theoriginalsuki · 10 months
It's dawned on me (yeah, I'm slow) that while Feyre is written by the author to be a reliable narrator, the text actually shows otherwise. Hence my deep confusion and dissatisfaction with these stories.
And yet, there is so much potential there. The introduction of Rhys was interesting, and in ACOTAR, he's clearly a villain, but a villain with redemption-potential, which always holds my interest. Then in ACOMAF, his entire character is ret-conned, and it turns out that that person of complex and objectionable morality was a mask and that he is secretly always right as well as being the most powerful person ever. So instead of forcing him through a redemption arc, the author just sort of hand-waves away his bad behaviour and its feels totally unearned.
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spacerockfloater · 5 months
The way people switched on Tamlin the moment Rhys was introduced is diabolical.
“Tamlin never really loved Feyre, it was all a trick from the start”: It is stated that Tamlin was disgusted by the idea of forcing someone to fall in love with him and considered it slavery, but ended up being so in love with her that he ultimately lets her go and choses her freedom and safety over that of his own people. Rhys confirms that Tamlin loved Feyre too much. And he loved her truly. Not because he had to. Tamlin treated Feyre with dignity when she was engaged to him. He introduced her as his lady, to be respected and cherished by all. And she really was loved by his people, too. Rhysand uses her as his lap dog to scare Hewn City and parades her as his whore.
“Tamlin never did anything for Feyre, he just used her”: He improved her and her family’s life in every aspect and offered her everything he had.
“Tamlin had sex with someone else in Calanmai”: Out of duty and responsibility because he didn’t want to force Feyre, who still wasn’t sure about her feelings, into it. All of the High Lords perform the Calanmai. Lucien says so. How convenient that this is never brought up with Rhysand. He surely does perform it as well. All the theories in here, “Lucien doesn’t know what he’s talking about/ This is a SC ritual only/ He probably just passes the duty on to someone else” are just a way for people to villainise Tam and glorify Rhys again. All of them inaccurate. The Calanmai is canonically performed by every High Lord. There’s no evidence that proves otherwise. As the son of one High Lord and the ambassador of another, Lucien would know. He is 500 years old. It’s just more convenient for SJM to never bring this up again because it raises the question of “Who was Rhysand fucking all these years?” and it makes her favourite character look bad. And once he is engaged to her, Tamlin flat out refuses to do it. Let’s be real for a second.
“Tamlin didn’t help Feyre under the mountain”: He literally could not. He was bound by a curse. He was forced to be Amarantha’s consort and a consort cannot oppose you. His powers were bound. Alis warns Feyre that Tamlin will not be able to help her. Stop acting as if he didn’t want to help her. He decapitated Amarantha the moment he got his autonomy back. Claiming that there’s no proof that Tamlin was under the influence of a spell when he literally didn’t break the curse and Amarantha’s magic didn’t allow him to use his powers is crazy. And even if he tried, he could never provide actual help. We see this when he begs Amarantha for Feyre’s life. Him showing he cares about her would only make Amarantha more jealous and vicious towards Feyre.
“Tamlin made out with Feyre instead of helping her”: He couldn’t help her run away. No one could do that. She would never make it, Amarantha would find her. In fact, Tamlin specifically could not help her in any way. He could only assure her he still wants and loves her. And she wanted that just as much. Rhys abused her physically, mentally, verbally, drugged her and much worse. And he enjoyed all of it. If he didn’t want to raise suspicions, he wouldn’t have placed a bet in her favour. Rhys is a sadist, SJM just decided to mellow him down in the next book so that we’d all like him over Tamlin.
“Tamlin ignored Feyre’s wishes and only wanted her to be his bride, he didn’t let her be High Lady”: Both Tamlin and Feyre were bad communicators going though trauma and Tam had a whole court to care for. Tamlin was unaware of how Feyre felt because she barely spoke up once. Rhys knew because he literally lived inside her head and had all the time in the world to focus his attention on her since his court suffered zero consequences during Amarantha’s reign. And Tamlin simply told her the truth: there’s no such thing as High Lady. Even her current title is given to her by Rhys, the magic of Prythian has not actually chosen her to be High Lady. The title and its power are decorative. And she said she didn’t want that anyway.
“Tamlin locks Feyre up and uses his magic to harm her”: He locks her in his humongous palace to keep her safe, after she just came back from the dead and his worst enemy is kidnapping her every month, while he runs off to protect his borders. Rhysand locks Feyre in a fucking bubble. Tamlin loses control of his magic. He doesn’t want to harm her. That’s not abuse. Abuse is intentional. Feyre and Rhysand lock Lucien and Nesta up. They lock the people of the Hewn City up in a cave. Feyre loses control of her magic and harms Lucien’s mother. Double standards I guess.
