#anti lumione
The amount of people shipping Hermione with grown ass men is disturbing 🤢🤮
Whenever you will see a ship that is not Ron/Hermione, you can be sure it's Either of these three or all 3.
1. The women are self inserting themselves as Hermione (they ACTUALLY believe they are like her lmfao🤣🤣 the freaking delusion and audacity. Her shoelaces have more depth than those shallow people) and fucking whatever character they personally fancy in their fanfictions.
2. Men are self inserting themselves as the male character and want Emma Watson as their wifey
3. They don't know shit about Hermione as a character and never read books.
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delumineight · 1 year
shipping one women with countless men is inherently misogynistic. and i’m not just talking about within the harry potter fandom, i’m talking across all fandom but of course i’ll be using hp as my focus point considering that’s what i’m most familiar with. specifically, hermione granger.
she had one (1) canonical boyfriend who she ended up marrying and having two kids with. MAYBE two if you count krum, but they say that they never really label it or anything so we’ll go with one, that being ron. there’s also cormac but she canonically only entertained him because she thought it’d make ron jealous.
of course i get fandom shipping (not specifically with ron and hermione considering they’re canonically soulmates) and wanting them both to be with other people, but in the terms of romione somehow hermione is always the one that people want with somebody else. ron is constantly put with somebody random just as an excuse to get him out of the way, or even worse, made abusive or a cheater which… boy i could go on about that one. but i digress (for now).
despite her canonically not have a s/o until ron she is relentlessly shipped with her oppressors such as lucius malfoy, draco malfoy, tom riddle/voldemort, scabior, and so so so many more. you shouldn’t need an explanation on why that is wrong. then, of course, your regular pro ships like her with sirius black, remus lupin, severus snape, etc. which is appalling that i feel the need to explain that even though she’s an adult by the end of the series (without 19YL) she met these men at 11, 13, and 14. and yes, it’s more than “fiction.”
the urge that people, and sadly specifically women, feel to ship her with these men that sound insane when you explain it in simple terms like “this is a muggle-born and someone who wants her dead” or “this is a man and girl that he met when she was a preteen” is rooted in misogyny in hatred for who hermione really is, a “not like other girls” archetype. and no, i don’t really like the archetype and the portrayal but it’s really and truly who she is. she’s a bookworm and her two best friends are boys, throughout the series she makes fun of more traditionally feminine girls (lavender, fleur).
and while it’s okay for women to do whatever they want, it’s harmful to not allow them to do so, in the case that hermione granger’s character and personality is changed simply for the sake of shipping. passing her around to multiple men, who she canonically hates, is destructive to her character and her stance on political issues as a woman during a war where she is a main target for oppression. it itself is oppressive.
when a woman’s personality is taken away, changed, obstructed, or anything else that takes away from what she really is for the sake of putting her with a man it is misogynistic. dampening a female character’s traits for the sake of putting her with a man is misogynistic. giving hermione granger the personality of a brick to ship her with a death eater is misogynistic. and no, don’t ship hermione with someone other than ron as a “gotcha” moment toward jkr. i’m sure she doesn’t give a shit what you think, ship people who make sense. not ones you think someone would dislike.
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dadstielkline · 3 years
you don't like ron because you think he bullied hermione so instead you ship her with draco who canonically called her slurs and wished she would die.
you think ron doesn't appreciate hermione's intelligence so you ship her with snape her literal teacher who called her an insufferable know it all and takes points when she answers questions.
you think ron is abusive to hermione so you ship her with bellatrix the woman who literally abused and scarred her or even worse voldemort a man who literally wanted her kind dead.
you think ron made of hermione so you ship her with fred and george who canonically made fun of her for being a no fun rule follower.
you think ron and hermione are like brother and sister so you ship her with harry who literally said she was like a sister to him.
you think ron made Hermione cry too much so you ship her with draco, harry, snape, bellatrix, fred, george, etc all people who have made hermione cry because hermione is an emotional character.
i don't want to hear "ron doesn't belong with hermione" ever again.
