mchsn · 9 months
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Godslayer Vainer! [The information is not subject to our understanding]
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whyisthislife · 2 years
life is so fucking funny. here you work hard on your mental health and try to lead a healthy lifestyle, contribute to something good, make some fucking difference, and then you are just a bloody heap of dead meat under the rubble of your house that has been destroyed by psychopaths.
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_"Diri adalah Anti Kristus besar dan anti Allah dalam dunia. Itu menjadikan diri diatas segala yang lain."_ ~ Stephen Charnock, ulama Puritan.
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haine-kleine · 4 months
I'm both nervous and excited about where the line of Tokinaga and Obikawa's relationship is heading. They've spent 4 years living together, they are each other's closest friend and they are fundamentally incapable of understanding each other.
I think they are heading in the direction of confrontation because the tensions between the two have been rising since the reveal, but curiously it has next to nothing to do with Orokapi actually being a god.
Orokapi wants honesty from Tokinaga. He is an open book and will go out of his way to be understood both by the gods and the humans. Tokinaga being his friend, him having learned about what Orokapi actually is was a relief to the latter. When he came back to Tokinaga, he expected all walls to be gone between the two.
Tokinaga doesn't want that. He wants Orokapi to lie to him, to twist the truth, to state himself to be different from gods, so that he can justify their relationship to himself. That's what Tokinaga himself is used to doing, lying to others, omitting the truth, because to him to be kind is to be dishonest.
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Orokapi is the opposite though. He is honest and direct to a fault, and expects the same of his friends. When Tokinaga fails to deliver, he punishes him.
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He pushes and pushes Tokinaga and almost attempts to eat him until Tokinaga reveals to him their conversation is being listened to, which is immediately rewarded by Orokapi backing off and then offering a gesture of comfort.
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The same pattern repeats later in Vollof's house when Orokapi confronts Tokinaga about hiding things from him and doesnt get a clear answer. He throws him to Alula despite earlier running from her carrying Tokinaga in his arms because he didn't want to 'lose any more friends'.
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There's a visual representation for this which I really love. Orokapi's stubborn intent on getting Tokinaga to be as honest and clear with him as possible is represented by a running motif of him looking at or sticking his finger in what remains of his left eye, despite Tokinaga's protests.
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komvrebi · 1 year
@antigodeus said: this can't be happening.
being doubted wasn't anything new for getou. however, it never failed to irritate him. no one doubted others when they suggested ideas. why was it always him? they remained cordial, though, a pleasant smile on their face, though the very presence of their smile almost seemed menacing in and of itself. "why can't it be happening? because it wasn't your idea?"
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magistralucis · 10 months
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Conflict in Literature + Necron Books
(Read more for titles and notes, watch out for spoilers)
Man vs. Nature - Devourer This is not the only necron vs. tyranid lit, but I thought the cover illustrated the conflict best. Out of all the horribad things in WH40K, the tyranids tend to be presented as the closest faction to a natural disaster; certainly in Devourer they do not logically justify their presence, nor can they be reasoned with, not by the Blood Angels or Anrakyr or the Tomb World he's trying to wake. Not mindless, but an amoral happenstance, like nature itself.
Man vs. Society - The Lords of Borsis Necron court intrigue played straight, with a sprinkle of delusion on the side. Since this story revolves entirely around the schemings and plottings of necron(tyr) society, with changes in dynastic hierarchy as the final objective, it fits best here.
Man vs. Technology - Indomitus This is an awkward placement, since Indomitus was not, well... a compelling story, with most of its tropes not being explored beyond their first introduction. But it is the most bare-bones way of describing this book's premise. Humans battling a robotic malignancy, albeit with a Bolivian Army Ending, which doesn't conclude the plot in either direction 😞
Man vs. Man - The Twice-Dead King: Ruin Ruin is an exceptionally deep novel, and fits every conflict listed here. It was the hardest one to place, because it's not so much choosing the one that goes best, rather crossing off every other conflict not central to the story. Both gods and the absence-of-gods are a problem in Ruin, as well as nature and technology, but they're not at the heart of Oltyx's problem. Society could be a big one, since Oltyx is an exile - but he’s not trying to antagonize his society throughout Ruin, he's trying to work with it, or at least save it from doom. Self and reality both count, but fit better with other stories in the Nate Crowley corpus. So man vs. man it is. His most important clashes are all with individuals ('man') - Djoseras, Unnas, Hemiun, arguably Yenekh in reserve - and by the end, his crownworld is overrun by the Imperium, who will become the antagonists for the second part of his tale. Man vs. 'Man', with a capital M.
