#anticipated book releases
nerdynatreads · 1 year
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10 books to read || I Could Still Let Myself Down — 10 Books for 2023
of course I’ve got a TBR for the year. I stuck with 10 books because, well, I didn’t even complete all 10 books last year 😵‍💫 here’s hoping I have better luck this year!
only a few of them are on my owned tbr, but I also have got a few anticipated releases that I want to read this year and a few remainders from my 5 star predictions list.
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thebooksanctum · 1 month
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thestarfishface · 5 months
Because I am infected with "loving my D&D characters too much" disease I have decided that my next really big video project is going to be a dramatic retelling of the events of our D&D game (the one Verity comes from).
I'm going to narrate it and I have the other players and DM on board to do voice lines for their characters. I want to storyboard the whole thing. The first video will be the entire first story arc that covers about 6-7 months of the campaign. I've spent most of the weekend turning my rambling campaign recaps into a script and I'm probably about halfway done? The whole thing may end up being close to an hour.
I am so excited.
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wormwoodandhoney · 2 months
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may anticipated releases
(note: i have not yet read any of these and cannot speak to their quality- i’m just intrigued by the synopsis or author!)
The Brides of High Hill by Nghi Vo: One of my favorite on going series, this novella series follows Chih, a cleric who travels around their fantasy world collecting stories from people they meet. This one appears to be a gothic mystery surrounding a young bride.
The Honey Witch by Sydney J Shields: A sapphic romance between a skeptic and a witch in a small island.
The House that Horror Built by Christina Henry: A single woman gets a job cleaning the house of a famous horror director, filled with spooky props and costumes and terrifying secrets.
Goddess of the River by Vishnavi Patel: Patel's debut novel Kaikeyi was one of my favorites of 2022 and I am so excited for her next book retelling the story of Ganga, the Hindu river goddess.
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apoptoses · 7 months
Something that's been on my mind is seeing the idea that in order for smut to be valid to write it has to have a purpose. It has to say something about the characters, it has to serve as a tool for the plot, it has to have some deep meaning beyond the sex acts involved.
And honestly, that's not true no matter how much some very vocal people might insist that smut without a 'purpose' is just porn and porn is shameful to make and consume.
It's okay to write smut because you think the concept is hot. It's okay to write it just because you want to give your readers jerk off material about their favorite characters. It's absolutely, 100% fine to write smut for smut's sake.
And sure, you want it to be in character, you want to write it so that you can't just file the names off and replace them with anyone. But you can just write something because you think character X should fuck character Y in this very specific way and have that be the end of it.
Call it smut, call it porn, call it whatever. Write the stuff you want to write. You don't have to do literary gymnastics in order to make it 'valid' for anyone, and you especially don't have to make excuses to yourself to justify writing it in the first place.
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theinquisitxor · 6 months
2024 Anticipated Book Releases
I thought I had a lot of anticipated book releases for 2023, but 2024 is also proving to be a year of many books I'm excited about too. These are all the books I'm looking forward to in the first half of the year!
-A Fragile Enchantment by Alison Saft: (Jan 2nd) rom-com fantasy about a dressmaker hired to make the royal wedding dress, but she starts to fall for the prince instead.
-Mislaid in Parts Half-Known Wayward Children 9) by Seanan (Jan 9th) The second to last book in this novella series, this one featuring dinosaurs!
-The Atlas Complex (The Atlas Series #3) by Olive Blake (Jan 9th) the final books to this magical dark academia trilogy, and I've been excited for this one since the ending of book 2.
-Emily Wilde's Map of the Otherlands (Emily Wilde 2) by Heather Fawcett (Jan 16th) The second book in this new historical fantasy series, in which Emily and Wendall go on a new adventure in the Austrian Alps. This is one of my most anticipated books of the year.
-City of Stardust by Georgia Summers (Jan 30th) this is a new fantasy debut that sounds similar to The Starless Sea and features a woman descending down into a subterranean world to try and break a generational curse.
-House of Flame and Shadow (Crescent City 3) by SJM (Jan 30th) I've been enjoying SJM's crescent city books the most of all her series, and I'm looking forward to this one after how book 2 ended.
-The Warm Hands of Ghosts by Katherine Arden (Feb 13th) This is possibly my most anticipated book of the year, and Katherine Arden's newest adult release. A historical fiction (and a little magical realism?) set in Europe during WW1 following a combat nurse trying to find her (presumably) dead brother.
-The Book of Doors by Gareth Brown (Feb 13th) A debut magical realism fantasy set in NYC with books, bookstores, and a mystery book. I've heard many good early reviews of this one.