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lilisouless · 4 years
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My personal HP ships, tier. Questions allowed 
And yes, as you may notice the generator had a lot crack pairings, between characters that never apeared in the book, characters who never talked,An endless list of Hermione (a minor)  with adults and even a gay man with a woman,BUT Harry/Neville or Neville/Hermione were too bizarre it seems (i´d put them in the A spot fyi) 😡
generator https://tiermaker.com/create/my-tierlist-ships-of-harry-potter-114829
Edit: i kinda tagged “anti Lumione” by mistake since this meme rotten my brain so bad i though Lumione was “Lucius x Hermione” Luna x Hermione is pretty cool so don’t mind the anti
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stanuristheman · 6 years
stop shipping muggle-borns with death eaters 👏👏👏
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clioeshistoria · 7 years
The fact that h*rmione is paired with everything that breaths (or not) is proof that jk didn't bother to develvolp other female characters, besides H*rmione "what every female character should be like" Gr*nger...or it just means that her character has no personality? Idk
Pretty sure there's a fic out there pairing her with a dementor....
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eversnark · 7 years
The Harry Potter fandom has hit an all time low
Aka, Lucius Malfoy x Hermione Granger
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People who claim they love Hermione then ship her with deatheaters and characters who were old enough to be her uncles/aunties are ANYTHING but Hermione lovers. No they aren't Hermione fans. They just use her as the self insert purpose to satisfy their fantasy with whichever character they like. Even the thought of Ron with one of his abusers sickens me. How the fuck can you claim you love Hermione then ship her with deatheaters who joined a cult that wanted to eradicate people like her??? Please!!! Just stop. Don't embarrass yourself. You don't love her. You just use her as a bicycle. The one your preferred character would ride. Ugh.
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Do people really not see the appeal of enemies-to-lovers? I keep seeing these ridiculous posts about how Problematic it is that people are shipping people who *gasp* have fought in canon *clutches pearls*. It’s totally fine to not enjoy the trope, but to pretend like it’s some ridiculous new idea that “silly 14 y/o fangirls” have made up and it has no appeal outside of a “bad boy kink” (which is very patronizing and sudetly misogynistic phrase) is extremely disingenuous. ‪Enemies-to-lovers is one of the oldest and most enduring fictional stories of all time, and for good reason. Because many, many people enjoy it for many, many different reasons. I’m going to focus on het enemies-to-lovers and the female gaze because that’s where I see the most controversy happening. Although there certainly is a lot to be said about slash/femslash enemies-to-lovers, especially how it can be used to explore internalized homophobia and the gay experience, and I may make a follow-up post about that.
What baffles me the most is people that accuse enemies-to-lovers of being inherently abusive or abusive when there’s any actual conflict (like, you know, stories have) beyond something boring that no one would write like they stepped on each other’s toes in a movie theater. This extreme purity police attitude shows a lack of any understanding about storytelling and what like...fiction is. But diving even deeper into this claim, enemies-to-lovers is in dynamically the exact opposite of an abusive relationship, and that in of itself is a large part of its appeal for a lot of people. No intimate abuser will announce themselves as your sworn enemy, they will present themselves as everything you have ever wanted and the most perfect partner you could imagine. Instalove, the exact opposite of enemies-to-lovers, is actually the trope that resembles love bombing aka how most abusive relationships start. One of the reasons enemies-to-lovers can be so appealing, especially to women and people who have been in toxic relationships, is because when the enemy becomes your lover - you know they mean it. You know how they behave with their enemies, you know the darkest part of them and you don’t need to worry about what is lurking beneath the surface because you’ve already seen it and battled it and gotten past it.
As far as being misogynistic, enemies-to-lovers is literally a power fantasy for the female gaze. It’s the idea of someone who once opposed you being so enamored by you in your most unfiltered, non-seductive form that they listen to you, see things from your perspective, and ultimately align their strength with yours. Women are told that we need to make ourselves small and inoffensive and perfect to attract men or anyone or anything positive, so of course the idea that someone could become deeply enamored, almost against their will, with you when you are actively fighting them, arguing with them, challenging them etc. that those qualities, that being opinionated and angry and passionate and strong, could be the very thing that attracts them to you is a subversion of that idea. And enemies are equals, for a woman to be considered a worthy adversary to a man (and not by becoming a man to him or a sexual “temptress”) means the woman is being respected as his equal. This is a dynamic entirely based on equality, it relies on both characters being of equal strength, much more so than most romance tropes.