Man vs. Self - The Twice-Dead King: Reign Again, this could have gone elsewhere. In man vs. reality, perhaps, or the god-related ones. But the self is where the conflict of Reign truly lies, since Oltyx's greatest obstacle is himself, and it is his inability to accept that which brings his dynasty close to destruction. Thank goodness he got over that one.
Man vs. Reality - Severed The emotional and philosophical core of this novella relies on it. Zahndrekh's inability to see the world as it is brings about the whole plot, and is at the centre of all of Obyron's musings. Interestingly, reality does not win at the end, at least not what necrons envision reality to be: a place of cold hard facts, with no room for emotion. Zahndrekh would rather dream the impossible dream, which might be the healthier way to deal with their situation.
Man vs. God - The Infinite and the Divine 🚨 𝔻𝕆 ℕ𝕆𝕋 𝔹𝔼 𝔻𝔼ℂ𝔼𝕀𝕍𝔼𝔻 🚨
Man vs. No God - Crusade: Pariah Nexus Not a novel, not 100% about necrons, not even out yet as of now (Dec 2023). This is an inherently problematic conflict for WH40K, because gods are very real and very present in that universe... here I'm only thinking about the necron perspective, and the civil war unfolding in their lore. They banded together in a shared purpose eons ago, destroying the Old Ones who oppressed them, and sundering the star gods who subjected them to biotransference. Now they are as antigod as they could be, and they did not retain their bonds, they have once again turned on each other. So it goes.
Man vs. Author - Codex: Necrons (10th Ed.) (Collector's Ed.) James Workshop knows what they did. 😑
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bloodyshadow1 · 2 months
My biggest problem with the hell's being so antigods (which is weird to type out), is that they're completely missing some facts. Don't get me wrong, it's fully in character but I don't think they've had a pleasant conversation with someone who is pro or even neutral the gods.
The closest thing if I remember is either Deanna who while still a cleric, doesn't seem to like the dawnfather, and the church in the remote town in vasselheim who invaded. Neither are unbiased opinions.
There is no throne, the gods aren't monarchs or cops or other authority figures in the mortal sense that misfits Luke the bells hells would normally rebel against. They are not secret puppet masters pulling on mortal strings and controlling them, at least the primes aren't. I'm not saying it might not feel that way to mortals living on exandria, but the gods can only bless and give limited guidance.
I'm not pro the gods, but the prime deities regretted what they did to aeor, after they won the war they trapped the betrayer gods and themselves behind the divine gate so they can't hurt the mortaldom anymore. Yeah, the cynical can say to protect themselves from mortals, but they showed that once they put their minds to it, it wouldn't be hard for the gods to wipe out humanoids on exandria
Instead they chose to take responsibility for their actions, and while they might not have left exandria as a whole, they made sure that none of them, prime or betrayer can physically walk the surface anymore. For all ludinus' claims of the gods being the source of all the world's problems, they've been gone for 900 or so years.
They might be able to bless and guide certain people and im not gonna pretend that power doesn't lead to status, but a cleric and paladin are just classes at the end of the day. You can also take levels in wizard to gain power or be a fighter like orym who was a guard a few years ago and is now the top 10% of exandria because he's a pc with 14 class levels.
People can, will, and have gotten powerful with or without the gods. Every war that was started was helmed by a mortal, including ludinus himself. He was one of the most powerful figures in the dwendalian empire for almost 300 years, one of the most powerful countries on exandria yet claims the gods are the puppet masters.
Again, the gods are not perfect, but the idea that they deserved to be killed when they've already sealed themselves behind the divine gate makes no sense to me. They're flawed sure, but despite what people like ashton thinks, mortal problems are because of mortals, others and themselves.
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Julius is sixteen?! He should be at the Club Penguin, not out here having capped stats and being possessed by the antigod
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arclundarchivist · 3 months
C3E98 Spoilers!
Sam’s new character seems fun! Tragedy Bard multiclass with either Ancients or Watcher Paladin, deeply friendly and kind yet a servant of Asmodeus. I want to know more about him.