-What Feasts at Night by T. Kingfisher (Feb 13th) This is a follow up novella to What Moves the Dead following Alex Easton in a new horror adventure. This one has such a cool cover.
-The Briar Book of the Dead by AG Slatter (Feb 13th) A coven of witches keeps a town and the border between realms safe.
-A Dark and Drowning Tide by Allison Saft (March 5th) I'm very excited to get two new Allison Saft books in 1 year. This is a dark academia fantasy about two rival scholars trying to figure out who killed their mentor. Sapphic romance too I believe.
-The Prisoner's Throne by Holly Black (March 5th) This is the conclusion to The Stolen Heir, and I'm looking forward to the seeing more of the characters from the original series make an appearance in this one.
-The Woods All Black by Lee Mandelo (March 19th) This is a spooky queer horror novella set in 1920s Appalachia. Small town religiosity and something sinister creeping in the woods? This just sounds like a novella I'd enjoy.
-Song of the Huntress by Lucy Holland (March 21st) A new book from Lucy Holland, also set in magical ancient Briton. A warrior queen falls into trouble and teams up with the Wild Hunt to save her kingdom. Sapphic/queer romance.
-The Hedewitch of Fox Hall by Anna Bright (March 24th) a fantasy romance book set in medieval Wales as a hedge witch and prince team up to help prevent magic from fading away. The cover of this book is so beautiful!
-The Familiar by Leigh Barduo (April 9th) I don't really know much about this one, other than it is a new adult novel by Leigh Bardugo set in 1400s Spain. Also one of my most anticipated releases of the year.
-Song of Six Realms by Judy Lin (April 23rd) A young adult fantasy about a musician who goes to the Duke of Dreams's realm and must help stop a disaster.
-Running Close to the Wind by Alexandra Rowland (June 13th) A new high seas fantasy that was directly inspired by OFMD and Terry Pratchett. This is very queer and seems like it's going to be a lot of fun.
-Foul Days by Genovena Dimova (June 25th) A slavic fantasy story about a witch who has to team up with a detective as she is being hunted by her ex, the Tsar of Monsters. I've heard some very good early reviews of this book too.
-Children of Anguish and Anarchy (Children of Blood and Bone 3) by Tomi Adeyemi (June 25th) I honestly don't know if I'm going to read this anytime soon, but I've been waiting for this final book for almost 4 years now, so I just want to see how the series ends.
I think that's it for now! Release dates tend to change, and I'm sure I will be adding or editing this list as the new year starts. I'd love to hear of any new releases you are excited for!
Second half of 2024/To be determined:
A Sorceress Comes to Call by T Kingfisher (August)
The Mercy of Gods by James SA Corey (August)
The Whisper Between Worlds by Amanda Foody (TBD)
Lady Macbeth by Ava Reid (TBD)
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booksandrandomfandoms · 8 months
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JOMP & tarotoctoberbpc day 13
Purple books & the chariot - anticipated release
Less than 2 weeks til A Curse For True Love!!! … now just have to wait for my copies to get here 😂
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glassamphibians · 1 month
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hey a werewolf graphic novel called wifwulf came out this week and i think everyone should read it
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melanielocke · 7 months
Most anticipated 2024 books!
I am anticipating a lot of books. To keep track of them, I made a 2024 tbr shelf. It has 123 books. I certainly won't be reading all 123, but since I can sort the list by release date it helps me keep track of new releases. Unfortunately, 123 is so many that half of them I don't even remember adding them or what they're about, so I decided to boil it down to 10 most anticipated new books and 10 sequels.