This is not exclusive to the female gaze though, in general it’s a fantasy that many can appreciate. Everyone has insecurities and bad moods, and intimacy is difficult for everyone (to varying degrees). In an enemies-to-lovers ship, the lovers have already seen each other in their most unromantic state. They have seen each other screaming with the rage of battle, have seen each other’s scorn and sneer, have seen each other so intimately that once they enter “lovers” and even “to”, there is nothing new to discover except the good parts. Imagine if you could get into a relationship where you don’t have to worry about what your partner’s hiding or if they will reject you because you always know the worst of each other, have already accepted it, and now get to fall in love discovering only the good parts. It creates a very intimate and intense dynamic.
On the other hand, there’s the appeal from the perceptive of the antagonist. Some people prefer to identify their trauma or pain or insecurities with antagonists rather than protagonists because they don’t see that part of themselves as the hero and/or they don’t want to have to hold that part of themselves up to some pristine standard. Some people want to see the dark part of themselves go full dark and then be loved anyways. The idea that you can always change for the better, that you are always worthy of love no matter how damaged you think you are. The idea that someone bright and good could see the most angry, hurt, ugly part of you and still love you. That is a very hopeful and positive message to a lot of people. I will never understand these types of people’s hateful opposition to redemption and healing, because I truly think that’s one of the most beautiful and powerful messages a story can have when it’s done right. The obsession some people have with punishment and condemnation simply is not healthy or productive.
Also, if people could stop infantalizing women as if we can’t differentiate reality from fiction with our silly girl brains, and also stop demonizing girls/women for exploring their sexuality in fiction by calling every goddamn thing “fetishization” - basically just stop being misogynistic af, yeah that’d be great thanks.
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headcanonsandmore · 6 years
Luna: I am Luna Lovegood, and I really like women.
Luna: *looks at Hermione*
Luna: But not you.
Hermione: Well, that's fine with me-
Luna: I really fancy Ron, though.
Hermione: OH, COME ON!
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dramionediscussion · 4 years
For the longest time I always wondered why, out of all the possible Hermione ships to hate on, Dramione is the one that seems to be targeted the most. I mean there are SO many other questionable ships (Snamione, Tomione, Lumione, Bellamione, Cissmione) and while I’m not trying to point fingers or be rude, they are more problematic than Dramione (the age gap, the maturity level, the length of time being a DE, etc.). But I genuinely think the reason why this is happening in fandom rn, is because, deep DEEP down, Dramione antis know we have a POINT. We’ve been debating against them for years and have consistently come back with evidence and solid arguments about the foundation of our ship and what it means. Whenever an anti tries to target us, we handle it with class, poise, and intellect. We know our stuff and we’re ready to fight for it. I’m not saying the above mentioned ships aren’t, but they are called out a lot less in fandom probably because antis just write them off easily and don’t bother, but they can’t do that with Dramione because we have made it a point to show them that we’re more than a crack ship! Our ship actually solves some plot issues and creates a deeper message that was previously built up in the series. We’ve grown in numbers consistently over the years and we ain’t stopping anytime soon!
If anyone is in some other Hermione fandoms, do you all see antis coming at you too?
I always wondered if those people go after the other ships.
But yeah we’re classy! LOL
- Lisa
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platinumlaptop · 4 years
Best laptops for solidwork
In the world of SolidWorks, with so much going on, you need something that will last. This really is what you need to keep in mind when you search for the best SolidWorks laptops. There's a lot to take into account. The program takes up a lot of storage, and to work well requires large quantities of computing power.
Solidworks, especially in the case that you are going to deal with complex models, is among the toughest applications. Here, we will take a look at Solidworks' best laptops. There is a high likelihood that you will be using (or wish to use) other technology software such as AutoCAD, Revit, as well as Lumion if you are using the programs.