And that didn’t end at all how I thought, and I am deeply invested in seeing Brennan DM for Exandria again after Calamity but…
I’m worried.
Because Ludinus wouldn’t show them this unless he thought it could convince them of his cause, and sure maybe he’s wrong.
But the Antigod Sentiment has already been there with the Hells, and… a lot of the narrative hasn’t really put in work to dissuade them or push against the beliefs of people like Ludinus.
And I have a lot of trouble personally accepting that and this new way the Gods are presented.
Because the previous campaigns and all the side material involving the Gods don’t mesh with this projection of “Well all the gods are bad actually” and the way the Raven Queen, Sarenrae Melora, Kord, etc especially when looking at the Legend of Vox Machina are depicted just doesn’t track.
And I get Matt has said again, and again, “They’re trying to survive, they’re not actually evil.” But I just… isn’t coming off that way, or it doesn’t seem to be to the players. Who willing joined up with an “oppressed” group, and have seen the Eugenics Ruidus and Aeor were practicing and yet are willing to listen to Ludinus? Why did they follow him so… willingly.
It just doesn’t at this moment, make sense to me. They’ve also fully forgotten that the Titans wanted Predathos gone as well, but that’s another problem I have.
And I’m not sure what is going to be shown, but if it tries to make Aeor out as not deserving of their fate when they were building crazed slaves, mutating their own children, fucking about with demons and were very likely being influenced by Tharizdun, outside of their own pride/corruption and the knowledge they utterly destroyed a whole other city of nominally innocent people, just to make the Gods look worse, I’m genuinely going to be disappointed.
Why can’t there just be good gods, why does everything need to be “grey”, why can’t there just be gods that genuinely care? That aren’t in it for some power trip/gain? It’s comforting to think something with all that power would actually give a shit about something as small as me. Cad and Fjord’s stories were some of my favorite’s, Kord helping Yasha refind her sense of worth and self, Sarenrae’s love of Pike all of those stories had deep meaning to me! And it just feels like having those Gods die/be liars this whole time just makes all of those stories lose a good portion of their meaning and heart.
And I don’t think I’d ever be okay with that with how things have been laid out.
I want to be wrong. I want this to be more nuanced, and allow the Bell’s to see more or take away differently than Ludinus did. I’m not fully sure what Downfall is going to be, but Brennan’s description did not speak to me of Aeor. It felt… older, more esoteric, and so I’m wondering *what* of the Gods we may actually get a chance to see.
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talonabraxas · 11 months
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Way to Heaven by Prateep Kochabu“when all desires that lodged in the heart are let go, the mortal becomes immortal and reaches the Eternal.” Brihad Aranyaka Upanishad
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Churning of the Milk Ocean Prateep reinterprets the Hindu cosmogenic scene, with the deva antigods presented in a rainbow of radiant colours and the asura gods pictured as animal-headed composites-but both of which are all male-in a tug-of-war over Vāsuki the multi-headed naga as though struggling over the roiling whirlpool of females churning above.
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soath · 6 months
“otohana found dead in kreviris” it was always funniest as a hate sex situation! just a displaced religious fanatic and the soon-to-be vessel of their antigod (who thinks they’re an unstable sadist but also the closest person who understands what it’s like to be hopped up on psychic moonjuice). evil old geezer snaps and tries to kill their spitedriven work situationship’s twenty eight year old daughter the minute her friends constitute a real threat, gets smoked by a tiny robot. decade long recurring stress-hookup does not care one bit.
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ghostbird-7 · 6 months
Thoughts while I’m rewatching dead reckoning-roughly the first 2 hours
This movie is just so visually pleasing and engaging. I want to eat it. The shot from beneath the submarine looking up at the ice?? Fucking gorgeous.
I know logistically why they made the call but the Russian submersible crew speaking Russian accented English will always be funny to me. Also reminds me of the doctor who episode in 11’s run with the Russian submarine. It was Clara’s era. Anyway, they also do a great job of making us immediately empathize with the crew just based on their fear and confusion in the face of the enemy. It helps that that enemy is the same one the protagonist is facing, but it’s also just great acting on the crew’s part in a relatively short period. The existential horror of being trapped in a submarine of all things with a murderous ai is genuinely chilling.
