt, proving oneself in battle and realizing they’re worthy of love, handling changes in one’s life and finding one’s place? 
ACOSF was great and I LOVED Nesta’s story. But does that mean I want to read the same thing again? No. Elriel and Elucien offer a different story from what we just read. It’s either a enemies to lovers/hesitant pairing to lovers. Or a forbidden love story. And that’s what I want. Something new. I’m tired of training. I’m tried of HoW. I’m tired of Koschei, this apparent death god, being sidelined. I want the impending war. I want the political fallout. I want inner-court drama. I want unrest in Prythian.
NOTE: Obviously everyone is entitled to their opinion, and this post by no means strives to discount or dissuade individuals with other opinions but is more or less a rambling of my own ideas. Civilized discourse with those of differing opinion is always welcomed. Literature is art and art is subjective. 
idk do with this what you will. 
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folklorianhaze · 2 years
Man, for people who claim that Elain is “boring” and “has no personality,” she sure lives rent free in some of y’all’s minds 😌
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theteeniestpinecone · 3 years
Someone just told me that the necklace was an insignificant, quick, and thoughtless gift because “what else would you get for someone who likes gardening?”
As if Azriel hadn’t emphasized its nuance and depth. As if it wasn’t a metaphor for Elain h e r s e l f.
I s2g, the intellectual dishonestly and mental gymnastics of this fandom blows my mind.
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loki-maybe-highkey · 3 years
Rant time
Wait so I just found out that the petty gw*nriels believe that Azriel saved Elain back in Acowar because of pity and she couldn't save herself?
Hold on I have to fucking laugh. She was manipulated and taken by the CAULDRON to the middle of HYBERN'S camp which btw according to Feyre makes the court of nightmares look like fucking heaven, bound in some magic chains like the ones used on Rhys and they expected her to just save herself??? Like Nesta who would kill, beg, steal and whore herself out just for Elain tells Azriel that he WILL die and y'all still think it was pity that drove him? That rage in his eyes that made them glow golden in the dark was because of PiTy?! Yeah ight.
Azriel didn't just save her. He
risked his life for her.
In battle, Az is the NC's biggest asset being a shadowsinger and all but
He risked losing that upper hand in an actual war to get Elain back
We know how significant an Illyrian's wings are but Azriel
Sacrificed his wings trying to save her even when "he won't fly anytime soon"
After he brings her back, injured beyond measure, barely able to stand he
Doesn't want to let her go and is "still cradling Elain to his chest" until Rhys has to take her away after seeing Az's state
Az is in excruciating pain "swaying on his feet" due to the extent of his injuries (needed a high lord to heal him) and guess who he's worried about?
"We need Helion to get these chains off her"
Idk bout y'all but this doesn't scream pity to me. If it was pity he wouldn't be the 1st to volunteer BEFORE either of her sisters did. If he didn't genuinely care he wouldn't say I'M getting her it'd be "we'll get her back" or something like Cassian does. If he only did it because she was a damsel in distress, Az would go in with a strategy and back up but he goes in with or without anyone. Feyre chose to accompany him. There aint a soul that can convince me that he wouldn't go even if no one else went along. But sure ig he saved her just cz he felt like risking his life nbd mmhmm.
Also side note: I love how its mentioned many times in the scene how Azriel is holding her close. Like even after his strength gave out and he has to let go of the human girl he holds her almost as if he's scared that if he lets go she'll disappear again.
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pollyaunt · 2 years
Okay so, when I first read ACOTAR (till ACOFAS) and joined the fandom, I was so like 'duh it's obvious it's going to be Elriel'. And once I was randomly scrolling through Pinterest and saw this art of Elriel where people (now I knew they were antis) were saying they ship 'Gw*nRiEl' in the comments had me banging my head on the wall and I was like PEOPLE SHIP THEM? I was actually like 'they ship az w a new character wut?' and then I felt like there must be some interactions with 'chemistry' that's why people were shipping them. Then I read ACOSF after two months and I was like ????? What's there to ship??? The bonus chapter just confirmed Elriel??? and Gw*yn is a weird character to me. She's extremely sus from my pov but that conversation is for another time.
ps: i actually genuinely tried to read 'gw*ynriel theories' w/o any resentment or judgement but they just didn't make sense to me??? i was like 'umm what...' and then it was discovered that ppl would do ANYTHING to hate Elain & not have her with Az and then i just stopped giving them my attention. It's a waste of time tbh.
