#antiphrastic reads
antiphrastic · 6 months
This might be the funniest thing I've read in any novel ever
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starsyoucanlooknow · 1 year
By adlvnam
Let there be one world, Vash begs, pleads, prays. One world where I’m not the one left behind. Please, can't it be this one?
‘Till death till us part, answers the Lord. Not in this life, my child. Maybe in the next.
Five deaths, and one tomorrow
Words: 4200 Rated: E
This is a fic so good I wish I'd written it myself. 5 +1 fic, so angst, so good, positive ending. You will cry though.
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beesinspades · 5 months
Like last time, I have terrible memory and not enough brain power to leave a note about each one, but I put a ♡ next to every fic I particularly loved! They're all rated G or T, but three of them are rated M (mainly for violence and canon-typical heavy topics). Most of them are Vashwood, but there's a decent bunch of gen fics as well, and one Mashwood fic :D Please note some of the fics in this list are not spoiler-free if you haven't read the manga (yet)!
♡ Willful Ignorance Isn't Blissful by AliceTheBrave
the ruins of the day painted with a scar by procrastinatingbookworm
early blooms and evergreens by SpiritusRex
♡ the priest and the dog by adamantCompulsions
this thing i am by eggmuffinwaffles
♡ Can I Have This Dance (for the rest of my life)? by VampireEnthusiast
♡ A Pocket Full of Hopes and Dreams (and they all bear your name) by antiphrastic
Beelio's comment: Unfortunately uncomplete so you all should read it and comment anyway, maybe it'll be the motivation the author needs....who knows....do it for them and for me but also yourself >;D
where my heart would go if i let it by Windeh
Wouldn't Want To Make You Sorry (For Me) by auroralightss
Hero Complex by auroralightss
you recognize love after the fact by haveloved
But as long as you'd love me so by climberofappletrees
your pride like water in your lungs (drowns all the words it stole) by haveloved
A Multitude of Sins by DespiteWhatShouldBeOtherwise
♡ Never Let Me Go by Puffls
♡ Purring by Wordsy
♡ Bring Me Back Into The Light by CalicoLynx
Beelio's comment: absolutely stellar LivioRazlo characterization!
what you find in the woods by SpiritusRex
Flatline by caffeinefire
and you will see the sky by Evercovi
Clumsy by Wordsy
♡ Tasting the Outer Road: The Outlaw's Guide to Good Gunsmoke Eating by fathomfive
Beelio's comment: the post-canon Knives fic of all time.
♡ tu me manques by curiositykilled
where the world will never find me by curiositykilled
apoapsis by curiositykilled
Beelio's comment: I haven't read these last two yet but I know they're good, trust me.
If you read any of them, please leave a kudos and nice comment for the author if you can, I'm sure you'll make their day! 💜 I'll add a little link to a small post linking some of my own fics, if anyone's interested! Aaand that's all for this time! Happy @trigunfanfic Appreciation Week to my fellow writers!
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fatalwhims · 1 year
what do i see?
When Roberto looks at Wolfwood, he sees himself back in the town he once called home, where he'll always feel like a child even when he goes back to visit as a grown man.
When Roberto looks at Meryl, he sees himself back when he was a student in November.
When Roberto looks at Vash, he sees himself ten years after graduation, and five years after The Bust.
I heard it was Roberto day so I somehow wrote a backstory for this doomed man lmao. Who would have thought I would be compelled to do this? I sure wouldn't have when I first started tristamp.
Read here.
this thread started by @/antiphrastic got me thinking and somehow it turned into a full on 2k of words - thank you for the roberto agenda!!!