We have compiled a list of some of the best laptops for SolidWorks and other professional-level CAD applications to help you have the right hardware specifications at your disposal. Laptops of various brands, technical requirements, use, and prices can be found in the catalog. Before checking out our impressive laptop range, we suggest going through this minimum hardware requirement specification sheet;
Intel's Core i5 quad-core processor is the minimum CPU requirement for SolidWorks. CPUs with a good single core output are the preferred option since SolidWorks is mostly single-threaded.
For use in CAD applications, the NVIDIA Quadro, AMD Radeon Pro WX, and AMD FirePro series are authorized. Look out for one of these series to come under a GPU.
Storage: Holding all your models consolidated under one storage unit (both 2D and 3D) lets you keep careful track of them and access them easily. A minimum of 256 GB of SSD storage is a must for that. It comes as an additional advantage to have 1 TB HDD storage.
The minimum requirement for doing SolidWorks basic-level tasks is 8GB. For large-scale models and comprehensive simulation studies, 16 GB DDR 4 RAM and above will help you meet the memory requirements required.
ASUS ROG Hero III G731GW - 9th Gen Intel Core i7-9750H
 In the hard work laptop world, Asus' ROG line is a storied name. In the solid work industry, the device family is at the forefront and incorporates many of the newest technologies. With the latest line of Strix and Hero gaming laptops, this is fairly evident. You should buy this Asus due to its good power battery, it will help you to stay your work continue for a long time in a day. Featurs
Having high-resolution 3D modeling, simulation, and rendering in SolidWorks, modern games are CPU and GPU-intensive. What this means to you is that you can use the ASUS ROG Hero III G731GW high-level computing arsenal to smash all of your CAD duties. It's best to let the technical specifications do the talking, considering the thought-out configuration of this laptop.
In a powerful laptop such as the ASUS ROG Hero III G731GW, 1 TB of fast SSD storage is more than what you can ask for. An unmistakable addition is its 1 TB HDD storage. And not to forget its full HD display of 17.3 inches that provides a utilitarian and immersive view. One of the best laptops for solidwork, In the style group as well, this laptop tops.
Configuration of uncompromised  hardware
  It's a little heavy with bodyweight
Modern construction of the design
   Dell G7 17- 10th Gen Intel i7-10750H
The Dell G7 17 is easily one of the best options for running 2D and 3D CAD simulation software, such as SolidWorks, Fusion 360, and more, like most of the gaming laptops on our list. This is one of the best laptop from all series of Dell. Dell G7 17 give you the best opportunity to buy and make your solid work easy and quick. The feature sets, while being a gaming laptop, are compatible with different technical specifications.
Particularly when powerful workstations are being addressed, you won't hear the name of Dell that much. However, in terms of quick speed, smooth rendering, and great ergonomics, I consider Dell's G7 17 a complete revolution. Yeah, you've heard that correctly.The first-ever significant aspect that you should know about G7 17 is that it is backed by an ultrafast processor of the Core i7, 9th gen. In addition, for a complete multitasking experience, a 16 GB DDR4 ram is also included.
The integration of the Nvidia GTX 1660Ti, on the other hand, makes it easier for engineers to complete their 3D modeling tasks within a short time. Apart from that, there is also an RGB backlit keyboard to improve the computing machine's aesthetics.
The best way to run Solidworks
It is of no benefit to the tech  department.
Wide Display
Dell's client poor service.
Smooth Graphics Rendering.
 It seamlessly runs 3D modeling  applications.
  GIGABYTE AERO 15-X9-RT5P - Intel Core i7-8750H
With its excellent performance optimization that is supported by Microsoft Azure AI, it stands out from the crowd. Although this feature is extremely helpful for gaming, it is also well used when working on SolidWork. Our choice for the best laptop also comes with anti-glare display technology that guarantees that the viewed material is in no way blurred. If you prefer working late at night, this laptop's backlit keyboard will help you brave it out while burning your midnight oil.
Just like the Razer Blade 15 does, it takes the slim and compact chassis jump. But it is worth noting that the portable design approach is not only based on aesthetics, there has also been a lot of emphasis on CAD-appropriate performance.You can use the 16GB DDR4 laptop's RAM to run SolidWorks efficiently, along with the Intel Core i7. The 16GB RAM of the device is derived from a single channel and the technology of SO-Dim. Dim utilises integrated circuits that, while providing impressive RAM performance, consume little power.