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If Az just “wanted a mate” then why has he been dreaming of Elain for a year? Why has he been getting off to the thought of her almost every night for a year? Why has he been staring at her gift for a year? Why would he be attracted to Elain even though she’s mated to another? Why can he, and no one else, smell their bond when Elain and Lucien haven’t accepted it? Why does that bond make him so physically sick he can’t even be in the same room as them? Why did he go crazy with rage when Elain was taken by hybern? Why would he question his own religion over Elain? Why does he get broodier the longer he goes without “being” with Elain? If the thought of gwyn smiling made his chest spark, then why was he so pissed at Rhys that he threw rock filled snowballs at him the next day or why didn’t he get closer to gwyn or care that she was taken in the rite or check on her afterwards? Why? Why? Why?
Until these questions get answered, I will never be able to accept Elucien or gwynriel.
But until then, it kinda sounds like he wants ELAIN, not just a mate.
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I just want to say that I am an Elriel with a Bachelor's degree in English and American Literature. I am 100% confident that Elriel will happen because of ALL the canon moments and foreshadowing that has been in the books.
It was easier for me to use my skills to analyze texts and readings that I didn't already have an opinion on. It's not right for us, and I mean all of us, to use those kind of skills on a series that we already have a set opinion on. Do you see where I'm going with this? Because when you analyze a series that you already have a strong opinion on, you tend to only interpret in a way that favors your opinion. That's called confirmation bias.
The other side loves to say that we are the ones who overthink or overanalyze, but they are the ones who are taking it too far.
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acotar-taylorsversion · 2 months
In My Opinion
If Elain chooses Lucien, then it will not be for herself and nothing will ever convince me otherwise.
Elain choosing Lucien would ruin absolutely everything about her character arc. Elucien would ruin whatever is left of the acotar series. Because why make Elain's big thing all about choices if she chooses the one that is easiest?
Why talk about wanting to write about rejecting a mate and exploring the consequences if it's not about Elain and Lucien? Why write Elain and Lucien the way they are and how uncomfortable they are around each other when they would end up with each other anyways? Why write about the growing friendship and attraction between Elain and Az if it leads to nowhere?
I will never understand how people can read about how much Elain avoids Lucien, shrinks into herself, and becomes quiet and reserved around him and still think that she would ever be happy with him. It's not just the mating bond, it's him, too. He is a constant reminder of her trauma and what she has lost.
At least with Az, she was finding herself and becoming comfortable with her new life. She became comfortable enough to try and begin something with him. That bonus chapter confirmed that they both have mutual attraction towards each other and it had taken months to get them to that point. It wasn't just some random thing that happened.
Yeah, we don't know what Elain is thinking or what her thoughts are about what all has happened. But I go off by her actions, and they scream that she wants nothing to do with Lucien.
I'm gonna have to reread HOFAS again and try to better understand what was all said about the cauldron and Truth Teller. Because I bet that Elain and Lucien got one of those mating bonds that is solely based on having powerful children and not true love. And I bet the connection that Elain has with Truth Teller will mean something, too. And I've heard that Truth Teller can break bonds? Is that the connection? Will Elain be able to break her own bond and nullify it so it doesn't affect her and Lucien anymore? If they both reject it, does it nullify the bond? Like there are so many things about mating bonds that I think would be great to explore other than another couple accepting it. Talk about boring, repetitive, and predictable.
And don't give me that "Sarah is a fated mates author and that means Elucien is endgame" or "that bonus chapter ended with Gwyn so that means the series is all about her and Az" bullshit. That is complete bullshit.
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acotar-taylorsversion · 2 months
Ooohhh the other sides are panicking 😂
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I mean, I would be too if articles and even SJM herself never mentioned the red heads at all.