I really love how old they let Ethan be in this movie. With most action franchises with an aging protagonist they refuse to alter the character, instead sticking to what’s been proven to work and MI has always done the opposite of that and it’s just so good. All his interactions with the new IMF agent just speak to his experience, and how many people he’s seen just like this guy, inexperienced and thrown in over their heads, not make it out. His fucking sadness after he welcomes the delivery guy to the IMF and he leaves is so good. TC your micro expressions will never not destroy me. Mildly controversial opinion but I didn’t think Grace and Ethan’s chemistry was in any way romantic or paternal, I think they’re going to be really great friends. Also “we live and die in the shadows for those we hold close and those we never meet” is both super corny and such a perfect representation of Ethan’s character it makes me screech.
I have complicated feelings about Ethan’s backstory retcon which I won’t go into but I do think they definitely made the right choice not doing the deaging thing for the flashback.
One of these days I’m going to write something exclusively about everything I love about Ilsa, but that day is not today. For now, even looking at pictures of her makes me a bit emotional. Rebecca Ferguson you have changed me, body and soul. Also that eyepatch being because she can’t wink is so funny. No ones doing it like her.
Ethan briefly gives his horse pats and I liked it. I feel like he’s a horse girl. In his heart. I like that none of the horses die in this sequence. I know it’s unrealistic but this is fucking mission impossible we’re talking about it’s not a docuseries and it would make me sad.
Ilsa’s costuming in this movie is so fucking good. The looseness and lightness of everything she wears really complements the economy of motion that Ferguson does so well.
Indira Varma win!!
In retrospect watching Ethan move so unimpeded into a meeting of some of the highest ranking us intelligence officers is such a great look at him as a character for newcomers to the franchise. He’s such a spy in this, it’s so good. It’s just a great standalone movie.
Kitttridge!!!! I hate this bitch, and I’m so glad he’s here.
In every interaction with kittridge ethan is such a bitch, I love him so much.
“It’s my job to use you. Just like it’s your job to be of use” is fucking heavy. The decades of being of use, and having the shit beaten out of him and his loved ones leaving or dying so he can serve, the absolute mindfuck of his loyalty to the IMF and to a greater extent to keeping the world safe and lack of regard for himself. I don’t have coherent words about this, but it’s great characterization and I’m so sad about it.
I love how much of an ensemble movie this is, by the way.
“The man himself is expendable” Briggs I am going to break your legs. He is my special guy.
I love how much this is a manifestation of Benji’s monologue in MI 3 about the Antigod. It was silly but he was not wrong.
Also Benji’s outfits and Luther’s hat… really good.
I cannot wait for them to tell us what the connection between Ethan and Briggs is because it’s SO weird
Benji and Luther’s relationship being given a chance to evolve is really good, it was a side of their team that had felt underdeveloped and it works really well here. Them not letting Ethan know gives us insight into some of the troubleshooting on missions that he just can’t cover because of his skillset and it’s really good. Also banter 👌👌
The return of his sleight of hand is gorgeous. “Putpocket” is horrible and super silly.
The entire scene where Benji is interrogated by the bomb is so good, Simon pegg is as always excellent, being forced to admit that he fears death, that he loves his friends more than anything else, all without any stakes, it’s just so clearly meant to humiliate and tear him into bits and it works and then he goes back on the job because all the things he said are true and now the machine Knows.
Pom is flawless in this movie. As a character, she’s delightfully unhinged. As someone who’s attracted to women, it’s. It’s nice for me. But also genuinely from a narrative standpoint it would be so easy for her to be extraneous but her presence is so strong it just carries. Her monster truck and combat boots and small ponytail compel me deeply.
Running scene running scene running scene running scene
I fucking love his little lawyer outfit.
That car chase scene is maybe my favorite in the series. You can see McQ and TC’s commitment to stunts as a carrier for narrative and character, it’s visually stunningly, it has Paris who I’m obsessed with, everything Ethan does is just impeccable and Grace plays the perfect foil. His deep discomfort with not being the one who’s driving, repeatedly reassuring her after the crash, his getaway driving skills, his little looks to Briggs (again what the fuck is up there), wanting to be the protector and being deeply embarrassed with the fiat. Not actually knowing how to drive it is such a great comedy moment and also blue screening when he can’t do it immediately. That 5 minutes of him just being so embarrassed and frustrated with himself. I want to eat it. It’s so good. And then of course he’s doing stunt driving in it and that’s also glorious. Grace going in circles in the fiat is so fucking funny. Also Ethan’s the worst fucking backseat driver it’s amazing. He is losing his mind. He is actually scrunching up in the seat, which he can do even in a fiat because he is tiny. It’s just quality television.