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gigsoupmusic · 5 years
Levante 'Magmamemoria'
Magmamemoria is a portmanteau formed by the two words magma and memory: in her fourth studio album the Italian singer songwriter Levante throws her heart far beyond conforting facades, exploring human detritus and glorifying feminine strength. Embedded in strings-orientated lamentations, flowing through scorching scars and remarkable disillusions, this brand new chapter coming from the Icon who debuted with the unforgettable refrain What a shitty life, in Alfonso, is labeled Warner music and It’s by far the most mature record She ever made. The fierce red of the cover is reflected in the opener Magmamoria, in which a virtuoso strings ensemble keeps the guitar delicacy up to speed in a ballad that personifies that scarlet, flowing lava coming out of her heart through the unrestrainable volcano of her feelings (something that will come back in the same formula in the track Antonio). In her kingdom of balladry, that’s one of the most strapping, muscular and heart-stopping. Her concerns move beyond staggering lyrics, where Levante reveals her best quality: being a brilliant performer, but foremost She belongs to narrative multiverses, the space in which she can envelope her writing talent to endless possibilities with gusto. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VvzjVSPHFVE The lead  single Andrà tutto bene is perfect food for thought as it goes on as a j'accuse against global warming, Italian unfairness, yet promising us that everything will be sorted out, probably more as a gut reaction than a proper positive mantra. Bravi tutti voi is the antiphrastic ode to all the 'jack-of-all trades and master-of-none' haters  who usually inhabit the internet claiming that every truth must be delivered by them, because they clearly own it. And the horse's mouth is always theirs. Levante yells, howls, cracks without even considering pushing  her disquiet back: She doesn't have to rack her brain too hard, her lyrics are incandescent and brilliantly on point. And in Regno animale she retreats deeper into her notes: I'm like an island with a bridge crossing all the rest. She blows her bitterness back to all the unpleasant situations that were foisted upon her. She dauntlessly shows her nostalgia-driven innermost core: her manifesto on how a relationship should be carried out. It takes some training In order to be happy in two, there is no refreshed course for loving, no special license to love either, She sings. Reali  puts the listener in the picture, finally letting the cat out of the bag: Her verses are ceaseless, her peed-off voice travels through her breakup. It always seems like I'm asking you for miracles, You no longer knows the symptoms of love . And the more she spills the beans the closer we get to her pulsing heart and to the Jugular vein distention The following Questa è l'ultima volta che ti dimentico and Se non ti vedo non esisti glean from the respective books plot and she runs the gauntlet  to overcome their beauty, generously coming out of it with pride an totally unsatched. Il giorno prima del giorno dell'inizio non ha mai avuto fine, besides being the longest title in the history of italian music, is a ruthlessly sincere memoir. Her hoarseness is pushed onwards to stress her love  disenchantment: What shall I do with your memory? I clean my ass with it. She doesn't put her anger on the  back on her burner:  in Saturno she growls with all her temper. I killed you for real, I was so out of myself And in Rancore She cries out against her ex's supine responses : You remind me that grudge is always useless, but It tell you that It's useful to tell the difference between love and noise, the heart from a jerk, from thousands of words. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k2d-7xTkj40 in Lo stretto necessario she teams up with the fellow countrywoman Carmen Consoli in a delightful poem dedicated to the region they both come from: Sicily. But She doesn't take a back seat alongside her evaluation of pain: Arcano 13 is poignant, deadly brutal in an overflow  of feelings investigating what is humanly left when happiness is long gone. The answer, after this trip in the innermost parts, is a silence charged with respect for a record that is  the icing on the cake of a heart-spinning career every italian person should be proud of. https://open.spotify.com/album/0THlxYW9Hnq2UPmhqIGn8i?si=ykyTNosNTge5iExm-F2Rxg
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antiphrastic · 5 months
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Big annoying babies get swaddled.
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antiphrastic · 6 months
I made something important
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antiphrastic · 6 months
Every stabbing in this book is committed with a melon knife. Every one.
There have been so many stabbings. And melon Knives.
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antiphrastic · 6 months
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Did I just finish reading Mo Du? Yes.
Am I currently reading Mo Du? Also yes.
If I hadn't, I probably would have missed how, IN THE PROLOGUE, Fei Du gave Zhang Donglai his glasses.