“Tamlin is a bad and conservative ruler”: Tamlin is such a beloved ruler that his sentries literally begged to die for him. Feyre had to fuck with their minds to finally turn them against him. They were his friends. He was so progressive that the lords fled his court once he became their ruler because he wouldn’t put up with their bullshit like his father did. He loved all of his people. He is against slavery. The Tithe was just tax collection. Rhysand practically rules over just one city, while ignoring Hewn City and Illyria. He treats 2/3 of his realm like shit and everyone except the residents of Velaris hates him. He collects tax, too, but we conveniently never see this. He ranks the members of his inner circle (my 1st, my 2nd etc.) and reminds them every moment that they are his slaves first and anything else second, while Tamlin treats them equally and even gives Lucien an official title by naming him Ambassador.
“Tamlin conspired with Hybern”: He was a double agent and his short lived alliance, two weeks all in all, not only didn’t harm a single soul, but ultimately saved all of Prythian as he was the only one who brought valuable information to that meeting. He dragged Beron to battle. Rhysand’s alliance with Amarantha harmed thousands and only helped save one city, Velaris.
“Tamlin is responsible for turning Nesta and Elain into Fae”: No, that was Ianthe, who got the info from Feyre. Tamlin was fooled by her, just as Feyre obviously was, or she wouldn’t have trusted her. Tamlin was disgusted by that act.
“Tamlin is less powerful than Rhysand”: Rhysand himself says that a battle between them would turn mountains to dust. Tamlin killed Rhysand’s dad, the previous High Lord of the Night Court, in one blow. He is just as powerful as Rhysand. SJM again just wants us to believe otherwise. And he is smarter, too. He was the only one not to trust Amarantha. And he was a good spy for Prythian against Hybern.
All of these takes are cold as fuck. SJM was testing the waters with ACOTAR and she made sure the main love interest, Tamlin, was insanely likeable, so that the book could be a satisfactory standalone story in case she couldn’t land a trilogy deal. She didn’t know it would be such a big hit. But once she realised she could turn this into a franchise, she had to figure out a new story to tell. She may claim otherwise, but there’s just too many plothotes to convince me. And in order to make her new main love interest seem like the best choice, she had to character assassinate the old one. There was no other way. ACOTAR Rhys was too much of an evil monster to be loved by the majority of the audience. But Tamlin was introduced to us as such a heroic and passionate man that is literally impossible to turn him into someone despised by all. Feyre’s relationship with Rhysand reads too much like cheating on Tamlin. That’s why anyone with basic analytical skills is able to realise the flaws of the narration.
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stargirlie25 · 8 months
The Suriel:
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The house of wind:
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The Shadows:
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the-darkestminds · 16 days
remember when feyre said jurian deserved the eternity of rage, despair and horror he endured while trapped in amarantha’s ring? that was wild
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Tarquin going off on Feyre will always be my favorite scene in this series. Mainly because he tells Feyre off for her horrible actions and refuses to allow anyone to defend her. The attack on his court was caused by her. She brought the war to his home because she was too busy getting back at Tamlin and destroying the Spring Court to think that her actions may hurt someone else. Even Rhysand’s pitiful attempts to defend his ‘High Lady’ don’t work because there is no excuse for the Night Court’s actions against the Summer court.
Unintentionally or not actions have consequences and for the brief moment of Feyre realizing how much she messed up I was happy to see someone else not bowing down to every little thing Feyre did.
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bookbitchx · 2 months
"There is no such thing as High Lady."
Call Tamlin a misogynistic sexist asshole or whatever else you want, but he's right.
High Lady is a title Rhysand gave to Feyre.
It's honorary.
It wasn't 'earned'. She wasn't 'blessed' with it, and she certainly wasn't chosen by the land and the magic.
If there was a title and it meant something, don't you think Viviane, of all women, would've been granted it by the lands for holding down the fort in Winter Court for 50 years while Kalias was stuck UTM?
Kalias could've also easily slapped the title on her like Rhysand did with Feyre, and yet he didn't. You know why? Because Viviane doesn't need it. She's already respected and seen as his equal by his court and the others for what she has done.
Feyre can't say the same, can she?
SJM sets it up as this badass moment of empowerment, but all I saw was Rhysand giving a baby (by Fae years) a title and letting her run loose with it as well as letting it go to her head.