I knew they would do the train thing the second I saw the tracks and I just hate it. It’s really good objectively but I hate it every time.
Him having to just carry this wheel around for a solid 5 minutes-it’s his new rock. It’s his sadness object and he’s holding onto it forever.
Ethan’s fucking despair every time he sees his friends during a mission for the first time because he knows they might be hurt, the fact that that is consistently his first thought beyond relief or gratitude makes me insane.
Also the tacit acknowledgement that Ethan has just been working his way through the mitsopolis family is so fucking funny. It’s also fairly uncomfortable for Alanna because he seems substantially less into it than he was with max, but I digress.
I cannot wait for his hair to be longer, I think somewhere between MI 1 and 2 is the ideal length, but I hold a deep fear of the potential bowl cut.
The repeating pattern of all of Ethan’s friends withholding information from him is really interesting.
We all know Ethan’s whole shtick with you’ve gotta get out of here it’s dangerous I can’t protect you is a testament to how much he loves them but it’s also just..so much a trauma response. Every time he does it you can see him panicking and trying to change an eventuality he can feel creeping behind his shoulder.
The quiet moments between Ilsa and Ethan in Venice are really good. Their initial reveling in being able to wordlessly communicate and talking to each other in the context of work and danger has given way to this very comfortable worn in curiosity about each other, and a willingness to give of themselves to satisfy each others curiosity. It feels like they’ve sort of grown up a bit in their relationships with other people by having their relationship with each other and it’s just really cool.
Pom’s outfit with the mask at the party in Venice is so fucking good. I tend to try not to linger on attraction to female characters because it feels more creepy than it does with male characters, likely due to some of my internalized nonsense, but she really does feel so much for the queer gaze. She also has a sword. I’m just really into all of it.
Some of the things Vanessa Kirby said about learning about projecting power make so much sense watching her move, there’s this artificiality and stasis to her that feels innately threatening.
The loop back from Gabriel’s religious overtones and the themes of sin in the first mission impossible movie is fascinating.
I love it when he vaults over railings and down floors. The easiness of it, it’s just good to look at.
Getting closer to Ilsa’s death scene is complicated. I understand why it had to be someone, and why that someone should be her. I understand that Rebeca Ferguson was done with the character. I’m just sad because I like her, and I’ve managed to separate that feeling from a reflexive anger at the narrative choices that were made, which I admit I sometimes have an issue with. Him finding her body and just sitting and breathing and looking at her is fucking brutal. Also the entity using Benji’s voice to misdirect him is A Lot.
The brutality of that back alley fight scene is such a good establishing look at Paris’s fighting style and a great character moment for both of them. We get her first moment of fallibility and we see what he’s made of when his back is literally against the wall.
I know either rogue nation or ghost protocol is supposed to be Ethan’s fever dream nightmare scenario, but dead reckoning feels so much more like that to me. An enemy he can’t hit, who has a better chance of predicting his insanity, who uses an almost literal ghost from his past to kill the people he’s built himself around in the present. He also is forced to jump off a cliff and be a passenger in a car. It’s all not coming up Ethan in this movie is what I’m saying.
For the rest of the movie we don’t see a lot of his grief, mostly his anger. Don’t get me wrong, the bit we get is very good and did make me cry a bit, and I know how much they’re packing into one movie, but I hope we get more of it in the next film. Anything else seems like a bit of a disservice to Ilsa’s character.
It bothers me every time that Grace doesn’t have contacts when she’s playing the white widow. She sits almost directly opposite her brother, they make full eye contact a lot.
Ethan’s “your life will always matter more to me than my own.” And Grace’s “you don’t even know me” and Ethan’s “what difference does that make.” Hm. I am having complex feelings, consisting mostly of distress. Her looking at Benji and Luther, and them both acknowledging the weight of Ethan saying that and confirming it’s the same for them, AUGH.
What the fuck is going on with the cryogenic tube/coffin Gabriel was in on the train?? I know he was probably using the mask to communicate with the entity and he had to do that convertly but the whole thing is just weird.
