#anti pseudo hermione fans
People who claim they love Hermione then ship her with deatheaters and characters who were old enough to be her uncles/aunties are ANYTHING but Hermione lovers. No they aren't Hermione fans. They just use her as the self insert purpose to satisfy their fantasy with whichever character they like. Even the thought of Ron with one of his abusers sickens me. How the fuck can you claim you love Hermione then ship her with deatheaters who joined a cult that wanted to eradicate people like her??? Please!!! Just stop. Don't embarrass yourself. You don't love her. You just use her as a bicycle. The one your preferred character would ride. Ugh.
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carelessgraces · 5 years
🔥 drastoria
i am a very firm believer that drastoria is the superior draco ship of all the draco ships, but we already knew that, so –
     i think that some of the uh more virulent anti-drastoria sentiment tends to have its roots in a lack of creativity over anything else? there has been some spectacular nastiness regarding the ship, and astoria in particular – astoria’s a mary sue ( honestly, how sexist, how foolish ), astoria’s a self-insert ( and so what if she is? if it’s good enough for jane austen, it should be good enough for you, and besides, what’s wrong with a little wish fulfillment? ), astoria is somehow damaged by the ship ( astoria being damaged by tcc? sure. astoria being damaged because she’s included strictly as a name in draco’s post-canon life, when she wasn’t relevant to the story that centered around harry, because draco was a secondary character? not so much ). and in my experience, whenever someone tries to couch their hatred of astoria / drastoria in pseudo-enlightenment ( “having astoria built around a ship is sexist” no, it’s not, astoria had no narrative value to harry and so she didn’t appear, and narrative works in that characters rely on one another to be developed, that’s literally how it goes ) it comes down to “the specific incarnation of this ship does not work to fulfill my personal desires.”
     which is fine? there are plenty of ships i can’t stand. but the thing is that astoria is a blank slate, really. with the exception of tcc, which isn’t part of the harry potter canon except in the most technical of terms, she doesn’t really have a personality. you can develop her in any direction. if you want a good girl / bad boy dynamic, if you want astoria corrupting draco further, if you want them healing each other, if you want enemies to lovers, you can do pretty much anything with them and because there’s so little true canonical material on astoria, it’s pretty hard to do something with her that is objectively wrong. i’ve been writing her for seven years, i’ve been in indie for five, there’s absolutely no one right astoria, and i’ve seen at least a dozen. all wildly different, all beautiful in their own ways – some were like ginny, some were like luna, some were like pansy, some were like hermione, some weren’t like anyone else in canon. 
     so to suggest that all drastoria is ‘sexist’ or ‘mary sue-ish’ or ‘self-insert shipping’ is to paint all astoria as one singular character with one singular personality, and then to denigrate that personality as being unworthy. and it always reads to me like a fear of creativity. like the knowledge that someone else is having fun and exploring something new just stirs a fear in them that’s rooted in the creeping wonder that maybe i couldn’t do something good with this character. and to try and root that in anything but a simple ‘i’m not a fan, i’d prefer something else,’ because it’s perfectly okay to just dislike things without trying to justify that dislike through claims that the thing is somehow Deeply Harmful To Society As A Whole, is overly defensive and just confirms my suspicions. 
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