This is particularly true for many SolidWorks activities that take quite a considerable amount of time, such as 3D model processing and reconstruction. The impressive 144 GHz refresh rate of the 15.6 inches full HD monitor of the laptop ensures that graphics for high-resolution model design are not compromised.
Functionality at its finest
The Webcam's has bottom Positioning
Capacity for high SSD capacity
 In a sleek footprint, efficient  computing
  Lenovo ThinkPad P50- Intel Core i7-6700HQ
Lenovo ThinkPad p50, designed especially for workers on the go, and Lenovo ThinkPad P50 is ideal for you if you deal with large gatherings and project lengths. This laptop can be described as a "mobile workbench." It is very large, wide, and has a power supply that looks like a brick.
SATA SSD II on M.2. On the storage hand, the slot is mounted, not the fastest, but still, it has amazing features such as opening Sold work at a flashy pace.The GPU card delivers a great laptop, but not the best, but don't judge. 4GB VRAM is the correct size for a workstation when you are dealing with big assemblies. The thing you should take advantage of is its GPU enhanced rendering CUDA cores.
This laptop's processor is a little old, but this doesn't stop considering it because it has about the fastest clock speed that you can find from the choices.You get a higher internal data size (8 MB) with Intel eon than most other common laptops though with the greater data rate, such as Intel Core i7-7700 HQ with 6 MB for Ex. The laptop has a 3.70 GHz Intel Xeon E3-1505M v5 4 core.
Absolutely  incredible 4K with colour calibrator monitor.
Contains a pound extra.
Keyboard Descriptor.
The battery life would have been  better.
Output by Swift.
Sodium vapor computer.
 Acer Aspire V15 Nitro- Intel Core i5-6300HQ
Acer Aspire V15 Nitro The laptop has an aesthetic style that draws the eye, and the overall level of craftsmanship does a reasonably decent job. The computer sounds robust. The hinges are soft, sleek and well-designed, allowing users to comfortably raise the panel with only one hand.
TheAcer Aspire V15 Nitro has all the feature which your seeking for your laptop for solid work. A regular 15-inch laptop, your best laptop for solid work might be the Acer Aspire V15 Nitro black model. It is an entertainment system that can manage multimedia content, reliable jobs, and some content for gaming. This laptop was launched in 2014 for the first generation, but its latest model has some significant capabilities.
The computer feels robust. The hinges are soft, smooth, and well-designed, allowing users to easily raise the screen with only one hand. With a native resolution of 1920 x 1080p, the 15-inch screen is full HD, One of the best laptops for solidwork.
The diesel version, together with 8 GB of RAM, NVidia 960M graphics, and dual storage, comes with a 2.6 GHz Intel Core i5-6300HQ processor. You can get 32 GB DDR4 RAM with an Intel Core i7 processor with a higher version or a configured version.
Speedy Results.
Tricky to update.
Beautiful in design
The battery life is very small.
Lighter and thinner.
It quickly gets heavy.
 Acer Predator Helios 300- 10th Generation Intel Core i7-10750H 6
You will find the Acer laptop a better option if you just do tiny jobs on SolidWorks. This laptop comes with a hard drive bay and a free SSD (solid state drive) slot for fast storage updates, even though you can feel the storage space is a little small.The controls are a little slick considering the fair travel and the solid foundation. This ensures they're a little spongier than the keyboards on one of SolidWorks' best laptops.
The Acer Predator Helios 300 is a fantastic discount laptop, like the Acer Aspire, and, if you're on a budget, one of SolidWorks' best laptops. This laptop comes with a 9th generation Intel Core i7 9750H Processor, a 256GB SSD, 16GB RAM, 1920 x 1080 pixel display resolution, and Windows 10 as the operating system.
Although the display resolution of 1920 x 1080 pixels is high enough to send you crisp images without straining the graphics core, the 15.6-inch screen size is perfect. Its IPS panel has a refresh rate of the 144-hertz display, which will help you enjoy if you intend to play any games after completing your studies or function with the Ram 16GB DDR4 memory.