The first thing she did after getting that title was go and get revenge on a whole ass court because she had issues with its High Lord which is insane in of itself but it brings me to my point, that there was no political repercussions where as if Rhysand had done it, it would've declared an internal war between Night and Spring.
It would've been a good ass arc if she had learned Prythian politics, history, diplomacy, the cultures, and customs of the other courts, including her own, so much as visited the other courts, slowly climbed the ranks and learned instead of Rhysand shoving that crown on her head and down everyone else's throats.
It's like taking me, a complete clueless, inadequate foreigner, and making me the Queen of England. Utterly ridiculous.
"You just hate Feyre being High Lady because you want Nesta to be one."
The same thing goes for Nesta, babe. NONE of the Archeron sisters are qualified to be High Ladies, honorary or not.
One of the hills I will die and kill on.
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Feyre having the nerve & audacity to be upset at Tamlin & Lucien for BELIEVING HER LIE that Rhysand was still SA’ing her will FOREVER piss me off beyond reason!!
That was such a green flag that I’m convinced the delusional hoe is colour blind too.
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foxcort · 2 months
reading acomaf. you know the book where feyre has a panic attack because the rose petals down the aisle on her wedding day remind her of blood. and then i reach chapter 39 where she’s serving amren blood. not just reluctantly passing her a container. but. like. taking out a jar. unscrewing the lid. “letting the tang of blood fill her nostrils.” asking amren if she’d like her to warm it up.
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copypastus · 10 months
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Feyre's selective hearing is the origin of my villain arc.
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yaralulu · 3 months
I will not let anyone forget that the minute feyre was back in spring with her insane revenge plan in mind,the first thing tamlin does is admit his behavior in acomaf was wrong and he apologizes without trying to make excuses for anything he did. And we see him in acowar actually trying to be different and going through with his words here.
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A man reflecting back on his behavior and admitting he’s wrong and apologizing without giving us a 7 page monologue full of excuses?? Unacceptable!!! Kill him!!!
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delaneytveit · 24 days
its wild to me how tamlin point blank explains what fey/re did to his court, how she hurt it and weakened their only defnese against Hybern in the process because she threw a hissy fit over the fact that he tried everything to get her back from someone who has made the entire world think that he is the absolute scum of the earth. and fey/re has the audacity to say that he “doesn’t get to rewrite the narrative”
like HUH??????
i’m sorry but… there was not a single thing that he said she did that she didn’t do.
like sweetheart you admitted that what you did to the spring court was bad not even 3 pages ago. but now that you get called out for it???? now its rewriting the narrative.
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ladydeath-vanserra · 2 months
feyre shows up as a faerie wearing a crown with 3 apex predators on her heels to her two sisters who thought she was dead (at least Nesta did)
one of those apex predators orders all the housing staff including their protection away
the same apex predator lures another apex predator that gives feyre nightmares, doesn't kill it and it now has Nesta and Elains exact location
Feyre thinks about having that same apex predator mind control her sisters, the same apex predator who originally terrified Feyre so much she thought she was going to die when he was in her mind
The same apex predators insult Nesta in her own home while wanting something from her, the same thing Feyre thought about mind controlling her sisters for
it's different when it's not from Feyres pov now isn't it. It's not the UwU inner Circle. It's 3 apex predators, faeries, who are trained killers who had weapons on them with two defenseless human women who have been told to fear faeries their entire lives bec they were once enslaved to them
But somehow it's still Nesta that's in the wrong for being mean to her sister lmao ok
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danaedanette · 4 months
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What the fuck Feyre. What. The. Fucking. Fuck.
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kataraavatara · 5 months
it’s so jarring reading acotar and acomaf feyre talking about how she hates propriety she hates being expected to birth heirs she hates caring about what other people think. and rhysand tells her he’s so much different than tamlin, he’s a dreamer assuring her that with him she won’t have to do any of those awful things hard cut to acosf feyre pregnant at twenty literally threatening to banish her sister because Nesta embarrassed her. And who was the one who humiliated Feyre by reading the bill in front of everyone. oh that’s right.
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the-darkestminds · 3 months
Lucien telling Feyre that she and Rhysand are assholes, to her face, is yet another reason why he’s the best character in this series. Someone needs to deliver these hard truths and Lucien is up to the task lol
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littlefeltsparrow · 5 months
Schrödinger’s Feyre: Where Feyre is simultaneously a cunning and badass girlboss with a mind of steel and a fragile little lamb who doesn’t know any better. When they’re proud, she’s a skilled strategist and competent High Lady, but when it comes to facing the consequences of her actions and the implications of her power, suddenly she’s a little baby waddling through fairy land.
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