But for real, out of all the songs that she could have posted, it had to be the one that all of us Elriels collectively agree relates to Elain and Az the most 🤔
It’s only a matter of time before it’s confirmed, you guys ♥️
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What did we do to make the gwynriels and eluciens tag us in every post where they bitch about us and talk about how stupid we are?
Are they getting scared? lol 😆
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acotar-taylorsversion · 2 months
Yet Another Rant
If Elucien happens, how am I supposed to forget what happened in the bonus chapter with Elain and Az? Or everything else that has happened between them?
I mean, the only thing that bonus chapter did for me was confirm what we all thought all along, and thats the fact that Elain and Az have canon feelings towards each other and Az has been pining over Elain for at least a year.
Like if Elucien happens, is Elain going to be like, "Oh silly me! I don't know what I was thinking! Lucien is everything I could ever want! 🥰." Is that what y'all think is going to happen?
There is so much unsaid and unfinished with Elriel. I like to believe that they are just getting started. No way would Sarah end them before that had a chance to begin in a bonus chapter that wasn't available to more than half her readers when it came out.
And don't even get me started on gwynriel 😫 Like if y'all think Az was such a creep about his feelings and thoughts for Elain, then why do y'all want him with your precious Gwyn? Makes no sense. A creep like that isn't good enough for Elain but he is for Gwyn? Y'all want Az to address his thing with Mor, get over his feelings for Elain, and then become friends with Gwyn and fall in love with her in one book? Y'all want to read more about how Az fantasizes about Elain in the same book he'll supposedly fall in love with Gwyn? Do y'all really think Az is going to listen to Rhys and stop whatever it is he feels for Elain just because he said so? Az is only going to do whatever Elain wants to do. They will have to talk about what happened and it's gonna be up to Elain what they do. Gwynriels don't understand Az sometimes. They don't even understand Gwyn sometimes. I hate when I see how much they over sexualize her. And don't come at me saying, "OMG, SA survivors can have sex, don't be so vile and cruel!" I know they can but I don't see how Gwyn could ever want to be tied up and held down by ANYONE. Like she hasn't even showed any interest in Az or anyone. I don't think she's truly healed herself, and I believe she has a long way to go before she could ever be with a man like that. Most Gwyn fans just want to push her to do things that I don't think she's ready for. She wasn't even sure if she was going to go to Nesta's mating ceremony and y'all want her to have sex with Az and go be a warrior on a dangerous mission? I don't get it.
Oh man, I told y'all not to get me started on gwynriel 😩
Anyways, so yeah. This is my weekly rant, I guess.
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You know, at this point, they don’t ship Gwyn and Az together.
No, they ship Gwyn with the shadows.
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loki-maybe-highkey · 3 years
Ok so when we say that G/wyn is a lightsinger we literally defend her. Like I deadass see you guys put disclaimers in your posts that say it doesn't mean she's a villain or whatever but when Antis say Elain has a dark side its always oh she's gonna turn on her sisters, she's working for Koschei, she's gonna betray everyone so she can be human again etc.
So my question is if their ship is "secured" and endgame then why does Elain have to be the bad guy in every single scenario in which Az ends up with G/wyn. They need to touch some grass and take a seat.
Both sides theorizing shit is fine based on evidence in the books but like where did they see the evil Elain plot? When Rhys says Elain hasn't shown them her real potential? Lol he literally says that she's kind and he values that over anything. Im sure he didn't mean she's a backstabbing bitch. As for the necklace re-gifting thing aren't they the ones that claim Az and Elain aren't in love and just wanna fuck? So Elain going feral over a necklace from Az doesn't make sense if its just a hook up to them??? At all??? Like thank you next
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loki-maybe-highkey · 3 years
Me going through the elriel tag and physically restraining myself from starting fights in comments because gw*nriels don't know how to fucking tag properly. Like I'm 🤏🏼 close to just sayin fuck it and letting all my anti gwyn/az and pro elriel posts flood their tag but then I take a deep fucking breath and tell myself nah that's the difference between me and them cz Im not insecure about my ship being endgame
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