Rational travel and firm foundation
No Thunderbolt 3 or Card Reader
Screen with high-quality
Construction output average
Supportable lifetime of battery
Outside heavy and weak
 HP ZBook 15v G5
The HP Zbook 15V G5 offers a stable mix of features at your disposal, whether you use SolidWorks for technical or school work. For individuals looking for a handheld workstation to tackle data processing, CAD work, video editing, 3D animation, and modeling, this is our best laptop.There is also a dual-storage module on the laptop that ensures that all the tasks are securely stored.
For quick calculations, the HP Zbook 15V G5 comes exceptionally fitted. Thanks to the Core i7-8750H processor from Intel. Although it is not the newest or fastest on the market, at a speed of up to 4.10GHz, this CPU can perform most SolidWorks tasks flawlessly. 9MB of cache memory improves the processor further.
There is also a dual-storage module on the laptop that ensures that all your tasks are securely stored. This involves a 512 GB SSD and a 1 TB HDD for permanent storage for faster, One of the best laptops for solidworkperformance. In exchange, it makes it incredibly easier to load and render massive assemblies.The HP Zbook 15V G5 outputs 1920 x 1080 pixels on a 15.6 inch FHD screen. This makes it possible to deal on complicated tasks when you are able to see plainly what you are focused on.
Strong GPU-dedicated workstation
The Ethernet card is a little rigid,
Two usb 3.0 port for fast transfer of  files
Unprotected eyes may be harmed by the  glossy show
RAM Modular
  Microsoft Surface Book 2 – 8th Gen Intel Core i7-8650U
Do yourself a favour and go for Surface Book 2 whether you are a student or a specialist who wants the right laptop for solid jobs. Surface Book 2 can perform solid tasks quickly without any complications and, according to our study. It is the only non-workstation that is accredited for stable work for a laptop.Do yourself a favour and go for Surface Book 2 whether you are a student or a specialist who wants the right laptop for solid jobs..
The Microsoft Surface Book 2 can be your ideal companion if you are someone who works or likes to work from scratch when it comes to CAD-related model design.The most significant one (as you'd already guess) is its 2-in-1 laptop and tablet mode, among many explanations why. With the tablet mode of Surface Book 2, initial model conceptualization by sketching can become much simpler for you.
With its ultra HD pixel-dense resolution, the 15-inch monitor of the Surface Book 2 does not go unnoticed. The 512 GB of fast-access SSD storage adds more value to this 2-in-1 laptop's overall hardware configuration.Surface Book 2 can perform solid tasks quickly without any complications and, according to our study; Surface Book 2 is the only non-workstation that is accredited for stable work for a laptop.
Many add-on options
suitable add-ons, Surface Pen and  Surface Dial come
Model 2-in-1
 Performance is Reliable
Many of the laptops referred to above are all chosen from other brands and models of the best laptops for solidwork. They have different budget-related requirements. The cost range, however, does not affect these laptops' overall performance.
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antiquetypos · 8 years
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when my dashboard is filled with my notps...
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kittenshift-17 · 6 years
I don't know if you've addressed this before, although I did take a look through your tags, but why do you hate lumione so much? I'm not judging (I don't ship it either), I'm just curious.
Actually my answer for that is threefold.1. Throughout my forays into fanfiction and novels I've discovered that I'm morally opposed to cheating when a couple is married. I don't rightly know why the marriage matters more than folks who are dating, but it bugs me and is a big turn off for me when I read.2. The Dad Factor. He's Draco's Dad and while I'd like to say that my Dramione shipping heart cant abide it, it's further reaching than that. I can't ship Hermione with anyone who is the father of her friends. I don't like Jamione, either, for the same reason. It's weird, because the age factor doesn't matter to me, as evidenced by my shipping Snamione, Sirimione, Remione, and Antonmione, but the Dad factor wigs me out. Maybe it's anti Daddy-Kink. I'm mentally well adjusted, and have a healthy and functional relationship with my Dad, so anything even vaguely involding that kink or that factor turns me off. I don't read even my fave ships if they have her calling her sexual partner Daddy. Too creepy.3. Canonically speaking, Lucius is this sly, mean, irrational, cowardly, self-serving git and I just dont like him. He beat his inferiors. He tries to murder a 12 year old Harry and essentially tortured Ginny, too. Coupled with his behaviour during the war, I just don't like him. It's strange, because by that notion I shouldn't really like Hermione with anyone but Fred, George or Charlie Weasley, lol. It's not the criminal factor, since I like Snamione, Thormione, Rabmione, Antonmione, etc. All of whom are arguably worse in several ways. There's just something about Lucius that I typically don't like - he's almost always an evil villain, in both canon and fanfic, and the idea of him anywhere near Hermione makes me feel ill.