I’m gonna pick this up when it’s not about to be a Monday. Tune in shortly for a continuation of me losing my mind over some action movies, I guess.
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kudzucataclysm · 1 year
some simon fun facts!!!
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former antichrist, now “antigod”, as a result is extremely OP. “snap his fingers and youre obliterated” type shit
annihilated his own universe in a fit of primordial rage when he was like. 16 and so was cursed with true immortality by a magic tree
^so he’s like. millions of years old collectively across multiple realities
known mainly as a god of chaos and the abyss, secondly of doorways/paths, lightning, and endings. largely regarded as a trickster god and apocalyptic deity
primary animal motif is the snake, but ravens, wolves, goats, and cats represent him as well
can shapeshift into a myriad of forms, the most commonly cited one being his planet sized “angel worm” form
hibernates every few hundred to couple thousand years or so. every time he wakes back up his memory is shot but he always gets it back
every time he “misuses” his powers he gets put in a timeout box by the magic tree. weird shit happens in that box so he keeps his reality destroying powers under lock unless needed
aro ace
when he drinks and gets inevitability depressed he turns into a giant tumorous mass of wings and feathers that throws itself into oncoming traffic
squints and leans back with that one face to read something on phones
his arrival is always preceded by a freak thunderstorm
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playerkingsley · 1 year
listening to naddpod for the first time, and finding it hilarious how much youth group extremist galad rosell's antigod rhetoric matches some of the discussions in the critrole space right now
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komvrebi · 1 year
@antigodeus said: this isn't real.
getou considered what they said for a moment, contemplating how to respond. he supposed it didn't seem real. curses were always a bit strange for those who hadn't been accustomed to seeing them. but it wasn't exactly an ordinary human, so it didn't surprise suguru that they could see the curses he expelled. "oh, i assure you, it's very real," he said, turning and flashing them a bright smile.
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callmearcturus · 1 year
@thatscarletflycatcher replied to your post “@malewifebillcage replied to your post “I CANNOT...”:
I don't hate MI3 (tbh, I don't hate ANY of the MI movies) but it is the one I like the less. I think it is overall a better movie than MI2 simply by reigning in the nonsense, reigning in the masks, understanding that Ethan does not work as a playboybond type character, going back to female characters being more than sexy lamp love interests… PSH elevates the movie, the introduction of Benji was a good choice… but it isn't FUN. MI2 is FUNTM. Taken in and of itself, the writing goes from blah to bad, it's formulaic (even for this type of movie), and introduces certain dark, desperate, cliched tensions that don't fit with the tone of the MI movies as a whole. Not even MI1 is this tense… and for what? But also I understand how retrospectively MI4-6 elevated several of its mediocrities.
cw for full negativity mode here, sorry MI3 fans
I mean, I was very hyped for PSH and I do think he's one of the best parts of the movie for sure, but there is literally no writing there. that's what I mean about the script, like, Cruise and Hoffman and Rhames and Monaghan are giving it their all but there's so little to work with. like, PSH is... he's giving 100% but like Owen Davian is a void of motivation. He has none, there's no reason he's such a motherfucker, his entire character is "I'm the bad guy" which just... is really hard to swallow when compared to Phelps and Claire, Solomon, even Colbalt has purpose behind his shit when he was so not the focus of the movie. Davian just.....
I only think one of Benji's scenes is good, like the antigod speech made me want to claw my eyes out, it's so bad. But when Ethan and Benji have back and forth over the phone, that had charm and chemistry.
And there's multiple points where, as a writer, I can see the strain of the script. I make fun of the inexplicable IMF-Issued Unsexy Bondage Mask but I know why it's there, because if Ethan could say anything the whole plot would unravel. And when Ethan is alone with Musgrave in Shanghai and he just..... spills the entire plot to Ethan and lays out his motivations, like that's another function of the weakness of the story.
AND THEN ON TOP OF ALL THAT is the atrocious moment to moment writing. all those lines like the weird incest joke. AND THEN the complete lack of establishment of the team. I remember when Maggie Q had that nice little moment about the prayer to bring her cat back. I literally said to my friends "that would be a nice character beat if I remembered her fucking character's name."
I'm not even touching on cinematography/lighting here because that's a WHOLE other post but my point is that all the good character moments are completely thanks to the cast bringing their A game to a Z tier script and it drives me up the fucking wall.
sorry that's it i've exorcised my emotions now
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