Faebound - Saara El-Arifi - Jan 18
Voyage of the Damned - Frances White - Jan 18
Fathomfolk - Eliza Chan - Feb 27
A Botanical Daughter - Noah Medlock - Mar 19
Otherwordly - FT Lukens - Apr 2
The Sins on their Bones - Laura R. Samotin - May 7
Not for the Faint of Heart - Lex Croucher - May 7
The Honey Witch - Sydney J. Shields - May 14
Running Close to the Wind - Alexandra Rowland - Jun 11
Swordcrossed - Freya Marske - Oct 10
The Cursed Rose - Leslie Vedder (book 3 of the Bone Spindle, final book) - Feb 6
The Eternal Ones - Namina Forna (book 3 of Deathless trilogy) - Feb 13
Merciless Saviors - H.E. Edgmon (sequel to Godly Heathens, final book) - Apr 16
Heavenly Tyrant - Xiran Jay Zhao (sequel to Iron Widow, final book) - Apr 30
Mirrored Heavens - Rebecca Roanhorse (book 3 of Between Earth and Sky trilogy) - Jun 4
Hearts that Cut - Kika Hatzopoulou (sequel to Threads that Bind) - Jun 4
The Unrelenting Earth - Kritika H. Rao (Book 2 in the Rages trilogy) - Jun 18
The Lotus Empire - Tasha Suri (book 3 in the Burning Kingdoms trilogy) - Jul 18
Celestial Monsters - Aiden Thomas (sequel to the Sunbearer Trials, final book) - Sept 3
Alecto the Ninth - Tamsyn Muir (book 4 in the Locked Tomb series) - release dat unknown, likely late 2024
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kappabooks · 5 months
Can't Wait Wednesday | January 10th
Can’t-Wait Wednesday is a weekly meme hosted at Wishful Endings to spotlight and discuss the books we’re excited about that we have yet to read. Generally they’re books that have yet to be released. It’s based on Waiting on Wednesday, hosted by the fabulous Jill at Breaking the Spine. Escaping Mr. Rochester by L.L. McKinney In this fresh reimagining of Charlotte Brontë’s classic novel, Jane…
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readrenard · 1 year
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I would like to introduce: my most anticipated release of 2023!!!
Jamison has an amazing style & I've wanted to read their stories for a while now. SO happy they are finally being published. I am hungry for the ambitious black ballerina who makes deals in blood to succeed against the rich.
I Feed her to the Beast and the Beast is Me releases 08/29/2023, but it's available for pre-order right now.
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solradguy · 1 year
Some day ASW is going to release a piece of Guilty Gear media that REALLY goes into depth on Gears/Gear cells and I'm gonna translate it in record time. I NEED to know, Daisuke, the secrets of your interdimensional beasts
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pagesandpothos · 4 months
Most Anticipated March Book Releases
There are several books released in March that I have put on my TBR. Here's a list of new releases that I am interested in reading:
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Murder Road by Simone St. James [March 5]
Thirst by Marina Yuszczuk & Heather Cleary (Translator) [March 5]
The Haunting of Velkwood by Gwendolyn Kiste [March 5]
Welcome to Forever by Nathan Tavares [March 5]
Jumpnauts by Hao Jingfang & Ken Liu (Translation) [March 12]
The Hedgewitch of Foxhall by Anna Bright [March 12]
A Feather So Black by Lyra Selene [March 12]
A Botanical Daughter by Noah Medlock [March 19]
Cascade Failure by L.M. Sagas [March 19]
The Woods All Black by Lee Mandelo [March 19]
Song of the Huntress by Lucy Holland [March 21]
Floating Hotel by Grace Curtis [March 19]
Annie Bot by Sierra Greer [March 19]
Icarus by K. Ancrum [March 26]
The Boyfriend Subscription by Steven Salvatore [March 26]
Diavola by Jennifer Marie Thorne [March 26]
How to Solve Your Own Murder by Kristen Perrin [March 26]
The Emperor and the Endless Palace by Justinian Huan [March 26]
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madlovenovelist · 1 month
Most Anticipated New Book Releases June 2024
There was a substantial but not ridiculous new release list for June 2024 to file through. Maybe I’m in a bit of a mood, or there weren’t many titles that I found appealing, because there were only three that I definitely want to get my hands on… the rest sound interesting but given I’m now on a book buying ban, I’m not sure if I’ll pick up. But still I find the premise intriguing. With four…
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wormwoodandhoney · 3 months
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anticipated releases: april
(note: i have not yet read any of these and cannot speak to their quality- i’m just intrigued by the synopsis or author!)
Indian Burial Ground by Nick Medina - I don't know anything about this book except I LOVED Medina's last book Sisters of the Lost Nation. I love Indigenous horror/mystery.
Magnolia Wu Unfolds it All by Chanel Miller - a middle grade novel about a ten year old sock detective determined to return lonely socks left behind at her parents' laundromat. Written by Chanel Miller, whose Know My Name is one of the best memoirs ever written. So excited to see her explore fiction.
Off With Their Heads by Zoe Hana Mikuta - a sapphic, monster-filled story of betrayal and magic set in Wonderland.
A Letter to the Luminous Deep by Sylvie Cathrall - an epistolary novel set in a magical underwater world.
A Magical Girl Retires by Park Seolyeon, translated by Anton Hur - a depressed millennial woman turns into a magical girl and must fight climate change & credit card debt. TW for suicide mention in the synopsis.
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journeyintotheshelves · 5 months
Most Anticipated Releases of 2024 | January - June
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