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luckadd878 · 2 years
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thelastlynx · 2 years
I saw your post in response to the @dramioneasks 'update'. Can you please explain? I don't know who I am following that may be a TERF and I no longer want to support them.
Is there anywhere to see these posts? And to share them so others can unfollow?
Thank you I'm advance for your help. [: Thank you (and everyone else who has) for standing up for the LGBTQIA+ community.
Hi anon! Thanks for your concern for our trans community! As you probably know, trans rights and the lives of trans people are currently under great risk, thanks in large parts to JKR and her transphobic activism which has found massive reach amongst the far-right both in the US and the UK (not only ideologically but also in form of legislature). So, I will say with emphasis that to aid the trans community, unfollowing JKR herself and lifting up Trans Creators is the most important thing.
JKR has done a lot of harm and has managed to poison the discourse with misinformation and factual inaccuracies to a point where uninformed people believe this to be an intellectual debate that has "two sides".
It is not.
Specialists, scientists and activists alike are unified in their unequivocal support for Trans Rights and the validity of the lived experience of trans people. Since I am no expert, here's the quintessential response to JKR's talking points (including links to sources and research backing his claim — all of which JKR's essay lacks).
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However, to address your concern about transphobia in fandom, these last couple of days, people have discovered, some for the first time, that members of our community are either outright anti-trans or (have) harbour(ed) anti-trans sentiment.
One of those people was Elle Morgan-Black, a former admin of dramioneasks, a mod of the largest Dramione facebook group as well as the largest Lumione group. The comments and posts on dramioneasks were all in relation to her, as was the official announcement that she was let go because of her bigotry, as well as a subsequent contradictory remark under one of the fic asks claiming she'd been bullied off the site.
Understandably, a lot of people were upset that dramioneasks dealt with all this in a manner that altered between dismissing and tone-policing a hurting community, and lack of accountability for their imperfect handling of the situation. They have yet to address that.
In the wake of these discoveries, I made past anti-trans opinions voiced by Pia Bartolini public, so people could make informed decisions about how to engage. She vows to have changed and that she wants to do better going forward.
If you want to know the particulars, you will have to go to twitter. I'm not going to link anything here because a) you will only find one side of the argument (Elle has deactivated her account and Pia has gone on private), and b) I don't want these links circulating on tumblr until all eternity when these matters have reached an erstwhile conclusion.
Dog piling or harassment is not what this should be about; we should encourage positive change if possible.
But our preeminent concern right now should be to support the trans members of our community, stand up for trans rights, and communicate that as a cis-person (if you are), you are a safe space.
If you have the energy, I encourage you to challenge people who still follow JKR; who parrot "gender critical" talking points; or who think this is an intellectual debate that is somehow "complicated" or a matter of opinion. (If someone finds themselves on the other side of this issue, they will have to address some hard truths about themselves.) If you do not have the energy, that is valid, too. Blocking or muting people regurgitating harmful or bigoted views is another way of creating a safe space.
But whether to confront or exclude those with bigoted views is not a decision that I'm comfortable making on your behalf. Both is valid.
Either way, it is important to recognise that cis people such as myself, in order to call ourselves allies, will have to act as such, too. So thanks again for caring about the trans community. They're already in such a tough spot in the HP fandom.
(And bc it's Non-Binary People Day today, who are a crucial part of the trans community, here are 10 Ways to Step Up As an Ally by Stonewall UK!)
Trans Rights are human rights.
Trans Rights are about bodily autonomy.
Trans Rights will benefit people of all genders.
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