This fucker *knew* Zhang Donglai was innocent and it had nothing to do with his assessment of Zhang Donglai's character.
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antiphrastic · 1 year
Me: tries to look up a simple thing about the book I'm reading
The internet: I'm not gonna answer that but here's twelve major spoilers that have nothing to do with your query
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antiphrastic · 2 years
Fics I read and loved this week (Feb 27-Mar 4)
I didnt read anything for a couple of weeks because I started playing Dragon Age: Origins again, for reasons that WERE unknown to me but then I figured it out and well. This isn't the time to talk about it, but let's just ADHD + faulty time perception + grief is a sometimes funny combo. (I'm okay! Honestly! I just. Get a weird urge to replay Dragon Age: Origins, every February, and I always thought it was funny and this year I finally realised what was happening, and it's still funny, because my grandpa would NOT understand but he'd just shake his head at me about it anyway).
Is this a segue into a bunch of Dragon Age fic recs? It is not!
An art for a Trigun fic crossed my dash and I liked it so much that I thought "why not?" and then I liked THAT so much that I found others and here are a handful of things I loved that I guess I'm in the fandom for now? even though I've never seen the source material? or any iteration? ANYWAY
fool in the moon by arahir
Words: 8292 Rated: Mature
Wolfwood carries a body.
Vash is a walking death wish. A race between self-sacrifice and skill, and in all Wolfwood’s shitty years on this shit-ass planet he’s never met a man with so much of each.
So maybe Vash taking a bullet to the head for him shouldn’t have been a surprise.
Missing scene? Canon-divergent? I don't actually know I don't know Trigun at all. Vashwood hurt/comfort. There is a warning for graphic depictions of blood and wounds. I am given to understand this is very spoilery for all sorts of stuff. But it is beautifully written, and there is so much juicy characterization. The way the author writes Wolfwood grappling with his conflicting desires and emotions is absolutely delicious. I went in knowing nothing except what the main character looks like based on gifs from my dash, and I left fully invested in these characters.
(also, this is the tweet with the art that made me go look for the fic)
Let Not My Bones Be Laid Apart From Yours by ghosttopiary
Words: 5942 Part 1 of a series Rated: M (it's pressed up pretty hard against the boundary to E, though)
Here he is again, being sewn up.
So a theme may be emerging: canon divergent hurt/comfort Vashwood. Graphic in the blood and wounds/body horror and re-setting bones sense. Also graphic in the human/non-human sex sense. Also graphic in the intense catholic guilt that absolutely kidney punched me and I am not nor have I ever been christian in any way beyond the cultural so that was a surprise. It's just. I'm going to call it beautiful too. It's beautiful, even when it's horrible. If you want to feel things, and feel them Intensely, this one is for you.
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antiphrastic · 2 years
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"Thank god almost everyone in this book is so stupid I can outsmart them without having to be smart" -- Shang Qinghua, aka Airplane Shooting Towards the Sky, aka the author of said book brimming with unnamed single-braincelled organisms.
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antiphrastic · 1 year
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Inquiring minds* need to know
Does this mean Liu Qingge and Zhuzhi-lang too?
If you've ever read that hyperbole and a half post where she tests her dogs' intelligence, you have a decent idea of the visions im having right now
*it's me, i'm inquiring minds.
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antiphrastic · 7 months
Sometimes you wonder if the author has ever worked a day in their life at a non-arts job and other times you know without a doubt that they have done hard time in the customer service mines
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antiphrastic · 2 years
Proud Immortal Demon Way being the frustrating fanservice-y reading experience that Shen Yuan raged about for fifty volumes worth of published work all because Airplane was crushed by market pressure and financial instability and Shen Yuan's interference with the plot making the book reflect what Airplane wished he had actually written was. Not a twist I was prepared for.
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antiphrastic · 11 months
I've been trying for half a year, but i cant make myself care about any of the svsss extras after Bamboo Branch Poem. I hereby grant myaelf permission to shelve the book, and move on to something new.
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